BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Write this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age ot two months, my baby began to have sores break oat on his right cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. The sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Bareaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old, but he has never had any sign ot those scrofulous sores since he was cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Weoten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's. ,-!,, r!H are prompt, efficient and rlOOU S PUIS easy in effect 25 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following olobbiDg rates: The GAZETTE fa.OO and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, ?1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 3.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.75 ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 3.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25 Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth, METH. EPISC. CHIIKCH. SERVICES. Bnnday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Clausen No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wvo may desire to consult him on "elisions, soiial, civic, philosophic, educational, Or any other subjects. J. W. FLEBIIER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence In parsonage, rext door to cnurcn. u, tt. Howard, 1'nstor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m, and7:U0p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church, R. L. shelly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. ). Matlock Jake Notice. 1. The sum ot Ove cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raspect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notice of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not fear; And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory In the iky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, ol Sperry's Lin wood rye. Bold only at the Bclvadore Saloon, E, G. Bperry, proprietor. If The Uszette is not heralding Us com ing with t brass baod bul its circulation oan be determined at the Heppoer post- offloe. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. See M. Lichtsntbal k Co. for shoes. Hi Tssh sod wife were down from Hard man on Saturday. What is Bop OoldT Best bfr on srtb. Hee al. elsewhere. Gainoesss's fstnont old "Dublin Btool," imported, at Chris Ihrohsrs' Geo. Hroitb and Cbss. Juboson were Dp from lbs Lexingtoo section on Bator day. Ons Blatter bas retorosd from Grsnt eoaoty, wbers be spent ssvsrtl weeks bearing sheep. Ed sod Cljde Baling and W. (J. Mo Cartjr, rsnrlirrs of band IIullow, were in town oo Saturday. Miss Elsie Lsoy is visiting at Corvallis, where sbs went to attend tbe wedding of ber brother, W. B. Lsay. Rev. J. W. Fleaber. pastor ot lbs M. E. ebnrob of this oily, expects to depart Ibis week oo so extended vaoattoo. Best accommodation sod eoorteons treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel. Seventh sod Wash. His.. Portland, Orrgoo. Bring yonr bides, pelts sod furs to Beo. Mathews, st the Liberty Meat Market . lie pays highest market pries. 619- tf. Stop tbateoagh! Take warning. It may lead to oneaaoaptioo. A 23c bot tle of Hbllob's Core may save yonr life. Hold by Oonaer k Wsrreo. I Another good raio visited tbs Heppoer bills oo Sunday. Abnndsot crops s.s eat a red this sctioa Ibis seseou sod as ooaaqosoos farmers are happy sod Ooo tented. Dr. Jobo W. Raamna, of the "Rsd lighl," ever en tbe alert for something sew, sen fartiltb yoa tbs flneel cock tails ia Its laoJ-Manbalb-c, Jersey, Vermesttior Uia-msde by artial lo tbe busiSMe, I)enp to end take the leW out of year month. tf Peter Brenner was in from Eight Mile yeBteiday. J. W.Morrow's majority in Harney oonnly is 94. Jas. Jones retnrned on Sunday morn ing from a visit to Portland. Liohtentbal A Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf F. K. Bartholomew is reported as muoh better today, but is yet a very sick man. Lee and Emil Marx, two traveling men from San Francisco, are at the Palaoe today. L. Blamentbal returned this morning from a short visit with bis family at Portland. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648 lyr "Oo'n jnioe" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 14 year-old goods that is bird to beat. 603-tt. Painless remedy for extracting teetb. If not as sti'ad, no obarges. Tu Dr. Vaugbao's new plan. 604-tf. If you need something for your system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tf E.G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and har ness to be found in Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. Frank Gilliam returned this morning from a visit to the metropolis of the northwest. He was socompanied by Mrs. Gilliam and two children. J, A. Patterson, the engineer, returned from Portland on Sunday morning. He was attending a meeting ot the Masonio fraternity in that oity and reports a nice time. Tbe Gazette carries a full stock of mourning note, correspondence style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring suoh stationery oan have their wants supplied at this offioe. tf. Herman Tr bish, a native ot Germany, denounced bis allegiance to that govern ment on Monday by making application before County Clerk Morrow to beoome a citizen of the United States, Chas. Tilden was in from Rook creek yesterday. He reports range excellent out that way and says large orops will be harvested. Similar reports come in from all the different localities. Elder B. L. Sbelley preached two very exoellent sermons on future punishment at the Christian church on Sunday. Oo next Sundey morning he will oontinue the disouasion of this important theme Messrs. Brown ft Stewart are rapidly getting their stock of goods, reoently purchased of R. O. Wille, in ship shape and expect in the near future to baveone of tbe neatest plaoes of business in Heppner. Rev. Sbelley will have charge of tbe drug store of E. J . Slooum during the 1 utter 's absence in tbe mon tains. Mr Sbelley is an old band at this business, having run a store ot bis own for a num ber of years in tbe valley. The Gazette will club with tbe Oregon Senator, the great Pythian psper of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for 82.75 for the lo. Tbe 8enator is all right. No Knight of Pytbias should be without it. tf, Considerable hay is down at the pres ent and will be somewhat damaged by tbe recent rains. However, tbis paper bears little complaint and It is judged from tbis that no great amount ot dam ags has been tbe result thus tar. Some naughty editor bas said that oonrtiog girl is like starting a newspa per. It starts out a weekly, then becomes o bi-weekly, then merges into a daily and if it bas any enterprise comes oat with so extra about onoe a year. I. N. Prater has jut put tbe finishing touobes on Osoar Minor's beautiful Chase streot residence, snd tbs booss presents very neat appearance indeed. Other residents ot tbe oity tr beautifying their property by putting oo s little fresh paint. Now that crops are so assursd fact you cannot afford lo wear your wife and daughter out over o wash board or a common washing machioe. P. C. Thomp son k Co, sell tbe Boss washer tbe best made, and have a good supply oo band. Don't bs a clam. 59-60 K. 8. Whetstone has been 111 for several days. Mr, E. Minor is out again after a severe Illness. Mrs. J. A. Woolery and child are np from lone today. Ben 8waggart was up from hit Ella ranch Fri day last. Ed. and Fred Ashbaugh were visitors to Hepp ner late last week. Tom Mathews and W. B. Fiudley were in from the Galloway district on last Friday. E. M. Bhutt, of the Times, returned from a business visit to Antelope this morning. G. A. Taylor, representing Glass & Prud homme, of Portland, was here last Friday. T. A. Rhea, who has been to Portland under care of an occuliBt, returned home this morn ing. 8. H. Fry, representing Murphy, Grant & Co., of fan Francisco, was in Heppner on last Friday. J. T. Mitchell, representing the New York Life ns. Co., is In town in the interest of his com pany. Mrs. E, L. Freeland and children returned from lone today where they had been visiting fi lends. C. H. Bhurte, representing Mallory Son & Zimmerman Co., of Chicago, was in Heppner on business, last week, Marion Evans and A. Andrews were called below recently to serve on the federal grand jury, but Mr. Evans has been excused and re turned home this morning. Joe Biber, of Sheep Camp, Alaska, is now sojourning In Portland. He will probably re turn In a few days. He says there is little rush to the Alaskan gold fields, at present. Drs. "Jack" Williams and W. T. Miracle and T. D. Williams came up from Portland this morning on their way to their Long Creek home. They will remain in tow a day or so. Lee Cantwell is back from the Greenhorn. He had a pleasant trip in the mountains and visit ing friends in Snmpter. Be reports all the HeppneriteB holding office over at Sumpter with one exception. Good boys! Wm. Kumberland complains that the recent rains are Interfering much with the hay crop in his neighborhood, but he gets much satis faction out of the fact that the wheat harvest will be all the larger on tbe account of so much moisture. Lacy & White will Bhip out 14 cars of sheep. with destination Chicago, tomorrow. Frank Lacy is now en route east with 40 cars of mut tons, having shipped from Huntington. The remainder of the band under Frank's charge will be driven to feeding grounds In Nebraska. Council met last night and transacted some very important business. It was decided to put in a bridge over Hlnton creek, between Tom Morgan s and the Nordyke places. The council also decided, if possible, to purchase one acre through the Hallock addition, west of town, for a sheep and cattle trail. Some bills were paid and then the council adjourned. If you want tbe latest war news, tbe freshest looal happenings, city or country, get the Gatette, semi-weakly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage belps make a paper. Compare it with those of other towns tbe size ot Heppner and the Gazette will not suffer thereby. It Frank McFarland bas been appointed special agent of The Eqoit able Life As toranee Co, of New York, tbe strongest io tbe world. Cash surplus to policy holders of over CO millloc dollars. Don't taks Insurance without seeing the new plans of the Equitable. Insures both sexes at same rates, 77tf J. L. Teaser attended the foceral of Mrs. Levi Hbaosr at Hardmao oo laat Friday. Mrs. Bbaner was lady greatly respected by tbs eommnoity la which sbs lived, sod tbe attendant at ber fuoeral was very large. Hbs was boiled coder tbs auspices of the Rebecca lodge of Hardmao, of which order sbs was ao honored member, Beida keeping tha largoel assort ment of eaodies, fro'ts, rigsrs and notions to be foood anywbers In tbe eltv, Jaa. Hart is now ahls to snpply yon with the rortland dailies and alt the magstloea and periodicals, both fr- elge and domestic. If yon want read ing matter, givs Jim a rail at tbe Hepp aer Candy Factory, 89 tf. Rev. Barebart, the Bptll mtnWer. preached b b mort.'mg and evening at Iba Baptist rbiren lo eily oo Hub day. He baa a large fleld of Ulr lo over and this aawwiaaa bis traveling I. R. Esteb, it Gooseberry, was a vis itor to Heppner on Snturduy. Editor Patterson retnrned tbis morn ing from a short business trip to L'ort land. W. H. Garrett, representative ut Wad- hams A Co,, ot Portland, is io Heppner today, Attorney G. W. Phelps went down to Tbe Dalles on Saturday night for a short visit with the home folks. Wright Saliog and wife were visitors to Heppner from Eight Mile on Monday. Wright will harvest a fine crop this sea son. L. M. Lacy and Gus Friok, ot Port land, arrived this morning to reoeive a train load of sheep which they will take below tomorrow nigbt. Mrs. Geo. Conser returned home on Sunday morning from a short visit to Portland, as a delegate to the grand lodge of tbe Eastern Star order. William Ellery, representing a wool commission bouse of Boston, is registered at tbe Palace. Mr. Ellery is looking for consignments ot wool for his firm. Bob Fleming, one ot the successful farmers of Gooseberry, was in Heppner yesterday. He is greatly rejoioed over tbe excellent crop prospects Id bis locality. Catarrh cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Sbilob s Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser A Warreo. x Boro At Petteysvills, on June 16, 18'J8, to the wife of Assessor A. 0. Psttsys, a 10 pound daughter. Mother and obild doing well, and A. O. bas almost sotirely forgotten tbat he is a cripple. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Warren departed oo Sitorday last f"r Montana by team. They go to join their daogbter, Mrs. Effls Parritb, aod wi I probably make that slate their permanent residenor. C. B. Thorn, who baa been eutting meat for tbe past four months io tbs Liberty maiket, departed oo Saturday evening for bis borne at Walla Walla. Mr. Kelsay Lewis, of Arlington, bss tskeo Mr. Thorn's place at tbs block IL sod G. H. Blake, exteotlve sheep owners of Rrk creek, Gilliam ennnty, wers to Ilepi rer jeslenlsy gettltig sup plies. Tbey eiiifot to legio lianlins their wool clip to the market shortly and will bring the aarcs lo Hrppner for ship men I. "Lei me kiss your Dewey lips," nrged tbs youth io the parlor. "Young mn," roared a voice from tbe !j'iuing room, "tbs bombardment will open as sooo st I eao gal ioto uniform. " Tbo tbs bap less youngster orgaaixM) bimselftotoa flying squadroo aod made a fleet dis appearaooe. J. W. Vaogbaa baa oearly complet! tbs selling ool of bis stock of goods and xpeota to leave for bis Dew boms Dear Portland about tbs middle of next week. Mr. Vsoghao bas beeo one of lleppoer's vsrv best rltitos snd Ihe fiasette regrets vsry much that it w bis inteotioa to leave our little eity. 8. W. Hoenrer and wife returned fttio- dy from a ten data' visit lo Portland, ft. W, was a delegtls lo Ihe Masonis grand loJtft an I Mrs. Hptuoer re pre. tnM the KasUrp Hlar I ) "( thlteily la tbs gathering of Ihe grand lodge of tbat orJer lo Portland. TLey report a vsry plestaol tiip. Percy Garrignes relorned Sunday morning from Eugene where he has been during the past winter attending the state university. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's tbe best and if after using it yon don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser A Warren. x J. B. Oarmiobael and wife were up from their ranob on Saturday. J. B. is one of the staunoh republicans ot tbis oouoty and is muoh phased over tbe re sult of tbe election, For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures bendaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, bdJ makes the head as dear as a bell. Bold by Conser A Warren, x Louis Gro6bans and wife were down from their Rbea oreek ranch oo Satur day. Louis is harvesting a large crop of cord word this season and will be busy hauling tbe same to town during tbe remainder of tbe summer. Evening Telegram: County Judge Bartholomew ia down from Heppner on business. He is proud to be able to SBy tbat tbe tax levy ot Morrow is lower this year than for some time, and that $5000 of the county's debt was paid last year. It you want to help a good oause, subscribe a dollar to tbe Rad Gross fund. Joe Williams bas tbe list, and will see that it goes for tbe relief ot sick acd wounded soldiers and Cubans. A fine pioture given to every subscriber. W. L. and Ed. Saling departed last week for Teel Springs with Chas. Mor gan, with tho hope tbat bis health may be benefited. Ed. has returned aod re ports that Charley stood tbe trip quite well and was somewhat improved. This paper hope that Charley may be greatly benefitted by tbis trip to the springs. Tbe Canby oampmeeting will be held July 1st to lltb, this year. Tbe evan gelistic services will be in charge of Rev. John Naugle, (the Peter Cartwright of tbe Puoiflc slope). Sermons on the high er life and lectures on tbe Bible daily by eminent preachers of the M. E. church. Clean straw for campers, free pasture for horses. Good board at very reasonable rates. Mrs. B A Spivey died this morning at ber residence in the Bettinger blook. Mrs Spiv; y has beeo ailing for some time, MD'i Anally, that dread disease, oon snmpM in, made itself manifest, and she succumbed tnia morning. The Dalles Tiin.s-Mountaineer. Mrs. Spivey was the daughter ot Mrs. Willinghame, of Heppner, and bad many friends in this city who sre greatly grieved to bear of ber early demise, and their sympathies go out in a large measure to tbe bereaved husband and relatives. Do yon want an axle grease tbat won't run like a coward when it gets hot? Tbat won't gum, that wears well, tbat bas no acid to ruin your axles, tbat is the best made, and warranted lo give satisfsctionT If yoo do, yon wao't Western Speoial. II is not a obeap grease judged by size of dan and prioe, but is ons of tbe cheapest when actual service and prioe are considered. Being a graphite grease there is nothing better tor pinions and oog greasing. For sale exclusively by P. C. Thompson A Co. 69 61 The Gazette is pleased to aoknowledgs receipt of an invitation to be present at tbe commencement exercises ot tbe olass ot ninety-eight, New England Conser vatory of Music, at Tremont Temple, Boston, on Wednesdey, June 22. The invitstioo is sebt by Miss Julia Hart, ot Heppner, one of the olass. Miss Hart bas beeo abaeot for four years aod graduates from this famous sohool of mnsio with bigb bouors. The Gazette's editor is sorry that he could not be pres ot to witness these exeroites which will oo doubt prove lo be of the very highest order. NEW GOODS That have come in iust latelv. Good Prospects at Black Batte. From the K. 0. T. O. Taylor and Dr. Vinoent of Pend leton, and H. 8. Wooly ot New York, returoed Saturday evening from 12 miles south of Long Creek, where they visited tbe Black Butte mine property io wbiob Mr. Taylor and Dr. Vincent are interest ed. Tbey report tbat tbey will commence suffioieut development work oan be done bome exquisite patterns 111 summer upon tbe mine whioh will inoiude tbe wash goods Percales, Zephyrs, sinking otaebaft about 603 feet. Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies' Just what quality ot ore they will find Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties who bas bad a great deal of experience in development, speaks in glowing terms of the oompany's prospects. Mr. Taylor in speakiug of the trip said that the stook and ranges in the section of oountry visited are looking better than he has ever seen them and tbat wheat nearer town is in splendid con dition. AGENTS WANTED For the life of Wm. E. Gladstone, by John Clark Ridpatb, LL. D., tbe most oelebrated orator and statesman of modern times. His brilliant genius and remarkable character; bis grand achieve ments as leader and prime minister; bis magnifioent triumphs in great political truggles;including bis famous speeches, striking inoidents, personal aneodotes, etc. Many superb phototype engravings. Over 650 pages. Only $2.50. Splendid oaovassing outfit with valuable pre mium, terms and full instructions sent free for 36 cents in stamps to oover post age. Most liberal terms guaranteed. Twenty days credit. Freight paid. Agents making $5 to $30 a day. Be first in tbe field. Order outfit today. Ex perience not neoessary as everybody wants it. Mention tbis psper. Monroe Book Co., Dep't. J., Dearborn St., Cbioago. 67 64 FOK HALE. In the Shoe Department "w,...There has been some new arrivals VERY STYLISH FOOTWEAR O O One line to sell at $2.50 Another sells at $3.50 O Still another sells at $4.00 Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They are actually away down below cost. There's nothing wrong with them D00TS AND SHOES D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF CO. Ranoh, 320 acres, good laud, 4 miles of Heppner, all fenced, plenty ot water, house and barn, 110 acres of summer fullow, all ready for fall crop. Easy terms. Call at the Gazette office. t 654-tt Special Notice. As tbe present proprietor ot the Ga zette must leave Heppner soon, be is desirous of settling np bis affairs. What is due him be must have at once, so that he oan meet all demands. Drop in and settle your aocount. 57-tt Tbe Marquam Urand, on Morrison street in tbe Marquam building, is under excellent management and tbe publio will be royally entertained this winter New companies and new faoes will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-olass theatre of Portland, and when io Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some of the fine dramas that will be presented. tt ADVERTISED LETTERS. AT HEPPNEK Tbey have anything in this line that you may desire and yon can depend on it you get a guuu aruuie wiieu tuuy guttniiiiee u SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main StreatP. Repairing a Specialty KED t'HOKS FOND. Hearty tsdorwmrnt Kroia the Oflloert of the Ottial Cabas Krllrf Committee. Stephen E. Barton, Chairman of the Central Cubto Relief Committee: "I deire to endorse tbs expressions of tbs treasurer of Ihe committee, Mr. Cbss. A Bable reo, io favor of tbe Ixmotiful pio ture allegorical of Ibe suffering peopls io Cuba, aod tbe spootaoeons and generous outpouring of Ihe American people in the rellt-f ot the sufTeriog. Tbs thought of oodertaking tbs Iremeodoot work involved in tbe sale of Ibis picture, as proposed by yon. for the benefit of Hi American Naliooal Red Cross lo Ihe work of relief, is a inotl commend able one, and as a mmbr of the Ontral Cabas lUlief Committee and the Red Croas, 1 sinoerely troot that yoor efforts will meet all Ihe auroras you atilicipats. From ths deplnrabls conditions wbiob tot aiprtr to confront ths natmn, Inert ia every tvidnr Ibat all tbe financial aid thai is porsililt may m needed la lUd Cross work." Those who desire lo subscribe should call al ths postoffice. 1KTTERS AIWEKTI8ED J Or., June W, WM. Bronner, John Crisp, Hen jonuston, mil Porter. James (2) r-prott. Walter Oihbs, W, W. When CHlltnir silvertlswl lor IlAsklns, (Ins llttyno, Kiihprt ctKotlitMierh, Prank Dunn, Mrs. Mary Kstxt, Bob Thonms, Hcott those letter please tsy J. r. n ii.i.iamu, r. M. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS Who has secured tho services of AIRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. -l M: Jill 1 ii i i rr KOUKTH OF JULY RATES. For thx Fourth of July the O.R. A Co. will sell exoursiou tickets from Heppner lo aoy station in Oregoo aod return, in cluding Walluia and Walla Walla, at a rate of one fare for round trip. Tiokets will bs sold on July 21, 3 l.sod 4tb, good to return on July 6th. For further In formation see O. li. k N. sgsnt at Llepp oer. 650tt THE PALACE HOTEL 1JAK, J. O. 330ROIIKRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. w OOL GROWERS If you liavo not yet realized that tho "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that tho Wool Growers' Warehouse ill Tlilt It Your Opportunity. On receipt of t n cents, cash or stnnsps, a generous siimplo will lie mnuea or mei most impulnr Cutnrrh nnd Hty Fever Curo (Ely's ('renin lialm) snWcisut to demon-1 straie the grout turrit ol lua remedy. ELK liltorilLirH. CC Wamu tt., rrw iork City IUt. John Held. Jr. . f Cr. nl Fn'la, Mont recommended I'.ly'a team llnim to me. 1 can einiihaiire Ina R'st.-im nl, ''It is a rni live cure fur fiitnrrh If nseil directed. Itev. Francis V. l'o1i. Fanlor Central I'rea. fl l. Il..l..nn M..1.I I.,,.. . F.lvM Cream Palm U the acknowledged IB UlO plttCO to BlorO yollT WOOl UllS 8eaH01. . .... I , .a. a enre for nttiirrli mm columns no ni. rrury f!ailm Wfi (In ft RtriCt V warcllllllHO hllHl lll'Stf. Rlld lln nv iimuiioiii urnjj i nm, isp nnu, I 1 f 1 I 1 ' 1 1 i, inu iifm uuying wum uurnnwn, wu I'nrijuragu ftini jit'iiuou amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. We art svlllnf wool tacks tnd twin al citt, iytlls when wool Is soli). He ml In Tour order HI nut i. W a y tha hlhit rtah price lor twi ll and hides. Ma an-aaxiiia lor Little's bio and Black Leal Tobacco Dlo. tlie onlr rellalilo rrnwrid ii 1 1 on inr uiarsei. a pay Irrurhi lo leatnsirrs wnen Wiii mi no an ut owners ot worn, W liatr a lull supply ol Meed Harley and W liral. also xleam Holled Hurler (i.r teamsters, lilrx I your traiuilvri to tlis lower ttarelioax. luamikt you a square ileal. Dor any ii'ju Why? t bei 15e- CASTOR I A For Infant &nd Children. Th8 Kind You Hate Always Bought R. F. MYIND. Manager. Ha'atea's Arstra IUJ I Tha IWat Halve la Ibe witrl.1 fot Out, j IVauM, Hon. I'le-rs, stall H bourn, j t'rrmf H-ra, Trttf, (Tbappavl Hand, j Off for ibe Muaalalaa. Early Monday morning a party of tleppotntes oomposad of Frank IUtier aod family, Dr. E. 11 liaolock, E. J., A M. aod K. 0. Hluoum, i. i. Harris, Jas Fill aod frank lloberta, depart I for a elf wk's sojioro io IIjs Hlasroono lains. Mr, ltitfra will leave his family at Iba Teel springs burs tbey at peel to rniu dorlof Ibe ltall term, bat b will J tin tbs party of naa folks and cid II oo Iba trip Ibrongb lb ovioblaitit of Oreo! and liakwr eoanliMi laioxlof nb and fame. Jaa. Kill armottipaalrw tha party ss t pleura and will b nflharVHik watria. Tbs boy hata a t'"t deJ (if sport ami tin ilnnM na Ibwir return lhaa will ta able In relate in any Ibrillim ayvxinata ' tit I. air lifaadth eampMi and otber letr atlns itilatitla i.f tbalr trip ibrwgH tbo ni'ioeltin fitiOora. 1 Gibson & Berger, At Cliat (ouaa- lil.l HUtnl. HhuviriK. - 15 CtH. I Iiiir Cutting. - "r lSathn'2'ic. KvcrytliingStrict- ly Kirt ('lann. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS 15 Shaving V f Cents. ? t ? Mn.p Iwn doora awnilh ol I'.arl.irnn, G. B. HATT, NEW vnm Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Ar in Ihla Held al Ilia old ttaml with Hartiraa, HaMli. Wtil4, fpura, aii'l an end leas lul of trerjtlilus In their Una. . It. Nodlt ami Mr. Urn, romprlM tha haw Arm aba will pay all bills ol Ibe old Arm as wall aa culler! what tt tua. 1. O. 20IIvI$ cj CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this, ftepalr work a specialty. SHavlef, Half CvHlt. l...., M.llot OKUt IS Cents 28 " a f fat deal, aod on Ibis Ifl trip lo , ClillWama. Caros, H'trof h bad th t.Uasir(?)iif eff'd lions, and powttivaiy Maaalr la nia4 lt. I1i.n t.l.t amM a ren akm, N.. '. all HI a KrtJp I lauly Without it. I aware)..! ari'ly I albai rnraa Tilaa mr aa ! '" '"i aim e p u iMn. t M wm llenMia ha Ka1 I ha t.Uatira Tl'"f lfm1 iiona, wngj iiui7 cur .at new nr w i . .. , . , , i . I i , ... i j i 1 n, I 'i'" i" '"i"","'i.i ! r r ... I atrrift up Ihe larr lie ao-l !rmi,- all in, L.ii Ir I'Alflljl.jL- J 1 vettiof In a sklr rain. Ilowava. ' pay rjnirL Ii it foaranal In ins .,,,, i.,n u,. u.w i.t i...i,r t., yi v;iik:i t-R ..t. b..onrr. tv nt. HamhaM ..i..fatpa or oo.y r.f0t,w. h..' ;,..ih-7-l..r:;i:; ,,: l;;-.l,r;:;;- yTC ''vtTT?iTTrI 1 aod b fi tta labors ia tsry , Prl" ' '' f' ht. tot ala by , t I .t te., .e, i. , ;,! r. at ti'.ibl 1 latitat l.s a s-4 . (lattfal war lo4v4. iHowit Dru. Co, E. J. Ht'iro, tbioaar. I f , uu-tv, , Mii(.trl, ',;, gglonsorial Artist. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Qticciiswarc At Gilliam & Bisbee's A ttd l y Hi way l' y ba.a anyihlns yoi en rail for In tdt tl'it ol Insi4war, aim iiawarw, GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 23 an. 60 Cania. j !i;o, C, KOMI), 'r,p. IS t t l''r to Oj't-ra llutig, Mtaaa. '-L N