Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 21, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, June 21, 1898.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band but its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner postoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
Heppner is patriotic. She will
celebrate the coming 4th in grand
Gov. Geek's plurality is now
past the 11,000 mark Pretty good
showing, that.
Gov. Bcdd, of California, has
commuted the sentence of Train
wrecker Worden to life imprison
ment It was shown by the medi
cal board appointed to examine
into his case that Worden was in
sane at the time he committed the
NEW YOKK, June 20. Bhafter's army of invasion arrived off
Santiago last evening. The landing will probably be made today.
LONDON, June 20. Manila advices say the first American ex
pedition is expected to arrive today. The insurgents are awaiting their
KEY WEST, June 20. A famine is eminent in Havana. Beef
is issued for the sick only. The stocks of rice, beans and flour are
nearly exhausted.
KEY WEST, June 20. Capt Ludlow, of the monitor, Terror, re
ports that Blanco has decided not to exchange Uobson and his com
panions. A Cuban spy and a deserting Spanish pilot have reached
here from Havana, bringing a chart of the mines, fortificatious and
other information relating to Havana harbor. They say that Blanco is
defiant and declares that he will do as he pleases. He says that if we
want the prisoners that we must come and get them.
Generals Copfinger and Lee,
who are to command the army that
is going to Porto Rico, have been
sent orders to get their command
into condition for embarking at
the earliest possible moment,
which is taken to mean that the
movement upon Porto Rico is not
to be postponed until the move
ment against Santiago is success
ful, but is to go ahead independ
ently bb soon as ready. Secretary
Alger says that in ten days time
every man in the army will be
fully equipped for war.
OFF SANTIAGO, June 21. Thirty-six transports and convoys
arrived and joined with Sampson's fleet ten miles off Santiago yester
day. The army is now ready to land and take Santiago. The navy
will attack simutaneously with the landing of the troops, which will be
made about ten miles above or below Santiago.
GIBRALTAR, June 21. Dispatches received here confirm the
report that Camara's Cadiz fleet, recently reported off this port, has
again returned to Cadiz. They are apparently afraid they might meet
with one of Uncle Sam's squadrons.
Cure all liter ills, bilious- p
nets, headache, sour atom- BJ ill t
ach. Indigestion, eonstip- III S
Won. They act easily, with-
out pain or grip. Bold b all druggists. 35 emu.
The only Pill to take with Hood Sarupu-illa.
Public Sentiment Forc
ing It UponCongress,
WASHINGTON, June 21. The senate is discussing the Hawaiian
question. Mitchell and Wise spoke against annexation. Roach, of
North Dakota, denied . the interview favoring annexation. White, of
California, followed Mitchell on the Hawaiian question. He regretted
that the advocates manifested no disposition to discuss the points at
issue. He remarked that such a policy would not hasten action. He
insisted that the resolutions contradicted themselves and from a legal
standpoint were faulty. This surprised able senators who admitted
that they had not investigated, but simply accepted the resolutions as
presented, and thought that the constitution had nothing to do with it.
President McKinley is well
pleased with the war-revenue bill,
now a law, as a whole. He would
have preferred that the amount of
bonds authorized should have re
mained at $500,000,000, as in the
original house bill, instead of
$100,000,000, as agreed to by the
conference. He does not intend to
, issue more than shall be necessary
to meet war expenses. Tbat is
why the first issue is limited to
$200,000,000, and he hopes that all
of these will be taken by the people
in amounts of $1,000 and leBS.
Senator Butler, of North Caro
lina, chairman of the populist
national committee, formally read
Senator Kyle out of the populist
party because he voted for the war
revenue bill. The reading out pro
cess did not Bppear to worry
Senator Kyle, who stated that he
was responsible to his conscience
and his constituents, and not to
Butler, for his official actions. Mr.
Kyle disposed of some statements
concerning him made by Senator
Pettigrew by denouncing them as
"inteutional and malicious false
hoods", TilEliE is no buncombe about
President McKiidoy's good will to
wards the ex-coufeilerates, or he
never would have nominated T. L.
UosHor, of Virgiua, to be a briga
dier general. Uohhc r got a lot of
newspaper notoriety several years
ago by making a crack-brained
speech announcing himself to be
an unreconstructed rebel, etc. Pre.
sidout McKiuley only remeiuberei:
that he was a gallant soldier, now
seeking to fight for the country he
once mistakenly fought to destroy.
It is things like that which have
caused it to be remarked more
than once that "McKiuley is in
many respects as great as Lincoln".
Knowi.no that the very persons
who are having the most to say
about the delay in getting General
Bhafter's army to Santiago would
have led thu Larch criticitu had
the army met with any mishap on
account of Ix'iiig moved Irt'foro
everything was ready, and that the
delay lias Wen necessary and un
avoidable, President McKiuley is
taking matters a coolly as the
broiling upell of weather now upou
Washington will allow Liu). lie
knows that no time ha beeu wast
ed, and that none will bo; that
Shafter's army is out for buaiuetm,
and that results are going to fol
low iU lauding in Cuba. The ad.
ministration is not to blame Ixv
cau newspaper men who weto liot
informed of the real cause of de
lay printed their guesses, that the
troops were held back Writ use of
rumors of the presence of au a'
legivl new and tUtigoroua Spanish
fleet in Cuban waters, etc., aa facts;
censorship of news irlating to itu
Kirtant movements would I usr.
less if the government Contradict d
all the rumors started.
How Some Are Pronounced and What They
The war news eaoh day contaiua many
names that pnzz'e some renders to pro
nounce, and whiob have a sijniQoanoe
not always understood.
Tbe full name and tiling of Alfonso
XIII, the boy king of Rpaio, are as fol
lows: Leon Ferdinand Marie Jacques
Isidose Pascal Antoine Alfonso, kiujr of
Spain, of CiihIiIb, of Lpod, of rnuau, of
the two 8ioiiies,of Jeranalem.of Nnvarre,
of Orenda, of Toledo, of Valencia, of
Qalioia, of Majircn, of Minorca, of Se
ville, of Srdiiiia,of Oordova.of Oaroega,
of Mnroia, of J sen, of Algrave, of Alge-
sirs, of Gibraltar, of theOnary inlands,
of the Eastern and Western Indies, of
India and of tbe Oeennio ooutioent,
Arohduke of Austria, Duke of Burgnnda,
of Brabant and of Milan oount of Haps
bnrg, of Flanders, of the Tyrol and of
Barcelona and Lord of Biscay and Mo.
Tbe island of Porto H oo, which was
discovered by Columbus in 111!!, was
oaml by Han Juan de Puerto ltiuo,
and is now gHnerally shortened to Porto
Rioo. It is pronounced i'ort-to IWk-o,
and means s riou port.
Cieofueifos (prouoaiiOHil the en-fwsy.
gose, with the saonnl on the third syl
lable), was nuinedin honor of Jose Cien
fuetfos V Jovellanos, who was OMptaiu
general of Cuba, 181(1 lHl'J. The town
was founded during bis rale. Its name
in English means "hundred 8res."
Tbe only flrttulitM battleship in tbe
Hpanisb navy, the Palsy o (pronouuoed
I'sy-lah-yo, aooenl on the second syl
lable) was named in honor of Palayo, or
Pelagina, be is called by some, who
foauded the monarchy of Asturiaa in
Spain, A. D. 718.
(Santiago de Cuba, meaning HI. James
nl Cuba, is the place where the captain
and some of the crew of the filibustering
ship Virgimus were executed in 1873
Niiii for whiob Spain paid tbe United
Slates an indemnity.
Cardenas, where Ensign Bsgley and
others lost Itietr lives and where the
U'inslow sustained serious damage, is
pronounced Kar-day-tiae, accent do the
first syllable. It means "of a purple
The Spanish era'ser, Viscsys, original
It spelled Hiaoaya and pronounced
Veeth kith r kh, derives its name from
tbe Barque, province of Biscay, Ixirder
lug no the bav of tbe sains Dime.
The Kpatilsli cruller Alniirante Oijuen
do, roncniioed Al me-ran-lay () ken-do,
w s named in honor of Admiral Oipiendo.
ChriKtubal Union, the name of Admiral
( erer a flagship, is ChrwtopherColum-
uus in r.ngliali.
The Mpamarda have pet name for
ll.eir king. They rail Inn si piaetnto,
"the litll tioe.
Manila la the dlniinntiv nf
(handi, so J therefor means
Not Necessarily What the Gazette Thinks
bat the Opinion of Others.
There's another kick coming. Those
confounded Indions nil went and yoted
tbe republican ticket again, making Wil
liamina next to Dayton as tbe banner re
publican precinct of Yamhill. Wonder
if Veatcb won't contest congressman
Tongue's seat because of tbe Indian
vote? Valley Transcript.
The republicans made gains io nearly
eevry oounty in Oregon in last Monday's
election, as compared with the vote for
president in 1896. A oirenmstanoe of
this sort is so rare that when it ooouri it
deserves ooospiunong mention, says tbe
Ht. bonis Qlobe Democrat. A party's
majority in a presidential year in a state
which it nsually oarrles is generally
higher than any wbiob it gains in tbe
immediately succeeding state eleotions.
In Oregon, however, tbe republican mar
gin of 1896 tor presideut is far exceeded
by that of 1898 for governor Tbe plu
rality now, in fact, is nearly four times
as great as It was then . This shows that
tbe republican party is stronger in tbe
west than it was in tbe great republican
year in wbioh McKiuley was elected The
cauvaHses in the rest of tbe oouotry later
in the year will probably show that tbe
republican gain is general. Pendleton
Opposition Weakening.
An Element Crystallizing in
Congres3 in Favor of An
nexation. Question to Be
Settled This Week.
Washington, June 20. Public sentiment
some call it the "imperial idea" is forcing the
annexation of Hawaii with an irresistible rush,
Senators White, Allen and Pettigrew are ex
pected to filibuster with interminable speeches,
but thev might as well blow against a hum
cane. Senatorial courtesy will submit to sit and
swelter day after day until they have blown off
their oratorical steam, but they will gain no
votes, and it may be possible this week to order
an American ship to Honolulu to raise the stars
and stripes.
When the Kewlands resolution reached the
senate Senator Davis, chairman of the commit
tee on foreign relations, had it referred to his
committee at once. There is hardly any doubt
that the resolution will be favorably acted upon
by the senate. Friends of the measure are con
fident of victory. They claim to have votes
enough pledged to dispose of the question be
fore congress adjourns, if It takes all summer,
and they are determined to stay all summer if
necessary to do so. They are claiming recruits,
nd they believe the longei' 'he vote is delayed
thestrouger they wi'l be. Senator Wnlthalls
uccessor is for annexation, which is equivalent
to a change of two in the count, as the late sen
ator was in the opposition.
Senators in favor of the proposition are dis
posed to make the debate as short as possible,
and there is a tacit understanding that tney win
not do much talking. It Is expected the prin
cipal speeches will be made by Senators White,
Allen and Pettigrew in opposition to the meas
The friends of Hawaiian annexation believe
public sentiment in Its favor is becoming
stronger every day, and they find that the big
majority in the house is breaking down the
opposition in the senate. The representatives,
coming from Bmaller constituencies, and being
elected for shorter terms, are closer to the
people, and the senators recognize the fact that
the vote in the house, is a reflection ol me am.
tilde of the masses.
The opposition is trying to throw discredit on
Hawaiian annexation by using the term "lm
nerlal idea" as a stigma. There is abundance
in Washington of a tremendous rising tide for
territorial expansion, but it can hardly be swept
back by giving it an inapt title intended to carry
The masses hardly comprehend the sentiment
that is stirring within them, but in congress
there is an element rapidly crystallizing into
an organized body which will be openly and
vigorously for territorial expansion.
These men are groping for a solid footing, for
a convincing reason for the departure from the
long established policies of the republic, and
some of them have already selected a shibbo
leth. They aro for "commercial expansion."
ihey deny they are moved by greed for terri
tory. 1 hey declare they wUh to conquer new
lands for stars and stripes in order to win new
fields for American industry and commerce.
They are not moved by the lust of conquest,
they aver, but by the love of their fellow t-lti-irm.
Washington, June 'J0.-The house democrats
are trying to arrange a caucus tonight to lor
formulate a settled policy for the party ou the
w ar and Hawaiian questions.
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
Hotice Of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oreqon,
Mav. SI, 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis claim, ana mat saia prooi win De maae
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th,
1W8, viz:
of Heppner, Oregon, H. E. No. 4392 for the SEW
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp.
ner, Oregon. Jerry Brosnan, of Heppner, Ore
gon, William B. Finley, of Heppner, Oregon,
Hurrv Bartholomew, of Hermner. Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Mav 31. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
lnjfore A. Mallory, U. 8. Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, July , iv v:z:
KCtlKAKU r. UUMtlll 1.
of Alpine, homestead application No. 392S, for
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of sain land, viz: Barney Mcueviti, oi Lexing
ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, of Galloway, Ora
tion, Chas. van winkle, ot uaiioway, uregon,
rtwara Lionerty, ol Lexington, uregon.
6O4-0O jao. f . Jiu'imc,
Does Baby
If your baby is delicate
and sickly and its food docs
not nourish it, nut httccn
or twenty drops of Scott's
EmuUion in its bottle three
or tour times a day and you
w ill cc a marked change.
We have had abundant
proof that they will thrive
on this emulsion when other
food fails to nourish them.
It is the same with larger
children that arc delicate.
Scott's KmuUion seems to be
the element lacking in their
food. Do not fail to try it if
your ihihlrcn do not thrive.
It is as useful for them in
summer as in w inter. ,
Hocretnry Aider's statement to tbe
pulilio of the smount ot work aooonip
lislied by bis oVpnrtment and tbe army
bureaus sinoe tbe ntbreak ot tbe war
refutes tbecbnrgs tbat tbe preparations
of tbt) campaign have been slothfully
eieoilted. Tbe results themselves, as
far as revealed, indeed spoke eloquently
against tbii; antbinkintf indictment. Tbe
publio bas sppareutly bad little knowl
edge of tbe vest amount ot territory to
be covered, of the general state of on
preparedness tbat confronted tbe mili
tary authorities, of tbe lark of immedi
ately available resources and of the Deed
f care in tbe ailjnstmenl ot tbe multi
tude ot details in ootiueotion with tbe
orgmiir itiou of a great army.
Tbe war secretary sets forth tbe work
that bas been iloue, whtob revssla tbe
proportions nf tbe task id tbeir true
I K 1st . Yet the slslemeut shows only
tbe results and does not eiplsio tbe de
tails ot the Ubor required to produce
them. It appears clearly tbat in every
department tbe army baa been indus
trious and bas availed itself of every
known expedient (or hurrying the work.
Certain laws onsffecteJ by tbe emer
gency statute eonoerning tbe war have
handicapped lb effort of the authori
ties in some particulars, and la view of
all tbe ciroumstaoce it is out too much
to declare tbat the achievements of tb
past few weeks bsre been worthy ot lb
blgbHit praise. Hnokane Chronicle,
As war measure, Hawril will eooo
become) dependency of tb United
Htstes, by amies alios. Itoth branches
of ooniree have long been eorslderlng
tb necessity tor taking this step. II
ecqqlaition of that South I'solOo territory
will do! add to our national reveoue, and
Million Given Away.
It is oertaluly gratifying to tbe pub'
I io to know of one concern in tbe land
who are not afraid to be eoneroue to the
needy and suffering. The proprietors
of Dr. King s ibw Discovery for Loo
Munition. Coughs and Colds, have giv
en away over tru ruilllion trial buttles
of this great tbediciue and have tbe sal
iefHOtion of knowing it has absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Astina. Hronoliitie. Hoarseness sud kll
disess of the lbroat, Choet and Liuugs
are sorely oured by it. Call on K. J
Klocnin. Druggiet, and get a trial bottle
free, rtgolsr size 50o and 81 bvery
bottle guaranteed or money refunded.
EvarWHiily ho.
r.icnnts Can.lv CuUuirtic, the most won.
djiful in iiu.tl Ui.n-ovcrvof the age, p eas
s it and refrvslune; to the taste, act gently
ml positively on kl.lne.vs, liver and Jxiwe s,
iim niira avaum. cHhoi'I colds.
mi,.. iinimiiiiv (over, iialilluul constipation
ud blioutneaa. Pleas buy and try a box
of C. V. V. to day; IO, Si, Ml cents. Hold and
guaranteed to cur oy an orufgiai.
Hlghwsvssea oa Wheel.
A wheelman of Weot sflib street, New
York, was attacked, robbed and left
svnaeles by two highwaymen motintsd
oa bicycle tn (Votrel l'ark. Repeated
accounts nf robberies by men mounted
on wbesl have appeared in tb paper
in various parts of the oouotry. Tb"se
depredator of the health, disease of
tb kidneys and bladder will likewise
esesp arrest and pursue th'ir alrociou
oareer unchecked, notes they sr ar
rested by the uoleot intervention
lloetetler't Htomaob Hitter, tbe finest
diorectic, a well a tonic, known to
modern tiraa. It I at tb start that
disease Is tb more eeily iwroom.
Tbe ns of the Hitter Is followed by the
happiest result to dyspepsia, liver 0 on
plaint and oorvnnsneM,
yoTictTuy istk.s ro.v.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Tut Dalles, Orioon,
May 9. 1MW.
following-named settler has filed notice
f her intention to make ttnal proof tn support
if her claim, and that said proof will be made
liefore J. W. Morrow, CountyClerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Haturday, June is, 198, vis:
Josie Fischer, ot lone, Homesteaa application
se sec. j, ana sw1 sec.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
(f The Beginning of this
i New Year 1898.
H A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a joyiorever. mat s what
10. M. for the n1 4 seli sec
, tp. 1 8 , r. 24 K. W. M.
Hhe names the followln
g witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
f said land, vis: Fred W. Halslger, Edward
Keller, A. J. McVay and Paul Balalger, all of
tone, Oregon.
4H-59 Keglster.
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
Land Ornct at LaGrakdr, Orsuon,
June 11, lS'W.
following named settler has filled notice
f his Intention to make tinal proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will he made
before A. Mallory, I nlten Mates cominlssKiner
for Oregon at tleppner, uregon on juiy ,
lid. No H.;i:t. for the N'4 NEW and NE!i KWk
See 17, Twp2S K 27. E.
Me names tne louowing wiiiotw ui prova
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said land, vis: Foater Adams, Jay Devlin,
John Edwards, A. H. Hump, all ol Heppner,
Oregon. K. VY. Bastlstt.
67-i negister.
Laud Orrics at LaOsampi, Obboon,
June is. ll
i following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make flnai proof In support of
hit claim, and tbat said pr.xu win m maue t-
lor the County Tiers ol Morrow roomy, ire
(on, at Hepimer, omicoij, on July 23, 1mm, vis:
Hi No. Sinv fur the HW NEW. PEV NWV
SEW NW. Hr'i Hec.. TpS K 27, K. He
names Ihe following wltncMea to prove bis
rontlniioiit reldetir ni and cultivation ol
aid land, via: K.I. Prl.kell T. A. DrUkell,
irorg Sparry, Will Mlkesell, all of Heppner,
I. W. Bastlstt,
Lasr Orrn a T Tns Pui s Oii..i.,
Mv II. w
N'vrt'r is itrKKBY ciivrt ihatiiix
Inlli'W In pame.1 n-lller hu fll-.l n..tt. i.
h ia ttttt,ii.,n ii ttiak final ttrnt.f In auiiMirl of
may b forltioat If II dia no prt i IU" i lalm, and llial aald pnl will Ivioadal.
, li.lf Hie ( oiihlT t'lrrk. at lleppllrr, Orrgoll, oil
enure, of eipeuse. Ho-ev.r. th .r ! wUf ,.. .
lib Hpaln lis lanbt os Ihe esrnetl 1 Iiai l it ). kfm k.
Deeeeeity for anoeing Iboes Islands, if n,t !, and i ee!. as
... ...Ik,... I...t . ...!... .i.ii !lpJS.H.rt M.M
,w, .......... - . -. .".. H, ,,,. ii, ,,loll iIihm In nre "" mnrn,n '" S"" ana j
Tb dbl Will bav Io aasutn, 1 IKJ.- Ms ..i.tii....ms rvidem ia .! mill. all. " a.lmitilsirat.rt 'of tlw, Urnt ul N,
mm, is roiDfaraiivviy iHaigniaeani, SDfO i.iii, nr.-,,,,,, Jal t rust of l.li t..ii. r
A,it..i.l..rmj lha antailinj a l..ni.. n 1 S" l ' "" f Iihii.Hi, nrrsuu
" - - - ... j., Droa n, il 11
Notice of Intention.
Lasd Orru a at Laoxis, oriuon,
Mav S. lwal
tullowmt named selllsr ha filed ntlrof
his Intention ! make Anal proof In aupinrl of
his claim, and that said proof III b mad h
for th t iHiiity lerk of Morrow ronntr. ora-
(on. al Heppner, Oreiron, on June ii, l, vis
Kiiiius T)ir. H.I No 7l, for thenVSM
21. top. IS., r. JS K. W. M.
He name ths follnwlnf srltnew to prnv
his roiitluuoiit realdenrs upon and rnlllvallon
nl sold land, via: James w l.ahev, Henr
aixlerpool, John Md'ullouati, lld MeC'ul
lough, all of Heppner, Oregon.
in hiswr.
virtu nl an neriitlon aim Mi t nl r-
aal, duly laaunl t.y Ihe rlerk nf th l lreiill
t oiirt of Ihet onntvnf
on,dale4 lh ::th day of Mar, In S Per
tain a. Hon In lb Irrull Court for said Cnunly
and SUM. herein James Jones and Jsmss
Ui Stent of poeslble future ear ilh
other list lm.-Telegrsm.
rtaietot (lowaa take bis delat fo
reelection very ebeerfnlly. II duty sp-
t. MHisr,
i, CM MOS S.
1 of trr(on. lor the Co. inly 4 Morro.
ssalnst uere M aassssrt. MllUrvd J ea
sari. K K Blahon. aasiene ,4 tmirir W . aa(
art, iisolnl del.bir, J IS. Morro. th Ot-
i.ia SauT and Natlratinn Companr. a cor
r-.rall.in a "'I I'al tnald. delrndanla, for Ihe
s i ol Too rroxiaamt, ronr nun.ir. ninety
1 m ftollars, Ilh Interest lhere.ni al th rale
ot Id per rent pr annum from th ! day of
yehnwrv, l. and tl further sum nl T
Hundred fort !.. liars attorneys fees, and
r.ls and dlshtipsementa laved at Twenty Fit
loilar on Ihe laid da nf Set.rtiary. e
s.otM'e . herehy given that I til on aatt
da. li e I.lh dsf of June. Iwal, al t n k
m i4 said !sy. st th front do. f the court
hone in Meponer. M.wme euntT iHfi sell
Iftiest I'll ler lorraea
preniate tli spteodll shosrio msd la Matilda atoll, I'lainiilt,
ilrsnt and Ilsroey Vonntie. la lHklu H.mei awe,, tv-i, n iam.
omlbars.Bpo.HuHj uf th le.Ulal.ra , ' rrr.m.T r,'." U ...a .
it "ill lm Seen Kaatera Oreeon liaa tin ' hei. r.,..lre. to ti pes, and snsaer Ihe eom- at t.'iMIr amtion Ih bihe
eai,nl,1inana in tha U.. i ,.h , p smt Sied ssslnst y.i In the shots entitled In hsnd. Ih l..lioH. drar nhed property t.v
, 7 . .. .J?. 9,fl Ml"U"..n end t..ll on oil-lore the St d.r ol the II tn north east .,..aie. ol een ten il
eii,m vi aeon, anl layinr, Ot iltltlia, . twilnvnin te.ia l said mitt Io ail on IhIsihMi to i 'i north rau laem S.e
Therefor tired thai SSf Sppnf. "1"r th &th da nl rpt , l. 'd H fm lalll'f.i east ll.ainetie m.n.lisn, ail In Norm)
a . . . . , ao to an.aef . I. ant lltere. Itlaiollft e III an I ntihlv. I tree on Taken and 1. led niMvn as
momem tn If. Slat oorm me aett i pl,ni,n the till In I th. rr..t-r, ol Ih said i.-.r,s eesstart
lonr ) ears still do scan! Jrisnes la this l. .4 in oi a.ii y se. ti.nv I Miilre. J m.lm mo, a there.4
Srlun. through a el'llll ef laionjy 1 "'"C I ""th '"'" S Inl n.n , ' H sn k. mamirf Io Satlslv the aatd ln-1
a.l n.rh..a.l,l. It... i. ..o. i"' sOhorl..( ..a..l.t lor.m.ej llll a n.ent la !.... nl James Jonea ai.d James Jn.
and partisaeship lUrnev eonolr is ail a- h .H t,m. Hh ..tmr.t.Kotihe e.ui. o .i..n J...,
Th war is tie ari l tmi shonlj
QbsetlU for tit (Jt I. Iba etj ' ' I'm.
b(,lsyf, If I. T1 IONt, CkWM, ()
I O il representation, I til M)
ill I llnrea Item.
la la re-
feilel ss
.ImvWnI n. ssslnst toor V aeasfart
M l tre-t J sunt, et il nr'h.l nil s
has or may a
r iwiulen tteU Vaitk raaraeel.
t Stflf sUirtlr, f.tr cat p '-. oeir. .
Ak U U W C. la. I, Up i as v( 4WJ K k . I
1 tw Just Si I prvr
l . ej a p s
At' lor I li r ! s. dlshuts. ments I! st
T hs ,wno Is 'I'-HCiM fv or tef til I -.1fS rtu.
S I .... ol li e !) ,: ti.iri. t ii, t M I T1 ' k herisr
(in,dsieJ Mf , .. at lie! iut, Oi-' , t I M A 1 1 n fc, if .i) .
.t ' ived t !! rr. r r i- vsj
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to tilling
of prescriptions.
W are reeelvlnt New Invoice of Oon.li almost every day. Our Rapldlv
th0"Wtf O-eC-MaeJae. rao.
Our Stntloiiory
I Completo
When t Ils9rraf ulvo tm ix osali
Slocum Drug Co.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jnd now ths entire world
h'noics this vcrect product
Js the aS'iVi r Brewery beer.....
4 1 On draught at
I all popular saloons
203 Ws.hi.,..,, EIm s,r.l-Bi 0f
Nottct of Intention.
Lasb Orru at La Gats. Osaone.
Ms? u, tr
VOTiri is iirnriY r.ivrs that ihe
l" MlnSJln named Settler has f,e. ttoll.4
nl Het Intention In snsl Snal r.4 In n..rt
i4 het riaim, and I rial said pr.. 111 l ma.1
triors tn t vunlf lleit ol Murro i mii.I).
""t'"i. al Heppar, Ore(a, on July J.
I tu
niit I. WMRfTfifle-, rnrwerly (!lis) J
Hd o r. lor Ih aeV kl se t net. net.
sets, and n1, se't see . tr I a r X K M M
aha nan.es th lollnalnf stltMesM tn rot
Kef re.rttniiott rvel.leno upon and enlilaMoq
ol aaM land, vie J. kn 1 Shier. 1 hntea Mai
!. Frans .lf aud In.h. Sii...ip. of
Heppner, Ureiua,
I w. .rii!tT.
? WieHf
Notice of Intention.
tAsaOreira at Tss Dus. oa0o
illn, ,Mm Vt n- ,TJe!
Intention in n,.k. 7,11 1.Z
tTiurii "m1 m"" W-,.
IT i, !" J W. Mnrmw, tnqntt Clerk
J Meppaer. fHtoa. e.tM., t?u. i2c
si j ikaiion , sl.l.lh.,,LlU jTtTJ
hit'l.r.'.r 'h! n.,,"" l"ee to
lsenf,fin,H.MS reat.tenee up,,n ,4 r(Ut.fcIZ
....il.nd.,,, r h h.$4 h,,'.;;,
"H.H. W IUU i.ec. wt,on. ' '
' Hwer.