. "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. OFFICIAL PAPER "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. with the Gazette one year. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1893. NO. 659 il J 5 i r SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays TOE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At f0) par year. 1.01) (or six mouths, SO ota. .or three morjtns, striotiy in advano Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as eecoud-class matter. THI8 PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 04 and 66 Merchants Exchangs, Han It ranoisco, California, where oou raots for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADViSRTIS- mg apent, 21 Merchants' Exohanin Build me, San iranciaoo, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file nt 1ub office. 0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. Loaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m Spokane Express No. 4 leavos Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:90 p. m. and U ma' ilia 8:50 p. in. Portland Express No 3. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla duo a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.-00 .m. ard arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland U:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppnor Junction 8:a5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:3(1 a. in. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 d. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a. in. and at fotuaud 7 :a- a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Bart, Agent U. R & N., Heppner, Ore. OIFE'XCI.A.Xi rDIEaEGTOXaT-. United States Officials. Piesident William McKinley Vine President Garret A. Hohart Secretary of State W. R. Way Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Hliss Secretary of War KusbpII A. Alger tnretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General Charles Kmery Smith Attorney-General John W. Griggs SHoretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. ( iovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kinoaid Treannrer Phil. Mutantou. Bnpt. Publio Instruction (J. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. G- W. McBride w'liini"e Printer W. H. Leeds !K. S. Hnan, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverlon Sixth Judicial District. ! -cnit J ndge Stephen . Lowell P.osKmtin? Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Qowan Uepreaentative J. N. Drown 'nntjr Judge A. G. Hnrtholomew ' Commissioners J.R.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Treasurer Frank (iilliam ' assensor rsa V. Pettays ' Surveyor. J. J. Motiee School Sup t Jay W. Shipley '' Coroner B. F. Yaughan HEPFNlCB TOWN orrtciRH. Majot Tho,. Morgan 0 ..mrdlinen E. J. Hlocum, M. Lichtenthal, J. It. Simons, J. J. Roberto, J. W. Hasoras and E. U. Hperry. It loonier W. A. Richardson Freatiiroi L. W. llrigga Marshal John Uager Precinct Officers. luetics of th Peace W. E. Richardson ( onntahle N. S. Whetstone United States Land Officer. TUB DALLES, OX. 1. 9. Moor, Hetrister A. 8. Biggt Reomver LA OBAKUS, OH. E. W. Bartlett Register I. H. Kobbiua Receiver aMMaaMHMaaMMMaeMaaHaaaM.a BBCBZT BOCI3EXIE. BAWUNS POST, NO. II. G. A. B. KkIiiI Heppner, Or., th third Saturday of "h month. All veterans art invited to loin. W. W. Smith. H W.Haa, Adjutant, tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe boars, 8 to 10 a.m., nod 12 to 3 p. m., ft! residence, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, east of M. K chnrcb, South, sod 10 to 12, . in , to 2 lo 6 p. m. , at nfiloa in tba rear of Borg'e jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, OfflM lo tba First National Bank Building. Hifpsbr, t t Ob too. If Ellis & Phelps, YTT0RNEYS AT LAW. All business atten14 to In a prompt and satlsfarlory uiauuer. Motsrlv public and Collectors. Otllce la Matter Building, Heppner. Or. D. E. GILMAN, 6cncralCollcctor Put your old hooks and not In his hanils and (t your money out of them Mske a tsiiy of bard Collection. Office io J, X. I5ro o'f, IluilJing. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUClk CMAMI1M ells snd Wits real estate, rents boo, part kM taa, mursf sn. Ins snd w 111 mki you In k wa In ble Him. at rMsubsiil Rf una. U First National Bank OF HKITNLR C.A.PlHCa, . Preslslent T.A.AMtA. Via ProeMeM OCO. W. CON sift, Cashier S. W. SPtNCKN, Ass t Cashier tmw4 I Cf&tnl l&ty Ba-ii EXCHANO! Oa all partes lb wofM Bought and Sol (..', ColatUme a4s ea all Hn'l raasot-ats Tr. uriw t4 attn!4 rrvl'e Wisconsin Centkal Lines PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the WisconBiD Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengors, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt, H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & H J. M. s Bt. v., O. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBS ma.oo PEH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHIOAaO. IXjL. THE rA.Zvl,Ki3 NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE X).IjIjE3t OEEaOlT, Grower and Dealer in Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturdayl 13 Astor Place New.York The Outlook will be io 1897, aa it has been daring each of its twenty-seven years, a History of Oar Own Time. Io its various editorial department Tbe Outlook gives a oompftot review ot the world's progress; it follows witb care all tbe important philantbropio and id dudtrul movetneots of the day; has s complete department of religious news; devotes moob space to tbe interests of tbe home; reviews current literature; farninlies cheerful table-talk about men sod things: and, io short, aims to give freeb information, original observation, aod reasonable oDtrtainmeot. Beginning with tba fifty flirt b volume, the paper will sesame tbe regular maga tine site, wbicb will add greatly to its eoDVeoleiios aod attractiveness. Tbr Outlook is pobliobed every Saturday fifty two Issues ft year. Tbe first issae In each month, is so Illustrated Magasiof Number, containing about twice a many pages as lbs ordinary issues, together witb large Dumber of picture. Tbe prim of The Outlook is three dollars yesr In advanoe, or less tbso cent s day. Send for tpeoimen oopy aod Illustrat ed prospeot us to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Plane, New York Oltr. BTOCI RAN OS. While toe aaeo ronr so bsrr inline tmiA mm wrm eukss roarbrMjlafraf ohars. Br, P. O.. IU.pn, (T.H,nm; P B , Ufl ahotthUri eslUs, awne oa left hip. Pfl. Ht'i nf. t)r- sltls hrsndxt W II M.H-jJ . L L,, It. , . , .. . ... ... .... .... nwgii am mtmm. hun, Morrow wmstr. A. J..lns.(r.-llfw. (Daa rlsit shoal 4w, I sola, Samson rlehi bips ear saca euaar enp od Isft aod split la nliU na Urt shikU, eatUe saute tefuup. aot la rvsi.i ar, Florwifl. L. A flnr. h-CmtUm, Lf a ritfhl hlDl kanss S s.LSi hm rnnAm mm m L. shuwldsr. Jnmm, Hsnr. II-TpB-r, Or H.me brud-d rihi hip, alau sod-rtnt la Wt ear, JU a Uiwtow euanlf. Jnbiis.1, flt, In. f. - HiTMS, MlrUTm tafl filUi SMI Is, - rm rlcbl kip. aads belt mntp la rt-w sad solil Jt imtt mt Ranar. M k, Hapimaa, fir. HMas brandad INI aa lafl Kla MllJaaiuuJ - lJa art aadar sb oa ttm rWhl Laat.ar I W Hat.ffar Or - Horaas b'snd-4 I. and no l-n UniliWi aatil am ne at hip. waul star nsi.t , Uir- siiu la f'l.t Mia.r. Ont. nmtM fur 4 aiti M n aa flll hip, buna, M oa lafl sbuaJdar. Unrrmm, H, II , Hapar, Or -tt'Waal, M I urn tafl sl.attl.lai aaiita sjmm aa laft kip. Ikla i W .a, , L i i buahlari aill.anBa.rti nslil bip. r"'af Ummmm, KaJaa.(r.-Iloraw I r u IT1 aWaudaf. r m rllfe I . ft .... .1 , i -. . - . - - - ' . W I . I ..'I hli. na lari .h.M,,.,r, ranis, til,i Mils, h. i W . Rap-?, O. - M,aa. JO mt Ut abaaldat, aua, u as tlaht kip. Wiia.,. K II II m I v. r.ui. ay jt . lafl aip. r aff ,M m4 a-.U-t,,! taTI Saar. w-w mt, t I". w I H aa n akaaMar laaia. J 4 It . ... - - - l" sa.-il4.. aatlla. . laVt ...-, I.U. IvaatH W.ll-t-u-j IW.-a-aaa a. Hal t tafl m.mi.Ut Ut.! mmnyt Irfl V '.4 rp..t Is Ms . AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. - I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear on every the fac- simile signature of (&&$fffl& wrapper This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of Ct&$fM&4( wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name excevt The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he "makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" DtAMO ll-lt Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TM CCNTAUK COMMNY, TT ".US HAY BTKSCT, HCWVOSK OITY. j. ABEAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring ! Mr. Abrahamsick ia the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL, AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- "When you hear dem bells T YOU SHOULD HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT II AH faithfully IsbnrH for thflr trnsiHljp " iihoiws, mr aauiauon, lor in eievatlnu ol Am man manhood ami trim omnhol M tT HAStoMat lb iimifta, liilcrvslln j ami InstruHlv stories of th 4oln.. of lb aorlit. the nsllon so. I ii.l.-s. IT II AS a.i ail Ihs farmer as tn th must sm.rnvr methods of ftllflfatfltlaf S f 14 haralltla (.(si , '"'I-,h I""!' roinart IT U AS le.1 In sll Bisttets l-rUlnln In th. aa.i.u.y .a iwi'i (ii.ii vfiiulfrH-s BIM1 IT ZH TIIX3. New York Weekly Tribune, Anal we fyrnlah It with (he GAZCTTC, ens year for $2.75, eesh In advance. a4drr-aUOr.Ur.to THE GAZETTE. Writ your asms and address on a fstsl r,rd, York Cltr. and a ssoil.l. m.i ol l,. Sm Vols WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pugct Sound Navigation Co Slrtam iniJUDNri, BAILW GJTCtiiT AND OfEtS W1VL Uio AM-r Hlrr-I lb.. l'..rt!,o,, f, mi euu rsnrona. iifmii (flimwiKiS tils ilaano leBt.,, a4 rail n4i alaa at Y..in-'s Jta altb Haal,re ltailral. TIUjHrilOlM-JJ Ua.se rtlsad 1 A. . Ii.ll f. iee Iata Iiimm 1 1', bt lislit. mfA sad). SmtilmoA S H l!r. .."-M I. ,.!.' i a. , f im. s'i-1 OsTWAM taas frll,nd sad fs dlrar. u. .wam TiesHsf Snd TTtaead. st S A W SWaMsf at I P l.as lissea ai.,el.r 4 f rtls, at i a. a. M. , a,a4e, a.l si t, i ' SKJNAIUHE OF KNOW THAT THE BORN SEPTEMBER is, 1841. years it has never failed ami hsfpltiMs, for tb lnt.riinnt nt tbslr them Into the lsr(,-.l p,aaitil. sinount f money. . - llr. ol lariaersand llisrr, and lur Oter a half aaiesin. send It toflao. w. He,t, Trlhqn OSIe M Week I. T rll.tine am la aiaiii u, ' AsWie. Ilai, Umg JUseb. (., SaluHsf blM, II p 9), aa eas 1 stafta i ...i.r eu.ur abt. 1 f. M -f;r j. mrTrt WEEKLY CHOP BULLETIN. From l'resent Indications the Crop Prospects Were Never Better. Portlatd, Ore., Monday, Jane 20,1898. The oroi: prospects are better today than Ibey wire one week oo, when it was reported that they were the best ever seen in Oregon. General raina have fallen over the slate daring the past week. While some hay was slightly in- jured by being cot and rained upon, and o berries in localities were slightly injur ed by the rain, yet the raina were of ben efit to late hay, frnit, berries, hops, and gram. The crop ootiditionB and pres peota' today are perfol. UoIusb unprec edented , weather conditions prevail, whioh are not probuble, Oregon's crops this jear will be greater in quantity and fi.irr in qaulisy than any lerctufore gathered. EASTERN OREGON. Weather. Lower temperature, with thunderstorms and showers, prevailed durina the past seven days. The tem perature averaged 61 decrees, whioh was 5 degrees lower than tor the preoediug weak and 10 degrees higher than for tbe corresponding week of last year. The highest temperature durinn the week was 90 degrees, on Saturday; the lowest was 44 degrees, this morning. The tota' rainfall for tbe week ranaed from 0.12 In 0.50 of an iuoh;over the wheat district generally less than 0.25 of an iuob fell. the sunshine was defioient in amount. Tbe winds were southerly. Crops. The reports from the corres pondents indicate that the grain, fruit. hay, and stook interests are in a better and more prosperous ooudition than ever before. Volunteer wheat is report ed t ) be as good as spri g-sowu, and almost aa good bs fall-sown on sammer- fallowluod. Hotenst winds can yet do injury to grain, but tbe possibility ot in jury from that source is so remote that it need not be considered. Tbe rains ot tbe past seven days were of espeoial benent to tbe grain in Wasoo. Sherman. Gilliam, and Morrow oounties. There ports indicate tbat no more rain is needed, tbe soil is in a moist condition, while the largest grain crop in tbe his tory of the inland empire is assured. Strawberries are ripenina in the ula- teau regiou. Cherries continue to ba plentiful. The shipment of strawberries is oeasing. Vegetables are making a rapid growth. Anples, peaches, pears, aod grapes wera never more promising than they are at Ihi present time. Hay ing Is progressing ; tbe riiios have nut injured the. hiy tbat is still dowo. Pufltnra. e and ranges are good, and stock is In fine condition, A oliaotfH to f-iir and warmer weuthor Is probable within the lint week. H. 8. Pauuk. Section Direotor, Portland. Or. Bbiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, ami no borne should be without it. Pleasaul lo take snd goes ri"bt to th- spot. 8ld by Oonser k Warren. x HOMSV.H4T PKKHDN Ala Tbe I.resi.lHI.f has ini,nlnla,l I ,a D r.w.u..,. W'.f t. Lucas ttgietar of the laod oflion at Th 1 it . . . .. .. I'ltlies Kn. I U.I rnttaraon 1.0. IVcf. Mr. i'allersnD is editor and proprietor of I he Heppner (Inn-He. We era ala-av ul.,i ti sea a newspaper man gel a good oflloe. Editors never get more in the shape nf offloe (ban they deserve. Tba reiirinu om.:lalei f The IJ.IIes land oflloe have won lbs Mlroro or all who have bad deal lugs witb the ollloe during (heir trim. Messrs. Iiiggs and Moor have at rv,) longer than In tour fears I hey were ap Pointed tor. which I t.fiK.f that il.i. work as well done. Hood Kiver C):oler. Wenolice tht Oils I'aiteraoe, editor ol the lleppuer(irs )0.g. He, an ol.l- tlmeoil i' 0 of Ibis place and who learned the "art pn-aertaliva" ber, ba been ap pointed rerelvaf nf UiS foiled HlateS ,t d orfliM at Tba Dalle, Ore. Oar eoosraia. laflims ate bershy brarlily ntodeJ. Wailahurg New Era. Vawtef Craw lord, ia tleptt,r. Or., a former resident of tbi plaoe. la tare na a visit lo Ida pareot ed attending the tamp meUR. Mr. C-swford bed lb good fiirtna lo ba eheled elerk of bi (Morrow) eoubly, at lb elretloa bald Is Uregoa weal, and te to be eongrata IsUd oo bi elevation lo ao Imporlant a pnhlle Ira.t. Tbat b will dlsehargs Hi duties faithfully sad saHefab.nly lo bl eonsliloeoey, we sa abundant evidence io Lis make op. H favored Tba N.a Era ilb a e-erial sail last Mdf fc ro. log. W ailebnrg Nw Er. lw.-lh r On I'alterson.of lb IIrrtor Oacaiie, baa baaej api'ilaled rrrlvr of TU Ill-a lan.l ima. TbU is a rel K.i,ltriet.l. a HroUisr I'allereoa l.as iU4 by Ibo repqhllrsn Ibfiogh llticlj ' aod tt. It aed ba earned lb t,r. ff.ra. offlna Hera's It inii,llf.lhef -C, bis ('List. kM If A k aaief ,,, llnSalo, N. Y. -OsaUi- Frora a; lieraaaal knowledge, gaiaad la tlrvir lbs elTeot of yoar Hlillob' Ctira la of advnr4 svisaoipibie, I am prep,r4 lo sy il is ta saoet remark ateta remedy Ibal ba ever leaan hrtenaM sat aftea. Ilfea. Ii has eerUlelr se1 m,,f from t UViiii S.H 1 1; Of trA Wirrso. A Good Company. It may be Said that there never was a more creditable popular prioed theatrical oompany than tbe Joesey-Marvin organization that opened a week's en gagement at tbe Frazar opera bouse last night; certainly, there was never a more exoellent troupe. It costs momy to pay for good aotiog talent,; but tbe Jossey Marvin'e seem to have solved the prob lem, for they have gathered under their standard men end women that would be in demand by the best companies on the road. "Braving the World" was last bight's play. It was new here, and this added to the charm of the good productive work.v Clean, clever, talented, interest ing, Bmusing, entertaining, natural all tbese adjectiyee may be deservedly used in describing the initial event.' Tbe BuaieDce was large. Pendleton Tribune This very popular oompany will begin a tour night's engagement at the Henn ner opera house on Wednesday evening June 22 GBANT COUNTY MINES. The Outlook io tbe Principal Camps Was Never Better. From the Long Creek Eagle. The mines of Grant county have never been more productive than Ihey have this season. Not only have the old claims of the various oamps been "exoeeding ex veotations, but over a soore of new loiations have been added to tbe list. and each of them are proving veritable bonanzas for the luoky disooverers. Plaoers on California gulob aod vioimty have been runulng full foroes and all are reported as paying handsome profits. Some nuggets taken out of California euloh so from (! tn ft!) on,t the same may be said of the Vinson crt ek mines. William Well man. of La Grande, hna large interests in tbe Granite diet riot, and has made quite a fortune off his property, according to late reports from tbat oamp. He has sold the Carrie group of five olaims whioh he has for the past seven years been developing, to an Eastern oompany. Ii is said that a good round sum was paid for tbe prop erty . Eat Almost Anything. "I was a sufferer from indigestion and oould eat sosroely anything without suffering great distress. I was slso troubled with beadaabea. I besnn tak fCg Hood's Ssrssparilla and it has helped me wonderfully. I oan now eal almost anything I wish, without distress." Mrs Anna Btuby, Sylvan, Washington. Hood's Pills are Ibe favorite family cathartic Easy lo take, easy to oper ate. 25o. Vfcxvtrr and hAoa. BY LCI VIBNON. When a man geta np In tbe morning he grumbles if bis breakfast is not ready; but it be goes fishing berao wail all day for a bile. Heppner yootb enamoured nf the danghter-I beg you, sir, for tba bsod of your daughter. I can Dot live with out ber. Heppner Pa Glad to bear it. I can't live witb ber. Name tba day, young man, and ob, Lord let be soon. Heppner youih-(bstkiiigoff)-D'ni er pleas givems lime to reflect, Home girU like to do everything bat help their poor old mother work. The man tbat speaks lightly of a wo man ia ao nnolrao beast, and a dose of sruallpoi ia much preferable. Fiinoy six. ol tbt bed steer." "Howsor' "Well, wbea it I aliv il is on lbs rang and wbeu it is dead, it still goss on I he range. Her beaoty isn't advertised, Hhe much dislike such capers; Yt very oflao il oeours Ilr sorts are la lb papers Tbere Is stilt soma hope li fl for editors t. Tba editor of lbs (lag. Its ba bwo eprwdnUl receiver ot Ibe lead offl at Tb )all, Oreion. Tbis U what a man get a bl tinnl.hoient for ibfoaing all Iba spring" an I "war" poems Inl.i lb aaals bask. I. I waul to ba ao editor Asd witb lb editor slaod Tl.eo 1 will gel aa office AaJ lhal -nme" will 111. Well, here's tbmslng oa a mighty perl and I.I4 hunk of rongistulallo, Mr. Elitor. My y.u never ai.rm Ibe lao.l offias a joe, bav th Osteite ('(Tin 04 pre, day, oa anenool ot a drntiku typo, "ttmm" Wbea a Biaa ks ao otifnrtaoaie aa to ba impellaj q pa 00 !, a a rli tf worry ftpan to titm. I do aol wr ( aod aa tkaklal Ibal t do a d, f-rt stary p's on o( my aq4alolaae that wear (lessee, is oUral)v, f,vr aod far ay boating lbru. Iblb ep-et-le aoJ eye g ! of all soils are ralioaably la my uilod lbs sbyesl obj-ot la eiiUo. Ualeastl be a tM-k-t ia a MUry Ibal draws m.-ney. u this re peel they farpaas matelaas, ao eve year "peas ley." If a , air r.1 peiaylaa are laid on tabf or a ebelf, it Is a sal bl Ibal when yoa wan! Ifcenj s mla's, !. ibey are ot ll.-ra. tt Is paa!lr, trot aom in if uln, ibe br xasat n,, a pair of pert!. r Ufl alio, Iba- seek eoa r'T-.., a.. ue'4 bt l.,f cab6l POWDER Absolutely Pure that they select witb unerring instinct places Of connealment in whioh they are least likely to be disturbed. Tbere is the authentic case of tbe man who, when dining, laid bis spectacles by the side of bis plate, and after a pro longed searoh found them towards the end of the evening at the bottom of the soup tureen. There is also the equally well known case of another man who was willing to swear that he had placed hie spectacles in bis right-hand breast pocket, from which they almost immedi. ately disappeared, to be found two days later in the baud bag of bis widowed sister. If man possesses only one pair of glasses, he is to be pitied. For be spends tbe better part of his life in searohing for them. This is the reason why the hair of persons of either sex who wear glasses is invariably grey. Nothing was ever know to be lost ia tbe great city of Boston, Mass., but spec tnoles, as yet-unle88 it wag good every day horse sense. In the case of those unhappy people who require two distinol pair of glasses, one for reading and the other for seeing things at a distanoe, the hair is either snow white, or has completely disap peared. I hasten to Bay right here, that il Is a big mistake to own a single pair ot extra glasses. Two pairs oouoeal them selves more iffeotually. if possible, than one pair. Probably they oonnive to gether to ootwit tbe tyrant man. The plan of making one's glasses fast to the buttonhole with a string is deoided by wrong. It only results in catohing the glasses on door-knobs aud other project ing artio as, and In the consequent break ing of bnth string andglesees. About Ibe only wny I know in which a man oan make sure of not losing bis glasses is by never removing them from bis nose. This, I may add, however, ba its Incon veniences, bs well. To wssb one's face satisfactory while wearing spectacles is very difficult. If you dou't believe me, try. And to sleep with them on, might give the intruding twelva-o'olock-mid-nlgbt burglar a shock which would prove fatal, and so bring tbe spectacle-wearer into difficulties with tbe police judge who is determined to unhohl the .ihi. ot burglars. Tbe loss of glasses is one of those great mysterious tbin.s, which, to tha wearer seems inevitable, and over whioh, acoord- mg lo tbe advice of tbe self oonnit,i jay and shallow-brained galoot who never wore a pair of spectacles in bis life, be oauae bo had good eyesight, w must not worry. As if the very fact that an evil is inevitable did Dot constitute the very heal possible reaaon for worrying. I bet you can'l flod your glasses right now. I'lepar nf Opium trnin fie Poppy. A Ibwiton iniTcl.iint niulir, aornerevea luUon thut will na ru.il.i- thing very ph'aaant for opium ur. "The procoaa of preparing opium from tin. poppy, aa practiced In India ntxl IVrnla to-day," eid be, "i very neurly thi amne aa waa employed rlghtfi-n hundred jvura ao. A the eupMilc mostly u'hmiiuI In tho nart-otif Juiie, it la from tlx m. the opium la procured. A frw tluva lifU-r tlm full of the flower, mm ami oiih ii provi'i'il to the Hi lU ami ni.iU.. Iioriuititl in ciaiona in the ( iimiIi Ixdng rurt-ful Hot to rut too th-cp, ao the Jtil.i. il.a a not . cap Into tin- t ,uli A whilo Jul.-e (iikIi's and pa-iira in tin- form of a War liMin th nitre of tlm Incision, whb'ii ia allownl lo r.'iiiulu t unit y four hour, H hrli it In ktiim-i off and i-ol. leot-d In aiiialh r v. . I, and Ix-ut.-n. balng molatrtii'd with aulivu. unlv una tsar bvlugohtttliinl from aaingU; pluut.' Hot Mlaw. To make but shiw slo e a lit. knlfi! a solid head of rnhliege; put It Into a kettle and add half it rnpful f hot Vtater, or inure If tienled; iyrr loarly and rook from 20 to :iu mlruitra; then add and stir through It quickly salt and bmii-r to senaon, with one rgaj veil Uatrti, and at tbe hi.t twolablo l-x.nfnl, of vinegar and arrva boL tkiaion Herald. Ileflalttaaa, -aa. Mrs. Il.-nj-v. k (to Mr. If., who I read ing) Your llttlti aon Just eabrd you a queetlon, and you didn't er il him. You oupht ! ba aaliamest of your aelf, aied I shaU Mr. limp-1 didn't ,ef I,im. Mra. If. ir,, )f.u nr.rr bear when a nwiiih-f of your own family Sks to )ot. You ara tl.af to the ry on. ) on aliould brie and rhrrieli -d. af to. Mr. If. -What iba-a he want to know 1 Mm. U.- lie aakrd you vt hat a hermit viu. Mr. It - A lirrmit. my ,., U a man !. love -a, Bll ,,,,1,, y Weakly. T Mllllaa a tear. hen w,,a Lor, try, and bur again, it fner t,rr re ssli.li.d. he w..i.ia ,f 1 1, l hl.lr , now I II. Ill t aaiarata J st.dr I stbsrlM- st (l.a r.le lao rmllmii ts.r and II a ,l Ihra lo,IU..n I. fo, Sew U.l . h IneaiK sunt protrd tl.st I s- vt ,ie the n,i i. l.Ml,tli, I., a, I rM .!.. (. eyijU-l, it,, ,, r..M5, ' l a-.aM.jtk Ui,uiuisiil4.