v. at a I ttt Denver kio uranoe llMo BARDMAN ITEMtt. TO THB K AST arvss THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND ABD Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W ELDER AMD CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTj In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In cbarpe of experienced oouduotora and porters. To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without chanice via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and Ronton without chanife via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ky. WoiJnoeiUco '-To Bt- Jejh, Kansas City and It tuueMlajs, Ht. Louis without change via Bait Lake and Burlington Eoute. Tlm.t.rtiira To Kansan City and St. Louis with luUradtiyS, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. COMMENCING APRIL 2d nne.nn Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. RAILROAD SCENIC LINK OF THE WORLD Mrs. Levi Sbaner ia lying at tbe point of death. Good ebowera have settled tbe doit and made tbe crops doubly sure. Grain is doing well and tbe farmers are getting ready for a bountiful harvest. Not seeing anything io tbe way of cor respondence from Hardman I tbongbt I would send in a tew items. Stockman are geltiog in tbeir bands. As horses are coming up in price, these ffood reDnblican times, it pays to look after tbem. Since tbe election, war talk has been resumed on our streets. Ibere are several Hardman boys who would like to get in to lick Spain. Anson Wright has taken his bands of sheep to tbe mountains. He baa 5,000 head, rea airing tbe attention of fonr men to care of them. Ed. Pedigo, Clyde and Iven Royse dog oat a ooyote den a short time ago, unearthing an old one witb a lot of cubs Tbe young men reduoed tbe coyote tribe considerably before they completed this job. Tim Hayseed, Hardman, Or., June 13, 1898. LOCAL BQU1BS. left for Portland on A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, lien. pass, at mi. Agi. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt Heppner, Or. vf IMS Steamers Monthly from Portland to Tnknhnma and Hona Kong in con nection witb O. R. & N. For fnll details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, ' Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OBKOOR, Dodwell, Carlill, & Co., Gen'l. Agtt., Nor. Pac 8. S. Co., Portland, vte. HUE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see thBt your ticket reads via mn Mwesiera. line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TOIH IS THE Great Short LiQe between' dulotit, St. Paul, cuicago Published Weekly at AND ALL POINTS EA8T AND SOUTH. Tl,..lr Mamilflnent Track, Pourlnaa Vcstlhuled Dining and Shinning Car Trains, and Motto: 4 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE "ft Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sket ch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communlca Hons strictly oontldontlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patent. Patent taken through Munn A Co. receive Special notlu, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any sclentlflo Journal. Terms, td a year: four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.361Bfflid"t"' New York Branch Oflloe, 626 F St, Washington, 0. C. NOHTH l'ACIPIO Rural Spirits: 1 rov (ESTABLISHED IN 18fi9.) Portland, Or. DKVOTKD TO "at urAVC nM T1MP has Riven this road a national reputation. All (ilassmof IiassennerB carried on the vnttniill trains without extra charue. Htilp your freluht and travel over this famous lino. All agents have tickets. W. I1.MKAD, X R.8AVAGK, Ucn. Ai'iit. , Trav. , K. A P. Agt. '.Jle WashliiKtoil St., Portland, Or, oniOAao milwaufcee & St. Paul B'y Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock T-wl Tupf 'DB most valanb llUU A. 111 1. Unown BciBDOe. A Remarkable Case. The following oase was printed origi oally in tbe Monitor, a newspaper pub lished at Medford, Ontario. Double were raised as to its truthfulness, conse quently a olose watoh was kept on the oase for two years and the original statement has now been completely verified. Mr. Petob had been a hopeless paraly tio for fire years. His case has bad wide attention. He was oonfioed to bis bed, was bloated almost beyond recognition, and could Bot take solid food. Doctors oalled tbe disease spinal solerosis, and all said be could not live. Tbe Canadian Mutual Lite Association after a thorough examination, paid him bis total dis ability olaim of $l,boU, regarding Dim as forever incurable. For three years be lingered in this oonai tion. After taking some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People there was a slight 0 b an g e, a tendeDoy to sweat freely Next came a little feeling in his limbs. Paid His Claim. This extend ed, followed by a pricking sensation until at last the blood began to coarse freely and vigorously through bis body. 8oon be was restored to bis old time health. A reporter for tbe Monitor recently oalled on Mr. Fetch again and was told: Yon may say there is no doubt as to cure being permanent. I am in better health than when I gave you tbe first interview end certainly attribute my cure to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "To tbse pills I owe my release from tbe living death, and I eball always bless tbe day I was induoed to lake them Huoh is the history of one of the most remarkable cases in modern times. In tba fnoe of snch testimony, oan anyone say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not entitled to tbe careful consideration of every snffurer man, woman or child? Is not the esse, in troth, a miracle of modern rnertioiue? These Dills are sold by all drnggists and are considered by thm to be one ot able remedial agents Worth its woight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. BUH8CUIPTION: 9'i (Ml PEH YEAR. Hiimple copies free. JI? 011EGON SHOUT LINE Lly Hnral Spirit and (iagftte 13.00, oasb, at this oflloe. both for qncKF.sT and most direct link to 50 Years.... IN THC Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition 1 mi m ' 1.1. 1 M This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by eleotriolty through out; Uses the otdobratml elootrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped pseseiigor trains evrv day and night between Ht. l'snl and Chicago, ami Omaha and Chicago; the Chlcaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates I C II AS. G. ROBEHTS. iraina, currying "'-" compartment oars, library buffet smok ing ram, and palace drawing room sleepers. Farlor ears, (res reclining chair cars, aod tha very bent dmiug ohalr car service. For lowest rates to any point in the United Mates or Canada, apply to agent or address I Increases Yield of Wool. Knbanrea Value oi Flock. Cheap, Hafe, Han dy, Olsao, Wholesome, Odorieee. OCNCMAL AGCNT. M7 Aah Street, Portland, Orraon. UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIMK. Hvctir tfAD V 4 1 A CHICAGO, 3J ST. LOUIS, 3 J OMAHA, 3 ' salt LAKE, 1 J 4 IIK1TNKK Tl Sold by Minor A Co., HoppiuT, Or. J. W. CASET, Trav. l'aaa. Agent, 0. J. KDDY, Uenerel Agent, Portland, Ot. n mnmin nv i ux lALiriu 111. s TI1UOCOH CARS IX) Mr. PAW. MiNNtaroLiH DIM' 1 11 KAIKIO Kl'TrK UIELKNA TlrkrU Issued to all ixMi.ts In In waited Mates and I alibis. QUICK TlilKTO. CHII'tlMI WlllliM" hi.noN Stm Yas llrrrtui All other ili)ts ia tits :l and Kmt beast Ouatta K CiT Ht. Jiwkrii Nr. It'is IkwMU The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET It tlio plnco to go to got your fine pork wnl lamb cliopa, atcsks autl roasU. FISH EVERY FRIDAY PIim (? nir-t hama and Won. Pr Ul laft. kMle r"di'rt1. old nl. lii(hl ml prtcti lor al sua 1. It EN J. MATUKWS. Keep stieep ana Get iti Till: WOOL HKCOUl) Tail Vm HsU 0 It. FrM ItMlining Chair Cars Upbolstrsd Tourist Bleeping Cars Pullman Palaoa Hlssping Cars For full particulars regarding rates lima of Iraina, etc, call on or addresa J. a IIA11T, Agent O. II k N. Co., Usppoer, Oregon O. O. TlRKV, W. E. OuMAIt, Trav. Pass. Agl. Oao'l Agt lli Third HI., rorllsod, Or. D. W. Hornor Tuesday's train. Wm. Hynd was op from tbe Hjnd pos- eeesions Wednesday last. H. A. Thompson, of tbe firm of Tbom- son & Binns, ia in Portland. Liobteathal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf H. A. Cnpper, wife and daughter are over from Monument for a tew days. Lee Eilbourne and Tom Davidson were in from Gooseberry on Wednesday last. D. Cox thinks that Hinton oreek will have the biggest crop in its history this season. Wm. Whelno, representing Tbe Union Meat Co., was among our merchants Wednesday. John Waddell and Jerry Broeoan were over from Little Hotter creek on last Wednesday. Andrew Rood reports the farmers and etookmen prosperous in the Hardman neighborhood. Painless remedy for extracting leeth. If not bs stated, no otmgea. Try Dr. Vaughao's new plan. 604- tf. Geo. P. Muir is baok from a yisit to bis brother, John, one of tbe reservation farmers, near Pendleton. If you need someth:ng for your system oall at the 'Phone -The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt Mr. Yermilye, representing tbe North ern Paoino land department, was in Heppner Wednesday last. Those who wish to enlist should oall at P. 0. Borg's. He has tbe necessary papers for application to enlist. Mr. J. A. Cook, representing A. Schil ling & Co., ot San Franoisoo, visited tbe merchants of Hoppner and lone yester day. Mr. W. H. Humphrey departed for 111 waoo, Wash., on Wednesday. Mrs. Humphrey will visit her sister, Mrs. 0. D. Glover. Cbas. Jones writes bis wife that he has departed for tbe interior of the Alaskan seotion, in company with Cbas. Boudry and Millard Frenob. Dorio Lodge No. 20, E. of P., is having quite a boom. Work next Tuesday night in the first, seoond and third ranks will oause a large attendance. 0. E. Reese, tbe old branch fireman, but who bas long sinoe been promoted to engineer, has J. A. Pattersou's plaoe during tbe letter's visit to Portland. Be not deceived! A cough, hoarsoess or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Hbiloh's Cure will save yon much trouble. Sold by Conser & Warren. v E. M. Sbutt.of tbe Times, left Wedces day evening for Antelope, to be absent several days on business. Geo. Thorn ton bas charge of the paper during Mr. Hhutl's abseuce. Ladies, take the best. It you are troubled w ith constipation, sallow skin. and a tire j feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it is pleaesut to take. Sold by Conser & Warren. v Tbe readers of the Gazette will note that tbe ' 1 offioial returns", published in our last Tuesday's issue, are oorreet having been revised. He sure to save that issue for future reference. Mrs. May Gates is in Heppner sod may leave for Idaho, to be at the bedside ot ber father, B. A Hunsaker, who is quite ill, this week. She is awaiting the receipt ot a letter from bur people, and theu will decide. Lisbe Uendrix is running a ranch up near UarJman and is doing wen. us was down to Heppner this week and looked cheerful. Tbeodtimera oso re member when Lisbe was one ot tbe salthlest cattlemen in this seotion Tbe Gaaotte la informed that tbe opposition to lbs republicans was swiped oil tbs face ot tbs earth out in tbe Eight Mile and Gooseberry seotion, by the re publicans who eleoted Tom W. Morgan judge aod Jake Young, ooustable That wsa an unrxpsoted vlotory but none lbs lews appreciated. E. O : J. II. Kinsman, formerly a Morrow county stockman, but recently a resident of Kansas, has returned aod ia determined lo settle dowo in Oregon for good. lie says that there baa been so much rain In Eastern Kansas this year that do corn hat yet been planted, Iboogb in tba western part tba farmers bava beo mora fortunate, aod tbs grate is np aod doing well (SHE LIKES OREGON. Mary Ellea Ltaie Will Make Orr;oa Ber Permanent Borne. From the E. O. Mary Ellen Lease is to make ber hon 0 in Oregon. Some time ego a number of ber admirers living io Minnesota pre sented ber witb a borne in tbat state. It was expected she would stay there the rest of ber life, bet Mar Lease baa evi dently changed ber mind. During her sojourn in Portland this year she met J. Adam Bede, tbe sound mocey democrat, who took part in tbe Oregon campaign , ... ,i . . id amense 01 ine goia sisuuaru. mrp. Le&t-e and Mr. Bede are well acquainted, and meeting bim at tbe Imperial she in formed him ot ber intention of making ber home in Oregon, as she could not stand the ilgorous climate of Minnesota. 1W i"i jyi miv irii 'h. WOOL SEUSE. Listen to this. You have wool to sell You nt to selllt where - m m m MaMiiamatff aaWUHM W WknV ?J?ZiinA reouirements. We have the , it a unci, at t.in , There is more catarrh in this Beotion of the oountry than all other diseases put together, and until tbe last few years was supposed to be incurable, lor a great many years doctors pronounoed it a looal disease, and prescibed looal rem ediee, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it in ourable. Soienoe bas proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tesspoonful. It aots directly on tns blood And mucous surfaoe of tbe system. They offer one bundled dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHEENY & CO., Toledo. 0. flkT"9old by Druggists, 75o. buai location and thm moat commodloua woof lofta in this market. Evary manufacturer In thm country know oiilrm nd knows that be can oat what ha wants from aw. We sell ' him direct. We make llbaral advancaa ou wbu. charge only at tha rata ot S pat- cant, pa annum on money thus advanced. Sacks furnished free. v Wo Handle 15,OOOfuuu ns. or num tw Onr circular letter keeps you posted on market conditions. tv ht 1u.11 until von hear from us. Better write to-oay. mt, CHICAGO, ILL. SILBERMAN BROS. I . A Temperance Lectnre. An Indiana grooer prints the follow itig in bis ciroalar, addressed to patrons: "Notioe is hereby giveo that it you will come to my store three times a day dur ing tbe next year and purchase a drink of whisky eaoh time, paying 10 cents a drink, at the end ot tbe year I will do nate five barrels of my best flour, 100 pounds ot fine granulated sugar, 100 pounds of rice, 10 pounds ot ooffee, 10 pounds of beans, 10 gallons ot syrup, 50 yards of calioo, three pairs of shoes, one $10.50 cloak for your wife and then I will have 820 left to pay tor tbe liquor you drank." THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LCNG TROUBLES AMU WBSUMri CAN BE CURED. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Benders. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial. lung and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal afleouons, general deolice and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (nil different) ot his New Dis ooveries to Buy afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them, His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bss oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed bv anv modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and oon sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt Free Pills. Send your address to H . E. Buckleo & Co., Chioago, and rb a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you ot their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the oure of constipa tion and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir notion, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tbe system. Regular size 25o per box. Sold by Slocum Drug Co., E. J. Slocum, manager. letters ot grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured iu all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy aod oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOEYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia how prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioea of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of .druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oouoty work, or any sort of book bind ing work tbat you bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a obarity ooncern cut it you will give us a ohanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. . Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from . home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and ooods. This is good doctrine. W are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 5C0-tf MEN! K Call at tbe poetoffice and see a copy of the piotnre of "Tbe Aocolade". This is given to every subscriber to tbe Bed Cross fund. A dollar is asked from each person, to be used in care of wounded and sick soldiers and Cubans. Tbe pic ture alone is worth the money. To Turn JoullciUon Forerrr. TtikoCatiCftietg Cuuoy Cutlmrtic. loc orSSO. If C. C. C. lull to cure, tlrufcuikta refuuJ money. Te earam. 15th inst: T. A. Itliea, a WW I Morrow oouuty stockman, ia in Portland, baying his eyes doctored. Yesterday be submitted to tbe operation ot having an excrescence out off the ball ot bis lelt eye, without tbe use of anesthetics. Tbe surgeons were ontting at tbe eyeball for nearly half an boor. Weekly Kiraraioua la Thruutin Cars to tns East. Another through tourist oar to tba East bas been arranged to run out ot Portland, giving four each week. Here after the car lerviug Monday will run through without ohaoga to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. tt. k N., Ore- goo Short Line, Rio Orande Western, Deover k Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Alton. Tbat oar baa just been arranged tor, and tba on previous ly scheduled for Monday baa been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Missouri Ptolflo line. Tbe oar leaving Portland Tueaday goea tbroogb to Boston, and ia promoted by tha Cnioago, Rock Island and Paotrio. Wednesday's ear runa to Bi. josepn, Kansas City and Hi. Louis, over tbe Burlington. All these special through cart are receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult O. R. k N. Agent before buying tickets to tha Last. can cured If vou suffer from anv of the i ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, j DR. JORDAN & CO.. J 061 Market St Est'd f8E2. Young men and roldv'.lo , a ureu men who aresuuenng 1 from the effects of vouthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical I?blllt.T,Iinpleny,IOMt Mattttood ( inaUitHComplimtions: Mneriiiatorrhwa, lroaiatorrlWa. Joiiorrhun. Ulert, , W rrqiifiiry of llrinnllnv, etc. By a combination of remedies, of crem curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged hU treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor dnes not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair ( and square Physician and Sureeon, pre-eminent in hirecialtv If leilHPfS nr nipn rVyphllU thoroughly prfwllontwl IroOJ the VMtHin uithoiitimliitf IHfri'urvi Mt.Ki fi applying 10 mi win . 06ive our hnneH tj)inUm of hinrnmplfilnt. ti e will guarantee a ru&rn v& vuicn in i every case we undertake or forfeit One xiionnana lrnuars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASON A ISLE. Treat ment personally or Dy letter. Send for book. UNION f THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Eat and Southeast VIA THE t R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEKPKBS. PULLMAN TOUKIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIB CABS. Portland to Chicago Without Change Oniok Timo. I nion llopota. PerHonally Conducted Excursions. Bhckhso Checked to Declination. Low Hatos. Direct line to Tmni-MiniBinii and Inter national Kxpoeition held at Omaha, Nebraaka, Jane to November, Write nndereiimed for rates, time tablet and other information pertaining to Union Pacifio U. K. R. W. BAXTEK, or J. C. HAlvr A(rt., Gen. Airt.. lHR 8d St., O. K. & N. Co., Portland, Or. Hoppner, Or. The I'hlloBophy of Blarrlace,' A valuable book lor men.) free. TIMIT DS. jOBDAHU Great Museum of Anatomy i the 6nest and largett Muieumof iu kind in tha world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made; how to avoid aickoeu and disease. We are continually addinflr new fpecimen. VATALVUUK t tit. IF. call or wnia. t ' 1081 Market Street. San Francitce, Cat. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE H. REED A I . . A. O. OaiLVIE f Vwmion. SPOKANE FALLS NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tha Only All-Rail Route Witbont Cbauga ot Cars Between Hpokaue, Rosslaod aod Nelson. Also between Nelson aod Rosslaod, daily eicept fluodsy: Leav. Arrive. SOI A. M Hpokane S;40 P. M. 1H A. M femland I:0 . M. 1U0 A.M Nloo Ml P. M. Cl we connection, at Nelixm with Haulm tor Kaaln, and all Kootenai Lake points. I'BMeniritn fof'Kttl hirer and Poundarf teak connect at arena wiui sum daily. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Foaiill (W mile)... ,500 Bound trip ID 00 Muyvllle (M mlle). 400 Round trip 700 Condon (W miles).. S 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 uillca).... 200 Round trip S90 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip t Ml Btaee leavea Arlington every mornirjir (Sunday eioepted) at 6 o'clock; is dua ai uonnon ai 3 p. ni. ana arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaohes aod ears. tul, experienced drivers. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Control. Baled hay tor tale. Charge reaannahla. Call on bim and have vour horns wail eared lor. "The IWalor Line" Be Mt IVLdI I Astoria Nitiptioa ft TSLA.VCXXtSI 'OAlltS Cllt" A0 RICUIATQ' nrvadlally Mrvaa. (Jet) Is: I was dreadfully nervous, and tor relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quisled my nerves and strength ened my wbole nervous system. I was troubled witb eouatipetton, kidney and bowel trouble. Vour Tea toon cleansed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health aod atrengtb. Mrs. 8. A. Hweel, Hartford, Coon. So I J by Conser k W arret), v Cor J ray, tbe pioneer tbeatreman of Portland in tke line of "popular prices ," bas rtutted the Wastington Ht. theatre, formerly known as the "New Tark." fVinlrav alwava bas something new, aod our people, when below, can spend pleasant evening al ma piaoe, 11 TW0 SPLENDID TBBIHS DH1LT TO THE EAST VIA P) U11L4V m i) 11 0 i OLA II I) M li OIJTE t'nioo tVpol enoaeHtone atHt. I'anl, Mlnneapolia, Kanaas City, tlmatia, HI. buiia and lber pmmi- sent Hnats llaVk'Sge ebrke. through ki distillation t. Ihket. Through II. kls to J a pas anJ China, via Taeoma and Northern I'n i8 Heain ship Couipaay's Una. Y t full h f .rmatli.n.tuua ear Umapa, tmk eta, etrt.. sail i or write yr, l. An?, A I 'ltii, an m. I , jT. 'ien. Teas, Agt "JIllV ' fofHapJ.Or It a ircial artacgamenl we utta to oor res. Ics The Wool llfcord and Heml-Weekly Oaaelte, one year fof I I Ul. Tbe Win.) lUeord le the only oalumal wool etgaa and evers the wl lodietry Icom the raialng of lite sheep te the sell ing rf ths maaufaetared eillele. tl is pqtillahail weekly at Mw Tok as. I the rqif ptiee te liisi a year. IieasaikM rVotla are lull i I e.'ii'P e and l' Hi..p iie,l.r." lam al . are w.-ttb il Un.mm ti rlfe id ti .(wf . Hantle e M4 on S I l.'-.l.'-e. Usbitiiy rnvtouiaa 1 li r".lt- rommenrtiis Monday. May 2nd. the eleemers of the Ketrnlslor Ltoe will leave rotlland al u:W a, m. an. I The DalleealHJUa.nl. When yoa go tt TortUnd. stop off at Tl.e Kilo aod tskea trip down the Olorobta; yoa will enjoy it, and save motiey. W. a AM. A WAT, Oroeral Ageol. QUZOIC TIIVtM t Sun lninolftoo 1 all tt.uUt al. tiiU NU mh Southern Fuciuo Co IV. t kiliv (ewati ralitnraia to ai l .r.t aM bmm Kf Ih. V4a . falliMM Naflwl liium SMnt.l I MaM tilM InninM ltu a. S .f tni t r. MHk (Kha. mumMKa eat raaavwii.. a. t MlkK. . ..-r r " Wtevi'iv. Tbe Palles Chronicle: Miss Lena Saell left Himlsy for ber boms In Olei, where e'ie will remain during the sum mer Btontbs. Io Heplemlier she will aHept a position lo Ibe public eobooU In IU pner. Miss enell has been a teacher io The lel!eeerbiols for some time, aod bss glveo entire satiefartioo. Both the dirrtr ao J iouooI chlldreo, as well as ber unmereons friends, are sorry to see I br leave, aod wish ber sufeeas Id her new peilio. A TM.l tne m. A trattiarl ton Iu whit It voilt aluml In. It a tii.n lilliOM.reaa, a, k bratl l. I'.r r?nl tioi. I . er, lev muX S IboueauU oil er I . are tnt bv ronatliHtHon ami .lurv'.h hfrr t'eeal4dv I 'at hartta. the) " tl. rl.it new l.ver .umtilai.l and Intra maj mm 1 ; n UrifHrtW IUIM UafMaltWaere. i.uiM a-atrli. In. anlklf atewtwd. a. vnta at tm-v "f hv i l ! wmp Iw. T ;'' It BHtnlir n"S e .inn eu. .tew laiav.v orrzoxjkXi Rocky Mountain Limited Lmivm I'KNVHt, . i a. nu t nwi, Hi'RIMiS . . Hen. Arriwa 1.1V I-N . . lltep-m. 1 1 M IM . Iia.m. irH WOlNFH . . SHa.m. - lKM'tUU . . a. m. " MIKAWO . . 111p.m. Sett Da? Thmnah Hle. and Chaif Car rotarailtt to IMnm MKI e-tllul. tliniOitli.OU The OiimH tntia la lh w M. Colorado Flyer leaves nr-xvrn " MiM HI'UINUH Arrive TtH'KK A HA.Naan CITY l p. m. . a. mu it a. a. r. KT. IM IH, (Wah. K (IS p. Arrive. HT 1WVVH I.IMOI..S irtHun) " OMAHA tKiboj,) 1 en a. m. t a. aa. -'-o a. m. lo IH. Umis Th'raifh H!rin Ctdnradu gprj vU vt abatdi H. These are New Trains in addition to our former service, fur rwrticuUrs and folder (ivins lint of lha tr'o. write . m , risiTM, ..-u- Ai . l' NVl'll C. A. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. rH VVaf H0Sll. e Nvy, all den. ! f 4. IUIII1 DCU b.nh. ar- by .11 dn, .i. r;" CT....h.r:.Vl iw noMMr rettmit . C I- era a ear I fc rw,, ,,, baiUt'l sad booklet Inw. IWI . I IK uur Ug ed. 1 1 (Hi HKWAUUl Will tie paid for toformalioa) leading lithe aereal and foovklfn f any per h at. aiiiig eIU I ranJ - I " VI U eoo tteelfd C3 I. VTsddle 00 IU Onae HrrtOS. H.nlMhlia ete I'oftia.t ami liHunpnian Itrarv ei dall .fnntlieul orltrwr. Heaflv ' auto, viiiiiine. .fT.wni.i, t ,. Ntl aiillteiittr, nlh. lal !- Autl"'! 11 1 mm ..m,1.! ut a. eenllemea. w mrr ,n U-.-rt i.l..n ! BtM In tantatta. ClUT tf.n aiw ea(.livl I i rntreert'odMH ileftlitl aUine, to U. tHir t " "' no and Sntl tha Seid laraa .? V.e la enlm. Inw with ht-k witnt tithav vlU r.Bii. ,, 1f.iK.Mwi a,llr Hurt a.kef ' H'wat I""".. .. .,. ,.-., M.'!.r l-t f UT 1 ert.iv .Ui. rrv lU ittvn r.t. t -l-l "'1 t'k ,11.-1-...! to f e, in.)i.1 Mint .. iMitet a t l"U itr... i.- in i-f nmeJfwol ... ..'... M- ii-itt Hi' On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon s IT IM MJtfcMi: tiooip e e New f?i&J, CM U-.tnl LsUltg, 1 fVrujvl Iv" tiu0 CV, 0Bt K.Ch'if I".