Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment but Now They are , Mealed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My loot and limb becamo dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins ot this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against Borne object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me bo much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was 'completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mes. A. E. Gimon, Hartland, Vermont. 7 Sarsa- 9 pariila Isthfc best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood food's Pilla cure all liver ills. 25 cents. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE U.OO and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, If 1.50 3.oo " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 a. 7 5 ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 ' 8. P. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 3.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25 Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1,80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school TO a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:1(1 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The lastor may be found at the jminonai?e ad. joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any w"o may desire to consult hiui on religious, social, civio, philosophic, educational, ot any other subincts. J. W. FLESHER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. ra., 7 p. m., class uitrcuiiK loiiowinx morning service. Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let ua forsake not the assembling of our selves toepther." rumor resilience in parsonage, next aoor to , t Pastor. CHRI8TIAN CHUKCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. L. tiiiEu.Y. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. 1, l'ne sum ot nve rent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of rttspect," lists ol wedding present and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whateverpurpose. 2. Notices of church and society aud all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We tall away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not fear; And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries the Oregon volunteer. With Ilcwcy bold to lead us, and Old Glory In the sky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Bpcrry's Lin wood rye. Hold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Fpcrry, proprietor. If i'be Gazette ii uol heralding its oom iog with brass band bal its circulation oan be determined at tbe Heppner post offloe. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. Sea M. Liclitentbal k Co. for shoes, a Guinoesse's famona old "Dublin Btool," itrjpor led, at Gbris Dorohera' If Statemeuta (or tbe Famous Simple Aooonot File printed at tbe Gazatte ot to, tf. R. B. Siaofleld came in from Prudle- too, on bis wheel, late last Tuesday avsoiog. Beat Moommo'lstion and ooarteons treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. His., Portland, Oregon. Brine jour bides, pelts aod furs to Ben. Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat Jacket. He pa highest market prloe. CliMf. E. O. Noble A Co. ere rustlers after businf m. Tri finest eedJIt i aod bar De to be found io lleptner. 8a tbelr new ad in tbia issue. tf. F. C. Martin, representing Tbe Mutual lb-eery) Faud Life Co, of N York, aooompanied by L)r. iiimlook, visited Lone .turk laal week. J as. Dongbstly, bo, with bil brother, Bulla, emigrated from Morrow to Wall. . wa eonnly tome ye are ago, arrived tiers last Taraday and ill remain a Urn data Dyepepeta enred. M.ilob's Vital iter Immediately relieve mur stomach, com log up of food distress, abd i the graet kidney and liver remedy. W ild by Cin r k Werr.u. If V"J want to liflp a gixid cue. eoUiiribe a J.dier 1 1 tb- Udd Crues laud. Joe Willieiae bs tbe list, end will are tbal it g' lur tb relif of all k atd wonaded "l llnr and Cuban. A On plolur gtvea to every SQb.efih.r. L)r, Juba W. lUmue. of lb "Ced llgbt,H ever eu tb elwl for snmetbmg a.w.ean furnish you tb Cheat ck tails tc t Uol-Menbeo, Jery, Vernioatb or (Jio-mede by an ariiat In tb bnia. "p lo and Uk lb teste out of j'nr rnmtb. tf Jas. Jonee ia in Portland this week. Aaron Templeton is in from Wagner. Call for Fred Krug to saw Jour wood. 49tf What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. Bee ad. elsewhere. Bob McGooBgill is nursing n big boil which is causing him trouble. Joe Hayes, jr., and Jeff Hayes were in from Lone Bock the first of this week. Vawter Crawford returned this morning from a visit to bis relatives at Waitsburg. Nat Soott, one ot Lone Rook's well-to- do sheepmen, was in Heppner on last Wednesday. J. H. Riohardeon, the bioyolo man, left lost night for Portland, to be absent several days. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and detects ot tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr "Co'n juice" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 14-yenr-old goods thst is bBrd to beat. 603 -If. Tbe "Maine Memorial" entertainment, at the opera house on last Wednesday evening, was well attended and a com plete saooess. Dr. Margarita Garnsey was called to Portland Wednesday to consult in a oase at the Good Samaritan hospital. She will return late this week. It is intended that an exposition will be held in Portland this fall. Work to that end is in progress, B. S. Pagae and others having taken the matter in band. Dr. W. G. Davidson, an ooulist who viBited Heppner last winter, aud who made many friends during his stay, ia here agnin in tbe practice of bis profession. Mr. T, B. Whitney has taken charge ot tbe Hotel Heppner. Mr. Whitney has had a great deal of experience in the ho tel business at Truokee, Calif., and else where. Cure that congh with Shiloh's Care. The best oougb cure. Kelieves oronp promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doees for 25ots. Sold by Con ser & Warren. v The Gazette carries a full stock of mourning note, correspondence style, with envelopes to matoh. Those desiring such stationery oan have their wants supplied at this office. tf. Earl's Clover Root Tea is'a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, Durifies the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy make and pleaBant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser & Warren. v M. B. Goldstein, representing The Pa olfio E:k, ia in town. Mr. Goldstein has been conneoted with theater ci roles for many years, and was for two years man ager of tbe grand opera house at Cripple Creek, Colo. Tne oonncil ia agitating tbe matter of a trail for sheep and cattle, to rnn throngb the Hnllock addition, io the west part of town. This is mncb needed to prevent driving them through tbestreete of Heppner. Word came down from Hardman yes terday mnrnlns ennonnoing the death of Mrs. Levi Sbaner, at her home near Hardman at 4 o'clock tbal morning Tbe interment will oconr today at tbe Hardman cemetery. H. A. Murphy and wife, of Monument, met Mrs. Mary Murphv, mother of Mr Murphy, here yesterday morning, on ber arrival from a visit to Wood Carter and wife, at Huntington, Or. Mrs. Carter is Mrs. Mary Morphy'i daughter. Tbe Gazette will olnb with tbe Oregon Senator, the great Pytbian paper of Ore, gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for (2.75 forMhe two. Tbe Senator is all right. No Knight of Pytbiaa should be without it. tf. The wool market la qniet. Bnyere wonl J offer 7 to 11 cents if it were of any avail, bat growers bave deoided to bold their wool witb the certainty that prices will be very ma oh better in the near fa tare. The uncertainty of the duration of tbe war is Laving it effect. It yon want the latest war news, tbe freshest local happenings, city or oonntry, get tbe Gazette, semi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage helps make a paper. Compare it with those of other towo tbe siz of Heppner and tbe Gazette will not suffer Ibereby. if J. W. Banister is down from Weston. Mitchell is to have a new paper, it ii said. Hugh Fields has returned to Brownsville. Fred Bartholomew Is getting better rapidly. Wilson Brock Is Improving his Hay street home. Sam Teed is on the sick list and Is being cared for by the county. Rank work at the Knights of Pythias hall on Tuesday night next. O. E. Farnsworth reports the hay crop the best for many seasons. Earl McFarlaud has a very sore hand, the re sult of contact with a nail. Wm. Gordon has purchased the Central feed yard, near the Hotel Heppner. Mrs. O. L. Moar, of Boise, sister of Phill Cohn, is visiting her relatives here. Billy Dunn is reported as very 111 with typhoid fever, in one of the Portland hospitals. Sheriff Wilcox succeeds himself in Gilliam county and he 1b the only democrat elected. The latest report from Gilliam county gives S. G. Hawson the representativeshlp by nine votes. Dr. L. W. 8anders, a veterinary surgeon of Baker City, is here In the practice of his profes sion. A dogfight on Main street Wednesday created more excitement than Dewey's victory at Manila. The wire has arrived at Heppner for the Canyon City-Burns extension of the Blue Mountain telephone. Frank Roberts accompanied the DePeatt sis ters, the secularists, over to their Haystack ap pointments the first of the week. A sllght.jurposely inflicted, may be a Chris tian act, but the Gazette is very certain that hell is paved with Buch Christianity. Wheat has apparently ttruck bottom at 62 cents per buBhel. It is confidently expected that it will go back to the old figure and even higher. The wire for the Inland Telephone Co.'s Heppner exchange has arrived. Heppner is preparing to put on airs with two local tele phone companies. Miss Rllla Thompson is quite ill at the home of her father, Mr. Oscar Thompson, on Big Bujter creek. Dr. McSwords was called to at tend her yesterday. Fred Stewart, who is spending the summer here, did not attend the Corvallis school last year, as reported In the Gazette's last issue. He 1b a Forest Grove student. Mac Smith and a stranger from lone became involved In a scrap in Heppner, one day this week, over Bone remarks made by the stranger about some ladles, resulting in Mac doing 117.50 worth of work on the visitor's anatomy. The following are the justices and constables of Morrow county: W. A. RlchardBon, D. H. Jenkins, T. W. Morgan, C. T. Walker, W. B. Mc Allster, justices; G. 8 Gray, C. M. Spencer, J. 8. Young, Walter Cason, C. C. Boon, constables. PEKSS COMMENT. AGENTS WANTED At the Hospital. Judge Bartholomew returned from P.irtland this morning where he had been to place Henry Berkley In the Good Samaritan hospital. The boy has been Buttering from white swelling, or something resembling it, for the paBt two years. the result of a kick from a horse, and treatment became necessary to save the boy's life. Hit father being financially unable to stand the cost of same, the citizens here subscribed the necessary money. The Entertainment. The following program was rendered at the opera house on last Wednesday evening, at the Maine Memorial" entertainment: Piano solo America Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew. Nocal solo "Cuba Should Be Free' Miss Elsie Avers. Recitation "The Maine' Miss Thressa Flesher. Duct "Larboard Watch' Messrs. Howard and Hirnnnl. Solo and chorus "Star Spangled Banner' Mrs. h. J. Slocum and octette. Tableaux! "Cu.V,? n'iRVe1'. I "Cuba Freed Kecnation.."our Heroes Hhall Not Die In Vain' Miss Kva Brians. Quartette "Flag Without a Stain' Messrs. Howard, Shipley, Howard and Galloway. Address by Rev. J. W. Flesher. Vocal solo "Remember the Maine' Mrs. E. J. Slocum, "Tenting On the Old Camp Group" Chorus "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean Octette. Piano solo Selected Mrs. H. W. Hartho ornnw. Tableaux "America' Red, White and Blue Lunch. Not Necessarily What the Gazette Thinks bat the Opinio of Others. Tbe Portland Oregonian, in its zeal t) uphold it financial idea, as inspired by ex Senator Corbeltaod tbe other "heavy capitalists" and big money lenders ot the oountry, attributes the late republi can victory in the eleotion in Oregon to a preference ot the voters for "sound money", as tbe Oregonian defines it. The San Franoisoo Chronicle, another leading republican jonrnal, has a better idea and a more correotone of tbe causes leading np to tbe result ot the eleotion. The Chronicle says: "There is no valid reason wby the republican viotory in Oregon should be oredited to anything else than tbe obvious cause. The result did uut come or a financial campaign, for tbe isdtid ot 1806 bad bat a perfunctory place in the debutes. It was influenced, o doubt, by the Kood times; but the conception of loyalty to tbe government in tbe person of the administration en gaged in oarrying on the war bad most to do with tbe rolling np of the republi can majorities. The patriotism of tbe eople oust the victorious ballot." Tbia is a reasonable view of tbe victory and at the same time tbe oorreot one. The money question" barely influenced the res a It, if at all. The voters of Oregon felt that tbe republican party, as it was in power, should be supported so long as tbe nation was at war, and since times were comparably good in Oregon there were all the more grounds for them to vote as tbey did. The "gold fanatics'' who pretend otherwise have method in their madoess. The "gold oure" is onlv aored ,to those who bundle, hoard and manipulate tbe yellow metal, and use it as an implement to wrest "something for nothing" from those who oarrv on ndustry aud enterprise and perform productive work. East Oregonian. About the best and brightest explana tion of tbe result ot the Oregon election comes through the Dayton Cbroniole: A silver republican of Dayton was asked it be had beard from Oregon. He replied: 'Oh h , no party oan beat a war and dollar wheat!" That is just it. the re publican party being in power at a time when wheat was selling at a stiff prloe and a war with a foreign oonntry was in progress, the majority ot tbe Oregon voters rexittered their support for it. It was ce -dlesa to ask them to do other wise; it whs unreasonable to expect soy other result ut the polls. E. O. Edward Hireob.who has been appoin t ed postmaster at Salem, is an ex-state treasurer of Oregon. He served one term in tbe state senate from Marion couuty. At tbe session ot 1803 be sought tbe republican crocus nomination for president of the senate against 0. W Fnlton, of Astoria, and was defeated. Oregonian. Took "Frenrn Leave". On last Tuesday Foster Adams, on behalf of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, filed a com plaint against Mrs. Rosa Mikesell, widow of the late Alva Mlkesell who recently shot his wife and then killed himself, charging her with be lng an unfit person to care for her 5-year-old daughter. The child was taken from her mother and preparation were made to put It In the care ol the society. But the mother willed otherwise. The child wandered down town from John Foster', where it was being cared for, and that was the last seen of It Rumor has It that the mother and child wer passengers on Wednesday's down train, getting on atsome station below Heppner. and that at present they are at Walla Walla. A a matter of fact, th child ought to be to different hands. Gil K AT DISCOVERIES. Frank MoFarland ba bren appointed ipeoial agent of The Equitable Life A saranoe Co ot New York, the strongest In tbe world. Cash surplu to policy holder of over 60 millioc dollar. Don't take Insnreooe without seeing tbe new plni of the Equitable. Insure both teie at same rate. 77tf lieslde keeping the largest assort ment ot coJie, fruit, cigar and notion to be fonnd anywhere in the city, J a. Hart i now able to supply you witb Ih Portland dailies and all the magazine and periodicals, both for eign and domestic. If yon want read ing matter, give Jim call at tbe Hepp ner Csndy Factory. 30 If. J. H.Oanll.e nn of D. M. C. Ganlt. bol editor aod proprietor of th Inde pndnt, of Hillshoro, arrived from IVO'lMon Wednesday on tit wheel, and will pnd hi vacatino at l work Io tht viainitr. II i g"ol farm h 'nd, I bandy with tool anil can run an engine. Any person wanting a firl-el man will pli eall at lias i.ftl. . Mr. lisillt tttilad rollega at (Vnvlis Ut winter, but will eoW lb Kngsne niil vrrUy neit yar. li ia quia foot ball oitiiit and say bar I labor will put blrn io enndiMon f r next s-on . For the life ot Wm. E. Gladstone, by John Clark RiJpatb, LL. D , the most celebrated orator and statesman of modern times. His brilliant genius and remarkable character; bis grand achieve ments as leader and prime minister; bis magnificent triumphs in great political strnegleepncluding his famous speeches, striking incidents, personal anecdotes, etc Many superb phototype engravings. Over 650 pages. Only $250. Splendid oanvassing outfit with valuable pre mium, terms and full instructions sent free for 36 cents in stamps to cover post age. Most liberal terms guaranteed. Twenty days credit. Freight paid. Agents making $5 to $30 a day. Be first in tbe field. Order outfit today. Ex perience not necessary as everybody wants it. Mention this paper. Monroe Book Co., Dep't. J., Dearborn 81., Chicago. 57-64 TUB LITTLE WIFE AT HOME. "I well-nigh dispalred", said a sailor bold, In recounting a shipwreck sore, "And was tempted often ta loosen my hold, And go down in the crash and roar; But a dear, sweet Image before me grew, Star-like o'er the running foam, And I still hung on, as was only due To the little wife at home." "A roof of my own, a leisure hour, And congenial tasks have 1," Said a noted person of mental power, "My aims have been pure and high; But I fancy that, with much to win, I had still been lured to roam Amid barren ways, if It had not been For tho little wife at home." 'Tis a sentiment one so often hears, In manly confessions free, As to doem it to almost all careers The mysterious master-key. The merchant, his clerk, skilled labor, un skilled, The sage in his thought-crammed homo, Alike attest to the high place filled By tbe little wife at home. Then wise be your choice as forth you faro Oh, youth, on the world's broad tide, It's the brightest breast-jewel that man can wear, His talisman and his pride; Naught vies with It if you choose aright, On earth or in starry dome, And a treasure oi beauty aid joy and light Is the little wife at home. Lde Vernon. NEW GOODS That have come in just lately. Some exquisite patterns in summer wash goods Percales, Zephyrs, Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties. In the Shoe Department ".....There has been some new arrivals VERY STYLISH FOOTWEAR One line to sell at $2,50 Another sells at $3.50 Still another sells at $4.00 Educate Your Bowels With Cascareta. Candy Cathartic, oure constipation forever. lOo. II C. C. C. fall, druggista refund money. l, . tM .k I -. L-l tf. I Yea Ks4 Mb at p-o(.l am eaying a'l'Hit (! Paraapariliar It ia curing lb worst paaHi ol aorrifiila. dvt-pla. rbstiniaiww nd all frfti,S"( b!o I d !, ernpti tt. ofp U.ils an I pitnplrti. It i giving strength to wak and tired women. Wby sl.onld t h-iUI lo takf it wbrn it ia tit an mnfh) to nthrwf ond'a f i!U t' tt fault father- cj irt tooie, (lert'e, Ai Age of Wonrtrrs, and They Knrm Nrvrr to Oan. Want the 10 s Kevral. This Is the age of parasites bacteria. They compose the air we breathe aud seem to be av cry where and in everything. It used to bo a common thing to attribute most eases ol consump'lon to hereditary Ulnts, Even Insurance companies recngnlted the dan' gor of Insuring one who had "a bad ancestry or, In other worils. w hrwe family had been di mated by the ravages ol consumption. The In relation of the microscope and thedlsroverleaol science have well nigh dissipated the anclen Ideas ol our falhers. Hclenra trailics that oners a Inherit a weak etied system and a narrow rln-st, but that II dora not mean that consumption must be tl fata of children born of cnnsmnptlva parents It does suggit, however, that tlinse who av frail Iramea must take rare that the system nut "run down"; that It Is si rung m rlrrum BUnt-M will prtnlt, full of vigor that hralt and rlrh blond must give. Tb best ot habits and good, nutritious fund will kcp th system j In spli-ndld condition to mill the attacks ol Ihe foul burrllll H lb hxalth Is bad tlis healthy lung germs bronma diwncraU-d, and ths bae rllil ifasten on, tbrlva and multiply. Tha ten. der lungs sl nn and ths patient starts on Ihe downward waul to eoiisuinptlon. To pri-rrnt consumption Is mm h easier thsn to cure It, as many a poor patlnit has loarnsd hen too lata. Ihnsawho are slrk and who by tiaturaara weak and May to feel tha alt is ol thus trautilM I blent lo r-hsnr of wthrr, who gp bilious In wsrm weather and list rr truutil. sh.iiild t all 011 r 'iariiai y. Him m tin! l His madf from herl In all h"T Irralmi nt r(dlai-at ani sllin-nla Ihry Im-im-M Ithoul Injuring tha weakviml i) lm. H ra. Iiarr.arf hart' lor her mrdl. Inn, only, and f"f lu or a treatment, rotnniuil'.n and dlMo raaaa fnw of all rbarg. Mrs, (iartiavy gw Ui Ui mn nl ry hn de tlfl. (!;, lno iln.rt south ol the l'sla liotl, ilap"r. a Judge R. P.BoiBe, wbo baa been elect ed a cirouit judge in tbe third judiuial district, ia 79 yeara old. He oonBidere bimeelf young enough to ive creful consideration to tbe multitude of detaile oonnected witb a judicial position. Jndge Sbattuck, wbo. io big old aue. is retiring from tbe circuit beucU In Molt nomah county, ia a tew years younger tbao 3 ndge tioiee. Fifty years ago Judge Boise was admitted to tbe bur in Mass a- ohueetta. lie oame to Oreiroo in 1851, and iu the following year was oliosen prosecuting attorney for bis dietriot Sinoe tbeo be bas been successively code commissioner, member of the cons ti lu tional convention, supreme judge and circuit judge. Judge Boise was. for many years, a sterling repnblican, bat a few yeara auo be went over to tbe eoe my. Oregonian. Arthur Hodges bai been re-elected clerk of Crook county. lie defeated tbe republican and union candidates. Mr Hodges is a sold demoorab Bo far as Tb Oregonian is able to learn. Mr Bodges is tbe only gold democrat wbo baa beeu eleoted to office la the West, and one of the few that bave been eleoted io tbe United btates. After all tbe edo catiooal work io tbe East io tbs interest ot the gold standard, it remained for an Oregoo "cow oounty" to distinguish it self io tbe line ot recognizing aod re- warding ability and sound policy io a democratic offJee- bolder. Boston bas mora people tbao Crook county bas ebeep (.')ifl,(K0), yet it is doubtful whether a gold democrat running on bis merits aod rgainat republican and fusion nominees, In the Hub ot the Uuiverse would be as siinoeeaful as Mr. Hodges baa beeo 00 the bunchgraas plaiua of Crook ooooty Oregonian. II HI ( llOKH H.M. Thousands me Trying it. Iu ordor to prove tlij great merit of Ely's Croaiu Balm, lh3 most efloctive cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a gonoroua trial size for 10 contg. Gut it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY B?v03., C5 Yarroa St., N. Y. City. I sulored from catarrh of tho wort kind ovor siuco 11 boy, u 1 nover hoped for euro, but Lly .s Cream J iiliu teems to a even Hint. M my acquaintances havo naed it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruui, dj Warren Ave., Ulucago, 111. Ely'd Cronm Balm is the acknowledged euro for caturi-h nna contains no cocaino. mercury r.or nnv injurious dr:'pr. J'riue. DO cents. At d-iigvi"" or 1-y i-.m:i, FOll HA I.E. Ror, 820 aeree, irnod lnd, 4 miles of TTeppner, all fened, plenty of water, hnnan and birn, 140 acres of summer fallow, ell rpady for fall rrop. Easy tprnm. Cell at the Orzette office. 654 tf v...i'iitly Himinraa. The heulUi sock-ty of St. Pettfrnburj recently appointed a committee to in vi'stitfutu tin; f a:iit:::-- coiKlilion of those who uro tMiiployt'd iu tho r.itf buaiueaa. The committee nubmitU d its report, de nouncing the rug- btiidiieha 1. a Uglily in jurioua to the health of those engaged in it. The rw,:n nre pieki-d by children, sver seventy-five per cent, of whom suf fer from contusions (lisriiwa, and lew ban half atuiu a lualure ugo. Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $ 1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They are actually away down below cost. There's nothing wrong with them Minor &z Co. P00TS AND SHOES!! D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF M. IICHTENTHAlv & CO. They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can dopend on It you get a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES I IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street1 Repairing a Specialty THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. C. BOROPIKRS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Kpeelal Notlre. As the present proprietor of tha Ga zette rnuat leave Heppner soon, ha Is desirous ot settling np bis affairs. What is due bint be must bare at once, so that be ran meet all demands. Drop in and settle yoor account. 07-If The Marquam (irand, on Morrison itreet in tbe Marquam building, ia nnder excellent management and tbe public will he royally entertained tbia winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first class theatre of I'ortlatid, and whet) io I'ortland our denizens should Dot fall to take In soma of tbe fine dramas that will be presented. tf W Hearty Kailorsesieat Krtiai Ih OAWr f th. tealial ( alia. IUIIf ( osssaltte.. Hlephen K. I'.arton, Chairman of tha Central Cuban. IWief Committee: "I dire to endorse Ihe eipr.SMions of Ibe treasurer of the eoromittn., Mr. Cbas. A. Hrhh ren, 10 favor of the lantiful pic ture allevoricel of tb suffering people io Cob, and the spontaneous and generous outponring of tbe American people in Ibe rIM of lb suffering. Th tbotigbt of undertaking the Ir.mendooa work involved In Ibe sal. of Ibis picture, as proposed by you, fr lb. bri.0t of the American National K'd Crnaa In Ih. work ( lelii f, la a inoat rommeiid- able nil., and a. a tu-ml r ol llm (! ii'ral Cuban lUliif d-mraiMw and lb. lie I Cross, I siiinerely Iruat thai ynnr tfTofts will cel all lb. S'lcci-. you atillclal. From Ibe deplorable conditi'iiis wblih Dow appear lo ettfrort Ihe calioo, Ih.r Is every vidnre Ibat ell Ibe financial aid that i sitile may be re., lei n lUd Cross work." Th . who dair ti salMk-nbe sbonl I Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Cancer ofton result from an Im firitv in the blnxal, Inherit fmtn tni ratlins la k. Few Hiplit are en and It is iroposwibln to Ull when It will break out in th form of d rewind Can cer. What baa apirl lo Im rtifre pimple or enretih haa d.velupvd into tne most rtvsuignsni vancr war. Canea hlh was si f. rt bliiaskM. Ibat I Uintta-hl Would faa a w ajr . I aa InwUil l.y aavaral al.t f.hirsllafia. Iml la atiiia i.l an-iru il (U mi i.r. unlll arnn ditl ItfoAniaaiarmlntf Afar anasr rnoniha iraaicnwi a.d erlne tnvlily surs. I d elded t. try B B "I had a I only a !' Anttr. Hlv. Tbe U.t Halve in th. world for Cole, 1 p-'siofflee. llrnUM, horea, Clsrrs, Salt Jtheom, r'ov.r Hores, T.ltr, Chapped Uaods, ChUblaio. (Varns, and all Hk 'a Krnp lions, and pfieiiiv.iy cutm Pile or to pay r'(iir"l. Ii la gararit1 lo give I'orlerl alifaotioe or ta"tff refund., Ir!re23 r.t.U p-f Uif. Tut sale by v j. ! ahlh M a-i aimtiioa J-lVeTw. ri'"l'l ! rtrai tj' J ', ,' i r.Hliif..t an tin- d '; 1 I ' 1 tiii I 1 1 xiilrnird - 1. a fi 1 f Ut. ewliain. and la f - t fl. au,liu IK. la.l lit "Vl J filV dfn rl ' r Te rtm a. v. .u.mmL a.4 awt e u Um di.s aa r-imwH a. r wiiua.s, 1V'(. Miaa, It la datMsrqua to etpurinwnl 'tl Canoer. ts taayttid thn skill of Lbyslclax.s. h. 1. n. lath. nniy pure because It is the only rmdr whlrb Ifjft deep rrMjugh to rt-.'-h Canrjer. HtK-.a I'f U. t. J. 1 1'1U), tblbsgtr, I t t.n -.'nl.. .1, !'",, . Ilr.ulr I. Mlw4 ll.i. ( ,fn l.l'l iittaiia a ii k,n. Ik mil it liuul . ( m ari-la. ( all .til 9ir- .call )i r I.l. ai.d lp K . .in. i$ iw tin lha ly ivr ai l d'oiii ail ie. 1'il.t.ia linfll t'i I-m1v, NkIi I. i!m y lu ii.i-li tiiii-.'a, I'ira, l.l'it' hi a, i I U. s-rl Hmt si 'r l.ili'i'is - iiii iin. n h tiaitis- ( aa ar"ta, - Im an y l r l fl friit. A ldiw C C CTor WWk.A Tha Blood THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J.O. BORCIIERS Who lias secured tho services of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. OOL GROWERS - If you havo not yet realized that tho "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awako to tho fact that tho Wool Growers' Warehouse ill U tho nlaco to etoro your wool this season. Whv? ?e- cause wo do a strictly warchouso business, and not being in tho field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. Wa art ai lllna- wool Mi ll ami twin at cml. Iwvaltla a linn wool la aolil. Hamt la nur ot,lf at otiii". W I hit Die hlKhi-at ah nrlrr nf ahwii iirlla ami hl1i-a. Wa ara aai'tlta lot Llttl.'. tile ami alack Laal Tokarra Oln Ilia nnlo n,llal,l ,1 dl.mi Ihr in.rkf-i. w tmf in liihl in wlinn rixin .tl linlu Hi l.r nwnrra il wnol. Vi hafa a lull aoi'l'lr l l Harlrr ami W limit, also adin KnlltHl Haili f for Intmati ra. lllrw I your U-aln.U rs U Uia low.r warlniaMi. M. (iiaranU-. )ou a iiru iltml. II. F. IIYND. AUnagcr. CASTOR I A For Infantt and Children. Til Kin. You Kan Always Bought D.ars tha -.of Gibson 8i Berger, At ( lias Jhiim' III. I Miami. rShuvini. - 15 Ctn. I lair Cutting. - y5 " I'atlnli'ic. KverythingStrict ly First Clas. (Swift's Bumtfa) Is tie only 1.1 remedy ararifd Purly Vtable. ill otr.i-rs nititelri potMb and tin r u7 the 0vt daiayrMe of m nnrala. frik Q ( iir a;4 tl'oal die5t tnaU4 tf- t J elft Cvii., AV.tJ.Va, 0''f'.. KOI U 111 Of JI I.Y K41M Far lh K -orlli of July Ih. U. It A ( ill sail 1 mursino tick. Is from I I"iiOf lo aey slallun in Or.fiq an I r.t'trn, In rUJliif Wallele an I Walla Walla, at a ral. of on. far. f ir Miirxl trip. Tlfll.U ill lie sol I on July 1 1. :i l Ith, hkI or.lurn nnJnly f'"'- for furtli.r Iu foimalioa O. It A N. au.nt at llnp eat. KA tf rMf Hsas-4. Cliss. r.islr, who bis wife ehoni lo y.ars sro M.rlie, aa l.aagrj at Uraels tf fn lsy. I.ialer a t.ry eaak and la a stale vt eollepM, apberrelty twloc aaeoustttoiie. Tbe laculioe M JxailJKiO.I flf ittwtl hoors la the lps that he sroul l reritr. . viae flaaMy sirspoeit lo a lioerl srl narfla-1 le the aafT 1I1I Ibe mao la, lit the la was ftilfllU.L lis d l-l iihiala suugs'e. r'ei.ter faige.4 la. Mi it y fur ert), t'f f1rf Lis cm ti'':-n, Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving "h"M l.i .i.i H..111I1 1,1 I'.aibirhii, G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Sheal.e,, Heir Cwttleg, Sh..p. Matliat Corn.r, 18 Ceets 25 " ll I liar, Otvf.iu. The CALIFORNIA Lodylng House BC03 29 a.4 60 CeMe. Nl t lloof tO (),t otla'.