Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 17, 1898, Image 1

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Election is at hand and you
1 should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
NO. 658
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At S.OJ per year. 11.00 for mi months, 50 Ota.
lor three lnonme, Btriotly in advano .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-claBS matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Duke's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where cou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
ing, San Franoisoo, la our authorized agent.
This pap9r is kept on file at Mb office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 8:80 p. m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner
Lieaves Heppner Junction
'unction 12:05 a. m.
8:30 a, m. and ar-
rivn. at. FfnmiliRr 11:011 a
Hpokane ExpresB No. 1 loaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. in.
mid TJma'iila 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
Bt Umatilla 6il0a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. U & N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
Pieoident William McKinley
Vine President Garret A. Hobart
Secrotary of Htate W. K. Day
tweretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior... Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Hussell . Alger
Hnnretaryof Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General Charles Kmery Smith
Attorney-General John W. Griggs
Beorotary f Agrioultura James Wilson
Stat of Oregon.
Hnvenmr W. P. Lord
fiecretiiryof State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
8upt. Pnblio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
i G. W. JaoBride
OBllHWjr. .
jG. W. Jl
n ... i Tno- H Tongne
lAiuiftwuiw ( JL111B
Printer w. n. Leas
1 R. B. Bean,
Nnnrama .Indira i F. A. Moore.
K I Jl 1.' .IT 1 1
t r.. w uivurum
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require some assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
J AS. C. POND, .
Gen'l PaBsr. Agt.
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
it of the Union Depo
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CXXXC.A.3-0.. ILL.
JxVegefoblefreparationfor As
similating rMFoodandRegula
ting the Stomachs andBowels of
uess andRestGontains neither
Opmm.Morpliina nor Mineral.
IHrmSttd -ftnnfwd
Sugar .
Aoerfecf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jevensrt
uess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t
Signature Xly
Always Bought.
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Grower and Dealer in-
Frult, Shad and Ornamental Trees,
Grapa Vines and Small Fruits.
S1XT.U JUOiewu uimrioi. in m ur-.i I
r, -or.it, Judm Stephen . Lowell V-Ur J. IBBS HI O VJ1UWI1 YV 11X1-
F.os-wut.ing Attorney a. . netu
Morrow Oonntj Officials.
out Irrigation.
. Ml 'II II" I ! IMWIH41
, A. W. Gowan
J. N. Brown
loint Senator...
"ountyjodge A. G. Bartholomew
Commissioners J.K.Howard
J W Ran Ir art..
" tUerk J-Y,-$J7Z
Sheriff K. I Matlock
Treimurw Frank Gilliam
Auuu,r A. C. Petteys
' Snrveyor. J-J-1?1!
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
- Ooronsr a. r. Vaughau
pvmt town nrnflERH.
Mnjor Thus. Morgiui
Coiinnilmen..., R. J Hloenm. M.
l,iohtnthal, J. R. Simons, J, J. Roberts, J. W.
Humus and K. G. B perry,
u W. A. Richardson
Treasurer I W. Briggs
ilarsiial John Uager
Pwoiuct OBtcei.
Jnrtiosof ths Pwto W. E. Hichar.lson
i onsUbl B. Whetstone
Cnltd BUM Und OrHcera.
nt riAixu. OE.
J. F. Moor Rnsts
A. 8. Bigg Receiver
K. W. Bartlett Regltr
J. H. Robbins Receiver
MMits at RriDn. Or., tbs third Patardal of
sch month. Ail vaUnuts are Invltod to lmn.
Published Every Saturdayl!
13 Astor Place NewZYork
W. W.rimith.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Uffioa hoars. 8 to 10 . m.. end 12 to
1 n. m.. at reoldonoe. W. A. Kirk's prop.
erty. east of M. K chnrch, Hootb, sod 10
to 12. . m . to 'J lo 0 p. m.. at omos id
lbs rf of Borg! jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offios lo tbe First Nsliook! Dsok
niprass, : : Obkoom.
Ellis Sc Phelps,
All bust nMatt44 to In promt and
Mlafsrlnrf nanncr. Kotarlva fubllc and
Office la Halter alldlna. Heppner, Or.
General Collector
Put four "Id tank anil BW In hi
hand fl 4 yor mowy out nt
Ih'ti Umhm a wIUjf ot hard
Office io J. N. Brown'i IiuilJing.
The Outlook will be Id 1897, bs it bat
been during eaob of its tweoty-aeveo
years, a History of Oar Own Timee. Io
its various editorial departmeott Tbel
Outlook give a oompaot review ot tbel
world's progress: it followi with care
all the importaot pbilantbropio and to-
dost rial movemeots ot the day; bas si
complete department of religious news;!
devotes mooh space to tbs iuterests of
tbe bnme; reviews oorrent literature;!
furoisbe cheerful table-talk about men
aod things: and, io short, aims to give I
fresh Information, original observation, I
aod reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty fiiftb volume,
tbs paper will sesame tbs regular maga
tine sise, wbiob will add greatly to its
oonvetileDoe aod attractiveoeea. The
Outlook Is publiflhed every Saturday
fifty two issues a year. Tbs first issue
lo eaob month la an Illustrated Magaiins
Number, oontatning about twice as many
Tbs pries of Tbs Outlook to three
dollars a ysar lo advance, or lees thao a
cent a day.
Send for a spedmeo eopy aod illustrat
ed protpeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Place, New Toik Chtv.
IVIerchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
Tbey left Sao Franoieco in high spirits,
for a tour of the "Northwestern" oirouit,
aod the members ot the email repertoir
company were as jolly and lively aorowd
of tbeatrioal people as one would wish
to meet.
Eaob and every member ot tbe organ
ization seemed much pleased, and gUd
to know that tor a while at least tbe
noise, bustle and olamor, even of dear
old " 'Frisoo", would be left behind.
It was in the golden eummer time, and
all nature was arrayed in her loveliest
gowns and toilets. For to one who bas
been aocustomed to tbe hot, sweltering
days, and the warm and sultry nights of
some of , tne large Eastern cities, with
their olood-reaohiug buildings, a sum
mer spent on the Pacific coast meaua to
that indiyidual, peaoe, oomfort and happiness.
Tbe mad rush to tbe Klondike gold
fields was at its height, and thousands of
people were crowded in every seaport
town between Sun Frauoisoo and Heat
tie. Every hotel and lodging-house was
jammed full of northern-bound gold
hunters, who were awaiting to get pas
sage on tbe boats, but as a matter of
fact this was a difficult . task tu aooom
pliab, as every available epaoetbut would
accommodate the form ot a man, on the
steamers, had been sold weeks ahead at
a handsome prioe.
Still the goldseeker's loss of time was
the business man's gain, as naturally,
while waiting for their ohauoe to go
north, they would spend luouey.
So this is how the proprietor aud mau
aiter of tbe little dramatio company Sn
ared he could make a few dollars for
himself. He would organiza this "Bnap'
company as he oalled it and play all
the small towns along tbe ooast as far
north as Skagway, then jump tbeu, for
this was his intention, as was learned
"People are coming," he said,"f rom every
known part of the universe and will as
tbe saying goes have moue to burn
After purchasing their 'outfits' lot the
long and difficult journey over the ioe
and enow-capped mountains, and waiting
for the boat, or rather their cbauce to go,
will very naturally seek for amujeoit-nt
at cheap prioed, aud I will gel my enure
or itie goluliuutera money. And, as
there is no snob word as fun" lu my
dictionary, I am mom than outitJdent
tbat "Uaye' Nttw YurkTheaterU.ini
pau' win uu me uauner Duainess on
tne coast this mshsou. I am so sure of
eiiooess that I Imvj put every dollar that
I possess into my attraction, aud I will
be cute to come out winner iu tbe end
Everj thing went well for a tnie, aud
tbe show Beeuied to be doing nicely
Business wua spleuJid, aud the much
aduiUsd "man iu white" appeared
promptly each week, diested io Lis best
suit of clothes,"
Tbougb, as it may sppear, Dot a quar
rel bad been reoorded among tbe uiem
hers, as yet. Angry words bad not even
been beard, something remarkable io a
oompsny ot theatrical plavers, aud it was
noticed, and formed the subjeot of much
conversation from life ' heavy" man
down to ''ptops", as to bow each mem
ber of tbe company tried In outdo the
otber io making it pk-asaul aud agreea
ble lor the otber.
This is mentioned for the reason that
it is very seldom, indeed, if at all, tbat
a tbeatrioal company, either looalor trav
elling, dwell together ib striot peace and
harmony a did tbe members ol tbis dra
matio troupe. For, as tbe public well
ktiow,io most theatrical companies li
could not pay expenses, and realizing,
no doubt, by this time tbat be had over
looked the word "fail" in his diotionary,
skipped out with tbe few paltry dollars
be bad taken in like the Arab, he had
silently folded bis tent and stolen away
leaving the company without a dollar.
among strangers, aod tar from their
When it was known tor a faot that he
had hurried away and left them penni
less, a consultation was held by the per.
formers to see what oould be done and
what was the best tbiog to do under the
exiatingcireumstanoee. They bad weath
ered tbe season together, and oame to
the conclusion tbut it would be better
for all concerned to try and bold together
and work their way bok to San Fran
oisoo, if possible.
Tbey had been playing standard drama
in country town balls all summer and
now it was close on to the holiday sea
son of the year ObtiBtmai time. But
as it appeared now, the day ot "good
cheer' would not be one of great happi
ness or of pleasure for the little company
of disooaraged players.
8 till they struggled along in the best
manner possible, tbey meandered from
village to village, from town to town.
juBt making enough in one place lo get
to another, but try as tbey would, do
what tbey may, look was against them,
business grew worse and worse, and on
Christmas Eve it seemed they must disband.
One ot the members said : "If we hold
out a'ld oan keep together a little longer
perhaps we may get through somehow
or other," and tbey ull agreed with him,
and witb bright hopes of the morrow's
big house?, it caused tbem lo be anxious
to reaob tbe next "stand". Having no
money witb which to pay their railroad
tare, the only thing they oould do was to
walk, in order to reach tbe next town.
Tbe landlord at tbe hotel where tbey
had been stopping finding out tbat they
were financially embarrassed, placed an
attachment on their trunks and baggage
fur their board bill, wbiob tbey oould not
pay, thus leaviog tbem without what lit
tle "wardrobe" tbey did possess.
Their trunks and baggage bad been
Btowed away down io tbe deep, dark cel
lar o( tbe"0razy Horse"bolel. Tbe proprie
tor had been beard to remark tbafaotor
fellers" were a bad lot, and it the oppor
tunity presented itself they would steal
their trunks out of tbe bouse aud he did
not propose to let them bave their "city
made chests" as he called tbem until
tbey had liquidated their board bill iu
Nothing daunted, tbey started out and
reaohed the next town, where tbey la
tended giving a performance as the bolls
chimed Christmas Day. Tbey were
planning as tbey trudged along tbe rail
road track what tbey would do witb tbe
money tbey would make during tbs holi
day week, thinking, witb reoeipts tig,
tbat tbey oould loon square up tbeir
debts and lend for the baggage tbat had
been attached, then, as the comedian
said, "We'll be playing on velvet, and it
we are moneyless, and wear patched
Absolutely Pure
clothes, ws may bave a streak of good
business after all and bave tbe stereo
typed regulation run of 'one hundred
and fifty nights', do a banner business
and be compelled to hang out tbe 'S. K.
O.' sign every night at 8 30, aud then, my
boys, if tbis comes true, we won't do a
tbiog, see? Just bave a but time in tbe
old town tonight, aod live on the sunny
side of East street."
After arriving at the town, the mem-
brs of the oompaoy were to meet witb
disappointment aod a sorrow that they
would remember until their dyiog day.
Tbey started immediately to find tbe
bell where tbey oould give perform
aooe, bat tbeir bope were speed I y
mas day, and were thinking of the dear
ones at home.
Think ti this. On Christmas day,
when kindness and charity is supposed
to rale tbe boar, and "do unto others" is
tbe golden rule, to be denied shelter
food, or a place to lay your weary head,
tamed out in the midst of one of the
most terrific snowstorms in tbe memory
of the oldest inhabitant on the Pacific
! Tbe kind bearted agent at tbe little
station iuvited them to oome into tbe
"waiting-room" and stay tbe night, be
would keep up a warm fire for tbem and
told them be was only sorry that be
oould not give tbem free passes to their
homes, but it was not in bis power to do
so, either officially or financially. Still,
they were more than welcome to sit in
the depot, keep warm, and make them
selves as comfortable as possible, under
the oiroumstanceR.
The company held another consul
tation, and it was to tbe effect that they
should take the road that night for the
next town, wbiob. was ten miles distant.
When tbey made their iutentions known
to the agent, that they would try and
walk to the next plaoe, he insisted that
tbey were foolish to undertake it as they
never oould reaoh tbeir destination, iu
the teeth of the fearful storm tbat was
now raging. But tbey oould not remain
' So in tbe feoe ot the bleak storm they
Started, discouraged, hungry, and foot
sore. They were just passing the brill
iantly lighted church, which was decorat
ed witb beautiful flowers, pot plants,
aud oolored lights in tribute lo Him, of
whom it is said "loves even you", bat
which seemed hollow mockery to this
little stranded troupe when snddsoly,
witb a ory of misery and despair tbe
"heavy" man, faint with exhaustion, 1
worn out from exposure and privation,
tell at the ooitly stained glass door ot '
thechnroh. - ; , , "
Tbe members went to bis assistance
and tried to help hlra upon bis feet, but
alas, it was do nee, for in the soft pale
light, streaming through those grand
arched wiudows, out on the spotless
snow, thrown by tbe brilliant oolored
gas jets in tbe oburob, it was seen that
his life was ebbing fast away, and tbis
added to tbeir troubles, filled completely,
tbeir oup of bitteroess aod sorrow to tbe
Inside tbe choir sang fervently "Peace
. as tbe ordinary issue together For mnrc tlntl flftV-S.X VCntS it hlS nCVCr failed h C"U,IUU0I,, of qonnel-J shattered, for tbe ungentle, anly limb of ,miAiht oomeJl
Ur e namW of mctnrl. 1 0F m0rC Ulan Ull) "JIX ytdrb H Hdb I1CVCI WUUJ ditr.emeDtll from ih. mmeooemeol tbe lew, d-slgneted as "marshal" ol the ..No, boys. 1
8 . ,'tc ttronl'lt, incite trt trir hntTlPC nf fnrmprc ol the sesoo ootd tbs cloe. And even village, who was oeUberoourteoos, oivil, to iU- wltb ,
in it;? vvrvijf t uiu wvf viiw . ..... iiii j
and villagers throughout the U. S.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
of net av
;! tMtbvtrt ', rwi tf
y y la kM Ui fvato tftrm.
First National Bank
Wall foe B your aberltrtiie paid as 7"
aa k fnr bran J 1 fnMof eaart.
tV.r. p. ().. Hixmar. Or.-H.wi-a. P B el Uft
Mxmtiwri mum, mum oa in alp.
Hnh. Pwrv. lMtnMr. Or ttl tmndwll
w 11. tw.naaiMi mi Ui fc-ft mw. Manilla aa
Aim. kanca. Morww waaif.
Conk. A. JIB.Or. HnfM.T)n HvMahmil
At ( ai(l, aamann rtfhl Mt! ear uuuk tqaMi
crop on wn aoa iii ia nartu
Hr. tiro. tWmsla. Or. Hnraa brwutad CI.Y
a lft hnai(lf, emuiu aa lafttup. but
I rvhl
tfnrane. L. A ttantwav. Or.-TaNla, LP M
riftii hi m korm P iU) bar ejxiat urn riant
, . If. M 1. lf.. V. J -J
H J tm Um U.H twrnWIar: rat'la tin Mot J oa
nM hip. aJ aMtartnt la tori M. iWe la
M.r auaalf.
Jntiii.. full, tn. Or -Hiimn, !! T
tmtt ft; mum. mm mi nhl hip, a4r tall
rop IB rtM a Mitit Ji ln m
Rwiar. H..n. IK.-Bnua braaiM
IS1 nm bip MtilaaaxMand arift) od lad
art tolar t'v ) u rMrM
ladt.J. W . HmiiM M - HttroM kvutl
kip, aut war rta-14 aya, VLnm aiiia la riant
IT HAS faithfully UWM for thflr tiroiffltv atvl hanfilnxw, for th lmpritniit nf thlr
?inilni ai aii'l hum liiM-mu, lur luaiiou, lor iiib eievailun ui imnmiu Diaiiiiuuq aua
trim womaiih'Kxl
IT IIAStolrlat th nr.-.i1, lntrwtlin ami liistrurtlve itorli- of tb 4Iiiipi ol the world, tbe
IT IIA wlvlawt th larmrr M to th ntft afijirnvad rnatbnd of nittlTaltnf and hrvHlii hU
froia.aml th Pfota-r tlnia toroiivrn irifin lino ina iari naaiiua bmioimii i fihiih-t.
IT II AH i-t In all mall-( lartaliiln to the H!r ol lartnrr and villa-", and for ovr a half
a rantury ha helil thalr iMinnilanr aim aaiaam.
New York Weekly Tribune,
Arte' we furnish It with the GAZ CTTE, one year for
$2.76, oath In advance.
Addr-.UOrd.r.to THE GAZETTE.
thau it doe not always end. For lo sev
eral well remembered cstes tbe members
of a company krpt up the fight or quar
rel In tbe newspaper after tbe altrao-
tiou bad disbao Ird for the Smod, Dull!
the editors of tbe rtwpMtive J inroals bo-
came digoaled and eoiJ the war of
word by rt-fuaieg futthor ''space" to Ibe
hul I stray In.ra what I art out to tell.
Bright proaprets aod ikm1 bulnas
was not to last alway; cloud ot adver
sity organ to spread over the mua-
ger's borixon, tl.if.tr were not turoiogout
so rosy aod bright for himself as he bad
"bookad" it.
ror some reaooo, wby, do ods oould
or even tor tbat matter, polite, rudely ia
formed them ia bis pompous Chester
finldlao way, tbat a law bad bu reoxntly
mle a Inch demanded a tbeatrioal
lioenae fee of t-V), and, as if
w itiing to make the membors of tbe uo
lucky company fwl a ntianrahle as
PomiIiIm, took it oo liimnelf to say thai
tbis law bad boeo put loto tffet for lb
ol ptirpoM of driving out h"obp
poor acton", aa lbs good people Ibooght
it only right to vols this tiler It lloao, so
they would keep sway foro the town.
A parfutmaooe ooold Dot If thought
of. There wss bol 110 among lbs oom
paoy, aod to even Ibibk of trying lo
rales the amount of the license fan, we
and Good Will Towards Men" while
through tbe "heavy" min's brain tbe
words and niusio dreamly floated as bis
thoughts weut back again to tbe fifth
floor of a tenement hous, on a side
street io Bau Francisco, tar away, where
be knew a woman and tw i little obildren
were hungry this Christmas day, and in
bis weary brain be imagined he beard
tbe little oues say: "Oli, mamma, it
papa was here we would have oandy and
toys, like tbe other little boys aod girls,
wouldu't we niainma, dear? Aod then
tbe mother's reply, "Your father is work
Ing to send you some," said the ltd
woman through a tear.
Can you oome on witb us, Frank,"
an lo a trembling voice.
My rod is bear. I tried
stay witb yon, but I could go do
larthor. Tbe curtain ot life will sooo fall
on tne, rang down by oatnru's stage
maoagar, who rules us all. If yoa ever
reach 'Frisco, toll Mary, my wife, tbat I
said good by to ber and the children,
Uil I tbe hal.ie to La good, ami always
mi ul their mother. Thai's all boya-I
am slaepy ."
He wee dead.
Tbermon was ovr, tti cltatlna; prayer
W a laid whll head wef Iwaad
On lhUi4ouUlil afntin lay (till
With a mow dtltt lor a thrniid.
for "nlta-wlngMl" angel with try breath
Had htaparad "rraiu till Hip"
To a land her tlranilwl a- tor rnt
And Uiey rbargv no Hi iim fa.
Th Dsws ot the su 1 Ino death of one
Wrll Tntir nam and eddrae on a mtl efd, aad It toWao. W. ht, Trlbno Cttllr, MW
lore t Ity, ana a aaBiiM fMipy 01 ui iw tora eiy i noun win urn maiiao 10 jm.
C. A. RMtA.
T. A. Hut A.
a fesient
Vlee Peeetoent
a Ceehler
Am ! Cashier
Tmadi t Swnl Wit? mv
all parw i IK world'
Minna, Oaaae, ftar.aa rw.-4aiua, at D S
MM tp. kuraa, M am laf t aval.
M'"Tn, H !.. tl ft. O.ttoea, M ) I
aa trt aajttta hn tan in p.
.-. J. W, tacbav If. baa O tm af
Mwailitari aafila Mtma tm rilit kip.
Pwftar HI . w. Hartaa.lt,-HoemlPiia
fl Mm aula.
ranen. laivae kma branded t-af nd
.4 tm tn ittl4w, rit, (taht Mil,
y -fro tm,ttf,
t. W . fl . O -H a-. JO m
taft aaaaMar, t WIM, O a rlghl klb
Bought and bold . wTV'
raniii 1 Nai
W1 kM i4 rMa. 1 m wei .ail4a..
IwM K W . tltt.a l..-HMltf .i'al T
M b4. htnm, aaDi f i; f s ft l
f'.'i ipSrtHMakWI
Columbia lliver and Pyget Sound Navisation
LMinc Al.ter Hire! Ik-fk. 1'ortlaod, f"f Aikiria, tlwaao, Umg Baarh, fWt
I'ark aiid Salwotla. lhreet oooowlMta with llwaeo ataaro.-t and rail
riavl ; alo at YoODg's l ay with rVeal.ore Bailfa-I.
Laata I'ortland I A. M. taily, (! laod, La AH.4U I P. t. Iwilv, it adj
TiyLiriM-v cakarVTssBiii.'r
lava rNtrtUad P V fN.!f. tpMf, katuMay 't.t. If P laavaa a.rf 1
l MA VI , i ', .in1; 'i I M'mU. .aaf I..I I, I T M
Leave portiaid tt,4 rn :ni1 1 I aro T'o.'.f od Ikaiar ! S A. H eV"Uf f I p, H
1 v i a a r-i t. ...if .'.-i r triar a i ww a m. "a aw a.' as v r- aj
say, basic bgo to fall off and Bigot wall, it was entirely out ol the qaae. 0f the "actor" uieo, spread rapidly over
after bight the eurUto would roll op lo tioo. tbe little town, ami, It seam-d a if tbe
empty beech, Tto shortly the "uiasi A tarr.fia mow atorm Ld"tln, aud palbatic oooiirrerce had aofteoatl Ihe
ia white" was earn Do more, Ihe calaf le the enmrdiao Volunteered to go aod sac heart ot the eilisetia. for tlier i.rovldo.1
. i. . ... . i
ware an wens i bind, and it luowe lib lindlord or tbe only bHe la Ine I poe for the remainder ol lbeom
tbat loo ebow enudl Dot bold lgelUe plan, sod If bs would allow thaio to
aooob loager, a lb suaoagrr bad lot all 1 reoiaia over bight at bi boowt. IU i-
tbe money be bad pot Into tbe bnioe, I plained the eliealpHt to their flococial
be Lad booior. and wl,l wa tlll wof, I c indilioB, l him, while the ral ol the
from e in ran or lit tier, part,! be
known lo himeaif, c.ntl I get tin more,
it eeainwl a tboogb ft Mlf bl
marka.1 then out lor rvag aod ti
briiig Ibem I'l tllaaataf.
Troahle la store for lhe, sed
( ooipaoy were elaading on Ihe plalfores
at lh ilrpot awaiting In rlofo.
I!i DiNnnia of charily was lo to, a
lh proprieWir informed him that tf they
Led ho lauwiay to pay tbeir wty, they
cm! I ! stay at bis bao, storm, or do
I bey in wwhrd that tbey were back storm. To all mlraaiiae of the Cora.
Cai ! 'fltucn, eteo will, t lioiee, dia ! lil'Bed deaf ear, aol it wa
Lutl ad rUnvir. Hull lhy did nt
jrowplcin, Ibicllng sod Imping lh nan
ager wool J get bat k buiit lo aitii way,
kl tl.
lint in 11,1 'hy f l - riial It il.e
,;. .intri,. t.!. f ir t r fitil wt lie I is
coo-p? llijii.il m top'f
Wh,t,-i iu a ill tied to I h slst of
witb a l heart thai be relurb I lo lh
little mnwil of iimlher parformcre aod
told them I f Ins scaonafal SbbMlaD.
Al the (ana Hike reine seifty,
y t(Jfl'y f.llir g, on ft, little troop of
1 !y,lr.7 iMq.ed l(ttimk'1 tilecee,
j .f n.i t i mieiel f1(r a !
i'ff,f resiiMj (f.i n.f.
pacy to sleep aad est, aod howrd
kia loeee and brtfll sympathy a poo
lhin. Th eome.lia said: "ibe w rl.l
eaeined lo hv cudlenly emerge.! from
drknae In glaarulng qniigbl."
A graod I rein fit was ttilred lloiu bv
tbe citiMD. aaii l by tbe romoaoy,
and It wa a golden hrrt. Tbe anllr
faoaiiit ware hat) I I tl lh n Hnparir
tuoli enalilod thara lo ceod lb ramains
of their brother prlormr to Hn Prao
Cteno for linnal.farvner llinr trouk an 1
ligg", ao I -rM'ur u rwli woo
ti ket bom.
two iiilllaa a tear.
When fwxit .v itf, ajii. Inly egon. it
Ovune thrv'ra eat In. I. The -"pl of lh
I n. I ill a aia i'iv lutn.f t aaiarvl
. If t'ulliaftii' l Itw r'a t" hlillioii
er n it ail I U rf milium !"
fi.la rw rt'm. It n Hunt peote.1.
Hi ll f - are Il.e n .-I i i gt,l fi ho. I
f i I'jtui ..rnml. li o,,, i, .und Aj
-tr I'tr, ; , fek a lu, t yitfim .iitn.l