wij-,jjjjhii B jnr.rTnr t " - TO THIS GIVES THB CHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry.' VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA ELECTION RETURNS. Official Count of the Election Re turns of Morrow County. To the f alley. Henry F. Vanderpool arrived ou Fri day last from the Willamette valley, bat will return tooo with baoob ot horses, and will make bis home in that locality hereafter. Henry recently purchased 60 sore farm in the Weit Chebalem bills, Yamhill ooanty, having disposed of hii Morrow county possessions. He will be aooomoanied on the return trip by his brother, Geo. Vanderpool. NAMES OF CANDIDATES. STATE. Salt Lake DENVER Omaha AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W- ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d nnonn Rte.amen Leave Portland SUUM' - " j Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO aAmai-a Mnnthlv from Portland to U (DBUiVI U "-"- ' -J VWsthfima ru HoDff KODff ID OOQ naction with O. B. & N. For fnll details oall on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAKD, OBEOOH. Dortwell. Carllll, & Co., Oen'l. Agts., Nor. Pao. 8. B. Co., Portland, Ore. II M Clinton, pro, Gov T T Geer, rep " Will R King, union John C Luce, peo " II C Davis, pro sec of state F I Dunbar rep II R Kincaid union " Ira Wakefield peo " J O Booth, union, state treasurer Chas S Moore, rep, " James K Sears, peo, Moses Votaw, pro, . J H Ackerman, rep, sup't public instruction. . D E Emenck, pro, E Hosmer, peo, II 8 Lyman, union, Chas A Fitch, union, state printer I) L Grace, peo, W II Leeds, rep, T S McDaniel, pro, " T P Hackleman, pro, justice supreme court . . Frank A Moore, rep, W M Ramsey, union, '. D R N Blackburn, rep, attorney general. . . . C J Bright, pro, J L Story, union, II E Courtney, peo, congressman, 2d dist. . . . C M Donaldson, union " G W Ingalls, pro, " Malcolm A Moody, rep, " A W Gowan, rep, joint senator, J W Morrow, union, " . Henry J Bean, rep, dist. attorney, 6th dist. . J T Hinkle, union, " COUNTY. IRE YOU GOING ERST! If so, be snre and see that yonr ticket reads via TO Honnweslern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THK Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tiw.li. Mannlflcent Track, PeerltiM Voatibuled DlntiiK and HtimirtiiK Car Trellis, and Mullo: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given tills road a national wputatlnii. All classes nf iiMimriKnra carried on the vstnmle1 train without etracliaw. Hlilp yonr fr-mlit and travel ovur tills famous Hue. All admits have tickets. Uon. ARnt Trav. K. l Agt. 21h Wellington Ht., Portland, Or. E L Freeland, rep, representative E B Stanton, union. " D A Hamilton, rep, sheriff E L Matlock, union, " A E Binns, clerk Vawter Crawford, " M Lichtentlial, rep, treasurer, E W Rhea, union, " J W Shipley, rep, school superintendent J E Tibhotts, union, J L Howard, rep, commissioner C M Ixrng, " J M White, union, assessor J F Willis, rep, " Julius Keithly, union, surveyor E It llunlock, rep, coroner 0 V Ingraham, union, " Hogs Running at Large, Yes Hogs Running at Largo, No HEPPNER PRECINCT. M B Galloway, rep, justice of the peace W A Richardson, union, S Gray, union, constable : : is : l -B 3 e -c SS,: -.2 s ro- S g B. - s i s j i t s a B3 0.SOh50PQWe3 5 2 1 2 2 3 1 124 88 41 37 15 23 74 10 30 29 21 85 69 53 61 16 39 39 11 8 45 18 I 5421 37 14 7 1 2 1 2 120 84 41 35 15 24 73 13 30 29 21 83 71 53 62 17 36 40 13 8 45 19 5 5 1 3 7 1 2 75 66 53 62 16 34 37 14 8 36 20 125 84 38 35 16 25 71 13 29 31 20 9 7 1 3 11 7 3 4 2 3 1 3 1 127 88 38 35 17 22 77 14 30 31 20 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 8 9 4 6 4 10 3 2 73 63 51 57 15 37 36 11 8 41 20 78 66 48 63 15 35 37 12 7 42 19 8 7 3 2 4 91 2 4 123 83 37 34 15 22 73 11 30 29 20 2 11 3 4 2 9-211132 11 125 79 38 32 15 23 70 13 29 28 19 74 68 - 48 64 17 34 43 14 10 ' 44 20 118 77 38 34 16 24 65 13 29 30 17 6 1 12 2 .81 71 i 49 , 62 16 35 48 14 9 43 21 7 5 1 4 7 3 88 76 ' 50 62 16 32 35 13 8 43 21 4 2 1 13 105 70 37 34 16 22 69 14 29 28 18 90 66 30 26 10 21 68 13 25 25 18 115 84 56 68 20 33 41 14 12 47 21 103 75 32 34 14 23 72 11 27 30 15 102 70 53 63 ' 16 35 42 15 10 42 25 128 91 40 37 22 23 68 12 26 27 19 92 70 51 60 11 37 52 12 10 46 26 111 73 30 30 5 27 67 10 27 28 25 115 92 66 67 27 34 50 14 11 45 19 105 69 50 57 17 34 49 14 10 35 21 113 97 44 39 14 25 66 10 28 36 21 121 71 42 46 9 24 88 16 31 41 22 100 87 49 50 23 31 28 6 7 25 21 136 95 48 39 23 23 85 13 26 31 35 91 70 48 55 10 41 32 13 9 40 9 136 89 43 41 14 27 72 13 28 34 23 66 62 42 54 12 31 37 13 10 38 19 .. 92 74 50 58 13 38 42 12 13 40 24 116 78 37 39 14 26 67 11 25 33 18 135 92 65 70 20 39 56 17 14 55 30 Ill 76 40 35 15 22 69 12 27 30 21 89 70 50 60 11 35 40 11 9 43 18 .. 14 12 11 4 52 28 2 8 6 28 .. Ill 84 55 66 21 3 76 19 24 58 1 .. 102 60 34 .. 104 88 55 135 92 51 6 3 4 6 7! 8 8 3 7! 1 6 1 29 16 1 27 16 15 28! 27 1 4! 13 16 28 27 15' 26 1 14 2! 13 29 19 28 171 28 17 632 468 27 14 523 471 24 444 526 41 11 537 13 50 433 446 40 516 13 21 496 459 499! 13 472 29 466 11 481 418 552 464 513 64 52 82 104 70 37 27 15 134 49 THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE QR YOU! 11m There is more catarrh in this seotion of the country than all otber diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years dootors pronounced it a local disease, and preeeibed looal rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with, looal treatment pronounced it in curable. Soienoe has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional core on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It aots directly on the blood and mucous surfaoe of the system. They offer one hundied dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for oiroulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHEENY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. 291 16 14 32 23 221 22 23! 32 151 18 28 18 251 25 24 20! 4 26! 532 493 452 588 4941 526 542! 460 5981 441 547 4231 483 500! 630 49(1 467 171 554' 39 136 32 82 124 17 630 23 We appeal to our readers to join with us and thousands of other patriotio citi zens throughout the oountry in raising within the next 30 days a rellet (una 01 Onk Million Dollars to be piacea in the hands of the American National Red Cross and of the Central Cuban Relief Committee, appointed by President Mo Kinley. W. with other Dublishers and mer chants throughout the oountry, Bre vol unteerlng to receive donations of $1 each for the fund. It has been arranged to present every one, who donates $1, with of a heauliful picture. "The Ac colade," now on exhibition at the post offloe. Call BDd see it. This pioture is a beautiful historical souvenir of this great uprising of the American people to defend and set free outraged Uuoa Every patriotio Amerioau ehoald sub soribe at once! Your help is neededl Oar boys are at the front! Let us stand by them! No commissions of any kind are reserved. Call at the postoffiae nud leave your subscriptions. TROUBLES AND CONSCBFTIOS CAN BE CCEED. Aa Eailnenl New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. 81o com, of New York City, demonstrating his dieoovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and chest troubles, stubborn oougbe, oatarrbal aneouons, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his JNew uie ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permanently oy 11s timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hiB infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be niaimmi li onr modern eenius. His uin.ujut wjj .1 AaBfirtinn that lung troubles ana con snmDtiot. are curable in any climate is proven by "beartieii letters 01 tnrtn." filnd in his American and Euro . . . . .. 3 1 luhnrutnrlPR in tnoueanuB irum those onred in all parte of the world The dread Consumption, unmier- rnntnd. means sneedv end certain death Simply write to T. A. HJooum, m. u., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and tne rree medicine will be promptly sent aireoi from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor thai you saw this in the GBzette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon, juiy yr. Now Prepared to do Any- Kind of PrintingDon't Send Your Orders ' Away Till You Cet the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this ebop i now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under the sun in the line of drogeiMB supplies, blank books, bok ' work county work, or any sort ot book btDd ing work that yon have heretofore seat away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a chanty ooncern but if you will give us a obtweei we will see that you are satisfied fa every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from home the ' foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when the goods were bought Bt home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 660-tf The Maiquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, is under excellent management and the pubho will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and Dew faoes will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-olass theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some ot the nee dramas that will be presented. tt 383 A SPLENDID TOWN. NORTH l'ACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. EGON SUOUT LINE Ry at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. CHICAGO iwales & St. Paul l'y SUBSCRIPTION: '2.01 PER YEAR. (Sample oopiea free.) Rural Hpirit and Gazette both for J'1.00, osih, at this office. This Railway Co. Operate! its trains on the fatuous blook system; LighU its trains by electricity Ihrougn out; Use the otdebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains Hart dav and nivtit between Ht. Paul and nuoMgn, aud Omaha aud Chicsgo; the Chlcaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate steam-heated vestitmled trains, carrying the Intent private eompartmeut cars, library buffnt sraok Inn ram. and palace drawing room alrprt. Parliir oars, tree recliulng chair care, and the very best diniug ohalr oar service. For lowest rates to any point ' United Htates or Canada, apply to agent or addreaa C. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET. General Ag-a, Traf. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. 50 Years.... IN THE Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Cooper's Sheep Dip ! Increase Yield of Wool. Enhance Vln ot Plonk. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. nOBEUTS. GENERAL AOCNT, .'47 A ill Mrvct, fortlamt, Orrgnn. ioM ly Minor it Co., IlrppiuT, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET QUICKEST AND MOST EIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, A days CHICAGO, " ST. LOUIS, H " OMAHA, 3 " IS SALT LAKE, 1J " Free Reclining Chair Carl Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cart Pullman Talaca Sleeping Cart For full particular regarding rate, time of trains, etc., call on or address 3. C. HART, Agent O. R. ft N. Ooh Heppner, Oregon O. O. Tebbv, w, B. Cohan, Tra? . Tas. Agt. Oen'l Agt. 124 Third 81., Portland, Or, HEITNEK I CM SCHOOL PICNIC. A Grand Time Uver at Social Bidgs School. A Number Id Attendance. Last Friday a large crowd assembled at Assessor Willis' grove to join in the festivities at the oloee of Mrs. M. L. Oney'a school. Beside the school child ren and visiting children, there were present the following persons: Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Smith, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Eskelson, Mr. and Mrs. Epb. Eskelson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wil lis, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis, Mr. aod Mr. J.W. Shipley, Mrs. Luoy K. Beaob, Miss Millie Her, Rev. Beanoump, Jake Ernst, Samuel Stnuffer, Wm. Stauffer, Jas. Brown, Dave Brown, Wm. Johnson, Bam. Willis, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Oeo. Allyu, Mr. C. A. Beoge and Mrs. M. L. Oney. After a fine program was rendered by the ohildren, all sal down to suoh a meal s only country housewives know bow to (pread. During the Inoon hour the school wa photographed by Lexington's photo, grspher, Mr. Beauoamp, after wbiob Rev. Beauoanip, O. N. Peck, Supt. Shipley and J. F. Willi talked to the people on duoational aobjeot. All viaitori left feeling that Social Ridge people know bow to treat "pio olcker" tight royally, aud that Mr. Oney oan eondnol suob gatherings In a masterly way. lone, a Thrtylng. Pushing Little Place-Far-niers Encoaraised. Col. Walker is just buck from lone, the metropolis of the north eud and the second town in this oounty. He reports general prosperity. The farmers are aotive aud anticipate a big orop. The town ltnelf is erowiug rapidly and its future Is bright. Col. Walker met a number of promi nent citizens while in that looality, and be took advantage of the opportunity to interview them on the subject ot a busi ness proposition a combination invest ment and lite insurance policy. Toe Dlan otinsnrauoe, whiob is known as the gold bond policy, of the Mutual Life, of New York, was so well reoeived that seyeral prominent oitizens beoame inter ested, among them Joe Woolly, who look out 810,000, and C. T. Walker, $5,000, aod others whom the Ouzitte cannot ca.l to miud at present. It is Doticeable that this plun of insur ance is very readily aocepted by baa ness men, which is in itself a recom mendation worth aometbiug. 15r)-?'S A m 1 Ja a MEN!beMe can cured If you suffer from any of the ill of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Facific Coast, OR. JORDAN & CO., ,1051 Market St Esfd 1852. Yon nsf men and middle aired nten who are suffering from the effect of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Iebl 1 11 y.lin potency . . in all its complications; Hiiermatorrhma, IBroinirrnPU, woiir,-iiwi, 1 Freqm-ucy of UriiuitliiB, eic. By a mmhination of remedies, of ereat curative pow er, the IWtnr has mo arranged ms treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but A permanent cure, i nc uiww u.rea nuv ....... perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent n ni specialty aineunf ui n . Hynhl I la thorouRhly eradicated Irom the THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast 'PICTO.' IN THE THROUGH OAR LINE R. R. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Chicago Without Cfcanga Qniok Time. Union Dupots. Personally Conducted ExourBione. BaHgnge Checked to Destination. L-JW Rates. Direct, lino to Trnne-MisnisetDDi and Inter national Kxpoeition held at Omaha, Nebraska June to November, Write undersiened for rates, time tables and other information pertaining tu Union Pacific B. K- . . . It. W. BAXTfjlt. or J. ti, UAlvi Agt.. Gen. At.. 1S5 8d Bt., O. tt. & N. Co., Portland, or. neppner, ur. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. REED & I ProDri A. G. OQILVIE f "oprl ietors. KVKKV MAM applying to os will re ceive our hmtKt opinion of his complaint. Wo. will Uuaranut. a POSITIVE CUKE in tvrra eos we undertake, or Sorjeit One i Thooxand Iol litre. .... V Consultation KfcE and strictly private, a CHASOES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- f ment personally or oy letter. Send for book. fre. IX valuable book for men.) VIMT DH. JORDAHfi Great Museum of Anatomy f the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made: how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOUUS illEff. t'aliorwnie. 1051 Market Street. Ssn Francisco, Cat. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..(5 00 Round trip 'J00 Mayville (53 miles). 400 Round trip 700 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 8 50 Olez (19 milen) 1 50 Round trip 8 50 Btage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaohes and care ful, experienced drivers. T11 Curs CoiiKtiuutloii Forever. fii Cuaiitreta CutiUv Cathartic, loc oriRo. It C C. C. fall to cure, urugginl refund money. SIDKASE FllLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT S0E1TARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tha Only All llail Route Without Change ot Cam Between tipokaoe, Itoesland and Nelson. Also between Nelson sol Rosslaod, dally except Runday : lsia free Pills. Bend yonr address to H.E. Bucklen k Co., Chioago, and ct 'rM mple box ot Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will oooviooe you ct their merits. Tbeee pills are easy in actio and are partico larly effective In the oure of constipa tion and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles tbey bavs been proved Tbey are guaranteed to be Artlv. :4o t. M. to . M 4a f. M am A. M Htmiar .. II ill A. M IU land .. IU A M airlauQ riiM ennrt'iin at Nln with dasnm for Kaaln, and all Kmeat lka piMiita. I'r r r ii a r liit S.MIM nivnr and rmwoanj nvk Mrt at KUrvtis vita atam datlv. lilfJlfi O ; n luninin nv u.y mm. s THHOt'im CAHh TO Hr, PAt'I. MlNNrAlDLls I'tl.isill MU hi ' HIT I K IlKLrNA Ti. ki l i'iv. to all p"ii ts la tlierniled Mial'-s and I n.la. yt'lCKTlMETO. Ciiii'.i V a.Hll.lMW lUkriMiiNa Sum YkK llvrraut All other p.ilnt In Ft ami hotittieaat Oail Kaa ClTT NT. J 'let I'M Hr. Ut'i 1 tlirt (iIkco to go to get your ft no ixirk ami lamb rlioiHi, etealai ami ronatt. FISH EVEHY FRIDAY Fln iif ert bom and tnrt. Iiir Iml Uf'l. k.-lite reudere.1, itl.t tfle. Iltgluat in p(U ll tor at Hin t HKSI. MATIIKWS. tm m and u Ricti. Tin: woou ki:coui Tells Yew Hew to D It. Ilic talator line Be Pi!H Turtlsiii t Astoria Natigstwa Ci 'DMLLtS Cin" V0 "ItlCUltW lep at Ht. I'aiil, HliiiDeapiilia, Kansas dlr, Ihnaha. Ht. lxiut and ut Iter promi nent pttsts Ilh'sa plirn kaj Itiroaa'h to ibvilbitiira td tM kst. Throuab Ihkets In Janet and China, Via Ta4ima and Northern I arine Hleam sbip Uotapany's Una. fnt full la(nrrati'ti, tins erla.Ha, lu kete, lr eail i m write Vt. O. Aj v, A. 1 riutni", Act si. I'. Ry. AMIIw.la-a.Atl. plii:!,' Of, f rt'n, Or Weekly CxcursloBs la TbruOKk Cars to ths Kant, Auotber through touriBt oar to the East has been arranged to rnn ont ot For t laud, giving four each week. Here after the oar lerving Monday will run through without obsoe to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. H. 4 N., Ore-1 . Vi: I- fl' 1 . - eoo Hbort iiine,mo utsuus nmi Denver k R'.o Grande, Missouri FaoiQc and Chicago k Alton. That car bas just been arranged tor, and the one previous ly sobeduled lor Monday bas been changed to Thursday. It runs through to 8t. Louie, via the Missouri Fsoiflo line. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes tbrougb to Boston, and is promoted hv the Cnioaiio. ltoct island ana racino. Wednesday's oar runs to Hi. Joseph, kT.n. .a Cut and Kt. Louis, over the Burtmgton. All these special through NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Control, Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call ou mm and nave vour norses wen "area inr. In buying seeds "economy la ex trnvnaanre, because tliecoat of eultl vallon wanted on inferior sew Is always lamely aiceeils the original coat of the beet and dearest aeeds to be bad. The beat la always tbe cheapest. Fay a trltle more for FERRY'S SEEDS and alunyi get yonr money's worth. five rents per paper everywhere. ays the beat. Deed Annual rree. I. FERRY 4 CO. . Detroit, Mloh, iff. w m SPLEHD1D TRHII8 DfllLK TO THE EAST -ttllT ROCKJSLAND ROUTE. Rocky Mountain I Colorado Fiver .. Limited m. invainaoie. ney rw u....T - - m.m. . r.,if.in nalronatfe. PytfpeeUl arret gin we tifler lo our readers The Wool Uccord and Heml-Weekly Oasette, one year h JUL Tns WihiI IUnt I the only national wool mf and atr tka Wual luduelry Iron the teiettig of tbe sheep la lbs sell ing ot the naaufaMnred artists. II ta pahllaliM weekly at New York sad I be refulef puns U fjl'l yeef. Ik) Safet refl aro fall and eoftiB I " and Us Nlierp Hi eeders' Talis are worth HI Itii.ea lb prire W the pf. Hui'le e-iew n SfpliealfHl, i Ws beatltly rnuitu4 Itilf Col4 ' H!ptf yii mt ittlter ibert. ' (Vmmenrlof Monday, May '.'nd, lbs tearuera of the Uejnlalor Lice will leave 1'iirtlaoJ at OiW a, n. and The Italles alHAJs.ni. When voa so lo I'mlland, stop pff The llle aad lae trip uow tr, IVnatnUai yosl will a)oy it, an 4 save mm"' w.auuwtT, (leneral Agent. QUIOIC TIIWIM I subslanoe and to bw porely vegetable Tbey do not weaken by their action, bnl by giving tons to atomacn ana ooweis greatly Inviifnrais lb system. Itegnlar ice 'f per but. Hold by Hlocnm Drug (Jo, E. J. tUocom, manager. UrKKAKY KOI' III. Tbe deep Interest in the condition and future of the Philippine islsoJs now felt throughout Ibe United Htates will make welcome lo all readers lbs artloleoo that sutiiecl la the Jnos Magaima number of The Ootlook, written by Mr. Lala, a na tive ot the islands, a man ot education and the author of book en lbs I'bilip- pitie wbiob tslo be poblishsd very soon. 1 11 aat rations are given of typical and iiiciureeoa seeaes In aod about Manila. This artt. ! is lo be followed in the sua eeedmg lestie of Tbe Outlook by an ti tiaueiive aoeonnl ot lbs eonditton of lh i.l an. Is. written by Col. Wmibrop, of tbe t'nliH Mutes army. (Wif. Tli" OtiHivik Company, 3H7 4th avnne. N.w York) tiokets lo tbe East. rw.lra. the ntoneer theatreman of Porltand In tits line ot "popular prioes,' has rtOtted lbs Wasttnittoo Ht. tueatre, formerlv known aa tbs "New Fark " Leaves PKN'VKR. . . . ) a. t'ULO. HfHI.MiH . . Ja.BI. Arrives UN. OI.N . . II 4 p. m. " (IMAIU . . 11 a. in. HI-HMOlNrH . . a a, m. IiVKNI'tilir . . 4e.m. t HlCA(it) . 2:1) p. in. Neil Iy TtirrHigh Hleetea and I'hatr 'ara rotenwlo In hnx". Will tetibal Uiroaabuot. J lie boeat train to tba Went. Ivea !KSVKIt " rtiMi HPKiNUM Arrive. T( i I'r K A " KANSAS CITY W p. m. r p. m. 1 a. m. IU a. at. Ar. HT. 10119. (W.b.H'1) 11 p. m. Arrive. HT JfWKPH - I.IM'OLK III Hon) " t)M All A iKiHoti) l 0 a in. t a. m. U) a. tn. ThKxigh H lee vers Culnrajio Hiring. loBL Lmnis fla W alb H. Cordray always bas something new, and w Hi riwTM. , , ear people, when below, ran spnd el i.hi. At.. utSUt If plesaiit eveuiog at bis place, These arc New Trains in addition to our former service. fof particulars and foldem giving time of Iheae traiturVrtte 1 s: JN?, rwjoAv o. Aak your Druggtot f .iT S g BrMUS 10 CENT TRIAL CMZ. EljiCrcaaBab rATADDll JIliiststiftrsN XXWf-y V Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of .1 Saddle Do You Want.a Rig ? Mini lriitiolMOo A4aUstateta(lir"eia,vaUM Ht tmsMa Southern Pacific Co n. tuM lemxv rllhi fa at' umuMsMMUi. l.;4ek 4 tl rvlke t maat, lwlliM A aar Thleg fne Taa. V iishwimki lb wltf tt yei aetnit Win itititiM nuiriuaoeaa, aw a wei. sr ,m Uiiiytts le er, lla ami a Uiuail "ti er l a a,e . l il bt vunaUixtlH and alurs'iab ii.e V ('an.tr lalbartk. the wo" de.f.il new liver Mitinlant Sad lnte lnal uh are by all Urn g -mratiwe.1 titrvre or Hiue reluatkxl t'. C. t ar" a sure I Uing Try boa fcMSafi I.. , ssi bai-l aai BOBhi trass. b. our bin aU. 1 1 UO HKWAKUl Atlarbed ta ast" ttwl. a. aflxerliee aearuis aviMs.aMlaUM 4 4 eatea, sleifca eae ieevaUi ata, ea.l a a..l"a u . . y 11 1 y rfci'SMI I. U. eager. VAIKHAW. SM, f, 4) f tt tVtil. l is" .-r-V-v 1 1 I I 4VC s-V a, r. 11 y i" any InpiruMteiiraz. It 0,mch 7 aesnrnea. tilrea Keorfatewe, COLD ,pf H EAD llea-a and fre.i. Ibe M.a. na. K-.r. lh. i l I ' an enwu. r i.1 V lV"I Mil-. W t JeeH.?-Tnri. II orse U ill be iii far leforaatioa leaJing ta Ibe erre and eoava I oa nt say per etn sltattiig taltl brand! "WH" too PmU p IN )ef eide. Wad.lls a lb owe fluT II rust m. fVoovJ erneuL WAK HOOK, be rewgtoaama Jamee Hanslrt Yrniiig All ant war sim im. the bay. all delMveea a.illhl mtm I ..I1I.HS an li.ti,M. o IH,, a' il I i.nmttienl WHivn. barl i aaoa. Klein tt.tnme. Harvelomly rlieep I,,. I aiilluMliln Wilt anlhenlle, iHti. lal . a .1.11.M u,.i mvmit Alel n sell 11. .iir aa snf-eiil a. renlleit.ra. We are Ihe i.mi ..ii rif.tltin h-.fc Bria la Amera. W i ue 11a. ""ifv ri'ni aee eai.ied la tif rmrvinlem i'tni'H !, " "' i l..,a la Inet S'll. te agen. y tmw ! be mi. 11,1 a.,.t. Um sue i a Ma la r. in. with h.a ..f o.iifli lHi,e ; "bie eeal ueia. tTen.i"1.wS eeitef Sugg tn.set ever S ... H liberal teas garan . ,.!i.s i..ami,.l. I ..til! I .1... r.l l i.en ! l ' l '"1 ' . ..,1 I ! uvnla SI et.'l,' . ...,itii.-l lull i..if.u i. I" le irrt All ILom ca be procured t Tbompnon A IUum, Lower Main Street, nrj'j'iHT, wir(,iiM. Theae genlletnea are veil rqulnie4 alia Orant. Martief. CM, Oilltam anl lk., an.) ran aata money enl Man la waking tbeae set lluiig a llh Irat etli( Mta. rrbe In keeplns alia lbs llmea. TMOM PSOlSr U1NNS. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon I IT IM MAMII .tt si a New Hisa l, City l.,i4 l!,ijicc