A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hand and Arma Covered With Sorofulous Humors How a Cure Waa Effected. "When ave yeare old my little boy had scrotula on his face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of. red pimpfes which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense Itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My Wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to onr boy and we noted an improve ment In hlB case very soon. After giving 11m four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." Wiixiam Baetz, 416 South WiUiams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. HnnH's Dillc CUI,e Liver Ills: eair totuke, 1 1UUU 9 r Ills eay to operate. 25 cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 18.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.00 " 8. F. Kxaminer, $1.50 3.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2.75 ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map 2.00... 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, J1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie'! Weekly, $4.00 4.25 Rural Spirit, $2.00 3,00 New York Wool Record, 2.00 3.00 McCall' Magazine $1.00 1,30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get clubbing rates witti any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 . m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. daises No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. -Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spihit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the ohurch, where he will be glad to meet any w' o may dpsire to consult hiin on relimous, social, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. JfLUaHUB, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SEBVICKS. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to church. c. R. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. L. Bhkj.i.y. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. 1. The sum ot flve cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of raapect," lints of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other thau those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices 01 special meetings lor whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five centa a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Ho! Ye voting men ot Morrow, whistle up a lively tune For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay with us till June, Then let him treat his voting friends to Sporry's Linwood Rye, He'll catch our vole If he wet our throats for the voting men are dry. Sold only at the Belvadcre ttaloou, E. G. f perry , proprietor. The Gazette ia not heralding its 00m iog with a braaa band bat its circulation oan be determined at the Heppuer poet offloe. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. Call tor Fred Krng to saw jour wood. 49tf Mains are needed to make good orope. W. T. Matlock was over from Lone Rock yesterday. Ghaa. Royce was in Heppner last Sat urday and Sunday. J, M.Shaw was over from Batter oreek, on last week. Harry Bennett came in Friday over land from Prineville. What is Hop Gold? BeBt beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. Ben Patterson is down at Portland re ceiving medical treatment. Arthur MiDor is in Portland to bay goods for bis Heppner store. Liohtentbal & Oo. for shoes. Exolaaive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tt Sam Wilkenson, ot The Dalles, is here today to look after wool matters, Arthur Minor and family will leave for the Ditch oreek resort aboatJulyl. Ed. and R. R. Damn were over from the Black Horse looahty last Saturday. Linn Matteson and Oa Wells haveoon oluded not to go to Montana this season. The report ot the official vote ot Mor row ooanty will be found on the fourth page. Yawter Crawford, the ooanty olerk eleot, is visiting his relatives at Waits- burg. Norman A. Kelly leaves tonight for a brief visit to relatives and frierjds in Vermont, Low Tillard spent a few days in Pendleton last week, returning Sunday morning. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A olean, fresh stock ot goods leave your orders. tf. Dr, J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeats ot tne eye, will be here every three months. 048-lyr "Oo'n juice" ia all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 11-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaughun's new plan. 604-tf. Miss Young, daughter of the late J. (J. Yonog, is ill with stomaoh trouble, at her borne on Rhea oreek. It yon need something for your system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel baildiug. tt Arlington Reyiew: Willows is the name ot the postofflce at Heppner Junc tion, O. T. White at the helm. Albert Osman took oat a fine mower and rake on last Saturday, preparatory to the bay harvest which, is at band. Mr. E. H. Thompson, representing the Bridal Veil Lumberiug Oo., visited Heppner on last Sunday and yesterday. Jake Young and Wesley Brannon are in today from their Eight Mile homes. They report a big ralu in that locality last evening. Stop that oongb! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shilob'a Oure may save your life. Sold by Oonser k Warreo. x Fred Bartholomew bag been suffering severely from an attack ot erysipelas to the face, and with a liberal portion of osrbnnoles, is having a great deal moro than his share of trials. Pendleton Tribune: Thomas Quaid, a stockman of Heppuer, was in Peudletou last evening attending the graduating exercises of bis daughter, Miss Catherine Qoaid. Charloy Parriah was defeated by Judge Clifford, for circuit judge of Malheur Grant and Harney counties, at the re cent eleotion. This ia Charley's first taste of defeat. For Constipation, take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ourei headaches, Nervonsoeas, Eruptions on the face, and makes thj bead aa clear a a bell. Sold by Cooser k Warren, x Bee M. Lichtentbal k Co. for shoe, a Harry Jones and family Suodayed in Heppner. Frank Gilliam and wifa are in Port land to attend the Masonic doinga. Qaionesae'a fumons old "Dublin Stool," imported, at Cbrla Borohere' If Harry Fblllipe loft for Walla Walla with a band, of borea on last Monday. Statements for lb. Famous Simple Account File printed al the Oatatta of fioe. If. Qaile a shower fell lo Iba mountain aeotioo on last Saoday. Il waa wel comed. Martin Aoderaoo ia taking orders for a interesting war alias that ia mwliog with ready aale. Brace MoAlister thinks that m good abowar will make spUndiJ crops down in Iba Lexington section. Beat accommodation and eoorteona treatment al the Imperial lintel, Seventh aod Wash. His., Portland, Orrgoo. Bring yoar bMes, pell, and fura to Ben. Methewe, at tba Liberty Meat Market . lie pare bigbeat market price. 019-tf. Cbaa. Johnon, member of Iba board of (iulitetinn from tola JaJirial dis trict, waa op front Lexington Patorday last Uoppoer rl''i 0T M I'' nntr of I barn, will leave lo Iba bear foturo for esoootala reir.le lo Iba oeigbborbonit of Dilob crerk. E. 0. Noble A Co. am roellar after bunt., Ttafiieal a. Mix and bar ee to be found lo IiM bar. He Ibrlr w ad lo I hi laaia. If. Harry Warren, representing Conser & Warreo, waa down at lone 00 last Fri day aod Saturday lookiog after bia Dew drugatora. The lone firm will be known aa the lone Drug Co. aod Cbaa. Iogra ham will be Iba manager. R O. Wills has disposed of hil Uepp- oer store to Prof. J. U. Browo aod Jesse Stewart, both well known reaideola of Heppner. Tba new firm will be knowo Browo k Stewart. Tba Qstett wishes tbem abundant success. The Gaclta will elub witb Hie Oregon Senator, the great Pythian paper ot Ore goo, Washington aod Idaho, published al Portland, for 1175 forjthe lo. Tba Senator ia all right. No Knitfbt or Pytbiaa should ba witboot il. tf. Frank MrFarland baa breo appointed special ageol of The Eoit able Life A earaooe Co., of New York, Iba atrongeal lo tba world. Caeb eurplua to policy bolJera of over 60 milltoc doltare. IWl lake Insurant withool aeeiog the new plana of the Equitable, losnrea both iMo at aama ratce, T7tf Bido keeping I'ja largeat amort moot of eaodiea, frotta, cigars aol ooiioos to b foond anywhere io tba eitr, Jaa. Hart la torn able to supply you with Iba Portland dnilU-e aod all Iba megadose etui prioJirle, both for Igo aod dofnmilc. It yon wool read log matter, giva Jim a call at tba llepp. er Candy Factory. If. K. O.: M ! Carrie Vsoghao and MaggU I.wne, Saturday MniBf, gava Harry Bartholomew waa in from bia Alpine ranch last week. Will Spencer and wife are visiting rel atives and friends in the yalley. U. G. Rudd and Toole" Lishe Sperry were op from lone on last Sunday. Snyder Bros, still continue to do a splendid job sprinkling our streets. lone seems to be on the move. It is getting to be quite a live little oity. The weather seems propitious for a shower, and it woold be appreciated. The report that the Hardman section was visited by a cyclone yesterday has no foundation. J. B. Whitney informs the Gbztte that he will take charge of the Hotel Heppner about June 15th. Johnny Elder bus disposed of his bands of sheep to A. W. Wej der, ot Lewistown, Mont. Crockett Kirk ia bnok from a most eu- joyable visit with relatives and friends near Junction City. Captain Gridley, who oommanded the Olympia in the Manila fight, is dead. The oause is ouknown. Pendleton Tribune: Miss Flora Hal look and Miss Ahlma Hallock are vinit ing relatives at Heppner. . Grandma Gaunt, who lives beyond the Morrow ranob on Rhea oreek, is being threatened with oneamonia. E. O.: G. P. Muir, of Heppner, Is visiting bis brother, John Muir, the well known MoKiy oreek farmer. Frank Stewart, brother of Jesse Stew art, arrived this morning from Corvallis and will spend bis sohool vacation in Heppner. The poem that appeared in the Gazette not long ago, "Is It Anybod) 's Busi ness?'' should have been credited to Lue Vernon. P. O jorg departed for Portland on last Saturday night, to be in attendance on the grand lodge of Masons which con venes this week. Hon. Edward tlirech, Salem's new postmaster, is one of Oregon's most de serving republicans. Tne Gazette is glad to see Mr. Hunch suooeed. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's the beet and if after nsing it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Warren. x La Grande Cbroniole: Hilda, the 2- year-old daughter ot Mrs. E. H'p;t-r, r ut a sliver in her throat last night aud the servioes ot a surgeon were required in its removal. The Gazette oarries a full stock ot mourning note, oorrespondenoe style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring such stationery oan have their wants supplied at this offioe. If, The commencement exeroises of the department of law, Willamette uni versity, oconred on last Saturday even ing, at Salem. The Gazette acknowledges the receipt of an Invitation. T.-M. : Wm. M. Blakeley, brother of Judge Blakeley of this oity, waa eleoted sheriff of Umatilla county on the union ticket, reoeiviog a majority of 35 over II A. Faxon, the present sheriff. E. O. : Born-To Mr, and Mrs. W. H Fowlor, at 7 o'clock on Friday evening, the 10th inst., in Pendleton, a boy, weight oioe pounds. Condnotor Fowler is now busy receiving congratulations. ' Burns Time-Herald: I. Ennis, of tba Blue Mountain Telephone Oo, waa io towo this week. He baa finished digging tbe boles to aet tba poles and informa na tba line will be complete before tbe end of tbe month. Married At tbe reeidenoe of Judge Richardson, Sunday afternoon, June 12th, Mr. E. E. Seraioger and Mine Susie Brock, Ibe judge performing Iba ceremony. The Gastte'a beat wishes go with tbem. Clarence Jobuain got in Friday from tbe Jho Day. Ha reports thai tba lei et hnne line from John Dav to Baker City has beeo fitted with Bell instru mniU.snJ oow Baker can talk witi out aide poiota without a break. The appointment of Jay P. Luoaa, aa register, and Otis Patteraoo, aa receiver for Tba DaMea land office, waa ooofirmed by Iba United Mtatre senate 00 last Kri day. Tbe Dew in on tuber-la will probably take tbeir places aboal July 1st. Drs. Jeok WillUru, an I E. N. Crock all, and Mire. Tom Williams and Tuoia Swick sums in Saoday 00 thei way lo l'ortl with tba exception of Mr. Swlct who ia here 00 bnaineee. Tba gentlnma Portland bonoj will be joioed by Dr, Miracle. rater DrariliifT, . John Oriatnao aod Mat Htoaary, ot Lo Crek. Peter HcbarfT, of Monument, and Jim Toroer of Big Wall rraek, wore io (own Honda aod yeateniay, taking out merebaodisa 00 Iba retoro trip. Tba roads are i splendid condition, they aay. If you waol the latest war oewe, Iba freabeit local happainga, city eountry, get iba OaxntU, ra I-weekly Toeaday and Friday. Patronage balpe maiee ppr. Compare il with those of other lowea iba sin of Usfipter anJ lb Cecelia will ool offer thereby, f r. U. : Jadga Ilradsbaw, thtur.li, Oomi.ee lot the etreull tieb lo lh aeteLtb dltrlr, waa elecUJ. by a fair bajirlty. Tba GhrotiM, a republican plr. tijri: 'llwae due pritidpally WONDERS OF OREGON. A Few Facts Not tieaerally Kaowa to the Pablle. Every Forest a Pharmacy. The modern use of herbs ia Ibe prac tice ot medicine, or in tbe dispensary line, ia increasing greatly. This is due to the rapid growtb of eclecticism, do doubt, wbioh teaches one louse tbe beet. It is a fact that most of tbe physioiana of today, while in the main graduates ot "old school" medical oolleges, are be ginning to onderstand the merit ot that wbiob oures, whether it be of tbeir own school or not. Eoleotioism is bound to rule in everything, as well as in medi cine, Bnd it should. In the olden time tbe grandmothers used herbs in a primitive way, but it took the doctor witb bis host of bitter dings, often injurious to the system, to mystify the people. His pill-bag was a storehouse that held all in awe, from tbe oldest to tbe youngest. He followed bard, set rules in his practioe, and felt great disdain tor "granny dootorin'". As a rule he lost more patients than the despised grandmother. At Ibis day and date when the use of herbs in the treatment of diseases has become so popular among the people, it interesting to know that a very great many medioinal plants erow in oar for ests. There is the Oregon grape root, tbe blood purifier; tbe oaseara sagrada; the burdook and seed, yellow dook, blue ag, tbe sarsaparilla, catnip, spearmint, aodelion and maoy others. Verily, onr grand forests are nature's own pbarmaoy. There tbe remedies are found wbioh need but tbe dexterous hand of man to trans form into shape tor use. Dr. Garusey uses these and maoy other herbs in her dispensary work. In fact she uses none but herb remedies. Tbey are not injurious and effect oures. She obarges for bor medioineB,only, andoon- ultation oosts nothing. Her office is two doors south of the Palaoe hotel, It you are ailing, call on her. A Little Premature. Tbe following does not sound well now since tbe great victory, and shows how some people are mistaken: Portland, Or., May 30, 1898 To the people ot the elate of Oregon: The State Uniou Campaign committee congratulates the voters of the state of Oregon upon the splendid, outlook for a glorious victory for tbe reform forces at the eleotion held on Monday next. From bforuatiou at hand from every section of the state, we prediot Ihe eleotion ot Hon. W. R.King as governor, togethtr with all bis associates on tbe state and congressional tickets. The victory will be complete and decisive and will mean that upon national issues Oregon will have bluzed the way for aoomplete union of tbe silver and reform forces tor tbe great national oontest ot 1900. Union Stats Ex. Com. A6ENT8 WANTED For the life nt Wm. E. Gladstone, by John Clark Ridpatb, LL. D , the moat celebrated orator and statesman o( modern times. Hia brilliant genius and remarkable obaraoter;bis grand achieve ments as leader and prime minister; bia magnificent triumphs in great political atruggles;including his famous speeobes, striking inoideols, personal aneodoles, etc Many superb phototype engravings. Over 650 pages. Only $2.50. Splendid canvassing outfit with valuable pre mium, terms and fall instructions sent free for 86 cents in stamps to oover post age. Most liberal terms guaranteed. Twenty days oredit. Freight paid. Agents making 85 to $30 a day. Be first in tbe field. Order outfit today. Ex perience not necessary as everybody wants it. Mention this paper. Monroe Book Co., Dep't. J., Dearborn St Chioago. 57-64 Ileum- Is Ulooil Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Castarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities trom tne body, liegin to-day to banish Dimoles. boils, blotches, blackhet and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug- gisis, saiiBiacuon guaranteea, iuc, ac, sue. PRESS COUMENT. Not Necessarily bat the What the Gazette Thinks Opinion of Others. Two years ago there were republicans who bolted the congressional nomination in this district and for this reason it was thought that the friends of Congressman Ellis would retaliate by voting for a free silver candidate fur congress in place ot Moody, but no such obarge oan be sue oesstully sustained against tbe friends ot Mr. Ellis. Mr. Moody reoeived bia full party vote in Ibis oounty. By ad vising his friends to support Mr. Moody Congressman Ellis has shown his loyalty to tbe republican party and baa given tbe lie to bis political opponeuts. Pen dleton Republican. NEW 600DS That have come in iust lately. Some exquisite patterns in summer wash goods Percales, Zephyrs, Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties. In the Shoe Department There has been some new arrivals ",IM llillHn VERY STYLISH FOOTWEAR One line to sell at $2.50 Another sells at $3.50 Still another sells at $4.00 Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They are actually away down below cost. There's nothing wrong with them IMtiinLor & Co. B 00TS AND SH0ES!ii., THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF CO. Po Yon Read What people are saying about Hood's Sarsaparilla? It is outing the worst oases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism aod all forma ot blood disease, eruptions, sores boils and pimples. It is giving strength to weak and tired women.. Wby should you hesitate to take it when it is doing so muoh tor others? Hood's pills are the best family oatbar- tlo and liver tonic Gentle, reliable, sure. They have anything in this lino that you may denlre and you can depend on It you get a goou aruuiu wuuu uiuy guarantee iw SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand( Main Street" Repairing a Spoolalty CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Father Bnody wilt hold servioes in the Catbolio ohnroh on Hundav. June 19 b at 1030 o'clock, a. m. WON BY AN OKEUONIAN. Flint Debaters' frtae In a Wanblnitton Con Ut Vron By A. W. Patteraoo. Wahhington, Jane 3 (devonian of fioe, Post building.) A. W. Patterson, ot Oregon, olerk to the bouse oo rum it tee on irrigation of arid lands, who has been atudying law at the Columbian law acbool, of this oity, waa awarded first de hater a prize at the oommenoemeot at tbe school last week. Mr. Patterson bas beeo an earnest worker at Ihe aobool, not only in bia clasa, but in tbe debating society, and justly wou tba reward be atowed upon bim. Tbe ail beat debaters ot tba aobool were choean for a Ad el oonteet, and Mr. Patterson proved bim aelf to be tbe beat man. Bolff Brought to Tow a Prom the T.-M. Wm. Rolff, who shot Murdook McKay in Antelope Toeaday morning, was brought to towo tbia morning by Deputy Sheriff Cbaa. Wallace, and placed lo the eoaoty i .ail. ItolfT bad a preliminary eiamioatioo al Antelope, aod waa bound over In the sum of $1,0) lo await Iba aerioasoeaa ot MoKay'a wound. Tbe abot entered MoKay'a left breast aod striking rib ranged downward, aod was takeo out 'tat above lha rib. Tba doctor atatea that tba ohaoooa for re covery are vary alight. Hacklea'a Arawe Malva. Tba Beat Halve In Ilia world for Cols, Bruiaea, Horea, Uloera, Halt Kbeom. Fever Horea, Tetlr, Chapped Uaoda Chilblains, Corns, and all Hk'o Erop nous, and poetuveiy enree I'llea or do pay required. Il ia guaranteed to give perfect aaliafaolioo or money rfaodd Price 25 cents per bni. For eala by Klocum Drug Co., K. J. Muoiirn, manager, Dr. John W. ttamna. of iba "Red light," aver o ihe a!l fir eoniMbttig aw, aau forttiaU ol Iba OiM-al irk taile ia lha laa l-MnhaHa, Jraay, l'.. ....... I h. -m 1 1.- t.M a .. IVIWVfiUin HIV ... w i w i mm " M tba bneleeae, prop la and take 'he Uai on I of yonr ovulb. tf Km rw .t. r, t a r i f w km. I a I . t . . I . , ,1 ..... m k... .. U,.. IU.ll,. ' " " !-' Mallek, at wbi. h lere aumtxr of i ynnng poopla w-ra prMnl. Miaa lU-rtha arrompenl-e Mr. and Mre. T. W. Ajare to Portland IMa avroing, whora aha lo the f.itur will nk bar bm. lib Mr. em Mra. A. A. I- ln-rU C ().: Mr, and Mra, Tui kftn ! In i fr PuMlao l lonlgM, na Ibair aa nm-r eatio. Aftr a f daya ia Ugoa'a Bietmpli, Mr. and Mra. Ayara will ft lo BiltiOff. Mmt.,aa l Ihrw tbroogb Iba Tallowat.joa Pl. Tba trip will envar eeverel (j- H -i bin a, to.iw- In lb l'-ti'i.-l" nMH-, i;l MixIIMa Kut.-y c!o. bar rabool ool oo LiHla lialir cr. no IimI Fri day. Hha waa ry aarvafnl aad there fore much a pf-lal. ia brr spIum I work. On !--ifl!.ie l)y br lm. gave a apUodiJ aUriaiooiatit Lh'li Mtt9b i,yal by lha l Ura ao.l aihool. IL U.i FfaJ Juhaevn, r.M7oa'lj t,f Petidlat'io, abi ia bo OKOatfvr of Iba lUo lly war-bnttaa la lir Cl'y, Ulla Iba IVtnoeral reporter Ibal ba i(-rl to ("alal Nutr. Aa lha pmot proprietor of lha O jaii I l-ava Urppoer aoou, ba dx-irous of settling op bia affaire. Wb la due biro ba moat bare al once, ao I hat bo can meat all demaoda. Drop lo aod erlllayoor account. 07 It I'UII HALK. Itaaoh, HiO acraa, good land, 4 milaa of tlappoer. all fiir,, pUuty of water, bona and barn. 11 1 arree of summer fellow, all ready f fall crop, Kaey tortna. Call at Iba () tta nffioa. ' IN Catarrb eirl, A elear bead aod itwt breath a-rnrod with Hbilob'a Catarrh IlmIy; aild on a gaaranl-a. Naaal In tor tttm. Hold l.y (.Dr A Warraa. TW. Ij Yur )ji,!iiiiiiui!.v. On rocoiptof ton cents, cr.uh or btr.iir f punerous rumple will bo miuUdi-f 11.0 :in'st iiopulnr Cnliinh and V.ny Fever Cum ;K!y's On-tuu ra'm1 rv.:1ii!'.ci:t to dtmon-l Ktrai'3 tlio (jro'tt t.:" ifi r f too romudy. . ELi l'i: I 'w'i. V.iV f'ti V i.i ri u rt., !' w York City. Pov. .T'di-i V, i (. .Tr. . m ' If nl Fa'la,Mout. ie niunii'iiilt'd ,lv ': io Jiu.in In rre. I tan eiiiiha-i.c hi i h'h'i m.'iit, ''It in a tiosi. live curv ii'" rnlnrib if liiwl as ilirpcted." icv. Froncix W. T'imiI.' Faator Central Vrao. Jhiirch, iluli'ia, Aiout. r.ly'a Creim Pn'm la the acknowledged on.v for cn'nrru nml coutiiina no niercury nor iiuy injurious (In 13 Frice, 50 oenta. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J . O. BORCHBRS MRS. MARGARET VON CADOVV Who has secured tho services of As manager. It will bo run in first class shapo m every department. Kates reasonable. SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. The CALIFORNIA Lodging Mouse oak. BEDS 25 and 60 Centa. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. CASTOR I A For Iafanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Chas. W. Ingraham, Assayer and Analyst Main Street, Heppner. Or., A I Cooaer k Warreo'a Drng Htoro. AnalyaiH of oroa a specialty. Gibson & Berger, At ('lias Junm' )!! Htand. Hhiiviriir. . 1C CtH. Hair Cuttirifjc. - !.r I'.atliM 'J."c. EverythingStrict- ly Firnt Vh. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOKOI-IimS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. OOL GROWERS ' If you have not yet realized that tho "tfooil old times" are with us, your Mood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to tho fact that the Wool Growers' j Warehouse T Is tho place to store your wool this season. Why? I5e- causo wo tlo a strictly warehouse business, and not huini? in the field buying wool ourselves, we encourago competition amongst tho buyers and secure you tho highest price. W are arlliii wool w in an1 twlut at met, paabla when aoul Is -U. Html In lour enter he. pay tha hlaNcat -h irlr fr tiw.p iwlia anl Mt. W mr Atftila fi,r I If Hm'm filn aint SLi-b Tnk.rr r,iM n,. ....iH nii.i.i. 0l-im. Ih, .7..,krt. " ' " lr irvliihl lo Iramilvr vhxn rriirt1 U1ri t.r nwnirt of wool. iit inn aniir ni bni nfi"T ami khhi, Iflrta t your teauittuii Ui tlia luocr aarvhoaMi. Iki niMiin HoIIrI HarlvV lor tremitara. su(iii jr.,,1 a iiru ilil. R. F. HY1ND. AUnaocr. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS 15 Shaving tr? Cents. ta a ahop two lUmn aruth ni i'iMim,x. G. B. HATT, Tonsorlal Artist. Shoving, Hole Catting, Shop, Mtt to,,,,,, IS Centa 25 " ll, f, (If. Ji.o. E. .G Noble & Co., I Successors to Noble & Co., C Arc in I B-l'l at tlx nM staiiil llh llarnM, a,n, Whla, .r, tm n andlaaa C C !l of rrthln( In thlr III,. R. U. Hoi, la ani Mra. IK Kotila r.im,rla the boo Una liulll j all 1,111a of IhaoM Irai aall aa oillw t bat Is d'ta. S n. o. onrvio xs co. ? I Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't S overlook this, liepalr work a specially. ( The Best Bargains- 1 baa lnn la of ml f aUra thtm aMa. la all l,nl ?mdi ami lake Mr. A)a' ! IU irof al-ra ,4 w, Wl m i.ji.j t t,,.,,,. 4iilU lla laUei'i aUrbia. . l.o-a l tkf C17, A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Quecnswaro At .omi n n 1 Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Conrrrtioncry 113111121111 IV blSuBB S Mt II ialliftii a... ja.iihk, I - ""vH mlviliriLliT, vALL U,i O. THOMPSON oo,, Aim NOT THE GOODS UOIGMT I 0W THE LLAST M0NLY N'il Uxm u4 f ! In "t- f1.. in tM If tHt Ui t i i.mt mir s aurin f kf.it.t m 4.4 l lha r '' ha anrtii t'i 'n , a'l ..f ti tht Hli n Ifarrtvaia, M.naa an4 1 !. lit Ulu.Hi,i Vj, Klta.l t..4 a.u'.r Ultxl GO WliLUli YOU CAN (iliT WHAT YOU WANT.