Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 14, 1898, Image 1

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Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
NO. 657
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.0) per year, 1.00 for six months, 50 ote.
tor three mnucns, Btriotly in advano .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postotfice at Heppner, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. JJake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchant!
fSxohangs, San Franoisoo. California, where oou
raute for advertising; oan be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kxchangi Build
ing, San Francisco, is our authorized agent.
This paper is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:03 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junociou 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 b. m
Spokane Express No. t leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma'illa 8:60 p. m.
Portland ExDress No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 8:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.110
.m. and arrives at rortlancl i:.iua. m.
Vast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 D. m. and
arrives at Heppner Juuotion 3:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 ft. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner J unction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7:20 a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore.
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the 'Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require Bome assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
Gen'l Passr. Agt.
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
Vice President (iarret A. Hobart
(Secretary of State W. R. Dny
Uttoretaryof Treasury Lyman J, Gave
.Hooratarv of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Bunnell I. Alger
.Secretary ot Navy donn it. tiong
Postinaster-Oeneral Charles Emery Smith
Atrornnv-Hetierfil John W. Brians
Sooretury f Agriculture ....James Wilson
State of Oregon.
i-iovernor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. R. Kinoald
Treaanror Phil. Metschan
Hnpt. Publio Instruction U. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
u 1 ( G. W. MoBride
oaiMiun ... -i
1 Thos. H. Tongue
wmnwiji I W. It. Ellis
Printer W. d. Leeds
(R. H. Bean,
Nnnmnin .flirlffM... I F. A. Moore.
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
! rnnit Judge Stephen . Lowell
P.osecuting Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow County Ottlcials.
Gault House,
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis,, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "v; ASTORIA," the samd that
has borne and does now bear on everu
the fac-simile signature of CaiTck wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
look carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought - on the
and has the signature of C4a72cu wrap-
per. no. one nas authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March 24,1898. ? w. ,
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on . it), the in
gredients of which even h e does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always. Bought"
joint Senator .-
I'rtHinty Judge.
' Commissioners.,
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk
' Surveyor...
School Bap't...
'' Coroner
, A. W. Gowan
J. N. Brown
G. Bartholomew
. . . , J . U. Howard
....J. W. Morrow
...K. L. Matlock
... Frank Uiltiara
....A. C. Peters
J. J. McOee
,.jBy W. Shipley
...B. F. Vautshan
Half block west of the Union Depot of C.
Q., C. M. 5t St. P., C. 4 A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Grower and Dealer ln
Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Tra,
Grapa vines and Small Fruits.
Our Trees are Grown With
out Irrigation.
Insist on Having
The Kind That - Never Failed You.
IVIerchant Tailoring !
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. Eis work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
HAVANA, June 10. It is officially denied that Santiago was
bombarded today.
The American warships today bombarded Baiquire at some dis
tance east of Aquadore, abd wear Santiago de Cuba. A dispatch from
Cape Henry June 10th says four Spanish warships are lurking in the
vicinity of the cape.
t SANTIAGO, June 10. There are 20,000 infantry here. The guns
of Cervera's fleet have been landed and fortifications have been made
to give the American troops a hot reception. , Gomez and the insur
gent army are coming to join the American troops.
WASHINGTON, June 10. Assistant secretary of war, Minkle-
john, says the expedition for Manila will leave today. It will consist
of 6,000 men and largf quantities of supplies.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., June 10. The monitor Monterey and Terror
Brutus, put in here today. Oa their way the Monterey lost several
hundred tons of coal loaded on the deck, and came in to get more.
"WASHINGTON, June 10.-Thirty.-f our transports convoyed by
sixteen warships of which the battleship, Indiana, is leader, will prob
ably leave Tampa today. The transports will carry 2,500 troops, tons
of ammunition, fruit and supplies for the army of invaders. All is in
readinesB at fort Santiago for their, landing.
WASHINGTON, June 13.-One division of the United States
troops sailed this morning from Key West, consisting of nearly 15,000
officers and men. The transpoits are under a strong convoy of war
ships. Word has been received that the Cadiz fleet is unfit for sea.
Absolutely Pure.
nvppNKa town nvnocaa.
Mtyor ... -Thos. Morgan
Omiwultoen.... K. J. Hlocum, M.
Lichtenthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J. W.
Itumns and E. O. Bperry.
ii ... W.A. RichanlBon
rtewurer L- W. Briiors
Marshal J"1" Uaicer
Precinct Offleer.
.iril tk. rnua W. K. Richardson
unstable. N. S. WheUtone
United 8tt Land Officer.
I. P. Moor
f.A AliNDL Oft.
v w n.-tt.ti Resistor
J. H. Kobbins lUoeiver
Published Every Saturdayl'
13 Astor Place New.York
, Receiver I
sssbxt boxsstx:e.
O. A. R.
Meet at Heppner, Or., th third Saturday of
.rh month. All vataraaa ar uivitaa vi yna.
w w Hmlik. ( W. Hea.
Adlnunt. tf (Vimmander.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boors, 8 to 10 s. m., and 12 lo
2 d. m.. at residence. W. A. Kirk's prop-
arty, salt of M. E. chnreh, Bontb, aori 10
to 12, a. m , to 'I lo 0 p. m., ai omoa m
lbs rear of Borg's jewelry store.
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been daring each of its twenty-seren
JWister I years, a History of Our Own Times. In
its various editorial department The I
Outlook gives a oompaot review of the I
world's progress; it follows witboarel
all lbs important philanthropic sod in
dustrial movements of tbs day; bas a
complete department of religious news; I
devotes much space to the interests of I
tbe bome; reviews onrreot literature;!
tarnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give
freeb information, original observation,!
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty fiiftb volume,
th paper will assume tbs regular maga
zine sis, whiob will add greatly to its
oonvenlenoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two lasiiea year. Tbs first issue
'When you hear dem bells T
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
A London diapatoh says: Three 6panib cruisers have arrived at Manila and
Dewey's fleet bas gone to meet and fight thorn,
WA8HINQroN,JuDe U. Preparations for the second expedition of troops to
tbe West Indies Is being pushed rapidly. It will start soon on transports.
CHICAGO, June 14. Joe Leiter, tbe speculator, has tailed, resulting in lower
Prioea for a time.
SagaBta's private secretary says: Hpain is anxious for peaoe, and will aooept
any suggestion to that end which does not oomefrom Amerioa.
The Amerioan's advuuoe guard, whom It was feared was killed or captured in
figLting near Santiago, is safe and is back in tbe lines.
A mail report of tbe battle of Manila from Dewey bas reached Washington,
lie tells of Amerioans taking possession of ports and fightiogthe gnu. They sailed
to help the Amerioans flbt uear Mauils whiob in part was responsible for the four
jivi'S kst in tbe recent engagement, . ..
Tbe Aueriouu foroes in Cuba are suffering from beat and poor water.
Brown & Rodfisld t 'nMonmoo'n',n'''u,i,'e''M'M
aamoer, containing aooui twice as many
Attorneys at Law,
Offlo Id tb Kiral National
Hipphik. : Oasoo.
Ellis & Phelps,
Ait iialnM tu-i1id to In a rmmpt and
ktl.lwtory manurr. NuUrle I'ubllc slid
Collar tors.
orric la attr Blldlno. Nppnr. Or.
pages as tbs ordinary i.ue. together Por more than fifty-six years it lias never failed
nu auuuci i (iiiiih, I.. , . . ,
Tb. pnos of Tb. Outlook u tbres in its weekly visits to the homes ot iarmcrs
crnt,rd,a5r,'ndT,D",or M,b"" and villagers throughout the U. S.
Send for ft rcimo oopy tod illoitrftl-
u pro poin to ids uotioos, .J AStor IT !Aa athfuii U,tr4 lor theif prosperity hspplnini, for th Improvement of their
Dare, Mew Toik Ottv.
bii.iiirse sun home luteretu, lor euucatioii, lor lbs elevation ol Anwria aiannooq ana
true womsnhiKMl
IT HAS told t the UrMida, Interesting and Instnirtlv itorli-sof the dolus, of th world, tb
rwtinn sni stairs
General Collector
Put your nld rmnk. and nrt In his
hsnla and ft vour mnney out nf
ihrm, Msk- a S-UiUy of brl
0(Bcio J. y. Browp'i Haihling.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
met ar
.II. sn4 biv rl . fnt ),
Uih iiw mnotsixitis smt all) rtm jrua
pi as; IB Ills Una. at raaMial.la Sgurva.
First National Bank
or iir.riNKK
Whtl yo aaap tfMir aahasrlptkun paid mp fm
aakaap ynar brand la frasof harsa.
tlr. P.O.. ftontinar. fr. H.naas. P B tl laft
wkmiiimti oaiua, sun on in hip.
Ifnatisa. Parrr. Ilatmnar. Or Caltla hrandod
W II. r.,i,nrtr mi li.a lft aula. Wa.1.11 oa
. t n. Morrow cnanly.
rk. A. J..Iatia.OT, Moras. Sflnn rlaft
dT. ttla, aamantt rlaril Mpl at BMfk gnar
mp oa ln snu split la mm.
K! ltrai.t)laa.Or.-Hntaas braniloi PLY
rt Uft anmililar, oaili iu oa lafthlp. but
ia rutlil aar.
rtiwanra, L k Rantmar. Or'ailla, LI
rtM hipt kanaa w witit bar aadar ua rtabt
Jonas, Harry. Happnaf. Or Horaa kraaitait
K J i tba laft .li.Kil.l-f: rat l la bra iod i
nst.t hip. alaii stxWtnt la laft ar. Kan (a a
Murfuw auaaty.
J.ka. Palls. Or. Hnraaa. atrrlaT net
laft atifla; aailla aan.a ufl rlM hip, Badav hail
rp la nM an4 aulit a lart aar
laaay, Miha, Hapfaar. Or. Wofaa bant1
IM era taft hip aaUlaaamaaM m,o (-8 laft
aari aa.ta aixpa nj wu. riaht
lahf . J W Hafir-na Or Hotaaa trant4
I. ana 1 na Un ab'mlilari Mttla aaa im a
hip, aaiilainaf rialil a,a, thraa aula la fihl
IT HAS advlaad the larm-r s to Ih most spprmwl mrttifxU nf riiltlvstlnf an1 harvastlns his
a century has heM llirlr coiiA'Iniic ami oalacin.
rmtis. ami th l.futwr tlma to mmvcri Ihrm Into Ihr lnri-. tH,aili!r sinoutit of monay
IT HAH lot In all irtattrt. Maliiln l th wallara of fsrmrrs and t llliKiirs, ami for ovar a hall
New York Weekly Tribune,
And furnish It with th GAZETTE, on, year for
$2.75, cash In advano.
A4.1rs- all Ort-r. to THE GAZETTE.
Writ" your nam and Mrsa on postal rar.l, sM It InOao. W. f4is, Trtlmns Ottlr, Hsw
Yori llty, aixl a sami'l -y ol Uia ors naotiy t riii-ma win b maiipt lo you.
T. A. PtMf A.
ace. w coNtcN.
a Pfsldnl
Via rraldnl
a Caahlar
Aas't Caaniar
M ia.tr. Oaras, riaptHia nr. -4 attla.
rwtot hip, bursa, II urn ln ahnal'tar.
Mcaraaa H. Mapa, Or Hmti
nj safi abaalila. aaltia aaiaaaa lafl hip
M O oa
O laf
Tna-t i Sfiffil Fau.linjj Ra-iwM.
O ll pari ol IS wiatt.1
Bought and Sold.
C(nrUm t a all M"'
oA i'.1t'44 ffiS'4
iwt. ra. i. m iKwstaa la , h..n
ah.Ma, al la aarna ) 'ali lop.
Parka 4 lilaaatw. ttarttibaa.Or.-H'a-aaa II' o
t'.ann. fitl.a. kms hranait tr ami
ait on tart sbanUlar, fna, ll.tit Miiv,
W4.a i. m , flaptas. Ov.-Maraa, JO at
( atlia. ilua rVtht hip.
If. n. Ka.nar. Ihr. - a1l W C u
I bt hip wa. t r . an 1 abl Is af yaar.
. i.Oi twaa W t k1 ah.4i.bar,
Tlni..aa, $ A., Ilavtma.. Ir W. ran, g aa
U' Mhm ,4t. raMi. 1 m lafl ahalHaa.
Tarww M W.Hnnwt ft,mmU aa,i(al f
a afc-"il,l-, ai'' aV' s n b.ft kip
pt'iA iUt I, Pui sa,1,
Columbia River nnd Find Sound Navigation ft
Sirwatn 1UMH BAILtr GiHttT iD OfEW WIVE.
Iaing AMar Hlrpl Ik-ck, I'ortUnil, 1 Alria, llwaon, fg IUrh, CWas '
I'ark aud Nshnitt. liirwt snnijt. wilb llwanw aaroar ami rail
na.; also at Young's Hy wilb hsarlxir lUilroad.
UttM pMrtiatHl J A M. Iialiy. iptaiHtay. Lasts A.bM ? P. M. tallf. tlrajl auuls)l
iivitB-r ca-ATSBian'r
Uavs fofllstvl P H tally. asapt atmnay . BaiaMsy blM, II P . tara Astufla l
t '. A M , a.ra4 suo1sy st4 Moft'lsy. k..a il,l, 1 ', M
aa -..rlaii tnA tf 4 Ira. I bi lla s . T-i'.f "1 Thura-lay at A. M NataHay s( f, M
Imm liar (Sa-lnoKlsi sn4 Prllay l i A. M. Uit ulas ,gM at P. H.
From tho I.oiik Crrvk KskIi'.
J. A. Crisman departed Tuesday for
H"iimr with wool. U will returo
ith freight for Long Croek uerobauti.
Ruel Koiiud aud Kfscoe Shaw ar
rived from tli'ppner Saturday loaded to
tbe guards with freight for Long Ureek
Michael Tribtrry, a hpeproan of Basin
creek, was iu Long Creek Tuesday. He
will msrkot his wool this season at
Iiartey county bas ben in eiiateuoe
sinoe 1HH, Dearly ten years, and to date
it has not paid dollar of its own in
debtedness. All the mouey raised io
tbai onuuiy tor several tear to Ooms
will be paid Grant oouoty aa tbe price ot
it liberty.
wyatt I'otoam, Iba Hills boy wbo wss
aooideotally shot through lbs body oo
Wadorsday of last week, bas wonderful
ly improved sod Is now almost oertaiu to
recover. From tba position of the
wounds in th child's breast and baok,
it eettnja impossible that (lihu'.lst could
have rows J tba heart, and it is miraol
that be is going to gat well.
Oliver, wbo shot and killed Trier
French, of Uarney county, was prompt
ly acquitted whan on trial for tno
alaogbter. Yt Ilia muttonbsad who
wield lbs editorial ponon tbsOrrgooisc
thought It was a disgraos lust ba was let
out on booils after lb affair bppud
11 ad (Jllvrr bran wealthy man Iba Or-
gotiian would bavs flawed tb nialtor
through uliraly difjorant slasss. It's a
sham and disgrar whan an great a
dally aa th Orag miao cau'l play any
thing hill Hi pari of "poodle'' when a
tnillionair i in trouble.
Tba aotivaulr edition of Iba Haksr City
Uortiiiig Itvrowrat bas rabd this offlos
and is vary m at and wall arraoged , It
consisliog ol furty-aii paga. Il contain
a wall wnllao account of th mining.
farming and lorot.af ing, atorkralalof abd
froilgroamg iinliiatria of llsksr, (irant,
Haroay, Malheur and Uuioo conotir
sod li a vaal fund of InforuialKio eon
cernlbg Ibat tpoiioo of Oragoa, a wall
aa edinsroiia sat of buin tblib
rusfaU, Oiia.s, rrs.)ai,rr and rapraaabla-
liva tuaa of Hi aliova-nsroad coonllrs.
Tba sniaing Inlsraai i,f (Want roanly r
ravl pathriilar niaoli.m ,'and takins
Ibaxlilina aa a wool it t a valuable
advatiiaamtat bf Ilia Iran iiro i.f Kl
era 0'H"t
a a
rut HI It op II t KMM
IwTIb ruarlb of July lua O K A Uu,
ill Sail HOlirsinll tlckat ffliUI llalii,par
lo aoy ststioa In () u I raltra, lo
do ling Wallula ao I Walla Walla, at
lata of on fr f,y rinullrlp, Tiek't
will tat old on Jt'y 2 1, 1 l.aad At!. t
to ruin mi July " Fr furii.-f ii,.
(atmatpjo af ; f S. got al llat,p
ilaid Coatest Gowan
Winner Until tb Final
Morrow Win a
Thought to Ba a
Ur turns.
Late news from the interior gives Mor
row the jolut-senatorsbip by 61 votea.
Ooan oarried Qraot oounty by 156
votes, but Morrow came in with bia own
county by 131 majority and to this sdded
Qowao's oounty with 80 votes. This
settles tbe matter beyond question.
Mr. Gowa? baa many warm friends in
this locality and it was their wisb that
S should succeed. Tbey are mindful
t tbe fact that two United State sena
tor must be cboien withio tbe neit foor
years, and tbey would n.nob prnfar that
a republican should represent this sens
torial district.
Mr. Morrow owns bissuooeattoa larg
following of personal frieod and not to
any politioal combinations. Fusion in
any form is unpopular In Oregon. Mr.
Morrow's eleotltio was the result of re
publican support, not oa political line.
Up to last Monday it was olaimed by
many that (iowao bad won, and sonia
mooey changed bands on that aasoiap
Iwn, but bad to b returned latr on.
Tb stata is republican all the way
from 7,0(10 to lO.IXM). Kvery slat and
congressional candidal Is elnolsd.
Uiokl, candidal for proaeentlog at
torney on th fasin ticket, won Morrow
coanty but lost Ureal ilia by a Urge ma
inly and was defeated.
Union oounty is included in tha land'
slid and wool for both Oanr and Moody,
Tb IVndlaton Tribune is tusking soma
vary absurd claim, a wall a nofoandod
charge. Ni on pays aoy particular at
taution lo lharu, bowsvar. If tb Trib
une should observe party sthln In
th future a mot of lb rpohlicna of
Morrow ooonty do at all lint, and
which It bas not al any lima under it
iait tnnagemnt, Iba judicial dis
trict, comprising Morrow aud Umatilla,
will elwj o im np wltb vpUndid ra-
pnhliciiii in ii J rl'y.
tmm lk Kaaas:!
T'h cuptma liul I rwtd, "Kmtu l.ak
IWanati, via Iowa," but leak of cpaoa
plrssbl so lthsi hasdlng and at
the satoa) tint irrv Iboa svioatrioal
pfipoftion that printer issisl upon
What lb (Is. -11 daaira to say U that
Mi. K. i.Mnir wnU from low that
hw ha hoard at namatin lima from
IU, tb last tiro from Lak Itanaatl
ksr h was wailiog wltb thirty fm
Im al for lb In lo break. II I o
Mrtiipsiuid by th William biy, of Io.
II give a thrilling eeoouul of tb
avalatat b al ('bilmstil i'aa whlcb cam
dttgroiity ipsa catching 'IU. II
aa.ti I digging out th fodia. Is)
vary short tim h will lv ra bad tb
by an a( Kload h. a l, It I
bit I, al l com bark with lortua.
Plo.alatama Baa.M Vl Ilk rwo.la
' 'f i brla. tb' ... nli.n fuartnf
I'M, If C. U t fall. us. lata (Hsu Kia..
Highly Prosperous Section, With Heavy
Coming Crops.
From the Oregonian.
Quite a number of Heppner people are
in Portland at present, some for change
and pleasure, some for business and some
as delegates to tbe Maaonio conventions.
Among them are Arthur Minor, Hon.
Henry Blaokman, William Spencer, T. A.
Rbea, P. O. Borg, M. Evans, A. Andrews
and Mrs, George Oonser. AH agree that
the Heppner region is very prosperous
and that everything indicates that this
year's crops- will bathe best for years.
The hay and alfalfa are all ripe and
ready to out, and are of moat exoellent
quality. The wheat orop suffered slight
ly on some hot days last week, but rain
followed and jwar Jed off tbe threatened
danger and assured a good orop.
Last year, Morrow county produoed
800,000 bushels of wheat, for which the
growers received an average ot 65 cents
per bushel, and many of them reaeived
80 cents. This year tbe county will pro
duoe 1,000,000 bushels.
I In oattle, everything in Eaoteru Ore
gon is in demand, and anything will
bring 3 cents, live weight. T. A. Rhea
has just shipped 500 head of beet oattla
to Omaha, and reoently shipped 750 head
to Chicago. A bunob ot feed steers
were recently sold at Eoho at 4J, cents
per pound and shipped to Seattle.
! At Heppner, yearling steers bring $18,
heifers 815 and range oows and oalve
$25. HorBes have beoome themselves
sga'.-, ,nd are souroe, and ordinary sad
dl; animals bring from $25 to $50. Work
horses, sold to sheepbuyers lo go East
with tbe drives, sold for $50 to $75. Two
years ago these horses found no sale at
$3 a head.' Oue of the Heppner mer
chants Una been trying for six months to
got an extra goodsadoie horse,and offers
$100 forsuob.
In sheep, Charles White bss shipped
from Heppner to Chioago a trainload of
mutton sheep, aud Ed Weydert has
shipped to Livingston, Mont., 6,500 head
of ewes and lambs, paying $1.50 tor the
lambs and (2 for the ewe. Mntton
sheep are now worth about $2.55 a bead
at Heppner.
In wool, tbe opening up of tha market
is still lagging. Buyers ar at Heppner
who would probably pay 7 to 10 oents,
but growers ar holding for 10 to 13
cents, socording to quality.
Arthur Minor I a member of a Uepp-
nr mercantile bouse whiob is among the
first of lb slate, and says that business
is now better than aver, and will lncroas
when th interior trad comes In aad
ranchers haul their wool lut) Heppner
What Ur. A. fc. Halter Hays.
Buffalo, N. Y. Oents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tb rfftot of your Hhiloh's Cur In cases
of advanced consumption, I atn prepared
to say it la tba moil remark able remedy
that ha ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has oertainly saved many from
consumption. Sold by dinser A Warren.
J Ur., Jutl 1.1, Ih'ja. .
Ih-an, Mi I (3) Havnaa, IIoIm rt
Ksnison, II Li Messrs It- llro
Steward, J A Tlmmaa W M
Wnn.ward, ('has Willar.l, J
When rallllK lor these li-ttara tilcse sat
4lv.rtiv J, p. William., I'. M.
1 Million Trsr,
When imiia luiv, try, sod buy (rnin, it
mi-mi. Iliey'it- eotmlinl. Ihr ni.ile nl tint
I'niteil M,ilr- are now buying ( aamri-l
dimly ('iillinrlK- at t tin rate nf two nullum
Imii. s yrsr ami il will I lliri-e million In
lure Ni w Vrnr a. It tnrulia hum it priiViMl.
f lull ( na, srela ara Hie moat ih'litflilful Ixiai I
n-Kulstor for avrrylxMlv tha y-sr rouml. All
ill ujii.ts lla-, Zk uOr a Iwi, tur guarautevd.
Htimptor News: F. J. Ilallock, th
Morally elected justio of th paar for
this prniriot, I an old hand in th
quir's rifflo having bold a similar posi
tion al Heppner, Ilia eiperienn In lhat
Una, a wall a la th county clerk's
I'Rlea, whar ho wa for om tim a
ilapuly, rander bin wall qoaliflad fur
tb poaition and ws claim that in th
partus) of Frd Ilallock, Hamptsr bs tb
most sffijlanl Justio of tb paac in
linker oonniy.
Hliilub ('un.timpiiuo Cur euia
what other fad. It la th leading
Ouogb Cur a, ol no horn abouM l
Wlbiit it. I'lsaaai I lo lak and go
right Id that ot. Hoi I by (Viiiswr A
Warraii, t
K. O : W. E- liiu, gsaatal agent
of Ik Oragoo Hbnrt Lin, with bis offlt
i I'orllaad, and oin of ( 'inl not or Co
ra n, of th It It, A N , w. tnsirlcl to
Mia Mafalin 7,,n. at I'.trtlaad, Wv.lua.
day. Tha bsppy (V,if. ar pnw a,iJ,T.
J !lfii-"if,