Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 10, 1898, Image 4

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    fn) P rp
mn mrimn iiiiii
1 Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Leave Portland every 5 Days for
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 3 Days For
The Old Shop !
Th thn nl.r trt rrn tn rnt
JVSM r o- , o--
Fine angar-cnred hama nd bacon.
Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old
style. Highlit cun price paid for
at atock.
Points EAS1 and SOUTH
W YORK, 4 days
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokoboma and Hong Kong in con
nection with O. B. & N.
For (all details call on 0. R. 4 N.
Agent at Heppner, or address
Gen. Pans. Agt.
Dortwell. Carllll, A Co., Gen'l. Agta., Nor. Pae.
8. 8. Co., Portland, Ore,
- s
frVr. PAUL
Tickets issued to all points in the United
States aud Canada.
All other Omaha
points 1 Kansas City
in the Ht. Johkph
East and ( Ht. Lodib
Hontheaal I Boston
Nrw Yohk
Union Depot connections '
at Ht, Paul, Minneapolis,
Kansas City, Omaha, Ht.
I ) ti is and other promi
nent points
Baggage oheoked through to destination
of tickets.
Through tickets to Japan aud China, via
Taooma and Northern PsclUo tfteain
ship Company's line.
For full information, time cards, maps,
tiokets, etc, call on or writs
W. 0. A it awat, A. R. Charlton,
Atrt.N. P.Ry. Aast.Uen.IW Agl.
The Dell., Or. Portland, Or
4- bo years
"v experience
Tot Maoks
. a
Copyright Ac.
Anon wniltng ft ikrtrh nd rts-Tflirthtw mmf
ftiirfkly MM'Mriiilfi fitir nt'tnlon trmm whfMknr mi
llivtiillitn prnhuMjr itnUhi. ntinl4w
ItiMtaairinlf 0tmiiillsU. llMnlbiHtkmi I'biii(a
wit frM. OMi. 4WiM-r for MHtiniitf MiMiia.
I'nioiitsi lAhon ihniusfh Munn to. rvowlrtt
0priU fvtflft), withtmi vlmnr, lath
Scientific American.
A banit.imely Il1ntrat4 wee.lf. I erveet erf.
nilalti'tl uf etiv aleiitlAe Journal, l em... SJ a
four ni'.mlu, L SuM brail nei.ilr.
t Pn aturaMt.Novu
Willi W WW. IIV.II I
Braurh Oflliss, 09k F Bt, waaameiue, 1.
50 Years....
Undisputed Supremacy
World's Competition
Increases Ylolil of Wool. Kiibancre
Valuaot Flock . lbeep, Hal, Man
dy, Glean, Wblia Odorless.
'.'l 1 A.h Htnvl, Portland, Of .4;.. a.
Sl. l.y Minor A Co.,
ll jpm r, Or.
Keep sip and Get tit
Tin: wool. m:coiu
Tsils Vw HswU D It.
Clipped from the Hobo Banner.
We hate to pea the following lines, bat
doty and pressing need compel ns to.
Baring been danced 75 times by the
boose that tarnishes the paper that this
in nrintA.1 nn fnr mnnev. alao havinir
your fine pork and lamb keen danned in church last Sabbath
chops, Bteaks and roasts. morni or money, for some second band
i;pe inai we parcnaaea eigni years ago,
nd being told by Shooting Joe that be
would make a Salt cellar of odr caroask
if we did not pay for two ponnds of
toagb steer, that be stole on tbe range,
we feel that we are justified in using
enough ink to say a few words intended
for tbe galoots who obeattbe poor editor.
So bere goes, ''Hew to the line, let the
ohips fall where they may."
There is more genuine joy in print
ing offloe over one subscriber who pays
in advanoe and abuses the editor on
every oocasion, than ninety and nine
who borrow tbe paper and sing its praises
without contributing a solitary oent to
UTAH, COLORADO, NE- keep it out of the poor house. The low
speoimen of the American bog who has
tbe nerve, gall, and brass, to take this
paper for a year or two, then refusing to
pay for it, also Bending a postal oard or
dering as to stop it, is a scoundrel, black
leg, a deep diamond dyed all wool and
three yards wide horse thief, and would
steal the last grain of wheat from a
obioken, that was poor, lame, and blind.
' We intend to speak plaid. A man
need not think after doing this dirty ten
derfoot triok, that be ever will succeed
in any business that he may engage in.
If this low, and depraved man goes to
tbe oyster festival at tbe obnrob, he will
never find in tbe bowl of soap, tbe oys
ter that be longs for, no sir, the poor,
bard working, oyster is next to him and
wants nothing to do with him in any
way, matter, form, or shape. ; He will
always be unlucky. ;
If be is suddenly oalled away on a
hasty trip be -will ' find out ' when he
reaches the railway station that the train
be wanted left 15 minutes ago.
He is left. It he had not stopped the
paper, and bad paid ' (or it, like a man
should, he would baveeaaght his train,
by simply reading tbe time card in every
issue of oar paper. ' It he buys a suit of
Olothes today, tomorrow be will , learn
that be could have bought the same suit
RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS 2 "beeper at the next store below. -Tbe
way of the transgressor is bard." This
is some of tbe 'bad luck be will have in
all of bis transactions if be does not pa;
his subscription. . Far better to pay tbe
printer, for verily I say unto you, ''that
it is tbe only way to happiness and ever
lasting joy." - We don't know it this quo
tation is oorreot or not, but our inten
tions are good in making It.
' This fellow is mean at borne, beats the
children and kioks tbe dog, when kind
Dens would be tbe proper thing, lie is
so mean and stingy, that be talks through
bis nose to savs tbs wear and tear of his
mouth, will also oae tbs wart on thsbaok
of bis neck for a oollar button to save 5
cents. Pay tbe editor. What a sermon
could be preaohed with tbe above three
words for a text.
Yes, indeed , pay the editor; you then
will be sacoiMsfal in all your business
dealings, it is written so. Yon will be
kind to your ohildren, to tbe dog, and
even will want to klssyour mother-in-law
God torgivs me for lying.
You will disoovur a riub claim up in
the Klondike, beeoms a power in your
oity, live to a good old age, and when
you die yon will have a two column in
ploa set-solid ootioe of your early aod
untimely demise, sad probably the lore-
man might take time to reverse tbe col
umn roles for you.
Remember it takes penoils and ink
and just a few pennies to ran tbis sheet,
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Cars
' Pullman Palaoe Sleeping Cars
For full particulars regarding rates,
time of trains, etc, call on or address
J. 0. HART,
Agent O. R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregon
0. 0. Tebry, W. E. Comak,
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agt.
124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
The Only
Change of
All-Rail Route Witbont
Cars Between Spokane,
Rossland aud Nelson.
Nelson aod Rossland,
Hit) A. M Hpokane.
1HII A. M Himland.
0:10 A.M , tliM.D...
Clime oonnaetiona at Nelwm
Kiutlo. anil all Kontminl lkn ixiinta,
1'awwnKnra ror Knttle nlvnr and Hnnndurv
reek connect at Miiroai with atfute daily.
Also between
daily except
. .;40 P. M.
. :W f. M.
..6:45 P. M.
Hh .teamen for
"The Resulator Line"1
The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co.
Commencing Mouday, Mny 2nd, the
steamers of the JWnlstor Line will
leave Portland at U-W a, m. aod Tbe
Dalles atHJ0a.m.
When yon go to Portland, stop off at
The Dalles aod take a trip down the
Columbia; yon will enjoy it, anj save
W. a Al.LAWAT,
General Ageat.
Mike Eenney was in Heppner yester
day. "
Pendleton is preparing for a big Fourth
of July celebration.
Jim Williams is down from hie Spring
Hollow ranch for a few days.
C. F. Bartboloma, representing Msrx
A Jorgensen, visited Heppner yesterday.
Emil Grotkopp came in from Jim Wil
liams' ranbb yesterday, to rest a few
days. i
Fine home-made tally at tbe Orange
Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods-
leave your orders. ' If.
Fossil Journal: W. 0. Brown arrived
from Heppner yesterday, and started
back today ' witb bis wife, who has been
visiting relatives bere.
If yob need something for your system
oall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tt
Judge A. G. Bartholomew returned
tbis morning from Salem.
Will Mallory and family moved out to
tbe mill on Rock oreek this week.
Jimmy Johnson and Jerry Brosnan
were in from Lena Taesday to get the
election returns.
W. P Smith, representing Langley &
Michaels Co., of Sao Francisco, was
with our druggists yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. 8 W. Spencer depart
fir Portland and other valley points to
night to visit with relatives for a few
Mrs. Hynd, aunt of Robt. Hynd, de
parted on Thursday evening for Port
land on a vis't to old friends whom she
baa not seen for a number of years.
Care that cough with Shiloh's Care.
xoe Dest ooagn cure. Keiieves orouD
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for Boots, Sold by Cot
ser & Warren. v
Jesse M. Shelley, son of Rev. Shelley,
and who is employed at Slooum's drug
store, is on tbe siok list. His plaoe is
being ably filled by his father who is an
expert pharmacist.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make Bbd pleasant to take. 25 cts
Sold by Conser & Warren. v
' Rev. 0. R. Howard and wife returned
this morning from Pendleton. Mr,
Howard attended the district conference
of tbe M. E. church, Soutb, whioh con
vened at Dayton, Wash., last we k,
T. McLellan, ot Canyon City, passed
through Heppner on Wedoesday, on bis
way to Skagway. His wifa preceded
bim several months, having acoompanied
ber father to the Alaska town last fall
Lit. uarnsey reiurnea tnls morning
from Arlington where she acoompanied
Mrs. H. F. Merrill on ber way to ber
borne in Dakota. Mrs. Merrill was nn
der tbe care of Mrs. Garnsey for severs
months and leaves greatly improved in
Condon Globe: S. P. Shott and fare
ily lett this week for a couple of weeks'
Visit with relatives in California, after
which Mr. Shntt expects to again embark
n tbe oewspaper business in that state,
wbere be hopes to esoape pneumonia,
with which be has been troubled so
much witbin tbe last few years in this
from the Long Creek Eagle.
W. L. Richards and E. M. Akers, trav
eling photographers from Morrow tono
ty, are temporarily located in Long
Creek. Eeacb gentleman is acoompanied
by his family. '
Hem an Colwell, for years a resident of
Morrow oounty, is digging after tbe yel
low metal up on Vinson oreek. He has
been operating a placer mine since tbe
mining season opened. ,
Arrangements have beep made for
races on the 4th and 5th of July at the
traok in Long Oreek. , Two purses will
be bung and no donbt several matob
races will also be ruo.
Ed. Oliver, tbe man who sbot and
killed Peter Frenob, of Harney county,
several months ago, was indicted for man'
elaughter by tbe grand jury ot Harney
County last week, but on trial was found
not guilty. This result was the opinion
of tbe majority
the affair.
There is more catarrh in tbis seotion ot
the country than all other diseases put
together, and until tbe last tew years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounoed it
local disease, and prescibed looal rem
edies! and by constantly failing to cure
with looal treatment pronounced it in-
ourable. Science has proven catarrh to
be b oonstitutionol disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional onre on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaoe of tbe system.
Tbey offer one bandied dollars for any
cate it fails to onre. Send tor oiroalars
aod testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHEENY & CO.. Toledo. O.
W8old by Druggists, ?5o.
!Sfni l?r.iioloo
And all point In Clif.nla. via tbe MC Hhaeta
male of lite
Southern Pacific Co
rhe sraat hlehwu Uirwifh Cehfuma t all
IMilni. Kant att'l Mtmlh. liranrf Hnatile hUmte
, ef tt.o I'Mlfto '. I'ullmaa HnflH
HlMpacm. Wnui-esMe Hlenwra
Attarhail tnainnea trains. aRiinlina auuanof
'iiiiBiiUtlun. fu-aarvHidiUaa I an.new.
tm nua, uraau, latn oar rwarTatktt,
to., mil oiM.n or MlriraM
H. loKHUa, Mair. 0 II. lURKIIAM,
(Ion. V. P, Aal. Putilaiid. Ort oe
How dear to uur hearts la the old ailver dollar,
When aome kind anbacrlber preeenta It to
The Liberty bead without necktie or oollar.
And all tbe strange thing, that la ua aeeiua ao
Tbe able apreadlni tal. tbs arrow heada e st
The alars aud the worda with tbs alranie
thltif. they tell;
The coin of our fathers; we're fled that w
know It,
For tome time or other 'twill come In right
The aned.iale dollar, the star apanled
Tbe old silver dollar, we all lots so welL
No old clolbss worn eot by a boy 16
years of age will be taken at Ibis office
in exchange for subscription, as the
wriUr .of this article weighs 9 hood red
poDQils and eanool as them. Cabbage
turnips, earrols, rotten potato, and
wormy apples aloof witb a load ot green
Dl.llasil.krd Vbllor.
Joho II. Wise, Collector ot coatoms
at Sao Franciaoo onder Clevelaed, aod
a member of lbs Brra of Obrlatv A Wise,
is in Heppner this week io company wtib
Mr. . II. Clarke, geollomsn well
known lo tbis sertioa aod who has rep
r Mealed Mr. Wiea't firm lor a somber
of years. la an interview witb a Oaiette tT ood will be ecespieni as osnel.
reporter Mr. Wise slates that tbe trap Tbe first roes lo pay ns cash of as
outlook to California is rather poor l.nt Charl H seerer.i t the olJ Wal.a Walla
baa bo greatly improved by Ihe May Watchman wnld say, "The first man to
rains, The fruit crop if Ihe slate le si- fn in oor lamp" lor a fear's sob
celleol. He stle that wo4 sales are w'l'tion will lw glvn a f rao.l picture
Dot iinkI an far. owin k ihe nnaiM.1 to two rolnrs, namely, hi a. k ail while
liyaspreial atrat g mwt we fW to
our ra.ira
The Wool Uccoid
ao I Hpm.1 Vetty (lad lie, it.e year f.
The Waul lwrii I la the only aaltunal
""I P'tao auJ eveie the inJ.wiry
Iron tbe raising of lbs sbeep te Ihe sell
ing of lbs manufacture I erllsle. Il is
palilielied week If el Htm T'k ssd lite
regular prtoe U i Ui s year. 1 1 aaarlel
repiirts are full ai,,1 e.,n p s an l Ms
Hht li l.r.' Tail aU.ee wntk
I'l l.n.v Ibe pure of ;, pMK,
Hun,le espies n a pi, ' ,
UebsM,!y rnon.m.aj l,;i tlil (
b:j-4 Iviotir litMdvii.
enodiiiiin of the market, ceuemi by tbe
sr, tot ll is his opinl.io that Ibis fon.ll
lioo of affaire will pot laet lt eed be
Ix.kS for g(MH sales and leenaeej pricee.
Mr. Vee baa Iwn Iraveliag over Fast
era Oregon for lx.nt two weeks, baring
tpsol a awk In Pi-edletoo, an I te well
pleaeej with Ibe outlook. He will vteil
HatlU so. I Portland tfore relsrslsg to
bis b"tue in Hao Franrteoo.
The Maiqaaca Mraad. on lortwi
street In lb elsrauaaa tmiMieg, Is under
Stoellrtil HiSpagenieol aod lbs taMlS
111 U my ally eeW Maine! this wtntef.
Sew com pat Ire sad ptw faeee III ap
pear ffitta time to lima el this popster,
tret claee Ibeelre nl l'if llan.l, and when
In Pit llar.4 (Mir det.lieee shoal. I m fell
In late In eiM ef Ibe fire dt.maa that
ill be preeeole.1. If
ti'l htM ur II i. MAIM
let Ibe eerth of Jaly Ibe O. It. k lo,
III Sell eiStiai.-O Uriels tfnni tleppoet
Ii aey UI..hi In Oier ae4 rMero. In
elaltng WeJIala an I WatU Watte, efa
rase of ee fare f rneo t trip. Tlaiets
I I Ke S-l I os J i't J t. 8 I 4I g,vl
setelqtn t-nJu'r dH. Far futl.e u
furnit itm are tt. It A It aeul el p
sbewtog ae II ttoa, Iroe to life, bow Ibe
eiltlor of Ihe H rHj Banner family look
bile starving lo death, Oc me early end
avoid Ihe rnab, as we have only a lira
lio.l otiinUr ot Ibe photos left.
Lra Vaa.
Te fore uMiireiu.a teeevee.
Ttkefaxaivia I n.ir 1 ll.rlie l er
II U C U fail Ui diuiu rvfeae aHay.
who bad knowledge of
t-... mm hmndlmd imHyme. ThmVB m aummtmmm
ot mufilcimnt to attrmct iha mnnufmctuww.
We sell direct to the manufacturer and do not peddle your wool
Sifsmliuribs. Wei-..econ consignments
and charge only af tbm of B pm ccemf. pmr "fJ5
on thei. Ve supply sacks free to .Jj,
. axamrloncm. Our circular Mtmr will Keep
younfTmfd to STconditions of the wool market. Writeua
before you consign your wool. Wm can make monmy for you.
Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist
Slakes a Free Offer to Oar Bsa4ers.
Help at Ouee Needed for the Sick and
Wounded Soldiers and the Starving Ca
bana. (1 From Every One, a Beautiful
Boovenlr In He Urn.
We appeal to our readers to join with
ua and thousands of other patriotic citi
zens throughout tbe country in raising
witbin tbe next 30 days a relief (and of
Onb Million Dollars to be placed in
the hands of tbe American National Red
Cross and of tbe Central Cuban Relief
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo
oom, of New York City, demonstrating
his disoovery ot a reliable cure tor Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, lung and chest tronbles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections,
general decline and weakness, loss of
flesh, and all conditions of wasting
away, will fiend THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his ow Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them,
His "New Scientific Treatment" bas
cured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of bis infallible onre.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
BDd this great chemist, patiently experi
menting tor years, bas produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
snmptiob are oaraMe in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude." filed in bis American and Euro
neen laboratories in thousands from
those cured in all parts of the world.
Tbe dread Consumption, uninter
ruuted, means speedy and certain death
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0.
08 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, and the free
Now Prepared to do - Any-
Kind of Printlng--Don't
Send Your Orders 'Away
Till You Get the Gazette's
m sA i ii r fa twill Va naiiYi ntltf aan ft A i pai t
. , a J L. n a I uicuiuiuo v i riuy.ij nwuw uiiouti
uuuiu"i uppuiuieu uy irreoiuem mo- f.om mg laboratory
Kinley. Sufferers should take instant advan
ce, with other publishers and mer- age of bis generous proposition
l-hnnia hrnnhnnt th- nnnl, ar. vol. " lQe UOOlOr IDBI you BBW
unteerlng to reoeive donations ot SI each
tor tbe fund. It has been arranged to
present every one, who douates $1, with
a copy of a beautiful picture, "The Ac
colade," now on exhibition at the post-
office. Call and see it. Tbis pioture is
a beautiful historical souvenir ot tbis
great uprising of the American people to
defend and set free outraged Cuba.
Every patriotic Amsrioaa should sub
scribe at onoe! Your help is noededl
Our boys are al the front! Let ns stand
by tbeml No commissions ot any kind
are reserved. Call at the postoffioe end
leave your subscriptions.
this in the Gazette, published si Hepp
ner, Oregon. J uly 9-7-1 yr.
h it
A Hare Thing for Too.
A IriinHuotion in which yoiit-anuot loselsa
suruUilir. iiilioimman, lclt hcudmlie. fur-
rod loiiRiio, fever, lit let und a thousand other
His ore t uuued by coUHtipulluu aud alUL'Kiau
Ivor. Cau-owta Candy CuitiarUc, the won-
iloriul new liver stimulant and i tteailnal
touiu lire by ail Urufrgisls pu irnnioed to cure
or iiiouoy refuiiileU. C. V. C. are a sure
thlii't. ti-v a box to-day; 10c., Zc.. 600.
aui,'lo and bookiot free, boe our big ad.
Prrsrifnlly Nrrvoaa.
Gentr ; I was dreadfully nervous, Bnd
for relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my oerves aod strength
ened iny whole nervous system. I was
roubled witb constipation, kidney and
bowel trouble. Your Tea soon oleacsed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. S.
Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
(Jon aer ft Warren, v
'It. now their power, they employ
With care to look about'ein
And find the things they mnat enjoy,
That they may go wlthout'eut.
Will be paid for information leading
to Iba arrest and ooavktioo of any per
son stealing Oatlie brandd " WQ" ooo
Deoted oo Ibe left aide. Waddle on the
Pibct DrjuniH.
Ollfklly H Makes
Jerry liroeoaa aaj I'elti Juhaeon,
eo Batter creek reltlemeri. ere errsog
tog to Inrn aboat X) bee-l of eel tie loose
on 1'ie range on Granite creak, Oram
unniy, bavin, already seat over a bead
,4 Ba-t. lmt rrek teoebere end
ealllefueo are enmewlMit eieroleed over
Ibe ojatUf. and rlatna lhal soeh eleoe oo
Ibe pari of oolalderaiileniea are not jne
Ik-e lar J Iveal talllnuwa, wbo reeiJe
4 pay taiee lo Ureal woely.'-K. O.
. .w. .1 - -.-l-..-l ll.. I- It k.a!
.a 1 ifm .urn. W . , m. v M , mm v. w w
Uea miauifiiftne.1. Tbis paper kaowste
a eeiUlefy Ibal nr. uroeees) aaa
eatile al Ibe reae lisse, bsvieg sold
ate eelweUaJ some weeks ego. AIM
Mr. Jbe. o. be al oreett kae atiual
U ke4 of rallle, bien wees lakea U
Oiarle.ily an4 will be fna 'sage
i-i.i4 I y klf. J bra't f .f Ibe semtaef,
eJ wnii t Ibal eeeun ki4 Bte
(.art jf tre SM 0 b ''t.
C a. E4 wants rails lUsealk a Train at
Ihe Wlllowa. aad Had Balk Legs Revered
rreei His Hody-Dled rreaj His lajartee.
Wednealsy's T. U.
About 4 o dock tbis morning, C. A
Edwerde, belief known ae "Shorty"
was killed at lleppoet Jaactiuo, by fall
log beneath Iba train. E loards started
onllaetnigbl lo charge ot freight Irain
No. 21, aod on teacblog Iba Jnootioa
bad aven care lo plaoe on Ibe ewilob for
Heppner. lie endeavored lo cnl Ibe air
while Ihe train waa io mo lion, aod in
aome ooeiplaioalde meaner, loel hie
fooling, and fell beneath Ibe Iraia, and
had both lege lakea off above Ibe knees
He was lekr to Ibe depot, but died in
toioty Oiinolee, having not regained
C oaciooaneea eleoa Ihe ere iJ eot. The
eu'oaef ot Gilliam eionty waa east-
UooeJ aud belj aa iosjOeel this tnoro
tog. Mr. r.dwarde was well known al
Ibis plaoe aod was universally liked. He
bae relatives al Spokane, and a wife al
Portland, who were Botifl.4 uf bis an
liro'ly d alb.
Laed Pave aepeiBteteeie
Diepalebee were reoeived from Vab
legloe today, elelleg thai the nreetdeti
bad BPpoial'4 IHie raliereoa. t llro
aer. rei.e and J. P. Iineaa, rtver of
tbe lead r fflea al Tbe lalle. Mr. I'a
teraoe la e.iio of t,e Heppner Oasaite,
eud Mr. Lneae ka an alheey of Arling
Ion. Ibe Leallee T.-M.
This offiee te al preeot to reoetpl f
no eneti aes as Iba above ao 1 laere I
a tsMeke. tlowevef, ibaee te no deabt
btil Ibal Mr. Pel Ufa.. w( reoelv oc
of ibe pleo-s lo Tbe IV-les Un effleo
Iler. Iale ror4 tmm Wabtegto
eleiee Ibal Ur. Palter ia has boea ap-
plnl4 roiver of Tbe Dal lei lead
Heretofore the Gazette's job depart
ment bas tried to do no work other thani
plain printing. However, tbis. shop is
now prepared to tackle anything in any
line And will meet prioes of any person
under the sun in the line of druggists
supplies, blank books, . bank work.
oounty work, or any sort of book bind
ingwork that yon bave heretofore sent
away to get done.
The Gazette shop is not a charity
concern but it you will give us a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Lincoln said that when one
bought goods away from borne tbo
foreigner got the money and we got tbo
goods. But when tbe goods wera
bought at home we had both money
and goods. Tbis is good doctrine. Wa
are willing to abide bv it. Wben the
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
Eat and Southeast
'e eicToe.
If you suffer from any of the
ill. of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
1061 Market SL Est d I85Z
Vonng men and middle
aiced in r n who are sunerinx
from the effect, ol youthful indiscretions or ex
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
eDiiit.v.impoinry ,.o. nanriwcm
in all its complications; !"erinatorrhra.
I"roalal4irritpia, llonorrhes, Uleet,
Frequruey of t rlnetlna;, eie. By a
combination of remedies, of great curative pow-
the Doctor has so arranged his treatment
that it wilt not only afford immediate relief but
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 1
in his sneoaitv iMaeanea or Jiien.
e.vpmne tnoronitnivernnirHiaironitna
system witnontustiig nerenrj,
l' V l U V IliV iti.nlvliiw tn n, Will H.
, Geive our ftonejt opinion of hinenmpintnt, A
riemiiiouaraitteito rusin K (oxcn is) r
, et"rv eotl lee utifferfaie, or forfeit One A
ThoUMend Pollaro. f
Consultation FREE and strictly privati
ment personally or ny letter. Send for book.
to i-niioaopny or narrtager
IA valuable Book for men.)
Portland to Chicago Without Chunyr
Qniok Time.
1 nion Depots.
PwnoiiBlly Condncted Fzcnminna.
KaKgaite Checked to Domination.
Iiiw Hat ua.
Direct line to TrAne-Mieeiwilt)Di and Intnr.
nntional Kxpueition held at Omaha, Neb-ranks,
Jane to November,
Write nnderaisned ffV rntes. time bible, and
other information pertaining to Union I'aoitio
K. it.
R. W. BAXTEK. or J. C. HA!tT Airt..
Oen. Airt.. 1st Ski 81., 0. H. A N. CV,
1'ortland, Ur. Hcppe.r, Or.
Weekly En urnlona la Tbrunuh Can to the
Another through tourist car to tbe
East bas been arranged to run out of
Portland, giving four each week. Here
after tbe car lerving Monday will ran
through without obenge to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O. R. k N., Ore
gon Short Line, Rio Grsode Western ,
Denver k Rio Grande, Missouri Paoiflc
aod Chicago k Alton. That oar baa jost
been arraoged tor, and tbe one previous
ly scheduled tor Monday baa been
obaoged lo Thursday. It runs through
to St. Louis, via the Miseourl Peolflcl
line. Tbe ear leaving Portland Tuesday
gone tbroogb to Boston, and is promoted
by tbe Chicago, liock Island and Feci Ho.
Wednesday's car rone to Si. Joseph,
Kansas City and Kl. Louis, over the
borliogton. All tbeee special through
cms ere reoeiving a gratifying patronage.
Consult O. K. k N. Agcot before baying
tickets to tbe East.
tree. (A valuable book for men.) A
visit nn iimniv W
Great Museum of A natomy
the finest and largest M useum of its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you
re made how to avoid sickness and disease.
Ve are cominu.iHv adding new specimens.
CATALOUUK KEB. CaUorwrtle, v,
' 1051 Market Street. Sas Franelsce, Cel
Vm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
Tl& Control.
Baled hay for aale. Charges reasonable. Call
on him and bave vour horses well red le.
Cord ray, the pioneer Ihealreman of
Portland in the line of "popular prices,"
bas refitted tbe Waatlngtoo Ml. theatre.
formerly known as tbe "New Park."
Cordray always bas eotnetbing new, and
oor people, when Iwlow, ran spend a
I lea a ant evening at hie place. tf
Rocky Mountain
Leaves DENVER, ...) a. m.
" Coiai. hi'RINOtt . . VI. a. at.
Arrives I.IN.'OI.N . . ll4Ap. m.
" (IV) AH A . . l aia.ni.
DrH MOlNKH . . -j fc m.
iMVKNI'Ollf . . SWa.ni.
M C1I1CAUO . . 2;1J p. m.
Neit Day
Thningh Hlnepere and Chair Care Colorado to
i'hiiimo. Wide vMtilmle tbnmghnau The
Bneet train la the Wrat.
Colorado Flyer
leaves HI NVKH
Arrive TOI'KKA
I B p. I
i p. 1
11 a.
Ill a. I
Ar. HT. t ons, (Wab.H'y)
6 11 p.
Arrive HT JfWKPII '.
' I.IV'fiLN (Eg Hun)
OMAHA (Kg Hon)
I n s. m.
'i a. a.
S-' O a. m.
Tbrvmgh Hlenpere C.lnra.lo Hpringa to Ht. Umia
via Wal-ek K'y.
These are New Trains in addition to our former service.
For partienlar and fohlera giving time of three tra'a wrile
iPEKA. w'Tl. r. a. it 1. a7.; 1
W. M
Ybr fSSCoXoxrTsX
PI V'O Cr.r tM TAAI M leayMMltlveenre.
Apt.ly lew the snwrita. i iilir aHani-ed.
e u at ir-ri' nt : Hay i. bv r- i.
I T PHul lit H M .'rra u. e t.ta I -J-
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All tbeee can bo procured at Thompson. A r.inria, Lower Main Btreef
Heppner, Oregon. '
gentlemen are w.ll acquainted with 'Irani, llartwy. Cm..., lttt,w . oll. MnBM
save aaoney ad time In making lb.. actn with tr.i,g b.., 0
I'rU-ee In lesrptng alia the time.
UvmTurw. itxrrirxza
nd ran
I.f t eneieeaman iamae Rankin Yonre All That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
"Kolm's Best."
On Tap Down at The
'.il S11 e Mb Si-em. the Halt
ttieMl, He r
al ail
ll .1. 1.1
tftlaita an. hwerai.l.i ,.l
nromliivwl Hiiei. Hreilt ssai
I'.lnm. Waiseinuftly iNmp.
'ttl.ot.Mp (tnif aalbentte. eev-tal r-v
1 1 pinnw, si-iMir Ar.rb.al -a eeil 11.
e.li a .tuimarul ae tnl". are the
lat.aet eonptlea ba Sna la Asneev.
Wriieee, Vlfty ttsw.u. are eweloy e-1 la iwir
f i.f reaiiMee.e dtrlmeil aloee. W, avrve wi,
Ih, U.. M in., hi. M I SM l
rat l lb !. I'r ta r.rf.w
tree with h.-.. esiiei Mhr valuable pfl,
em t re4.se wm''mr ' tr
a.f kMi S.t IIMil to'iM 'ti
M, A-t,l snatt-.if t " S l, (an, 1,
,Ul rll grrlnht ft Fill I".
-! r 1 "1 trt fnii gi s r 1 4 sm h ,.i .
m telephone ialoon
a a a IT lea
o a
effW, while Mr, Jay f, L4.of Afli.r j Zli 'lelU;
If , tMtUffitll c. MeVNhvttCCata, Ct N,Ctf.l!i.
MAIsfie OOittSea
? Hie.. City Il.,te PolHibg