A Uncle Sam Says This Is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to take It TODAY, and realize the great good it Is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla la America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and , Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 ! $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.25 ' N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 2.75 ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, 1.60 B.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlce-a-WeekN.Y. World, 11.00. 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 80c i. 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, 12.00.....'. 8.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette oan get dubbing rates with any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHURCH. 8XBTI0E8. Holiday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday sohool 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." . The vaster may be fonnd at the parsonage ad. Joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wvo may desire to consult niin on religious, social, civio, philosophic, eduoational, Or any other subjects. J. W. VLE8HEK. Minister. H. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting loiiowin morning service. Sunday school. S D. m. aay, p. m. Epworth league, Frl- "Let us forsake not the assembling nf nnr. lelves together." Pastor's residence In narsonaire. next rtnnr in Church. . C. K. Howabii, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practloe Saturday evening at the church. R. L. shelly. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. L The sum of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever Duroose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of fly cents a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively nine For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay with us till June. Then let him treat hisvotlug friends to Bperry's Lluwoud Rye, He'll catch our votus If he wets our throats for the voting men are dry. Bold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E. 0. Sporry, proprietor. f be (Jsiett U do! heralding ill com ing with a brass band bat ite circulation eao be determined at tbe Heppoer pott offloe. Advertisers will pleaae note tbii Here and There. Ike Barr if over from Pendleton to Tielt bit family and other relative. C. B. Oockerline, of Prlneviila, it now driving aUg for tbe Miller Bros, on the ' ileppner-Mbnomeot line. J. W. Cowina ia ablpping in a large quantity et ioe of excellent quality, It cornea from North Towder. Mr. Geo. Elston, a yooog man from Day ton, Wsb, ie vlaitiog aoqoalbtenoee ia Bppner tor a few dajre. Jeaee Andrew aod bie wife are don from Dayton. Weab. Mr. and Mra. Andrewe were recently married. Beat aoeommodatioo and eonrteona treatment at lbraprial Hotel, Seventh aod Wash. Hte., Portland, Oregon. Mr. u. E. KedUeia returned oo Wdoedy morniog from an extended visit with relative ia New York etate. F. K. Bartholomew ie reported to be very ill at bia borne ia Ueppeer, gaffer log from a eevere attack of erysipelas Joba M. Browo.tbe Lone Rook ilieep man, wae over to Heppoer on Wedoe day looking after business interests ber, Bring yoor bide, pelt and far to Bea. Maibewe, at the Liberty Meat Market. D pay bigbeet market price. 619-It. Jadg Ulcbardeon fined EJ aad Art Bool 7 6Q aplee on Wedoeeday for an nil on Henry MoOmaU, last Mon Ll.y. E. O. Noble A Co. are roetlere after esloet. Tbe finest aedllx aod bar ) to be found in Ilepi nr. He lblr new a4 in tbi teeae. tf. dome werm weather lb peel lew dv tbe IbereiomeUr riierig B9dg in tbe ebede en Wednesday d it was even warmer yesUrdey. Ir. Jcha VT. Kaemoe. of Ibe "Red light," over n tt UI for wimelbiii eew.ean fernlsU yoa Ibe Basel cock tail ia lb laad-Manbatle, Jereey Vermenlb Ji-n1 by aa ertiet tbe bneiaee. Dp la aod tek the last cmt of )or avmib. Cy Metier wa np from Lexington Wednesday. Preaa Thompson waa down from bit ranoh on Wedneaday. H. 0. Gay returned on Monday even ing from Dayton, Wash., where be at tended a oonterenoe of the M. E.ohnrcb, South. W. L. Baling wae in from Sand Hollow on Wednesday and reports Ones. MorgaB aa slightly improving. Pat Kilkenny was in town a few days preparatory to going over to Dale where be will look after a band of sheep this summer. John Tnrley and wife who are living on the ranoh of P. O. Thompson, spent a few days in this oity this week visiting relatives. Miss Ada Jones, one of Heppner's ano oessful teaohers, began a summer term of sohool in the Kirk diet not, on Rhea creek, Monday morning. J. M. Keeney, a brother of Eli Keeney, of this plaoe, is preparing to take 100 head of horses to tbe valley, and will start with them at onoe. Miss Delia Reed departed on Wednes day evening tor lone, to join Mrs. J. A. Woolery on a trip to Missouri. They will be absent tor some weeks. Orop prospeots in Morrow county were never better. An abundant harvest is assured and prosperity tor our people will result. Let us give thanks. Miss Minnie M. Andrews will make proof on her ranch before J. W. Morrow this afternoon, with O. 8, Hodedoo and J edge Bartholomew as witnesses, Oal Robinson, of Lone Rook, was in Heppner yesterday. He has reoently moved onto a Morrow oounty ranch, but will oontinue in the stookraising busi ness. W. H. Beoker, speoisl agent of tbe Mass. Life Ins. Oo., is bere and will leave in oompany with Mr. 8. P. Hanna wall, for the Long oreek aeotiou next week. Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsnees or croup are not to be trifled with. A doae in time of Shilob's Oure will save you much trouble. Sold by Oonser A Warren. v H. E. Warren and wife, of Eight Mile, passed through town on Wednesday morniog, enroute home from a visit with relatives in Umatilla oounty and at Walla Walla. Dyspepsia cured. Sbiloh'a Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, oom ing up of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Cod eer A Warreu. v Carty A Kilkenny's oamptendere were down for supplies the first of the week. These gentlemen will summer their sheep in the Grant oounty moon tains this season. Liadiee, take tbe best, It you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Conser A Warren. v Tbe Gazette o ernes a full atock of mourning note, correspondence alyle, with envelopee to match, Tboee desiring auob stationery can bave their wants supplied at tbia offloe. tf, Tbe oity of Elgin now boasts a K. of P. lodge wbioh waa reoently organized by Past Grand Obanoellor Turner Oliver Grand Obanoellor Patttrson was enable to be present on this oooaiion. Mra. Tbos. Wright, of Union, daughter of Mr. aod Mr. A. Mallory, of tbia city arrived on Tuesday morning to make her parents and other relative at tbia place a abort visit. She was aooompanied by ber eon. Cbae. Miller wa in from bi Rhea creek ranch yeeterday and report that be baa an immenae strawberry orop tbia season. He expect to be ready to de liver berries in town by the middle of next week. tf f Dorio Lodge, No. 20, K. of P., Is taking on considerable of a boom jost at present and quite a large number of new member are joining. On next Toeedey nigbt there will be work In both tbe first and second rank and all members of th order are earnestly reqnested to be present. Frank MoFarlaod baa been appointed special agent of Th Eqoitabl L ife A anrane Co., of New York, tbe strongest lo tbe world. Cash surplus to policy bolder of over 60 millioc dollars. Don't tek insurance witbont aeeiog th new plan of th Equitable. Insure both exes at earn rate. 77tf Hooi River Olacler: Tbe elate bae cone repoblioeo by ao tnoreaeed ma jority. Wasoo county elect th tall r. pablioan ticket. Sherman oonnly ditto. Fosioo baa failed one mors and w may never see it tried again is Oregon. Free ailver be received a eel back from wbicb it will never reoover. A Or on I see to fe lb Union. Beside keeping th largest assort ment of eaodie, frolt, cigar aod notion to be foond any ber ia tbe eitv, Jea. II art is now abl to (apply yon with th Portland dailies and all lb magsiioe and perlodlreJe, both for igo aad domeetic. If yoo want read ing matter, give Jim a call at tbe Depp ear Caody Factory. 89 If. If Iber I anything that will make a man feel bine, it ie to be np all sight wailing for tbe electee relume lo eon to, aad tbso find Iheea going against bis. II feel tired beeeoee be I tired, and th saw be rerwlve teem to add In Ibat tired feeling. If any of oar r4er arts feel lag that way they btv onr sympathy. Weel Hide. kettle' A rate Halve. The Beet Halve in the worlt for Cola, Bra, Hnree. fleers, Half Fbeom, fv fktrw. Teller, Chapped Heed, CbllUeru. Oorne, aai. all He Lrvp Um, au4 positively cra File or pay rwnured. It I guaranteed to giv 'eetin if mrej fefwwde, ,te ( h"t K.f eel by I Co k. i. Wore. at, ni a eager. Heppner will oelebrate. Ones Matlock is in town today. Al Larkin ia very ill at Colfax. 8ee M. Lichtentbal k Co. for shoe, a Call tor Fred Krng to saw your wood. 49tf H. O. Gay aod V. L. Coffey are back from Dayton. Today is a soorober, tbe warmest of tbe year so far. Hon. A. H. Weatherford is np from Douglae today. Engineer Patterson is visiting in Port land this week. What is Hop Gold T Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. ' 1 Mrs. I. N. Hughes and oldest eon, George, are on tbe eiok list. Jas. Hylton was down from tbe Hard man eeotion on Wednesday. Lichtentbal & Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf E. O.: Miss Flo Hallook is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. W. P. Dutton, in Hepp ner. Dan Rice, A. H. Allen and Mr. Had ley are in from the Hardman section to day. Mrs. Luther Huston was a visitor to Heppner from Eight Mile on Wednesday. Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooount File printed at the Gazette of floe. tf. Mrs. L. Small has disposed of ber ho tel business to J. F. Whitney, of Truckee, Calif. Mrs. Geo. Conser departed for Port land on Wednesday evening on a abort visit. Geo. Perry , the Rock Oreek sheepman, is looking after bnsinees in Heppner this week. F. M. MoOandless, etate manager f.r the Mutual Life, of New York, is in Heppner. Dr. W. T. Miracle, of Long Creek, is bere from Sparta, Walla Walla and Baker City. Ed. Rood, tbe prosperous Eight Mile farmer and ranober, was in town on Wednesday. Miss Kate De Peatt and sister will leo-' tnre ou " Secularism" at Ibe opera h mie tomorrow night. O. E. Hioke has given up hie place in the GHzette office and is spending a (w days in Arlington. Dr, J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeats of tbe eye, will be bere every three months. 648-lyr Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til- lard has a brand of 14-year-old gnnde tbat is bard to beat. 603 -If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not as slated, no oharges. Try Dr. Vaugban'a new plan. 604-If. Mra. J. W. Rasmus returned this morning from a two week vieit with re latives down at Portland. O. B. Loomis, representing tbe Even ing Telegram, oame up from Portland oo Wedneeday morning. Judge Freeland reports an addition ot a daughter to bis home, on June 1st, Evidently Gene thinks tbat Morrow county has enongh voters. Johnny Coohran, of lone, passed tbrongb Heppner on Wednesday even ing with bis band of oattle, whiob. be ia taking to tbe mountains for aummer grazing. He reports range pretty ahort in tbe lone onuulry. The Gazette will club with the Oregon Senator, tbe great Pytbian paper of Ore gon, Washington aod Idaho, publiehed at Portland, for ,175 for th two. Tbe Senator i all right. No Knight of Pythia should b without it. tf. It you want the latest war news, the freebest local happenings, oity or oountry, get the Gazette, semi-weekly, Tueeday and Friday. Patronage balp make a paper. Compare it with those ot otber towna th size ot Heppoer and th Gazette will not taffer thereby. It MOT ALTOGCTBEB NEW. A Principle of Medicine Well Kiowa to Oar eraadntotherS. The idea of "curing dieeasea" with herb remedies ia not altogether a new one, though tbe application ot them has made its rapid advanoementof late years. Many yeara ago there beoame known in Ohio a religious sect known as "Shak ing Quaker", or "Shakers". These people were devoutly religious and had oertain peculiar rite.- They were op posed to tbe doctors of ordinary med ioal schools, preferring to nee nature's remedies. Their simple plan of check ing diseases spread far and wide, and though their knowledge of tbe usee of their remedies waa limited and their learoiog in tbe line of anatomy and ot phjaiology meagre, yet Jittle medicines were used but those ot their own manu facture. It they didn't oure, they didn't injure. It may be that the "Shaker'' gave our grandmothers tbe idea ot using so much oatnip, ginsing, yellow root and a thous and other tbinge that made tbe small boy wish that he never had a grand mother. But oertain it Is tbat the use of tbe old-fashioned herb remedies were responsible for a hearty raoe of ohildren as is evidenced by the physioal condition of tbe old-timers in "tbe states". . How much better then must be toe oae of remedies made from herbs in this Jay and time by tbe new, scientific pro cesses! Tbe pbysioiana of today bave all tbe knowledge of our old sohool physi cians and ot our dear, old grandmother?, and the wisdom of this, tbe great, pro gressive era in every department ot (ife, Dr. Margnrlte Garnsey uses berb remddies and obarges for her medicine only. Free consultation. Call oo ber. Office, two doors eoutb of tbe Palitoe bote). . ' ' BHKEP SHIPMENTS. A Urge Nanber Leave by Ball for North Dakota.Tweatr Car Go Hoaday Nest On Wedneaday Mr. H. F. Merrill shipped 13 oars ot sheep from Heppner, with destination North Dakota, and yee terday morniog be started 14 oar to lb ame point. He will range tbem near White Earth, and tbia fall will ship to Uhioago, where Rcsenbaum Bros, k Co, who will look after' their final disposi- NEW 600DS That have come in just lately. Some exquisite patterns in summer wash goods Percales, Zephyrs, lion. This firm is represented in Hepp- (jringhams. A nice line Of Ladies ner by Mr. h. s. MoEwan. Shirt Waists. Collars. Cuffs and Ties. aionaay next a m. weyaeri,oi i wig- town, Montana, will ship out of Heppner 20 cars of sheep, also destined for the Obioago market. These sheep ebipmenta help our peo ple a great deal, and Morrow ceanty has more sheep to feed hungry mouths in the slow-going east. - Beauty Is Ulood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beautv without it. Cascarets. Cundv Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities nom the body. UeRin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking (Jasearets, beauty tor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. THE PONY EXl'BESS. To G aiette i In receipt ot a private letter from Washington, D. C, wbiob aobounoe tbat A. W. Patterson wa on ot six who, out of a olass of 200, passed tbe highest in th examinations dosing tb first year' work of the Colombian Law school. H received seoond prize, an elegant aet ot law book. Condon Globe: Jas. W. Hmlih, tbe pioneer merchant of Arlington, baa sold bia extensive mercantile basins at tbat plao lo E. P. Weir, of May villa; a A. Bborte.of Ailiiigtnn.and Mr. Goldsmith; of Portland. Mr. KLurt be been man ager ot tbe establishment under Mr. Smith's ownership for tome time, and Mr. Weir I aell known a on ot Gil liam count)' moat laecectfa! stockral. r. Tb new firm is a strong on aod will oo doubt command it share of baa ioees. A abort time aino tb Oault re eel v- J conimonloatloB from Hardman for publication. Tb matter ooolaloed there in wae not objection abl, but anforta oetely tb writer felled to tend hi nam wilb tb arliol end th Oaaett wa compelled to adhere lo lb old rol of not publishing a eommooieatlon oolees tb writer's nam aceompaoie it, a guarantee of good faitb. All correspond ents of Ibe paper abould observe tbi rule and lb mannaeript will sol fled tb waste basket. Mark Twala's Description of an Early Hall Delivery. From "Roughing It". In a litttle while all interest was taken up in stretching our neoks aod watobiog for the pony-rider tbe fleet messenger who eped aoross the oootinent from St Joe to Saoramcnto, oarrying letters 1900 miles in eight days! Think of that tor perishable horse aod human flesh and blood to dol Tbe pony-rider was usually a little bit of a man, brimful ot epirit and endur ance, N't matter what time ot tbe day or night bis watoh oame oo, and no matter whether it was winter or summer, raining, snowing, hailing or sleeting, or hetber his "beat" waa a level, straight road or a orazy trail over mountain orags and preoipioes.or whether it led through peaoetul regions, or regions that swarm ed with hostile Indians, be must be always ready lo leap into tbe saddle and be off like the wind. There was no idling time tor a pony-rider on duly. Be rode 60 miles without stopping, by daylight moonlight, starlight, or through the blackest of darkness just as it happen' ed. He rode a splendid horse tbat was born tor a raoer and ted and lodged like- a gentleman; kept him al his utmost speed for ten miles, and then, as he oame crashing up to the elation where stood two men holdiog fast to a fresh impatient steed, the transfer of rider and mailbag was made in tbe twioklicg of an eye, and away flew Ibe eager pair and were out ot sight before Ibe speota tor could hardly get the ghoat of a look. Tbe atage coaob traveled about 100 to 1125 milea a day (24 boors), the pony rider about 250. There were about 80 pony-rider io tbe saddle all the time, nigbt and day, etrelobing in a long, scattering procession from Missouri to California, 40 flying eaatward and 40 to ward th weal, and among tbem, making 400 gallant borae earn a stirring liveli hood aod aee a deal of soenery every day in tb year. Wa bava bad a oonsumiog desire from tb beginning to aee a pony rider, but eomehow or otber, all Ibat patted na managed to streak by In tbe nigbt, and ao wa beard only a wbizi and a bail, and th laifc phantom ot tb deeert waa gone before we oould get our bead out ot th windowa. But now w were expecting one along every moment. and would aee bint in broad daylight Freeeutly tbe driver eiolaima: "Her b comee." Every neck la atelobed farther and vary eye la etraioed wider. Away across Ibe endlees dead level ot tbe praiii a black speck appear agaioal tb sky and it i plain thai it move. Well, I abould tbtnk ol In a aecood or two it become a bore and rider rising and falling, rittog aod falling aweeplng to ward ns nearer aod nearer growing more aad more distinct, more and more) sharply defined near aod elill nearer, aad the Suiter ot bouts oome faintly lo lb ear another instant, a whoop and burrab from our opper deok, a wave of lb rider' baud, but no reply, and a man and bora burst past uf esoited face aod go winging away like a belated fragment of a alorm. So audden is it all and ao lik flash of uureel faney tbat but for tb flak of wbiU foam left quivering and perishing on a nialleaok after Ibe vision bad flatbed by aod disappeared, w might bav doubted whet ber we bad teen an aeiaal bore aod man at all. REFUSED TO BE RESCUED. Parisian Actrees Faced Death Rathea Than Sail In a German Ship. "One of my most exciting adven tures," said Mr. Strakosh to a Washing ton Post reporter, "waa an incident which happened when I was managing the south American tour of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. We were on the IJritish steamer Ootopaxi and a good stout vessel she was but somehow or other, as we were passing through the Straits of Magellan we ran into a sand bank. The steamer drew eighteen feet of water, and had, unfortunately, en tered the straits at low water. Every one believed that we were shipwrecked, that our engagement at Chili would never be fulfilled, and that we wore doomed to stay where we were for three weeks for you must know that it is only usual for the steamers of this line to pass there every three weeks. Sarah was distracted. She tore her hair, she beat her breast in her inimit able manner, and she used the well. classical language for which Bhe is noted. There we were and there was no prospect of relief. This was about nine o'clock in the morning. The scene can better be imagined than described. The ladies were iu tears and frightened out of their boots, and even the men of the company felt uncomfortable. The assurances of the captain that all would be well were of no avail, and everybody was iu despair. At last, about noon, the smoke of an approaching steamer wa seen in the distance. Everybody's hopes revived. Aid was at hand and we would be rescued from our unpleasant position. Time went by and the steamer drew near. As she approached the Ootopaxi hoisted Bignalsof distress, and she bore down upon us. But as soon as her flag ,was recognizable pa triotism got the better of fear. The ves sel flew the German colors. Sarah did not hesitate a moment. Her alarm dis appeared. Rushing to the captain, a bluff English sailor, she flopped on her knees before him and implored him for the love of God and ot France not to tender her over to the tender mercies of her enemies. She would rather stay shipwrecked all her life, abandon her profeNsion and lose all her hopes of artistic and financial success than set foot upon the deck of a German ship. Surprised at her change of tone the captain consented and told the German captain that his passengers did not need assistance, and the Teuton sailed away. Ruahing down to her sabln Mme. Bernhardt brought out a silken French tri-color which had been pre sented to her by some admirer and as the German sailed away she hoisted the flag of France and waved it tri umphantly at the partiqg foe. Alout seven p. m. the tide roae and we floated and reached our destination in safety.' In the Shoe Department .The re has been some new arrivals VERY STYLISH FOOTWEAR ; ' Q ' . ; One line to sell at $2.50 Another sells at $3.50 O Still another sells at $4.00 Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They are actually away down below cost. There's nothing wrong with them . . ... &dLiHLor & Co B 00TS AND SHOES' THE PLACE TO GET THCM IS OP M. IvlCHXlVOHiVZv & CO. Thoy have anything In this line that you may desire and you oan depend on It you get a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing Specialty THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHERS Who has secured the services ot MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAK, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. wnrroM mw From a bad, of ilea In tb Pendle ton Tribua tieU'l "Wteina I'ronl, lb OaaMt (stbsre lb fnllolog wbtob ill prove of inteteet ! ataoj io this eotlo : Mra. DjII Feiberir, of Lettagtoo, at v tailing ber molbef, lira. lUoaoia Lunelle. Ifie Joei llasllnes ill go to II, moaatata tomorrow ia Ibe hoaetr.et bee beallb Key be benefitted. ) Mf. r. i. VenWitit. bo be bee i vlsttiag al Waitebei' for lb I aet fa vreeaa, rtora4 boa f teterdsy. frofeeeor t. I. VebWiesle. of tb oel fartiltv, be Just rriv4 tb , lOialmeal nf l'llel (Male eettetaot aarveyot for Leetsr Or go. en ting the Ftndletuti w OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that the "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Ver.v IMwouraaln;., tmeol tht ShI vation Army recruit, aent to a certain Inland town of Cali fornia, won a onn;r lady of fine aoclal position and euvoir lulro. fche waa aiao verv beautiful. Her arrival greatly apitntcd the chappies, who nocitea to the i.trect meeting, tlnally on .otintr blood made a bet that he would aeciire nn appointment with the beauty for lliut name niL'hl. and, approaching her afU-r the nioetitifr, bo allpped Into her hund a twiuty-dollar (fold-piece. Mu; put it in her pocki-U ' And-ah- Jg tne .,Jace Q Btore y0ur wool tfm 8ea8on Why? where Mtail 1 way jo.ioy anu Jnataa " ,1 Bs..J.1 U 1 : i ...... ... rmrMH-d the mahher. "In Heaven, I vouoo no asuatir noiiiiuuiiu uubiuuhn, uiiu nut uemt ill hope," placidly answered the laaaie, aa the field buying wool ourselves, wo eticourugo competition ahe walked away with th golden Umnniruf flu, Imvers nn.l enmirn t.;1. douule-eairle. ' J w,v) Wool Growers' Warehouse 1 Bo- Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Wa are telUn wool sacks and twin at cost. Datable when mm A im mm. aml in mr ml.) atnnre. ' W pa? the hlehset rah prire lor ahn lts and hldrs. We are mull lor Llttle'e bia and aiacfc Leal Takuv. filn ft. a nnl. ..ii.i.ia I dip on the merkfft. par ireiani to leemsters wnen riiiiwi m:o tn tir owner nf wool. We h.t a lull anppljr ol Mewl Karlr, ami Wheel, also rtlem United Harlef fnr teamsters. Mrect your teanistrrs lo the lower warehoaae. W iiiaraiitee you a square deal. ThuM who hare never had Blood Pot eon can iuit kansr what a desoeraie Aon. dition it oan produo. Thi terrible The CALIFORNIA diae- wbioh th dootora are totally onabl to eura, I eocnntunicated from mm generaMloa to anotheir, inflicting Ite taint upon eounllee Innooent one. Rnme f ear an I was leoealeted wMh ntee Lodging House CDS 28 an. Vf a fie who lalerie aif be be wl saint, lae IliUe eee wee nei ead D I thf eta ln K. I'srl.b, Jr., rpn woolen ssi II ia, I bar. Tbe port that Or. Merturlt uuotrj b.s beta arrested Is unit ite, Mr, (iarnsey fea au been arrested eeieuea sbe bae done eoiblua thai should can ber S'Kb trenbl. Tlwsiesei ere Irleg li. Ia e-J-r to prove L ra merit ef r.iy a C'rvam liaim, the tient nil nr f.r Currb and (444 in liad, w bav pre ptrvd a ifnermi trial aiae foe 10 enl, Uvt it of y vur dmggiet ot aead 10 tet.ls to ELT D0O3., 00 Warrea Bt, K. T. Cily. I aolered f iom catarrh of tb worst tir.it vof iooe a Ut, an I I never boned U I core, tut fclv' Crtaca l-aiia eeen, U A evea tUA. Many riieluUu be .1 It wiili eieelicnt rilu. ' Oatrtiia, 41 Warrea A , Cbteer, I1L rijr' i"rm Iili U tb aotaowlVdj,'.! rnf for reUrrb aal f Ui ko tnrtn, fn.fr off nr env imntum d'uf l ine. aO tent At U:v. ;'. of ly saed. ' nql In the etruawte. aad lie III wae fiwited In lb tearful ft"! a tears I Mf wa onte te wl ad aleere tmas foot, end en UeMr own sps av lla ol wu nana those km f.r. I b4 lite beet 7 wiMleal lreiiBnl. t eral pnreteian mul III Mt.lf liwewd , Hal all -- lo an pertmae. Tn aer- eerr anil an!ah SMiaad tn M fnl In th. l.lul I.e. Oilrh sh ettmriM I was I e4ld tv flaade who h4 w-eorfni KM aten hr II. W try Kwlfl Bfweiae W betilM. al I frii k.rp. aeale rt. t 60 Ceit. . GEO. C. UOMK, Prop. Next door to Ojwra HoUnO. R. F. HY1ND. Manager. Chas. W. Ingraham, Assayer and Analyst Main Hlreel, Ileppner. Or., A I Corner k Warrea' Drag Htor. Analyai of ore a tpocUltj. etwee how tv.f beelib and bP i I lud from u tert. aad a eute plrt aa1 imrt mm we f rtiil r,tl BI m.i a ft eai fft mrm vm ruit e w IM on If etoud reasadf whleb iN d seraieiewH. wa T W ISS. M'im'snr, a la. Of ilia many blid rwmnlwa, H II. at. Is llw only oua which ran reach deep aeeletl, violent caeee. It aevee fall to eurw Mrfertly and prwaninlly th mwt deenweat ees-e whieh are) beyond the reach rf nthr rmdl C C Cfor haiV.hV9 Tho Blood i rrttiv vporrtati, and la th only iifA remedy tirantnd to rftntain nej merftiry, nofaah. or Mher mineral Vl'il,le ,kt mailed free by rwlf ly Cwtobahft ikUaU, Oewrgla. CASTOR I A For Xfili&U and Cbildren. Tli Kind Yoa Han Always Bought Dear the) sfJ . w foM MA La. liaaeb, TJQ aores, cood land, 4 Bile of Meppeef, all fenre.l, plenty of water, bona aad barn. It) acr if aoinmef. fallow, all ready ft fall crop. F.aey trm. Call at lb (latctt vfuo. - KA If Cbae. Barnttt kt a bason of email key la lleppeee Inert wee. Thoy ar f vat a to Cfiarlay and tba fleder will file leev tbee at th GatetV offU. Oo. Wrifbt ba porebaaed tba lot bear Ore Malbew' hn, loowa a ' It "bcMiaf plat", aod la ptov ibt , It trad wae a d na, be ha ie htM offevM $200 fir th M wbioh ol bias hat &0. Gibson 8c Berger, At Chas ionre' Ult Htan.l. Blutvin. - - 15 Cti. Hair Cutting. - MS " I latlirt 2"c. KvcrythinrrStrict- ly Kirnt ('lam. Mathews Sc Gentry, BARBERS 15 Shaving vvt Cents. akup lee an boutb ol hictuirict., G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Gbavlef, Hate CwHiftf, , Maneeh Cetaer, IS Cet Bee, Otfa.