Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 10, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, Junk 10, 1898.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band bat its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner poatoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
Safe to say fusion
will not be
tried again in Morrow county.
One result of the contest on
Monday down at Portland is the
defeat of Northup by Cake for
county judge. This is certainly a
victory for clean politics.
'J. W. Mobeow will win by a
small majority. The race for joint
senator was a close one, and Mr.
Gowan came near overcoming a
very large majority against hino, as
the combined forces in the district
outnumbered the republicans about
300. CoLsidering this he got a
mighty good vote.
Dave Hamilton web defeated for
sheriff by one of the opposition's
best men, and consequently he is
not disgraced. Dave ought to have
the Domination for sheriff two
years from now, and he ought to
have the united support of the re
publicans, as a reward for his nerve
in making a fight that hardly
seemed possible for him to win.
Tkesident McKinley left his
work long enough last week to visit
Camp Alger, on the Virgina side
cf the Potomao, near Washington,
and reviewed 13,000 of the 20,000
volunteers now assembled there;
lack of equipments prevented all
of the men taking part in the re
view. President McKinley ex
pressed himself as highly pleased
with the spirit displayed by the
The Portland Tribune has
ceased to exist The Tribune was
a good newspaper and it is a pity
that it did not have the necessary
backing to keep it up and make it
a formidable opponent to the Ore-
' goman. It assisted in accomplish
ing the defeat of Northup, and
aided in the election of numerous
anti-Simon candidates, at the re
cent contest in Multnomah county
and its mission is not complete
though it was oompelled to die for
want of support. What a shame!
Laht week each of the govern
ors were officially notifiod of the
number of men his state is expect
ed to furnish on the second call for
troops, by the president recently
There is no especial hurry about
enlisting these 75,000 men. In the
first pleco, they will probably not
be needed; they have been callod
for more to provide for unexpected
contingencies than because of any
pressing neod lor them at this
time, and in the next place, there
will be no equipment for them
until after those already in service
have beon all provided for.
lr IT is a fact that Morrow has
been elected joint-senator, and Mr.
Gowan defeated, republicans will
fee that part of their work was not
well done. Hut in any event, a
worse fate cauld have befallen this
county than the election of Mor
row, lie is alive to our interests
and is thoroughly a Morrow county
man. liut regardless of the fact
that there wore ugly rumors of
conflicting plodcw made by Mr.
Gowan on questions of interest and
importance, the Gazette has coufi
deuce iu Mr. Gowan, and Micros
that he will accord all parties jus
tice, if it should prove that he has
been succeaaful.
Till Nict -agu canal question is
being quite forcibly brought to the
attention of the people of the
United States at prenoot On this
western coast it has long boeo a
settled queation as tegards the
great beurfiU to I domed from
the construction of this canal con.
netting tbs Atlantic with tho l'a
eifie, but to get the peopU of tbs
EmI to realize this fact has been
the) out great problem which has
prefenLml the OuderUking of this
great work. Juat now the peopU
on the Atlantic al-'j-fl are beginning
to realize) the advaoUges that
would accrus to th- whols country
if llto taual were outiatiucted and
In opetatioo. II would materially
aid tho country in its ptcwent
1h..1a m. v...!.. I. It.
Why don't the Journal man tell
us why wool has gone down in
pi ice, to nothing. Dmgley put 7
cents cer round dntv on it. And S
cents is the highest quotation in
ine uaues at the present time.
Silver was not "protected" but
holds its own verv well. eonniiftr.
ing that all bankers, bond-holders,
proters ana bonus bends are press
ins it to earth. tramDiiDf? nnon it
and stigmatizing it by all the epi
thets known in the plutocratic vo
cabulary. The above is a little camDaien
rot indulged in by the Prinville
Review. Wool will brine at Hodd-
ner at the present time 9 to 11
cents, against 3i to 5 cents, under
the Wilson tariff. To be sure sales
are a little slow as the demaad is
light. It is well known, however,
that the unsettled condition, re-
suiting from the war with Spain,
affects the wool industry more, per
haps, than it does any other line of
business, but this will doubtless be
settled bood, when the beneficent
effects of a protective tariff will
continue to add to the sheepowners'
prosperity. By the way, it might
not be out of place to say to the
Review that the people of Oregon
are well pleased with the present
state of affairs, judging from the
election returns.
The Gazette is notified that its
editor, Otis Patterson, has been
appointed by the president as re
ceiver of The Dalles land office.
This will in no way interfere with
his management of the Gazette.
He has no desire to sever his rela
tions with a community in which
he has so many warm friends, and
where he has spent a third of his
life in an effort to helD build un
Heppner and Morrow county.
The republican state central
committee need not congratulate
itself. It need give itself little
credit for the republican victory.
While it was taking care of Simon
and trying to beat good republic
ans the people were busy getting
ready to vote the republican ticket
The party would have been good
for thousands of additional votes if
there had been no organization at
How to Look Good.
Good looki are really more tbao skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
eondition or all the vital organs. It tbe
liver be inactive, yon Lave billion
look, it your atomaob be disordered you
have a dyapeptio look; if your kidueya
be affeoted, you bare pinohed look
Secure good health, and you will aurely
have eood looka. "Electric Hitter" ie
a good alternative and tonic. Acta di
rectly on the atomach, liver and kidneya.
I'uriUea the blood, oures pimples,
blotohea and Inula, and gives a good
complexion. Kvery bottle guaranteed.
Hold by Hlocnm Drntf Co., K. J. Hloonm,
manager. 50 oenta per bottle.
Every Dew tobaoriber of Ibe Qa-
lette, or old one renewing, will Ret
aa a premium a oopy o( "The Great
Debate" between Uorr and Darvey.
Tbla was one of tbe greatest con-
testa of Ibe kind in tbia age. Tbs
financial question la prominent in
politic and yon want tbia book
ia bouod neatly In paper and retail
for CO oenta tbe world over. Coma
early before all the premium are
gone. Tbe Investment la but
Tux rTTni)N Tra. Co.
Tbe war I on and now ynn should
eabaarib for tbe Osteite. Tbs latest
news, alwaya. If
Waata Mali.
11 V. Hwaggart desiree to purchase
male from tbrte-yeerold np, from bow
to June 15tb, for which b will pay the
market price. All bating mule will
plea note this. 53 5?
Modern Treatment of
The latest work on the
treatment of dittiuu written
by forty eminent American
phyticiini, uyit "Cod-liver
oil hat done more (or the con
sumptive than all other reme
dies put together." It also
says t " The hrpcphotphltes
of time and soda arc retarded
bf many EnUh observers aa
ipecihci lor consumption."
Scott's Emulsion
contain, the best cod-lire r oil
In a partially digeskd form,
comlineJ with the Ityfkphof
phittt pf Lime i S0J4. ThU
remedy e standard (or a
quarter of A century, Is In
ciact accord with the latest
te ws ol the medical pmft uimv.
Be sure you ft SCOTTS
IneiMl . em. e4 a
Oh, honey, all de akeeters Is asleep,
Am yo, sleep! n'?
Sty, honey, aU the lUn begin to peep.
Am yo' peepln'?
If you flash on me Belinger, yo're llluminatln'
Yo' will cook me to a cinder, I ihall wither up
and die-
Am yo' peeptn' tro' de winder? It yo' gazln' at
de skyf
Am yo' ileepln'?
Let me croon, honey, croon,
To de moon, honey, moon.
For de moon li a boon to a copper-colored coon,
l ie a coon, honey, coon,
Tie a coffee-colored coon.
Oh, honey, honey, honey, tho' I haven't any
Oh! honey, don't yo' bean dii nigger
I'se a iighin'!
Say, honey, aa de plcltanlnies cry,
Tho' my voice i full o' blubber as an egg la full
o' meat,
My lungs is ingy-rubber, dey li tough an' hard
to beat.
Won't yo' listen to yo're lubber, as he war Dies
at yo're feet
Let me swoen, honey, swoon,
'Neath de moon, honey, moon.
For de moon is a boon to a dandy colored ooon,
I'm a ooon, honey, coon,
I'se a cocoa-colored coon.
Oh, honey, honey, honey, tho' It Isn't very
l'se a coon I
Luk VernoN
Oar Citizen Bet on Wednesday and It Was
So bedded.
Ou Wednesday evening a large num
ber of Beppoer'a patriotio citizens met at
tbe opera bouse to diaoass tbe proposi
tion of celebrating tbe ooming Fourth of
July. Otis Patterson was ohoaen chair
man of tbe meeting by a unanimous vote
and R. F. Hynd was called to ho! as sec
retary. Several oitizena present spoke
in favor of a oelebration in very enthusi
astic terms and on a vote being taken It
was unanimously decided that Heppner
Tbe obairr.jn then appointed the fol
lowing gentlemen to aot as a committee
of arrangements: J. M. Hart, E. W
Rhea, Frank MoFarland, Art Minor and
E. M. Bhott.
It now remains for our oitizena to all
join in and help make tbia one of tbe
grandest celebrations ever given in the
history of our little oity.
Another meeting to oomplete arrange
ments will be held on next Wednesday
evening. Everybody turn out and lend
a band to make Ibe oelebration a oom
plete success.
A Little Mixed.
Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, county judge
of Morrow oounty, arrived in tbe city
yesterday on a trip in wblch business
and pleasure were oombined. He repre
sents the atate in bis county aa land
agent, and spent several boura with Gen.
W. H. Odell and Gov. Lord, reporting
on oertain details of Interest to tbat de
partment. During the day be received a
telegram from bia eon announcing the
faot tbat M. A. Moody had carried Mor
row handsomely, while Morrow, demo
crat, had poaaibly defeated MoUervan
for tbe atate aenate, and finally, that
Freeland, nnion candidate for represent
ative, bad been suooeseful. Balem
Judge Bartholomew no doubt received
bia information atraight, bot lbs reporter
on tbe Statesman mixed matter up a
little. ' Freeland was tbe regular repub
lican nominee for representative, and
McGervan la Gowan.
Everybody Say Bo.
Caanarau Candv Cathartic, the moat won
derful imtlical discovery of tlie ae, pleas
ant and retmslune to ibe taste, act gently
and positive! on kitlucys, liver and bowels,
cleansing Die entire system, dispel colds,
cure heailaolie, fever, hahllual constipation
and billousnma. I'leasa buy and try bos
of CO. C. today; 10, V!H) rents, bold and
guaranteed to our by all druKglsta.
A PatrMIe Hsa
Ovr in Union eouaty en ambitious
ban baa produced a war egg which laya
every other one so far reported ia tbs
bade, says the Bumpier News. Tbs old
lady wbo owns lbs aforesaid ben want
out ons day to gather eggs and foond
one bearing the cebelistio letters "O. 8.
H". Tbs flod created moob eioiUmsnt
among tbs women of tbe neighborhood ,
and tbey quickly gathered. Tbey all
agreed It was prophetic of something,
bnl what pnialad Ibani, Ons lady sug
gested tbat it meant "Qive Binners
Help". Another soggested tbat It meant
"God "end Help". Still soother said it
meant "flod Have Heathens". Another
dsolsred tbat it meant thai "Ood Bends
Harmony". Finally, ons old lady noted
for ber religion devotion, wbo bad bsa
saying little, sprang; to ber feat aod
vehemently declared Ibe letters stood for
"Give Hpam Hell". AU present ecrted
Ibal ber interpretation was correct.
A stomacbfnl of nodigeetej food ia
ebon I aa nnbeallhy s bim as one can
well Imagine.
VYbet ran be doa with ItT
Tbers II stars. It won't digest. Il
sbarna ap, firmest and decays; be
som poisonous (as putrid matter doe)
snd eaoaew great pais sad deep-seated
In arder to ebsnis all ibis, take Hbaker
Pieeelive Cordial.
II sttipn fermentation and decay at
oceo, so tbat no mure poisons arc
Il rUr the eloeneeb f potenee al
ready Ibwra. Il help II lu lam the lew I
that rroala, lata bealtblnl exinrWh
enrol. Il Mrefthns lb enm sob for
lb aril meal.
Here la lb able pMlnwnpbf nasi Mr
l indigewiioa) lu a fw word. And
hat toore, it's all tree. Try II.
Hbaker tttgetttv (Wil U for el
by druggists, pth-a 10 iwnia to II
The ttkA4lei IS a. lu an; ne4et.
Ikia Ibo Wo It as largely oeJ
and M ! tab aall la tho old aesk.
Il ! engefiders ti4 feolleg Ta
tusy l lrattj ok tho (itea.l that
lielpej ,.
tsesi to take alter dinner; fma-v a
prevent distress, aid diges- I CXI all
tion, cure eons t tpation. I I I mm
Purely refutable; do net gripe 111 nv
or catue pain. Bold by all dragglus. 25 cents.
Prepared only by C. t Hood Utk, Lorn 11, Haas.
Admiral George Dewey, tbe hero of
Manila, ia lbs subject of a Character
sketch in tbe Jnne Review of Reviews
by Winston Ohurobill. Tbia is tbe only
time tbat tbe life atory of our modest
Yankee admiral haa been told in print
with any completeness. His boyhood
daya in Vermont, bia schooling at Ann
apolis, and later stirring experiences un
der Farragut in tbs civil war, are all
passed in review. Mr. Gburobill ia him
self a graduate of tbe United States
Naval Academy and the sntbor of the
very successful novel entitled "Tbe
Celebrity". He has bad unusual facili
ties for getting information relative to
Admiral Dewey's interesting oareer and
President McKinley is to be given tbe
unique distinction of having a number
of a woman'a magazine named for him
and prepared in bia honor. Tbe July
issue of Tbe Ladies' Home Journal is to
be called "Tbe President's Number".
It Will show tbe president on borsebaok
on tbe cover, with the president's new
"fighting flag" flying over him) a new
march by Victor Herbert is called "Tbe
President's March" j the state depart
ment baa allowed tbe magazine to make
a direct photograph of tbe original
parchment of tbe Declaration of Inde
pendence, while tbe president's own
friends and intimates haye combined to
tell some twenty new and unpublished
stories and aneodotes about him which
will show him in a manner not before
done. Tbe oover will be printed in tbe
national colors.
m'olubb's magazine fob jdnb.
Wbile conserving its general literary
interests, McClure's Magazine for Jane
makes good its title of a war number;
and is really an unparalleled achieve
ment in making a monthly periodical
fully representative of tbe great Interests
of the hour, without any aacrifloe of
literary and artistio quality. Tbe editors
explain that to accomplish this, they
bad practically to make the number over
a second time, casting aside part of it
after it had gone to press. ,
Beginning with an effective patriotio
oover, designed by Mr.Kenyon Ooi, and
s frontispieoe portrait of Ibe oommauder
of the armiea, General Miles, tbe epeoial
charaoter of tbe number is continued by
an artiole, admirable in tone and abund
ant in information, by General Fiizbogb
Lee, giving tbe observations and im
pressions gathered by bim aa consul-
general at Havana on Cuba, and its
people and government, and the war for
freedom. This ia folly illustrated with
portraits of Cuban ru'.era and leaders
and piotures of Cuban scenes and inoi
aunts, ueoerai miles cootnoutes an
artiole recording bia recent observations
of armies and oommaoders in Europe;
and this too ia very fully illustrated
Stephen Bonsai, writing from Admiral
Sampson's flagship, the very centre of
operations, tells tbe story of the move
ments and adventures of tbe blockading
fleet; and bis artiole ie illustrated from
photographs taken by bim aboard tbe
flagship. James Barnes contribute
some stirring "Hongs cf Ibe Ships of
Steel"; L. A. Ooolige tells some berioo
stories of Dewey, Sampson, and the
otber flpbtlng leaders; Joseph Earle
Stevens writes of Manila ont of bis own
experience as a resident there; and Wil
Ham Allen White, tbe author of tbe
"Boyville" stories, in a sketch of real
poetic quality desoribes Ibe mustering
and departure of tbs vol outers. Tbers
is still other war mailer In the number,
including s noble war hjmaby Henry
Newboltjand there are aa interesting
installment of Anthony Hope's novel, an
eioelleot story by Octave Tbauet, aod
Cbarlea A. Dana's recollections of bis
own connection wilb tbe seoret service
snd of s bistorio visit to General Sheri
dan. Tbe 8. 8. McClnrs C., 141155 E.
26th St., New Tork.
At lbM. E. cboreb, Month, tbers will
be aioal serrioe ntil rJuoilar. A OorJIal
Intitation ia eilenJeJ to alL
Regnlar preaoblog ssrvioea al lb
Cbriettao oborob oo neit BooJay morn
I. and vteiog. Ia Ih fetiitig lb
pastor will preaeb Ibe Brsl of aerie of
dlaooorar on lb sobjeot. "Tb Deetint
of MankioJ". A oordial iovllelioa it
Siteoded all to alieod lb sstrrloeo.
Line orrn a at Tn Psllss. Oaaima,
IiiIIkwIii named erttlrf hee filed anttrenl
his Intention to make Snal pnaf In en.r n(
hu rlalm, and thai eald pnl will tie n.ule be
hire the (nunly Clerk, at Mepnner. rfn, on
aaturdaf, July t. I"", vl
kali h u srni.r,
I n eirtan. hmeeie. .flirailn Kn. 4IS
I tttbe Ker, CI, and W k Dee. K,
If I . K. J a. w. M.
Me riemea the lollnwln ellmnii In pmvs
1 Me ennttnnotta eeeldenre ttpcin and ritittiattna
t, rrrn, Jar4i atnrt w liitigum. Ore
". Sj.b SeteiMHi, ot lilnf wn, itiin,
Jemre Stuwu, ! lllnUin, or,..n
ai- Ja. r. uoar.
1 TMnmt trrtit iT or tui stati
1 nl Ore.n. kw the ntaty 4 Mor rev.
Matilda Ht, riaiaUir,
fries irer tVten.1ent.
n H.trtH Mrtn, 4elelUnl
la Ibe lM .f the Male nl ernli to tr
brnrl., ruira1 lu f ue ai I atMvef liw rw
ielnt it emnet f.m la the ! entitle
ramit an4 cult " a thf the rel iter at U.e
net Kt'illl Seem M el r.irt iwl om n
lnee the ath day iW m4 , 1. an4 II y.n, fall
en In R.ef. Nw went tkerenl fielxtlt will ae
f ly tot a erre veetln la ftainuS Ike liile la
I e the weal 4 w nniee W nt anrttea
I fc.e ,.! well ranee t 9 eei. l a. I. nwtn ,
tM inj ..einlilt m c.Mitvf ttM ta
the la a.t ee law a4 M SiK-h other
NMa eey he la aad ror
a it. in, na
I Taie la f.f.ll.-l fct t.r.l. at iie
A l"H M the h 4. lal rtt..(. I niie
e. 4ata4 May m. at Netwat. it.re
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thi Dalles, Oregon,
Mav. aimna.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th,
low, vis;
of Heppner, Oregon, H. K, No. 4392 for the SEte
Sec 14 T 2 N R 26 K W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Mb continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp
ner, Oregon. Jerry Brosnan, of Heppner, Ore
gon, William B. Finley, of Heppner, Oregon,
Harry Bartholomew, of Heppner. Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles. Obeoon,
Mat Hi. 1H98.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
bis claim, and that said proof will be made
before A. Mallory, U. 8. Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 7, 18d8 viz:
of Alpine, homestead application No. 3925, for
thetNEandEHBESecST 1 N R 26 E
n in.
He names the following witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Barney McDevitt, of Lezing.
ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, of Galloway, Ore
gon, Chas. Van Winkle, of Galloway, Oregon,
Edward Doherty, of Lexington, Oregon.
tx-tk JAB. r. MUOKK,
Notice of Intention.
Land Orpica at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 8. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice
of her intention to make final Drool in suonort
other claim, and that said proof will be made
Dt'iiire j. n. Morrow, uouniyuiera, ai Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday. June 18. 1HU8. viz:
Joale Fischer, of lone, Homestead application
no. lor me n let sec. a, ana nft see,
t, ip. is, r. -a a. w. m. .
Hne names the following witnesses to prove '
ner continuous residence upon sua cultivation
of said land, viz: Fred W. Balzlger, Edward
Keller. A. J. McVay and Paul Baliiger, all of
lone, Oregon.
4S-W Register.
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
In the matter of the estate of William Cox, de
ceased: The undersigned having been appointed by
the comity court of the Htate ol Oregon, for Mor
row oounty, administrator of th estate of
William Cox, deceased, notice Is hereby riven
to the creditors of, and all persons having claims
agalnet said deceased, to present them verified
required by law, within six months after the
first publication of this notice to said adminis
trator at bis plsceof realdeace eight miles south
ot lone, Oregon.
Administrator of the estate oi William Cog, de
ceased. Dated May 12th, 18W. 48-M
Notice of Intention.
J May a, 1M. notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler haa filed notice of
ber Intention to make flnal proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made
t fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Friday, June 10, lBtsS, vis:
MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner:
Homestead application No. 4074, for the NEi
Her ;l, Tp I N, Ktt K W M.
Hh names the Mlowtnf wltneese to prove
her continuous rssldeure npon and cultivation
ot taM land, vlt: A. U. Rartholutnaw, William
K. rinley, Allen a. Hodeilon and Robert t.
Hynd, ail of Heppner, Orenn,
iki. t. MOORE.
447. Recleler.
Notice of Intention.
Laud Orrira T LtUamca, Oaaaov,
May t. wV
11 followinj nemeil eettler baa tied notice ol
bis Intention tn make flnal prool In luppnrtol
his claim, and Ibal said prool will be anaile be
lore the t'ounly t'lerk ol Mnrmw count v. r
nn at Heipner, reon. on June 24, tana, VU;
Kiln lie frier, HI ho 4TVI, lor lb awl, see.
H.lwasSa..r. I. W. M.
He name lb following wltneese in prove
his ronttmtmie reatitenrw upon snd cultivation
nl said land, til; James W. Lny, Henry
Vanderpool, John Mrt'iillmiib, Uavid MrCul
lough, all of Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. RaTtTT,
4 St Heclslwr.
suERirrs SALE.
il virtu of an eserutlnn and order of ee
ale, dulv toned by Ibe rlerk ol the tiretill
tourl ol the County ol Morrow, "tale ol Ore.
tnn, deled Ibe i:tb day nl May. I ma. In a cer
laln e. tlna In the t trrult Court lor eald County
and Mel, wherein Jatne Jonea and Jame
Jitnee as a.tltiletrat ol Ibe estate ol Kelenn
Jnnee, de. mi I pi el nil IT. recovered It.dgnuinl
aralnet oeoree W. Sweeiart. MIMred J. ewaa
art. R H Hi.hop aaeiciwe nl (tent re W. awe,
(art. Itieolteal 4f l.tor. J. . Morrow, Ibe
..a aallwayand havltatloa (oaioaay, one.
kxrattnn. and fat Qiiald. d.'.nn.nta. lor the
sum o Two Tbxtean4. r"out Manured hlnetv
two ttotlare, with Intoreel lher.a at tbe rata
nl M par cent net annum Imm the lata day nl
February, I, and the Inrthee ,im ot T
Il ii ml red forty I tollers attorney s toae. and
mete a4 dMAureemenui tated al Twenty.glve
N. I.re pa the lata day ol fehrwarr re
hvftt. e Ie hertt tea the I I will on aelur
Aav. the g.tk dav of Jane. I "at, al t o rka-a. a
m ol aai.l .lav. al the Imnl ol the ruttrt
hnuee tn N'ppnet, M.iernw rountv. ttri., aell
I el puhlw awttna to toe bleheet M..le l.f raek
i In ka4. the Mmwlt.a dearrtbeil omoerty to
i oil the e..fth eeet aiuirn.) ol en-tloa Sea II
I la too nnli toe It oueth rente loenty Ae
eoet ttlliaaietta aeft.ln, all la Mrn
l ouatv. Onnm lake and Ie. ted aoaej aa
i the art. pert v ol Ik aat4 iMnrtra kwaararl
Miilr4 J. aaeacerl el el or eo ejintb ti.er4
aa aver be aer. rv So eetteiv the eenl t..ia
I stent la taeot ol Jeioa Jae and Jeroe JotM
t edmintottabw al lha aetata ol Meiena Jonea,
ttw..wl a4 aeeloes ST aweerart
Miidte) nut.it. el al . bateihe with ell
oe aa4 dtehateemeoM thai ke t SMtf an
. I I Nltlnt tk.nl
I It I Mtlni, ifepttf
t-aled 4 gtpye., May r. Iaa. M it
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, arid prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
S The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads
people like to buy.
stand aside for him.
reason why so many
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
y A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
Ws are recelvlnf a New Invoice of Goods almost evert dav One B...M1.
Increasing trade demands It, rnneeou.ntlj "our CuWtom'o- ? l
their Drvtga Pttro trig Fresh. "f c",tom'- ftooltrt
Our Stationery
I Complete
Wl," ""PPn"' Ul-vm usi (t unll
Slocum Drug Co.
And now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
1 On draught at
I all popular saloons
Notim of Intention.
L.k Ovni it j faatant, o.,ne
voTH i ta HiHtav mvm iVaVTme
11 hamwlng named aeitto bee Sted aotlre
ol bet Intention to mat Snal ronl In Suoonrl
of ke a let m. and Ibal eald aro-4 will he mad
below IA) County ( lerk nl Marrow ronaty
tiroe), al MpBf, Oreejoa, Jvly L
! vll '
rut j. nirTrvf, m. j u4 t
ttnvef ,
Md toil. MIMaVtik.rth aak
M end eS . ear r t 1 1 r r I M
aba aamea the Inliaw In tlee.ua an aeneo
bet eiUma rea'tn.e apa aad rnliitettn
nl ead land. j.a I iHee, t hnme ft
Imt. ffae klder Bad laat titrno ailal
H.fft, utegoa.
is the one from whom
The slow, plodders all
That suggests a good
customers are being
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Notict of Intention.
leotris at Tas D.us. oao
et a laH,
U L "Hn 1 N AT TN
Smd aotiia
PHtir.iR. . - -, . . .
mi J.,. " "" Ital am
nal arm la
ltd mr4 wiu
Jff"'. Oe aa aatortay i
-Haad a.aeiama. A. t
lie itui iu ,, . .
loeiaty tl.t.
asm B, lam,
, Pt'otp4
a ""I II and
- "wim o tineo
hie .' to..,,., , pf ,B4
itnik.. ma o..
sad t .
- "-rr".r, i e.n