OFFICIAL s-v 'THP fiDPAT npnuc Election is at hand and you Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. "THE GREAT DEBATE." PAPER i - vr . H ho An 1 lr ' D( 1 W fit! t ver. log J. I 1 ur 1 Bi Bea. Marl Bool .y. as' SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTYOREqON. FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 189S. NoT656 SEMI WEEKLY CAZETTE. I.. ' ' -; GENERAL . 1 . . i . PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING; COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor -and Bus. Man. ' At $3.03 per year, $1.00 for six months, BO ate. .or three moncns, strictly in ad van o . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THW PAPKB is kept on We at K. C. lake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Wxchantre, Stan SVanoisoo, California, where oou xacta lor advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, N8W8PAPEB ADVERTI8- ng went, 31 Merchants' Exohanm Build in;, Han iranoisoo, 1b our anthoriied agent. Ton paper is fcept on file at his office. 0, f. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily exoept Holiday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 9:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 8:01) a m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:60 p. m. and U ma' ills 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland W:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves DmatiUa 11:10 p. m. and arrives at rieppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. ; For further information inquire of J. C. Hart Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore. OFTICIAIi DIEEOTOET. United States Officials. President...... William McKiuley Vice President.. Garret A. Hobart Secretary of Bute W. R. Day tteoretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Beoretary of Interior.... Cornelius N. Bliss tteoretary of War Kusseli V. Alger tteoretary of Navy John D. Lor g Postmaster-General Charles Kmery Brr ith Att..rnBy-(teneral... John W. Giggs Beoretary f Agriculture James Vilson , ; State of Oregon. Governor m p i.a rZ0t stat8 ?j- BuTpbiic'in.tctioV.-e h& Attorney General ..V&'g- foSSS Senator ' JG. W. MoBride .. .. "I Congressmen.... . Printer.... lupreine Judges. .. -, JThos. H.Tongue (W.K . Kllie "(R.'S. 1 ' wastes i Pi Ai (C. E. ' R. 8. Bean, . Moore, . Wolverton Sixth, Jadieiaj District. C unit Judge Stephen .Lowell P,oiMotmn Attorney I...H. J. Bean Harrow County Offluials. oiut F A, W. Gowan Bepre tMtiv. J. N. Brown .nan a jBd)W., A, Q. Bartholomew f'oismimionera I.U.Howard v. J. W. Beckett. Olerk J.W.Morrow Bheriff E. L. Matlock Treasurer Frank Gilliam ' Assessor A, C. Petteys Surveyor... J. J. MoGee School Bap't Jkjt W. Shipley . ' Coroner II. F. Vaaguan bbpfnbb Town ornoxaa. ' Moor Thne. Morgan C'mncilmen E. J. Hlocum, M. Iiichtenthal. J. B. Himona, J. J. Roberta, J. W. Rasmus and K. G. Bperry. Itwonler W. A. Richardson IV.xnarer L. W. Brings Marshal ......John il&ger Precinct Officers. Jasttaaof the Peaoe... W. K. Kinhardnon louetable N. B. Whetstone United States Land Officers. THE DALXSS, OB. J. t. MfKir Kearlstor K. B. Biggs RsoaivHr LA oaAans, ok. K. W. Bartlett, Registar i. H. Robhins Beoeivsr aaaoatxrx ocxsbtzek. UAWUNS POST, NO. IL O. A. R. Musts si Hrppnsr, Or., ths third Batnrdaj of prn moatn. au vstsrsna ars wviisa wi nin. W. W.ttmith. G W.Be. ('ommsndsr. Adlntsat. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNEB, OREGON. Offios hooni, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 lo 2 p. m.f al residence, W. A. Kirk's prop rty, east of M. E cbnrch, Soatb, nd 10 lo l'i, . in , to 2 lo 6 p. m., at offioc in lha raar o( Bnrgi f welry store. Brown & Redfield, . Attorneys at Law, Offloa In tb First National Bank ' Baildloc. Ilirrnu, : : Orkoom. tf V Ellis & Phelps, TT0RNEYS AT LAW. All bnsltisss sttndet to In a pmmrK and satlslarbirr mantwr. NoUrtfS I'ul.llr mt , Colla-clora. Oflka la Nailer Bulltflng. Hsppasr, Or. D. E. GILMAN, 6cncralColIcctor Pnl vour old honks and tHtl In his hands and ft your rrnf nut nf llirm. MatM a SMUlif ol bard rullfctlona. Office ia J. N. Drown't I'.uilJioz. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder, sjr ric T ' COUNCIL CMMaia Walls an4 bovs HJ Uia. rnls kmw-t, bus. d- tM4 ill m rod la ay sy in his llua, al tUi'Ml4 n( irw. First National Bank OK IIK.ri'NEH C. A. Kmc. T. A. MCA. OtO. W CONtCM S. W. SrCNCKM, Praaidanl CaaKiar Aaa't Caablar Tnk'ti 1 6c:enl l&Vx liktsL .13 X C H A. 1ST Oil OS Mi pane ai l wafiq a .1 C1.1 OUCnt Unci OOlU . ttttartloM a all pottitt t4irilM Mad aa all pottiit MaanasMe Traa. v?:wi ii J4 tr.i t GENERAL 1 WISCONSIN I I . . ra.ooiiUjrti,li DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or iu many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have . recently beep uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. J AS. C. POND, ' Gen'l Passr. Agt. H, W. Fall, ; .. . PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot ol 0. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C & A., P. Kt. W. & C. and the C. St. L. Si P. Railroads. HATEH Xe-.oo PRR DAT - Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CSTIOULOrO. ILL. NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Grower and Dealer In Fruit, Shad and Ornamantal Traas, Grapa Vinea and Small Fruita. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. TRI WEEKLY ' 1 lie MONTHLY ,1 Outlook Published Every Saturday!' 13 Astor Place New.York The Outlook will be in 1897, as il bai been daring each of ita twenty-aeven yean, a History of Our Own Time. In ita various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compaot review of tbe world'i progress : il follows wiib care all iba important pbilanthropio and in dustrial movements of tbe day: baa a complete department of religious news; devotes mnob space to tbo interests of tbe borne; reviews ourreot literature: famishes cbeerfal table-talk about men and things: and, in abort, aims to give fresb information, original observation. and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbt lift flifth volume, tbe paper will aaanme tbe regular masa- cine site, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenlenee and at tract iveoeas. Tbe Outlook la published every Saturday- fifty two laanea a year. Tbe first issue In each month ia an Illustrated Uagasins Number, containing about twice as many pages as Iba ordinary isanea, togetber with large number of pictnree. Tbe pneaof The Outlook ia Ibree dollars a year In advance, or lees tban a cent a day. Send for a spool men oopy and illustrat ed proepeotne to Tba Ootkmlr, 13 Astor Plana, Nsw York Oil v. , ; fcTOCa arUNix. While rie aap ynar subscription paid Ms yra eaakass) yuarbraai la rraaof ebafwa. B. . P. O.. Hfpnar. Or.-Hnnaa, t B , left shnaloWt oattls, saas aa loft hip. Hnha, Parry. Ht'paar. Or fat Us branded W II, nH. nn U. Irtt aids. Waildls on ansa. tana. Morrow auunty. Cook. A. J..Lana.Or.-Hons. Oos) rlshtaknal nw, , , aawn risnt hip: aar ajuwa sijaan sn.p ad Ian and split la nal.C Ely. . brand d RLV na lM ahnsOdav. aaUia asm est fertaip. soil Is nabl aar. Fbirsaas, L. A., Rapimsr. nr.'4'atia, l.t aa riahi nipt biws 1 vita bar eadar a rtabt sbtmktar. Jnass, ftarry, Hsppaar. (r ItnrMs braqUd S Jm IKa L-n a... -i L ,,. .4 4 I I v.m" "" " "rrvw o-aatir nhl oip, alaa aadartHl ia laft aar. Hanaa la i. Js. I ZTL?' J 7"r. N na laft siiBi satils. asms na rlaht hip, aadar kail rt aaa scut .a t aar ka, Kapfinar. Ov-ffmaa brandxl WD hi a Mtll.aa,aJ ..S lpj aart aarfar sUs)a n UM rlabl lr. 1 W. HanMlar lr-H.KaaS h,snda4 I. and A oa Ian K.ntuWi aaUia a aa WI , aUiaMr riant ays, Utraa aii a la nhl aaf. Uianr llnf KaMul rW , IL- M Ft H rlaWkip.a.aa at . ari abmiWUr. i oa Wrt ah.iai'U, aaltla as.aa na imTX hi a ttl citia IM, J. W. IkataUa. lar.i twfaas UM W a rtstit Kip. afttaMala? alsrdsiaa.Or. HnrssalPea tL rvsrana, miraV; kofsas fcrsndad bar and a n snoaiiiaf, rsnt. Risnl Miia, rcHiif y ur tl M . r I isf t sswaMav. Ustua, n aa rlM kipk I " n-. Or.-lsJa f aa :wi.r,.4njM imixr. I Thpm-m, S - Niw. in It iisaa, t aa , ak ., axtla. I laft mm4m. Ttkrfcaf aW ll..Sa.y ..-! Ian at-kl. Um, saAla asa urn n i'f v.-a i.i ia pvie aaii Gau It House - 1 cr3l aimnlffimiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiimniitiiniinHWiimHNNhsHM I i -Jm LB AVpCekihle.Prenaration For As similating theToodandBegula ting the S tomachs amLBoweis of 1 ProinotesTsUon.Checiful-' tiess and Best.Con tains neither OjminT.Morphine nor nerai, IVot Narcotic. Pumpkm Sm2' Mxjtrina ' RoJulbSJu- jtninSaft : Rppentmt - , ; Him Seed - fjanud Sugar . ' Mnsvarvwarisn ' Atiprfprf Bpmwlv PnrrVtntilirva. tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms convulsions ,r cvensn uess and Loss OF SIXER Tac Simile Signature of ; NEW "YORK. ' EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER, i iii A.. ABEAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. J . ., ... CALL AND SEE ME. ON MA. Y-STREET- "When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HA fsltlifnl llv Ulmrsd lor thrlr nrnsn imstwrtlr liitalnrw and home InUTmU. fur ail tnir afMiiNiiluMwl IT HAS Wild at tha lmide, liilcrrilliif and llaltoll n'l etatra. IT II Ail adtlard the farmt-r as lo ths ninst apnro. mrlhods of rullloellus and hrrallii his Tiaiiiiii an'i wtaira. . in. unir wi ronvrri inrin lino in puMiiiia amoilfil l,l nioliry. IT HAH la.1 In all maitrf, iMTiaiuliir to lha ai'Hars l larmsrs and vlllaiiers, and lor over a hall acatitury has held tholr rimn lrnre and IT IH TUB New York Weekly Tribune, Ana! we furnish It with the $2.76, aaeh In aevanee. Addrra. all Order, to Wrltf lout name and S.ldraa. on a pnalal rard, wia viij, airi a aainpta l UK iaw 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE. km mnw, twin faiiia Al lar Hlrral IM, I'irtlsad, f i . . k . i v . , I, . -. a.a a a. ..wiiviii. iirmi rimmmis who iieim svassssra BBil rail road; alaa Young's liar with Kaalxre katlroad. TMLiBlMIONIl Ua vas roM.aiul A. M. falir, tiraat anadaf. Lsavea A'tufka I f. M 'Jells, tiiafd Saadays leave ran land S f M rmllf. atrapt Snadaf. aatnrdaf klrM. II f W lava ArkU ta at Ml M, eira;4 suii'lef and Mva4ar. sunuaf aiht, I V. M oowan' wjkjxrm ta'aa friend end ndtrrt to 1an, Tnaadran4 Tnr1ee I. l rkinMsf tl I f 1 leasl!aara Wflmalarand frvtar all at. II. a kaadtt .!; al f t. U. f:t ?M Id Hii-xl DutfiJa,. M Wx Frt rf Eita ni ; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signi The Kind V t. , You Have Always Bought. HOW TMK OtNTAUH COMMHT, NCWVOwK ITT. nionfiftr Inilnr nf Hpnn BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed and happiness, lor ths Improvement ol their uf-aiii(, n ne vioTBiiun ui ainariraa niannuua suu lintrurtlva itorlr tf the doings n( the world, the iauin a ' GAZCTTC, arte year far TH E G AZETTE. sand It tn a. W. ftret. Tribune hfllri, Kea ore vi WSIJ I riimna a III bs Biellan IU fo. mm and vm wavl - - f Astoria, llao.i, Ltmg Umtrh, Oi-aae . . . i . . . . the1 7 v ature A it WA:R I , SAN FRANCISCO, June 7. The Baltimore arrived at Honolula May 29th. ; She had a very pleasant voyage and all are well. Nothing ia too good for Uncle Sam's Bailors. SAN FRANCISCO, June & through the Golden Gate yesterday, probably never to return. ' All crafts afloat gave her a great send off. WASHINGTON, June 8. The that troops have sailed from Tampa! It is believed t'aat the bombard ment at Santiago was tb prepare the way for the invaders known to be already enroute. Forts at the entrance are completely silenced, accord ing to a dispatch from Sampson. WASHINGTON, June 8. Dewey has a Berious problem to ficht in Manila's insurgent leaders. LONDON, June 8. Russia session of the Philippines. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. It will press into service any steamers it ohoseB for the purpose of carrying troops to Manila. It has der consideration. Probably all troops for Manila will reach there in side of two months. . . CAPE HAPTEN, June 9. The report of a great battle at Cai manera bay yesterday morniDg has reached here. American ships bombtrded the forts, commencing at 5:30 p. m. A perfect hail of bombs was sent in and the Spanish replied with vigor, but were ulti mately forced to abandon ih forts and retreat to the town. The Span ish commander , issued orders to Caimanera before surrendering it. The captain-general of the Philippines says the situation at Manila is very grave. v Manila is to be attacked A New York World special from Hong Kong says the report has reached there that Manila has fallen. It is said to be occupied now by insurgents. . , : MADRID, June 9. It is rumored that tbe Spanish garrison at Ma I nila, rather than to be massacred by the insurgents, prefer to yield to the Americans as prisoners of war. SAN FRANCISCO, June 9. Manila on Wednesday. The third expedition follows Sunday, - The ., , r ...,-. v .. ' , . POVPirnmfinfc hno a flout 1ft alnamara l.l. U X 1 . ''. O mw- v graaiuci, LONDON, June 9. A Washington correspondent of the Daily . , ... , . . . Chronicle, with approval of Gen. Greeley, cabled that the army sailed from Tampa at Doon yesterdsy. The foroe numbered 27,000, composed of infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineer, and signal corps. The infantry ()7 ! la a a I H.iiBium oi n regiments, 10 oeing Sbafrer i in nr.mmnmt on,l gULboat, Helena, as esoorts. The 1. Itn a . . uruay aoa oy aunany tbe stnrs and KINGSTON, Jamaica, June 9. tured by the Americans and will be is on the verge of starvation. Th conquer Ladrion island, belonging miles distuot from Manila. KEY WEST, June 9. There by high naval officers, that three into Havana harbor. Northup, the corrupt county defeated, but Simon, Lis boss, sacrifloed his couuty ticket and Northup tor himself. Danbar waa knifed in M altnomah forces, as waa predicted be would WASHINGTON, June 10. The farenoe in the bouse provides for naif millions per month. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Jut liouson and crew. He says military The American fleet ia waiting for is ready lor it l 1 lil'IO 1 in . , uub iu. AUHiirai almort ready to sail. It will dopart al ea, when it ) e.rxsetod the iWt CArL HAITICN, Junn 10. it is ramorea that Santiago baa fallnn into the bands of Americans. .. . . LONDON, Jane 10. CorrfaiKiDJents'say another atrfal Lm beon mads by the ijoeon regout of Spain powers. A Narrew Iseaae. Tbaokfol words wrltlao by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, i. Orotoa, H. I)., -Waa takea with a !el eolj which tatllad oa tat lncgs,Migb eat in enl finally Urml naUil in ennamtitdion. fun rlonlnte gave manpeaytng I ev.ild hva hil a abort time. I aava inraalf au la m Heviur, iMarmlnad If I una Id aol slay itb my fnea la oa aartb, I would aa y absent One abut. My buebaod was edviaed In ( I Jr. King's New I law. vary lor tonsuaapiifia, roughs aal sMa. I gave U s trial look ia all eigbt tvitllaa. II bs esrad rss. aa1 (bank flod I am saved and now a wait aa4 bat(by a. rraa." Tria) UtUae (ra at H J. No ata'idtagstfi'e, lUgilar a'sa boa and 11.09 g aar an 11 nt pttr rafea4d. Maeala V.,r ftaaa WHI t aara. V if I ''UHi, f,re m,at r' -a. UC C W.UiN) assia rl4eve. NEWS! I The monitor, Monterey, passed war departmenf does not deny , virtually admits the American pos The government is weary of delay already a fleet of seven or eight un by land and sea. The next expedition will sail for sv tU bug .lUluUlWlt, regulars and H volunteers, !,.... -i..-u-vjs J r transports are due at Santiago Sat- ... stripes will float over Santiago. Guanandmo, Cuba, has been cap nsod for a landing place. Sautiago Unitod States has decided to to Spain, and which is about 1500 art persistent rumors here, credited Simuinh warships forced their way judge of Multnomah county. hh been county for Klncaid. b? the Simon be, but Dunbar will win in any vent war revenue bill acreod to in con- ailvor coinage at rate of one and one- - , 10,-Cervera refuses to exchange aatboiitiea havs men in charm the array of inaaion. Everything rt . . . l amraras squadron at Cadia is and. scaled ordurs to U opoued will siaraU Mnu wboarrivwd here traUrdav aav - . to uae their iu6unc) with the I'iss.dralial KsejIaa'Uws A a 0uaiaa dispalck bf June fib is: TU ptaaWnot bas De! Iba followina nouiaaiioas: Jay P. l.oraa. realsiar nf the lied efTlnaat Tba Dallaa. Or : Otis I atleraon, rra tar of ceMlr mneaaa al Tba pallaa, (lr.$ (aaotfe W. IlsrM, lag Islar i.f the a4 afflaa at Haraa, Or, nafjoel O. Hwarkbamar. faalea of pablM moaeys at LOraads, Or. If t sa Wfctfe la as Wsil Yoti ia set fortify year aysWu agaiaal iba aitaeis of fliaaaM. Toor blood Bum I tel l para, yonr sdtBab aod it- live argent to order, year appetita good uflfl s naraaparilla It Iba wad iotas to bll4 ou ap, purify aad sa rleb soar WfH tod give yaw etrengtlt. It er sales aa ru-i'iie eat tive d gttiive powrr. Ural's filla art U fsvor.u faaUy itai.a, f ut tg Uk. tuy to epiU. POWDER Absolutely Pure THE BATTLKSH1P OBEUON. . Her Wonderful Performance and Its Use As an Object Lesson. New York Tribune. It was no common incident, tbis voy age of tbe Oregon, aobieved in no com mon manner, and its reoord refleots no common oredit npon the Amecioan navy, however muoh the need of snob a work refleots discredit upon onr government for remissness in past years. , What is tbe Oregon? And what baa she done? It is a heavj coast-line battle ship. It is intended for giving and tak ing heavy blows in defense of home and couotry. It is not intended for swift oraieiug in distant Bens; Yet tbe latter waa what it was oalled upon to do . II was ordered to hasten "from lands of ann to lands of snow" and back attain to to lands of sun, through two oceans and Ihiee looes, past more than a dozen alien coasts, in distance more than halt way arouud tbe world, through distress of tropio beat and through perils of Ant arctic storms; Ihroogh peril, too, of at tack from hostile fleets; and at the end of tba arduous voyage lo be in full fight ing trim, ready for instant notion. It was a commission that might well be deemed trying to any vessel that waa ever launched. But it fulfilled it to tba letter. After all tbe perils and labors of 13,000 miles, tbroogh strange waters, il reaobee its alution ahead of expeoted time, with not a lube broken nor rivet strained, nor tbe stroke of a hammer nor tbe turn of a wrench needen to prepare It for the olash of battle. It thnra la a ,et ,r,b",, ubip tn all the . .. . . finer tribute to shipbuilding and seaman., world tbao in that eiAbla foot, we should like to kuow where it is. But what a alupendous objeot lesson conveyed in tba need for suou a per- uuuvoyou iu me neea tor suou a per formancel Tboasanda of miles of aaii ,n"i w" the innamerable perils of set ZZ luL 15 . 01 nation's life-and all for wbatf Ail beoanse for 60 years we b a ve failed to nave wie courage ol our ounylotlons and tbe iiterpri8e of our iutelligeuoe, and ihakfjaawini1 Anl aa jaAK.. I al. f a 1 bare not out a canal aoross the istbumui Oenlral America. Had such a oanal been oul, tbe Oregon would bava been West Indian waters mora tban a mouth ago. What would not that have been worth to , ue? Wbat might it not bava been worth? Were there snob a oanal, tbe talk of aendiog tbe Cadis fleet to Manila would be empty idleness, be cause it would b possible atlil more quickly to seod a fleet from Key Weal to meet it there. There ia no exaggeration ia aaying that tba lack of snob a oanal bas exposed ns to dsngerof losses great ar tban Iba cost of oonitruotiug snob a Oanal would be. And vet we suppose Ibsre ars prudent patriots wbo will oon tinus to decry Iba canul scheme, saying II can't be built and would be of no veins if it were. To all suob answer la given in tbe story of tbe Oregon. Ouinneaae's famous old Lubliu Htool," Importi-d, at Chris lurchers' If Apprarlallve. On Wednesday tba Ostrtla reoaiva.l tba following to answer to s telngrem of coBgialolations to M. A. Moody : Tbs Uallm. Or.. Jnns 8. IkjM. Orta Pattiiuson, Ueppner.Ore. 1 (bank yon for your oongratnlationa I appraelsta vary much Iba fact that Morrow coonty gave ins a plurality. M. A. Mouov, UTt ttlJCCIIOM btA A ( lasa rtgal Ketwsat Morre asd liawaa. -I llfurd Derrau Parrlek fur J ad'. Word from (Jranl oonnty Indloatat that tbt entire rnpoblioan Iu ket baa baa a tlaelad tieapl Cornbe f.aj sbrriff, wbo la bsataa by Llvlngaioa. Tbscmnly wtul strongly republican. Word front Itarosf cuniity indmatrs that tbere is a eloea eolnal tiatwaea Oewaa tad Morrow, wilb Morrow a abadt tbt beat of il. All but (nor small prtoitJoU from Harney give Morrow 111 majority, asd Iba remaining preotorta arasappoad lo ha fuelon, I liar I annul y give niea Itl volaaovar Morrow, Mb oaa preelael lo bear from, elan top. poead to be lusn. Morrow eounly givaa Morrow stout I I.' over llnaaa, an Ibat at praesat Morrow has be tiaat of tba 0ibL Millar, fur d.elrkt altoraay, Jurats I Ub-fca. fualoaisi. Clifford for jdg defaata I'arrUb. laa MMIiaaa m taav. Whaa .M.a .r, lr. Ur 'in. II naatM thar'ra astieltH " he . , i,f il,.. t l mla ats h.,r lum. ( ai,.4 I an.iv I .H..H,r al l.s rein .1 two miiiioli '" f and it a ill I thiaa l.ii.ln.n la. ar'a, t mt ,,,rr,l .i.,,r.l lfcl ( aH sir II. nM d. 1 k-li(f,l l.i. i f !i..e I ..M i-.i. tita,,,, ..ti,,. ,: 4iuas-ai U, , a iUi, rmeiaientc.!.