1IL fiifl misismwiii TnwB . TO TUB UIVHS THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- E L EGTiLQ NR ET U R N S . VIA GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry- SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Weekly Excursions to the EAST, Id through tourist cars without cbaoge. MODERN UPHOLSTERED. TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouductors and porters. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS nnrr.aoN. GEO. W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING' APRIL 2d nopnn RtP.amers Leaue Portland vfwwvk Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. t.ani Mnnthlv from Portland to T.k.hnm. and Honir Kone 10 oon nection with O. R. & N. TTnr full details oall on 0. R. N Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Oen.Pass. Afft. Portland. Oregon. Dort well, Carlill. & Co., Gen'l. Agts., Nor. I'ac. 8. S. Co., Portland, Ore. , Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Ry. To Omaha. Chicaeo. Buffalo and 'i Boston without chanire via Baltialce and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ry. WoMMoerl.jiro To st- Joseph, Kansas City and WeiweSUdjS, at. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. Tkn-nilniro To Kansas City and St. Louis wlth inilPSaayS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri pacific railway. Full Returns of the Election From All But Four Precincts of Morrow County. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. NAMES OF CANDIDATES. STATE. II M Clinton, pro, Gov ;.. TTGeer, rep " Will R King, union " John C Luce, peo " II C Davis, pro sec ot state F I Dunbar rep " - II R Kincaid union " Ira Wakefield peo " J O Booth, union, state treasurer Chas S Moore, rep, " James K Sears, peo, ' ........ Moses Votaw, pro, " J H Ackerman, rep, sup't public inBtmctioii. D E Emerick, pro, " ; A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. BUE 10U GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via THe mttyiRtiHH Line ....TIIE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTFl, St. PAUL, CI1ICA.G0 AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnlllnont Track, Poerlusi Vostlbuled Trains, and Motto: For rates and all all information, inquire of 0. R, & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICH0L, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. NOHTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. "always on time has glvnn this road a national MniitRtlon. All ..I n.a,i,uura carried on the vestlliulwl trains without extra charge. Hhip your frelKht nil travel over tills ruinous line. All agents have tickets. ... ii ,iril, F C HtVAtlK. ' Uen. Akoi'iL Trav. K. 1". Agt. Hh Washington Bt., Portland, Or. CHICAGO ilwaules & St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blooa system; Lights its trains by eleetrlolty through oat: Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read in a lump; Rani speedily equipped passenger trains evrv day and nikrht between Ht. Paul and ('hioago, aud umuua ana iiiioago the ChicAoo. Alilwaukce & St. Paul Alan (literates steam-heated veetibnled trains, carrying the latest private eorapartment ears, library buffet smok ing tare, and palace drawing room sleepers. parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and the very best dining obair ear service. For lowest rates to any point in the United Mates ur Ceuada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. I'aaa. Agont. Portland, Or. J E Hosmer, peo, II S Lyman, union, s ... Chas A Fitch, union, atate printer I) L Grace, peo, ... W II Leeds, rep, " , T S McDaniel, pro, T P Ilackleman, pro, justice supreme court . . . Frank A Moore, rep, " ' W M Ramsey, union, " '' D R N Blackburn, rep, attorney general .... . C J Bright, pro, . " J L Story, union, ..... II E Courtney, peo, congressman, 2d dist . C M Donaldson, union ' G W Ingalls, pro, " , Malcolm A Moody, rep, " . , . A W Gowan, rep, joint senator, J W Morrow, union, " Henry J Bean, rep, dist. attorney, 6tli disti. . J T Hinkle, union, ,.. COUNTY. E L Freeland, rep, representative. . . . E B Stanton, union. 5 " ' ............. I) A Hamilton, rep, Bheriff r, f E L Matlock, union, ," : A E Binns, clerk, Vawter Crawford, " .'. M Lichtcnthal, rep, treasurer, ', E W Rhea, union, " ., J W Shipley, rep, school superintendent J E Tibbetts, union, " , J L Howard, rep, commissioner, CM Long, ...r.!.. J M White, union, assessor ,.. . J F Willis, rep, " Julius Keithly, union, surveyor E R Hunlock, rep, coroner C W Ingraham, union, " Hogs Running at Large, Yes Hogs Running at Large, No HEPPNER PRECINCT. M B Galloway, rep, justice of the peace , . W A Richardson, union, " G 8 Gray, union, constable .135 : c A v : : a s I e s g g a -s .s b .a 3 '2 2 3 1 124 88 40 37 10 23 74 10 30 at 85 69 53 61 16 39 39 11 8 45 5 4 2 3 7 1! 7 1 2 1 lj 120 84 41 35 15 24 73 13 30 29 83 71 53 62 17 30 40 11 10 45 5 5 1 3 7 1 75 66 53 62 10 34 37 12 8 26 125 84 38 35 16 25 71 12 29 20 9 2 3 3 11 7 3 13 1 127 88 38 35 17 23 77 13 30 31 3 2 2 1 1 8 9 4 4 10 3 73 63 51 57 1-5 37 36 10 8 41 78 m 48 63 15 35 37 11 7 42 8 7 3 14 9 1 2 123 83 37 34 15 ,-22 73 11 30 20 2 11 3 2 9 2 1 3 2 1 125 79 38 32 15 23 70 12 29 28 74 8 48 04 17 34 43 12 10 44 118 77 38 34 10 24 65 12 29 20 6 1 12 - 81 71 4!)j 62 15 25 48 12 19 43 7 5 4 7 3 88 76 SO 62 16 32 35 11 8 43 4 2 13 105 70 37 34 16 22 69 13 29 28 90 66 30 26 10 21 69 13 25 30 115 84 56 68 20 33 41 14 12 47 103 75 :32 34 14 23 72 10 27 20 102 70 o3 63 10 35 42 13 10 42 128 91 40 37 22 23 68 12 28 27 92 70 51 60 11 37 52 12 10 46 111 73 30 30 5 27 67 10 28 29 115 92 60 67 27 34 50 14 10 45 105 69 50 57 17 34 49 14 10 35 113 92 44 39 14 25 66 10 23 26 121 71 42 46 9 24 88 16 31 41 100 89 -49 50 23 31 28 6 7 25 136 96 48 39 23 23 85 13 26 31 91 70 48 55 10 41 32 12 9 40 136 62 43 41 14 27 72 13 28 24 66 89 32 54 12 31 37 13 10 38 92 74 60 58 13 38 42 12 13 40 116 78 37 39 14 26 67 11 25 35 135 92 65 70 56 17 55 111 76 40 35 22 69 12 27 30 89 70 50 60 35 40 11 9 45 14 12 11 4 - 33 2 6 111 84 55 56 76 19 59 102 60 34 104 88 55 135 92 51 THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOCBLES AND COJiSUSUTION CAN BE CUBED. Ai Eminrnt New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. 81o com, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con snrDDtion (Pulmooary Tuberculosis), broDohial, long and obest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal aneotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of tlesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot Ibis paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely UBe, and be considers it a simple professional doty to soffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible core. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be a1 aimed hv nnv modern genius. His BHHBrtion that lung troubles and oon sumption are cursble in any olimate is Droven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his American and Enro nnan laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, unioter runted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooom, M. C, 98 Pine street. New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Joly-Mr. FOR YOUS Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart meat has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in tnf line and will meet prices of any perso under the sun in the line of dragjristff supplies, blank books, bank wotV oorjnty work, or any sort of book binsv ing work that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a charity concern bnt it you will give ns a chance we will nee that yoa are satisfied id every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Linouln said that when one bought goods away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when the goods were- bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are williip to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. : 560-tf mm Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82 00 PER YEAR. Sample copies free. Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 3.00, oash, at this office. OREGON SHORT LINE Ry BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE A. Tainr MiSKB . A. Designs 'fl f f 1 Cosvriqht Ac. AnTona uniting a skolrh and dixorlntlnn mf nnti'klr AMfWlHin our opinion frue whether ail Invmilliiii In lirnhnlilr imiiciiIhII. "iimiuiilc. llonlrlKlTrH"tl.li'nlUI. lltuiilbook on fiilmiU Miit fraii. Olilimt numwr fi,r nwuriim trntfutn. ii tnrouKti Mil mi a io. rooeivn rlthuut chime, laths I'Mcnm tftkpii tprrUU ffituw, Scientific American. A hundiinmelr lllnlr(l wwklr. I.nnrmt ctf. minium of Mir Ki'laiitlUn Inuriml, 1'xrnia, S.I fr: fmir months. It Sold br all nMrnclnaleni. MUNN&Co.38,BrMd""' New York llrsncb Olllite, (til P Ht, Washluvtuii, I). C. QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT JJNE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4 days CHICAGO, 3J " ST. LOUIS, ' OMAHA, ITS SILENCE MADDENING. I'NEK II 31 3 SALT LAKE, 1 50 Years.... IN TMl Undisputed Supremacy r World's Competition Cooper's Sheep Dip Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Plonk. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Oleao, Wholesome, Odorleaa. CHAS. G. ROBEUTS. GENERAL AGENT, 21? Ash Mtrwt, Portland, On son. oltl ly Minor & Co., Heppner, Or. Free Reclining Chair Can Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Cars Pullman Paiaoe Sleeping Cars For fall particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc, call on or address J. O. HART, Agent 0. 1L N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Tkhey, W. E. Oohan, Trav. Teas. Agt. Oen'I Agt. 124 Third HI., Portland, Ore. One Feature of Alaska Which Dlstreaaa the White Han. Father Barnum, who is in, charge of the Catholic missions in Alaska, re turned several months a-o for a visit to a civilized community. Next to the cold he found the extreme silence to couee the greatest Buffering to white men. There were the white plains stretching off to the horizon, and no bird nor beast is seen; where a footfall is hushed in the snow the stillness be comes ulmowt intolerable at times. The native nre good natured and welcome instruction. While teaching them what he could, the father endeavored in turn to learn something of their language, but in this experienced some difficulty. In one Instance he desired to learn their designation of an orphan, andv while talking to one of their old womensald Now, I want you to tell me some thing," and proceedfd to question her. She did not understand, however, a.nd tried it on another tack. said: I have lost ray mother, and my father a dead. New what ' but he woe inter- upted by a loud wail from the old rone, who wept bitterly, bemoaning; the loss of hie parent, attempting to condole with him. The father did not learn from her what she called an or phan. Wahlna-ton Star. 1100 KEWAKD I he mm o , niic k s THKOl'Gll CAU TO (Ht. VM'L MINNKAPOI.IH I Ul l lll ll I tti'M i.' lIrXEXA Ti ktt Iss iod to all pttit Id the Waited Htatt a ami t atiade. tnCK TIME TO. ClIM'MMI WaaHtanniM IUlumunh ItvrMMi All elhrr point la the Ewl and NlUlllMPt SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON' i FORT SllETPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Care Between Spokane, Also between daily eioept Will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction ot any per son stealing eattle branded "WH" eon neoted on (be left aide. Waddle on the nose. Fbbct Hronm. 43-novS The Old Shon! LIBERTY MARKET Uoseland end Nloo. Neleon tnl Roeslaod, Buodayt . ... etNiaan .... U.Lml .... NkIxhi,,. ArHva. .. i.trt P. M .. I l . M ...! r. m Kin A. M ,., I1 11) A. M .. a 10 A.M ... Cum etBW!tiia at Nln wllh ataamr tot ul .,..1 ll K.mlanal lhm biilBlm. , .in for ' KmiI IiItw an.l Boondarf enk euoMPt at Manas vita atam datlv. -J 1 It tbo (ilnOO to go to got your fine nnrk urn! lamb t'tiope, eleale Blul roHt. Ike Rceolalor Line" FISH EVERY FRIDAY Tin iinr i-'ifAl liams anl haitin. 1'iir Iml laril, kHIl rvmlprwl ul, lllihrl tMU 1'fli atil lor at sua i, 11ESI. MATIIKWtH. The Wfs, furlluid I Um N.virilioo fi DAlltS CITt" VD "RtGULATOH' Keep SH6ED ana Get woih Tin: Umaim Kaa Citt Mr. Jikti'M UMriM WOOL HHCOIU) Telle Yee Howie De II. t'nl"0 IVpnt rnneeetlone at Ht, Paul, MiuorajMilia, Kaosaa City, Omaha, Hi. Umia and cllii t pruiui uetit miiiiI l,-i(i(e ebivked ItifiHigfi In destination ol In a.la. Through tit pI tu Jawae end ('blue, vie 1r,. ma an I Northern Patifle Hlaaui ship Company's line. K.if full iaf rtmaUn. lima e aria, maps, llrkaU, !., tall tin f ente W. ('. A I I m t, A. I C mtM, At.N. P. lit. Alt,U- IWAgt Ibeljaiie Qf, fortlnsJ, Ur tyeaMeial errargaiii'iit we flr to er ralcf The Wool llccord and Nml WVflljr llar.'ltc, iiie ).r ., l Ul. 1 lie W 'l IUel I t the ttilt I, all. m at sftxd i'iau and is.v.fa ilia luJtlr (row lb raiaiiig tif the aur, te the all Ing of the Kaenraetared ertlele. tt le pnttllaiia,! ewklv al Nr Vi-k end lb rag nlar -itc ta fit) ar. lie marial rxirta a tall and i..n(i and He Hlp Hiepra lalta alon are wmlk Id litttve the itr ul 11 !!, Hai le eM'M w a ( licali . V e iaei tlly tawottitneed ttiit C"U BtUoS h Cttr labeet.beie. mnieerloi Moodst. May .'nd, th aUaruar ef the Hnrnlainr Una win eave PoHlaad at o-tO a, W. and The 1 talks atHJ0a.m, When go tt Portland, t"P off at The lallra and take a trip down the tWomtHai yon eill eejoy it, eoJ eave miifivf , W. a A! LAWAT. Itftterel Agent QUIOlt TITVIXJ I Hmt KranoIoo 4e4 All Nl I (. KM Via Southern Pucifio Co l mtmt kiafMt l. ahf..a all i.,l,ia 4Hi v4 ik. 'I rwk- cl IK. !, lA t rvilmaa Ra tummn tmn4 tiim Ma Aiiara! In .l iM m,a. ae-iliie mtpm rw faua. tK-aM. timH fat . t, r. t rwt.a4, ortft There is more catarrh in tbit section of the country than ell other diseases pot together, end until the last tew yeare wat supposed to be incurable. For great many years dootors prooonnoed it local disease, end preecibed local rem ediee, end by eocslently felling to cure with looal treatment pronounced it In curable. Holenoe bee proven catarrh to be constitutional diseaee end therefore qairee constitutional treatment Hell's Catarrh Core, meoafaotnred by F. J, Cheney k Co, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional care on the market ia taken Internally In doeea from 10 drops to a teeapoonfol. It acta dlrerlly on the lood end tnncooe earfaee the system Tbey offer one bundled dollars for any ra e it fade to core. Heod for Oiroulars sod testimnnlala Addreaa, . J. CH EF.N V A (O., Toledo, O. Hold by lHnggisls,7.V. What Hakes a Gentleman, It is well for womankind to be up to the national term "gentleman." Mem bers of the sex, when touring over the world, may find It handy to under- atand just what sort of thing is meant by this supposed refined degree of the 'animal man." In Russia they say he drinks like a gentleman; in France, he acts like a gentleman; in Spain, he makes love lik-j a gentleman; in Ger many, he eats like a gentleman; in Turkey, he nmeWs like a gentleman; in America, he spends his Lioney like a gentleman. A. Royal Keeen " ' Kaiser Wilhelm is a regular story book monarch he is up to lrapertal doings all the time. The other day he happened to be at a post where a regi ment of the guards were praoucing athletlca. A foot race was on. The emperor unbuttoned the lower buttom. of hie general's coat and shouted out to the eatoniahed subalterns: "aow, gen tlemen, let us see how many can dis tance your emperor." Then llckety eplit they all took to their heels, the kaieer footing it like a gooa ieuow. x ne kaiser was beaten, but tt was not a oaa beat, for he came In second, only a yard twAint a young sub-lieutenaui. Weekly Kxenraioas In Through Car tu tb East. Another through tourist oar to the East baa been arranged to ran ont of Portland, giyiog four each week. Here after the oar lerving Monday will rnn through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. ft. k N., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Grande Western Denver k Rio Qrande, Missouri Faoific and Chicago k Alton, That oar bae just been arranged for, and the one previous ly scheduled for Monday bae been changed to Thursday. It rone through to Bt. Lonls. via the Missouri Pioifie line. The oar leaving Portland Tneedey goee tbroogb to Boston, and ia promoted M the Utiicaao. Itock Island end reoiao, Wednesday's oar rune to Ht. Joseph, Kansas City end HI. Louis, over the Burlington. All these special tbrongb care ere reoetving e gratifying patronage. Consult O. R. A N. Agent before buying ticket to the Last. Oordray, the pioneer tbeatreman of Portland in the line of "popular prioee," baa nutted the Westtngton Ht. theatre formerly knoo ee the "New Part Coi'dray elnve has something new, an onr people, to Inflow, can spend plnanatit evening at !a place. tt CATARR1 AFTER THE WARS. Ya baa eoet France 0,000,000 lives ia this eeniury. Tie ft rat air era veww-l to engage in ft naval battle wee operated by the fipan- Uh In the lKn Cerliwi civil war of liua. Tukhr ere ?,179 federal grave I the erven national cemeteries In Ten neaare. and there are prrhape th bonee of many hitndrrda lying beneath the al whiiae reating plai-re are for gotten and unknown. A rern of dUtinguiahed ew Yorkere have Invited hrnator John It tlonloo. one c.f fe'e right hand wn- erait, U dfliver a leeture nn the fli lug days t f the eonMrrary. giving a prrwuial estimate of l and (.rent Kam ia Maini'w..r.l mt W nn In the rapiUil at toltirui. s. t". It baa parW.1 niii.panr with Itaahrath, a pert of the Ivtiry hilt ia gotm, and the blade I badly nateten 1 he vlerka in the nfnre of the secretary ut alate alii. wetenaelone with it! LrRt Koeeere' aervioea In India are to to cimrmwatml by en euetrian aleiue on the Meutan. at t ajnitie. Al ready brtwern a .wt and noo baa ba aglMHTilird lv the native pri and rrrLal fru tU. d it la th.ughl that the fnl miM fth 19 I tmonit. can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, OR. 10RDAN A CO.. ,1061 Market St Est'd 1862. 1 Youbk men and middle aged men who are suffering; fmm thi furl. nf vmithfnl indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical in all its romiiliciitioim: Hiierntatorrhoea, Pranlatnrrhwu, inrrhoen, Uleet, Freqn,-uc.r of llrlnatlnsr, ele. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Uoctor has so arraneea nis treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to i perform miracles, hut is well-known to be a fair and square rhysician and burgeon, pre-em in his specialty Dlaeaeea of Men. n.rnniiia moronenivernaiciueuixuu system wlthou t using Mercury. EV1.BV MAN applying- to ns will re ceive our htmett opinion ol his complaint. We will (iuarantee a POSITIVE CUKE in every eaie we undertake, ot- forfeit One Thousand Dollars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or Dy letter, hend tor book, A " The lhlf OHOiihv of MarrlaEe. f free, (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAN'S . Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof Us kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding; new specimens. CATALOGUE FREE. CttH or write, v ' 1061 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STA6ELINE Prjprie'o s H. REED & A. G. OQILVIE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO FobbII (60 miles). ..$5 00 Round trip 900 M&yville (53 miles). 400. ......Round trip 700 Condon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 2 00 Round trip U 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 50 RtBoe leaves Arlincton every morning: i (8unday ejoepted) at 6 o'clock; is dne ' at Condon at 3 p. m. ana arrives bi ob- eil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered ooaonea ana care ful, experienced drivers. UNION f THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast B. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TODK1ST 8LEEPEB8. FREE RECLIN1NQ CHAIR CrK8. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon lias re-named us stand the old Jones ivery stable OMie Central. Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call on mm ana niive vour Dorses well '-area lor. Portland to Chicago Without Change Quick Time. I n ion Depots. Pereonally Conducted Excursions. BaKKHKO Checked to Ltl'Bliuation. I, .w Kates. Dii'ct line to Trnni-MiBnissinui Bnd Inter nationitl Kxposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undnrsiimed for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union I'acifio tt. it. U. W. BAXTKK, or J. C, HART Airt.. Hen. Ant., las nd Ht O. tt. A N. Co., Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. The Maiqiiao) (jrsml, on Morrison street in the Marquam boildiug, is nnder excellent management and the pnMio will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this pnpolar, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens ebonld not fail to take in some ot the flee dramas that will be presented. tt aeeda sown are terry I k The beat seeds known are 'Kerry's, It puys to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Ask the dealer for thorn. Hend for Fl"ve Biro ANNUAL A aud Retail I tint's good auUy new trie isiesk sua SSnfyO. M. FERRY C0..1 oetron, Mien. SV,41 TWO SPLENDID TRAINS HILT TO TIIE EAST VIA BUT JHSJP ill. Rocky Mountain Limited Learaa DENVER. . . . 9Wa.ru. " VAnA). KrHINtiH . . US a. a. Arrives LIN. 'OI..N . . H 4Ap. m. "OMAHA . . Itii.ii, ' DKH MOlSKS . . sss i. m. " liAVKM'Ultl' . . M. m. " CtllCAliO . . il li p. m. Kett Day Tbmnsh Hlw-i-ra and Chair Cara folaradn U ( hiax. Wiila Vxiibule thrutuiboau The toaat traia In th Wot, Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " t)l HPRINUH Arrives TOI'KK A " KAN Act CITY IM p. m. i V, p. m. T a. ta. .1 a. a. Ar. HT. I.OI I8, (Wab.ll M p. ra. Arrive HT JOHEPH LINCOLN Its Man) " OMAHA (EiHiu) I" W s m. 41 a. sa. s-0 a. a. Throtiih Hlna C.,i,ra.l. Hprings to Bt. Uwia via Wabash B. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. Eor particulars and folder iina tint of time tra'na write W. H. lino rA"7kNVEIl. Ask your Druggist fm a fmrmoa 10 CCNT TRIAL SIZE. Elj's Cream Oal.n ritn o ew"e, snn-ry in aay oUjoi injurious 4mt' ll Hlju.ck y Ahenrtwd. (iIvm Keuvf at one. It nft sn4 cli-imss Ut0 NsmI I'swcv. ajLs.B 1 nfl.m m.tt.M, llMt and frtmf h !Hiohrn. Kn '.fit Nii of twi a4 enU. f II .a Kt. I 'f t . S l ', at !. ' f 1 v kl.X VltoTM I.I X W ft. i Mi,?Ci Tula V'.fllYSTiVja COLD N HEAD erj-scuai. AVVlt J3GOK. V I'nnviMamaa iame kankln Vmint. All a(iil Wer uh iin (he Ka f. all cIi-Imim Hltlahitw ele. INirlraits and M,frhi. M INey s4 all imminent ieuvr Hriv stt siw.it volaiu, HarfrM.ti.lv rhmp S ilt.,i.hl, IHilt aulbenlk , nHi tal ll Kiwriiire rt i mtr nlal. aril it, I ! aa , raliii aa (i,llt, i it. II, arwal lum fl,II.Hl h.k arm la Aaiartaa. W ma u. r ill j .(wmi an mtlnf w in on, f,rfttdftr 1.t(tm.tit ai.,n o avwe '. fiir t W iM out. M hw noar and t S rat In lh Hri. large a ar W, In wtn l.ra I'K tmm U r BHIBi. INbtt .aliiala rraail. m. 1 rmiv(tm,a ;!. eiaat snm,y r.l.r.i.t lrMwB t-l M'al Wf as rrt. r,nii-.klitt I., a - ,la itats rrv,nt (Kan nlftit M Pull ftunt iMfal t aa-MAIa 1 a i muVti aarnt .. act lill .. u na Um tnt alue 4t,f a bat .' Miii,B Itila lanav. MVNRgl ICO CO., Cto t H, C cego.H!, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured t Tbomrwin A Kino, Iwer Maiu Street Heppner, Oregon. ' Tbeae rentlaman ant wall aqnalnlt Hh tirant, Harney, Cri, ftllllaa and trthef rimha. and ran aa isuiwy and time la snaking tbeae :tlms alia travitii wu. frti-ra In k.liii lib the time. THdM LWN & HINNS. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. "Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e e IT lee l A, t ic i 1 1 i a e e e New Hunt, l t ut. Uoildteg, IOW friII4ieif Prop.