Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 07, 1898, Image 3

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    I Jpp I
Binge is exoellent.
Crops are booming.
Did your vote oounl in the election!
Call for Fred Krng to saw your wood
This is
It will
Purify and
Vitalize Your P mj n,. t-,.
Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hoods Sarsaparilla and begin to
take it TODAY, and realize the great
good It is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists.
. ITie Gazette can offer the following
lnbbin rates:
a.O0 and . Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian,l.!i0 $8,00
S. F. Examiner, $1,50 a 25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 .' a.75
"' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2 50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50....!!'!'.!" 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. 3 75
"Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50c '. 2 00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 425
Rural Spirit, $2.00 3 00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 !'!!"! 3.00
-MeCall's Magaziue $1.00 '.. i.m
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
'get clubbing rates witn any paper on
in ill m I m' Sunday school
ULa" 5: Classes No. 1 and it at 12:10 p. m.
bpworth Leamio Devotional meeting at 7 n. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m.
The SpiBtl and the bride say. Come."
I he pastor may be found at the pareonaKe ad
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any who may dBire to oonsnlt him on
reliaioua, BOfcial. oivio, philosophic educational,
or any other subjects. 1
J. W. FLEBuER, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to
church, c. K, Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K, U Shelly.
- The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the homo of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Take Notice.
1. The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
raspect," lists of wedding presonts and donors,
had obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notice of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
IHo! Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
I.I 11 wood Kye,
He'U catch our votes If he Wets our throats
for the voting men are dry.
Sold only at the Belvadere Ualoon, E. G. Hperry,
The Gazette is not heralding it 00m
iog with braes band bat ite circulation
can be determined at the Heppaer poet
offloe. Advertisers will please note this.
Here and There.
Getting ia!t 17.
Prof. Tibbetta it op from Lexington.
Bee M. Liclitentbal k Co. for shoes, a
Wagner will celebrate this year. liar
rah for Wagner!
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aoooont File printed at the Oaiette of
floe. If.
Geo. Barker wee down from Hamil
ton's mill jeeterJsj to oast bli little
Tboee wishing private board ean Cod
aocommodationi at the retideooe of
Mrs. W. J. Lesr. 44 If
Mrs, Cliaa. Wall, and Mrs. Wall,
mother of Cbaa. Wall, bare returned
from vieit to LaOrande.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of Ibe eye, will be here
erery three months.' 644-lyr
"Oo'o joloe" Is all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of It-year-old trends
that is bard to beat. 0u3 If.
rainless remedy for extracting tsetb.
If not as slated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaoghao's new plan. 604-tf.
Beet aeoommodatioo and eoorteona
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ad Wash. Sis., Portland, Ortgoo.
Bring your bides, petit and furs to
Ben, Uatbsws, at tbe Liberty Meat
lisrist. tie pate highest market prioe.
E. O. Noble A Co. are ritlra after
bosioeee. Tbe flaest as Idles an d l.er
neee to be found In iliiner. tire their
ew d to this lesoe, tf,
A.N. Wryder, 1IIob, tlonlsos,
sbeepmao, and II 8.MoKso,of Cbk-sgo,
live stork eotumiaauio tnercbatil, are in
Oeppoer on bosioees.
Dr. John W. Itasmn, t.f it.e "R.
light," ever nn tbe lw for eoMethlng
ew, saa fornlsh yon the flnesl rm k -tails
ts tbs lead-klanhsllee, Jersey,
Vsrtooetuor Oie tnsds by aa til lo
(be basiaese. Dmp In and take tl.e
Issie not of yvar nxaO. if
r.v w jt I J"! J
1 rr
jiff ill i
rr- t i
E. Sober!?, a prominent erookmsn of
Monument, is in town.
Henry Blackman made a business visit
to Pendleton last week.
What is Hop Gold? Beet beer on
earth. See aa. elsewhere. s
Saturday was a lively dav. hoth in a
business and political sense.
Liohtenlbal & Co. for shoes. Ernlnaira
shoe store. Handles the heat. fMtr
A. B. ChBpmsn was over from his
ranob near Ridge, on last Saturday.
Guinnesse's famous old "Dublin
Stout," imported, at Chris Borohers'
T. W. Marshal, representing a Port
land firm, was in Heppner last Saturday.
Jss. 8. Harris, a Chios li otnnt
oommission mail, was in Heppner Satur-
I. R. Eateb and son. Sain, were ove.
irom ineir Uooseberry home on Satur
day. Ben Patterson is over from Ellenshnra
to visit his Darenta. Mr. and Mrs T a
Mrs. John Rasmus writes her hnahon
that she will be detained below for treat
ment six weeks.
Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange
Front. A clean, fresh etook of goods
leave your orders. if.
E.O.: J. A. Allison and Henry Blaok
man, business men of Heppner, are guests
at the Pendleton.
If you need something for your system
0U at the 'Phone-Tbe Telephone sa
loon, City hotel buildiDg. if
A. P. Bradbury, the representative of
The Oregon Cracker Co., was among
our people on last Saturday,
Election and local newa don't "jibe"
worth a oent. Henoe the Gazette haan'l
muob of that kind of news today.
The British, Cuban and American
oolorn float on the lower brick. Certain
ly all patriotism Is not yet dead.
Charley Johnson, Bruoe MoAlister, E.
B. Palmer, J. M. White. Alva Leach, and
other Lexington people were here Batur
day. Tbe number of politioal lies that died
with tbe dosing of the Dolls in Oreonn
on last evening could not be oounted in
Catarrh oured. A clear head end
sweet breath secured with Shiloh's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal irsctor free. 8old by Conser &
warren. x
John Campbell and family, of Vinson.
passed through Heppner, overland, last
Saturday on their way to their new
home near Vancouver. Wash., where Mr.
Campbell has purobased 400 aores.
For Constipation take Karl's Glnvar
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
headaches, Nervousoese, Eruptious on
the face, and makes the head as olear as
a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x
The Misses Peterson aud Wliitpaugh,
respectively oaptain ana lieutenant in
tbe Salvation Army, have arrived at
Heppner and are aotively engaged in the
good work.
Mrs. I. L. Van Winkle, eacomnanipd
by her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Morgan oame
up from Rbeaa on this moroios'a train.
Mrs. Morgan will remain with her par
ents for a few weeks.
Mrs. W. C. Brown, sicoompsnied by
her husband, returned from Fossil where
she bad been visiting for tbe past two
months, 00 last Saturday. Mr. Brown
made tbe trip from Heppner to Fossil in
a short time, tbe roads beioir in sDlendid
coudition. Tbe return trip was equally
as pleasant.
Frank McFarland bas been BDDointArl
speoial agent of Tbe Equitable Life As
surance Co., of 'ew York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to nnliot
holders of over 60 millioc dollars. Don't
take inauranoe without seeintr the now
plana of the Equitable. Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77if
Besides keeping tbe largeet assort
ment ot oandies. frnlts. ciirars and
notions to be found anywhere in tbe
oity, Jas. Hart is now able lo supply
yon with the Portland dailies and all
tbe tnagatinea and periodicals, both for
eign and domestic. It you want reed
ing matter, give Jim a call at tbe Hepp.
oer Candy Factory. yj if.
A report was nronlated on tbs streets
Monday that Uorrie Ball, of Ueppoer,
and three other aheepmso bad been
killed in fight with settlsrs in Ibe
mountains In Grant ooonty a few days
ago. The report lacks eocflrmatioo sod
we give it fur wbat it is worth. E. U.
Tbe above report is iocorreot. Morris
Ball was in Ileppeer yesterday to Vote,
and the fight never occurred.
tlarklea'a Araire Halve.
Tbe Beet Halve in the world for Cnta,
Brnisee, Mores, Cloers, Rett Pbsom,
Fever Mores, Tetter, Chapped Heeds,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Sk a Erup
tions, and positively enree Tiles or 00
pay required. Ii is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Prlc 35 rente per bi. For sale by
r-locum Iiruat Co., E. J. Nocum, manager.
AtivrKTisKO LerrtM.
1 IX., Junta. um
Kltifd.nry. Brt Feilrfwii, ).!
""ii M..rr,iw 4 Knoan kat, MiliaM
Moiilonry, k ft . Harris
Wbn ritilS l"t lka Mtoft IM Nf
e4iniwt. J riu4n r.k
W kal lr S I. rtatlrf Ka
Ilaffalo, N. T.tiriiU: tm ssy
personal knoeletlgs, gaieed in ebsvrvitig
Ibe effect of yoar Nbiluts Cure in esee
of eJ vsmed eingajti'e, I em prepared
lo esy it is the most remarkable remedy
that bas ever town bfingbt In by siun
lion. Il bas eerlsiely esvad ntsey from
fiKinmt'ii"ri. w.d tj C"erA Wsrren
Moody, Tongue and the Whole
State Ticket Elected.
Late News From Below Gives the Legisla
ture to the Republicans.-Geer Gets
a Big Majority.
The republican state tioket and con
gressman have carried Morrow county.
Morrcw carries this oounty but his can
didaoy is doubtful, as Grant has proba
bly gone against bim and Harney is in
doubt. Hinkle carries Morrow and
probably Umatilla. Tbe entire repub
lican county tioket is eleoted exoept
Hamilton, Matlock winning by a fair
Did you attend tbe eleotion?
Election returns on tbe 4tb puge.
MoOage Reader Is over from Lens.
Did yon win your men, or did you
A full tabulated report of the eleotion
will appear in our next issue.
J ae. Johnson and Jerry Brosnan are
in from tbe Little Butter oreek section
Bob Beard got back from northern
Idaho yesterday in time to oast bis little
Very little drunkenness was seen yes
terday and last night, whioh was or edit
able indeed.
Andy Rood, Dave Porter and Chan.
Bsrnett are among tbe people of outside
preolnots visiting Heppner today.
Edgar Mattesm, with bis ore of
shearers, arrived yesterday in time to
help their respective friend at th polls.
Stop that ooughl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Conser A Warren. x
Just before going to press tbe Gazette
is in reoeipt of n'pboos from Portland
that Cake bas beaten Northup for county
judge and it is thought that Simon is
beaten by Hume,
A 'phone from CBnyon City this after
noon states that Gowan has 105 votes to
his credit in Grant oounty, with a few
precmots to bear from, all republican.
Tbe race between Morrow and Gowan is
very Close. All ' oounty officers are re
publicans exoept sheriff and both sides
claim it. '
Two Millions si Tear.
When people buy, try, and buy again, it
means they're sntiHlieil. The people of the
Unitrd States are now buying Cascnrcts
C'nndy Cntlinrtic at the rnte of two million
boxes a vonr and it will be three million he
fore New Ycnr's. It means merit proved,
tlint (Warets are the moat delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists 10c, 23c. 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
J. Ii. Kelno, with a big band of abssr
ers who bavs been operating in this sec
tion for tbe past two months, stopped
over in Heppner long enough to vote yes
terday. Most ot tbeni will shear tbe
season in the "upper country".
A Mnrs Thing for Ton.
A IraiKitolioii in which yoiu-aiinot loselse
su.euji.iK. JJiliotiaiiuss, slclc headache, fur
red tongue, fever, piles mid a thoukand other
iliit arc ruutiud by uoiisliputiou and sluggish
liver. Cac-aiits Cundy CuMiartfc, the wou
dc.iul new liver stimulant and Intestinal
tomo are uy all druggists gunruu teed to cure
or munev refunded. C. U. C are a sure
tlrng. Try a box to-duy; lUc., Hie.. 600,
owu, leaua 000 wet iree. Due our
big ad.
S:oan P. Sbutt departed for California
00 last evening's train, and after taking
in tbe sights ot tbe great "golden state",
will locate somewhere In that common
wealth. Tbe Owtte wishes bim suc
cess. Be is an old newapsper tcsn snj
may return to that line of work.
Karl's Clover Root Tea. for Co osti na
tion it's tbe best and if. after using il
you don't say so, return package and
get your tnouey. Sold by Conner A
Warren. 1
nm ha i.e.:
Itaeoh, 3J0 sores, good land, 4 miles ot
Ileppeer, all fencsj, plenty of water,
bouse and barn. It ) acres of summer
fallow, all ready fur rail crop. Easy
terms. Call at lbs Osteite offioe.
EvervNMiy at
Oawurote fsndv Cathartic, the most won
derful ni mJi.-uI iliai-ovrrv of the Bm. pinss
S'it and refreshing to ibn taste, act genily
and iMiiiUvHy on kl'lneya. liver and bowels,
draining the entire svstvm, t)lnx-l colds,
cur lieailaolia, levrr, habitual onllttloo
end biiloisnrae. I'lr-as-, buy and try a bng
of C. C. C. todsy; lo, z to rents, tiuldaod
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
1. J, ASklss Ksjuyse Hplessle t Ml Is the
raal.-ers Heyyaeritos.
i. i. Alkioe reluraed borne from
onfersofe of the M. E ebnreh, 8aib.
reeantly held el Hsltloiors, where be
speel lliiss wks,oa Isst Hander morn
log. He reports a must enjoyable lime
I'oring bis brief eUy be railed apoa
Heppner fnerds at Wsshipgtoa, hu t,
ts very near lleiutuore, and reports it.eui
eiij iyiog eieellsnt health and plenty of
prosperity. A bobs' Ihoea b tnenlioned
Hon. W. IL. Elite and A. W. I'siUrs-s.
mw. ausms wsa giiee besriy Sit
weeks, iliist of hie lime wee spent In
ebnreh , Mr. Adkme tx-ibg a well
known eaeeitwr of lt, M. E. sbnrcb,
noma, eni a nv..ii n,t,u 1,1 i,;bris
tiMtiy. Tbe i ste la .l-d tu kuw
Ibat ll'fpasr wss en ably repreekM
at ibe UsHiav re g ibf isg.
The oontest has been heated all over
tbe state. . ,
Pobtland, Or ..June 7, 1898. (Gazette
special.) Both congressmen and full
state ticket eleoted. Majority of tbe
legislature end mayor of Portlsnd all
safely republican. Geo. A. 8tekl,
Chair. State Cen. Com.
A telegram from Portland states that
W. T. Hume has probably defeated Joe
Simon. The contest is a very close one.
expedition Starts for the Gold Fields of the
Far Horth.
From Chicago Chronicle.
A speoial tourist osr left last nioht
over the Chicago and Northwestern rail
road from (Jhioaao. takins with it thi
pnnoipal managing men ot tbe Alaskan
Bonanza Mining, Trading and Trans
portation Company's first working ex
pedition to tbe Yukon country. A few
days sinae several freight cars, which
had beeu loaded at tbe dooks of tbe
Marine Iron works, were switobed on to
tbe overland freight, containing tbe out
fit for this expedition.
The Yukon river steamboat Fortnna
Hunter, one ot the finest steamers for
Ibe Yukon business which has yet been
produced, was built during tbs oast
winter by tbe Marine Iron works of
Chioago. 1 , ..
Tbe Mariue Iron works are known
ibrougbout the world as builders of
marine engines and ot light-draft river
steamboats. They have in recent years
completed thirty-two crafts of this kind
tor use on ihs Amczon river in South
merica. Tbe long experience of this
company in the ooostruotion of this
olass of work bas enabled them to build
tbe steamer Fortune Hunter, a magoifl
oenl boat, oapable of oarrying fifty to
seventy-five passengers and a large
amount of freight, so that it oan be dis
mantled in sections and loaded 00 tbe
oars and shipped overland to tbe Paoifio
ooast, Tbe manager of tbe Marine Iron
works says in regard to tbe Fortune
Hunter that the benefit of all the experi
ence of many years' ship building on the
part of the oompaoy bas been eiven to
tbe construction of this boat, and this,
tbeir last pieoe of work, is considered by
tbem the finest boat of its olass ever
turned out.
Oo board tbe freight train, together
with the steamer Fortune Hunter,
loaded in seotioos, is a lsrgs outfit of
mining maohinery and general provis
ions and supplies for tbe expedition
espableot supporting it for two years.
ins Marios Ironworks are to bsoom
plimenled for tbe bigb class of shic-
builders' art apparent in tbe steamer
Fortune Hunter, and the mining com
pany is certainly entitled to equal admi
ration for tbe vigoroos and aggressive
mannsr in wbiob they are apparently
oondootiog tbeir enterprise. Drake's
Standard Maobina works of Cbicogo
furnished all tbe mining maohinery for
this expedition, and Armour A Co. sun-
plied tbe meals
Tbemsnsger says that tbeir bonds are
E. .G Noble & Co.,
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Ars in this Held St the old stand with HsriiiM, Rsdillwi. Wlil, H.iirs, sod sit endless
lot of sverythlng In their line. K. O. Noble snd Mrs. (Ji-o. Nobis comnrtM the
new trm ho will pay sll bills of the old firm ss well ss coIIm t abat Is Oils.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
uvenooK inis. wepair work a specialty.
Fhe Best Bargains- -
Bui sfs thuss of f f itt vain In t..-.rt.,n u cat II 1 1,11 sanl to t ur
nnii7 1 worth ol ftot.rH In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
Iih r.ii, our ,(, 1 ,,r f,n ,, ,,Blrf fi .,,4 1(,
Is that of plain and tic for a ted
Chinawarc & Quccnswarc At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
AM t7 t way - ihinf rf s 'U ! la Um In of
ilsri) aara, Ih,m ! ln.a....
selling well, that tbe company bas no
debts and that every penny of its oapital
is being vigorously employed in the
aotnal business ot mining and transpor
tation. Dpon the arrival ot this expedition in
San Franoisoo tbe barque Hunter, a fine
sea-going vessel, also owned by tbs
mining company, will take tbe expedi
tion, together with its supplies and the
steamer Fortune Hunter, on board and
proceed to St. Michael's island, where
the expedition will disembark and tbe
Fortune Flnntur hn ra-anliH Tk.
sectional construction of tbe steamer is
so perfect tnat it is anticipated that not
more than six or eight or ten days at tbe
most will be required to re ereot, oalk
and paint her and have her in the water
ready to get up steam for the Yukon
Henry McUinnis Arrested Last Evening by
the Authorities and Held for a Serious
A row on Main street last night be
tween Ed. Hunt and a man named
Henry MoGinnis attracted a large crowd,
and it was the open beginning ot a
scrape in whioh a man named MoGinnis
is called upon todpy to olear himself on
the charge of rape.
Tbe story told by Mr. A. J. Hunt is as
follows: About six weeks or two months
ago this man McGinnls 0 ailed at tbe
home of Mr. Hunt while he was absent
and at tbe point ot a knife 00m pell ed
Mra Hnnt to submit to him,, then
threatened ber life it she informed on
him. At tbat time Mrs. Hunt was in a
delicate condition and bassiooe beoome a
mother. Since tbat he made two at
tempts but wss repulsed eaoh time.
Mre. Hunt, through fear of MoGinnis
and that her husband would leave her,
refrained from informing tbe latter until
yesterday. She knew that her husband
intended to be gone today and that Mc
Gin nis would renew bis attempts to vio
late ber person, and unable to restrain
herself any longer, she told ber husband
what had ooourred. Henoe the street
difficulty and arrest..
MoGinnis olaims that it is all a mis
take and that be is innooent. He bas
made propositions to settle tbe trouble,
nui an overtures nave been rejected.
MoGinnis wss released on bail last
evening, Ralph Benge going seourity tor
bim. Tbe examination onmmennna tii-
day at 2 o'olook, p. m.
Tbe oaee of Henry MoGinnis, oharoed
with rape, was dismissed this afternoon
for want of evidence,
It Has Arrived in All It Severity-Hard ns
Certain Constitutions.
The summer season is a trying one on
most people. The heat is intolerable to
a human beiug, if there is any deracga-
mnnt of the system, preventing free
perspiration, and this is a sure sign of it.
Very often the torrid weather, with over
indulgence in eatiug, brings about a con
dition of biliousness, resulting in fevers
tbat are difficult to cootrol. Indeed in
the warm eeasons of tbe year tbe great
est care should be exercised In the mat
ter of health.
TiiHre are rainy other things attend
ant upon warm weather. Putrefying
matter of all kiuds is one sonroe of siok
ness. Then often wells bscims t ul and
contaminated with bacteria, and tbe pr
son who psrmlts his system to become
impregnated with tboss death-dealing
germs bss ss great an enemy to fight as
Ibe smallpox or yellow fever.
If you are feeling lired and worn out,
not siok and not wall, beware I You will
be siok, and take it in lime. Dr. Mar
gnrite Garnsev uses medicines made
from herbs, and she is suooeseful in ber
application of them They do not butt
the system while endeavoring to effeot
bore. Call on ber it costs nothing.
Consultation is (res, as sbs oharges ft r
ber medioloee only. Treatment oan be
furnished any length of time.
Her office is two doors south of tbs
Palace hotel. Country oalls attended to.
That have come
Some exquisite patterns in summer
wash goods Percales, Zephyrs,
Ginghams. A nine lino nf T.aa
Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and
!n the Shoe
""VMIU ii,,i
..There has been some new arrivals
1 O ' One line to sell at $2.50
Another sells at $3.50
Still another sells at $4.00
Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1 50
$1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin
ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They
are actually away down below cost. There's
nothing wrong with them ...
They have anything In this ll-g g-g-, - depend on It you get a
Old Stand, Main Street'
aif f mi
Who has socured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Hales reasonable ..
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
W ool Growers'
In the place to etoro your wool thin
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in
tuoiu-m uuying wool ourselves, wo encourage competition
amongst the buyers and uecuro you the highest price.
at on.';" "0'1 "tk '"' U '", " f
s tmf Hit hltrheat rh irlr for atiM-p hi
s tr ireishl Ut iMtiniem hn rii-i1 Uidn s t.r owner ol wool
' s lH s..p,.lv l W. H.rlev ao.l M heat, .H, Htwn Hoi I nl tlmll'.. f,.
Mrr. t your u.ur. to th. low,, w.r.hosM,. ' , 7, J!,aJ!S!mn-
R. F. HYND. Manager.
Lodging House
BEDS 28 ansl 60 Cente.
(JEO. U. UOMK, Prop.
Next door to Opera IIouhc.
For Infants and Children.
Thi Kind Yea Han Always Bought
Ikrvas trvss s Hrw.
frM Clump, alio I its ailh bis
ro.llr, Mrs. Williams, out ta the haid
Holloa- Msliljr, aas Ihrowu (rum a borse
Nnoils anl fMMlftuf, sim Mtsr hm Ums
ee l itumwlr esrsp.! l,rola let l i e
lirtrs, altr Xlrumtug Lira, 111 nu him,
snililassa ssrniw- esispe frmo nxire
S'e Injuries.
Ilea. is MlmS llvrp.
C1'n to. ana s hn akin. No
l-a.il)f wilh'tul it. I arris,! and) I'sldar
lie lUa .rtir and aw. it ilran. I,)
lirtu a up Ilia l livi sk il living all mi
.VMl"a Ii. mi tii l-, lunn I., d. I.,
Imih.S i ii. .(,'. ., I a, ,lit. ,la, tl.ra l.
ami II, l h l'v n luiU mii l, taLirit
t as la.-I.mr .. I. art m a All dlt,
fa(a, MlU'lwn llltnl4 I'V.'in, iij-.
in just lately,
& Co.
Repairing Specialty
The Palace
...Has been leased bv...
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. (Jet rid of tbat
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
WaW. . wool I. .old. Hend I., your order
and lilit.-t
Chas. W. Ingraham,
Assayer and Analyst
U.in Klre.t, llepjiuer. Or.,
Al Conser k Wsrreo's prtig Hlore,
Analyais) of ori'i a npocinlty.
Gibson & Berger,
At ('ha Jour' Old Hlsnd.
N.uivitiir. - - 15 Cx.
Half Cutting, Lr "
P.alliH'J.V. KvirythingStricU
ly Kir-t Cla-s.
Mathows & Gentry,
15 cv.'.'-
Mi.. las ...t K.ulh id hajluH.,1,
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaln, . fs Ceala
Hale CaMiag, 2S "
Sh. Mati,k rn,naf. U'llnaf Or.,s