The Gazette. Tuesday, June 7, 1898. The Gazette is Dot heraldiflg its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the HeDDner oostoffice. Adver- a i tisers will please note this. to be a military necessity it has been the patriotic duty of congress to annex.without regard to person al opinion h of individuals. THE STATE ELECTION. Word comes from every part of the state that the republicans have won, hands down, arjd in the face of the many difficulties that the Gazette has heretofore pointed out in its pathway, it is a great victory. It could have been much greater with united effort It is plain that fusion is Dot a success. You can fuse in conven tions, but the people refuse to fuse. The handwriting was on the wall and the people have been guided by the plain rule of "course and effect". There was one political party deserving credit for the great prosperity upon us, and the reward hae been hand somely bestowed. Senator C! ok mas exploded a few bombs in tne ranks of the anti bond silverites in the senate in a patriotic speech be made in favor of uphcldibg the hands of the government by authorizing the issue of bonds, and opposing the issue of either silver certificates or greenbacks. After calling atten tion to the ffict that no war has ever been fought without an issue of bonds, and expressing the opin ion that none was ever likely to be, Mr. Gorman exploded his heaviest bomb by saying that if the senate refused to authorize bonds, the president would be compelled to issue them, as soon as he was bound to have money, under the laws of 1875. Nona of ns associated with him in the Pills Restore full, regular action of the bowels, do not lrrt- office felt that we bad any right to say tate or inflame, but leave it.i l u Tf hi. all the delicate rtaestlTe or- u''u,u , J u'" ' I nnlim In irfM cnnnltlnn. Ti-r thrm. B rent. right aud privilege to wear he prepared only by c. l Hood Lowell, Mast pleased. As lona as it soiled him, why i should we ooncero ourselves iii the u7 no. nmunhar that it was ahonl matter. the time of his father's death that Jsck's was beooming more and bgbit, bad overgone suoo a radioal OUR CONGRESSMEN. The Gazette is of the opinion that Hon. Thes. II. Tongue has been re-elected to succeed himself H9 congressman from the first dis tnct, and that Malcolm A. Moody will take Ellis' place. This seems to be the general opinion. There is a mighty movement to wards republicanism in this state, and yet under ordinary conditions the republican party would have failed to have scored a victory, assuming that they have won, owing to the very great objection to the party's management in this state. But it is now plain that most republicans Bwallowed a bad dose to get to vote for their prin- ciplas, and that many democrats and populists ref aBed to accept the coalition. Iu Morrow county where there was a tendency to rebel against some nominees of the re publican party, better council pre vailed. And, too, the bitter local contest, and the gambling done on certain candidate, caused many to lose sight of the little feeling that they had over state and congress ional diiliculties in the ranks, and most of them voted their tickets straight In fact the gambling that was done here hurt the fusion ticket from top to bottom. It wsb a bad move, and the Gazetto is op posed to it, on principle, from any side or any standpoint. It usually ends iu a hard fight and does harm. The Gazette believes that the icpublicans have won but this paper doos not feel like crowing or shouting now. It reflects that some of its good friends were on the other side, and that some of them lost both their money and their candidates. And iu this hour of succoih, if what appears ou tbe surfaco is true, the Hush of victory is ilnmpcaed by the thought of those for whom we must have con fiJeratiou and who have been uu successful. WHAT IS TREASON? What is tri'aou? TbU question bocomes of the greatest importance when tho country is engaged in war. It is a serious matter to ac CU4P men of being traitors, but Mark doenu't becoma white be rausf it irtit't railed black. In times of eacft it wan all right for men to 'pM)H the attueiatioo o! Hawaii because they did not per ftona'.ly beliuve that thin country would bo benefited thereby; but, liow that the prei leiit, bin entire rabiurt, and every ollieer in th artny and tavy In m opinion liaa been aked, linvrt declared that the immediate annrxation of Hawaii is a mihUry tecenHity, without which our attempting to bold th riiili pino inlands may 1a turned into a dinantrMU failure and all of the fruit of iVwi-y'a great victory be lost, it in tit all riht On tho contrary, it is all wrong. That fri.t M ch limy at times J 1ST as soon as President Mc Kinley can get the time he will issue an oi der, in accordance with an elaborate opinion prepared by Attorney General Griggs, declar ing that the government printing office never was legally under the civil service rules, because it be longs under the legislative, and not the executive branch of the government. The same opinion has operated Ho put an end to the movement for the placing of tbe congressional library under the civil service rules, because the library, like the goverument print ing office, is a congressional insti tution. There are many desirable plaees in the government printing office now held by democrats. P03TMA8TEB GENERAL STANTON has made plans which will insure the regular payment of the troops sent to the Philippine islands. Paymasters supplied with money enough for three months pay ac companied the troopB which have already gone and the same plan will be followed bb other troops are sent. Only gold and silyer will be used in making these payments, How to Look Good. Qood looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy oiind ition of all the vilni otunm. It tbe I I li ifer he inactive, yon have a billions ook, it yonr storunch be (Unordered yon ave a dyepeptio look; if your kidie.vs be afTuoted, you have a pinched look Ht'cure good health, and you i)l anrely have (rood looks. "Eleotrio Hitters" is a pood alternative and tonic. Acts di rectlv ou the etoninrh, liver mid kidneys. Purities the blood, CiireH pimples, blotches and hnile, and givn a good complexion. Kvery bottle unaranteed. Hold by Hloonin 1 )rn j Co., K. J. Mlocnm, manuuer. 00 oents per bottle. M AfiNlr'ICKNT omit. Every new subscriber of the Cu rette, or old one renewing, will Ret as a premium a oopy of "Tbe Oreal Dobate" between Horr and Harvey, This was one of the creates! con tests of the kind in this age. Tbe financial itiptiiiD is prominent in politics and yon want this book. It is bound neatly in paper and retails frr CO cents the world over. Come early In fore all lbs premiums are ifoor. The investment is but t Oih. Tn a- Patterson Fm. Co. Htulous Consnmptioo t'tire cures where others fail. It is the lea ling (Vnh Care, and no boms should be without it. Pleasant to lake and goes rtiibl ti tbe spot. Hold by Conser A Warren. 1 Wast Male. li V. Hwaggart desire to orchas mulet from Ibrea-vetr-olJ up, from now to June 15th, for which bs will pay tbe market trloe. All having tunlee will pleaee note Ibis. M ."7 General Debility and LOSS of Flesh Scott's Emulsion hu teen the ttand.ri rcmc4r for nearly quarter of a century. Phyiiclani readily admit that they obtain re tultt from it that they cannot get I rem any other itcah-iorming food, 1 here arc many other prepara tiont on the market that preterm to do what SCOTT'S EMULSION more genteelly shabby every day, bat the carefal way in which his shiny ooat and frayed trousers were brushed and oared for was evidence that it was not wanton carelessness of bis appear? noe that made bim go bo shabby. It ooourted one day that tbe weather was exceed ingly cold. A regnlar blittzard was rag ing, and only those whose business com pelled them to be oat ventured on tbe street at all. It was one of Jack's duties, as cashier, to go to tbe bank eaob day, and when tbe time oame for bim to make bis regnlar trip, and he slipped on his light overcoat and started oat, tbe head bookkeeper interrupted him "I say, Jack, you are not going oat in that light coat. Why, man, the very marrow in yonr bones will freeze!" "Oh, nonsense, old man. I always go this way dressed warm inside,yon know preterit that W85 not so balky and clumsy, you know." And oat be weut. Tbat night, after most of the oflice force bad gone, Joe, tbe office boy, had to relieve his mind." "I don't think Mr. Jack is dressed warm inside at all. I saw him roll up his sleeves to wash bis hands today, and be only bad on a tbin ootton undershirt I thick he's close with his money, and some day he will be ownio' this insti tution." t Bat we all knew better than this Jack was in trouble. Why didn't be let as know what it was? Not a man in the office, from the manager down to the office-boy, that wonld not have extended a helping baud to bim, for we all loved bim, He was a sterling fellow, always ready to divide on tbe thirds principle vou take two-thirds and he one. He bad formerly been tbe Beau Brnmmel of tbe office, and what tbe ohange was tbat bad come over bim was worrying cs all. It was fiually decided tbat we should broach the matter to him in a delioate maoner. Tbe bead-bookkeeper being a man ot great taot and delioate percep tions, to bim was delegated the task. It was some time before the opportunity presented itself, rjpring bad even opened, and Jaok's sbiny ooBtand frayed trousers looked the more shabby in com parison with tbe bright, new spring suits around bim. - "I never saw olotbea so oheap," said one of the junior clerks. My tailor put this up furSUO, and I deolare it's quite respectable-looking quite tbe same thing I need to pay (40 fur." Just here something peculiar hap pened. A big bottle ot red ink standing on tbe desk near tbe register had evi. denlly became overheated, and, being oorked tight, there was nothing for it to do but explode, which it did with a loud report Unfortunately, just behind it on tbe wall were banging all our ooata and bats. Poor Jack's shiny coat was be spattered from collar to tail. Poor fel low! Lie looked dismayed. We felt sure tbat oext morning we ihould see Jack again dressed as be fitted a man ot his position. But we were dioappoiuted, Tbe next morning be oame dowo with tbe same old ooat. Tbe spots gave evidence of having been osref ally scrubbed, lesviug dirty white puis ou tbe sbiny black cloth. 1 ssy, Jack," said tbe bead book keeper, ''really you are growlog oarelrss of yonr personal appearance." "Why, how so, old man? I shave my elf with soraptiloua regularity every moruiog. I really didn't know I was looking so unfit." "It's not that, Jack. "I er oh, baug it, don't you see tbat yonr olotbea are kinder ruuuiu' to seed? You need a new outfit, old man. Your tailor will starve." 'I believe 70a are right, Tom. raol is, an old suit is so eomfortable, you know, kinder conforms to one's carves and angles, lleally, I feci like I am dis carding an old frieiid whsn I give on an olJ suit, but I must see my tailor. It will osvsr do to offend tbe artistic eye ot my friends. I thank you , old man, for calling my attention to it lleally, a fellow can't see bow bis oao clothes bang." A few mornings after Jaok rain down with a new snit on. Tbe trousers were carefully crested, and ths ooat was worn buttoned rlosclv around bis ralber thletic form. But it took only casual glance to ee that the goods were ot the eheapeat kind, and bed Defer seeo tailor shop. "Ah, Jack, ion are quit artistic this niotamg," said the bead bookkeeper. IK) you still gn to yonr old tailor? I rcmemWr you alwats ssid tbat there era ti olhrf tollors la th city." Jack did nl reply, lie eoold at tell willful falsebead, tat, taking t ff the obsnge. I remember bow we all envied bim when be was supposed to come into his money, how we speculated as to what be would do with it, bat on one point we all agreed tbat be would be the same old Jaok, and we would enjoy many ot his little sappers and theater parties. Had he not always treated ds that wsy at least once a month when he bad nothing bat bis salary? Now tbat be bad oome into money, we could expect many nioe evenings at dear Jaok's ex pense. Jack was not welL He did not look well. We all noticed it. "Take a vacation, old boy," said tbe head bookkeeper. "Tun are not yonr self. You are working too bard, and not giving yonrself recreation enough. "Could not think of it, old man. Jast a little indigestion. Be all right in a day or two." But he wasn't all right. He looked paler and thinner every day, nntil one morning, be did nut oome down. We all knew the reason. Nothing bat sick ness would keep bim from tbe office. It was arranged that we should bant np his lodgings that night, and have him oared for and peeper medical attention secured. We found him in a cneap, small, bnt clean room. On the table, under the one gas jet, we found two or three sets of books ot small concerns that did out employ a regnlar book keeper. Jaok bad been doing their work at night. Jack was on the bed loaning in the delirium ot fever. "I kept it clean, father I kept it clean," he mamb'ed, over and over, Tbe doctor shook bis bead. ''Poorly nursed nothing to bim. Evidently been on short rations. In 00 condition tn withstand this attack of fever." We explained to the doctor th it, al though bis present environments were needj and poor, be would be paid for tbe best attention to Jaok, and tbat be moat see him regularly and do everything pos. sible to save bim. Tbe kindly old do' tor assured us tbat be would receive every attention, but said, with a shake ot his bead: "He'd in a bad way brain feve brongbt on by worry and fatiaas. Evi dently been barniog tbe candle at both We secured a nurse, who was to be with bim constantly and attend to bis every want, and oommnnioate with ns in case be grew worse. As we were pre paring to leave tbe room bo raised op in bis delirium sod tbrew bis arms arnnnd wildly. I ujtioed a papor clntoued la one of bis bauds. I took it from bim. Tbe mystery was solved. Ob, Jack, you noble wirk of nun, ynn have kept it clean. And I hope it may not be at the oost ot your lif a, is what I said to myself. Tbs paper read as followi: "To My Som Dying, I liequeuth you my name. It' ttained. J am a thief. No living tnul known it. If 1 could live a while longer I would not die with thi itt nin on vi y sou. We came of a long race of honorable men. Jack. It i a hard legacy to leave a ion, but at yon loved me in life, keep my name clean in death I have kejd a itrict account of my peculation You will find it at tached. IV crupulouly correct. No more nor leu do J owe the great inxtitu tion of whu h I have leea the head for o many year. "I have kept thi account so fftuf coiifif delude my m' If into thinking that 1 wat only liorrowing from the alack- holder They nay all embezzler do thi. ray it txick, Jack, every dollar at 4 per cent inlereit , and I believe the good Lord will terateh it off hi book aaaintt tny otherwite clean mime, (lint bleu and keep you. "YOUR FATHER." Underneath, written to Jack's 00 band, was tbe following: "Qod bit you, father, I've done it, I've rxiiif the last dollar today I've kept your name Clean. JACK." Tbe ueit day tbe papers cootsinsd ac counts ot how one ot tbe oity's largest banking institutions bad received a large sum of money aoooymonnly consigned. Tbe Institution bad loog known ot tbe shortage of this atnoont, bnt bad 00 idea who the thief was. It was weeks before Jack was able to come to the office again, tie never knew, and do soul stall sver know from ns. Jack's secret. He la himself sgaia Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for .this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrics at This Dalles, Oregon, Mav. 81, 1899. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE (ollowine-named settler has filed notice of nil Intention to make anal prool in support ot hU claim, ana tnat sam prooi win oe maae before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th, liMi, viz: JOHN KILKENNY, of Heppner, Oregon, H. E. No. 92 for the 8E Sec 14T2NR26EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp. ner, Oregon. Jerry Brosnan, ot ueppuer, Ore gon, Viiiliam B. Finley. of Heppner, Oregon, Harry Bartholomew, 01 Heppner, uregon J viz 654-65 A8. F. MOORE, Register. Flseher, of lone, Homestead application fl I, for the n'i se sec. '), and n'i swV sec. I Vl: The Leader Of Course! Notice of Intention. Land Offics at Th Dalles, Obkgon, Mav SI. 18! NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THI follow Ins-named settler haa Died notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before A. Maliory, u. s. commissioner, amepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 7, ltMH viz: BERNARD K DOHERTY, of Alpine, homestead applieation No. 3925, for thehUNEandESEiiSeeJT 1 N R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Barney MeDevitt, of Lexing ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, ot Galloway, Ore gon, Chas. Van Winkle, of Galloway, Oregon, Eilwara uoherty, 01 ixingion, uregon. 6ot i J AS. F. MOORE, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Orsoon, May 9. 1HUH. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH K 1 following-named settler haa filed notice it her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made betore J. w. Morrow, county uteri, ai neppuer, Oregon, on Haturday, June i", l"'-". vis: Joste Fischer, of Ir No. lull, for the n'i 4. to. 1 8 . r. 21 K. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her eontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Fred W. Balslger, Edward Keller. A. J. McVay aud Paul Balslger, all of lone, Oregon. J AS. r. MOORE, 4so9 Register. The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a "Joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- it) VI Mi ii ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE ol Oregon, for Morrow cotin'v. In th matter of the estate of : The undersigned having tieen appointed by the county eourtof the State of Oregon, for Mor row county, administrator of the estate ol Vtllllain Cox, deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditor of, and all persons baring claims airatuit aald defeased, to orrsent them verified as re'ilrl bv law. within hi monina aiicr ins nrsi puoiiraiion oi mis diuht w wiu vimniir trnlor at his place ol residence eight miles south ol lone, Oregon. JAMES M. HAMB1.ET. Administrator ol tbe estate ol William Cox, de ceased. Dated May 12th, - Notice of Intention. t ANnortrrx at the oreoon. I.. MX.1K. Not Ire Is hnn-hv given that the following named settler baa filed nollrsof hi-r Intention to make nal proof In support of her claim, and tbat said proof will t made in fore J. VY. Morrow. County Clerk. at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday. June in, in, vis: MISSIS M. ANDREWS, ol Heppner: Homestead application So. (074, for the KEVi toe 11. In I N. H K W M. Kb name the following witneaa to prove her oitilliitiiius residence upon ami cuimaiinn nl said laud, vis: A. Bartholomew, W llllam H. ritiley. Allen H. Ilodsdou and Robert F Hynd.llol Heppner. Oregon. J A. F. MOORE, 4A-M. Register. Notice of Intention. CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. NEW DRUGS W are receiving a New Invoice of G.iods almoat every day. Our Rapidly tncreeslng trade demands It, consequently Our Customer r)0l their Drug Pur and Fresh. Our Stotlonery Ieijcirtmeiit Is Comploto Vl0is In H9ftr)nr ttl'vo ua i orsli Slocum Drug Co. nm ..,1 II, lilila laa ns the sn'lu nf ' claim, and thai said pnml will be inede Oow, ami Ilia Hill OO ID eo.lgf or ,of. (t), innnrf , .rI o( Mormw ronntv. I bl faahiODable cost wsa sewed Ibrr rJ tn i H-iror. trrt.o. on June 1. m, bis Own tailors. rilhue filer, H I So Kvl, U't the wi I n Visnoit. NOTICE OF INTENTION, LsttOriS stTmi Psl-Lis. Oas.iiiN, Ma, tl I'M NOlHf in Hinmv HIV THAT Till llltt tug tian,.! t.lll.r has filed nirtt. of his It, trillion t.t ni.s final pr,f In supirt uf 1,1. i-Llin. and hat said T.f will n a.l be twt ll t t'uiilr l. al lirp iirf. lirrgon, no .t. I. ii..n jko 41 a i..t ii.. a , s "w an- a j, aud Wt v. we. as, I e I a. K . r W M II imM iim loll. .ali. Uwe In tt.e .i m . , n , M. ..iiHihmhis rva,itM upon bm ru I II t at I. n HUB Mm" w .-a" 1' m Nmith.nt it Ih-chiiio Jntn;pru i tnao f llm; Joci, but f I ail to perform It. activity of ll unt tru-t , y In', The putt Norwegian Cod-liver 0.1 t.rrtetit n.ustfaa rroiMum f,,r ! nf Ufnuui Cffrn, i.u anin'tHtii'n if Itsaaii, lutaitli stU Imil Hint tl. a ltiiitiitrtiD, a lif: innjurit jr f r,iin;rrae, anl an titer li Imiug niaj'tiiljr of nj! wi r alnuicljr iu (ar f atibci atinti Mt u Ix'foia tt a Uectarrt! to Lava ihhom a tutliUrr ioa. ifvlJy tlfoJJ with tb Hypophoa ptiitfi v LiitK tnJ IkvJa, whiui art" inch VAloatlc tor.l;i. iriAkci thil prf paritlon An A ' iJfAl one And chfcki tlx ,v i waiwnj unoffKy, anj me Attent Almost iminJate- t commcneet to put en V IWih And fain itrtnrth l. a . .1 L W rr r I itjr. It tlta h.tlir ieu'l guilty fj iT' whith lurpriat them., it i ilnr,'",u'y or to ; twing c'li'ty. From tLa day that tb j-n-si lett declared aoDeiatioQ f. . ... A OT t rW Ws tiasl Ik Sum tm4 t m It lrt I - .4 . s i aHtWia .itt A t, lfci, k V.-a. coat, tia InraeJ back Hi rollar anl dia lilaye.l III little tatf twarina ht M eatut.tay, July a, law.. vt t.,1,.,'. S.o,. IU t.a.lrnt Uoatotbi. nn,xl,,,u,nt,,h.l'Z:, olJaoatsnil Carlully a4 It la tbe oiler of bt e ftirrbe. AVxial ibal Jack's frugality ai t.t BiK tltaail '". 'fnwi. Jta t"it Uint.. nn- .1 .hi. fci.h i.srianii, ol tt H.l..ii, (in-i.n. aloa tl Hia rioiora, vui iuh ii" i i n nnn.u ui'i ',''" obaotfeJ bta lo leiDgs, atlco liM Deea j " td a latonant cbaraeler, l' lb meaneel j kio.t i.f ijaatters in ael.eap ilietfh-l. I St' il MOSS. Ilia ateale, larl. were lakea al I lie i'laieat reetaurant bb i iiibcmiiui wi.,,,on i.., i. i ,..,1.11 ut Laud OrruB at Uuiii, nuaqox, Mar t ia. NoTu r Hrarnv ntvrM that ihk Inalni named settler hae filed notice ol his Intention tnaae final r.'f In aupprrt nl naoe m- vis: n. Mail, r. A. W. M Henamaeth Mlowlnf wllneasfa tn prove his continuous rldnce npon and rultlvatlna nf satd land, vis: James W l,ahy, H.nry VaiKlerpnol, John Md'ullnuih, lld McC'ul loush. all ol Ilci.i.ner, Drrson. B. W. U4Tt trr, I V Kvatater. N ,'lnd now the entire world h'nows this Perfect product .Is the Star llreicery beer Mt (t.lrf. lilt iltu 'trtut'RT Or TH a aialt tl. Imorf mat bav bB tneetlmahly small. Wbat riil.I II mean? Il.ifl.l ".ft M.teiil Vs aa Jsx a t , .u,. ,.1 n,. ti. ,4 if,..e . , . I. , 4 , .11 ni'l iin IHW e.iH 1 1 i" .,llr- 1 11. .11 ...... I a.l lliat LaJ i ! "01 " tl tl-e dar ul th. ' ... v It a '"'''' ) " aall r, nil I., a il .in 1 ,,a ,,.m,. I..i i.'i M.Mh rab twenlvtte aleaie 1 bale, tef iJ btiar SA I'Ul 1 i.nw. 11.. us .itli . ! i 11 lw fait, 1 !,i was iliaan ail In Ik. ..iu kl.h.lifaJ Jul , " .niin.i-itn.ii'in ill at. I, t ! eq l nprni a. SllERIFfS SALE. U I I" It IX r BY 1IVK TMT BY irlqe nl an eswiilloa and oflcf ol r- aa. duly laanni ! in ri.ra 01 ine in 011 l .ntrt nf the t'.inty nl stnrma, "Ut. ot lite. e-n.daird lh rth day "I ar. "'- lain a. Ilnej Im In 1 lr nil luuit aald I nniiiy and Mat, ah.mln Jam. Jmira end Jamrs J.iliM a almltlranf 4 ll. Ml. I. irt S.lanii Jtinre ilwMi il,lnll. rrc.el Jt,dcn.nt . 1 . eart. atU-lrl J aaae; rl. K K H f aisi"iltM-f; . K.a in I,i,Hri lm, j W. tliirmw. th lr. r" raiiwav end a Ifallnn rwiiny, a rr. M,it.,n. and l't t;iiaid. d.frn..itt, fur h 1'iniKlf.iiTtimMiiil. fml Hunlred lHi f .n laith im.r..t el th raie lu pmt (will twr annnia fia Ih IMS dsr ol 1 .h(nff. at, and IM lunhrt anas n Te ll in.lrl r rtv iH.llat, eiuitnvt e fa. an l caiaand di.u'cniie tatnl al Tif lls a -'.late nn Ih. S 1at nf r.t.roerv, l""a. S..tlr. I. k.fW.f l.n It-al I will nn aalnr tat. in rih dar l lun l. al I mini p It, .,1 aaad ll al l Ir.u.l . f nl la r.Hirt J I...IM ,n H'l-Ief. M..ftne p.intr ttin tl , a . al .ttiO ! liin hi ll biglt! t.t.11 .H cmM ; in haP'l. lf imiiia ine .i.ei tiii yr.'fm j ... i lavff Uf (ovtnif (lark -'. ml Mat'btfeSBsf lS-alaeM Ml " r . - ' Tli THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOIB I On draught at I. all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 st., rtftlaa, Of rVofc of Intention. l imdiiM ti t uiiiii On. M.. -a. v oik i hiayav ciYis iht ihi I.Mioeu, nanwt eritir hae Sint nolle. I h.t inl.nttoa In Make final hm,4 In u,rfi rH win I aaie Mnffnw ratilv. July J. Notice oflnttntton tas Ollui al las Caurs ;yri. a i hikmt i ttraN'tatriTii H.linain. nanirJ avtiiM u. , . ... n"'oa l make Sr,. a.,,.. JtiMmrtnlh,. ,i,im, .,,4 ,., H Lr, . J-nad. I.,.. , W. 4,,trT,w ,77 ai H. iMf. ontn. e aamrtlay Jane . i-v aai.fol.1. tl fJ fasatty, aaj 1 - ' l "I si.m hti.UJ J.-a,.r.tal. oh lk.r-4 ' -JtilMmi u mm,, ,1 H,WW) Mm.-.,, aeoioi.l. " a :tt...,..i,ir 1 ,wta ,. A lsl Ii, . ,., K. . ..rv W. II.. aald i"" . 1 T, ' , t . , si-pH. etloa a Mt tn. . I , Tm L lm 1 t Is fattier ka4 ti al lb SeaJ at wta ot ,,.. nn,(T m. Uf t.s,ii.U..alJ.maoM.i.Hl J.mM Ul " -r( S .V-", I -r end mL 1 7J i V .1. 1 s l..vm Lalitaltoaa sa ... 1 "'"- a.d M e-a 1 rl.i..Mr.M m im ol . J I -'' , I II w .'! I A , f. A. the lafa-'sl bsaktoA laatitaifiaB w i"lW,HM WU iMpi. . n.,1 ,H4 ,,.i.,,t i.. h ...,,..t 1 he , the Vim-it, n-a u, im iniinwii,. - . . tity lie raj j r . an, 1...1 c. e4 difc. t,el h... r ai a "' -td .d ''"".' id. 1 h.. v, t nta , , s7h ei.d II a-S a4ral. J Ifcal Jal aaa bia 1 1., ,.,.., t. (..,1, uh.d m .i., , rl,M ne aa4 lae AtMa- a.i ..1 a- h. ni Utinitoir inL I4 .... . . 1. 1 , I k, 1 a !.. ,1 m i.. Hit, l i. k I aitlK n.rl M ffaje. Ufue. Ve lafceo u4 M.t t.,. .JL.- M ' ' at(aaa,bl a ntoiabl AnaaieWary J J UMiiIItiw ir I- w ' JLt