M.Kt TO THIS QIYES THI CHOICH Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORMERN Ry.V SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha Denver & Rio Grande! RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTj In through tourist can without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge ot experienced conductors and porters. Mondays, AMD Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W- ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri racincana umcago ana Alton Kys. Tw4,.., To Omaha, Chicago. Buffalo a lUUaUaVS, Boston without change Tia Salt Lake and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. HLJnnnir!. To St Joseph, Kansas City and " cuuwuafa, gt loUi, without change via Salt Lake ana Burlington Route. Thnul.T To Kanaaa City and ft Louis with- UlurauaYa, out change via bait Lake and Mis souri racinc railway. We live in a country of wbioh the prinoipal scourge ia atomach trouble. It is more widespread than any other disease, and, very nearly, more dangerous. One thing that makes it so dangerous is that it is so little understood. If it were better understood it would be more feared, more easily cured, less universal than it is now. So, those who wish to be oured take Shaker Digestive Cordial, beoaase it goes to the root of the trouble as no other medicine does. The pure, harm less, curative plants and herbs, of whioh it ia mmnnied. are what render it ao certain, and at the same time, so gentle a cure. It helps and strengthens tbe stomach. purifies and tones up tbe system. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents lo $1.00 per bottle. LOCAL SQUIBS. Politiotl matters are getting warm enough now. Gill Jones and Tom Davidson were in from Eight Mile on last Tuesday. Mr. F. J. MaeGougan, ot tbe Inland Telephone Oo.,bas returned to Spokane. Guinness' famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Cbria Borohers' COMMENCING APRIL 2d nnnnn Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. otaamara Mnnthlv from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong in oon nection with O. R. & N. For full details call on 0. B. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HTJBLBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obikjoh, Doclwell, Carllll, & Co., Gon'l. Agts.,Nor. Pac 8. 8. Co., Portland, Ore, A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. A N. and S. P. agent, or address. R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, ueneral Agent, uen. rasa. & i at Agt. 261 Washington Bt, Denver, CoL Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hast, Local Agt. Heppner. Or. HRE YOU GIG ERST? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie nWMiim u ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THH Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTII. Peerless Vestlbuled NORTH PACIPIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. The Msrqusm Grand, on Morrison street in the Msrqusm building, is under excellent management and tbe pnbho will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular. first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some ot tbe fine dramas that rill be presented. tf ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. REED proDrietori A. G. OGILVIE f Proprietors. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (u miles). . .o 00 Round trip 19 00 MayrilletM miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles) . . 8 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (3 miles) 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Oltx (19 miles) 150 Round trip 8 50 Stae leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) Bt 6 o'olock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. ana arrives at r oa eil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered ooaones ana oere I fnl, experienced drivers. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. f rn rm i ;n-wao. nm r "VkV s VS. w We. )M 11 Worth Its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Burn pie copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 1(3.00, oasb, at this office. ELY'S CREAM BALM laaposltlvecnre. Apply into the nostrils. It is qnlckly absorbed. 60 cents at Diwglsts or by mall : samples 10c by mall. LY BKOT11KK8. 64 Warren Bt.new xorKinur. OREGON SHOUT LINE Ky BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Their Magnificent Track, inning aim n Trains, and and Wooplng Oar Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All .,!...,. i luiuuuiuHrs rarrtudnn the vostlhlllml trains without extra charge. Hhlp your (reiuht ami travul ovur this (anions Hue. All snouts have ilckuts. u ii Mirn V. C. rUVAQE. ' Uen. Agimt. Trav. F. A 1". Agt. 2th Washington Bt., I'ortland, ur. OIIIOAGrO iw A & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its traius on tbe famous block system; Lights its trains by eleotriolty through out; Uses tbe oelebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trsl avarv dav aud nik-ht between Ht. Pa and Chioago, aud Omaha and Chicago the Chicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying the latent private eompartmeot oars, library buffet smok (nir rare, aud palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and tbe very best dining chair oar service. For lowest raUs to any point in the United Htt or Canada, apply to ageut or address O. J. EPDY, General Agent, Portland, Or. r ''rrtn'' Co-vmoMT 4c. AnTOn nondln a nkMrh and description mar quickly tunnrtalii otir opinion free whelhur an Invftiittnn prnhahljr imteiittihle. Omiimmlr. tlointdthntlToniiflilenlUl. lUmlbookon I'slauU Sfiit frw. O I dent !!) for nwurlng patantn. 11 unU Ukktm throuuh Mutin A. Co. ruoelra tptcuu nttttce, wif h.mt cnria, mine Scientific American. A handsomely UlnntratM weekly. Largest rtr Txrnis, S3 t'UiMLiiiii ill .iiy ii iniiMuii i'iiiiiiw. . .'. tttm, w m Tmr: fmir nmnths. SL Hold br all newsilxaltrs. MUNN & Co.8,B",-d-- New York Drauon otnoa, sa w vu nraaniutiiou, u. u ko Years.... QUICKEST AND MOHT DIRECT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4J days CHICAGO, 3i w ST. LOUIS, 3J " OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 J 44 tt Ed Day was over from bis Butter creek home on last Saturday and Sun day. J. A. Brown ar J Ralph Benge were visitors from Social Ridge on last Satur day. F .A. Hollobaogb, a veteran traveling man, was in Heppner on last Sunday and Monday. Andy Oook has departed for Montana and will shear "tbe season" near Stan ford, Montana. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods leave your orders. If. If you need something tor your system call at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tt John Kilkenny arrived home from Portland, where he has been to visit bis wife who is ill, on last Saturday morn ing. John Brownell, Albert Ballaoe and Wm.Starratt arrived from Long creek on Sunday last with wool, returning with merchandise. Geo. Crane's band of 2100 sheep passed through town on last Sunday, on its way from winter range near Ella to summer pasture in the Blues. T. M.: E. M. Wiogate, oity editor of the Times-Mountaineer, is in Heppner today, having gone there last Saturday night to visit bis friend Bert Phelps. Mr. John I. Robinson passed through town on last Tuesday on bis way from Winlock, Or., where he bad been visiting his father-in-law, to bis home in Pen dleton. J. McCullougb, with a splendid ten horse outfit, and Sid Green, with a six- horse layout, left for Mount Vernon on last Sunday, loaded down with mer chandise. Dyspepsia cured. Sbilob'e Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, oom ing up ot food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Oon ser & Warren. v Mr. Merrill, tbe sheepbuyer, will tbip bis purohases about June 7th, with des tination North Dakota. Mrs. Merrill leavea on the 6th inst., and will be joined by her husband in a few days. Sbeepbuyera are going and in their plaoes oomes the army of wool men. Col. f. Lee seems to be in advance ot all of them this year and ia lookiog olosely after business in the Heppner section. The Gazette will olub with the Oregon Senator, tbe great Pythian paper of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for 8175 fothe two. Tbe Senator is all right. No Knight of Pythias should be without it. tf. GRANT X)UMTY NEWS. From the Long Creek Eagle. Newt Liviogslon came over from Canyon City Thursday interviewing the voters. Walter Keeney and Wo. Lee returned from Heppner Monday with merchan dise for tbe farmera' store at Russnville. Quite a large orowd of people are so journing at tbe McDuffee hot springs. As a health restoring resort, the, Mc Duffee hot springs are not surpassed by any springs in the country. Mrs. P. S. Wilson, ot Monument, ac companied by her daughter Mrs. J as. Anderson and family ot Malheur oouoty, passed through Long Creek early this week en route to the MoDuffee hot springs. Hon. M. A. Moody, the republican oandidate for oongress, passed through Long Creek last Friday en route to Burns where he goes to join T. T. Geer, whom be will aooompany during toe remainder of his tour of Eastern Oregon - C. H. Dodd spoke in this city Tuesday evening from a republican standpoint. tbo main part of bis argument being devoted to the money question. He spoke at Hamilton Wedn esday evening and returned to tbe John Day valley. Cons Miller, of tbe Monumental mine, and ot tbe Fossil coal mines, who has been in Portland for the past six months, and most of the time in the hos pital on aooouut of his ill health, has so far recovered as to be able to return home, says the Oregonian. He tbioks a few months in the mountains ot East ern Oregon, with pure air and plenty ot exercise, will quite restore bis health. The Portland Tribune has long sinoe set Simon, Scott, and their outfit ot bood lers on fire, and Scott with the Oregon' ian and Telegram at his command does't dare say a word. Politics in Portland indicate tbe defeat of Simon, and the election of W. T. Hume to the state sen ate. Simoniem has oust the oitv of Portland end the state of Oregon millions of dollars, but tbe defeat of Simon will end it. - -- - sk .jb- wmmi. imcnif vmiR anvANTACE. Our whole institution, wmcn oy uw way is uio jargon wuut vutuuur aion house in the entire west, make for the advantage ot the man who has wool to sell. You may know how others appreciate these advantages when we tell you that we handlod last year 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. WE DON'T PEDDLE OUT WOOL the largest buyers in the country come to ub; they know we have anything they may want In any quantity. That's another ad vantage to you. Ubaral mdvancom madm on conmgn mmntm at 5 per cent, interest per annum. Sacks furnished free. Sand foe m tram copy of our Markat Lmttmr. SILBERMAN BROS. t.l4-la.lH Michigan Street, ( CHICAGO, ILL. IP THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE JFQJJ, YOU! LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSDMlTION CAN BE CURED. An Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe best oough cure. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con- ser & warren. v DECORATION DAY. 1100 liEWAKDI I1MTNKK II Will, be paid for information leading to the arrest and oonviction ot any per son stealing oattle branded " WH" oon- neoted on tbe left side. Wsddle on tbe nose. Pkkct Hcqhbs. 45-uov3 IN TMC Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition s Cooper's Stop Dip ! Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Halt, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odoriaea. CHAS. G. ROBEUTSr CCNCRAL ACCNT, 217 Ash Htreet, Portland, Oreon. I Sold by Minor it Co., Heppner, Or. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For a great maoy years doctors prooounoed it Free Reolining Chair Can local disease, and preecibed looal rem. Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Carl .dies, and by constantly failing to cure J. W.CAHET, Trav. Pass. Agent, The Old Shon! LI5ERTY MARKET i Pullman Palaos Sleeping Cart For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc., oall on or address J. C. HART, Agent O. R. A N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Terry, W. E. Cohan, Trav. Pass. Agt. Oen'l Agt. 124 Third Bt., Portland, Ore. spokane falls t northern NELSON i FORT SI1ETPARD RFJ) MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Betweeo Hpokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson ao 1 RosslanJ, daily except Punday : Ia the place to go to got your finn pork and lamb I'llopH, fttenk ntltl roHHU. TllKOUOll C'AH.x TO Sr. Iin, M I N N Kb IUL1H Mill )( MTTK UF.LENA Ticket iasned lo all points lii the United hi ali-s and Canada. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine stiKar enr1 hania ami heron, I'ura Wal Ui'l. Sflll ntiitlrml. nll style. MlKhrsI east) "l' 1I lor at st a. I1KNJ. MATHEWS. gt'ICK TIME TO. ClIII'AIMt WssHimiTii IUltimomr Niw Ti'R llvmu) All other polnle in the F.el and Kotittieaat Onan Kns Cirv Ht. Joaira ht. uh is LhwTuR Keep SlESPJIlfl Est Bid. Tin: wool ki:coud Telia Vey Hewte Da It. I'D in lViHtt conoeelicins at Ht. Petit, Miooeaptilia, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Unite and ether promi nent ikmbIs Uegnaie checksj though to destination ol IlileU. Thmngh ti kele to Japan anJ Ctlua. via T acorn nl Northern l arioa Pteam ship (Jompaay'a Una. Fur full Information, time cards, maps, lirkfU, elc call on ur write W. 0. Al l SWAT, A. 1 C'4LMS, Agt.N.P. Ity. Asst. Uen. I'aas. Agt. ntal!w,0f. IVtliud, Or 11 a special arratgstneut we oflef to our reetUrs The Wool Uecord and Heml-Weekly Oaietie, one year for 1.1 U). The Wool lUtxird is Ilia only astiunal wool org so and oivers the wool tudiistry (rum tbe raising of the sheep ta the sell lag of Ilia ttaeufectared ertlele. It is '. obllshed werkly at New York aad tbe fenulaf pnoa U I'iOO a year, llatnsrksl rprte era (till and entnp a and Us Nherp Hie UrB1 Talks aKn are wmtb III IiuiM the 'f tea H the ar. Miri'U oipiM on BpLraMoe. Webeertily retsininjead this cuiM (stioD to oar obecribert. with looal treatment pronoonoed it in curable, i Holenoe baa proven eatarrb to be a constitutional disease aud therefore requires constitutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh Care, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia the only constitutional core on tba market. It ia taken internally in doees from 10 drops to a teaspoooful. It aota directly on tba blood and mucous surfaoa of tba system. Tbey offer one bundled dollars for any cas it fails to core. Send for oironlars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CQEENY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Jo. av. em A. M II hi A. M V 10 A. at . "Urnkans , KoMand , i helatie.,. Arrive. ... S.4l r. M. I . M lUF.k, Cliwe aonnm-lMinB al Nalaim with staamara hit Kaalis ami all Knal l4tka piiuta. iBHMim In 'Kettle Itlnr and Hnandaif tak CHineot at Maraaa wiln slam daultr. Pendleton Tribqna: O. D. Ilodsdcai and Mrs. Linnia A. Long were married at tbe T. M. 0 A. rooms Sunday by the Rev. O. A. Dutson. Mr. Hodsdoo is from Morrow county and tba bride from Umatilla ooooiy. A few frieods and re latives attended tbe ceremony. CAKE RECEIPTS. flic Regulator Lino" Tbe Pallrs, rortlacd I I4rii Navigation C. TXWa.VCXIUI "DHltS CITY" AH0 RtGULATOH" Commeociog Monday, May 'Jod, tba steamers of the IWnleror Line will leave Portland el 0-3U a, B. and Tba DallrsstHJWa m. When yna gn la Portland, stop off at The liallrt aod taks a trip down tba Colnrubi; oo will aajoy it, aoJ aava money. W. Q Al LAWAT. Ueeeral Agent. QUZOIC TIMD I Aad aU Mate la Celir.ala. vie Ike Ml. BBaaMs tuwBtel Ike Southern Pacific Co te erael Mekwu Ureek reiifnreta e all Mlate Kaa4 aM iomik. itfm4 Bmm Itnete et the rVMaW . retinae Hafts HlaiM, Hsiiua bIbbbi SI.ihib niMim f.ir a4la I at e'. tm xim, li kx. alanim eat las lalli 1 Mil . i -a it kt.lfM s. li'lHlis. K.. ... C H ttAUXnAM . f . m f. IVUaii4. vTefca rorsnOAKK (mouMirod In cup, and always rvliablr). Two cu tnitttr, Uirre cun attkritr, thrrc cupa flour, eight etfgn, rindaiiil Juice of one lrtuon. CtntiAJti TI'akk. OneotiplmtttT, two cupa augur, whiti-s of alx t'ctTH. one-half tcaxfMwin mkU, one t'aiHMn errant of tartar, thrve cup flour, one cup milk. one small covoaiiut, riud nf a lemon. hisiMui: Cars. One pound egga, one pound aiurar, ine-half pound flour, rind anil juice of one large lrtuon. Ilrat thoroughly the yolks and the sugar; then a. 1. 1 the whites of egga. nd lral for fifteen inttiiitra -no lea; ten thr Iciuou and flour. Hake very arr fully. Hii.vth Ciukiu.atb Cari Onihalf up lnilItT, ono and one-half cupe ugar, whilra i.f four egga. thre ouriliK rup milk, two and one-half ,'ti flour, one tt'aaMinful of a.la, two of rrroin vt tartar. Hake In three ayrrw. rilling: (tar-fourth cake chocolate taii'lwith the whit. -a of two eg if rvl Iwul.-n; confrctionrr'a augar autllri. ut to alilTt n It. I'oitrt.airiox Ciklt ian old UahUmixt mvlpt i. '! hri'o fonrtha potinda but ter, on an 1 one fourth pound sugar, one ami 'tii-f.nirth niU flottr. four egg, one pint t mill:, a levrl tra spoonful cf aulrratua, two pounds rei-ina. cur-tialf .pound itnn. '.hrve teiii'o ti'nS c!nnBi:!in. m.e larire lal l.-pw t f !.,u. itie of mace il'l In a w ituvU. of wine or brat) 4y, vu uut;;ifc -lUrpwi'i I'-ataf Properly Observed in Heppner on Pnnday and at Lexington on Monday Last A (ireat Day, All old soldiers and most everyone else, for that matter now-a-days, look upon Deooration Day as one of this oountry's most preoious holidays. Thore was a time wbeu factional strife caused it to be observed by tbe surviving Union soldiers, only, but that day has happily passed. The last marks of tbe oivil war have been completely effaood by our difficulty with Spsin, though none but extremists on both sides have endeavored fur years beak ta do other than to forgive and forget. Again with patriotic fervor our people stand in unison against tbe enemy. That is tbe reason wby no soldier's grave, whether lie wore ttie nine or tbe gray, was over, looked on last Monday, all over this great country, if it were at all possible to reach it. Soldiers in the South from both sides met together bs brothers aod vied I'itb saob other in honoring tbe dead. In Canada tbe day was universally ob served. That country furnished a great many Union and not a few Confederate soldiers, and now that England aod tbe United States are being drawn clossr to gelber than ever, there seemed to be uni versal effort to show honor to our fallen heroes. These oeremouiea were wit nessed by large conoourses ot people everywhere across the border, and tbe stars and stripes were as eonspionoas as tbe British oolors. Hera on Sunday tbe sermon aod other patriotic oeremoniea were tbe featurea down at tbe M. E. oburoh aod at tha cemetery, and were eojoyed by a grea I many old soldiers, and otbera. Tba olergy of Heppner were well represented, all being present wbo oould possibly attend. On Monday a free excursion to Lex. ingtoo took down a large number ot lieppuer people, and the day was spent in a manner befltting tba oocaaioo. All passed off pleasantly with tba exception of ao onfortooate incident in wbioh tba two colored men, wbo are sojourn ing here, aod eome of tha old soldiers figured. Tba ladiea of tba relief oorpa bad nothing to do with tba matter and all regret tbat any unpleasantness arose. All io all tha day was replete with spleo dld Isssuos ol patriotism wbioh will be lasting in tbe minds ot every person, and particularly tbe young. With tbat tair gitsdess as our goidiug star oar talioo can oever fall ia dcey. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo cam, ot New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption : (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, lung and cheat troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions ot wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, aod he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure, Scienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and oon sumption are ourable in any olimatc is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, urj inter rupted, means speedy and certain death Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. O., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free mediome will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tags of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates can cured If von suffer from anv of the I ills of men, come to the oldest specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. .1051 Market St. Est'd 1852. 1 Vonns; men and middle suced men who are wnerina- from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- i cesses in maturer years. Nervous end Physical BeiiitT,smposeney .s.oat jnainn.Mia tn all Us L-omptlLMilaiu; Huei'nistrrlias, Proaleiorrhtrsi, Clonorrhva, Sjiieet, t Freqnfiiey or urinellus;, ele. uy a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair , and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his snecialiv Ulajeanen of Men. N.Tphllla thorouRiily eradicated from the ' syntrm without tmlne Dlerniry , KVI'BV MAN applying to TO Will re- I Oeive our hanett ttpinion of his complaint. He will Guarantee a POSJT1 VE CUXBi I every tatt vie undertake, or forjeil One ingsnsBs uoiisrs, Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- I ment personally or by letter. Send for book, , Tha Phlfnannhv of Mull." free. (A valuable book for men.) timit dr. jomDAxna Great Museum of Anatomy i tha finest and largest Museum of its kind in tha world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are maoet now to avoid sickness and dn w e are eontiaually adding; new specimens, ' Mivituuiiifjn; caiiorwnie. 9 turn Market street. sn Francisco, cat. Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line ot druggists supplies, blank books, baDk work county work, or Bny sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity ooncern but it you will give us a ohanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember tbat Abe Lihouln said that when one bought goods away from home tha foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when tbe goods were bought at borne we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tha printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'pbone No. 3. 560-tf NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable TMi Central. Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call on mm ana nave vour norsea wen carea inr. 'BicrO' HON PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE and Southeast VIA THK 11 n THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEKPER8. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEEPER8. FREE KECUSINQ CHAIR CARS. Portland to Chicago Without Chang Qnick Time. 1 nion Uits. Personally Conducted Ezonrsinns. HaHKaite Checked to lieetuiation. Low Kataa. Direct line tn Trans-MiaalMliini ant Int - national reposition held at Omaha, Nebraska. J one to November, Write nnrleraisnsd for rate, time rhla mA other information pertaining to Union Pacific j R. W. BAXTER, or J. C. HART Aet. Gen. Aet.. 185 8d St., O. tt. AN. Co.. Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. TWO SPLENDID TRAINS MILT TO THE EAST VIA GREAT ROCK ISLAND 1 Rocky Mountain Limited Leaves DENVER, . . . Sa.m. ' 1:01,0. HI'RINGrJ . . J.e.as. Arrives I.I N.OLN . . II p.m. " OMAHA . . Ia.m. DKH MOINES . . 8 jna. m. " )A VKM'OKf . . 9 !e.m. " CHICAGO . . 21J p. in. Nest Day Thmngh Hlaenera end Chair fare Cnlemdo to ( hlnHTO. Wiila tntibale UirvUKbuat. The nneM train lo the Weak Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " t IX. rtPRlSOU Arrives TOI'KKA " KA.NHAt CITT 1 p. 1 14ft p. Sua. Ar. 8T. LOI I8. (Web. K IS Arrives HT JOHKPH LI V HUM 1E1 Hon) OMAHA (El Hew) 1 m a m. 4J a. m. U) a. m. itinioBt. Lottie W. H. riTH, ltD. At., 11tMvr.it. 1'. l. i.'ooneiiy, belter known as Tcter tbe Poet", is sojourning io Hepp ner this week. Peter founded the Long Creek Eagle and was the proprietor of tbe Klamath 8tar for some years. II Is bright and versatile writer. A poem j from bis pen appears in Ibis Issue. Cordray, tbe pioneer theatremao of Portland in the line ot "popular price," has n fitted tb WeslitiKloq HI. theatre, formerly knnwo as lb "New Park." Cordray ale ays has something new, and oar people, when below, ceo spend pleeaan! evening at hi place. tf Through Hlerpera Cnloralu Rprin vie abash B y. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For particulars ami folders ivin time of these trains write Do You Want a Rig ? ' Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these cad bo procured at Thompson It inns. Lower Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. Theee fentlcmen are well arqnatntwl with rimnt, Harney. CmoS, nitllaas ana other couhBle nd can save money end Una In melt ths serliuM e Its Irareilnf Beu. I'rlree In leeptng with the tlmee, THOMPSON & BT3STNS. AVvii 3300X, That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, by Cot-tiessman Jamee Haokln totin. All . . " 7. ' afmil VVar with Srln. Ihe rajr. all ilef-neee. f? rt A" .Willi a Ullt rtttleehle. vie. furlralts anl lltrahlM lrwry an4 all pnimtiionl orn.'era. Nearif esi I a(e. Mu.lv VKliim. Marvelnnely rheep. ttel snthi.ishlp ttnly authentic, nthi-tal U.k Rspenene nl nreaary. Anyhnly rae sell It. lille as sooreeslul as tentlemen. Wear the lrw st rtplloe h.t Brre tn Arnert'-e. to titans. Fitly frens ere empiofe.) In our rArreet.n.lenr rlepaniaenl alone, t eerv yott. Our eak la lust exit tl nrr now ani h fret In fie S.il lrt kte a ar Map la eolnra Ire with bona of ntiiflt. Other valnahl prvral. nma, TrmertitMa seller. rKeteet tnnn.f aiatetever known V Ilhrral ltai v rn Iwl. Asent mealnf : r 'lay Twenty itaie rre.li! (tiea r reishl p''l ''ill h k ariil prii,l Ui aevnta l a ep.eivIM eampie otitril anl full ntrn-ti-.Me lrp f,f nine 4 ! b pay siela,. Mei,tlua till paper. Mymot bco; co.. cp t n, c'tsjo.m. On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon IT ISJ MA MIC OOOIsa Nw 8ts4, C.ty ue) Butl l.at,