The Gazette. Friday, June 3, 1898. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, First District, TH08. H. TONGUE. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORK, of St, Helens. Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant aud Harney A. W. GOWAN. Prosecutins; Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. HEPUBL1CAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Hcppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppncr, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Hcppnor. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppnor. For Assessor, 3. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Hoppncr. For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pino City. For Coronor, E. K. HUN LOCK, of Heppnor. There is much misinformation throughout the country concenng the functions of the naval war board, usually mistakenly referred to as the "strategy board". Tne naval war board is not charged with conducting the naval portion of the war at all. Its functions are entirely advisory. The duty of the board is to keep track, a8 far as possible, of the movements of our ships as well as those of the enemy, and in the performance of that duty some of its members are ou duty night and day at the navy department studying the dis patches that are constantly being received. Orders are only given by the president or the secretary of the navy, and, as a matter of fact only the general order to find and destroy the Spanish navy has been issued to Admiral Sampson, who has been left free to use his own judgment about how best to earry out that order, the navy de partment, of course, keeping him informed of everything it learns that can be of any possible service to him. Secretary Long's only answer to criticisms that have been made was to say : "We can't whip the Spaniards until we catch them." WAR NEWS, j From 1st page. JAMAICA., Jne 3. The latter part of the week will see more serious work and the bombardment of the forte at Santiago. The dynamite oraiser, Yeaaviaa, is doming down and will explode tbe mines across (be barbor; tbeo Sobley will sail In and grapple witb tbe fleet of Uervera and tbe forte. NEW TORE, Jane 3. A special to tbe Evening World says: Tbe insurgents have captured Santiago. WASHINGTON, Jane 3. Hawaii, as an ally of tbe United States, mast be protected. Tbe government believes tbe American squadron will not wait for tbe regulars at Santiago, bat will attempt to foroe its way into tbe barbor and make a joint at tack with tbe insurgents. Gen. Qaroia, witb 5000 troops well armed, is within 15 miles of Santiago. PARIS, Jane 3. A Madrid correspondent says: It is believed on tbe highest authority that Admiral Cervera has never been in Santiago harbor, and that he hits reasons to believe tbe fleet is now approaching tbe Philippines. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Ileppner postoflice. Adver tisers will please note this. Supt. J. W. Shipley is the man that the teachers want for the most important office in county politics. The teachers know who will best fill the place, and in thiB matter their choice should receive the sanction of the people. The editor of the union column of the TimeB has seen fit to give our mutual friend and candidnte for congress a very severe scoring, These things are asserted but not proven. In any event, Mr. Moody is the candidate of the republican party and as Huch deserves suc cess. Accusations at this time amount to nothing. It may not be necessary for this paper to say that its support of re publican candidates is of its own volition. Every word that has ap peared for the individuals and for the ticket is tho editor s, and not paid matter. The Gazette sup ports men, if at all, on a matter of principle, and does not ask a cent for it The editor of the Oa- gecto does not make any stout claims to supremo honesty, aud he is not above makiug mouey, but he prefers to be free in his advocacy of principles aud men, choosing to make a living in the legitimate chanuels. The Gazette is speak ing entirely of editorial support of course. Columns reuttnl for advertising purposes should be imid for. That is entirely a differ - ent thing. 1'UF.HiiiEST McKislky, Secre tary Long, and Secretary Algt are di'tnoiintrating the poMHibility of keeping the movement of our army and navy alwolutoty aecre Other official in With tlm war and navy department know of some of tho movements and contemplated movement, but all of them are known only to tlnwo three men. They are tot ktiowo even to the other lucmtxTi of the cabinet, they Laving thtunaelvr requested that tho knowledge be kept from them, Although this iK.hey nd tho rigid .Censorship of all telegraph Mattel sent from oii.t where iufot tuition of contemplated movements tuny In) obtained li only Iwn fully into e(Te t for a fw wreks.iU good rflVcUaio soappurent that there is no doubt f its Wing maintained throughout tli" war. Information of anything aceotuplihed, or of any UttU ou luud or water will be promptly givru out; il is only uwa that would indicntVJcooleropUted movements that is withheld. Among (ha announcements that may confidently 1 e ctis thfy The accusation that T. T. Geer, if elected governor, will appoint Graham Glass, jr., as his private secretary, can hardly be true, and indeed on its face the Gazette would be inclined to call it a cam paign canard. Yet it is being cir culated, and good men in the ranks of the republican party affirm that it is no secret down inPortland. Mr. Geer should make haste to de ny the report, if not true, because it is injuring him. Graham Glass, jr., is a notorious political renegade and boodler. He ought to be forced out of the republican or ganization, where Simon has placed him. He is a leech who scours the state for printing busi ness, most of which he secures throucrh corruption. There is not o one decent, honest hair in his head, So republicans in authority should at once clear Mr. Geer of what the Gazette believes to be an untrue charge. Ofliclal War nook Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes t for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that, you get what you want. We, the undersigned teachers of Morrow county, foe- $ lieve that the office of superintendent of schools is the most important elective office in the gift of the people. ' J We hereby deny that the teachers are opposed to Superintendent Shipley, and on account of his impar tial, efficient and energetic work, do hereby heartily j endorse him . 0. G. Morey, Carl Troedson, Delia Reed, Mrs. E. C. Gorton, Mrs. M. L. Oney, Mrs. L. A. Pickard, Mabel Glasscock, Ada M. Gentry, W. L. Connor, Maud Rush, J. E. Adams, Beth Thompson, VV. 0. Hill, Eva Brians, Mollie Johnson, Josie Hastings. W. L. Baling. Ada Jones, Mary Barker, A. Hodeon, Nellie Holman, Cora Driskell, Dona Barnett, Myrtle Hornor, Alice Glasscock, Lulu Tash, Mrs. M. A. Fuqua, J. H. Hornor, Jennie Kincaid Woolery, Blanche McCormick, Emma H. Cummings, Charlotte Shipley, A. 8. Akers. docs SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Matilda Scott, Plaintiff, vs Harriet Steger, Defendant. To Harriet Steger, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court to-wit on or before the 5th day of Sept., 1898, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof plaintiff will ap ply for a decree veBting in plaintiff the title In fee of the west V4 of south-east & of section 16 township 1 north range v!7 East. Wlmt. mdn., and authorizing plaintiff to convey title to the same in her own name, and for such other relief as may be lust and proper. Q. W. REA, Attv. for Pin. This summons is published bv order of Judge 8. A. Lowell, of the 6th judicial district of Ore gon, dated May a, lS'JH, at Heppner, Oregon. 52-65 Timber Culture, Final Proof. United Status Land Office, N La Grande, Oregon, April 25, 18IW, T if 1 make final proof before J. W. Morrow, OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN N. Elder has tiled notice of Intention to Some complaint is heard that a . . i i Br CoDRreaHmBn Jb.hhs IUukin Younn- groat many telegrams are seuv out All about war witb Spain-, the navy, nil by the news bureaus that alter dufetmea, Hattle uliipp, eto. Portraiti wan Drovo to be mere rumors and ana biogrBptiie. ot ipwey una mi prou.,- mq not aatbentj0 This 18 always nentofflors. Nearly eOOpsg... Mw-e . f Those volume. MurvflotiMly obeiip. l!b lUB lcoul" " Bntliorship. Only nutupntio, offlolal who can remember oacs as rar as book. Experienoo not nnoesHnry. Any- the late war know that reports body on Holt it. LatHi are BuiiCHOBfol oome Bn(j are accepted as facts. a K-ntlem-n. We are 111 lf.rn.-Ht mil)- n- . . . t- Rrft on the lert to uription ok fl(miuAmHrie. Write f BQmetimeB no hiiitf nptt am i iivpii n ni r kuv - cnrrmtpomlmioe ilHtmrtroeiit hIoub, to appear to ue auiueuwo uvluOD erve yon. Our book is jnt out. Out prove quite the reverse. In the ueucy now ami be uroi m the tieiu. maja jue reports received at llepp- Larg wo. War vsp in onion free ... reVltihU at least, as book or outfit. Other valuable pre- . , . ,.,, mlums. Trem.n.lou. seller. MmM mucu BO 88 " . money maker ever known. Moat liberal places. And indeed the service term guaranteed. Agent making $7 has cost no one a great deal as we to $2H par day. Twenty day oredit naye collected in the neighbor- Biven. Fall to aent, hooJof eD0Ugh from each person 11.43. Hpl,.,did .ample outfit ami (oil ta1A-,.m.. deoend- Inalraotion free for nine 2-oent ttampa ' County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his i in tieppner. uregon. on Friuay. the v day of June, 1S98, on timber culture application mo. -.cow, mr ns nw, dm ne4 oi section no. 22, township No. 2 8, range No. 27 E. W. M. He names as witnesses: Frank Elder, Joseph Rector. Newton Whetstone. Lucinda Elder, all oi Hqipner, uregon. is. w. bahtlktt. Cilood's Pills Notice of Intention. Land Office at Thi Dalles, Orkcion, May 9, IMiW. )TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH followlnir-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof lu mipport of her claim, and that said proof will be made 0 11 III VI The Leader Of Course! 0 The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at Vi T. R. HOWARD'S r""' I'ZlLrZ"' ,h. , before J. W. Morrow, County Ch'rk. at Heppuer, in purses, housekeepers keep them in medlcin. 0 on 8atur,lfty June lm ;vix. ' Josie Fischer, of lone, Homestead application mo. 4mh, lor tne n'4 so '4 sec. 0, anu nvi sw1 sec , tn. 1 H , r. 24 ic. w. M. Hlie names the following witnesses to prove I her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred W. Kalslger, Edward heller, A.J.JIcvay ana raui Baisiger, all 01 lone, Oregon, jas. r. mikike, 4H"i9 Register. to pay potHK. Mention tbla paper. Monro Hook (Jo., Iept. M.,Cbloago,Ill. 61 54 MAIIMKIfKNT OKHR. Kvery new anbaoriber of tbe (la- Ictle, or old una renewing, will Ret aa a premium a copy of "The Oroal Debate" between Horr and Harvey. Tbla waa one of tba ureat'-at con Irataof tba kind lu thia ae. Tba fliianoial iieattiin ia prominent la politii-a and yon wanttbis book. It la bound neatly In paper and rrtaila ft r DO renta tbe world over. Come arly Mot all tbe premiiima ar g.)ue. Tba Invratmnit la bul f'J eaab. Tut rATTehi Tra. Co. (o pay for the telegrams, depend I ing upon advertising to assist us in meeting tbe expenses of getting out the bullotiuB, which is no small or inei pensive task. It should be remembered that Danbar, the republican candidate fof secretary of state, is not a Himon man. In fact he is being knifed by Birnon for Kincaid, Simou's friend. Tue republican state ticket is good enough for anybody, and it would all be elected if it bad de- cent management, which it hasn't. I,EEi is an anti-S.'mon man aud his caudidaoy for slate printer should be indorsed, Are gaining favor rapidly. Businesa men and travel ler carry them In, vest pockets, ladles carry them in nurses, housekeepers kee closets, f rleods recommend them to friends. 36 I DO YO0 WANT TO FlOHTf An Opportunity for All Loyal Sona of Lib erty to Jola the Kauka. Tbe enoloied letter is aelf-eiplaua. tory : ARLINGTON, OR., May , 1898. Lieut. Peter Borg, Ileppner, Or. nyuearmr: ine eneiiwea oiana siuwira i of orennn. for Morrow conntv hat been sent ma, and I have been asked to In tha matter of the estate of William Cox, de ccael : deairato enlist they might do so, and If not ,1,. ...,- rnuVtof the Ktt of (.r.V. for Mor- enough tor a full company they might be I row county, administrator of the estate of im iih .,,nthr nnnhini. William i:ox. rieceaseo. notice is nereDy given " " r' l..i,,... , ....1 .11 K...I......I.I..,. ..... , .. ,. ..iii doreuMMi. to nreseiit tnem verinea i. r. Lutan, P. 8.: The new organisation at The Dalleiei- m The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon. ) . li v iv Hi Hi NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TN TnE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE A pect some men from this county. J. P. u Tboae desiring to enlist will oall on Mr. Borg at bis plaoe of bnaiueaa and igo tbe blank. Heppner baa uol aent a man to tbe front so far, and let oi not be behind In tbla, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Om a at Thi Dallbs, Oasuox, Mar II. lNia XfOTICK It HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il fnllnwti his Intention I reiiilrMl by law. within six months after the nrst piiinication oi mis nonce sain anminn traUir at his place of resideaca eight miles south ol lone, Oregon. .11. HA JIB' El, Administrator ol tha estate of WllUam Cox, de- reaMMl, Uated May 12th, IK. 48-67 Puny Children i IiVivs I fwn fi lit iinram A ttlMnch Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, I J Mav X. lmM. Notice is hereby alen that the following named settler has filed notice of her InU'iitlon to make final proof In support of her claim, and that ld proof will be mails oefore i. w . Morrow, t;ouiny i ueppner, i to make final proof In tupport of MINNIE M. ANDREW 8, of Kept Ppner: his elalm, and that said proof will be made be- Homestead application No. C4, for the NE lore the County Clerk, at Hi ppusr, Orrfoii, ou tw vl, lp I N, R K W M. Saturday July!. lwt.yU' "be names the following wltnene to prora KALI H L. BENOE, her eoiitlmions residence upon and cultivation of Ulnton, homestead application No. IW "I said land, A. t. riarinoiomew, iiiiam n. rilllrTi Aiini n. (i,niw.n,u nuucn gi MOORE. Kea later. for tha Est HEv ti, aud w V 8W Hee. ax, B. r lnley, Alien . hihimiob ai lp3H,KKW. M. llynd, all of Ileppner, Oregon He name the following; wltnease to pro 'AS. r. his continuous rHldenre upon and cultivation of said land, ls: (feorse W.Hmlih.ol Using ton, orpgon, Jacob Ernst of Lvilngtnn, Ore aou. Kph Kskeison, of Lfilngum, Oregon, James roWD.uf LeUligton, Oregon a4 JasW t. MOOSE. Heglster. 4ft S7. N Notice Of Intention. Lamp Orru a at Tks Dll. Oaaooa. Mar. II. I" OTf E IS HEKIRY C1IVEN I.1AT HIE Notice of Intention. Land Orru a at LAOaAMDi, Oaioox, Mar e. l'l. X'OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT TUE i following namcl svtilrr has flleit notice of his Intriitlnn t make final proof In support of hlsrlalro. anil lhal said proof will be mad be lore the County lerk ol Morrow countT, Ore gon, at Heppner, urrgon. on June n, ivm, vis Mlluie lyier, rot ivn, ur uibwm wltnec In prove Ms eniitliiuous iion aim rtiltlvaiion Who wooti prcKribe on!y tonic nJ bitten (or A weak i puny chilJ ? Id muuUi and A iaiVUSI iw iiiwiw.iii hatutfi thit they cannot tx f mh!rrJ into Activity. The chili Mtit food A blood- J nuking, rwrvc-atrtnethening And fnuKU-buiUino; iooi. I Scott's Emulsion : sstsMSBasBasasaaBssBaMsa of Cxi Uvtr 0,1 U !l of thii, I And you Kilt luvc a tonic in J the hypophotphitei ol lime And kxIi to Act with tli loud. For thin And dlicAt chiUrtn thcrt U no rcrrwdy lupcrior A Mr Tnlwa fn Vnsb A lriink'llin Inwhuh yi'U'eiiuot Inaelaa sur UilusT. lliounM. all k iM-wla liv. It r rnl luiis'i ("er, piltw ami elliouwnUoii.-T II a aie vauMI liy i'ii.Uiuon and alu,'gil4 luir Cew arvuCend l utliartk", the il.rful new lvir etimulant and IiiU lual Voiik' are t.y all .liwtrau funrunuwd lot urw or imiiicT refuiKltM. t'. C l. are aurw thing Try boa uxiayj n.. aw . uw. Kuni'le ami twohiel tr-w. txour UU aU. following. named settler haa Rleil notli-e of ) j p. H., r. J K. W. M. is luleiillon tn mas flnal prmil In support ol ,h iinn. I claim, and thai said proof will l m... J2.V2'. IT uJZ'lY r...n T turS TJu 7 h "-' '- Jam U-hey. Henry at llriipner, Oregon, on naturday. July Wo. vmlrrr..l. John Met iillongh. iMvid McCul- JOHM KIt.KF!NV. '"" M'ff. wr"t.. of llepmier, Ongon.H E. No. for the eE' MAa w- ".V,., ' lJhsHJKSM II name the following wltneaae 10 pror hi enuiliiiiou ei-ii.lenc upon ami rulUlion ol said land. t: Harney r. IViheHy. ol ll. i p n.r. (irrgon. Jerry Hnwnan, oi Heppner, ina- iii. muiuiam. Not fesartly kal Ike IUa.ll Iklaka kal Ike ef Olk.r In "M Harvey W.HcoM eaiJ he "wool.t ea Kibe J-J aaJ te b-l before be woulJ support him4, tie i no trymg W cal b tlie witb vioegar.Mora Ub ter. I OH HALE ilaeeh, it JO eree, ooj laoJ, 4 ealiee of Ileppner, all fence .1, plenty of eler, house ee l barn, H errea of aooamer Eeey to It In ttu world. It nwini t rrowth. itrrneth. clumrocil 1 aeul romfiwl Irt tri4-m. IV iut 4 fel. all feaJf f. fall ttop X . Wim P..l I tefth. Call at It (lasette offiee. a " " " fi;,i if lusjr l niiKitf ny tUi U tlit Um .nwn. J l,f Cul.e Lu UmII SUOCO. Z L.iITlkt i k... V.k I Te e l.iiiiis ete. siiEiurrs SALE. on. Wl arr rU B. Flnley. ol Heppner, Orrgon, I 'gon. IihiHE. Register. 1J - ... .,ib.,l.IM.i. . .1 II. f. ...... th.nn Notict of Intention. Lab Orru a at Tag tuuti. Oano. Mar . W NOTICE IS II ERF BY OIVEM THAT BY virtue of an fiorullon and order of re sale, duly twueit ry the rlerk of the Clrrnll l oi.rt nf the l o. inlv of Morrow, Mtale of Ore gon, dated lh ;:th day of Mar. In a cer tain a. lion in the ( in oil l imn tor sal. I ouniv and elate, wherein Jame Jnr and Jamiw Jone aa ailinlnlalrator of tli mat ot Kelson Jouea deifwanl. Maintllf. m-oeml ludgmei.t aaalii.t i.M'ti. i . ewaasart, Mlhtrvd J MM NOTICE IS HFRFBY C.IVF1 1 H A T 1 1I E ,a,i. luaolvanl itrl lor. J W. Morrow, the Or Inllowln nsmnl aeltler ha Sled nolli.ol ... ..! .! a ror. his Intention Uj make Bnal proof In snppiot of .,rli,.n sn, I'.t for the hi. nana, and th.l amid proof will l m.e I , ,m two ThmiMod. Four Hundred Mnetv hrfore A Mallorr. V. fommllnn.r. at llr.p I two Ihiiiara, with InierMt thern at th rale 0r. Oregon, no witiMay, J'liy t. i" v s. 1 ,, to p,( ,,nl mi aiiiium Irom th lt( HlkNAMO r. ImimIRTV, I l-ji, and the Innher nm nl All. In kowwU.l StTlli alloil ha. for I II ,,.l.l ,,. lk,IUra allorna. a I the r. it i anu an ea1 e I I n at m a r..u and dl.MiraemeiiU Utr-tat Twenty riv ww. I ikiiiar. on th ln ilar nl r.t.rua'T. t Hemrlh following wltneaaw to prove a,,, tire I. herel.v alven that I will on Hatnr his iiiiiliii.ion. real.lenr un nd riilllvatlon I u i.ih ,u, ( Jun. , at i rl k. p nl aald land, via Sarnev Ni'lVvKt, of lil'ig. , , M,, ,,, . ih. r ,i,.,r of th rourl ton, ireou. Joen aiik.iinT, nf i.aiiuwsi, to. , H.oier, Mum. roimtr. ri .in, tha art n i of iiallowar. oregoa, ai nuhlie aixtlon tn th hlahrat l.ld.ler lor raa l.inni wnnii,wuiiii'i'ii.i"'i"n I in hami, the loiioa lug SV4a JAa. r. M'H'SS. lall th north eat anartrr nf m llagwler. intflwnahtp two i;i north rang twniy (,".! m tklllansetia anartdian, all In Morrow I i.unli. (tragon latan and tv'lot uin a lh peonarty of th maid Uaorg w t.unrl Miulrad J, Saaaaarl 4 al. nf ao Mtwsi thra.i a wia h a.aaaarf to th aai. ;.i.l a.anl in favor nf Jama Jonaa atwl Jama Jona lie thai on th lh dar of April. th aa a.tmlntalralf irf lha aalala o a.aoa Jona nr1nrahlp Katwaan lh andaralgna.1 Waadls 1 ilrawl, td aaalnat W awaatart '.'I H mutual Allaf that data a, I .1.1ra.t J Muiarl. H l .ather Willi all oMIcatloii ma.t allhar n ll.a paill asuat r.-l. and 4..liuian..lila that laior .ar ar p a, n 1,1 y the no lorttrrti.g th aan.a efue. M itivaa eat kais and thi ,-h d.v ol K I. M ATI K aharlf April, lam. H a A t Mi l n, i K, (V M A 1 1 H K, twfuty A M 14SIHU. I .a4 el Hapewa, Maf r. " MAI NSSOLUTIOS NOTICE. VOTItE I MfUIIT OlVfvi TO THI PIB A ' r!ir. proparllt to I ana 'li of rtoa tan H CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to rilling of prescriptions. NEW DRUGS W are receiving a New Invoice of Goods almost every day. Onr Rapidly increasing trade demands It. conse.,iiently Our Customer reoeive their Drug Pure and Freeh. Our Stationery XJeportixient I Complcto Wlien Irm If irr ulve . n onlt Slocum Drug Co. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP OOIvED Jnd now the entire world A notes this vert ect vrod act .Is the Star Brewery beer..... I On draught at I all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 WeahU.i.) t,t e-rt,,rl- 0f Notice of Intention. I. tap IHru I T l a ti. Oaiooe. NOTIt R la HKKrkV i.IV VllAT Utt lollowii.g hm4 e4tir ka aia. nolo a of her Intention to make anal proof In anprartt ol harr I.Ira, and that aald proof will h n,al Nafoe Ik County ( lark nl Mitrmw eonniy, i..n. ( H'tpnar. Oragna, en July J, l VI rUiA J. lltrTn"E, fnmefly I lit J torer. Hd In -T fnr'tha w awt w a.v, u aw and na it', ar . , tp J a t li I w a) ah nanus lha Inliowing wltneae to peov kar eooliiiiMoi raal'laoa blaoi and rulu,aii..a of aald land. VII J. Jin X I ..Uf , I H'.maa V. l.a k. rrank . ta aud liawa ko. i.p ., ol H. pttaf . irragua, . uiTtrrr Al CJ kag Notice of Intention. I a trri. tt Tag P.uss (asu,.a Notice i Hrrtrkv i.tvyNli at Tm .Ml..a, u.,.j (l.f ba a ed hollr nl hi liili,t,0 to make anal pmnf la rippnrtnt hla rlaHts and thai aald will k.B,ad. KaloeaJ . Morrow, , .mnP,, n,' aiHppnr, irragaa. a swmrday Jan a, ims, J.aeaoaj p (rowa. of, Howwaiaul epplH-allow x I ai. In. lh..-,.u ,n4 m 'a D, ktt Ip a , t. j Hrn ema lh Mlnwlng wHnaaaaa In pee) kiaroniia ho . faai Ian. l-ti a,.1 r,l..l ol ,J ... Hh, Id Nol ad .roj V ea.h nf lsiugt... oragon, a4 J w taiga, Mai-anar, tno7 "" , imiiseJ..a J, Hw m task I VfJr444wr 1 c c u er,, r.fi4 v fsmlly tn.l, Jaa. f. MiKihK. gef.