Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 03, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
NO. 651
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At t'iM per year, 1.00 for six moDths, 50 ots.
cor thrmi mancns, strictly in advano
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Fob to Bice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Hake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Bxohuigs, Ban rranoisco, California, where cou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
irex agent, 21 Merchants' Exohang) Build
tng, San i'ranoisoo, la oar authorized agent.
Whiaipaper is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. ni.
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:00 a m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 7:50 p. m.
and Uina'illa 8:60 p. m.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 1'2:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Janction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaven Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7:20 a. m.
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. ft & N., Heppner, Ore.
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may . require some assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown Buit and red
cap. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
Gen'l Passr. Agt.
slmilating iheToodandBegula
ting theStamachs andBowelaof
tiess andHest.GontaIns neither
)ium,Morphine nor Mineral.
ot Narcotic.
United States Officials.
President William lcKinley
Vice President Garret a. Hobart
Secretary of State ... R. Ltay
Secretary of Treasury I yman J. Gage
Seoretary of Interior Coui,., N
beorotary of War .llussell . Alger
Seoretary of Navy. j0hn D. Long
PoHtmaster-General 'jharles Emery Smith
Attorney-General.... j0hn W. Griggs
Seoretary f Agrioolturo James Wilson
Stfl te of Oregon.
Governor......... w. P. Lord
Seoretary of State H. K. Kinoald
Treasurer. pflU. MoUchan
Hnpt. Public lns ncuon G. M. Iiwin
Attorney Gener a c. M. Idleman
Senators G. W.MoBride
Congressmen i Thog. "h. Tongue
. ( W. h. 11,1 lib
Printer w. H. Leeds
I It. B. Hwin,
Sixth Judicial JHstrlct.
(Jrw t Jdpj Stephen .Lowell
Proa ,cucfli! Attorney H. J. Kean
Morrow Connty Officials.
tot ISoamtor A. W. Gowan
' AMraMnUiMM . . .1. N. Kmvn
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
i., (J. m. a 8t. p., u. & a., p. Ft. w. & o.,
and the C. St. L. fc P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
CS3CXC.A.3-0. IXiXu
PwifJa Smi"
Aocrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions Jcvensn
ness and Los S OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
.uprnine udges.
( It. B. H.
. V. A. M
( 0. li. W
JuamtWri'lge A.
J. W. Beokett.
" Sheriff
" Treasurer.,,. ,
A smmioOkT t
" ttarveyor...
School Sup't
" Coroner
G. Bartholomew
.... J. 11. Howard
..J. W. Morrow
,..E. L. Matlock
. Frank Gilliaia
....A. C. TetUtyS
J. J. MoUee
.Jay W. Shipley
...B. F. Vanghan
Mayor Thoa. Morgan
C 'inciliueii E. J. Hlocum, M.
Liohtentlial, J. It. Simons, J. J, Roberts, J. W.
Humus and E. G. Bperry.
It,,..rrfr W. A. ltlphBrdson
Treasurer L. W, Hriggs
Uarsbal John Uuger
Jnafiniinf th. Pmoa W. E. KichaMson
Nonstable N. B. WheUtona
United State Land Offieera.
i. F. Moor Register
A. 8. Bigg Reoeiver
K. W. Bartlett Register
J.H. Rubbina.... Reoelvsr
G. A.B.
Hart at Heppner, Or., tb third Ratnrday of
a to loin.
G. W. He,
'h month. AU veterans art Invited
W. W. Hmith. G.
Adlotant, tf Commander,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
OfBoe boon, 8 to 10 . ra., nd 12 to
2 D. m.. tl reaideoee, W. A. Kirk' prop.
rty, east of M. E chnrcb, Sootb, and 10
to 12. t. m . to 2 o o p, m., i omoe to
4b rear of Borg'i Jewelry ttore.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offio In tb Firal Nation l Back
Hirrxia, : : Obioom.
Ellis & Phelps,
All biislnea attended te In a prnmnt and
aittlslarlory mauuer. Notaries Public and
Offlc la Hatter tulldlna. Hppr. or.
Knt Tour aid bonks and nnt In hi
hands and get your money out nl
a specially ot hard
Office in J, N. Brown's Building
thm. Makf
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
ornec at
toll and '! real Mtate. rents kn, x
tase. d ponvrniii n4 wlllMrverou
sy la hta Una. al rMMonahk tgure.
First National Bank
C. A. Rmca.
T. A. MfA,
s. w. srtNcc.
ITfW iff
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
You Have
Always Bought.
NEW YORK, June 1. A dispatch from Lisbon says that the
Spanish are sending troops from all provinces to Cadiz and along the
coast The intentions are to dippatch them to the Philippines as soon
as the squadron is ready to oonvey them.
CAFE HAITEN, June 1. According to a dispatch from a Spanish
source, fourteen American warships and two torpedo boats were en
gaged in combat at Santiago de Cuba, at 3 p. m. Cannonading was
heard at sea and it is said an engagement between American and
Spanish fleets was in progress. The Spanish maintained strict
silence as to the number of victims on shore, but were apparently nu
Dewey still holds Manila.
Another American squadron left today for Antonia, on the north
coast of the island.
MADRID, June 1. The minister of marine has reoeived a dis
patch saying that the American squadron suffered a check at the har
bor of Santiago from the fire of the Spanish fleet and forts, and had to
retire damaged, tie olaims that the Spanish fleet did not suffer.
PORT AU PRINCE, June 1. The Amerioan ships under Commo
dore Schley began the bombardment of , the forts at Santiago at 2
o'olock yesterday afternoon. The ships used their heaviest guns silenc
ing the forts in two hours. . The United States torpedo boat, Poiter,
arrived at this port at 1 o'olock this morning with dispatches for Wash
THE rA.rr,B
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Grower and Dealer In
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees,
Grape Vines and Small Fruits.
Our Trees are Grown With
out Irrigation.
That hog law that you will be called
upon to deoide for or against at this
eleotioo reads aa follows:
Seotion 3416. On the petition of ooe
hundred or more legal voters of any
oounty in this state being filed with the
county olerk before the time of giving
notice of the general eleotion in any
year, the county clerk shall oause notioe
to be given that at snob election a vote
will be taken in suoh oounty for and
against swine remains at large.
Bee. 8417. In voting for and against
swine running at large, it shall be print,
ed or written on the same ballot with
ftnnfliflflt.ACI tnr nnnnfv nffin.f. or. A ohall
rum au ruiix, .lunez. ine American equaaron wnico read ..For running Bt law Yes." or
left Santiago water at 4 p. m. yesterday returned this morning and "For running at large No," and the
fired two shots believed to be signals to the insurgents to plant 3,000 votes thus oast shall be oaovassed the
troops near the city. The attention is absorbed in the oondition of B8me M tno8e cmX Iot an' oounty offi:er.
the Bank of Spain.which is considered worse than any reverse of war, Sec. 8418. If a majority of all the
intmnili no tViA imnnHaihlHtv nf tliA Rank nf Rnnin in ruinA nnffiniftnfc Votes OBBt Shell be against SWine run
maana tviaVoa if imtinawiVila ft nnnfituia f.Via aror
I I nl... nAtina vnf.lii.umn i n n nM a
I v J uuuin.a,iuu f 11 puma
WASHINGTON, June 2. The administration fears the finances newspaper in hisoonnty for three con-
Absolutely Pure
Published Every Saturday!
13 Astor Place New.York
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been during vaob of its twenty-seven
years, History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives compact review ot the
world's progress; it follows with oars
11 the important pbilanthropio and in
dustrial movements of the day; bat a
complete department of religious news;
devotes mooh space to the interests of
the home; reviews current literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things: and, in short, aims to give!
fresb information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning witb the fifty fliftb volume,
the paper will assume the regular mag
line size, wbiob will add greatly to its
oonvenienoe and attractiveness. Tbe
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first issue
In each month is an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
erchant Tailoring !
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed. - I
OA"LLj and see me. on may stj&ket
"When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
of Spain will put a sudden end to the war, and is therefore anxious to
land troops and take possession of the islands of Spain. Official
I notice given says that troops will be landed as soon as possible in
Porto liioo and Cuba.
A special to the Journal says the troop ship Alfonso XIII, with
seoutive weeks, that in sixty dsys from
the date of said notioe it will be unlaw
ful for swine to run at large, under
penalty of $5 tor the first offense, and
$10 for eaoh Bod every subsequent
offense, to be recovered from tbe owner
fit Ilia ivlna Kir nitfil n . I i nr In fV,a nam
L -J I I J i 3 Lit.- :I1 Ol I -"v j ..v'-vf .u tuD
iroops ana coai on Doaru, was capiureu uy ws auxiliary cruiser, os. 0f the state of Oregon, before a juntioe
Paul, Monday. of tbe peaoe of tbe precinct in whioh
,nnn ..... n . ,' a.. , ...n...... owner or keeper, or either of them, mar
lAmmnx, June a. a moo oi opamaras sionea major-uenerai reide ,nd iUch DBlt , ihall be for the
Richard, of the artillery, of Gibraltar, while he was walking near Gib- benefit of, and wben collected paid into.
raltar. 'be oommon-eohool fund ot tbe oounty
r .rrrxT t. o . ...,.,.. a.ls. ..,.... ln hi ild sotion is brought, within
Vrf JiftAXHii, ynuo a a epeoiai irom oanuago, couuruiiuK ., jft. nnh AnJm.i . n.na
r . . . . . . . - -
yesterday s bombardment, says a great event is expected Hourly tnere, to be at large.
as the Amerioan war ships are in front of the harbor, and the lnsur- Bee. 8419. No prosecution shall be
0Bnt ar oAtWino- on the hills. The Snaniarda have taken ettraordi. commenoed to recover the penalties
O D " I i OHO a 1 . a a
nary precaution to guard their harbor entrance. ... . . . . ..
WASHINGTON, June 2. The navy department says not a word owner or person having oharge of suoh
has been reoeived of Schely's engagement at Santiago. A report is Jft "f 09DeJ or(Je,perhflfkDOWD!
hourly expected. The attack was made to asoeitain the number of "oh roaHoD ""how th'ruoh
vessels in the harbor. anim.i nr .nim.i. t i.r. -iin.
. - -- -"
NEW YORK, June 2.-A Port au Prince special reports that the tb ' know,e1 ' ' "P.
Amerioan fleet has again attacked Santiago and 3,000 insurgents are
attacking the city on the land side. 8m. 8420. A person finding any nine
running at isrgs contrary to toe provis
ions of this act, and any constsbls of
any precinct or marshal of any oity of
Boms Betting aad the Fat Promla. to Ny- his oonnly where suoh awina mav be
a - rt-u I "
. Timrm vui..v fonnfl. An ll at Infn.m.flon .halt
oom Dig dsis navs dmu maa idis
Home ars wantsd tor ooe girl, baba
I one month old, one girl o-years old,
light bair and eyes; one girl of 7, bright
and a good singer; one boy 13 years-old.
L F. Tobey, superintendent Oregon
Children's Homa Hooiety. Address this
pages as tbe ordinary issues, together For m01"C tliail fifty-SlX VCUrS it haS llCVer failed "PP0'1'
witb largs number of pictures, , , ... . r f ,Mk
in its u.ekiy visits to tne nomes 01 iarmcrs
and villaircrs throughout the U. S. .
The prlosof The Outlook is three
dollars a year In advanoe, or less than a
cent a day.
Send for a specimen onpy and Illustrat
ed proepeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor
Place, New Toik Ottv.
Whlla foo wwp ruor ahaerlptioa paid a) yra
aakaap roorbraad la fraeof eLare.
H.r. P. ()., Happnar, Or. ItonM, f 8 (.1 teft
hooliWi aattla, aani oa l-ft hip.
Hnchm, Parry H-fMr. Or 'attl hrandad
W. H. riMDH-tl on i ha ltl aid. Waililla uo
sua, nan, Morruw cnastjr.
Cook. A. J..!ia.(r.--HnrM.anrarltalMr-l
or. i hiii, asmaon nam nipt aar mark arjoar
rp on tan ana nun in nhu
Kir. Km, Inutaa.OrH-Hun-a hraodad ELY
oa Urt ahnllw, aatUa Mma oa UfiUip. hoi
la nril oar.
Plnr-nra, L. A llappnor, Or-4'altla, LP na
nhl hi tmfMi f oils ha nrl-r oa rtaht
Jiftm, nrrr. 111 1 nr. Or tfnrwa hrald
n I oa U. lrt h-niii-r; entna iira-i'lwl i on
r l.i on.l'-f inl iu luft ar. kii la
ir4,r., Fnlla, im. Or -Hnaw, MfUT
lfi at,Bt ri, m-rt q riat-tl.ip, aadf ball
wup la n' and soiii .a lart m
Kan nr. Mika, Hpt'f. t. Hnraaa branita't
KMI oa Ml hip nattia Mtna and atop oft lafl
an aaiar aiop oa umi rini
Laahof, J. W. rlappaar
I. amtinqlart ahmtliW:
hip, itla mar nhl a,
IT HAS (allhlnlly lalKirad for lhair prmparlty and hailnM, for th Improvement of thalr
Mill lira, aim nniii inu-reaia, lor ouuraiion, lur Hit iavauun 01 uiarirau uiauuuuu auu
Im. arntttatihiMwl
IT BAS inM at the llrralde, tnterpstltif and IiisUmcUv tnrlof the duliiKS of th world, th
nation a'i1 siataa.
IT HAH atvlawl tha larmar as to th most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting hi
rro. anil the proper time to ninvert theia Into Ihe lararat poaalhla amount of nioiief.
Iwl In a I Dialli-is periainiiiK 10 ina welfare 01 laraiors anu viuaaars, aim mr over a uau
a century has held tlii-lr coiilhlsnr and eatein.
New York Weekly Tribune,
And w fyrnlah It with the GAZETTE, on year for
$2.75, eaah In advano.
Addr-a all Order, to THJ GAZETTE.
Write your name and eMrees on a pnetal car.l. aend It tofleo. W. H-et. TMIinn Olflc, Htm
Tork I Itjr, aixl a sample ropf oi in Jear imi nm.j i nnune win ue maueq wi j'lu.
aanaand wp off lart
h?ss Columbia River iiiii! Pud Sound Narisalion Lo
Balem, Or , Deo. 15, 1897.
To Whom it Mat Govcbhk: Tbla is
to say that it gives ms pleasure to com
mend th Oregon Children's Horn
Society, of Portland .Oregon, aa a oh aril
able Institution of great merit and de-
eerviug or enoouragement and hearty
Tbe misaioo of tbe society is
out homeless and neglected
children and plao them under condi
tions which shall improve their miode,
eoltivat their heart aod maks Ihern
indnstrions and useful eilitans. Cer
tainly th duty of reclaiming and
earing for these dependent ebildreo will
find ready response, to generous contri
butions for th support and mainteoaoo
of th loHtituHoil. I nodaratand.
under the supervision ot Rev. I.
F. Tobey, tb society Is oood noted oo
bumsD prlnoiple and eoonomlo
methods, and I cheerfully commend bia
and bis work to tbe public.
Wm. P Loao.
week oo Crawford and Binns, as to tb
result ot their oontest tor elsrk. ' This is
being don by tb friends of tb
spectlve parties aod th candidates bav
no part In it whatever. The Oatett ean
stats thai this is positively tro a re
gards Mr. Crawford. Indasd tb
Oaaett believes that election beta are a
bad thing, and that tbey do oo good,
and often barm. Tbey obang do vote
worth mentioning and only express a
preference that becomes intensified aa
th day approaches for election.
Not oaly is tb slerkship being ooo
tested but it is quit svidenl tber is
quite ficbl all along th line. Alt the
candidates hav friends aad tbey are
working quit diligently. People ar
about evenly divided io opinion a to
lbs float outcome, but a a whole tb re
publican ticket seems to b io tb lead
io Ibisooonty.
Tber ar sum diaaensious, bowsver,
arnoog th republican aod oot few io
tbe rank of those who ar either popo
liat or democrat oo a plaio, atraigbt
lean aod oo fuaion, bot wbo do Dot en
joy th bonds of tb present onion.
Tber is also ao uncertain vol aao Dot
b eon a led this year before tb ballots
ars out.
taks op aod oonflna tb asms forthwith,
giving notlos thereof to tb owner, it
koown, aod if not known, by posting
ootioes, describing such animals Ihsreio,
io at least three publlo places within th
precinct ; and it tbe owner doe not ap
pear and claim bis property and pay all
charges for taking np, advertising, and
keeping the asms within ten days from
th data of this notioe, th sal of th
animals may b proceeded with nnder
the law relating to aetrays.
Coald Not Wear Bhoea.
"I was troubled witb scrofula. I had
aores on my feet ao that I was onabl to
wear shoes, I ssw Hood's Harsaparilla
advertised and read man testimonials
ot cor as of scrofula, and I procured two
bottle. 11 tb time I had taken tbem
my feet ware well. " Tuoma A. Colo-
mam, Davidson, Oregon.
Hood's rills enre all liver ills.
for 20o, by C. L llood A Co.,
a President
VI freldM
a CMr
Ass't Cashier
Trusts I Gtufnl Etdltf P-af a
Oa ail parte of th world
Bought and Sold.
Collar Uo auda M all potiitt
r.aau'ial.1 Ts'att
Nry'.al 4 "lrW4 tnt
at O oa
Minor, Oamr, riappnar rr. atUa,
rtM hip; koraa, M oo left ehoalder.
Moraaa. M. I.. rtappsa. Of. Hn
oa left ahnoUUs eaiua aajnaoa iafl kip.
IM. i. W.. tawW. Or.! tmraaeO tea Iml
ahoaktari noUleaaiMua falit kip.
Parker A Ulaaaoa. HrdavaB.Uv.-Boraa IPoa
paaraon, Oliver: horse branded har and
hieio oa left shoui'lvr, rasa, Klcbt Mile, I
M'rraw rminiT,
4. W.. Itappftae,
tact shoe iimr.
Or -rt.iraae, JO m
taHUa, Q oo rtM hip.
t. O. MapMiar. Or. f'aMla W f na
left tup, eenp oP r,h a"t iiWi la left tear,
iaei a-ir... m von Ian vumuimt,
lknia. 4 A li-vi., mi,a
Ul etvailaV.! aa'lia. 1 .m Ufl ahoalrta.
Tarbae K. W M -vt- t,mH aaptial T
lart fcoi4ar. hi i.m mutj aama a toft ap !
spin ia pvs
O u
Loaviii Al.l'f Htrnrt Ik ck, Portland, f r Atnria, llwaeo, Ig Ikaeh, Oreas
I'aik and Nel.rotla. ihreet 0De'Ni with Uwaoa eteamer aad rail
read; also at Youok's Ltay vttb heaebor Hailroa-I.
Leave Portland 7 A. M. tNatlp. intpt Svindsy. Leave AUf la T f. M. Dally. ire. Kunda;
Leave forliaad P. M Ial!y. ettt in1ay. a'iMay nlhi, 1 p M. !evae Attorls V
illUt.M, ,.(.( eumUy and Monnay. Ki.n.iay ailt J P. M
Leave poniaod and rnns illrari to I o, Ti '"f an1 Thursday al S A. M. HaiufW a f . M
Leave llaao Wa.Jnlar aiHl PiUtar at; ai A. M. Vu kuixUr Bild at f. M.
h?.;t Ctelfi to tikd hm lb Mts 1m 4 Eia
Hlkwavea ea Wkeela.
A wbeelmao of VTeel 4flib street, New
Tork, wa attacisd, robbed aod left
eenaeles by two bigbwaymso Diountod
na blorele 0 Cotral Park. iUpeatsd
accounts of robterie by men mounted
oo wheel hav appeared io lb papers
to virions parte of tbe eouotry. Tboaa
depredators ot tbe health, dieeaee of
lb kidoays and bladder will likswis
eape arreat aod pursue their atrooioo
esreer nnelieckad, nnleaa they ar ar-
rested by th p-.lent lotarveolloo of
Iloetetter's Htomaoh Hitters, th finest
diareetin, a well as Utile, knowo to
modern lime. It la at th start that
lieeaa la tb more) easily overcome.
Tbe nea of fba Itlller I followed by tb
teppioet reenlte I dispwpsi, liver oom
plaint aod Dervousu.
Rmrkbl R.
Mrs. Miobaal Curtain, Plalofl.ld, 111
make tb Statemoot tbat hs caught
sold, which settled oo her luog; sbs
wa treated tor a month by bar family
physician, but grsw wore. U told br
ali wa a hopelee victim of nsamp-
lioo aod tbat oo medicine eould cur
hor. Her drogirlet aungested Vt. Kiog's
New Dieoovery for Ooaomptioo; sbs
bongbl Ixilll snd to bar delight found
tieraair tnflttl from lb first do
Hb eoattoued H na and after taking
sil bottle, found beraelf sound aod well,
now do her owo botisewnrk aod ie as
wall aa sb vr wa. Free trial bottle
f this (treat Discovery al E. J. Hlo
cum e drugstore, large bottle M Mate
aod II 00
P very aody Bay a.
Caanaret Pan. If Cathartln, the moat won-
darf d MLHli.-at d overof Um etra, piea.
ant and ri-fri alnnf In tno taa'e, a t irentiy
pud poa lively on kl liiov. liver and tmwela,
tliatiaina; tli pniir ml' in, dlie rol.la.
fit" lir.aMle. leV'T, .M"lal tntltlln
..! iH.ir.nan'M. I'leae s-ijy ami try a o"
t, ( !, C V ' da IO, ', l 'lit. riiiW Rttd
...fl',r.i. U ..f? l Km tl(h.lsU,
Hreadrally Krva.
(leal: I wa drsadfolly carvoos, and
for rsllst took yoar Cr'i Clover Iloot
Tss. It qoleled my rve eod strength
ened my wbol orvo system. I was
troubled with annsllpatioo, kidney and
bowel trouble. Tour Te hio sleaoaed
Diy system o Iborongbly tbat I rapidly
regained health aad strength. Mr. 8.
A. ttweal, Uartford, Good, Bold by
Cvbser A Waifto, f
Hlakl Mtroag a Morrow.
Prnm tb B. U.
J. T. Ulnkl bas just returned from a
tour of sverv preoinnlio M irrow oounty,
wbsrs hs spoke io conneotioo with that
eounly's onloo party eandidstas, aod re
ports thai It was th mist snootireglng
trip, from political staoJp ilnl, tbat be
ever eiperienceL He seye that although
tb farmer ar jubilant over splendid
orops ysl Ibey do nol give the credit for
their bappinea to the republicaua but
Instead will vol io th in Ureal of lb
future by potting a eroe after etali of
tbe onion party eandidatee' Damn al
the poll oest Monday.
(Mr, Ilinkte I over sanguine The
future cao beat tw providnd fur by up
porting republteao principle, Kn
Ml'Ki IAI. MMl'X
rUi.iH.Or., May 21, WM.
To our patrons: This is to luform
you tbat Mr. J. J. Head is oot now our
baa bewu Io our mpioy a traveling
salamao sine July 1, 107, and w are
ot reaponelbte for nop ot bis contracts
idapoeit paid Io him.
C. V. IIwmop,
Proprietor Halem Wooleo Mill etret
Halem aod Portland. tl:A
Rdaeatetoaf rlawaU Vtlih t ear re la.
aH'ly atbartle. uia ronatlHiiiiM lireer.
Ive, 110 C C.laii, eiufsxM rla4ae.