Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 31, 1898, Image 3

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II mk
IfJM 1 .
Ill St I i S3
This is
It will
Your Appetite,
Puriftf and
Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That
Tired Feeling. Get ft bottle of
Hood's Sarsaptrilia and begin to
lake It TODAY, and realize the great
good It Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists.
Hoi Ye voting; men ol Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune r
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June, .
Then let him treat his voting friends to Spefry's
Linwood Rye, v J.
He'll catch pur voreg if he Wets our throats
c u , 'the voting men are dry.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Sperry.
The Uazette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band bat its circulation
oen be determined at the Heppaer post
office. Advertisers will please note this.
Here and There.
See M. Lichteiithnl k Co. for shoes, a
Chas. Morgan is stfll dangerously ill,
Joe Gibson is on the siok list this
Bob Johnson is eigoyiog a few day of
Heppner life.
Epb Eokelson reports big crops oat on
Social Bidge.
The ticket that yon will yote appears
on the 4th page.
Ed and Clyde Soling were in from
Band Hollow Saturday.
Geo. Huflbrd was in from the Cass
Matlock ranch lost 8 at a rd ay,
Mrs. Jas. Jones and her daughter,
Bertha, leave for the east tonight.
Mr. E. B. Stanton, Staoev Roberts
and other Eight Miters are in town to
Statements for the Famous Simple
Account File printed at the Gasette of
floe. tf.
Link Craddlck and Mr. Wilkenson, of
Eight Mile, were in Heppner Friday
Wm. FitBmuurioe,of Fossil, represent
ing Allen & Lewis, was in Heppner over
The war is on and now you 'should
Bubecribe for the Gazette, The latest
news, always..
Jim Grace, one of the old-time shear
ers, was in town last week, on his way
to Montana.
Those wishing private board can flud
accommodations at the residence of
Mrs. W. J. Leecer. 44 tf
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeota of tue eye, will be here
every three months. G48-lyr
"Co'o juice" is all right but Low Til-
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is bard to beat. ' 603-tf
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vangban'a new plan. 6o4-if,
A. J. Leland, representing "The
Northwestern", was in town Satnrday
looking after freight business,
Best aooommodation and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
A. J. Wherry, who lives op on Balm
Call for Fred Krug to saw your wood,
T. A. Rhea is in Portland on business,
Billy Corson was up from lone pn
last Friday.
'Gene Jones is confined to bis bed
with illness.
What is Hop Gold ? Best beer on
earth, bee ad. elsewhere.
Fred Bartholomew is having a siege
with a oarbanole on bis ceok.
Liobtentbal ft Co. for shoes. Eiclusive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
G. H. Yates, recently of Paget Boned,
has located in Morrow oounty.
P. C. Holland, representing Paoifio
Paper Co., was here Saturday last.
Guinnesse'i famous old "Dublin
Stoat," imported, at Cb'rts Borohers'
"Unole" Chas. Long, fusion candidate
for commissioner, was in Heppner Satur
Jake Young brought in a fine load of
hogs from bis Eight Mile ranoh, on last
Fine home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods
leave your orders, if.
If you need something for your system
Call at the 'Phone The Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tf
Billy Straight, of Little Batter oreek,
and D. H. Grabill, of lone, were visitors
to Heppner Saturday last.
Fred Hart paid S this morning for
the privilege of riding bis bioyole on the
sidewalk. This is an expensive luxury.
Stop that Cough! Take warning. It
may lead to ooDsnmption. A 25c bot
tle of Shiloh's Cure may save your life;
Sold by Conser & Warren. x
A large number of the candidates on
'both sides of the feuoe" attended the
deooration doings at Lexington yester
day. .
Father Briody will hold Catholio ser
vices in Heppner on Jaue 5th. The
members are hereby notified and all are
A free show on tlie street last night
attracted considerable attention. Two
clowns entertained the orowd with tumb
ling, etc. ' , .
W, A. Johnstou and wife are up from
The Dalles to spend the day with their
Did friends. Wra. reports The Dalles in
a prosperous condition. " '',
Karl's Clover Root Tea, f ir Constipa
tion it's the beet and it after nsing it
yon don't say so, return psckaee and
get your money. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
Mrs. J. L. Van Winkle and son, Con
ser, departed for Kheas Hiding last
evening to visit Mrs. Jas. Morgan, Mrs,
Van Winkle's daughter.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure oures
where others fail. It is the leading
Congh Cure, and no home should be
without it. PleasnDt to take and goes
nvht to the spot. Sold by Conser &
One of Dove Uerren's sheepherders.
Geo. Hprowl, tried to play vanquero
Fridas.and the hnrse fell bsokward.
badly crashing one of the yoaug man's
For Constipation tnkp Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Pnriflfr, oures
headaches. Nervousness, irruptions on
the face, and makes tba bead as dear as
a bell. Sold by Oonser & Warren, x
Commissioner Biokett bus completed
a new house on tilt ignt miie ranon,
and will soon move into it. He was in
town yesterday and reports Eight Mile
Mr. E. Minor was taken suddenly ill
Saturday, He bad just returned from
the mountains. Mr, Swinburne was
oalled to atteud him.
Catarrh cured. A clear head and
sweet, breath secured with Button's
Catarrh Remedy: sold on a guarantee.
Nasal in lector free. Sold by Oonser ft
Art Minor and family, E. Minor and
Mrs. Frank Rogera retnrned from the
mountains 8ataiday. They bad a very
W. J.- Brown was over from Butter creek
The Holly club will give a ball at the opera
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Willis were in from Social
Ridge Saturday.
Ouy Matlock was over from tha McDonald
Canyon ranch Saturday.
Mra. I. N. Hughes is quite til. Dr. McSwords
Was called to attend her.
E. M. Wingate, of The Dalles. Visited his
friend, Bert Phelps, this week. .
"Hank" Scherztnger eports sheep doing
nicely and getting ready for the summer range.
The GUzette reminds Its readers that the
town has a splendid orchestra but if it it
maintained it must be supported. Sheet music,
time and instruments cost money.
It . suggested that all thcae who wish to
volunteer in -'Uncle Sam's" service will meet at
the opeia house on tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.
m Gov. Lord will make a call in the near
Hon. John Luce, regular peoples party can
didate for governor, passed through Heppner
Saturday on his way to Jackson county and
'the valley" where he will campaign in the
Interest of pure populism.
Why Some of Our Best Citizens are Interested.
Notable Cases.
It is said that If you wish to interest a man
show him that you have something to sell that
will make him monev. Then how much irrnat-
er must be the attraction when you can place
every individual in possession of a plan that
not only makes liim money, as an investment,
but ac tually protects the family in case of
death. If it is a plain, comprehensive plan
over which there can be no discussion, and
where lawyers and courts can have no opportu
nity to work thereupon, so much the better.
Col. Walker, formerly of Kentucky, but late
of San Francisco, representing the Mutual Life,
of New York, has just such a proposition as will
please. He is showing the people his new gold
bond policy, and it is said to be one of the
jtnest plans of insurance ever presented. At
least, that is the judgment of such citizens as
Silas Wright, who has taken 5,000, Anson
Wright, with 5,000,Mr. A. Wright.T. H. Bisbee,
Frauk Gilliam. John M. Dav unrl I), n .int
and wife, all of whom have Invested in the
Coh's gold bond policy. Many others could be
added to the list, but this is not necessary.
The Col. will remain In Heppner for a brief
period and iatends to give all an opportunity
n uiu uui uue ui tne new policies, wo one will
be slighted.
The Best Bargains-
But are those of greatest value in proportion to cost. If you want to get your
money's worth of honest goods in
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
Hr. C5 TPH01VIFjS01V GO.,
We are increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us.
Is that of plain and decorated
China ware & Queensware At
Gilliam &
And by the way they have anything you can call for in the line of
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
E. G Noble &
Money Found.
iiuuoe is nereoy liiven mat on or
about May 2lBt withiu toe county of
Morrow, state of Oregon, I found a sum
of money which the owner oan have by
proving the same and payinjf the oharges
prescribed by law. C. R. Howard.
Heppner, Muy 25, 1893.
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, and an endlCBS
lof of everything in their line. B. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is due.
Republican and Fuilon Speaking In Heppner
on Last Saturday Evening.
Mr. Miles 8. Jobnsou, a young attor
ney of Portland, oampaigned Morrow
county last week in the interest of the
republican ticket, speaking at Hardman
on Friday evening, and at Heppner on
Saturday evening. He wrs greeted by a
fair audience at tbe latter place and was
closely listened to throughout his entire
address one rf bour. lt nl replete with
unanswerable arguments in favor of the
republioan platform, and wag the means
of doing good, because Mr. Johnson does
not appeal to his audienoe for applause
by soundly ubueing the opposition.
Mr. Johnson spoke at Lexington yes
ter day and at lone lust night, and was
greeted witb splendid crowds at botb
places.' His audience at Hardman was
also of pretty good dimensions, consider
ing the number of voters in the pre
oinct. .
Mr. Johnson will Drob nblv remain a
part of this week and assist the local
ticket in their final oauvuss.
rmios ADDBESS.
Hon. 8. 8. Howard, of Minnesota.
addressed the oitizeua of Heppner, or at
least quite a sprinkling nf those who
did not attend Mr. Johnson's meeting,
efoniel 8u3p5fu1rSirr"i6-W8ra- -fts
listened to attentively but presented
nothing out of the ordinary line. He is
a good talker and holds a crowd..
After the meeting a number of Mr.
Howard's audience dropped in on the
republicons and remaiued until the close
of the speaking.
Mr. Howard loft on the evening traiu.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
was rated "gunner's mate'', third class,
about a month ago. Tell me what you
think of tbe picture in your next letter.
Hoping this will find you well I will
close. Write Boon. Address, J.F. Q.,
care D. 8. consul, Tokobama, Japan.
Word has been reoeived through the
young man's grandmother that he was
slightly injured in the Manila fight,
while his partner lost an arm. However,
this is not verified.
Commencement KXEitciaKS.
Fork, ta taking orden for an ticellent
book and Is succeeding admirably.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at tba Liberty- Meat
Market. Ha paya bigheet market prioe,
W. R. Norway, representing tha Jones-
Paddock Co , a large Han Francisoo
coffae boost, was in Heppner over Sun
day last.
E. O. Noble & Co. arc roatlera after
buaibSM. Tha A iMt aaddlM and bar-
neat to be found io Heppner.
saw ad lo I his iasiM.
Tba crowd caught about
pleasant time.
200 dab.
Geo. French bas started a band of
beep eastward whlob ba will drive to
Wyoming, and perhaps to Nebraska if
be ooncla ies to fred them for the mar
Observe that Ibe tiolice for the re
demptioo of ooo ity sorip, pnlilisbed lo
last Issue, shoold bavs read, "prior t
and including March 1, 18J6n instead
of "1898". Tb mlsiska is evident to
H tbrtr any person, but tbe Ostetta makes this
tf. statement so tbat do reader of this paper
Orant Co. Nsws: Tba grand jury of " matter.
Harasy county found a true bill of in
diotmeot against E. I Oliver wbo killed
Tatar French, charging bira with man
Tba Gasi'ttit eamea a full slock of
mourning aola, eorrespoodeooa stfle,
with anvalooea to match. TWa desiring
A Oeorgia mn who was sxpre'ad o
dia recently lived aaotlw da? or two In
older to bavs lis funeral sermon preach
ed so ba xuld hear it. Us should bavs
savrd binwslf Ibis tronble by going Into
politics and reading tba newspaper.
J. W. Morrow arrived boms on Hun-
Aa Ancient Custom.
From Republican Traveler, Arkansas City, Kan.
Pilgrimages to some shrine of Ht,
Vitus, to oura tbe disease k no i as 8t
Vitus' dance are no longer made. Tbe
modern way of treating this affliotion is
within reach of everyrnne, as is shown
by the experience of Karl A. Wsgner,
tbe eleven-year-old son of -Geo. Wagner,
of 515 Utb St., Arkansas City, Kan. Tbe
father tells tbe story as follows:
"Over a year ago," he says, "Karl wai
taken witb St. Vitus' dance and con
tinued to trow worse during bve months
be was under a physician s care. Uis
ton ens beosme paralyzed and ws could
not understand a word be said. He be
osuis very thin, lost tba use of bis rigbt
leg snd seemed doomed lo become a
hopeless invalid. Wa bad about given
op hope heu Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People were recommended to
my wlla by a lady whose daughter bad
bt n cared of a similsr affliction by tbe
"I bought a box of them at onoa and
aoon do
tlosd a
cbaogs for
tha better
Id Karl',
Condition. I
wss so wel
pi s a s a fl.
tbat I got
mora of
them, and
h aa ba
bad takn
va boxes
socb stationery can bavs their wsots dsy's stags from tha interior, where ha
supplied at this office. If.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tba "lied
light," sver id tba alert for something
asw, can furnish o tba Onset cock
tails ia tba land Maobstwa, Jersey,
Yarmouth or Oia-md by aa artist in
Ida holiness. Droo la and take ths
tasta out of onr eaouib. tf
Frank McFsrUnd ba beo sppolnM
Special agent f Ths Fuit able l.lfe A
arenoe Co- "f N Yrk, b strougi
lo tba world. Cb surplus to Miry
tinLtara o( ovsr 50 Bsiiliut dollars. IWl
tska loiorsoea wtihval sMog tha n
tJ tha Eanitahl. insnrsa l-lh
st sa at seme rst. ?7if
Hid keeping !' Irgt
nsat rf endi, troHs, eigsrs aal
Botiitea t ba fonod any whs rw In ths
aitf , Jas. Ilat torn able M supply
yea. ith lbs 1' inland dailies sa l all
Ilia atagannee and pwtudL !, bMb f"-tig-
and doavaHc. If ' weal r-1-tag
saatU. fta Jim a tall el tb-fiepp-ar
Candy Faamry.' .
tlM4 i
I Bjsiaask la
bad boen looking after votes. Mr. Mor
row thinks tbat ba is all rigbt over
tbsra. Billy. oa know ws csa't tell till
lbs count is over.
Juk M.tlork renorta that Its Moir
Millard Frrnsb, Bo Watkioe.Oties. Br
dry snd Wa. Padbsrg bsva goaa ovar
ths pars to lbs Ukrs, st the bead ut tbs
Tukoa, sad tbat they will float down
a as ths ins brvsks. Joos llms sad
John Lyons arc at Hkaj;.
On Thntsdsy H. MaSwor-ls
Sailed ta Ila t bold a p"t smllioi
ismlnaiiua tbs resaams of tba two-
ysr-4l rhil l rf K-ob tysrry. Its cms
bad Iwfll -d all ths pbraiss snd was a
vert brcellar ike, Tli usialssik.B
b'iwal rlamats M grw dires of tl
sbtnscb. Tbs walls asfs uss half leeb
ll.i. k.
Mis ru1lt, rpi.r w..B,s. urn
kUy baa appnluOd U .fir (s alrsas of
Tamtma, Waa. It ! s.id Ibst thus fsr
tbs bas do.a r"l fctsplag all ra-
a rd prtaing to tha eitaete ship
plot bnaaM af tba tity la prfsrl
hai-s, 8hs b -a tris-'a at tba barbtff
tbatrt"S lep-'rt I" l '. 'b irat ra.
p-,f of tba kiat sv mala ant bf aa
jh.tr.na t 'irsu -AHe'i rf.
Occur at the Opera House on Laat Friday
K filing Hoodly Number freseut.
The comraeooent exercises at the
opera bouse on last Friday evening,
May 27, 1898, were witnessed by a large
number of our citizens, representing the
parents and friends of tbe participants.
The programme wns excellently ar
ranged, and was very interesting
throughout, all participating doing
themselves great credit. Tbe Qrzette
$68 W'pftiflflf'Yrt &ofxNteiwir'.ni
merits of tbe efforts of those who as
sisted in instrumental and vocal ruusio,
or otherwise. Suffice to say, that this is
the largest class ever graduated out of
the Heppner high school, and it seemed
tbat everything was suspicions for The
young people wbo participated on tbat
evening. Everyone reoeived numerous
bouquets from friends or relatives in
the audience, and 1 1 addition, Willis
Smith was tbe reoipieot of a splendid
diamond ring of which be is justly
Judge Lowell's address was splendidly
RDDrecialed. and ba bas tbe thanks of
every friend of tba school for the inter
est manifested.
Tbs program rendered was as follows:
Instrumental snln, Old Black Joe," Mrs,
Herbert baitlinlnniew.
Address, indue 8. A. Lowell.
Oration, "I'lietry," Cora Hsrt.
Oration, "lhs Tids ot froiression," Ioltls
Chorus, "From 8ea to Sea, school.
Oration, "Culm," Willie Hnilla.
Oration, "AdvsrUsemenU," Flora Farns
worth. Mala quartlt, "Ths Oolillnt'll Get You II
You Uon't WaU'h Out," Mews. M L. Akera, M.
L. Akera, W. C. Howard, V. M. lloward, M. B
1'VimTha Seven Roads." Ethel Wallirldse.
Oration, "Beyund tbe Als Lie Thin Italy,"
Ilalicl Herren.
Chnrua," Ws Come With Sonsi,"Select Octette.
VslediHnry, Mamie Karmworth.
Prewntiitloii ol diplomas, prealdeot o( tmard
Addrcu loclaw, W. C. Howard, prllicil.
Class sons.
Benediction, Rev. Hhrller.
Memorial Day Number o the Ledeer.
Tbe Memorial dBy number of tbat ever
popular weekly, tbe New York Ledger,
presents a combination of piotorial and
literary attractions tbat make a strong
uppeal to patriotic readers. A beautiful
piotnre of a returned veteran olssping in
bis aims bis grsnddangbter, forms tbe
cover. A large donble-pege pioture of
the Oregon end ber commander, Captain
Charles F. Clark, and ber senior officers,
is given on the center pages. Tbe har
bor of BavBra and tbe celebrated Morro
Castle, tbe fortress snd dungeon ot the
Spaniards, and a historical and descrip
tive article, witb illustrations, fills an
other attractive page. An eloqnent de
scription of tbe battle ot Lake Erie, by
tbe celebrated American historian,
George Bancroft, a timely and interact
ing republication from an early number
ot tbe Ledger, gives an scoonnt of one
of tbe greatest naval viotories In our an
nals. This number of tbe Ledger calls
attentirn to tbe inventor of tbe monitor,
Theodore R Timby, LL D., of Philadel-
Who B0tnPD0Vt)r-niiuiflif-iw -
failed to rccdve the honor and just
recognition of his oonntrymen for an in
vention which saved tbe ooontry in an
hour of extreme peril, and revolutionized
naval warfare throughout the world.
That have come in just lately.
Some exquisite patterns in summer
wash goods Percales, Zephyrs,
Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies'
Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties .
In the Shoe Department
yW...There has been some new arrivals
0 One line to sell at $2.50
Another sells at $3.50
O . Still another sells at $4.00
Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin
ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They
are actually away down below cost. There's
nothing wrong with them. . .
XvIClEIDlIvaHiVIv fc CO.
They have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you cot a
good article when they guarantee it. ' 8
Old Stand, Main Strsat Repairing a Spaolalty
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. - Rates reasonable
Ileantv la lllooil lleep.
mmin 1,1,1(11 memiB a rlcnu skin. No
beauty without it. Casarets, Candy Cathiir-
tic clean your dioou aim Keen u cieun, u
Htirriim nil the luzy liver and driving all im-
iniriti from the hodv. itt'ilin to-dny to
hiiniKh ninmles. hoils. hlotclicH. blnekliends,
and that sickly bilious complexion by takint
t.'ascaretH, henuty for ten cents. Ail orug
giU, satiafaction guurantecd, 10c,2oc,60c.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
T T 7
Few Thought That are RoKKestrd by ths
M oilers Use of Uedlelaes,
The lust deoade ot all others has
proven to oi tua Danner ooa oi ine
ooontry. Every department of civiliz
ation baa made advances tbat canoot ba
compared Id common percentages. Its
proper computation in a mathematical
way is entirely oat of the question, and
tba writer or speaker Is left to rspitu-
late Ibe (rest growth as best bs can Id
words. It is beyond tha power of
imagination, try tha best we oan to com
prebend it
If you have not yet realized that the
, "good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers' 4
Warehouse I1
A uonelasa Invalid.
ths dumase dlssppeered.
that ass s i month ao and tbara
bas bseo on return of tba disease. Tbs
ore was ffctnel and permanent, snd I
feel satisfied tbat no other medicine
enald bavs prod need at mervalnue a re
sult, ws leal rejolerd over tha restor
ation of oar ton, and cannot help but
t-el that Dr. Williams' I'los Till f..r
fata I'eopis are tba most rrmsiksblr
mullein no tbs market."
No dieVf rr of modi-ra llmse has
proved surti a blsMing In mankind a
lr. Williams' Piol 1'illsfor I'als 1'eople.
Aetinf direeilv on tbs blond sad nerves.
iavlgiiratlna tbs '.rfxly, regulatma th
funsihios, thay reatnrs thsstr-ngtb and
bralib in the eihanst I i-.tient when
very s-ff.trt it ttiS pbjrsiaiao provss tin
I'hesM pills srs Sold to tx l-s at V
wnis a bi or all hosa fur i m, ami
may t had rf sll trtif ifil. n ctiret h
mail from lr. Williams Ul'Ol is
Kphflvtady, N. T.
Tha Sura La Grippe Cure.
Tbara is no use suffering Irom this
dresdful mslsdy it yon will only get tba
right remedy. You are having pain sl
through yonr body, jonr liver is out of
order, bsvs no appetite, no life or ambi
tion, bave a bad cold, lo fsrt srs com
pletely used op. Klsctrio Bitters are lbs
only remedy tbat will give you prompt
and snrs relief. Tbsy sot directly on
yoor iivr, stomsoh and kidneys, tone op
tbe wbula system snd msks )on feel liks
s nsw bslns. Tl.ey srs guaranteed to
ours or price rfutded, For sals st E.
J. Hlocom's drag store, only 50 oeats per
Is tho tilaco to store vour wool this season. Whv? Iio
c&um we do a strictly warehouse businesa. and not beinc in
Tbe invention or appiuration of steam tjie field buyiiii! wool ourselves, wo ciicouraifo competition
in locomotion and in the great monsters amonc8t the buvcru and secure you the hichcHt price.
of energy wbloh dris our fsctoiies and " " .
mills were wonderful, but tba power of I " " sailing wool aaras ami twins ai enai, payams no wool is sum. aeiiu in your orner
stssm was known to tbs aneieots, even I Vjy the hlshe pri lor hf rlis ent tMs.
to the Chinese. The oae ot elec tnoity, dlin-.n the nurkt.
n. .1 U.t Inn nf ila sriat bast r I f-f lsht to Immslar when rHMt1 tiido so hr owners ot want,
or at least somellilng or IIS great powsr, I w.Uvi a lull supply lwt Brleyan.l whit. alsonimm Killrl Hirley tor Immstora.
lilrect your tmtniiert Xa un lower watenoiMi. w s (uiraiiiei yu a square utii.
R. F. HYIND, Manager.
was nmieraio)a nr pniiosopiiBrs m
CentoriiS back, snd was bandied by
Benjamin Franklin as a coachman
drives bis tests by reins, more than a
century and one-half ago. And yet Its
practical vslua becsms evident lo Kill
a .e it . la a a
sn, lieu ana oinsrs not more into II 00(1 1 nU IlOUSe
twrnti-Dve yssrs sgo. ws sa mat tne
rauld nrogrrss has beso msds la tbs
prft, Mt
If-hu, Tony
(,..(1... I,
KnnmB. tr M A
M.Mrf. M 4 I
WU'n riMlag for Ik
lKi, Mil., T
imr. ri
H'a w R
I S. t,Tsi K
j sr
ii,lf I r-l
i . ' ? t
, a ii i.i, -. i
1 iUIIai a leas.
Wl.m fiw.le twv, try, snd l-fir asim. i'
P1NM II t t Mlwliol. Ill" J''l'''' .l t.l
( M!d Miln sr fi'iw njirs t .,(
t inly CatWI'e t lie nt'r nl I It.'f I
!-,. a i-r and il i I I i' " r m '., l
S.. rt It l', n '
Vn ! fi' r I'll- in I ! v'i' ' ! t- i
r,'SMlt erll ll" Hl li'Ulid A'i
Meetings will be Md in thla aoonty
by the osia party at it will bs add'sssed
by lhs Several different speakers SS lul
("leli.tm Davis will spsak at Ions
H.lanlay. Jena 4'b. at 2 'nlek p. m.
snd on ths same dsy at llppor at H
o'plne k P. m.
Iliw. H. H. Ilowsrd, i f MiapemtS, will
spiak at lirppuer 8 May 'iHih, at
o'clock p. ni.
i T. Hinkls, Vq. , ran lidata ftrdis
Irirt stiomay of thiadiatrlctand tbe swa.
didsUs fr rnunty pfflees will spsak la
lb ssvsrsl prseloei of the ononl, es
I'lss Ctiy, Tnasdsy, Msjr 21, at o
o'el'fk V . ..... L
Maa, Ws-lrwwdsy, Msy a... at i orKa
p, ra.
MaiMMKia, inarsiiT, wit '
A'elrrk o. m at J. W. Morrow's rsack.
ifardaiaa. Tbarsdsr. Mat 'A, at R
ft'iMoek P. s.
Right MiUt. frid sy, Msy J7,at 1 o'rlnrk
9 lj rrk, rHsy, Msy 2?, at o'clock
p. m.
Ooagtss, Katnrday, J, at 1
e I'x-k D- ta.
BEDS 28 and 60 Centa.
GEO. C. UOMK, Prop.
last twenty yssrs. ir
In tba application of msdioinss, Ibsrs C'Xl tlOOr U) Wkt iiouw,
bss heno grssler progress than lo either
,ins almve mentioned, bsraosa tha nss
snd sppliestioa nf mmlrra rsmedies wss
little known until comparatively a fsw
tears SKt. The tima was ba ths
patient wss dragged to dstb In stpsrl.
meats. Tbs symptoms were of little
veins sa a goids to ths armsssry treat
ment A diSKnoais nf a can and tbs
selenlifiu spplwaliin nf medicines wss
Chas. W. Ingraham,
Assayer and Analyst
Main Htreet, Heppner. Ot.,
At Conar A Wtrrsa'a Drng Htora.
Anatysia of orcg a gpccialty.
for I&faaU ud CMUrea.
Bi IM Yea Han Always Bought
Gibson & Borgor,
At Chas Junes' Old fund.
Hhnvintf. - 1C CU.
Unir OuttinK. - Si5 "
llallm 2 Kvcrything Strict
ly Kirnt t'la-o.
anknowa and erHisqtantly bot nswt.
All physislsns anw sgrse Ihil lhs old
mthds nf "$ntt" is wrnng, but euros
still adhere It tbs todiaarimlriat km of
drags worsw Ibia tb astnal dtassM,
IH. MsTgurila ()arny aas natars's
rimvdlea, mdlelties nmls (mm lisius
sad plants. 11 they doa't enra tbsy
don't kitL But shs rsrtdy fells ta help
end thousands Mss bet ff I sr gnod
Hba cbargss fr bar msdiAiei, only.
sod aid for any se'vtcsa shs Bilght rsatsf.
Hba ettso l sa ls to tie raantry, Offloe
wo doors aoatri of tbs I'slee bolsl.
Ta ti'S mnllialiiMi
j( i) C '.' f ' i ' ' i'"i
HtrtRurAN kurtnoa.
The following rspaldioaa mattings
will be bald io Ibis cnoaty i
iXiaglas, ross-tsy, Msy 31, 10 o'clock
a. rt.
Dry Fork. Toes.lsy, Msy 81, I'M
u'rloek p. m
V.labt Mile (LiUftyl We.lna4sy,
Joaal.l, liWp. m.
ItatJmaB. Wsdassdsv. Jane let at
7 30 a, m.
UttMM. Tlmrslsy. Jane S. IJW
p m.
I ii.tardat Jaas 4. 1 1 a. Ml.
f'..t, .!( fr rm at v i flie and
( ,.i in iiimIiii alll be i;esrtit. 0imS
Leat .11, - M
Mathews & Gentry,
V vs
V V v
Imp Umn Sirtitti nl P.kI. Si.,
totmlf el rSdllnn
i uiibui iai in iiait
thavlftf. ,
Hals Cattlaf,
15 Casts
18 M