Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 31, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, May 31, 1898.
The time for campaign lies is
mi i j i
now st nana, ine Drana on a
campaign story is usually so thin ,
that one can see through the ruse.
But none are so blind as those
who want to be deceived.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band but its A vote for E. L. Freeland for
circulation can be determined at representative is a vote for the re
the Heppner postoffice. Adver- turn of a republican senator from
win nW note this. O.egon. It is a vote for the con-
Xhe Gazette had hopes that tinuance of the good time, are
the local political affairs could be w eDjoyin
oiaH this vear without resort
fhfir side. Jmv Shinlev ia a Morrow couuty
llU U1I Ij iilCVLlVV40 V - I J
It looks now as though this wish boy, educated in the schools here,
of ours will not be gratified. The ftnd should be again honored with
Gazatte is unreservedly foi the tbe superintendency of our schools,
republican ticket. But it does not .ji
believe in neighborhood quarrels, pAY ijamilton ja a splendid
and it does not propose to quarrel ftn(j wouJ(j mftke a g00(j sner.
with the opposition, n ou wo .g. Daye ifJ wortny 0f tue support
other hand, after this respectful o hia party and hifJ friends.
consideration, any candidate of .
that side proposes to launcn mm Go rf Cuban
inTOoiuB8uyUJr--r---- iB i8suin(, a weekly bulletin for
filth, either directly or fte information of the soldiers
this paper win expose and loyal CQban8.
the battle on the lines marked out . ' .
tn thA bitter end. The Gazette
is not afraid to say what it thinks, i)H. Hunlock, of Heppner, is
but peace among neighbors is an ijeal man for coroner. Besides,
always best, aDd this paper has he is a hard-working, representa
lnsisted that our republican friends tive republican.
so conduct their canvass. It is ,
' not right, however, to hold a man 0uR county ticket ia one 0f the
who is being unjustly and violently b t eyer t bejore tbe pe0pe it
assailed. We will not do it. deserves the support of the people.
.. , ., . v,on J. L. Howard represents eco-
Utra trienas, me tjuoiujr, t
!, "Union Partv Column" in nomical administration of county
the Times with the following: "A affairs. He should be re-elected,
fnr rnrsonal Worth -
X if vwfj- i
WnRlth or Vote the ticket, republicans. It
ttUtl JJUU JJDouou w. ' I
Slush Fund Producers All Up- is the only way to preseive the
right, Honest Citizens, vvoriny organization auu us pimuipico.
the Suffrage of All HoneBt Reform
Are too busy to . suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first,
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
Republican Candidate for State Superintendent of Schools.
- '
- I .
Voters." This certainly does not
slur our splendid ticket for there
is not enough money in the treas
ury of the republican committee
men to meet the legitimate print
ing expenses.
Vawter Cbawfoud'b standing
in this community, after many
tioora' ronidonnn. is of the beBt It
is commented on by even his po
litical opponents. He has no ene-1
mies he deserves none. He is
also one of the best clerical men
in Morrow county. His experience
has been such as to fit him for any
position where good, clean scholar
ship is needed.
Mat Licbtenthal does not
claim that he is the only man run
ning who would take care of the
county's coin, and show up every
cent of it when called for. But
Mat's long residence here and ex
tensive acquaintance makes him a
mighty handy man to vote for.
Is it anybody' business,
If a gentlemao should ohonee
To wait upou a lady,
If tbe lady don't refuse!
Or, to speak a little plainer,
That tbe meaning all cany kuow,
Is it anybody's business
If b lady Las a beau?
In it anybody's business
When that gentleman shall cull,
Or wben be leaves tbe lady,
Or if be leaves at all?
Or is it necessary
Tbat tbe dictates bhould be drawn,
To BBve from further trouble
Tbe outside lookers-on?
Is it anybody's business
But the lBdy's, if her beau
Walks out with other ladies,
And does not let ber know?
Is it anybody's business,
But tbe gentleman's, if she
Should nooept snotber escort,
Where hedoesn't chance to be?
We, the undersigned teachers of Morrow county, be
lieve that the office of superintendent of schools is
; the most important elective office in the gift of the
; Pe?i?!ei u W. fh ffiarihers are ODDOsed to
Superintendent Shipley, and on account of hy? impar-
X nfflniont. ar,fl ftnfirp-etic work, do hereby heartily
endorse him.
... mm? TlTT "Q .
liothaton the 28th day of Apr! , 1898. the
partnership between the undesigned ww . dlSj
solved by mutual consent. Aftr that date an
obligations made by either of the parties must
be settled by the one incurr ng hf -ame
April, 1898. n preLL.
i j in "
. nn niTtll rTT1
li ularly Issued out of the circuit court, for
Sorrow county, Oregon, the following derib.
w nwK of sec. 10, in tp. 6, C I, I & E. w M..
win be sold at private saie lor cmu '
Bids on the above described property wuT be re
ceived at the office of Ellis & f helps until the
25th day of May, 1898
I 44 53 April iom, ioyo. HAW
Assignee oi J. J. mcubo, jumi
Ir the republican party can win
its battle m state and concreBBion
al affairB this year it can subsist
under any circumstanceB. With
treacheiv in the Btate organization
and weighed down with Himon's
oorruDt manacers. it is handi
capped beyond expression.
0. Q. Morey,
Carl Troedaon,
Delia Reed,
Mrs. E. C. Gorton,
Mrs. M. L. Oney,
Mrs. L. A. Pickard,
Mabel Glasscock,
Ada M. Gentry,
W. L. Counor,
; Maud Bush,
' J, K. Adams,
! Beth Thompson,
; w. o. uui,
Eva Brians,
Mollie JohnBon,
Ada Jones, .
Mary Barker,
A. Hodson,
Nellie Holman,
Cora Driskell,
Dona Barnett,
. Myrtle Hornor,
Alice Glasscock,
Lulu Tasb,
Mrs. M. A. Fuqun,
J. H. Hornor,
, Jennie Kincaid Wool ery,
, Blanche McCormiok,
Emma B. Cummings,
Charlotte Shipley,
Josie Hastings.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Offics,
t a nnHa Orpirnn Anril 2fj. 1R9S,
NN Elder has filed notice of intention to
finoi nrnnf hefore J. W. Morrow,
day of June, 1898. on tin iner ffi Ei ffl
No. lor 115 iiwt, "--g
. i. : V .. a .anon V II 97 N . W . M.
He names as wiuictj. r
R-vtor. 'ewton Whetstone, Luclnda Elder, all
of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. BAKlLJii i.
bti-ot .-
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
If a person no (be sldewslk,
Whether ernst, or wbetber gniHll,
Is U Bnyboily's businsss
Where that person means to call?
Or it yon see ft person
While he's Oftlllog soy where,
Is it any of yonr business
What bis business msy be tbereT
Tbe snbslsooe of my qnery,
Himply eUtert, would be this: ,
Is it anybody's business
Whst snother's business 1st
Whether 'lis or whether it isn't,
We should rsslly like to know,
For we're certsio, it it iu I,
There ere some who make it so.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thk Dalles, Obeoon,
of her intention to make final proof in iiupport
ol ner ciaini, anu umi p,... .
hafnM J ' w Morrow. County Chsrk, at Heppuer,
'C gon, on Saturday, June IS, 1898, vie:
JOBie riw:nr, ui uui -rr-
No. 4)4, for the n4 us sec. 5, and n4 w)i ec.
4, In. 1 H , r. 24 K. W. M.
her continuous remdence upon and cultivation
of nald land, vis: rrea w. naniKfr, hiwhu
Keller, A. J. McVay sud faul oaniger, au w
lone, Oregon. nrtD
S. Bl"i"""l
48j Kegiier.
iiHlil War Book
By Oonaressmsn James Ksokin Youni?.
Ait .iw,., wnr with Soain. tbe navy, an
defenses, Ble ships, etc. Portraits
and bkareph!es of Dewey ana an promi-
m.. Nearl 600 paass. Massite
tolnme. Msrvelonsl cheap. ue
aotborship. Only antbentio, offlolal
i. i. nfxt neoessary. Any
i uoua.
ua. .n .n it. Ladiea are suooessioi
I liwu . .
as Bsnlenn- w -' lh- Ure", ,0"
i..n- hnnk Arm in America. n
IIUIiy.n'H "
n. iFifi. naranns are employed lo our
eorrespondeoee department alooe, to
..... -nn nnr book is last oou uo
sgenoy now and b- flrs n be field.
Tbe Southern Paoipo got to " coonH ,
money for currying ma troops Mtrg bsf, bnu-ning bogni notes of " Bi ,
from Portland to UallforniR. lUe (he goferoment of the island onttl tbe " kuowo. Most liberal
roadbft land grant road, and by amount, it i.ssid.bM reached w' gaM,nteed. AenU making 7
the terms of the grant all troopa or " -" to pr day. Twenty days oreaii
the United 8UtM and their .up, rhWaSoiH -'"SEa
i . i f ..... . , ,k .. ..,. i. nn.imihtrit. hn it i 4A. Hutmdid sRmpl ontfll ana 1011
i ira .re ...... t(j j, niMlli . aroret , but P"; instructions free for oio. 2 cent stamp.
vauey jmiwr. fet, that the service mat uostenere
i Htcmsah Hitters does tbe wssa, nervous
and dyspeptto IS ul Kennina tsius.
Tnmf ia tiA WltTIItnrlni)(l llt'IWOPn I Tl... hun frntn lima 111 time COUD-
. . . r i ,..futi ni it lint ilia miniainra Dtita 01
F. J. Dunbar ana iiamaon ,v. ,nJ-,b. -tllnetu of
KlDOaid ft CftudalHten for inore- Ht. wrg tin. ib Iront .r nol
... t t I I .Manaasfn w limlkltl I Ilt Ifllllfl AlVaHl-
tary of atate. uunt.ar i. a c.oan J-;;' ,.,.,,
man while Kincaid ! tainted with rbenmstism, liver eomplsiol and dys-
i.' ii. ;....n itrDsta.
CimOVIBIU. US ISClmnu uiiuuh
votes to land him back into oflico.
Drsfneas Csnsot be Cored
bv loosl Btplioatioas, as they cannot
reaoh the diseased portion, oi toe ear.
There is only one wsy to core deafness,
and that is by oonstitional remedies.
Deafness to caused by an inflamed oon
dition of the mucous lining of tbe eu
tachian tube. When this tube geta in
flamed yon bave a rambling aonnd or
imperfect hearing, and when it la en
inaari riaafnMia ia the result, and
tun vi i '
unless tbe InUammsiion can oe nun
.i ..,1 thia in ha rastored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever j nine cases out of ten are oaused
by catarrh, wbioh is nothing but an in
flamed oooditlon of the mucous surfaces.
We will give no hundred dollars for
any oase of deafness (oaused by catarrh)
tbat cannot tie oared by Hall's Catarrh
... fnr lrnnlani. fraa.
' ----. .
V. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, u.
IW Sold by druggist, 7Bc. .
2- A good,
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
Heppner, Oregon-
M. oi urfKn, ir .wui v"ii-
Io the matter of the eatate ol w imam toi, uo-
-. L. i I k.Hnff liann .rtnninted bv
. . ... . v. . u... nl ftMojin mr Mnr
ine couniy cuunm uib dm,v ... y. . .. .
row county, aaininuiraMir ui "
u im.m I', ,T HHnn'd. notice ii herebv given
. .. . ... ' i i -1 1 ...... h . t-1 n ur i al ml
vo ine creoivom ui.aimaii ri ..-..-n -"2
1 . . . 1 1 .1 ....I ,a nniMnl thIH VWlflM
a.requireo vj u. ..--. -lirnt
uublloation ol thla notice to aald adminla
trur at hi, place ol realdencs eight miles south
ol lone, Oregon.
Administrator ol tbe eitate ol William Cox, de-
reaned. ..
tl.trf U 12th. IH'JK. w-ui
to pay postsg. Mention this paper.
Monro Book Co., 1P. MChiosgo.Ill.
51 54
MAUNinrKNT orrttt
Backless Arsiea Halve.
The Best Salve in tha world for Cnts,
nrniaaa. Hores. TJloers. Bait Rbenm,
Fever Borea, Tetter, Chapped Uaods,
Chllblaina. Corns, sou all Bi n Erup
tions, and positively corea Files or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
Derfeet satisfaction or money refunded.
Pries 25 cents per bni. For sal by
glocom Drug Co., E. J. Blocum, maoagsr.
J. F. W'lLLIH liaa sorted ths
county fftithfully onefl as rwHeasor,
ami ii lit to b& i loottHl to the Maine
.!artA miuin 1 I lam rrtn1 All Bill.
ditr does him uo injury at this
a. T
tune wheu llui pKtrtotisin vl our
peopltt is iMMUg jmt U the tent.
Tut (i A7.ETTC has no uso for
the rrimblican lartjf's alata orcau.
katiou. They ill "throw dou"
the whole ticket for Hiroon, To
rariv the Hteel-Glass hmd and
thru in would l o a victory worth
Ot H candidate for etiunty school
auiM-rtiitiMiilt'iit i the rout Ur r
tiublicau noiuiuoe and is dw uving
m such of the vtits or In parly.
As au edtiealoi, he should hats the
h. lp of all iuti'rtil"d iu 'U utlid
On of AmcricA'i moit U-
moui ohTildAru WTtt "Scrof- S
f t
wU Ii cittrnal eomumption. S
Scrofulous chiUrcn arc often x
. . ... .... , . . 1 a.
bcautilul children, dux mcy
f lack ntrvt force, it f on gbonti,
. ft t . - A
m stout muscUl ana power to
chilJrtn thert U no remedy
a ai w
Scott's Emulsion
llos. A. W. (Iowax Las lo
tried for four years as our slate
abator hinl 1m lxs-u ru lrs l y
hi irty who hate again !sf.
2 of Gxf-livcr Oil with l!ypo-
t It fills out the skin by putting
.1.. K.-.V 4 Kw malt Inir rich if
Ik.vI. It ereatej an srrxtite
fne food an J rim the bod r
4b (wwer enouffh todimt (L Be
I sure you get SOOTTS Emul-
J .. otf A So T. X
Evert use subscriber of the Oa
..iia. or old uns renewinir, HI St
as a prrmuim a oPT of "The Oreat
IJrbate" bttween !Irr and Ilarvey.
This was one of tbe greatest con
tests of ths kind in this sue. Ths
financial question Is promlneot lo
iuim an.l tna want this bHik. It
It bouoJ nestlv in Taper and retells
f, r 50 cents tbe world over. Coma
earlr tutors all tbe premluma are
' . . I.
gut, a. TnS lovreinirm i -Seab.
Tut Patts'i rv: o.
Notice of Intention.
M-4 May a, inw. nuT .it.. ... . n '
the loltowlng named sHtler baa filed notirs ol
her IntenUou to make final proot In support of
her claim, and that aald prool wlll ba mads
wliira J. W. Morrow, Oounty Clerk. at tleppner,
ai 1 1.. lit ItitMt mim
Uregou, on rnuij, ""
uixKiK 11. ANDREWS. of Heppner:
Homrttnd ppllrtion No. 074, (or ih SEH
i t I l: U IM K W II.
. ..i.i..a mutn iii4 AiiKl vattnti
hor srtiiiiiiiiiiiisi mitit-ii -
ol aald land. vt: A. O Bartholomw, Vt'tllUm
B. rtlilfty. Allen a. ttixixi'm mm iww" .
Hind, .11 oiuepsner, Oregon
VA7. Rtalr.
MumiiTmi Itnarala With raaearata.
Caol Cathartic, eura ronatlpatma iorer.
100. Ii U C C. Utl. druggiais Mum rnonej
iruooo g
Mii'illil tie In rVKfV lamtty MSJ.
mrdiolne rnr.i ami every sism
Uaveller'a grip. The V ara 1 Ilia?)
all unf WMtbMa, him m m
Tiers Will a S Tl al PU S Or-v
Tl,a Morrow CwtH'tf iwds
thk n ari l rrorat or tei STAli
Matilda M-oll, riatiitiir,
Harrl4 i-r. rvtrndanl.
a Harrtft xtrarr, il Nmim
In ih nam ( tlx taia al Ore tin ara
....im.! I .iiiMf mmt aaa.r lh mmi
hUIil S rd tsiiwt i In tha ahova aitttlp4
A complete stock of pure and fresh druga al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
' xl
Oi presenpuons.
We are recttvlnc a New Invoice ol Oooda almost err day. Onr Rapidly
Incmuinn trade denanda It, mnarqiiantly Our Cuetomera receive
their Drug Pur and Freeh.
Our Stationery
Is Completo
lioiipner give xtm anil
Notice of Intention.
... ft...... i .da. una. riksnoK.
XTOTIC8 IS HEKICnT Ollt7i imi inn
hlilnlntlint.tnak final pronf Iu SHPl-'rt ol
hlarlaim. and that aald pr.x.1 will b mad b
on, at Iti'i-pwr. rfn. on inna 24, l"S, via:
tiit..t.i Md So S7l. I.r the yW.
n u i K. ft. M.
Helam- ths tulloainf wuna-a-a w prnT,
1.1. ,i. ,,,,. rp.ldnra ni'ii and rnltlvatlon
of Mid land. La,-7 MMr7
k.' . ...SvawMil J 1 1 n 11 art 11 U'tiiu, ava tm -'a- 1
iui.. si 1 ...t r". w 9twn trfi
vi Haaiatar.
Slocum Drug Co.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
TumX ds the Star Brewery beer.....
eoateatton eill b. bel l at IVllrrs Drove. 1 1
t.Mirt and fill ua u tha Srat UT ol !'
Irrw r.i Hiti ihhiii tai en ir
Tbrl.y.JsSa.lH;.l.i lts -'b all
furw-f oavaaiions. IM norma j
obnols of Motrevr tNtoolf fcsve b-ea
beasflitaa Bvb I f each T.sriy BMUer
1st, and it S eipeeled that IMS fear's
aoavantioa will I s enee-t,n
of t)aUlt IIRli ' . ... ,l.ta,l y.w m. tmm jl llatr.tkfMr. UrstttA
a t- ..1 iKa slsMiir lit LrINitl m wm t
progrsM this eer. Io rVt, IU tt-r.
wa vrill be 01 imprvwi'i-j
to s eattaia eiWl.
a v,ic ril dieaee is lo fwrm a sr-i.
lid fr.tnra Pf lh ds s etiymee.;
a MH ii ,r l , l and It fiw Nil
t.. to aii.ar. '..if aaul u.r..,! plalnillt alll ap
ply lir a 4triM Mil f in plaimis tn una in
Im f( tha nai 4 at tttta M ta a aertlon
... 1.1. , ..hi, ....... n ft .1 M 1 ,n I m.l 11 .
and authorlrli S plaii lin t r-n Htla !
ih aaata la t am a in. and lot lui h ethaf
rvllrl aa Mty Jut ami pn.-f
It. w. MSA,
sit ris
thli ximmixi. W B1l.h4 T rtt ol i'
a. A In.fll. nl llimlli j'l.lti la) ditvrt M
l,t..s all,asllSS '"
. tri,ia nl
m la. duly Imu"!
turt of !hlnrtntot normw, w 01 -r-
.m,daird the i.tn oar i mmj, . -
? . .. ... ., . f...iM t.rf Mid ( mint
lain a'iiB i" . . .. - - - ,
J,ma administrator "I Ilia aalata ol Nalana
J.m. d-t, plaintiff, wwH Judmn
(lull litt , iHIr. '""' 7--"
u ...1,... .1. iM nl iMtrrt . M
art, itai.lttit daldof. I W. Mnrr., tha lira-
.. a..,ua. . . 1 ai lttllcita k tm mnw. r a
. . 1l.iaari.l SJ.ttkr HtllLirWI ISS1.'
i.ik.iut. aattk itiiastvct thrfa l th tmi
(ii ,8 twt n tt psf tiimm ttm th IMh 1f l
. . . . . A .1.. I. .,aak i TS)K I
Si 1 I a,... IbiHara BlUirnsC S) fa-M. lirl
siiir. m in ihb t " rwrair-.
Skturt l hft.r . ths.1 I Mi war
.t. 4.. F Uhsi t warn a.s a tfrk. tv
til Mtd ilt, l lh fmtit f ml h euurt
Himim t Mst ftst. i'r tpswiniT. -s-ii
I tiMlf tsMti ia th Mhl M1l htia
... . . a .a-. . I ...aa iaata I til
If IM BWlfl
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 WaeMMa St.. Srtlaaa1, Op
la t ? lonlh "!? S
1 -st aatt llinti avarWlan, all la aurtaa
A Kara Twine Van
A IranaaoiKni IiiWik h jenianent Inaalaa
ua uiii.taT l.li on.naaa, ax k Im .l . t r
t. t,i la. ar, pii an.l S Wiuuiiil ell W
! a aia . ao.Hl h ,ii' iirfiiiii and aiut:fft,.
.. . t .. 1 1 .1. .;. 1 , . '
,!,. -, t v 1 in . nn, a t "I I..1.' ti il
(. wra 1 t a. I ill'1 ,u '?"' nl'" lot w
' ,r ... 11: f a a
I'. . i'i a 'a 1. In ,' . I It.' .. i
".'i'x " 4 I" k ft l-i Kpur
- , iR'ti I
iVofci Intention.
Lo Orrn I a? ta Osass, Oasaeit.
Uaa t 1 falsi
Nonrt ra rissf sy nivr tht ihe
lulioali f Mrnvt tatti haa Bl4 n(Ka
.ZL ii i. 1101 w h mtaiithio V.I nnai rrw ia '
I1'"! .-.rr. Vr.lTi a,. o hrlal. and aald pr
halora tha Or-int t lark nartna fminiy,
ir..n, at Hpur, O't "n. ea inly a,
SUXA'i. VHITTtmt, frty Ilia j,
M4 !a nrtha au ewV. si
a.in4aHMaaf lfll.r1 M
nUa ..! II, lul i.ain a ll.MP.Ma !
n,niini,fia Mniriuv umn .ml r'lttl. ."...i
if aald land. ' J,.hn J i, I tiiaa V.t
lk. Si, k dt a id tnauk k-.i'p a.1 aj
ltbar, Urafjuw.
f W im ITT.
si Hfiiicr
(mini, 'in l.i-n and til
lh- tniKi nt tha aald t.anfa W Mti't
tiu.lrrd I a.art al .M laiwa thrf
a. n.. 14 a..aarf n tmU'lf th aald ld.
Hir.il 1,1 l.tiil ' j . ffmaa aid ! inn. a
. a ti I ii.i'if M ta iaia nf Ja an a J""
...., a-il airalwat twrr v a
V. i.n. I .tf.a'V, rt at . Imtihrl ln 'l
. t,, .!. -u.atMints U.at : .
r vta
1 V Iti K X .rl
J W MA t I'M. t, l"r
Jvia.1 al HrPI'tMN, Mtf 77,
, Notice of Intention.
!.. Orru s ay Tss Diuia. Osa.
Noti'K is nrsrar nivri iritriMS
Mt..m aama4 artliat haa Sil m-Airm
" hia intantMtn In m.a Saal r..4 in
uptmrt al hi rlaim, aud that aa(, ptm4 a ll
i"la t-ltwa J, , alnrruw, I i.onlf I lark,
at Hrppaaf, Oraaaa. mi aatsflay ttm ti, tH.
Il a
Jrrar.a, B Bfn.ll, of tlrpnnar. flnnmtaait
aMitaiMrti N.i til, l.if th 4 H aa, M and
'ft' V" M I
Ha nm tit l!inlnf fi
m l I land, if R K H-arfc. M llullai-4 a-,4
11 Iww h. ltlBt.Mi. t'rag.Hl, and j. W
V -al.a'i, at H j . :'. Uiwr-n
JA. f. MHiS.