Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 27, 1898, Image 3

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e. I 1 ill ll f BrA M 1 111 fjl
This Is
It will
Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That
Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to
take It TODAYj and realize the great
good it Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists.
Hoi Ya voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
Linwood Rye, -.
He'll catoh our votes If he wets our throats
for the voting men are dry.
Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Sperry,
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with b brass band bat its circulation
can be determined at the Heppaer post
office. Advertisers wil! please note this.
Here and There.
See M. Liehtenthal & Co. for shoes, a
How about the 4th? Will we oele
brate? "Manila" is Spanish. " Manilla" is the
English of it.
Graduating exercises at the opera
house tonight .
. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus departed Ust night
to visit relatives in Portland.
Rev. Henry Rasmus 'phoned up yes
terday that bie little son is q:ite ill.
Statements tor the Famous Simple
Aooount File printed at the Gazette of
floe. tf.
The war is on and now you should
subscribe for the Gazette. The latest
news, always.
. Those wishing private board can find
accommodations at the residence of
Mrs. W. J. Leezar. 44 tf
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of toe eye, will be here
every three months. 643-lyr
"Go'n juioe" U all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is hard to beat. 603 -tf.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth,
tf siot as staled, no obargee. T j Dr.
Vaugban's new plan. 604-tf.
Jack Matlook reports Leslie Matlook,
Os Borob and other Heppaerites all in
good health, Dp at Skagway.
On Saturday next will be the farewell
taeeting of the present corps of the Sal
vation Army. All should come out.
Best aooommodation and Courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
cod Wash. Sta. Portland, Oregon.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at 'the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market prioe.
E. G. Noble & Go. are rustlers after
business. Tbe finest saddles and har
neaa to b round in Heptmer. Sue their
new ad in this issie. tf,
Judge Lowell la over for the purpose
of holding aa adjourned term of court.
Only some Confirmation of sheriff sale
cases were oonaidered, however.
Next Sunday will be observed as a
. quarterly meeting oocesioo at tbe M. E.
church, South. Rev. G H. Gibbs, pre
siding elder, will preach morning and
Tbe correct spelling of tbe new
Alaskan town is "Skagway" Dot "Skag
nay." Tbe former is tbe government
tyle of writing tbe name and that
settles it
Dyspepsia cured. Bbilob's Vitalicer
immediately relieves sour stomach, oom
log up of food distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Goo
r A Warreti. v
Tbs Gazette carries a full stock of
mourning - Dote, correspondence style,
with envelope to matob. Those desiring
nob stationery can bsvs tbeir wants
supplied at this office. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red-
light," ever on tbe alert tor something
new, oao furnish you the fines! cock
Wool Is rolling In rapidly.
W. 8. McKlmmer is In from Eight Mile.
Chas. Hals was up from Alpine Wednesday.
A. Andrews was up from Alpine Wednesday.
O. VT. Wright Is In taking a few days needed
Al Evans and wife are Up front their Alpln
Billy Hamilton is over f.Om Hamilton, Grant
John Spray was over from Haystack on last
Geo. Lovelet dropped lu from Little Wall
creek Thursday.
Press Thompson was down from his Hinton
Creek ranch early this week,
Dan Rice and Mr. Allen jr. were In from the
Hardman section on yesterday.
Oscar 8chaS'er was in from the sheep ranch on
last Wednesday.
John Kilkenny Is In Portland to see Mrs. Kil
kenny who is ill.
Mrs. Wm. Ruark has departed for her home
up In Washington.
Col. Walker and Dr. Swinburne spent a few
days In town this week.
O. D. Rennie, of Salem, has a casein the
Gazette office this week.
Commissioner Howard, of Galloway, was
seen our streets yesterday.
8am Wllkenson, The Dalles City woodbuyer,
was in Heppner Wednesday.
Messrs. Brlarly and Green are over from the
Long Creek country with wool.
Harry Jones made a business visit to Morrow
county's metropolis Wednesday.
E. L. Matlock, sheriff of Morrow county, re
turned on Wednesday from Salem.
Lee Lacy is up from Vortland to buy five
cars of sheep for the Portland market.
A. G. Carsner, one of Haystack's active stock
men, Was in Heppner Wednesday last.
Charlie Mills, brother of Jack Mills, the Ga
zette's loreman, visited here this week.
Linn Matteson and Os Wells sto to Montana
tonight where they will sheer this season.
Miss Maggie Adklns has returued from Santa
Rosa where she bad been attending school.
Julius Frledland, representing Eaberg, Gunst
& Co., was among our merchants Wednesday.
C. P.Marshall, representing Sam'l. 8. Heltshu,
the Portlaud druggist, was in town yesterday.
D. A. Pattullo, representing Balfour, Guthrie
& Co., of Portland, came up the first of the
Ed. Welch visited Condon and Fossil this
week in the interest of his patent lighting
Master Wm. E. Lowell accompanies his
father, the judge, on his present official visit to
i. M. Kees leaves the first of next week, ac
companied by his family, for a new location in
Mr. Fleming, representing The Evans-Snlder-Buel
Co., an eastern live stock commission firm,
is here for sheep,
Frank Kilkenny left Tuesday, in company
with Jus Carty.for the "old country," to be
absent several months.
Rev. Flesher returned on Tuesday last from
district conference which, this paper Is In
formed, was held at Goldendale.
Uncle" Billy Gilliam, one of the "middle-
of the-roaders", was in from Rhea creek this
week. He was not Infatuated with fusion.
Bob Beard has taken horses up across Snake
fitter, up Into Idaho, where he will locate. He
will return about June 1st for his wife who yet
remains in Heppner.
The report early Wednesday that Sampson
had won a big naval victory raised considerable
excitement in Heppner, bill when there were
no confirmatory dispatches It went down speedily.
Bob Dexter says that a t't cayuse caused the
destruction of Free Green's dog-home wherein
his entire band of Klondike dogs were either
killed or fatally Injured. In any event It Is a
severe loaa.
Edrob Gazette: The candidates and
speakers of the "job lot" tiokal are
fond of quoting extraota from epeeohes
of eminent refoblioans, with tbe avowed
object of showing that republicans of
today are Dot what they used to be.
They appear to Indorse most everything
the republicans have indorsed in the
past,aooor,din to their own explanation ,
but don't think the republicans' are do
ing rigbt now.
One of tbe moit frequent quotations is
from Mr. Blaine's speech in the senate
on remonetizatioo of silver, February 7,
18?8. They quote tbe first paragraph
and say nothing abnnt his "further ex
planation," and I olaim that in so doing
they give an entirely different mfaoiig
from what Mr. Blaiue intended.
I quote their favorite paragragb and
the next two or three following in order
that those who bave not the epeeoh may
know more of what Mr. Blaine said:
"I believe gold and silver coin to be
tbe money of tbe constitution indeed,
tbe money of - the Amerioan people,
anterior to the constitution, money
wbiob tbe organic law of the republio
reoognized as independent of its own
"No power was Conferred on congress
to declare that either metal should not
be money. Congress has therefore, in
my judgment, no more power to de
monetise silver than to demonetize gold ;
no more power to demonetize either than
to demonetize both.
"In this statemeut I am but respecting
the weighty dictum of the first of con
stitutional lawyers. t am certainly of
opinion,' said Mr. Webster, 'that gold
and silver, at ratio fixed by oongress,
constitute the legal standard of value Id
tbie country, and that neither Oongress
ment with other nations to remooetize
silver, is simple and direct. Tbe difficult
problem ia what we shall do when we
aim to re establish silver without the co
operation ot European powers, and really
as an advance movement to ooeroe tboee
powers into tbe same polioy. '
"Evidently tbe first diotateof prudenoe
is to coin such a dollar as will not only
dojietioe amoog oar citizens at home,
but will prove a protection an absolute
barricade against tbe gold monometal
lists of Europe, who, whenever tbe op
portunity offers, will qoiokly draw from
us tbe $160,000,000 of gold ooin wbioh we
now bold.
"If we coin silver dollars ot full legal
tender, obviouely below tbe current value
of tbe gold dollar we are simply opening
our doors And inviting Europe to take
our gold. With oUr gold flowing out
from os we shall be forded to) the single
silver standard, and our relatione with
the leading commercial countries ot the
world will not only be embarassed but
I would like to quote more from this
epeeoh but tbat would take up too muoh
of your valuable space, out I hope that
every voter in tbe state will read the
whole speeob and earnestly hope tbat
Mr. King, and Mr. Davis especially, will
hereafter pay more attention to the whole
speech than the garbled extract fur
nished by tbeir respective campaign com
mittees. J. W. V.
' Fins weather tor orops.
Cure that cough with Shilob's Core.
Tbe beet cough cure. Relieves croup I
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doeea tor 25ots. Sold by Con
ser A Warren. v
"Wooly" Clarke was over Wedoeedsy
from Pendleton. He will operate
through Eastern Oregon as be has done
long before Heppner bad any bills. Mr.
Clarke looks well.
Dorio Lodge, No. 20, Knights of
Pythias, is having a little boom and new
candidates are being proposed at every
meeting. Rank work on June 7tb.
Every knight should come out.
Hot war news came in on last Wednes
day and everybody was excited.
When it turned out to be a " fluke"
there was muoh disgust and not a few
showered terms of opprobrium on tbe
beads of those who are working in the
interest of yellow journalism.
Hon. C. M, Donaldson, the fusion
candidate for congress, is iu Heppner
today meeting old friends and, making
new ones. Mr. Donaldson was a mem
ber of the republican state and con
gressional conventions of two years ago,
and this year was the ohoioe of tbe
bilver republicans and endorsed by both
democrats and populists, on the money
question. Say what you please, Char
ley is a nice fellow.
That have come in just lately.
Some exquisite patterns in summer
wash goods Percales, Zephyrs,
Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies'
Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties .
In the Shoe Department
There has been some new arrivals
Q 0
One line to sell at 2.50
Another sells at $3.50
Still another sells at $4.00
Prise Woo by Miss Lala Hager. All Acquit
ted Themselves Creditably,
Patrons of Heppner's schools, and otb
era, formiug quite an audienae, gathered
at tbe opera house last nigbt to bear the
orntorion! contest, given by some mem
nor an state has authority tnr,Bhlih bera ot tbe High sdudol, known as tbe
nv ntlmr aiaiuiur,! n. icninnn thi. tenth grado". A s mal 1 admittance lee
, -
standard ' - oh urged in order 10 aetray toe ex
Few pereoos oan be found. I aoDre- DenBM of birio hall Pro"dlo a suite.
hend. who will maintain that oono-reM bie pnz medal, etc., out mis Old DOI
Dosseeses the mwer to demonetia both detel' BV person from being present, it
sold and s.lvor or thai KoHdrxaa rtnnl.l BppenrVd.
be Justified in rlrnhiti.rini th ninBD ,f Miss Cora Hart beffan the exercises
both -and vet in lotto and Wl vm- Rn instrumental solo, "Melodies de
struotion it would be difficult to show
where and why the power of oongress
over eilver is greater than our .gold
greater oyer either then over bo h. If,
therefore, silver baa beon djminetized,
I am in favor of remonitizing it. It its
ooinage has been prohibited, I am in
favor of ordering it to be resumed. If
it has been restricted, I am in favor of
ordering it to be enlarged.
Obristy," aud rendered it in snob a man
ner as to bring forth great applause.
She did not respond to the encore, bow-
The first contestant, Louis Balsiger,
had for his subject, "Fiz James and
Rhoderick DjU." Mr. Baleiger was quite
self possessed, but was notquite familiar
with his lines aud therefore fell ehort in
"memory" aud "general effort". Mr.
"What power, then, has oongress over Ba!a,er' however, did remarkably well
John Neville has bis hand in a sling on
account of a felon.
J as. Fitz, who was shot by W. B,
Ewing last winter, returned from Fort
land yesterday entirely recovered.
Dr. MoSwords wan called last Tues
day night to attend Miss Alioe Caplest
ot Heppner, who is ill with quinsy.
Dr, MoFanl was oalled out to Lower
tight Mil the Bret of tbe week to at
tend J. J. Elhgott who is seriously ill.
A free train will be run to Lexington
on Monday to permit Heppner people to
attend tbe deooralion exercises. Every
body, Including children, invited.
The rep rt was current a few days
ago that "Bud" Willinghame bad been
killed. This report certainly bas no
fonndation, and arose out of tbe reoent
a beep-killing.
Not Necessary Wbra the Keaiedlee are Is
Eiisteaee for insr Care
The treatment ot diseases, so far as
fha prescription ot medicines is con
eeroed, bas advaoosd with rapid strides
during the past deoade. Nowadays
person be no rigbt to put themselves in
position to be experimented on. One
should bave bis or ber case diagnosed
properly, Ibeo the symptoms should be
carefully noted. Tbe itifluenoe or medl
eines on tbe human system most be
known to tbs person administering
them to tbat the proper medioioea oao
b given. The symptoms are tbe guida
tor proper prescription
Dr. Qarnsey bas taken advantsgs ot
the knowledge ot tbts oantory and pre
and with training will develop into a
bright orator.
Mies Anna McBride chose "The Polish
Boy" for ber declamation, and rendered
it splendidly. Miss McBride was well
acquainted with her piece. With train
ing she will improve muoh in delivery
and gesture,
At this jur.otore four little girls, Leah
Mioor, Etta It gers, Lela Campbell and
Ella Ayers, sang tbe "Slumber Song" so
effectively as to reotive au eooore, to
which they responded. All did nioely
but Ella Ayers' alto singing was some
thioa wonderful. She oannot be muob
over eeveo years old, but her voioe was
I hnB.! oki.D nil .mnu( an1 TT. ol(fttnl1B
aims iurrans ritwuer muuv a ueuiueu
hit with her "Bishop and the Cow"
Mies Flesher was well drilled in ber e
fort and bas confidence and self posses
sioo tbikt will prove valuable assistants
all through life. As she grows older ber
voioe will improve in modulation, a point
gold and silver It bat tbe exolusiVe
power to Coin thelll ; the exclusive power
to retrulate their va.ue very great, very
wise, very necessary powors, for the dis
creet exeroise of which a critical occasion
bas now arisen. However men may
differ about causes and Drooeeses. all
a ill admit tbat witblo a few years a
great disturbance bas takeu place in tbe
relative values of gold and silver BDd
that silver ia worth less or gold is worth
more in tbe money markets of tbe world
In 1878 than in 1873. when tbe further
ooinage of eilver dollars was prohibited
n this country.
"To remonetiza it now, as though es
sential conditions had
wilfully and blindly to deceive ourselves.
If our demonetisation were tbe only
osuse tor the decline in tbe value of 111
yer, then remonetizttion would be tbe
proper and itleotoal cause.
"But other oanses, beyond our o introl,
hfiVA flAAn tnr mirm nntontiallir nnnHa
th.n tbe simple fact that oongress pro- in mhi h" ta w,,,k ' pMe: la bet
reoiiBiiuu BUS) buuwdu huicuuiu wuvvr
bibited its fuither ooinage
As legislators we are bonnd to take
Oogniianoe ot these causes. Tbe demon-
etis itlob ot stiver in tbe German empire
and the oonst quent partial, or well-nigh
complete , suspension of coinage in tbe
governments ot the Latio union, hsve
been the leading oaoeea for tbe rapid de
cline in tbs value of silver
"I do not think the over-supply of sil
ver has bad, in comparison with these
other os uses, an appreciable influence in
the decline bt its Value beoause its over
turn ot tbe lint lucbangeof votae where
Deoessary aud io suitable gestures.
Miss Pearl Basey recited "The Drunk
ard's Wife" with anearoestnesi tbat was
commendable. Miss BaBey shows
wonderful anion t of reserve power, and
Ith training will surprise even herself
8be was unfortunate in her gestures an
expression latt evening, but she should
not be dinootlfBged, because shs is of tb
material ct which elocutionists Bra mads.
Tbe vooal solo, "My Sweetheart Went
Necessarily What the Gazette Thinks
bnt the Opinions of Others.
Tbe efforts ot the Simon-Corbett-Soott
oombine to beat Hoo. Thos. H.
ToDgne in tbe First congressional dis
trict, have already bagun to reaot upon
Veacb. ' His own friends are beginning
to doubt bis politic d honesty ot pur
pose. Portland Tribune.
Both Candidates fir governor, Mr.
King and Mr. Goer, are accused ot be
ing members of tbe A. P. A. Both de
ny tbe acousation. Both appear to be
ashamed of membership in tbat un
democratic sooiety. Any seoret organ
isation that meddles with politics de
serves to be condemned, and no Ameri
oan citizen should be a ember ot it.
E. 0.
If anyone will read the Oregonian't
editorial exonse for not printing and
circulating the epeeoh of Veatoh and
not come to the conclusion tbat tbat
infamous sheet is aiding Simon and
Steel In their efforts to defeat Hon. T.
H. Tongue, be must indeed be dull. Tbe
Oregoniau never hesitates to print any
of D'Ben'e epeeohes and others equally
as idiotic whenever they will aid any of
its hobbies) bnt the Oregonlan doesn't
want Tongue elected, and prefers
silver man to the eleotiou ot a gold
atandnrd man if the latter does not
stand in with Its gaog4
It tbe Oregonlan Is honestly tor tbe
gold standard (and no honest man be
lieves it is), wby does it keep silent on
tbe Tongue-Veaoh oonteBt? Is it wait
ing tor ita usu'tl graft in auoh matters
before It acts?
"There is not an honest politioal hair
in Scott's bead he doesn't oare tor tbe
gold standard except io bis
Voters, beware f this man, and his edi
lorial uttersnoes. Portland Tribune.
Ve are told by a Washington corre
spondent that Dollar-Mark Haona and
Pitohfork Tillman read war bulletins
arm-in-arm, 'though representing dia
metrically opposite politioal interests,
and hurrahed for tbe fiaj with mutual
fervor. Weston Leader.
Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin
ally sold for $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. They
are actually away down below cost. There's
nothing wrong with them
They bave anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a
good article when they guarantee It.
Old Stand, Main Street' Repairing a Spaoialty
The Pal ace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services ot
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Rankin's Arnica Halve.
Tbe Dest Halve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Hbeum,
Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, bog all Skin Erup-
tious, and positively enres Files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 86 cents per bot. For sale by
Sloonm t)rug Co., E. ). filooum, manage', !
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
rt srw . . skt M . I .!.
edDDlvwIlhreSDecl to old in these later L,own " 11,8 Maine, renaerea oy
" " I ' t a ! a I
p.r h.. nl h . B,..t ...tha "oner oesi voioe, was
I i a i m
ov.r-snm.lv of nl,t with rD.M to silver W 0""ru- oue WM enooreu
" " I. I ts 1 a. V
for mini ve.rs .ft.r th. min of Call. "1 " aT0 D"MU 1
fornia and An.trah. r. ooened : and D' Care if You Never Comes Back,"
the over-anm.lv of sold from those rich Bin brought doan
soribes last what the symptoms ot tbs
tall, io lb land-M.ob.tfo, Jersey, P't ". Her remedies sr. of .
Vermouth or Oio-meda by bo arils! io obaraotsr, and wbil. r.llsvlog
aoa ooriog ins patient ao not Dave aoy
deleterious effects, fihe a set estate's
owo remedies, bo earefally onmpoonded
that socoees osarly always attends bei
8 be doea Dot charge any citravagaot
prices for treatment It yoo are ailing,
call oo ber. Tea will bv to car
nothing fr consultation. Treatmeot
ousts aoc .riling to the time Involved
sod amnont of meliolnee used. One
eall might be soffloUot fur yoor ease.
Again it might taks a month.
Dr. Oar os y attends to calls in I hi
ooootry. Ber offlo is oa Main street
two doors north of tbe Falaee h'.UI.
tba business. Drop la and take tbs
taste out of yoor mouth. it
Tba Gstette will olnb with tlieOregoo
Henalor, tbs great Pytbiao paper of Ore
gon, Washington aod Idaho, published
at Portland, for 1175 for the two. Tbe
Heoator ie all right. No Knlgbt of
Tytbias should be without it. tf.
Frank MoFerland bas been appointed
special ageol of The Equitable Life As
soranee Co., ot New Trk, tbe strongest
to the world. Cb surplus to policy
holders of over 50 mil Hoc dollars. IWl
lake losoraoee witbool soelog the new
llans ot the Equitable. Insures both
eiee at same rts. 77lf
Beiila keeping the largmt aseort
meat nt esndin, frelts, rigars and
notions to be found aoy where io tbe
eltv, Mart Is now able to supply
yoa with tbs I'.irtland dills and sll
tbe msjgss'n and periodicals, both for-
aigo Bad domestic. If yon wael read.
teg sastW, five Jim a call at tbe Hpp
ar Ctdr I aetory. T.t If.
sources did ool affect the relative posi
tions and uses cf the to metals in any
Enropeao ooootry.
"I believe, Ibeo, if flfrroany were to
remonetize silver, and tbe klLgdoms and
states of tbe Latio union were to reopen
tbeir mints, silver wonld at ones resums
ita former relstion with gold. Tbe Euro
peso countries, wbeo driven to fnll re
monetizilioa, as I believe tbey will be la
tba end, most ot necessity adopt their
old ratio ot fifteen aod a bait of silver to
one of gold, aud we shall tbeobeooin
polled to adopt tba same Instead of oar
former ratio of siitaeo to ooe.
"It wo fail Io do tbls wa shall, as be
fore, loss our silver, wblrh, like all things
else, seeks tba highest market; and if
flitaflo and a half pooods of silver will
boy as tuncb gold in Koropa as siileeo
pounds will buy to America, tba silver,
of aonrse, will go Io Europe.
"Bat onr lino of policy io a joint move
'tnu MllUuae m rmr.
W'hm ti.iile Imv. trv. and Imv nanm. It
mran thi'y'l Mlmlinl. The wli! l tli
I'mlffd Mntra are now buying Caart
Candy Cathartic at the rate ot two million
holm a ymr and it will l three million oe
lore istiw 1 ear e. It means merit proved,
that Caarareta are the moat dehchtful bnw!
retmlstnr lor everybody tbe year round. All
arumuiU loc, lx, Mr a tux, cure guaranteed.
Baa .a., HfT-sx T SummK tm
If lrVSB SB,. iteBf
"7" 1
If your grocer
doesn't sell Schillings Best tea, tell us his name,
what kind you want (Japan, English Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what size pack
age you want. We'll see that you get it.
Don't send us any money. Wc don't sell at
&aa iancito as A. Schilling & Cowany
tba bouse.
fibs was noo impaoied by Mr. C. E Uicks
oo vioiin and Mis Cora Hart on piaoo.
'Tommy'o Prayer" was Miss
Lula Hager'a seleotioo, and on
this she oo ths prize. Miss
Hager made few gestures but tby
ware graci-fnl and timely. Qr
voice was well modulated, ber memory
was faultless and aeleotioo excellent.
Misa Hager was fortunate in making
nob a eeleoMoa as beet salted ber.
With preotloe sbs will overcome the
sligbl timidity aodrsserva wblob always
detracts from any rsoitatioo or adJrass
Hepposr Blaokmao made strike
with bis "Darius Oreea and Bis Flying
Maobioa," though tba aeleotioo la ao
old ooa that has beso recited from oos
end ot America to ths oiber, bot
Iieppy" made ths andieooa see tbe
fonny side of It, and thereby ahowed
tbat ha bad tbt right eoi ceptioo of bis
subj-ot, as deplotsd by Iba poetio
author. "Iiepp Is a young man whi
ia al borne on tbs rostrum With such
Iraiolog as be ought aod ao doubt will
receive, be will Improve to every polut
to be Oooei.lered to the B-hl of oratory
bsR-auaa be bas) tbe oatnral ability.
The lodges, I'rr.r. J. V. rimwn, lUv U
R. Howard aod Oils Patterson, Ibno
summed op tbeir pereeotsgee and npoa
ealcolati io It waseena that Mis Lot
Hager was ths winner, though it was
close. It was a dHicste task and tb
decieioo was given m the followin
points: Hlex:!lna. meni'iry. Vote, gea
lure and gnrl effort, The madai wss
then preseiited by Mr. Patterson Is
few words, and thea the andtenea de
parted, baviog witoeaaed bo entertalo
eot ot merit, of Internet to every
pareel ia Iltppoer.
Hoo. Miles 8. Jol nsoo, of Portlaod,
ill spesk al Hanlmeo on Friday, May
27th, at 7 JO; Heppoer, Hatorday, May Ig tJ10 ,,laco to Store your WOol thirl BCaHOll. Why? Bo-
i ...i , 4i. .. .. .
We are selling wool sacks suit twine at cost, iieyabls when wool Is soM. Hand In rour order
at onra.
w r the hlsHMt eaah phra loi sheep wlls and hides.
Wa am annuls lor Little's DID and Black Leal Tobacco Dlo. the only rollahla truiarvd
l aiw nn inr marsei.
Wool Growers'
a, ai i-ju; uepwuBr, omuru.,, - is iiio jiiuco io Biuro your WOO! 11118 BeaHoii. wiiyi ijo
ii, at 7:30; Leiingtoo, Mooday , May caug0 we j0 a strictly warehouse buaiiieHS, and not being in
iTuilZ ynB wool oufhoIvm, wo encourage competition
M'S IMf Irelxht to teamsters when requested In do so lT owners of Wool.
Wt lit a full supply cil Hred Harlor and Wheat, also Hlmm Kullnl Harle)r lor tnauistvrs.
Plrect your kamstors to the lower warnhoas. V s guarantee jrou a suare dual.
CDS 26 and 60 Centa.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
A Bare TMag fr To.
A IraniaulMiu la whUb yonrannot loae'sa
BureUilust. Hlliouaneea, eli k neadw tie, tr
rwl lunsj'Mi, ler, lln and a Uiouaatid U ef
li a ara auwal by (yinauiwiioa aud luirirlsti
Iit Ca ar"te Csutdf ilusrttr, l won
derful fit liver umnlaiil and lute mat
Un.iu r irv all iinrit fnrt.iij Wirute
t,r m jtw'v' irnuii. c ;. ar i.rt
thmif Tr trtltatt IMtV,
Catarrh is one of the most obstinate
diseases, and hence ths most dilllcult
to get rid of.
Tkoaa la IMiV An Wst tA tf11tal It.
Tba dlMBsa is in lhablood.and all tba The CALIFORNIA
prays, wasnas ana innating mutures ... ..
in the woria can nava no permanent L.UUU1HU iiuu
CUrvV w urn u vn i w t . w wiw-
olflo cures Catarrh permanently, for It Is
ha only remedy which ran rraoh the
llaeaae and force It from thebloid.
V. II I l 1 I1!at.. if llarmtftalmvir
Ky., ha.1 Catarrh for years. He wrltoat ext door tO Opcrtl HoUSO
"I eonld no Improvement whatever, I
though I waa onsiantlf ireaien wnn rsys
nn w ..rip., ,, iiir
nl lnhlln( rmdie
In farl. I eonld ll lhal
earh winter I wu worse
than tlie rr urarlous
"rinallt It was
.rmi(lil to mf net It
liiat alarm wm a i,mxj
dianaa. and alter think
I ii( i, ar the matter, I
aw II waunranall
Uesaet la, la cured f
remailiaa hteh on If
rrMnhrA ths surface. I
' than aWlitrd U, Iff
I . . . . 1. ri.,llaa aiar uaad. I ftrt-
aada MNaanUMe Improve mn l. (.nllnuinf
1 ratnedr. In illaraaa m loread out "I ni
..,.. and a ooiaolaie eure was the reaull.
..!.! all wbohsva this dralfiil disease to
alMO'ton Ihelfhe-al lrtment,whl"h has never
done then aav et. and use a , a .a nm-
-a- .w.a n ta Mlaaaaa and tl f It.
Tn eontinna tha wrontf treatment for
Catarrh la to continue ti suffer. Hwifl's
MiMifla is a real Uxi remedy, and
cures olistlnat, deeraeated disease,
which other remedies have, no effect
whatever urxm. It promptly rearhas
Catarrh, and never fails tocura even tha
mt aggravated rases.
for Rlnnrt
la I'nre V eueUI. a. BIKl IS Uta omy
1,1.1.4 remedy guaranteed to contain o
dangerous minerals
R. F. HYND. Manaflcr.
Chas. W. Ingraham,
Assayer and Analyst
Mala Ptrsst, Ileppnsr. Or.,
Al Cooser k Wsrrso's Drug Hloro.
Analysis of oros a apocialty.
h. aW a
vrsv aa
For Infant! and Children.
Tbi Kind Yoo Han Always Bought
vur lag mL Cwupaar, AUaoU, Uawrgta.
Tha following repohlioso maetiogs
will be held Io Ibis county:
Douglas, Toeeday, May 81, 10 o'olock
a. m.
Dry Fork, Tuesday, May 31, 7)
o'cloek p. m.
Elabt Mila (Liberty) Wedneedey
Joaa 1st, M p. ts.
flefdmen. Wedossdsy. Jiioa 1st at
7 ;30 p. m.
Metteeoa. Tboreday. Jons 2, 1.1U)
p. en.
tia Ralnrat Jana i. IV) B. BS
fan.li.Iaiea for eountr rfflrea and
...l.d free I T Hwift HtllW i nlh.f aoeakers will l tluaUt. tints
I - - - r - - & a m .
I tut Sll. astr
Gibson 8c Berger,
alCliss Jooes'Old Mtan-I.
Hh.'ivintr. IG
lair OuttiriK. Vir
5atli'J"K'. Everything Strict
ly First Clan.
Mathews & Gentry,
v v v
V V f
Khop two doors tilh of rtoftlct.
formally of rsndMoa
Tonsorial Artist,
Shaving, e
Hale Cvttlnfl.
bwB, MatIMB Cviaef,
19 Centa
29 "
Uivyaer, Ortgda.