Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 27, 1898, Image 2

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The Gazette.
The Gazette admires Thoe. II,
Tongue for his Btatemanship, bis
manhood, his unswerving fealtj to
friends. He has made a splendid
record in congress, and each day's
aonrlna orla f r Vila Vi rk-irn V. 1 a an1
The Gazette is not heralding its oroBr :n Wai.h,nnn Th:a
cominc with a brass band bat its , . m
o I nnnnr wnntfi tn soft Mr. Tnnan
i t t o
Fbiday, May 27, 1898.
circulation can be determined at
the HeoDner Dostoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
The Gazette is in receipt of a
copy of lhOB. 11. liogers book,
Gov. Fletcher, of the Oreeon 'Nehalem, a Story of the Pacific
Independent, blames the republi- A. D..UW. n is interesting and
. . ii should make the writer fame and
can party lor nun ymiuauvu . . . . , .
il I . i 1L. L I . . - r ...
organizing tne nouse oi me receui, jj, l. Heath, of McMinnville.
would-be legislature, because the
AMUliAnn a It nA Q4 tr am Via I a O tA
Tha (iavarta a err a a a virh the.
the opposition to. Ana men ne Henablican that the DODulist mem.
says tnat a certain taction or tne bers Qf the legislature assisted in
republican party and others are the "hold up", but they were led
anarchists because they attempted by Jo. Simon and his men, and
l nrm.ni.A til A kllKA with a WUUUUl ue 0 ue'F uuiv wuia.
. b. , .. . . could not have been done.
majority, less tnan tony, tne num
ber that the constitution Bavs
onii -nn-ti'tnb a niinrnm fm nor. The president's call for 75,000
l it more troops, without preference to
manent organization. If 34 men .. V , , .
could not organize (if we are to totai fighting force, regular and
believe the strict wording of the volunteer, 280,000 men. The
constitution 1 as the Independent country has more soldiers if
Bays, where are they to blame? needed.
xuo KUyDIUUl nfirverft bottled nn the
-ft i ti i t 11 i Willi t)fVt)XH UUVLlOli UU) lilt)
He encouraged that hold-up along . ioQ f Cabft CBQ now ocee(J
. i t J L? 1 ........ r
wim uroveruor i.uru, oouieimy without molestation.
Kincaid and Joe Simon's senate.
Now he damns a majority for The Oregon has reached her
what they couldn't do, and what destination. The Oregon is all
he and his friends saw that they right
shouldn't do.
Okeoon's quota of soldiers for
the last call is 898.
Edward Bellamy, author of
"Looking Backward", is dead.
Ex - Confederate Generals
Lee and Wheeler dressed up in
uniforms of a major general of the
United States army in active ser
vice means more to this country
than any number of words could
tell, says the Atuena Tress, ifcis Mr. Frank I. Dunbar, the nominee for
country has forgotten that we ever secretary of state on the republican
had a little family difficulty. These ticket, iB a sound republican preemi
r,cr;ta no, trolt. nently qualified for the office. His ohar
. ,. . acter for honesty and integrity cannot be
There was a disagreement over a tope8ohe(ll nor would any one of the
principle which placed a part of 0Ommunity, where he has lived so many
our people in the light being in years, give oredenoe to any story that
rebellion. A man who ODDOseB should beoirculated against him. The
V,o hiah r,rnnn r,f nrin.i. . ot CODtimiOUe ServiOO 10 the
piewiue siuuuuiui WUlUu guuu Boanv have mde Mr. Dunbar so de
friends are made, and Lee and Lervedly pepnlar that he would haeben
Wheeler are the material for unanimously nominated for the county
"nlftRhW Holdiers. Thev were olrkship had uot the republionn party
o i I ...
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
Republican Candidate for Congress, Second
Congressional Distrist.
A Few Things Picked Up Here and There
TJorthnD'n Career.
oalleJ bim as their candidate for a simi
lar offiaa for the state. D.uly Atorian,
once called upon to make a great
sacrifice for what they thought
Ml XT l II-
wa liuu ituw lueir uuuuu y cuiid t,,. N,,rHin'B -n Hint of his stw.
and they respond with alacrity. I ardsbip is frank, full and plain-spoken.
The country has more Lees and It is an exonllent and all sufHii-int ao
Wheelers, and that is what makes wor on the poiots upon wbioh he has
l ... rtiL . !.. T...I.... M...4U
n ,..4U oeen BBHHueu. xu ihumb.uuu m tu
tu a ucittuu nuim duuuui uul:. , I . . . u-
Uiy urns itowu ta wuoiu f a iu
oious ana ounoaieutioua oiuuihi. lue
THE ludiauapolis Rdvocates of county will never hava a butter one
radical changes in our monetary ureaon
jhwh, hb n-pruHBuuiu uy 11. Henry L. Benson, of (iMiits Pass, the
llanua, are urging immediate republican nominee for j dge in thie ju
, m. ii. dioial dislriot, is a rips soholur and able
action. 11. e Uazetto is of the .! '.,1 hri, ,iui,u ti,a
diuuity and wis! im nea tsiitry for the
position. His elxotioo is alrsndy oon
ceded. AshldDd ll linics
opinion that our money is good
enough for all immediate de
mands. It is necessary that we
have a little less politics just now.
At this time when our nation is at
HAKItlrtON It.
General r iti Line is "elated ' to sno
oeed Oxneral BlanOJ as "(if nor-general"
of Cuba. It will be a (treat day for
war there should De notuing Uuba and her oppressea people wnen ue
i i.t .,i does. it,, u.
gress, unless absolutely noceBBary,
and it is not proven that the de
mands of the Indianapolis faction Kincaid is not a populist, is not a
on Whan n.OM ttrill l.nvn linnn demoorat, nor is be a republican, lie
. . 1 . . can claim the votes ot no parly. Ue is
restored, then tbero is time enough oytuiuffr offlo and the people kuo
In linLur with tbn flnnnnnn. Vnnlnit-
are, we are all doing well enough
without any more tiukoring.
From The County Judge, .
Trne to its natural inetinots, aided by
that universal world's adviser as chief
digger, Thomas N. Strong, the Oregooian
has delved into the dang hills at the oity
barn and discovered a mare's nest. It
rears np and demands an explanation
that will explain. This is evidently oor
reot and proper, and at the time "ex
planations which explain" are in order,
let the Oregonian also inolude one from
Jadge Northap as to bis transactions in
ballot printing and kindred basinesF
daring his term of office. Let the expla
nation be complete as wooly and wild
as bis honor oao mtke it, as "the only"
says; "Tame explanatione, even it as
sayed by as thorough a master in the art
of dissemination as the present great
controller and director of the munioipal
government, will not cover the case."
Feeble attempts to explain have been
made, only to involve more deeply in tbe
Iniquity tbe connty judge and olerk, both
servile tools of Bos Simon, and refuge
has finally been taken by both behind
the statement .that their notions were in
aooordHnce with their best judgment.
It that be true, what rare talent has been
elected to manage tbe efTntrs ot the
county I ; Tbe alleged judgment aoted
upon is not in any sense jndgment, but
pure and simple obedienoe to tbe orders
of Joe Simon. It Judge Northnp's best
'judgment" prompts him to pay $2000
for a job ot work which others than his
special friends offtir to do for $552, it cer
tainly is high time he was relegated to
the ranks nf private life, where snob
treHks of mind cannot work snob damage
to the taxpayers. If snob, transactions
are the result of deliberate research and
"judgment," what loss might befall the
county should be allow bis mind to wan
der sod make a genuine mistake?
Stimulate the stomach, apv
rouse the liver, cure bilious- WM I I
ness, headache, dizziness, III Is
our stomach, constipation,
etc. Price 25 centi. Hold by all druftKlnti.
The only rills to take with Hood'! Sarsaparllla.
lie that on the 28th day of April, 1898, the
partnership between the undersigned was dis
solved by mutual consent. After that date all
obligations made by either of the partieB must
be settled by the one Incurring the same.
Witness our hands and seals this 28th day of
April, 1898. H. E. BARTHOLOMEW.
45 54 J. T. CAMPBELL.
The populist party is respon
sible for the legislative "hold up"
ami overylmdv kuows it. John
Kincaid has treated the Oregon agri
cultural oollnge with contempt. He baa
not attended tbe board ineetiugs a
duly his position as secretary of state
evolves npom hlrn. He has wuoreil
Hentou county and Benton ooaoly will
ignore turn.
Klnoaid use engaged lawyers Vi at
tempt the annulliu ot plain law, and
these lawyers bava claims against me
McAlister is ouo of the pops who be amount of thousands of
refused to qualify and assist in utit a reckless fee-grabber and an
nrrrnniinD- nml pvcrvlxxlv knows extravagant ollictal. Us has spent
D ' j I , .I..ll-. .1 Ik. .4.1.
. , . .1 . . I . I llli'iinniinv 1,1 uiMinti, .. imv p,ig "uf
thai Jolin AJCAlisicr is as mucn to luxuriantly furnUhmg bis offlos at
l.lamo for that disci -awful proceed- Selero -Corvellis U,.x.tte.
lis stood in wuu joe nnnonuown at
Salem at the attempted session, which I
enongh to damn bim before the people
Vote for bis opponent, Dunbar,
iugf as any other ouo man. Id
his action ho has proven himsolf
unfit to icprcscut a people in a
legislative body. Ho betrayed
their trunt once and should never
bo trusted again. Union Repub
A ooueh which teems to haj
on in ipitc of all the remedies wlrt
The Oregonian ia now howling
that some republicans are knifing
Moore, catuliilato for state treaa
urer, for llootb, tho opiMMtitioniat.
The Uiuetto Jota not believe it
It is a ruae to call attention from th you hive applied certainly ne
ami others). Th Orcgoniau has
shown its haml aii.l if the repub
Jiotn ticket ii 1. f.-attnl it rao lay
pait i'f tin' blaiuo ith itaclf,
(JUh. Siuiiui mi l Sti-i'l will alM
(tUlnl i'nliVlt'tt'l.
NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY f many issuea ouioi ine cireuiv iwurt, iur
... . t Morrow countv. Oreeon. the following describ-
sale, duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit ed land, to wit: The nH ne4 of sec 9, and the
Court of the County of Morrow, State of Ore- wft ""S 101 5i8;' ??
gon, dated the 27th day of May, 1898, In a cer- wlft be sold at private safe for cash n hand.
tain action lu the Circuit Court for said County Bids on the above described Prop"rtwm,
and State, wherein James Jones and James ceWed at the office of Ellis & Phelps until the
Jones as administrator of the estate of Nelson 2 day of May, 1898
Jones, deceased, pi aintiff, recovered Judgment Dated April 26th, 18J8.
..,..,, u' ......, v u ,1 ,.,1 t uu,a. 44-53 K. L. SHAW,
ilit E R ! BishoD. assiene. Vf George W. Swag- Assignee of J. J. McQee. Insolvent Debtor
gart, lusolvent debtor, J. W. Morrow, the Ore
gon Kailwav and Navigation Company, a cor.
poration, and Pat Quaid, defendants, for the
sum of Two Thousand, Four Hundred Ninety
Two Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate
of 10 percent per annum from the 18tti (lay of
February, 18U6, and the further sum of Two
Hundred Forty Dollars attorney's fees, and
costs and disbursements taxed at Twenty-Five
Dollars, on the 18th day of February, 1898.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, April 25, 1898.
N. Elder has Died notice of intention to
until pruill uviure j. n. wurruw.
in, ,?i cbuiu.ii. iw, i utn.c mini uiuui uciuid , mu,i,.w.
Notice is herebv eiven that I will on Ratur- Onnntv Clerk ol Morrow countv. Omron. at his
aay, tne iitn day of June, wm, at i o cioca
m. of said day, at the front door of the court
house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, the following described property to-
wlt: the north-east quarter of section ten (10)
in two (2) north range twenty-nve
V Ulamette meridian, all In Morrow
In township
(25) east
'ountv. Oreiron Taken and levied upon
th property of the said George W. Swaggart
Mllured J. Swairsart et al.. or so much thereof
as may he necessary to satisfy the said Judg
ment In favor of James Jones and James Jones
as administrator of the estate of Nelson Jones,
deceased, and aealnst George W. Swaggart.
Mildred J. Swaggart. et al., together with all
costs aud disbursements that have or may ac
, E. L MATLOCK. Sheriff.
By J. W. MATLOCK. Deputy.
Dated at !ieppuer, May 27, 1898. 62 61
oflice in Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the 1' th
day of June, lHfia. on timber culture application
no. 2:iw, lor n'i nw-i, n' ne4 oi section ro. ti,
township No. 2 S, range No. 27 K. W. M.
He names as witnesses: Crank Elder. Joseph
Rector, Newton Whetstone, Lucinda Elder, all
ol Heppner, Oregon. j. w. baktlktt,
04.1-.H Kegisier.
From the Portland Tribune.
It the numerous political corruption
charges made against Joseph Simon In
theoolnmns of Tbe Tribune were notrne,
and if the numerous charges of bribery
and fraud made in tbe columns ot tbe
Oregonian against bim a few years ago,
were untrue; it be did not sell out the
entire republican party and elect a dem
ocratic Judge; it he did not pervert just
legislation in the interests ot corpora
tions; If he did not fav r legislation
which has nearly bankrupted tbe oity of
Portland; If be did not so frequently sell
out county and city oomioees in order
to eleot himself; if be did out nss politics
to further his own selflab ends and oon
sort for this purpose with populists, and
witbaolass of pe.iple la this city who
are cot reeognized among resprctablt
men, then why are not some ot these
oharges denied?
The editor of tha Oregonian knows
full well that all of toeas charges and
more, are true and capable ot easy proof.
It dare not deny them. Mr. Simon dare
not deny them. They staod as oon f rased
and are true.
Joseph Himoo, a candidate tor state
senator, tha man whom the Oregouiao
says will vole for a gold standard mao to
(he United Mates senate, defeated Boo.
J. N. Dolph in IH-.iS.
Joseph rliroon signed a psuer to writ
ing, agreeing, if elrcted United 8 tales
senator from Oregon, to east his vote for
tbe free and onliniited coinage of silver,
at tbe ratio of IS to 1.
Every new subscriber ot tbe Ga
zette, or old one renewing, will get
as a premium a oopy of "Tbe Great
Debate" between Horr and Harvey.
This was one of tbe greatest con
tests of tbe kind in this age. Tbe
financial question is prominent in
politics BDd yon want this book. It
ia bound neatly in paper and retails
fcr 60 oenta tbe world over. Come
early before all the premiums are
gone. Tbe iuveetment ia but $2
Tub Patterson Pcb. Co.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
May 9. 1898.
l foil', wing-named settler has filed notice
of her Intention to make final proof In support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
neiore J. w. Morrow, county cisrK. ai Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, June 18, 1808, viz:
Josie Fischer, of lone. Homestead application
no. 484, lor tne n set sec. a, ana n iw sec.
1, tp. 1 d , r. 24 r.. w. m.
She names the following witnesses to prove
1 her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Fred W. Balslger, Edward
Keller, A. J. McVay aud Paul Balsiger, all of
lone, Oregon.
j as, f . muunr.,
48-59 Register.
Mi J
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
X of Oregon, for Mnrrnw oollntv.
I In the matter of the estate of William Cox, de
ceased :
The undersigned having been appointed by
the county court of the Htate of Oregon, for Mor
row county, anmimstraior oi tne estate oi
William Cox, deceased, notice Is hereby given
to the creditors of, aud all persons having claims
against said deceased, to present them verified
a required by law, within six months after tha
first publication nf this notice to said adminis
trator at his placeof resldeSce eUjht miles south
ol lone, Oregon,
Administrator of tbe estate of William Cox, de
bated May 12th, 1898. 48-S7
Meetings ill be held in this ooaoly
by tbe onion party and will be addressed
by Ibe several different speakers as fol
IVS S ruse lu vail niieuiii'u iiuiu iuc f " ..j
lUinimMtf lHltintf that i. being tnrrtlc and sensible trcatmrn
it if -n,,.,i.r Ti,,.nn or twcnty-lire vein that stXlA
,,r,i)Hr,J to a,f,t DuuW, Tonsno prtpa4tJon 0 cod.Uvtf
has proved its effectiveness in cur
In; the trying- affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
Many m-oI'Iooi our i-uuttry uo reason wnyt me coo-uvtr on, par-
i. - !. tr Ul.ULni ually digested, stiengthens and
Biiim a 1 1 ii h s e , ... . .
wrote iiuuit'rous) essays m political,
litorary arnl evtu thuoloKical ub-
ji'cta. In Kuru) ho wna eonsiJer.
o4 a uinstpr tliiuki r. Ho IiohhJ a
riir.m kahld tnt'titnl activity. 1!
lift.l a long ami succcsaful rfcor,
i.f i.rsn'tifa.1 Iccialaliiin; aa a parlia
mentary uMmtor f'n ritver had a
upcrior. if was tLo fcreaU'sti
uau of tLo (;.
vitiliifs the whole sys
tem i the hypophosphites
act aa a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heats the irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
. vm (H 'OTT fmufeiM. fS tfwt the
sjMS) fth h4 tri.
yn. nl i WS s'l 4iU4fls.
SvOTT a iWfck, CNmmms, w X-k.
For Of werks 1 liveil oo c"M water.
so to speak," writes a nun hi sifter J
terribl (mm Imliifwlioo.
He eoul I baritiy k"p anyililne on bis
stoaaeh. What sfa)el, wasn't properly
I gMlmt an l av bins territite pangs.
Ths l not an nn'mittn e. Ds
peptlea t'n't exitnir't 'it'l-lim
Tbe? are tnrrally thin, ao I vk
They ro e'loirfh, bn iliy il t i't
ligMt enough. Much nf what thev t
lira Int. i p-tism. If tli -p
there's n tellin( wbal iitaaa they nay
let nMl.
That's why it is bl It take Hhkr
Dieeetivs Oor.lll. a soia as symptoms
of inlifMtion appear.
II eures all the et lis of tn,llMlloo,
od prsvrnts lbs evil which lo.1ittie
H.4.J by Jriiila, price 10 reo's In II
per battle,
1iki i.afl I .ii l, uli. .i I'V if 9
il CC.U Uil Wuf.rw.tliM. f.
Notice of Intention.
lj May a, 1KW. Notice Is heiebv given that
the following named settler has filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof In support of
"Cyolooe" Davie will sneak at lone. hr' claim, and that said proof will be made
. ' i.y. n i-i.t l tx-rore J. w. Morrow, county t ierg.ai neppner,
alanlay, Jon 4tb. at i o olook p. m., , ' m im .i.- r
and on tha same day al Heppner al 8 MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner:
o qiooi p. m. Hom-std sppllratlon No. 4071. lor the NEU
lion. 8. H. Howard, ol Mtooeeota. will n-c n. To 1 K. R a. K w m.
sneak at MeDDDer on Mar '2Htb. at 8 8he names the following witnesses to prove
o'clock p. tn.
J . T. Hiukle. Eq. , candidate f.r dis
trict attorney ot Ibis distriot and tbe ean
didales (or connty olbces will speak io
the seversl preoinots of Iba ooaoty, ss
l'ios City, Toesdsy, May 21, at 8
o'clock p. ra.
Lena, Wednesday, May 'a, al 1 o clock
P'm- .......
Matteeon, Ttiorsdsv, Msf .ft, al 1
o'clock p. m., at J. w. Morrow's raoeb.
her continuous resilience upon and cultivation
o said land, vis: A. O Bartholomew, William
H. Kltiley, A Urn 8. iiociKion anil Robert r.
Hynd, all ol Heppner, Oregon
Art. F. MOORE.
Notice of Intention.
Lad Orrirs at LiOsahds. Obkoon,
May S. tm
followlng nameil settler has filed notice of
his intention V' mass final proof In support of
1 1 . . i - I'l.kI., m A ( a tils r aim, ami mat asm prnni win oe nuiw
Uardmao, Iboreday, May .0, at 8 ,.onnly , ,k , ilotmm county, ore-
o o'ock d. ra.
Eight Mile, Friday, Uey Zl, at 1 o clock
p. m.
Pry Fork, Friday, Ms) ,, al 8 o'clock
p. ro.
lunulas. Malorday, Uay xs, at 8
o'clock p. m.
Ever) body Invited. V Ki
mi. at Heppner. Oregon, on June li. tira, vis
rilhue Trier, Hil. io stvi. lor tae owsee,
ii. twp. s., r. a a. w. m.
He name the following wllnews to prove
bis continuous mldenc upon and cultivation
of salil lauil, vis: Jidim w. uuney, Hrnr
Vamierpool, John Mot iilimigB, uaviti mccu
lough, all of Heppner, Oregon.
is Register.
siiKRirm SALE.
oMrr nf sal duly Issued by the Clerk ol
l.t-NM prlot U. and tnrlii1l( H.irh I. Iw " m nun is in. i o.im y ot "orrow
win I p.1,1 u,.n prravniaimn ai tn. omc . ; Vk. IVi. ..'. ;
11 oiitslandlng Mnrmw miinly warrants rr
the trisunrvr nf Mid mutity, I nicest crairi
al ef the !' nf this nolle.
Daled, this rih day nf Mar. IS
fS4-a (iii.iKn.
It Count j Ireaa,
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al-
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
Ws are recelvln a New Invoice of Goods almost every day. Our Raoldly
Wrtt OurCstom.r. raa.lv.
Our Stationery
Is Complete
When In Hoppnes give vsai a oU
Slocum Drug Co.
VVas Perfected by the
Production of....
IH TMF ftuclir rul'MT 'K TMR ST ATI
nl trfi l.ir I I.f in'iiiiy uf Morr .
Matilda Mult. I'ulntin".
Ma"l"- "'. IVIrn.la it.
In Harriet t.--r. lrlr "l.'it
In tl name l In atole uf Orm vntt er
hrrrh r.inlr. In apiwar and aor the com
riaim S rA mamMt In th ! iillllM
eoii and suit nn nr befon lh Srt lr ol the
mI miliar ktra nl aai, r.,nM In wit on nr
beinr the Mh .lay ol Kept . H ym fall
ao tn answer, l.-f want Itwrvnl plaintiff will ap
pit lot a dn-rv vaallni In iilalmlll the till In
loanl tha weal S "H'n
W ol swrtlaa
It lown.hl I north rant ft UmX. Imt. mdo
anil siilhnrlrlr nlalnllt tn rnvy till lo
lh aam In hr own nam, and lot ll othsf
rciM as war he lust and Fen
tl W. RIA,
Ally lor H.
This tuntmnns ta enhtlthad by nr.f ol ivlaw
A a liril in ih Mh I't'liHal dlsirv nl Or.
Sa, dated Mas JK al Hi-pnr, tron
Clval e Twwr flwwwls WKk Cnara
' B.'y 'iartl. ture fMnii l iwwS,
Km. U U i C. tail. arvwKie rttumt ajxewf.
!. In a certain ai tlon In the ( trrull Court
'or said t'ounir and kiala. wherein w f lx.nl
It R. klmal.l and I'UII MvtM-han. as Roard ul
I uiiiiiilalnrra lor the sale nl ai hmd and Mill
veratty lands and lor the Investment ol lands
artsli ( Ihe'elmm, rialntHTs, ft w rd Jiwlsr
mnl afalnst Adrll'le Hnwell, Hmry Hnii.il,
war Huwell. John Howell, N. lie Howell,
wuilam Howell, Hianlnnl Howell, J.weph
II. .mil. Tills ItnarU, Ida llonell, Kiank
Howvll, 'h.imas Hnwell. Uilf Hnwell. H.llie
fa'l'r UK flrr, A leilne lloavli asadmliila
tmrii tnj Hnry Mi.ll a s.lmlulsirat.ir nl
Ih raial nl StaiilnM Hna ell. 1erar . Iim1
snia. Inr the sum of llv tlitndrvd Flfhleen
l.. in' wiih IhlcKwt themiti at id rai nf
ri.M pr iiii mii tmm troni Ih I'lh day o
ttarrh. I". and tha Iiir1hr sum nl Thirtv B
Uiilars attxrnev s hr. a d rnata siii diahura.
mei.ia. nn Ih loih day nl Marrk, hotki
la hrhy (lrn Ihal I will on
SalMfway.the 28th way af May, 1008.
at I n rlnrk p m ol said dav, at th Irnnl donf
I ol thfrtMirt anus In Hfpnr. Mnrmw mnnty,
iierynn. sail al puhlle ei-tion ui th hl(ht
h..Ur Inr raak IS hand. tfclltnwtnf drrthd
pmrrty, lavwlt 1h auuili tmt nuattf ot
avrttna lwnly lhl (.K In tnwn.hlp Inn r ill
wiut h rant Iweuly S ll t W It In Mnr
mw ro Omrna. Taken and lld nfm at
th rnny ol th tald A .11 in ll..w.ll. Hnry
Howll, 4 al nf an wi it'll iherml aa mtv h
nrary tn witwtf Ih said iM(.nnl In (arnf
nl I- tA. M R. Klnnald and tll Men. hen
and asaln.t aald AdHn Hnwall, Henry
Hnwu al. tnt)hf with all mi and dis
hnrwrmvitU Ihal ha if or mar arrr.i
t. U MATt'W K
Dtt4 at HTPMr AprtlZilS, uia
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
.Is the Star brewery beer
1 On draught at
I all popular saloons
203 WasMen St., rHrtlansj, Or
Notice of Intention.
Las ! S AT La gSASDS. OtSon.
May u, l-l
lultnw In nan4 SWttler ha Sld nolle
ol bet Intentiua to wk Snal tinul In tp-.rt
of hrclal, and thai said ronl will b mayt
baliitw Ui County t Nrtk ol Mnrmw rnnoty,
r.,n, al Hfpof, Urefoa, oa July l
l vis '
run i. BtTTtRt.
Hd 5nTT, In h aw awl, (wit nt
sa tod Winr r. tp a r n I M
eh san th lot lowing wltn tn i
hr rnnttniinii rtlnr npnn and rnlllvattnn
H Hiv. ill John M l4mt, Ihnwiat Mat
Inrk4.rraat (Id and Kama Kim p. all ol
Hvu, trua,
krmtly Elisa J.
Notice of Intention.
Usa'rnra at Tss Oauss. nasons.
IS 'r'."'. heirf o.l.-e
kIPJ7. rl?"". and thai a.14 prnnl will
iTlT. T':'" ''. nnt!i7r.l.rk
at HPpnr, orxoa. oa aatnrday lane IA. law.
J.n.rw.n p Rmwn. of Hppnr Hnmtd
a.t.u..ti,n it. -n,. I,, uXH
w and h w. i, ip 8 . fca
H ha mM ih Inllnwlna
Hnsis tn pmta
id riltrl..n
... ... .-!, K . pw,!, a,, tli.,i a
ron, and 4 W .
f ar) twh nf i.in.i...
Vausban, o U po t.n"n
4k. I. Mimm.