"THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE) with the Gazette one year. OFFICIAL PAPER "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you . i should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. i - SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1898. NO! 652 r. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE, CcHvaat PASSENGER 1 - IIrrN PUBLISHED LlN ii - t .ifSSSii (tafiVA 1 Tuesdays and Fridays DEPARTMENT. : cZm,, ..mim H'l'Ts'sfflEaa II fl x 'i 1 V CiUlAI THE PATTERSON "PUBLISHING COMPANTf. TAmolTlT'mlZsin F ' LMlN. 111. M MST " SI Central TnnfiB in nMain h h I (l I lirfw rTWfrrS) I If-lJJ U l7lU IfA , ' Ali 1, a V1 OTIS PATTFRSON FWitnr anrl R Man r I tn ' l'imilMJll lull . , T HS. wmiv .1 I . rVSfl I . At, $3.0J per year, tl.00 fornix month, SO ote. or three moncae, etriotly in advano Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatoffice at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. THIS PAPEK is kept on tile at E. C. Hake's Advertising Agenoy, 6t and 69 Merchants Exchange, Han Francisco, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made tor it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 , ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This pap 3r is kept on file at his offioe. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Snnday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 12:05 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Jnnction 8:30 a, m. and ar rivos at Heppner 6:00 a ra Bpokane Express No, 1 leaveB Portland at 2:00 p. m . and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 7 :50 p. m. and Uina illa 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla DUO a. tn. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:2!) p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. ra. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves DmntiUa 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7:2C a.m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. it & N., Heppner, Ore. OrriCIAli DISBCTOBT. United States Officials. Pieeidnnt William McKiutey Vice President Garret A. liobart Secretary of Utate W. B. Day Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Oage Seorntarv of Interior CornnlinH N. HHrh Secretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Poitiuaster-Qeneral Charles Kinery Bmilh Attorney-General . ....John W Griggs Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metechan Bnpt, Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General G. M. Idleman Senator. j- W. MoBride pressmen Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E, Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Ci-cnit Judge Stephen .Lowell Ptostouting Attorney.... H. J. Dean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Representative. J. N. Brown (Jonnty Judge A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J.R.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Olerk J. W. Morrow ' Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Treasurer Frank Gilliam " Assessor A. C, Pettays ' Surveyor.. J. J. MoGee School Bup't Jay W. Bhipley "' Coroner u. F. Vaughan HirpKia jovn ornoiRS. Miyoi Tho. Morgan Councilman K. J. Hlocnm, M. , Lichtenthal, J. R. Simons. J. J, Huberts, J. W. Rasmus and E. G. Sparry. Reorder W. A. Richardson 1' unsnrer L. W. llriggs Marshal.... John Hatter PrMinctOffloerp. Justice of the Pe&oe ......W. E. Uirhanlson Constable N. 8. Whetatone United Mates Land Officer!. TUX DALLES, OB. J. F. Moore Register A. 8. Uigga Receiver LA OBAHDE, OB. E. W. Bart'ett Register J.H. Uobbina Receiver 8S3BET SOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Meet at Hpppner, Or., the third Saturday of ach month. Ail veteran are Invited to Join. W. W. Hmith. G W. He,, Adlntant, tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Ofnoe hours, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to 2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop rty, east of ML E chnrcb, Sootb, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 lo 5 p. m., at offloe in tbe rear of Borg's jewelry atore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloa Id tbe First National Back Building. IltpPNiK, : : OHitaoit. tf Ellis & Phelps, Y1T0RNEYS AT LAW. All business attended tn In a prompt and fttlsfwtorf manuor. NoUrlus public and Collector. Ofllce la Natter aulldlng, Heppner. Of. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Pat roar old books and aotee In his hernia and tet four mntiey out of then. Makee a (peclaltjr ot bard eelleetloua. Office in J. N. Brown's BailJiog. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. ornet t COUNCIL CM AM aiMS lit and buys ml iU'. rvnts hnusM, para UlM. dnoe mnrfaiirln( and will tmtim you In Uf la ble line, at reaaoaabl D(urca. tl First National Bank OF IIEPTNER C. A. ft MIA, T. A. RHCA, Gto. W. CONttH, S. W. SPCNCCR, Prealdent Vie President Ca enter Ass't Cashier Trusadj I Cenl Etblinf EXCHANGE , ail parts el tbe orlt f . ., . Coitartlna aiad oa all Points NMIhlt T.rmt. ar-tiM aud eUVlaJ Frodia 00. I T " GENERAL . ., l Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. FOND, Gen'l Passr. Agt. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. St A., P. Kt. W. & C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATB8 tte.oo PBR DAY ' Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CxriCA-GKO. ILL. NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. TUB ELIjES, ORBO-OIT. Grower and Dealer in - Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Published Every Saturdayl 13 Astor Place New York Tbe O it look will be io 1837. at it has been duriDg t-aob of its twenty sereo yean, a History of Oar Own Times. Io lis various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compact review of tbe world's process; it follows witb care all tbe important philanthropic sod id daatria movemeots of the da;; bas a complete department of relictions news; devotes mnob space to tbe interests of tbe borne; reviews oarrent literature; farniebes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aires to give fresh information, criginal observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty flifth volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular mage tine site, wbiob will add greatly to its ooDveulHooe and atlractiveoess. Tbe Outlook is pnbliuhed every Saturday fifty two Issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaob month is an Illustrated Magaiioe Number, oon taming abont twice si many pages aa tbe ordinary issue, together witb a large number of pictures. Tbe price of The Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or less tbsn a cent day. Send for a specimen onpy sod ill nit ret- eu prospeotus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Plaoo, New Totk Ottv. BTOCK BRANDS. Wbila rue aoep for tabaeriptloa paid as r-a saaksap roar brand la trMof chart. Borg, P. O., Rsppnar, Ot.-Rotms, P B c Uft sbosldari eattla, suss oa Uft hip. Hnha, Parcr. Hsppaar, Or Oattls bnndad W. H. 0 o. aawti on in iort Slit Waddls aosa. fiansa. Morrow eonatr Cook. A. 4-Lms.Otj-Honw, 90' Hibtshoal "ri CtH, ainoa rtebt hipi aav auwk sunan trop B Uft aad svltt U rtabt. IT1. D rV I -. rm 1 a . I" should, eaule aaae om Uftbip. bote rioraaoa, L. A., Roprwar. Or. CWttl. LP oa rtabt aipt borm wtlb bar and oa rtabt bualdnr. Jnnsa, Hairy Hnppnr, Or Tinnm hraaiUd H i no lh imt h.fil.lrj mm I bisjdad i no niiht hip. ! aotiarlnt la laft aar. Kan la inbuvia. Kll. Lsna. Or. Rhwm oiwLT bfl MBas oaula. sama m riht blp, aadaf balf Wp la naM and stilil M Ufl aar Ranar, Mika, Rpt.nt. iH.Wnnm bmndwl EMI oe tart hip aautasamaaad crop ofl Urt sari aada alupa oa Ux rlsrbl Uaht. i. W. Happnar Or.-Hnraas brandad Land A lt ahoaldari aatlla aama oa laft blp, waul mr nabl sra. Urn aliia la fight aar. Minor, Oarmr, rtappaar nr. t aitu, M O oa nsai aip) suns ua kan anaajita. Mnraan. n. W., Hnnar. Or. Rnrasa, ) oai mil nmmi cania M(M oa Ian blp Oshxra. J. W I).IM Or.; bnna O ua laf Koabtari alta aw ua right hip. rrw tiUaai. Uantoa.lr.-HraMiroa lrt StMiakkal. farn. Otbr: hnrsi-t brandai bar and ii. n oa fr thouiw. riif, T.$ui Mil, orrow cnurny. HaMnr, i. W . Rapptwr. Dr.-nnfMa, JO as anakwMav. lalUa, na ribl blp. 1 Aaaiaoi kona) W Cm Urt ahaaUW. Tbna .. i. A.. tiapaar (tr-Roraas, an tart hmI4m. aaU. 1 a laft h.UUr Taraar K. W Happaar. ttr, sttnait aapttaj T Ian shnqtHar. hi rii aatlia if 1-ft k,. wtia 1 u buu mn. Outlook T, I I l ormtants and Children. ' ' ' Mm WfOli ) Th Kind You Have PlFWoi'- Kll'6 slmilatingihEToodandRegula- ' . "WSSBBV W ''''wt-'ji? ' 1 tttestoinachsaDxiBowelsQf ; BeafS the t J' A ' " J PromotesTHgcstion.Chccrful ness andRest.Contalns neither S)ium,Morphine nor Mineral, OT NARCOTIC. Have efOIdn-SAMUZLEnXWl Pumplm Smi' 41x.Senna Antn &ed JX'UMtmiiDt M CartonattStiM, WmJeeJ - Apcrfecf Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.DiarrhoeaJ Worms .Convulsions Jcvensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Toe Simile Signature of NEW YOHK. " EXACT COP OF WRAPPEB. 4iia V. ABEAHiVMSICK, " Merchant ! frailbnng ! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepr ner. Kiswork is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. V OAL, AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET 'When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! For more than fifty-six in its weekly .visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT II AH faithfully lalxtrad for their prosprrltr , biiiH-a ami home interest, for aduoatlon, lor the elevation of Amernn manbood and true wnmanhon! IT HAS told t the tin-side, InUtrestinf and IT HAS sU1 1 the laruirr ss lo the most approved methrxli of cultivating and hsrvratlog hll iiaufui aim aiaiv. emus, aim ttie prober time lo convert IT HAS Ird In all iraturs iiertsliilnr to the welfare of fanners and villagers, and for over a ball a century has held tbelr toafldenoe and it za rzzxa. New York Weekly Tribune, And we furnish It with the $2.76, cash in advance. Address all Orders to Writ your nmff n1 .MrrM on T'! rM, wi tn, iii. win' i cujij ui wm i-tjw ivrt WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia llivcr and Puset Sound Navigation Cd SlfjBcrj 1ELFJ' BAILKY iaflo- Al.ler Htrert iX-ck. Portlaod, lark sed ptahcotta. thraet eonDeptioa with Ilvaeo it.tui.ii sod rail roa l; also at Young's Jlar with Kearljnre Hilrol. TELiIlPIIONIl Leaves fortlsod 1 A, M. Iiell;. esr4 kundef. HA.XIa7mr C-aVTBXai.T Leaett Portland F M fellf. n? totAtf. SatoMef night, H f M. Le iitorla l st eft A. M., eioept .andef aad Mottdsr- Ss. noaf sigbt. I V. U fort lend en1 rune 1lrart to varo. Tnaal.v and Tbnftdt S A. W Batertsr at 1 f , M ,t iiaerg innj eni rn'isj at I w a. m. US S'ltwlaf aiaMat I r. M. CUiod to EiW Di.iulkio M W Fret of Eyst t im m a. l .j ar mm mmm i . t j w j .s i aa .i j lami v?.'; jfittir . m 1 1 rirtjfj is s s . vr i i Kind VJ You Have Alwavs Boiie:ht. mi . nn lv- ii m h L3 i in titu.'. i-'.-;Ui; l 1ft. i :' BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed and hspplnras, for Ilia Improvement of tbelr Instructlvs lUirlisof the doings of the world, the them Into the tar! boealhle amninit of moiiav. esteem. GAZETTE, THE GAZETTE. tn.1 It toOo. W. 9.t, Trlbtiti fmtmt KW wmcmij i riu'Hif wut ut niuifq io jua. GiTZLRT AND OCEAN WAVE. for Astoria, llwaoo, hmtg Beseb, CWss Ievre A.tatat I'. M. tisllv, enepl atitide)t HON. FBAICK Republican (Candidate WAR r ! Word was reoeivod at Pendleton son had wired that he had met the enemy in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, demolishing the entire Spanish fleet, and, thus, winning " the grandest naval victory iu the history of the world. 1 J o i Additional particulars expeoted this morning. ' " " ' ' " ,; , Pendleton, Or., celebrated last night. : . i'." .. ,., .. T ') A telephone from Portland says that the above report is but a ru mor, anrl althrtnorh it moo ha trna it " D " " j w . HONG KONG, May 25.Rioting is going on iu Manila. Half the town is in flames. Archbishop Spanish battleships are .nearing Spanish victory! All foreign taken concentrated action for the WASHINGTON, May 25. Seoretary Alger will resign owingto SAN FRANCISCO, May 25. - Sidney and Australia will probably , WASHINGTON, May 25. week, preparations will be made for for the Philippine. The president bas issued a call ing to population of tbe states. - 'I KEY WEST, May 20. A dispatch boat from Santiago arrived today. Schley's fleet bas been which is inside. , Sampson's fleet Ouba will now undoubtedly begin SAN FRANCISCO, May 2C o'clock yesterday afternoon amid say that tbe lieutenant-commander been shot after a court martial trial to the same fate. WASHINGTON, May 20. on pluns for the invasion of , Porto KEY WEST, May 2G,-8ampson's fleet bas seized a big coal de- posit at Cayo, a French possession. It was left there by German' colliers for the Spanish fleet MADRID, May 20. Manila arms and ammunition at Binalnyas. plies and drove the Americans back GIBRALTAR, May 20. A consignment of forty Krupp guns for fortifications or battleships reached passed the German aud Frenoh customs honses as cooking uteoBila. WASHINGTON, May 20.-The disabled at Manila. No lives lost A gigantio movement of troops gun. I be Oregon bas been ordered Spaniards attempted to blow np I I I 11 111 uomus were iouna in coai tan en aooara mere. WASHINGTON, May ignate an independent fleet for operation against 8an Joan. , . Miles will mobilue tbe army in tbat direction will bogin as soon Tbe war departmeiit has China, to sail with Zealand ia, Ohio and Centennial with tbe seoond Philippine expedition, early next KEY WEST, May 27.-Tbre sighted twenty miles off Hand Key here bas gone to meet them. , rich ley is reported as master the Spaniards come out and give . . - r-r i fiirt moas is Sanaa. This Is tba moat osivsrsal tparUoo DiminUbtd rapiratUn during wlnUt rich foods saJ elnaa f iiiQoentiil ii doors era some of the eaasss. A ttooa prlog mtdioin, tiks Hood's Harasoal rllta, ts abaolatalf Baoasstry to purify lb blood sod pat tbs ;itca lo S b'eltbr eoadltlos at Ibis Mssoa. flood's nils art tbs tt family tbsrtta aad livtr tonle, CsDtU.rsllabla, toil t'ars, I. DUNBAR. for Secretary of State. NEWS last night at 8 o'olook that Samp ia nnl aitfiat v .a uw loiiucut ... of Manila has announced that fpuir. the city. He prophesies a grea warships have by request of Dewey J protection of foreigners. i The report is again ourrent that ill health. Troop ships, City of Pekin, City of leave at 3 p. m. today. As soon as Gen. Merritt sails next the third expedition of 10,000 men 1 , for 75,000 more volunteers, accord left outside guarding Oervera's fleet is off Havana and the invasion of at once. 1 Troop ships for Manilla sailed at 4 great enthusiasm. Manila advices of the Spanish guuboat, Callao, bas and Admiral Montejo is sentenced The war department is now engaged Rioo. advices say that Americans landed The Spanish captured tbe sup-J with great loss. Spain from Essen, Prussia. , They cruiser Baltimore is reported in the direction of Cuba has be-1 to join Sampson at Havana. The the Orsgoa at Rio Janeiro.,-. Thirty' t ' i.i " ' V i 27.-SampsoD bas been instructed to des ,for Porto Rioo and the movement as the Cuban invasion ia started. chartered the steamers, Colon and week. unknown steatosis have just been Light The small squadron from of Santiago, and is seeking to make battle, Fossil Journal: J. II. Ouff.olLoas Itock, ins eootraotor wbo bssaesorod lbs mall rooUs from Fossil and Ooadso to UsppDor, will kI aw eoaebss oo Usm rit wbss'bs lakes. bars Jslylal. . ..... Will tbs Isds el our Uuls olty war eslsbittlog victorias tbat ws srs gelog to wlo, last Wsdoaaday vstllog, Jodd Usrt aecytDtBtly flrsd a Romss sssdla la Puk Wslls fata, badly toortblag oim, News of People yell-Known in Pendleton But Now in Alaska. From the E, 0. v Ed. Strabon and Qlen Bashes left this oity the latter part of February ' with hopes ot making a fortune in the far famed coon try of Alaska. This mornitj(j they leturned, aocompanied by Jack Matlock, whose uoole, Wm. Matlock, is running a brewery at 8ka(tuay, with tales of oold weather aud few ohances of making money in the "frozen north." Mr. Strabon was engaged io conducting a pack train of the Beagle-Matlock com pany, from Skagnay over the famous White Pass to Lake Benoett, and made five trips in that oapaoity when he was taken ill at Bkaguay . As soon as ablo, be prepared to return and Glean Bus- bee, who bad also made a trip or two ith him, seeing no ohanoe of bettering his condition, decided to aooompany bis fellow townsman home. Just as the were about to start Jaok Matlook joined tbe party and together they made tba trip. j. : All report that Alaska and its cold fields have been greatly exaggerated by returning Klondikers and say that the real ohancts of making money are few. 'the only people who seem to be at all luocessful are saloonkeepers and the owners of pack trains, the latter reoeiv- ng IS ; cents per pound for oanveyina outfits from Skaanav to Lake Bennett. Tbe winter trail over the pass has been broken up and just prior to the party's departure the first trip over tbe new "summer trail," as it is oslled, was made. ,The weather wbiob bas been very disagreeable all winter has moder ated soma and tba new waterworks, re cently treated at Sksguay, make that place a very pleasant place to live, pro viding a man bas money. PKNDLBTONIANS IN ALASKA. Wro. Matlook, formally of Pendleton, with his partner, R. L. Baaitb, is con ducting a large brewery at Skaguay ith great sucoess. Geo. I. La Dow and wife are living at Skaguay. Mr. LsDow is employed in tbe Skaguay brewery, owned by Smith & Matlook. Wesley Matlook and Lester Swaggert are running a large saloon in Skaguay and making money rapidly, Geo, Light, who is conducting a dray- ge and hauling business between Skag uay and tbe summit of White Pass, is reported to be doing splendidly. ' ' A l'leawnt Party. Oo last Saturday evening, May 21, 1808, Mrs. O. E. Farnsworth invited a tew friends to spend tbe evening, in honor of tbe olsss ot 98. The evening was spent in looial games and music. After a Innoh of ioe cream and oake, the guests departed, witb wishes for many more uob pleasant evenings, Those present were : Misaes Mabel Uerren, Vira Hart, Dollie Bush, Cora Hart, Mams and Flora Farnsworth, Messrs. Jess Sbelley, Frank Borg, Bert Pbelpi, Bob Ilynd and Will Smith. KoblM-d tba (Jraya. A startling incident ot whiob Mr. John Oliver ot Philadelphia, was tbe subject, Is narrated by blm as follows: "I was in a moat dreadful condition. My skin was almost yallow, eyes sunken, tongue ooated, pain continually io back and sides, so appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Tbres physicians bad given ma op. Fortunately, a frland advised tr log 'Electric Bitters,' sod to my great Joy and surprise, lbs first bollls mads a decided Improvement. I continued their use for three wsski, ted now I to wtll man, I know tbey saved my lift and robbed I' t gravt of anotbsr victim." Mo ona should (all to try tbsm. Oolv CO cents per buttlt at E, J. 81o onm's drug itore. LITKKAKY NOIM Tbt June Ladies' Uoms Jour jal priota tbt plana for three modal small oburobns cburohas tbat can ho built at small ooit. Tba plant art by tbt Journal's tpacial arohittot, and His ebarobes art tuob aa would bt deslrsd io small com munities wbert mousy lorthair eoostruc Hon It not over plentiful. General Fitsbugb Las, siooe return log from Havana, baa wrilUn to arliole for tbs Jons number of MoOlors's Maga tlot, giving a general review ot reoaot Spanish rult lo Oubt as It presented It telttobimlo bis own obsarvatluns, si- perleoot, tod Imprtaaioni tod In bis official labors as ooimil general at Ilsvans. The article will bt vary fully Illustrated from special photographs, roost ot Ibtm hitherto onpoblltbsd. Bt boI dseslvtdl A eongb, boarsoast ot eroop art not to bt triflrd with. A does lo timt ot Nbilob't Curt will tavt its much trouble. Huld by CoostrA tTarrto, v