US Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- TO THB JE1 IT GIVES THE OBOICl Of Two Transcontinental CHEAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VU Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha iwn Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON: GEO. IF. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTi In through tourist can witbont change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oondootors and porters. COMMENCING APRIL 2d nnann Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly trom Portland to Yokohoma and Horn in ouu section with O. R. & N. Vnr fnli dnrnila call on 0. R. 4 N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obmon, Dodwell. Carllll, A Co., Gon'l. Agts., Nor. Pac S. 8. Co., Fortiana, ure. Condon Globe: Hon. C. W. Foltoo, of Astoria, and Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles, enteitained the people of Condon on the evening of May l6to by a tew brief and well chosen remarks in the interest of the republican party. Lack of spaoe this week prevents us from publishing their speeches. lleaaty Is Illood Deep. Clean blood mean a clean akin. Xo beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b stirring up the lazy liver and driving all mi- luritiea from the bod) ules. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking anixli dy. ItotCin to-day lo pimples, boils, blotches, uiackueaas. Casearets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satuuaction guaranteed, 10c, Hoc, 50c. q To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without chanxe via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. .,CiI,.ua To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and UcSUay!", Boston without chauire via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ry. WmWdavs To Bt- Joep". Kansas City and V eUlie&UdyS, gt. Louis without change via Halt Lake ana Burlington Koute. Tliii.c.i?aira To Kansas City and St. Louis with lllUrsUdyS, out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, Inquire of O. R, 4 N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL. 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Hen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington Bt., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt. Heppner, Or. Congressman Tongue's friends are making a red-hot canvass in bis bcbalf in the first congressional district. Mr. Tongue is worthy of it, because be is true to bis friends. This is a prlnoiple worthy the emulation of any man. LOCAL BQC1B3. Call tor Fred Krug to saw your wood. 49lf Harry Warren is moving into bis new borne on Court street. Commissioner Beckett wee in from Eight Mile last week. What is Hop GoldT Beet beer on earth. Bee ad. elsewhere. , 1 Llohtenlbal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbs beet. 83lf 8plendid weather for the Eastern Ore gon erops is beiog experienced. C. A. Rhea returned Sunday morning from a business trip to Portland. Ouinnesee's famous old "Dublin BPECIAb NOTICE. Rawlins Post, No. 31, Q. A. R., will bold memorial services at the M. E ebureh in Heppner, May 29th, 1808, 2 .30 o'clock p. m. The decoration of graves at Lexiuglon will ocour M ay 30tb, at 10 o'ohek, a. m. All old soldiers, their families and every body invited. Bring your baskets well filled. An extra train trom Heppner to Lex ington and return is expected at reduoed rates. The train leaves at 930, a. m. By order of O. W. Rica, Q. W. Smith, Commander. Adjntant. Cordray, the pioneer theatreman of Portland in the line of "popular prioee," has refitted the Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Cordray always Las something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at nis piaoe. ti E. O.: E. H. Clarke, the popnlar wool buyer, representing the well known firm of Christy & Wise, of Ban Franoisoo, ar rived this morning preparatory to the purchasing of wool for bis firm the ooming season. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head as clear as bell. Sold by Oonser & Warren, z NOHTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit The East Oregonisn oontains some interesting letters from the pen of J. P. Wager, who discusses the Portland sit uation from a demooratio standpoint. Wager is a bright, brainy man and his pinion oounts for something. (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at HUE YOU G01HG EflST If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via tub -iiiityrattni Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THE Great Short Ur)e BETWEEN DULDTR, Bt. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND BOOTH. Thoir Mmrntflcent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given this road a national reputation. All ;.i ur. i.Rrrlii on the vestlhuled trams without extra charge. Hhlp your freight ml travel over this famous line. All agouts have tickets. . ... w.n V C. 8AVAOE. U Taint Trv,r-,d.l'.Agt. 21ft Washington Ht Portland, Or. CHICAGO llwate & St. Paul B'i DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer - and breeder in Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION: 82.0(1 PER YEAR Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this offloe. 60 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Hi This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; LinhU its trains by eleotriolty through out: Usee the oelebrated eleotrio berth read ina lump; , i Rons speedily equipped passenger trains Atfurv; iliiV fill it niulit between Ht. Paul and Obioatfo, aud Omaha and Chicago; the r.hirann. Milwaukee & af in vvsjj St. Paul Aim mierates steam-heated vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library buffet amok .. ran. and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars. .n.1 tha vnrv best dining Obalr ear service. For lowest rates to any point in lbs United Slate or Uauede, appiy to agent or address C. J. EDDY. J. W. CASEY, General Ageot, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. Traoc Marks "ftlO COYRIOMT AC. Anvnna NnrllniT si akntrh ind rtpuflTintlon my quickly RUdHrtftln our opinion frut whether an tiiveiitlnn t pnthehly patentable. mimiinlcv tlDiid at rlrt ly oonttd ent IkI. Hunt! book on 1'at mtt sutnf rrM. ii Rum i r ior ntjurinir umvuis, Paiijiiita taken thniuifh Munn k Co. reoafTtt tpfrUU iutice, without ch write, la the scictiuiic Jiitiericam A huncl.iimolv Illustrated weekly. Isreest dr. rulal Inn nf any selenllllo journal. Terms, S3 a venr; Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.''NewTorK UrftiiCD umotja (mo w ei nHniuKiuu. v, v. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy IS-MKerrv's. The best Ve The best BuJIbT seeds srown are ..nrVUKerrv's. The best t seeus buwd mo rooj . , Tha best seeds known are Terry'. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Seeds Ask the dealer for them. Bend for rrRPV'B SEED ANNUAL A and getail that's good ondCWj UQTT . 11 lull... h VfX i tbe bent. 1 PLIVUD. M. FERRY 4 CO.,1 PiVJV Detroit. Mich. CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Els Cream Calm couUlns no eocslne, nvrciiry nnr any otUer InjuriouadruK. It is quickly Absorbed, Gives Helietatonce. It opens nt elcunaes the Sttl )'s(i((es. Alhivit Inllsmnistlnn Ileitis and Hrolwls tlio Metisr '1 'ilK'o and llli'll. 1 bii-i; Ifte : at I'm COLD S HEAD Hei-tnrcK tlio II aize r,vic. : Trul u. o. Iiv moll. i.LV UKU'l'll Kl(:. 3 Warren street, Now Vork. 8tout," imported, at Chris Borohers' . If Jake Young, one of Eight Mile's act ive, prosperous farmers, was io town last Friday. Mrs, I. T. Barr has opened dressmak ing parlors at the residence of Mrs. S. Tillard. J. W. Cowins has bought tbe Sam Kinsman plaoe, above town, paying therefor fl 000. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean, fresh stook of goods leave your orders. If. It yon need something tor your system oall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt H. 9. Simon, representing H. Yarwig k Son. Portland liquor merchants, was in our little oily Friday last. Mrs. Lsne, of Lexington, an aged lady, died Friday last. The interment oc curred Satnrday at the Lexington ceme tery, Mr. F. J. MaoQougan, speoial agent of the Inland Tel. Co., residing at Spokane, is here on business conneoted with bis company. Stop that ooughl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Oonser k Warren. x Earl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion It's tbe best and if after using it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Oonser k Warren. x E. B. Stanton, candidate for repre sentative on the fusion ticket, was in Heppner yesterday. Mr. Stanton bas been on the sick list this spring, bat Is much improved at present. A mortor, fired as a salute when the westbound train arrived at Baker City with the Idaho troops on board, on last Thursday, exploded killing a six-year old boy named Curtis Spencer. Sheriff Matlock returned from Salem, where be bad been to oonvey a crazy man to tbe asylum, Saturday morning, He stopped over at Portland on the re turn trip to see bis daughter, Mrs. E. A. Yaugban, and reports her as improving rapidly. Tbe war bulletins appear regularly two or three times a day from this office and are read eagerly by our people. As an advertising feature it is a good thing, as from 8,000 to 5,000 reaoh tbe people weekly. Thus the people are benefitted and this office is also enabled to pay the expenses of prioting the news. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than E. J. Slocum, who spares no pains to secure tbe beet of everything in bis line for his msnv customers. He now baa the valuable sgeooy for Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is prodnoing such furor all over tbe country bv its many startling oures. It absolutely oures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affeotiona of tbe Throat. Chest and Lung. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular sizs for 50 oeots and 91.00, Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. pa 1 1 'a i' It l I; mux M 17... 1 ;v i ts - m xwiin fr ev huff I U I 1 . J ' I Villi I t I II DON'T KICK because your wool has not brought the best returns ta the past. It may hare bttmn Aasrlratcf mbout th market in the usual commis sion house way. . We have a better plan. Wm ss( your wool dl root loth ntanufmolurar. We are big enough to attract his trade and command his respect. Try our plan and see it you don't like it better. Sacks furnished free to shippers. We make liberal Advances on Consignments and only charge 5 per cent interest per annum on money advanced. Our Circular Lotto keeps you posted on market conditions. Don't sell until you hear from us. Better write to-day. SILBERMAtt BROS., SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. 1ao.124-12e.1ta miOHIQAM STREET, 523 Chicago, His THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOUBLES AND CONSU4UTION CAN BE CURED. There Will Be a Bin Time at Pettey's Grove Thursday, Jane 2. Tbe Morrow Oonnty Sunday School convention will be held at Petteys Grove, Thursday, Jane 2, 1898, in line with all former conventions. The Sunday sobools of Morrow county have been benefitted moob by eaoh yearly gather ing, and it Is expeoted that this year's convention will be as snooesBful as those of past years. It-is not tbe desire to present a set program tbis year. In faot, the exer cises will be of an impromptu cbaraoter to a oertain extent. A big picnic dinner is to form a splen did feature of tbe day's enjoyment. Come all, and bring your baskets well filled. A speoial train will run to and from Heppner. Remember tbe date, Jnne 2 0103 What Dr. A. E. Baiter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effeot of your Shiloh's Cure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most rerrmrkarjle remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has oertaiuly saved many from consumption. Sold by ConserA Warren. Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, long and ohest troubles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affeotiona, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bss cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible onre. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbis great chemist, patiently expert mentinff for years, baa produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tbe world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum. M. O, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine . will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than ',, plain printing. However, tbis shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person . under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that you bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but it you will give us a ohanoe we will see that you are satisfied io every particular. Bay your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from boms tbe foreigner got tbe money and we got tbe goods. nt wnen ibe goods were bought Bt borne we bad both money and goods. Tbis is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560 tt $100 KEWARDI THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast VIA THK Will be paid for information leading to tbe arrest and oonvictioo of any per son stealing ostlle branded "WB" oon- neoted on tbe left side. Waddle on the nose. Percy Hcorbs. 45-nov3 's MCTO' I1 '11 1 i TUB TllROUUH CAR LINE. It. II UTEUARY NOTES. IN TMC Coop 1 World's Competition 1 mi m srs Increases Yield of Wool, Enhances Value ol Flock. Cheap, Safe, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBEHTS. GCNCRAl AQCNT, SIT Ash Ktreet, I'ortland, Oregon. SM ly Minor & Co., llqipiHT, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET TUKOUOU CAM TO (Sr. PAl'I. I MINNKAPOLIH I nri.UTil M'TtK HELEN A TVk,.. Ism! to all point In the Toiled Htati'S ami ( .'auada. yl'lCK TIME TO PiiirsiHt VaHIMlTi)M Nw Yobr livmio All other points lo tht r'.aal and honlbsail OkHNl Kix City Ht. Jtwira Nr. Lotus U.HITOK I'ol'io IVpiit rnnooetloris at Ht. Paul, Mmtjeapolia, Kansas City, Omaha, HI. liiiis and other prvtnl titut (Hitots Uatfvsi checked through t destination ol IktsU. Thenusb tiiketa to JDa eoJ China, vi Tshime and Northern PariSe bteem nip Company's line. For full Information, Urn eerda,aape. tickets, etc, call on or wne W.U.AUswf, A. P. CMt?H. 1.1VJ lif. last. dsn. Pats. Alt fMPUsjCrV feH.io4,Or riM.MAN PALAl'K RLKKl'KBM. 1'UiiLMAN TOUHIST HLKKI'EKH. HIKE KKCLIN1NU CHAltt CAMS. Portland to Chicago H7ionf Change (juirk Time. I nli in Diota. IVrMinally Cnnilurtetl Kictirslon. llaKKHKH ('hacked to Destination. I.nw ItatM. liireft line to Trans-MisslMUini ami Inter national KiiHMitimi liald at Oinatia, Nebraska, Jnne Ui November, Writ nmleniiiinxl fur rate, timetable anil other tiifomialiuu pertaining to Union 1'aoiAe 11 iv 11 IV XL' 11 ... 1 r Hl'IT Irf . I Hen. AU. litt l tit., O. M AN. Co.. rnrtlanit, nr. neipner, vr. fRLIN6T0N-F0S5IL STA6ELINE I H. REED r,0p,lelo A. U. OlltLVIE lrP,l0' Sumuel Parsons, Jr., late superintend nt ct parks in New York city, is terhaps tbe highest Amerioan authority on the making and beautifying of parrs. Hit artiole, "Tbe Parks and tbe People." in tbe May Magazine Number ot Tbe Out look, is thoroughly readable, and is notable also for its abundant and oharm ing illustrations. ($3 year. The Oat- look Company, 2S7 Fourth avenue, New York.) Tbe Marquam Urand, on Morrison street In the Msrqnam building, is under exoellent management and tbe pubho will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new feces will ap pear from time to time at this popalar, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denlr.ens should not fall to take In some of tbe fine dramas that will be presented. tt Tbe La Grande Elks. A lodge of Elks bas been instituted at La Grande and tbe following are the offi cers eleoted: Exalted ruler, E. W. Bart lett; esteemed leading knight, Dr. N. Molitor; esteemed loyal knight, B. F. Wilson; esteemed lecturing knight, R. L. Lincoln; secretary, W. B. Sargent; treasurer, J. W. Scriber; tyler. E. P. Sobow; esquire, Roy Reed; trust- es, J. H. Peare, I. N. Murphy and G. L. Mell quiet. Forty candidates were taken into I tbe fold, three ot whom came from Baker City. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, as tbey cannot reaoh the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by oonstitional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the muoous liuing of the eu stachian tube. Wben this tube gets in-1 flamed you bave a rumbling sound or imperfect heariug, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is tbe result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tnbe restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases oot of ten are caused by catarrh, wbiob is nothing but an in flamed condition of the muoous surfaoet. We will give one hundred dollars for any ease ot deafness (caused by catarrh) I that cannot be onreu by Hairs Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. CTfSold by druggists. 75c. MENlc, QUICK TI3VT33 t can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men. come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN A CO.. 10SI Market St, Est d 1852. Young men and middle aicea men who are suttering ( from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical ueDllll7,lmpieoe7,iiONi i.i . in all its complications; Mperniatorrlinn, IrolHtorrbPU. Vimorrtawa, Wires, rrsaarue; ot tTrlnaUna-, etie. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, tha Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not onlv afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to pert or m miracles, out is well-known to oe a lair and sauare Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in nis tnenaltv tlaeAH Of Men. Hvnhllla thnrnllffhlv erwllciltpd from the system without using 9terrury .. A KVF.KY IHAH applying to OS will re- W Oetve our hmwtt opinion of his complaint. J WewillUuaranteeaPOSJTIVE CUKEin f ewry ease vie undertake, or Jorjeit One 1 TliouMUnd Dollar. W Consultation FREE and strictly private, Charges very reasonable. Treat ment personally or by letter. Send for book, "The rhlloaouhv of nsxrlaxe.' free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy 4 tha finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Com and learn how wonderfully you are made) how to avoid sickness and dlkaase. We are continually adding" new specimens. CATALOUUK Call or writs. ' tn&l Varkat SlrMt. San Praneltea. CsL SQ.Jtx Franoisoo And all points in California, via tha Mt, Shasta route of tha Southern Pacific Co The great hiahway through California to ail points East and Sonth. Grand Hoenio Route Of the Pacifio Coast. Pullman Bnffet Dleepera. oeoond-olaas sleepers Attached to express trains, arjording superior accommodations fur second-olasa passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc-,, call npon or address R. KOEHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. Si P. Agt. Portland, Oregon ll A W A (Mil I s - A"Wl The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. .STEAMERS. "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Commencing Monday, May 2nd, tbe steamers of the Regulator Line will leave Portland at 6:30 a, m. and Tbe Dalles at 8.30 a. m. Wben you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALL A WAT, Oeneral Agent. art. Is the iIaca to yo to get your fine pork sd1 lamb cliopri,' ntnkl 6 ml roasU. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sn.-sr rure.1 hsins au.l Ikm'oM. i'ure lil li l. kettle n-iMlcrr-l old st I... IIIkIi.-sI run pllr l'l lot let su k. iu:nj. math i:vs. Keen sueeDaim Eel W. Tin: wool m:coiu Telle Yen Hewte De It. Weekly Kxearaloes la Thruack Cars I tbs Cast. Another through tourist ear to tbe East bas teen arranged to ran out of Portland, giriog tour each week. Here after the car letting Monday will ma through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. It. k N., Ore goo Hhort Line, Rio Grande Western, Deover k ltlo Uraoda, Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Alton. That car has Jnst been arranged tor, and tbe one pre'iou ly scheduled for Monday lias been changed to Thursday. It runs through to 8t. Louis, via the Missouri I'solflo line. Tbe ear leaving Portland Taesday goes tbrnngb to IViatiin, ami la promoted by the Chicago, ltock Island and I aoitlo Wednesday's ear runs to Hi. Jneeph, Kansas City snJ Hi. Lotus, over tbe tliirlinuton. All thea siieoiat throtub The Only All llail Ibitite Without eaia are reciting a gratifying palrnnags. FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO KiMtall (iiu inllea).. I'iOO Hound trip 100 Mayvtlle (M miles). 4 011 Hound trip 7 00 Vmidon (W tulles)., ton Hound trip too ll'lem miles) ... !M Hound trip 3 90 Olei (l nillea) I So Round trip IN Wage lesvee Arlington every morning (Sunday icepled) at 0 o'clork; ie due at tjoiittun at 3 p. m. and art lye at roe- sil at 7 p. m. Comfurtabls covered coaches and eare- fill, fiperlenoed d'tver. SINE FilLS I NORTHERN NHSON i FORT SBFPMRD KKD MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS OFTICIAL WAR BOOK, hy Conirressman Jstnes Kankln Young. All almnt War with Kpaln. the Navy, all defenses. Battliishlps, ete. I'lirtrstts and biographies ol IM-wey and all promlneut omeer. Keany ftuu pages. Massive vol nine. Marvelotialy cheap, beet authorship. Only authentic, official book. Kxperleuce not necessary. Anybody can sell It. l.aillrs as siirceasful aa gentlemen. We are the largest sutKH'rlptlon Iwok tlrm In Amerlre. Write us. Fifty persons are employed In our correspondence dertinent alone, to serve you. Our hook Is Just out. Met sgrnry now and be ritln the Oelil. IMttt .nie nnr Map in colors free with book or outllt Other valuable preml. inns. Tremendous seller. Biggest money makerever known. Most lltieral u-rms giiaran leed. A no nis making 17 to. per day. Twenty days credit given. Freight paid. Full liook ut prepaid to agents, si .. npieimm sample outfit and lull instruction Ire lor nine i-cent to pay postage. Mention this paper. MONROt BOOK CO., Dsp't. N, Chictgo.lll. TWO SPLEPID TBBIHS DBILT- TO THE EAST -BUT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. Hy especial arrsrgeuieut we fler to our readers The Wool llecord and 8ml-Weekly 0ilte, cue year for I UK. The Wool lUeord is ths only national ol organ auJ covers the woo iudealry (rum lb raising if lbs sheep Is the s4t in ot tbe meiifotard artlele. It 1 poblili.l weekly at NW York end the regular price U 2 00 a ef. lie market report are full and oomp and He Hheep Hieeders' Talk alone are worth 10 tim tbs prio ul II. fai-ef. n.mpii nie mi i piiiKio . , We bcailily reoomssssd this kstiv tt Mr MHttire Chang of Car llrlweea Himkati, lUslan.l aud Nelson. Also between Nelson an I Ilosslaud, dally eicept fuoilajr : Ims ArHva. .si AM... . Mr.kei ... .. l. M. Il.11 A, M It.- aud IW'.K V 10 A M tt-lmm ! r. M. ('lias enorlms al NUe with srsianHw tot tal, and all kimmal Imkt piMaia. IVmums'Kaitl hlvae aJ rtneuxaarf lwa4 e.iaw 4 al M areas sriUi stsae lUilv. (V.nsnU O R. A N. Ag.-ot tefir baying rkIS lo Ibe fcasl. COO. VI" NEW NAME I Win. (..onion has rt-nainiJ hie lUucl tho old Jones livery Btable Cotitrnh its: sii ! I' ll Hi, A TlwCLV WAHXINU tirala Paved I kloaey Made. To aave the grain ae Fry's Coareo trate.t ()iiirri i'ihsoo. Ibis prepsra- tu 0 ie the ebeapest and tnoet ecoooiu leal fur tbe termers. One graie kill Qaaraateed. Prio 2- per Oas or 15.60 per ease ut two dosn. Fur sale by Hloctim Drug Cv, Dppar, Or. tt Rocky Mountain Limited Leave PKNVKIt, ... SO a. m. ' COLO. HPMNG8 . . ti-Km. Arrives I.IN.'OI.N . . 1146p.m. omaha , 11 a. m. " DKH MOINKH . . :J a. m. " DAVKNI'Ollf . . 4Ha.m. CHICAGO . . 2:13 p. in. Neil Day Through 81eeers and Chair Cars Colerado to hleago. Win vMiinol throughout- J he lineat tram in the West. Colorado Flyer Leave DENVER " coi-o HPBINOH Arrive TOI'EK A " KANMAH CITY p. m, S: p. m. 7:U a. m. .11 a. n. Ar. ST. L0118, (Wab. U j) 6:13 p. m. Arrives 8T JOHKPH . 110 a. m. " LINCOLN (Ft Hun) t il a. m. " OMAHA (EtHon) . i0 a. m. Tli rough B)ppr Colorado Bpringa to 8t Loni via Wabash B y. SHOUT LINE Ky These are New Trains in addition to our former service. for particular and folders giving llm of thee tra'ns writ W0He0.TOkNVtlt, C- A'. SWftOPEKA. JNO U. F.i,i7i,au1o. KveevkJy toys Cabarets Candr raUiartk', lb mol won lertol nUK-J dtaenvsrv ot U pieea aal aod rerreebiBf ie ibe Vaate. art geouy and positively on kMneva, liver Snd howela, rleaesmg U entir liorin, dlirl folds, gun fceaUasH, teV'T. hbltvat V rsttpstloil sd bionf. Ptj- h lid try k elU O. C W l. k X.UlU leriiMel tf tin if 1 11 rHffr4. QVICKEST AND MOST DIRECT USE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER uml all Point EAS1 ami SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW VOKK. 4 days CHICAGO, 3J - ST. LOUIS, " OMAHA. 3 " ,SALT LAKE, IS " Free Recliolnf Cbsir Csra Cpboletored Tourist Hleeploc Cart rollnao Talsee Bleeplo Care Pur tall pertloutere regardlof rates, time of trains, etc, call on or address J. a HART, A(t O. Ml It. C".. Heppner, Oregns 0, 0. TT, W, . Cow ah, Trie. r. Aii Oit'l Aft. IN Uti H i rt(U.( cm Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompnon A l3irjD, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. TliwisiitlsfflSB ar well arqualnted with Orent, Harney. Crook. Gilliam and OlbercounHa and ran save nouey aud lime lu niakluf these sections lib tretellng meu. t'rtre In keeping wltb Ui time. THOMPSON Sz T3T1STNS, TrvzitTUxir, KirnrKit, That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon I t IT 11 MA 14 IB QDUDS Hi BtseJ, C.ty Uvisl UailJiti, XwOW TXXVAnXalf eropt