Bl Uncle Sam Says This Is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good It Is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. AU druggists. Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively tune For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay with us till June, Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's Linwood Rye, He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats for the voting men are dry. Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q. Sperry, proprietor. Mrs Gilmore is 111 with qninsy. Jas. Hart is over from Umatilla county. This office never was busier than at present. Wheat is worth today 77 to 78 cents at Hepp ner. Mrs. Levi Shaner is very ill at her borne near Hardman. i. M. Russell, the woolbuyer, was In Heppner yesterday. Jake Wells visited the metropolis last week, on buiiness. J. M. White, fusion candidate for assessor was in towa today, Wes Brannon and family were in yesterday from Eight Mile. Tos. wyland, stock inspector, was in Hepp ner on last Saturday. Hack Monteith, the clothing man, was in Heppner on last Saturday. Sven Troedson. of Douglas, was in Heppner on last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Howard, wife of Rev. Howard, is ovei at Pendleton to visit relatives. Mr. J. T. Hlnkle is over from Pendleton and begins the canvass of the county today. Oscar Thompson and daughters were over from their Butter creek home yesterday. Miss Jessie Gray, who has been in the employ of the Cafe Royal, departed on last evening for Portland. Andy Cook was in Heppner on last Saturday. He will leave shortly for Montaua where he will shear. 8. ife tin in this field E. M. Shutt, of the Times marching of tbe volunteer, by Williaa 1 All TT" l ! . in, &i OL! ojipu nuns; some oonga oi me ouipa of Steel," by James Barnes; ao Amer ican'! account ot hit life in Manila; and other timely articles, and a great many piotarea relating to the war. Brown. reDresentinsr the Mutual Reserve Life Ins. Co., of New York, has joined Mr. Mar- took his little boy below Saturday to have his eyes treated, returning this morning. D. A. Currav hu anld his barber business to N,G. Hayes, of Eugene, Or., a brother of Mrs. Jas. Hayes, of Rhea creek. H. E. Warren and wife and M. Kelly and wife passed through town late last week, overland, on their way to Walla Walla. W, L. W hitmore, a traveling man, and who owned the two-year-old, lone, who won the contest here two years ago, is in town. Mrs. Chas. Wall, wife of Fireman Wall, of the 0. R. & N., and Mrs. Wall, his mother, departed last night for the latter s home at La Grande. REPUBLICAN SPEAKING. Hon. Miles 8. Johnson, of Portland, will apeak at Hardman on Friday, May 27tb, at 7.30; Heppner, Saturday, May 28th, at 7 :30 ; Lexington, Monday , May :30th, at 1:30; lone, tame day at 7:30, from t republican standpoint. AU are ta iled. 49 62 CAN DISPENSE REMEDIES. The Gazette is not heralding its com ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at the Heppner post office. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. Bee M. Liclitentbal & Oo. for shoes, a , Mrs. John Rasmus gave a party to ber Bunday school olast Saturday evening last. Statements for the Famous Simple Account File printed at the Gazette of fice, tf. Jas. CBTty departs this evening for bis old homo in Ireland, to be absent some "weeks. The war is on aud now you should 'sabeoribe for the Q.iz-tte. The latest news, always. Those wishing private board can find accommodations at the residence ot Mrs. W. J. Leezar. 44 If Dr. Garnsejr Located Peimanmtly in Hepp ner Relieves the Sick at the tx prose of the Medicines, Only. The impression prevails to some ex tent that one oannot use Dr. Garosey'e medicines unless a whole month's treat ment, or $10 worth is token. This is entirely erroneous. Any person can get treatment for anything and for any length of time. This gives every person an opportunity to receive treatment. Some people feel too poor to have their oases attended to. This should be no barrier to any person oalling on Dr Garasey, for she charges nothing for consultation, and will do all in ber power for Buffering humanity. If you are ailing call on the dootor, state your case and secure treatment. Mediolnea cost money and if any person Is inclined Jas. Stout "broke over" flundav. and beine w i " tair mine, ut. u irnsey will ao an old offender before Judge Richardson, the her Share A MEXICAN SCPEKtrrmON. The coffin lay In the roadway, In the quaint old Mexican town; On shrouded mourner and glistening blooms the great blue hills looked down; The broad bay slept below them, w rapped In a purple haze. And candles gleamed and incense wreathed In the noontide's steady blaze. The coffin lay In the roadway; for priest and for rite they stayed ; The pathetic Mexican patience chafes never at times delayed ; And from the great Rock riding, careless and young and bright, The American lady urged her horse where cork woods crowned the height. The coffin lay in the roadway; she neither heeded nor heard ; Her Arab rose to the bar It saw, to the sudden effort spurred, Leaped clean across the coffin only flying hoof Cast some of the votive blossoms to the darken ing shades aloof The coffin lay in the roadway; the fair girl shivered and shook; Had she outraged grief, or mocked at woe? With a strange prophetic loik, A senora stood beside her. "Thank God while He gives you breath; : Good fortune will be yonrs," she said. "You have ridden over death." Leave the coffin in the roadway; go to your American home. And wheresoe'er your footsteps tend, honor and . joy will come. , ; , You have ridden over dt ath today. Lady, give thanks tonigl-t, Your path will be smooth, your aims be won, your evening calm and bright . . Lue Vernon, in the Evening Tribune, El Paso. PBKSS COMMENT. WOMAN'.-! RELIEF CORPS. latter fined Jim 115, which he Is lying out in the county jail. H. C. Gav sars that the fall crop of wheat is in splendid condition, and now that rain has come, volunteer and spring sowing will make a gooa crop . Dr. McFaul was called out tenia to see G. H. Wilcox, going out on last Friday. Mr. Wilcox is severely ill, but the doctor hopes to have the paiiem up very soon. Dr. Garnsey resided in the metropolis tor some years aud the proof of ber standing and suocess is the character of the testimonials given her. She has bad ten years experience dispensing medi cines, and bat snent three years closely 88 a student, arlriinu materially tn her . a. Murnnv ib nere irom Eugene io duv . .. . . .. ... four or five car loads of mutton sheep for the store ot Kooweogei, Mr Humanity's sake. Portland market. He finds that sheep are thin, as a ruie, lor DUtcnering. Elizabeth Sloan was adjudged an idiot by Judge Bartholomew yesterday, and last night Sheriff Matlock left for Salem with her in charge. She is 23 years of age and will be placed in the asylum. The unfortunate girl is a niece oi v . it. uoney. We are in receipt of me poiidence from Hardman but the author had forgotten to and his real name. Send splendid corres- orgotten to add his real name. Send In your name, not for publication, but in order to pro tect the publisher. Your correspondence wil 1 men De cneenuuy pruned. Dr. Huolook was Oulled to Arlington last Wednesday, to see Mrs. O. Boon, who was very sick. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 048-lyr "Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods that la bard to beat. 603 -tf. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as stated, no ohargea. Try Dr. Yaugban's new plan. 604- tf. Tbe Ohristian church gave asocial last Friday evening, which waa largely at tended and very much enjoyed. E. G. Noble & Co. are metiers Bfter business. Tbe finest titles and har ness to-be found in Heppner. See their new ad in-thia issue. tf. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat Market. He paya highest market price, 619-tf. 'Best accommodation and oourteous 'treatment at tbelmperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts Portland, Oregon. Obet Parsell contributed the regu lation to tbe eity coffers today for vio lation of a oity ordinanoe that says that very citizen must keep quiet. Catarrh oared, k clear bead and aweet breath secured with 8bllob't C.ttarrh Remedy; told oo a guarantee Masai injector free. Sold by Oonaer k Warren. x John Oondeiff, of Mtyettville, Ask., but late of California, passed through town oo bit way to the Paloose, last week, ao eompanied by hit family. Mr. Oondeiff ia an old acquaintance of Tom Buokley. The Gaietta earriet a full atock ot mourning Dote, oorrespondenoe style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring snob ttationery can have their wants applied at tbit office. tf. r3tlob a Consumption Van cores where others fail. It ia the leading Cough Core, and no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tbe spot. Sold by Co user J Warren. x Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red light," ever on tbe alert fur something caw, ean famish yoa tbt finest cock lil In the land Manhattan, Jersey Ysrmoolb or Gin mad by ao artist in tba business. Drop lo and taka tht last oat of yoar mouth. tf The Osi-tta will olab with theOrrgoo Senator, the great Pythian paper ot Ore goo, Washington and Idaho, published I Portland, for 1175 for the Uo. Tbe Beoator it all right. No Knight of Pythias should b without it. tf. Frank McFarland baa beeo appointed Dooial agent of Tbe Equitable Life As oranot Co, of Mew York, th strongest fa tba world. Cab surplus to policy tinldera of over 50 nail Hot. dollars. Iou lake losoraoo without eoelog I lie o clans of the Equitable. Insure both awiae at same rate. 77tf Baeide keeping fi largest assort TOect ot esodiHi, fruits, rigart ao notions to be found any her to tba ttv, Jaa. 11 rt is now aula to aopply yoa with tb P.tlaod dailtee and all tbe mag silos and periodicals, both for iga aed doo)etie. If you want real- iag MatUr, give Jim a call at tb Utpp err Candy F actory. 3J H. Chas. Domett was up from Lexington yesterday. John Crismao came in from Long Creek Sunday for freight. fc,d. Vox, of Hurdraan, always bad a good "stand-in" at tbe Qazjtte office, but be is strictly all right now. Yester day be left a big roll of creamery batter at the home ranch. Printers are always aboit ou pooketbooka but long on stom sabs, and through these Ed. has reached tbe whole foroe. Dr. Garnsey charges for nothing, however, but tbe medicines she pre scribes. She diagnoses your otse and gives yon treatm-nt, bat yoa are not oalled upon to pay extravagant Drioes for so-oalled soienoe. She ia content to sell ber remedies for what thev are worth. Any person desiring treatment should call at Dr. Gnrnaey's offioe on Main street, near May, two doors south of tba PaUoe' hotel. Sufferers sboald not delay t'roorabtiDHtion is dangerous, as every day renders the patient less susceptible to tbe powerful influence of ber re me dies. Prucffdings Held at Castle Hall, Wednesday and Tharsday. From Thursday's Times Mountaineer. i The Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Womau'a Relief Corps, of Ore gon, aonvened in Castle hall, Wednes day, May 18th. at 1 o'olook p. m., with Mrs. Susan Gwilt, department presi dent, in tbe chair. The most of the afternoon whs given to the reading of reports and appointing committees. Daring the session a committee from the G. A. R. visited tbe corps conven tion and carried greetings from the Grand Army assembly to tbe W. R. U. Not NeeeaaarUy What the tiaiette Intake bat the Opiaioas of Other. It ia generally admitted that Joa Si mon will b a candidate for United State senator before tbe next legislature. It tbe legislature is republican Simon will ttand ao excellent obanoe ot election. Joe Simon ia doing bis level best to make the next legislature republican. E. O. Now that the days wax warmer and warmer you will perhaps be looking for something new and light and cool to wear. Come down and look over mer wash goods. GRANT COUNTY NEWS. How differently Mr. Ellis views the need of harmony in tbe republican ranks from views expressed by thedomiceering Joe Simon faction. In a - private letter be says: "I am receiving a great many letters from Oregon and in reply am ad vising all to stand by and aid in every way possible the eleotion of tbe repub lican tioket. It is a matter of very email importance as to who shall be tbe person to represent tbe party. Tbe question ot principles is paramount to the sucoesa ot individuals and it ia to that end that I esteem it tbe duty of every good re publican to see to it that the whole tioket ia eleoted.'' Suoh haa been the senti ment of every true republican distant from Oregon. Bat here at home where tbe Simonites continue to heal tbe breaob by rubbing salt into old sores and heap abuse upon their politioal betters to tbe party tbe case is essentially different. Observer (Rep ) Bo the name of "Anti Simon" does not suit the Oiegonian. It is really too bad, at Mr. Scott might have been consulted about tbe matter, had it been suggested, and bad a name more to hie taste. Port land Tribune, George Steel is paraded at tbe friend ot the working man. He always shows bis friendship for tbe working man with mouth eervioe. Steel is a toft-banded offioe-bolderand offioe-seeker, ot the pro fessional kind. During a large part ot bit long residence in Oregon he baa held ot floe, and when not holding office be bat been seeking office; and this makes him The Sons of Veterans also sent a oom- tarn tip very frequently as a professional mittee on a like visit and annoanoed afriend ot the workingman. Oregonian, "sonatina" party wished admittance, June 4, 1891 which comprised a goodly number of S ma of Veterans. Remarks were made it appears to be too late for tbe repub by many, and the visit appreciated by i08n party to learn that deoenoy in pol the W. R 0. Indies. itiot ia essential to sucoess. Thataobeme At the evening session, J. W. Nes- t0 throw King down in Geer's favor that mith Corps, of this oity, took charge ... nlayed io Benton oonoty, May 2nd, and exmp!ilied tbe ritualistic work in a host Geer votes. Tbe Oregonian sano very creditable mnnner, for the benefit tinned it. ot coarse. Moro Observer of the visitors, aud many oomplimentt (Ren.) on their good work were paid them, We've Got Them In abundance and beautiful designs. Nice gauzy summer goods at surprisingly ow prices. Here are just a few: Percales, new patterns, price, 10-12-15c Dimities in Floral Designs, 10-12-15c Figured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12-15 French Organdies, new goods, 20-30c Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c Linen Crashes, very serviceable 25c French Ginghams, 2(-25c Minor & Oo. From the Long Creek Eagle. KnOnnO Ulinn mnanAl f v tl I . , .o.u.uou ,iUIU uWucr i .he e ectinn last week with freight. Walter Keeney and Wm. Lee depart ed (or Heppner Tuesday morning after freight for tbe former's store at Susan- ville. J. W. Morrow, the union nominee for from Echo and 3,300 at Joint eenator, passed through the city will add 1,100 head of yesterday en route to Burns. He will D.P. Ketohum will start about 7.800 bead of sheep from this locality to North Dakota tomorrow morning, 3,600 to be shipped Heppner. He Wasco sbeep. They will all be ranged and fed east for the markets. Most ot tbe sheep bought in this neighborhood came from Butter creek. Go to Montana. " The Harry Bartbolmew shearing orew have just completed tbe Harry Jones sbeep and will pull out for Montana very anor, having seoared 35,000 bead p there. So far tbey have "sheared out" 30,000 this year, Tbe crew consists of 10 men, all "hundred strikers" and not "stonebreaker"io tbe banub. Tbe fol- a pieoe of tbe brass shell lodged in bla lowing are the namet ot the members of obeek, making ao ugly hole. tbe orew: Harry Bartholomew, Roy, Hon. A. W. Gowan, the repnblioan Obet and Fred Parsell, Paul and Frank oaodidate for joint senator, and Hon, Flauagao, John Fromm, Bob Chapman, Wm. Miller, tbt republican candidate Jack Liane ana Viol KDeets. K. W. i"r prosecuting attorney, addressed a Tomer and Harvey Parsell assisted in (airswd aadienoe io this city last Tri the Morrow county shearing bat will d" evening at tba Keeney ball. Tbe not go to Mootana. address the people of this place ou his return next Fnday.May 27th, at 2 o'clook in tho afternoon. He will also speak at Hamilton Saturday at 1 o'clock and at Monument the same evening at 7:30 p.m Cbarlea H. Froske, a Grant county sbeepherder, met with a painful aooi deut at Fossil last week. He bad shot at and miaaed a ooyote, and waa work iog the lever of bit Winobester rifle pre paratory to taking another shot, when a cartridge exploded ia bis faoe Today (Thursday a m ) the important feature of the business transacted wat ot officers tor the year. Those eleoted were, dept. pres., Mrs, Fratier, of Eugene; senior vice, Mary Nichols, of The Dalles ; Junior vice, Mrt, Lizzie Rjbs, of Salem; chaplain, Mrt, Stranaban, of Hood River; treasurer, Mrs. Higgles, of Eugene; ohairmen ex ecutive board, Mrs. Adair, of Eugene; Mrs. Clark, Corvallis; Mrs. Morebead, Janotion; Miss Gertrade Gwilt, Port land; Mrs. Stanton, Rosebnrg; delegate at large, national convention, Mrt. Stookton, Independence; delegate, Mrs, Smith, Heppner. Just before adjourning tbe G.' A. R. marched in in a body, bearing banners, and the ladies surrendered and awaited their pleasure, which was to introduce their newly elected oommaoder. At 3 o'clock p. m. tbe W. R 0. and Tills Is tour Oilrtunlty On receiut of ten cents, ciish or slnmsm a cenerous BUimno will pe .mura vi iuc moat popular Cutiurh and Kay Kever Cure (Ely a uream imim ) snmciem io ueiuuu. strate the gre;it merits of the remedy, ELY PltOTHJTS. CO Warren bt., Kcw York City. Bev. Johnltoid, Jr.. of Orrat Falls,Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Malm lo me. nan fimnhAKiza Ins statement. "It is a posi tive ouro for eutarrh if used as directed." Itev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentralFrea. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm la the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury Dor any injurious dmg. Price, 50 cents. Baeklen's Arnica Hal re. The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Pbeum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, aoc. all Skin Erojv tions, and positively cures Piles or no those sum- B 00TS AND SHOES IS OF THE PLACE TO GET THEM CO. They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good article when tbey guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street1 Repairing a Speolalty A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an endless lof of everything in their line. E. 0. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as colleot what Is due. CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. powder Darned bis faoe frightfully, and Th. I Ron. nl mamhed in ih. nnera P7 required. It is guaranteed to give -" I ' -r . . . . . Accident at Eagle Sawmill. Mr, White came down from Eagle taw. mill oo last Tharsday with a dislocated shoulder which waa looked after properly by Dr. McSworda. Oa last Wednesday Mr. White wat working ia tba mill, and wane trying to -retain nia bold oo a scantling wbicb bad become entangled in the teeth of tbe big law , bis thoaldet wat wrencned to tevereiy aa to cause a dislocation. Tbe foroe waa ao great tbat tbe scantling orasbed through tbe roof of the mill like a shell from a eannoo, and be ia Indeed Inoky to have esoaped with acch a slight icjory. RICH FIND. a Big Mora Hlrias at t'asyoa City linla rirsllfsl Tkaa la Kloadlke. Miwlal dispatch to Tribune Cor. Simpson k Drowo, ot Canyon City, 'phoned over yesterday that Isaac Goker, wbu ia doing tome development work ia reinarka ot each gentlemeo were far from a aoathing or of a censuring na tore, aud were fairly well received, judging from tbe good order main tained. T a m ssa. ... ur. . i. miraoie met with a very painful accident last Friday while en roue on a professional trip to Pass orerk. While ridiog oat of town near the acbool bouae hit taddla animal ato nbled and tell, throwing the dootor violently to tbe ground. Tbe force ot the fall rendering him onoontoioaa for some time. O. H. Lee and Prof. H. C. Msok saw the accideot from a distanoa and baeteoed to tba assistance of the dootor. He soon regained consciousness and proceeded on hia trip, and while no bones were freotared, be wat seriously injured about tbe abouldert en J breast. L. L. Freelaod, ona of tbe candidate lor representative, of Morrow oonoty. pledged bimtelf, if elected, to advocate settlement of the abeep difHoultiea be tween Morrow and edj ioiog counties tbe Great Northern mine, took cot in 60 n,i P' ,M "'Mated oy tbe abeep- minutes $1642 85 ia cnggets. Ona U m'0 ,oa rncD",, ' oonnty, tbat orth tai3 87. and a email one welaha "'P proportln lo tbe lime tber are ranged to house, where Ibey, with the G. A. R, in- stalled their officers. This evening at the Vogt a very fine program will be reenderel and the pub lic ia most cordially invited to bo pres ent. O. A. ft. Proceedings. At the U. A. R. meeting in this eity the following are the proosedhfta aa re garda election of uffloers and tbe next place of meeting: Department commander 0. P. H illo- way, of Post 17. Sons of Veterana Department Com mender H. H. Learned, of Post 32. J. of Y. Department Oommaoder A, J. Goodboard. of Post 89. Medical Director Rigsby, of Posl 16. Department Chaplain -B. N. Fisher, of Post 1. OouDOll of A Iministiation R. H. Mil ler.of Poet 7; M P. Elsenberg, of Pott 16; E. F Manning, of Post 9; 0. A Puet 2; Q. W. Rea, ot Pott 31. Delegates to National Eooampmsot B. M. Bradahaw, of P.itl 10; E. Martin, ot Post 12; G. W. Hmilh, Post 31. Alternates-B. E. D. sob. of Posl 3; A. W. Miller, of Poet 1; W. S. Myers, of Poat 82. MoMionville, Ore., wat tbe plaoe se lea tad for holding tbt nut annaal aa oampment perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 oeuta per boi. For tale by 8looom Drug Co., E. J. Rlooum, manager. CASTOR 1 A Tor Isianti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the of I THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J.C. BORCIIERS Who has secured the services ol MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W Ah manager. It will be run in first class sliapo in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. 1 MONEY TO 1OAN. r want a rEW ooon farm :xanb in 1 Ami Is of from il.ono to .'..CK at plht ner cent, inutreit paranie annually. Amm cations cotulili'N'd only from farmers aciuaii r.'ililliiff on tut farina. No ssents. Anil II. UrtnVn, 27A, Htark Ht., Chamber of Commen: rorllauil. Ureton. . NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. t'HITtO HTATIB I.AHt Orrii t, The Dalles. Oreson. AdMI Nth. Iff. k'dTlrr. in HKIiKHY (IIVKN THAT THE approved plat nl survey ot township 1'il Houtn, raiiKS ai oi me numiiiniH, nri,i Ian, OiTX"ii, has pern wlvnl at this office and will officially ftltl in this omns on nauiraay, tlis Vila (lay ol nay, iko, ai i" o ni a. m. 4Jn. r. JW' r r. , Krilster. WM. It. HklW'.H, Receiver. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. J Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. w OOL GROWERS The CALIFORNIA Lodging House - BEDS 28 and 60 Centa. GEO. C. HOME, Prop. Tbe 0atta la Informed that lue ueit ve J00- Q Qnera House. national sueampmeot will be held al Cin cinnati, If you have not yet realized that tho "good old times" are with your blond i out of order. Oct rid of that "tired feeling" ami awake to tho fact that the sueampmeott Onto, an 4 certaioly Heppner 1183 worth. Tula intereeting meaa of "-' " ouontj. .V' "li" I ' 7. li M kl I gold III t placed oo (ibibitloj lb Tol P'PaiU.o ! ona altocaled by ,u1"uw u" """" ON db. VV . 1 1 lg I CXI Idl 1 1 , Wool Growers' Warehouse soma weeks prevlona to tba last atrike. HEPl'BLICAN MtrriNO .a a m . . I f A W 4U anal la al a ilia r..a.. ID6DMDI Or urftot eoiiotv for I - uitii)nuu fm aJiuwu ii'fv m viuruih I " I . a . . . Tba siioa bad bn shot down for "a oor tW monS P'""" " 7' , "T"'"1 aloome Mormw cmtilr aa a ta ooo- ' w laioariBd ui ids tart. Tbeir area bars bmn ooeoed to R,luf 0'r, ' Morrow oooaty lady. the faot tbat reaiJanta of Oraot ooaoty B' P"11" culoo'd.aoa. Mr. and Mrs. maintain by a arsl-m of taittmo a w-om" w,r onoMO P" la:..-. .at I I'l.-- ... I a roeetinga oonnly tuteromenl, and that it laa ri- . -r ...I. j.i.u..i.i k. ....... i unii in aucamomeoi. aoa aa mia ia very ...... . ... oaar ihiMr oil Eis'aro baua, II will be a ... ... .-u vu oj f.o,.m. koci . ,bl- ,r, whuee owoera d i not oootrihuta a csnl I Morrow eonnty waa wl reprssantad, tnward tba eamorl of Ib Oontity. Th thrre beiog lo all alevrn peranoa rap re Raglahowf thai whoever is al-id aa M0" f corpa. Inclodiof Assayer and Analyst Main Street, H'ppoer. Or., At Cooaer k Warreo'i Drag Hlore. Analyaii of orea specialtj. Ia the place to store your wool thin season. Why? lie cause we do a strictly warehoimo buineHn, and not neing in the hem buying wool ournelvefl, wo enetmrago eoinpt tition amongnt the buyers and secure you the highest priee. The following rrpntilieao will be be Id lo Ibla conaly : iX.nglas, fncsdsy, May 91, 10 o'clock a. m. Dry Fork. Taealay, May 31, 7'W o'clook p. m. Eight Mil (Liberty; Wedoeaday. Joo 1st, 130 p. tn. rianlman. Wsdnrs.lsy, Jon 1st at 7:30 P. m. MattssnD, Thuralay, Jon 2, 1:S0 p. n. Lna, BvloHet, Jnaa 4. 1 30 p. m. CandiJatsw fur conaly rfBc and olber apakr will b prearot. O va out all. 61 .VI repraasntati iron Morrow eonnly, I nai iney will ) iin witb th rrpiwit. lative from OiaM and IIaruy In for- Oftlaliog a rnsasor Ibal will atraot thco our cmtitr treasury fur furnishing a snmmsr raxga for anch a vast trd of oalsid p. MoClof's Magsgio for Joa will ! T" t art (' tn.lUii ' Tskel wv sicU I wll t alliailir l'- HI tSa. II U t U tall tocuta, MruriMa t Iun4 WnMwy. Oapt. Lagae, who i now a rssidwot of U m Kiver, l bony h rorotrriy of idia eouoly. A ar riitna tor torn. A tranaaotwiti Inwhu b yonnuittollowtsa tuin UiluC tilliuuatina, ali g hriMlaiiHi, f uT. rml toii w,, ilu awl a Uiouuuil oilier il i si" t aiiwMj by ootistlimtiim ana siunirian li ver luxviULiiidr I atliarlU'. Hi won' dVrf'il tiijw livrr Biimtilanl and lnt inal tniiKi ara by all drWK'.U guiraiitmi lorur or luoue rwfuiHlnJ. V. C i'. r a Syr thiog. Try a boi Uxlay; 10c., . toa cMuiftaaiia booklet tree. buSWUHai. Gibson & Berger, At Chu Jotiss' Old Stani. I Hhftvinir. lf t'tH. Hnir Cutting. - J-'O l$athn 2")c. Everything Strict ly nrst Class. ara r Ulna wool sat lis snj twins al cust. txi this li. u mil la anlil. I ai mi'.. Hrtiil III your onlcr Wa pay th hlsNMrt h prlr lor aluvo plia ami hiilrs. Ms ara aarnta lur Llttle'a IflB aol Bia.k laaf Tukuu Lilo. Ilia oulr rrllaLla brabarr.l dips oa lbs market. i pay ircirni ut wn.n r in.i'H tniju an i.y imnora if wixil. Ms bay a full a''l' T l l Harlvy aii'l hnl, alau mmm IUtll. h.rli'y luf U-amalrra Ilrwl yi.iif tvamstrrs to tin lower srhau-. guaraiilm juu sUals iltal. R. F. IIYND. Manager. Mathews Gentry A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY uniiubiu j r - , 1$ that ol plain ana decorated LO 1 Shaving ? Cents. MS !''. E2S 1 I M Ism I. 'I MM U--. 1 mm sMillloMfl m Tear. 111 - - - .1-1 a . . 1 1 ti . .-,. war -i.u iiuniri vj ,hpv r, i,.B-l Ih. fertile .A t). iGwr. Mil) and Osa. FlUbogb Le; as t ftMnSnl tha Aral rrniu tti th rU Alt. admg florl 1 1? Cobs, wrlttfti by Mr. Btapbta Buoai, wbo waa oa tba 8 f lalfi K Tffk a tfnl lpiloa ef lb t rii'Ml tllra ara now buviM Caaiarrta t jnly rafhaflii1 at the raf ft two million rxc- a ir an'l it fiil I IIumi million I (i rw rart, It mmns fri-nt i.n-il Hint Lm a rata ara tli .Tioat imUthltui bow. All I Wssa 4. MTSftlH1 IITTIK AUVrHTUED Al j Ut., Mat U, ISA. s ara ii .' rrgulainy for t varyhoy th ysat rn4. ru.ivi "ih, m a Vi, mi irias AliVr RTINKO LtTTrilA. utrrnk iwsa, I t, Vrj aa, I fUl6 let tn I;' Jt a. , ft .iiiaasi wi a. ap f0 ilwts Si'Ulk trl roa'offir. , Chlnawarc & Quccnswarc At N. Ilt t r1n ; tnnmu I :A Gilliam & Bisbee's futBtariyi Tonsorial Artist. ravle, s IS CtMa iAc "fle..i, !fl0 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT OU WANTr wsy Vr aayssorWilsirl'sasslJfarlaUnllDiai saart, ihtn aaa iia (ara.