The Gazette. TdECDAY, May 24, 1898. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. A little publication known as Tbe Oregonian fought Simon "The County Judee" is beine cir- several years ago. He was then culated in Portland and elsewhere. TerT Daa man- It contains gems not found in the Oiegonian. bazette thicks that the oimon-JSorthup combination will It looks like the lepublican. be done up completely. would win this year, even with the i j: o ii o: oi-.i , , , , l he republican organization, as Glass load to pack. Pretty good repre8erjted by George A. steel stuff in the republican party. . a..h.m nUaa lV ia . ftttft t.., v. and a farce. The ticket will be Prof. Ackebman is going to run 8acrificed for Simon. Not a dollar iHood' Pills Cure all liter Ills, bilious ness, headache, tour stom ach, indigestion, constipa tion. They act easily, with out pain or (trip. Bold by all druggist. cent. Tbe only ttll to take with Hood's Sarsapariile. GEMS FROM MULTNOMAH. A Few Things Picked I'p Here and Tnere MortbBD'a Career. A stbict censorship on the news keeps the movements of the troops and warships away from the public. This is well. If this country knows what is occurring in detail, Europe will know all, and Spam will have no trouble in keeping away from a naval engagement. KEEP ON, HARVEY. It is useless for the Mitchell orators to keep up their brawl and howl about the "hold-up" of the legislature. Better by far the hold-up than misrepresentation of Oregon in the senate for another six years on the vital questions of the time. It was a bard remedy, but the people approve it; and for proof of their approval it will be found that J. H. Mitchell will never again sit in the senate of the United States. Oregonian. The resolution, introduced down at Astoria by delegate Barnes, of Washington county, denouncing the "hold-up," was tabled "for harmony's sake," we were in formed on that occasion. Now we are told openly and brazenly by a sheet that purports to represent the republican organization in Or egon that the people approve it, and we suppose this means the republican party. The Gazette does not believe it, but coming from this high souree, republicans will take this paper at its word and vote against a party that is said to be standing at the back of Buch an outrage. The hold-up has been de nounced in the United States sen- . - 1 , i r, ate in no uncertain terms. It was t6a P Simon as to oe or no worse than anarchy. Joe Simon use whatever. Giabam Glass, r., knew full well that the republican secretary of the republican state majority would elect Mr. Mitchell central committee! What a joke! if it had an opportunity. To pie- vent the consummation or the tie- Simon's bard work to defeat sires of the party Mr. Simon or- Tongue, Dunbar, Leeds and other ganized some odds and endB ol republicans who do nt bow down political parties with nis pure () to the shrine of the boss is evident. devotees ot republicanism, who The state central committee, of are his most servile tools, and steel and Glass, has shown its there and then did prevent a per- hnn(j an(j jt i9 ft catBpaw of Simon. manent organization, or one that jf thi8 does not work the defeat of he would recognize as president of the whole ticket it will be the senate. It appears that a two- wonder. thirds majority is required to per feet a permanent organization, if the strict statement of the state constitution is to be believed. Aot ing upon this, Mr. Simon's tools refused to go into the house and From The County Judge, HASN'T TIMB TO D3 BUSINESS. TOhon InAn NAk. - :,l t well everywhere if the Gazette is fce expended on a single can- explain, two years ago, relative to the to believe reports from all over the didate, if it is needed in Multno- exorbitant prioe be paid for pricing state. He is the republican candi- rn ah county to carry out the be- tbe b'08 for the June election, be look date for stat. superintendent of beats of the little boss, concerning bfbind tSe.,ta!fmen' ,h.R KbBd schools. nmn onA;.an no t,m? to"" of that char- cuu.uovj. uuugicooiuau acter individually, as be bad bo many ToDgue's election is not desired; tbiogs to attend to be hardly bad time the committee has shown its hand, to draw his breath and eat. He claimed Certain candidates on the state he hsd 1300 08869 in Probttte. 600 miles ticket are to be knifed, notably tZOti of other matters of n . . , . . . . pressing importance to attend to. In uunDar, ior secretary or state, in f80e ot Bu this press of business he found favor of Kincaid, who assisted time to make a canvass in the interest ot Simon in his damnable work at Salem last winter. Evidence ex ists, as plain as the light of day, that Simon and the committee he The Simon man who said that foisted upon the republican party, cnit oourt tor which be receives teee, Simon and all his tools would be are working for Kincaid and while the county pays him his salary for Dut into office through the vote of aeainst Dunbar. And for that do,n the wo'k he claims is so pressing m.,uu ,ku, ii lL. .1.1 , thBt he oannot find time to Bttend to the uiuuuuuiou tuuuiji, nucKuoi mew- ixieuioi, every mail UU IUO blttlO ttUU , .... , , , . -j f um f , ' 'i a:.u.a- u proper " of bills filed for al i u., iiu UD..Di uu wuu. tuugiojuiunoi nua-etd viiii uo MOW(lnoe He also solioits and aooepts soon, oimon has all the judges thrown down if it becomes necea- osses of reference from the different de his independent candidacy for congress against tbe regular' republican nominee, which so nearly resulted in tbe electipn ot Quinn, populist. He also finds time to devote to private praotice in the cir and clerks, but the strong arm of sary for the success of Simon. the law will be invoked to see that repeating and stuffed ballot boxes are not permitted. The people of Multnomah county are uumerous . . outside oi the oimon gang, and a fair election will be had even if it takes severe measures to get it. Tbe state organization of the republican party is so woefully Simon claims to be such a splen did geld standard man and the Oregonian indorses him. Won der if the Oregonian ever saw the ODK PEOPLE BBOCliD ACT. Government Trail Should Be Made Through Grant County for Sheep Enroute East. Mr. A. M. Oree, a St. Paul man who deals extensively in sheep, and who has been in Heppner numerous times during the past five years, gave tbe Gazette a few pointers last Saturday on the sheep killing and other outrages that are being committed in Grant o mnty, to the ebd that they may be stopped. He stated that neither be nor any other sheepman wonld in the future buy sheep in this seotion and then take obanoes on fighting their way through ontlaws to range east of tbe Rookies. Tbey must know that they have the protection ot the authorities as citizens ot tbe United 8tates before tbey will again vonture over this way to buy sheep wbiob must be driven through Grant county to reaob grazing grounds. The Gnzette calls the attention of tbe Heppner board of trade, and tbe oitizans generally, to tbe position ot these sheep men who distribute so much money among oa, and will suggest that if this souroe ot inor-me is out off we will be the sufferers. It therefore behooves us to take some sort of action and at aa early date. It is indeed plain that the offioers of Grant county are either in sympathy with these lawless marauders or are to tally nuflt for tbe plaoes of trust bestowed Are too busy to suggest a new ad. foe this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all fknst class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what, you want. partments ot the oironlt oourt, which he conducts and receives commissions for while in tbe regular pay of tbe county as county judge, tor tbe duties of which office be "oannot find sufficient time to transaot," Ob, honesty! thy name is Northnpl ON THE DEFENSIVE. The defensive campaign has begun. The Oregonian has been oompelled to come to tbe rescue of Simon's candidate for county judge by reason of the incrim inating evidence presented by the Trib une of his method of handling county businees. It qualifies its endorsement, however, by saying bis administration has been "generally" satisfactory and "directed by conscientious regard for duty." N o doubt has ever been expressed on this point, but unfortunately be baa always ooooeived his "dotv" to lie along the lines mapped out by Boss Simon. He has conscientiously performed this 'duty, and would continue to do so should be, by any chanoe fluke, be re elected. Bat of that tbe voters will have something to say next Jane, when Judge Nnrtrjup will oease bis occupation of grinding Simon axes and enter the gen' eral sorsmble for making a living with out the assistance of the Multnomah treasury. j MAGNIFICENT OFFEB. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PUB Ho that on the 28th day of April, 1898, the partnership between the underatgnea wm an solved by mutual consent. After that date all obligations made by either ot the parties must be settled by the one incurring ine same. witness our nanus ana seats wis araoijui H. E. BARTHOLOMEW. April, 1898. 4o M J. T. CAMPBELL. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF RALE, RKG ularly issued out of the circuit court, for Morrow county, Oregon, the following describ ed land, to wit: The ne of sec 9, and the wU nw? of sec. 10, In tp. 6, 8., Jr. 25 E. W. M.. will be sold at private safe for cash in hand. Bids on the above described DroDfirtv will be re ceived at the office of Ellis & Phelps until the lay oi May, itws Dated April 26th, 1898. 44-53 R. L. BHAW, Assignee of J. J. Mcuee, Insolvent Debtor Timber Culture, Final Proof. Umitkd States Land Office, La Grande. Oregon. April 25. 1898. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN l N. Elder has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, Countv Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his omce in Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the i"th day of June, 1898, on timber culture application No. 2386, for n W nwH, n'4 neH oi section no. 22, townshio No. 2 8. ranee No. 37 E. W. M. He namesas witnesses: rrana Kiaer. josepn Rector. Newton Whetstone, Lucinda Elder, all oi Heppner, Oregon, 15. w. baktlktt, 643-54 Register. agreement that Simou signed in be sworn in. thouuh a mainrif A 1895. that if filacteil nt-nator ha UP" them. Judging from the obarao . jijijiL. ter of politioal scheming that has been uigwug uiu meu tu uu UUHlllUBB. wuiu yuio iui iuo una auu uu- It was held then that a permanent limited coinage of silver? Simon organization was an tnat was neo il t i. a essary bo iar as tne election ot a senator ia concerned, and thia po sition has been confirmed by the statements and position of the committee that aotedon thecreden tials of Mr. Corbett, Lord's senator ial appoiutoe. But the legislature was close enough to prevent the selection of a senator, though there was no doubt of the proposed pro ceedings. Home did not think it proper to act under the circum stances and Simon saw that there was no permanent organization No legislation was accomplished, no appropriations were made, in fact nothing was done. The peo ple are now paying dearly for this aot of Simon which the Oregonian says was "a hard remedy" but en tirely proper. He bays you like it and endorse it, and if you don't like it, what are you going to do about it? This is the position in which he chooses to place our party. It is being misrepresented, but before there can be any oppor tunity of setting the public aright the eloctioii will have como and goun and thotiHauds will have voted ngiut the republican party, as the "hold-up" gang, who would have ordinarily supKrtcd it. If Harvey Scott isn't gaggid he will wreck the whole tepublicao patty, it lias a rotten manage ment to carry, and with the ()re gomnn "hold-up load, it is too hasn't been such an earnest advo cate of the gold standard as the Oregonian would have you believe. going on over there for some time, it looks aa if there was a "stand-in" with The republicau party has everything in its favor this year and should win, but it has a terri ble load to carry in this state. There is the odium clinging to it of having given a quiet endorse ment to the Salem hold-up. It was on motion of McCamaut, a tbe "sheepkillers". It is plain, in any event, that, regardless of all justice and right, these ontlaws have fall sway and tbe authorities do nothing. There is a way, however, tbat these marauders oho be stopped, Mr. Cree suggests, by the government building a trail through publio lands, then any in terference of sheepmen and their bands wonld place tbe culprit iu tbe hands of Uoole Hum. If deputy marshals ooold not stop depredations, troops wonld. This scheme was tried through the "Pan. handle" country iu Tex us and effectually put a stop to tbe troubles between the Every new edbsoriber ot tbe Ga zette, or old one renewing, will get bs a premium a copy of "Tbe Great Debate" between Horr and Harvey. This was one Oi the greatest con tests ot the . kind In this age. Tbe financial question, is prominent in polities and you want this book.. It ia bound neatly in paper aud retails fcr SO cents tbe world over. Come early before all the premiums are Notice of Intention. Land Office at Tub Dallis, Oregon, May 9. 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlnir-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support I of her claim, and that aatd proof will be made Detore j. w. Morrow, uoumy neppuer, Oreeon. on Saturday. June 18. 1M9K. vis: Joule Fischer, of lone. Homestead application no. 484, for the ns sev aeo. a, ana um bw sec. 4. tn. 18. r.24 B. W. M. I . wne names tne following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred w. Balsiger, Edward Keller, A. J. McVay and Paul Balsiger, all ol lone, Oregon, jab. r. JHOUKK, 43-59 Register. if? 1 assess The Leader Of Course! m m The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at gone. Often. Tbe investment is but 2 Tub Pattbbson Pen. Co. to T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- It, Simon man, and at preseot tbe oowboys and sheepmen obairmaD of tbe congressional committer of tbe bocodJ district. tbat tbe resolution denouncing tbe bold-up was tabled at Astoria. Tbis of itself is fearfully damngiug. Then tbere is tbe cutting and knif ing of tbe Simoaites iu tbis policy of rule or ruin. If tbe tit-tot sur vives it will be because of tbe grand principles behind it Tbe Gazette is afraid, bowever, tbat too It is tbe duty of every oitiien to sign a petition to our delation in congress that our interests may be proteoted. Start tbe ball rollioj end keep it going. The Coat Klras Cimaterhrltert. For mouths the Costa Rioan counter feiters have been issuing bogus notes of the government ot the island until the amount, it is said, las resnbed $1,000,000. Inspectors ot the secret service bureau were rhietly instrumental io bringing the malefactors to lustioe. The tflialenov tnauy people feel tbat tbe party iu 0f tbe secret eervioe is undoubted, bot it tbis state netwls a good laundering is by uo means a secret, but a patent linf.irn it ran h trimlrt.l with ,f. fot, that the service that Hosteller's fairs. If tbis sbould prove to be tbe cane, tbe blaino will bo attached where it belongs -to the Simoa ites. j SCROFULA. a aft . June ot America s mott ia- f moui phyiiciinj laytt "Scrof- X Stomach Bitters does tbe weak, nwivooa and dyspeptic Is of genuine yelne. There have been from time to time cono tcrfi ils of it, but the miniature out of hand on the label, and the vignette of Hi. (leorg and the Dragon, are not QcciNMfnlly imitalil. This tmiio eleo liilrljr preveot and remedies malaria, rhrnmalmii, liver oomplaiot and dyspepsia. I a a. a mum. for tne hhih or in una cinl.-s of the lenublicau rart. t 1 ' external conjumptloru' kpep Harvey quiet till tbe election Scrofulous chiliren arc often tin id it n, put incy is over. Today i the birthday of Quoon Victoria. "God evi th queen.' (il.ANi'E up at our county ticket aud see if is tiot jut wbal it pur- hii Is to be cue of tbe bwet ticke la ever gotten out beautiful Uck nerve force, strong bones, stout musclei and power to resist disease. For delicate chilJren there is no remedy equal to Scott's Emulsion Kvehy man who stood up for tbe bold-up last wiuter deserves to be rebuked by the voters. Kin caid was one of thoui. Tnr Ihf t.M Timo.Monritaineer il out a woman's edition on tLo 17th inst. Iu other words, the Moutdaineer printed what a corps il lady editors compiled. It II a of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda. It Jills out the skin by putting i good flesh beneath it. It makes 2 the cheeks red by nuking rich x blood. It creates an appetite t for food and giver the body $ nnwfr rnnuoh to dlClt It. r - - - - sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- lion. kea aai l.M i U AnHI! S KCTT a 0W a, 0e, M Twk. S CAN HAVE NO fcr r HOT. Malcolm Mkk1v stand on a "sound money platform" and Is fur "sonnd money," but Malcolm MmhIv's financial methods are not sonnd. A a banker he waa a butigler an.t a failure. Ilia meth ods were bail. The Iruat imposed Is him was li"l respected. He should not be elected rngrrinan '" re the people of this diatrirl. for li baa not (Pliea to aervelheiu. tl. M. lVinaldaon, of (laser couuly, candida'e ou the union lies el, is (r preferable for eimgr-nien; a belter man for the t ffl e, more capable anil closer Iti the people. Mr IVnaUme is a rrpablican, but behrtes In free ainaga of tHilb gold and silver at a ratio of 10 to 1. hence hie nomination bv tbe "union forces'' for ooogrMe K. O. The E.O. lias no morel right to say bo nukes a Snaeeial mis fit for the high and reepooei bis office vf eongreeemao. This paper believre tbat such argument cannot win votes for any one. It le said that Mr Mood)' bank felled beeaua be wonld Sot alkvw LisIiaBds lo b pushed Iu the wall. It to, lial norb Is to bis sredit. If Mr, Moody is dt tested he can give Hituou eiedil lei il. II was oolortuoale ia belug IU choice f a very bad polit ioal brigand POLITICAL MEETING)!. Meetings will be held in tbis oounty by tbe union party and will be addressed by the several different speakera as fol Ions: "Oyotone" Davie will speak at lone, Saturday. Joue 4th. at 2 o'olook p. m and oo the same day at Heppner al 8 o'olook p. m. Hon. 3. 8. Howard, ot Minnesota, will speak at Heppner on May 28tb, at 8 o olook p. m. J. T. Hiukle, Eq., candidate for dis trict attorney ot this district end tbe Can didates for county oflkea will speak In the several preoinots ot Ibe oounty, as follows: l'ios City, Tuesday, May 21, at 8 o'olock p. ro. Lieut, Wednesday, May 25, at 1 o'clock p. ra. Matteeon, Tbursdav, May 20, at 1 o'ch ek p. to., at J. W. Morrow's isooh. Hardmao, Thursday, May 26, al 8 o olook p. m. Eight Mile, Friday, May 27, at 1 o'clock P. ro. Iry Fork, Friday, Ms 27, at 8 o'olook p. ro. Douglas, Haturday, May 2X, at 8 o'olook p. m. Everyliody Invited. 4'.l 53 PROPOSALS FOR HUiLDIXJ BRIDGES. OEAl.m fROPOMalil WILL HE RKCEIVED k ' until the Ial ilar of Jtiiiv. I t. at H o'clix k a m,, In hui li a hrlilne on Hutier rrark, nrar r I'll i JutiiiKiii tilaie, anil alstione on Khm rrrrk, nrar (' A Khea'a ilai'e. munlv to lur- null all malrt!l on Ilia imunil I'lans anil epn'ltt! ailuna mar ha ama l mjr oltlc. Klhl rrx-rvt-l m rjo I any ami all iitoa. A. U. BAKI OVICW, County Juitge. Henner, Maf IA. 1W, I'M Notice of Intention. Land Omul at Thb Dallis, Oregoh, May 9, !(. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will lie mane beiore J. w. Morrow, i ouniy uiers, at Heppner, OreKOii, on Saturday June 18, 11W8, Jellerson D. Brown, of Heppuer, Homestead aillcatlon No. ', for the e4 tvr sec. 14, and hi''.' nwkaud liwV ueW sec. 23, tp. 'IS., T.ibK. W. M. He names the following; witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: E. K. Beach, Ed Holland and Carl Beach, of Lexington, Oregon, and J. W. Vaughan, ol Heppner, Oregon. jab. r. suunn, 4S.."iO. Beglster. Notice of Intention. m ivn AvvTrv a Tat tmtt va nDvnnv aiv Vff IVB M I I il Ik r Si a t ituuvii. lj Mar X. Wm. Notice is herehv aiven that the followliif named settler has flled notice of her Intention lo make final proof in support of ncr claim, and that aalil prnoiwiu be mane ueiore I. w. morrow, county i tieppner, uregon, on rrmay. June io, iwn, vis: MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner: Homcdtoad application No, I7I, (or the NEH Bee VI, Tp t N, K W E W M. Hue names tne loiiownif witnease to prove her continuous residence mon and cultivation of said UhiI, vl: A. O. Bartholomew. William B. rinlpy, Allen a and Robert IT. 11 y nd, all of Heppner, Oregon. JAd. r. MOORE. 41', J7. Register, X tbat a man take Is not i Notice of Intention. Ldd Orrns at La UatMDi. OaauoM May U, v NOTICE M IIKHKBV (1IVES THAT THE fiillualng hanir-l altli-r haa Clrt nolle of her to make Anal lr.N! In i i.iir1 of hrr claim, and thai said pro-if will h made nalor the ( utility Clerk nl Morrow romily orvguti, al llcfpner, wrtMi, on July i, ". ls KUZA J. WllkrTiiNE, formerly EHia I. noyer, .1 E W M ifwara lo nnne ner enniiaunua raaiurnre upon ami ruiiltatlon ol aalil land, vie John N Elder, 1 ho mas Mai Notice of Intention. Lxd Orru a AT LaOsanub, OaaooN, Mar 9. I'm. NOTICE IH nKRIBY OIVEN THAT THE following named aeltler haa tied notice ol his Intention 1 1 make final proof in support of nia claim, ami mat sum prool win d made n fore the County Clerk of Morrow countv. Ore gon, at Hdinner. Oregon, nn Julia 21. DMA. vl Kllbue Tyler, Hd. No 67V1, for the uw ,. it, iwp. i a, r. m a. w, ss. He names the following wilneaae lo nrove nis rotiiiuuous realilence upon ami cultivation oi aalil lami, vti: James w. lihey, Henr Vatnii-rpnol, John McCullmigh, David McCal lough, all of Ueppner, Oregon. E. W. BaBTLiTT. MB Keglster. SHERIFFS SALE. UY VIRTCE Or AN orilrr of sale duly in . Hd So STST. lor Ihe arV nw.awS " aria aud ue1, s'. eor l', Ip i . I fl eha tiamr, the lollnwing wllnrai l.wk, rrank aidrr lirppnrr, orvgou. b d J aud Imaia kllrup, all ol E. w iaaTt rrr. KrgUU-r SUTICE TO VRLDITVRS. IU THE COt'KTY COI RT Of IHE STAVE ol Oregon, In, Morrnw nunv. la tha natwr u( the eeuuiol w ililaml' caaril Ibe undaralg ned having Sa appninted hg Ihe county nurt ol lha atale oi tlf.u. tot klor nw nxinty, admlulatratof nl lha rmtmtm 4 WHIiaiH I n, iMimwI. noli. la ban l.v al lo lha rfa.llt.ira of. and aji prraoua hai Ing rlalms aaliial aaid d wwl, Iu praarnt Uivta vanfla.1 aa rq ilrd h law, wttbls at month afUt lha Irai puhtlialioB ot this aou-e IA aald a lralnis Irator al hie place oV ral1ane eight asllaa eoulh w lotia, vvvguu. k.Uaiwa MawaU Wit f alfatatai Allnlllf,lef I& sit javis rtivaLir. m Ci, Ca EXECfTIO! ASP utd by lha Clerk ol ine i ircuil I ourt ol the tounty ol Morrow Htale of orrgon, datr.1 the 1M day of Aprl l. In a earuln action in Ih I irrnll Court for aald County and tate. wliarrlu w. V. Lord II R. Klnraldand I'hll Maba han. aa Hoard of l ommiaaiiiiwra for the aala ol ai'hool and unl veraily lanili and lor Ih Inveatmant ol funds atiali g thfrvlrom. rialntlna, rv-ovrml )ml ait-nl agalnal Adrilne Huwell, Henry Howe Mary Howrll, John Howrll, Nellie Mnwall mi nam niiadi. Fiatilom unwell, joarpa llimall. Til. la llowrll, l.l Howrll. Frank Howall. Tbomaa Hawaii, Lilly Howell, ll-tll ranrr, Kli rarlrr, Adrllue Huacll aa ad ml ma Iratrta and Hanry Howall as admintalrator of in ratal ol titanfoM Howall Uarraard. l-rfrnd aula, lor lha sum ol give Huudrad Eighteen w,l;r with Inlrhwl Ihtrron al lha rat of Ma hi par mil prr annum from Ih Imh day of Man h, la si,,) h lurllirr sumol thirty It IhHIara atUirnrv a Ira, and roata and dlahii mrnta. on ih linh day ( Marvb, lm. Notice ia uhtvdt given mat I win on Saturgay.the 20th .ay af Ma. 1806 al I a elork P m ol aald day, al Ih (root door ol th court kouae In Heppnrr, Mnrmw counly, Orrgon. aall al puhlle aoi llon lo Ih higriral blddrr lor caah la band. Ih following darrtbd pn'WIT, la-all. Ih south eaal quarter of ari'ilna laanly right (. In pianahin Imir lit a,. inn rang twrnly Sve IIM R W M la MoT i row vuunir. Orrgoa. Tahra and levied uiu a lha pnprly ol th aaid Adeline Hnwlt, Hatiry I Hiiwil. s al or o eaurb lbrm a m hai aaraaaary In aatisif lha aald Mlmaa! in fsvnr i ol r wm, n. n. Bieraid aad I'hll Matahaa a-vl sal.l A!llli ll).ll, Itanry ' lleavllaisl, Irgrther atih su nta and gig ttaiaeau l&at kavt t aj ar' j l.tkATtoca: CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling . of prescriptions. The Best Bargains - ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value In proportion to coat If you want to get your money's worth ol honest goods In Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery -OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- Oa THOMPSON W are Increasing our stock lor fall and winter. Call and see us. NEW DRUGS W are receiving a New Invoice of Goods almost every day. Our Ranldlv Increasing treble demauds It, eoiiar.iiently Ou Cuslamara r.JlLi their Drugs Pur and Fresh. wustomera reaelva Our Stationery Iopcirttxient I Comploto Whan Ira Ilwrj?.r ulva use ga omit Slocum Drug Co. THE ART OF BREWING. Wm Perfected by the Production ot.... HOP GOBD Jnd now the entire world Ktwws this verfect vrvduct Js the Star lirewenf beer..... 4 - I On draught at I an popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, III WmIM 4iPff1tM.,t pliodlj totsbtr. rU, s ts ettrt.ea .ra. raili f r-t f tf9wt wf. ritf W'V V ! ll r