T i ! PAPER "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. OFFICIAL ' "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. 5i FREE With the Gazette one year. i-. i u i SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY' 24. 1898; NO. 651 SEMI WEEKLY, GAZETTE. fUBLIHBID WISCONSIN) Central Line, Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON "PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. ' At $S.01 par year, tl.00 tor six months, 50 eta. tor three monens, striotly In advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatofice at Heppner, Oregon, . as second-class matter. THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, ftt and 65 Merchants Exchange, Han Vranouco, uauiornia, wnere con raota tor advertising oan be made tor it. T T. FJHHPH NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS. JLi. ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build- Ing. Dan francisoo, ib our auinonseu utsouu. This paper iB kept on file at hia office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p . m., daily except Hnnfl. nrrivinir nt. HAnrmnr Junction 12:03 a. m. Ljeaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar rive at Heppner 6:00 a m ,.,, Upokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2 .-00 p. m . and arrives at neppner uncuon i au p. m. nnrl TTmA!illaR..fifl n. ITL. Portland Kvnrflas No. S. from Bookane. arrives t Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 KM .m- and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at rimntillft 1'flO B. m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 1 :a, a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O.H IN., Heppner, ure. OFFICIAIi DIEEOTOST. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATEONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to I train and carriage or bus, or in maDy other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red the kind you have always bought'' cap. iney win De m waning at. and ha tne signature Of. ii i j l- i. " " an trains prepareu to bbbibii pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. J AS. C. POND, Gen'l Paasr. Agt. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR O! the Old Reliable United States Officials, President William McKiuley Vice President Garret A. Hubert HwwtMrv nf Mrato W. K. L)av Heuretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Oage Seoretary of Interior Cornolins N. Bliss Secretary or war nuswu :.. aiger Rnoretaryof Navy John D. Long Postuiaster-Gsneral Charles Emery Smith Attorney-General..... John W. Griggs Secretary. f Agriculture Jomee Wilson State of Oregon. li.wernor ...W. ; Lord Bc rotary of Slate .H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman U. IT . 1UUU11UU jTnos.'rV. Tongue IW. K. EIHb W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean. Supreme Jndgoa i F. A. Moore, f C E, Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. iv.i.;t jniaa SteDhen Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Borrow County Officials. Joint Bonator Gault House AN OPEN LETTER .To MOTHERS. WE ARE "ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis Massachusetts, was ., the . originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear ". ' on every the fac-simile signature of i wrapper. This is the original "C AST0 R I A" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty yearsJ LOOK CAREFULLY at the : wrapper and see that it is '""JT on the Uc&4 -"wrap-. w .) I per. no one nas authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is president. March 24, 'Q X Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child y accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more1 pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The End You Hate Always Bought " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF WAR NEWS Senators. Congressmen. Printer CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A I Q., C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. S C, . . and the C. St. LAP. Railroads. RATBS 8U.OO PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Ste., ... ... , CEICA.GrO.. JXiIfc. .. . ttepreeentative.... I'ounti Jadge.... ... '' Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. Olerk Bheriff ' Trossursr ' Assessor Bnrveror . .. Aahum Sup' Coroner THE DAH-B . NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DJLZiXtEB, OEE30XT, Grower and Dealer In Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Traea, Grape Vinaa and Small Fruita. . Loweii Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Insist on Having The Kind . That ' Never Failed You. tms einvsua oommhv, tt bukmt .tscet, hsw toss oit. VALENCIA, Spain, My 20. Between seven and eight' thousand troops are embarking here for the Philippines.'' It is evident that the new Spanish cabinet intends to push the campaign vigorously.' ' TACOMA,' May 21. Official information' comes' from Washington, D. C., that the ' Washington state troops will be retained for PaCifio coast duty and will not go to the Philippines. "' SAN FRANCISCO, May 2L The only ihing delaying the depaiture of the volunteers is the' slowness of the government in getting stores ready to ship. The City of Pekin will leave in 38 hours. Two other steamers are ready to leave immediately; ' . WASHINGTON,' May 21. The report- of the arrival of Admiral Cervera at Santiago de Cuba is regarded as a ruse. " The plaoe is a veritable rat-trap without entrances worth mentioning, "One 'American monitor ' could "do" the entire fleet.' " ' MADRID, May 21 It is asserted that Admiral Cervera's squadroD has left Santiago de Cuba. LONDON, May 21. Lieut Gen. Correas; at - Madrid, nas assured the London minister that nothing defiuite bad been decided on. ' . . : .1 l. ;.. . . MADRID, May 21. Senor Polo, formerly the Spanish minister at Washington, went aboard of a steamer and will depart today. Spanish troops are leaving the interior towns of Cuba, which the in surgents are ocoupying, ' t : WASHINGTON, May 21. The war department has secret Informa tion that rioting in Havana is imminent from scaroity of food.' MADRID, May 21. It is believed hare that a conflict between the American and Spanish fleets cannot be delayed much longer. The new Spanish ministry piopoBe for6iug the war to an issue, hop ing to invoke an European intervention. ' ' . Senor Polo has left Canada.' The government invited him to go, FKOM VINCENT CREEK. Editor Gazette : I will drop you a few lines.' am la Vincent oreek Bt present. It has mowed twioe, and ia enowing thia morning, and baa rained two oc three Mines'. We have ice nearly ever; night. The Suaanville find or strike does not amount to anything at all. It ia only excitement. From the Skyscraper tains Saaanville haa been staked off ia small lota and the man that owns it will give any one a lot who will pat up a two. itory bnildiog on it. Walter Keeney, from Long Creek, and the Obinese storp, that ia all of Saaanville. There is one " sraatra" running above here on Vincent oreek: and also several plaoer mines. Therci ia plenty of water yet and plenty ot snow one and one-half miles from bere-'-aboat six feet deep. It is on the Greenhorn and some snow is found in shady plaoos everywhere. They are ru oing (all force on California guloh and Happy Camp, four miles from here, and getting good pay." Some nag gets taken out of California Qalah go from $5 to $3, and some taken oat ' just above here on Vinoent go 88. There' are a good msny antelope in here, and bear, too. I will olose, bopiog everything is all (Y Ki kt tlnnnnftr Tt la Hrv anil rlnatv. The governor-general of the Philippines, saya that he will defend t gtx n i8 ume for breakfast ana I POVDER Absolutely Pure M ABEAHaMSICK, ercharit it. Tailoring am chief eook and dishwasher, so good bye. ! Yours fraternally, ' Lee CantwxlIi. May 17, 1898. A TUT nnwan , J. N. Brown .A. G. Bartholomew J.K. Howard ........J.W.Morrow WEEKLY E. Li. Matlock Frank Gilliam ....'....A. C. Petteya J. J. MoGee .J W. Buiplaj. B. V. Vautfhan The MONTHLY Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp-. ner. His work is always first class and satisfac-' tion guaranteed. ; : . " OALiL AND SEE ME. - ON MAY STltKKT- , BEPFEB TOWN 0FFI0EB9. jt,4yol Thos. Morgan Liohtenthal, J. B. Himons, J. J. Huberts, J . W. ti 1 L' II u,.ari.v """""'...W.A. Richardson iwV.V.V:.'.'..... I W. BriKKS Marshal John Utter Precinct Offloen', W. E. Kinhardson r;.abU. Z N. 8. WheUtone United State Laud Olficera. tas DAixas, oa. utlook Manila to the last The Charleston sailed at 11:40 this morning'1 ; CAPE HAYTIEN, May '2l.-It is rumored at Fort Paix that a fight I ,..i,1 A,tf Kfonioloa mnA nnr SnaniBri IvBrariina minlr anrl iwn lt tVio American disabled. ' - Th,is Is the most universal experience. Diminished prespiration during winter InU ' sTsnaY at Att alnaa MiinAnnmanl in. SPOKANE, Wash., May 22.-The report that Washington troop. . " T "T 'i Iwiil tot goto the Philippines is not authentic. Gen. Merritt saya be I ipring" meflioipe, like Hood's Sarsaoa- ha. Uer intended such adverse action. ! : T?La?JJ?u!L1 . , , i uu uiuvu nuu SU uv dj situi iu - m When CapL Clarke, of the battleship Oregon arrived at Rio'Janeiro healthy condition atthis seaaon. W hen '.y OUT'hear I Oetll :-TCUSi-!ir:rtf. heTieeivSl' ZSitis Urn th wj department of the danger of being! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE Hood's Pills' are lbs bent family oa- tbartio and liytr tonic. Usntls, reliabls. Published Every Saturdayl 13 Astor Place New.York The Outlook will be in 1897, as it has been during each of its twenty-seven 11111-, . r. fTV T I I F. Moors twirisTOT years, a tlMlory 01 war vwn iiaun. iu -8.Bigs. """"r its various editorial, departments The E. W. Bartlett,.., BKisUr Outlook gives a oompaet review ot tbel J.H. R,.bbins...; Beceiver ' ., . wuiiu L1 UK i worn i ivuvif wiwaa van I sll the important philanthropic' sod in dustrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; I HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S . ...,;. ' ; Belled express, is coming.- Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! BECBET SOCIETIES. HAWLIN8 POST, NO. IX. U' ' - . . I J. . . IV.. Int...... I MeM.atHenoner.OT.. tha third Saturday or " """"""M arh month. Ail veteran, ara invito to imn. I the home; reviews oarrnt liter store; I n.n.pmim, n u...r..i ii. -I . Adlntant. r urainiiaiv. mrumun iudviiui iruiq-ihii amiui lupt and things: and, in short, aims to glvfj fresh ioformatloo, original observation, U. si, IVI Vrf r QUij I vi. i-' and reasonable entertaiument. r llEt rWett, UKiuw. Beginning with the fifty fiifth volume. Office hoars. 8 to 10 . m , and 12 to I tha nnrjer will easame the reealar mana 3 p. m., at rwidenee W. AKirk'i i prop-1 ,ne wbl(jh wj gteMj ,,1 ois;,es .. . -t i 1 AnnvaanlMtiAa ftnH ftttrApHTAnAU. Th tbe rear of Borg's jewelry store. Outlook is published every Satorday- 6fty two issues a year. Tbe first isiur Brown & RGdficId ineaoDmontni,Dlliu,i''s,e(lM"ii1 Attorneys at Law, Offloe In tbe First National Bank BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. ... . .... i Nomoer, oontainiog sooniiwioeas many i . i r i j pages as lbs ordinary issue, together f mOlX thail hlty-SlX yCafS It IiaS lieVer IdllCU Tt, prio.of .Th. Outlook i. tbre. in its weekly visits to the homes ot farmers dollars a year In adfanoe, or less than a i ..Ml 4.L tU IT c; ceutedny. I -"m imuiiuu v. .v. v. w. Baildiog. HiFriraa, : : Obkoom. f Ellis & Phelps, Send for a sproimeo onpy and illoitrat- interoepted by the Spanish fleet. He wired the following reply: "4 ,0" "Don't tancl a ma ', with instructions for I am not afraid of the whole O ' Vi fl , " . I " an aeciaem. BpaniBn neet. n H . w Mia. v,iha a muhiih ill v a Wftuai inf auavsa .vw Walbridge, wbo resides with bsr parents passenger brought from Morales, St, Nicholas, of the naval engage- op on Balm Fork, on the Wallace place r 0 ,. bad th. misfortune to badly cut ber foot ment, it is also reported from a vague source that cannonading was wjtn tn ,x. she wss splitting kiodlbg I heard off northwest, ceasing at midnight, and that firing was renewed wood, and In some manner the ax struck , , .... line corner 01 ine nonse. ana gianoiatt, and continued till noon. .llnk v riaht ,nnl .. h..,fc n. ,hA The new event of the day was the orden of the Monterey to proceed IMIe and fourth toe, severing two ten- m, , . ., . ' ' ''''' 'n 1 Ti . doni and making a deep out, more than to Manila. The Monterey the most powerful monitor afloat It can lwo .luoh(1. lon ,n4 own lha boM hold Manila harbor'against any fleet. Dr. MoSwords was called to dress the SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. Agaju the Charleston ha. been de- rHghSXi ll. layed. She was ' unable to adjust Her 'compass on account of the fog. - ,, .r.o c-:'.l anil tnlav. Bobbed the Grays. I A startling incident ot which Mr. John KEY WEST, May 22. The Montgomery, cruising 100 miles from Oliver of Philadelphia, wss the subject, Charleston, came across three gunboats as large as 'hertelf.' 8he H oarrsled by bim as follows: "lwssio . , , , .,.,'. ., , . moet dreadful condition. My skin wss chased them into an inlet where the Montgomery oould not go, giving Bliao,t y,ow, eyM ,urjken, to0Bn, them two broadsides. It is not known what damage Was done. ooated, pain oontinually in bsck and I sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians and took aboard 500 tons of coal. She left Friday and "all'l well." " me op. Fortunately, a friend 1 - 1 euTiMa trying -r.ipniric uiuers, ami 10 MADRID, May 22. Tbe Americans shelled tbe fort of Miellla Torito PatiU I roy greet joy and surprise, tbe first Tbnrsdsy evening. continued their nse for three weeks, and BAN FRANCISCO. May 21-Tbs Charleston' is well on bsr 'way to Manils. 8h now I sm well msn. I know they saved i , . rav life and robbed the grave of another passsd tbroogh Ooldrn Oats early Ibis morning. Thousands ot people visited the victim." No one should fail to try tbem. Presidio todsy bidding goodby. to th. First California volonlssrs. Tb. P.kin U Only 60 cents per bottle at E. i. 8lo- . 1 " eum's drag store. t ipettsd to sell to lb. rooming. lTTnDNFVQ AT I AW 3 proepeotos to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor ,T ,UlJ uhftl U1((w, (or their nrcnerity and tfPil';M. fr iti ! "'"hJJ'lT , WA8U1NGTON. May 22. Tbe esval depsrlraant says there is no troth in lbs Mr. W. A.Oilmore, represnoting The l lUHnCia l I LnV. p, N.wToik Oil v. bo.li -asand home Intereats. lor education, lor th. .levellm. ol Am.ru an manhood ana 1 . I Wats, of Han Francisco, and Mr. U. I . IT HAS told Zt"'".?; flid.. Inure..!.,, and In.tructlv. .torte. ol the doing, ol tb. world, th. public st.t.ment that 12 p.D..b ships w.re .ana. Huww m olJ fcijf rtW BTOt'l BRANDS. All hnalnsM attended to In a ertimiit and etlt!rurr manner, rtoisrua ruouc ana Collectors. Office la Natter Sulldlafl. Happner, Or, D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put four old hooks and note In hla haudi anrt vt your iixiijf out of them Make a speclaltr ot hard collar. tloia. . Office in J. N. Brown's Building. A&?zZTZ gj W A RICHARDSON. InaTlli Dipt bui m wtw w wuumr vm nDi and City Recorder. U i oa a u isriti, ni BBspv bjinw w tee "i wae aassmsfsj M. IT IB 7ZZX3. While fam aeap roar sabooriptlaa paid ap real T HAS lod In all matteis eaakoap yoorbraadia traeof aharsa. Bora. P. O.. H.DDnar. Or. Horssa. P B b laft abooidMi oaitla,Miaaoa Uft hip. . Hnchaa. Parr. Hatiuaor. Or Tattle brtoded W H. 00 aartMt on the left side. Waddle on Boa, franco. Morrow ouaotr. Conk. A. J..tjona.OT. Ho m.(Ooo rlahlstwiol Am, Catilo, sam.ua Hahthipi oar nva wop ou mil mm mvui id niui, IT HAS advl'aed th. Urmr aa to the moat approved methods of riiHIvattni aiid harve.tln hla (Ma 1 ue' a century baa hold their oonfldaiiea and oaloem, 1 . . t , . 1 nnrovad meiiioos 01 ruiuvaiiiii " 1 eewipapar man, are oeri iui wena in crop.. and th. pr..,-, tim. toconv.rt th. m inio ''J'- ' ' ""L'Zt-if KEY WEST. Mar 23.-Tb. gov.rnor of Car J.oas be. arri.d her. and .ays all i-rviswln oar merahsots ou a .ol.ndid ruimnsT ui mm wejiir-i ui iss tusi -" 1 - 1 New York Weekly Tribune, aqoara I And we furnleh It with the GAZCTTC, ene year fer $2.76, eeehlnedvanoe. Addr-all Ordor. to THE GAZETTE. ornct av council. CMaete. Morrow ouanti. JnhpKia. Palls. I,.Ba. Or. Harm m. rlrfl.T nt tons ana burs mi m n-r. r.,,,. h..,. -., vmj. , . mmtA ...i i . in UIM. dws fonranni au ) taiv. u " ut war la hla lino, .1 niuawo mur. u -, U " ud 'fl TS I ti m Lra . Us rtarti I First National bank wwte te'r.'ritJ nip, watua nm rmhi or, umo ui. ia nni rv nrppt.n w. - - - ------ , . ,. n- . n pgldant I oa tart wiw. Wrlia your nam. and sdrtrwa on a poMsl ".M. and tt toOw. W. ftMt, Trlbuno OrBee, Haw ora City, and a a.mpl. wy ol th. Nsw Vor woakly T rlhune will bs mailed to ou. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Oabao ciliss sr. oa tbe polot of starvstioo. losargsots tad Bptnlsrds .lit. suf- I adv.rtlsiog proposition wblob, this pa- far for food. PP PWMed o X. " being taken GIBRALTAR, M.y 23.-II U romorl b.r. Ibat Cadis o Is .boot to ",'"U o( h lh l,T ba,ln-, ma Ql .sit for Cobs. A Dritisb osptsia wbo hss just arrived ber. from Cadli ssys th. BDsolsb BOTeromaotbasdacldsd to send tb.Csdistqaadron to tbs Atlantis coast I Ontario News: J. W. Morrow, of to bombard citi.r. u.ppoer, srnrw 11 town nstorusy nigm ' " - I smI eat Aa An Ma ea w Itm-nsl Aft rmlit). A London dispstcb from Hong Kong .sys s The rlp.aia.d. to Msalle and Uoag . ... . . f h iKoog oprnly ssy tbat a sqnadron sod troops, from Cedlt, will be teal to drive og 0( ,h, lliriual lioktiasi of bis boy, Psw.y from Msoils. KET WE8T, Msy 23. All Is qolot with tb. blocksdinl,iq iadroa off Osfana. Indication, are Ibat tbe o.il 4S boor, will brio, aa important belli, or dsrstep meats looking to tbe fail ot Usvaos. All eorrespondsnte will get away. .used birn to retrace bis steps sod be started bone on Humlsy, 400 00 IN HOLD lilVtN. Columbia River and PugetSound Navigation to C. A. PtHCA, T. A.BMIA. CCO. W. CONSCR. S. W. SPCNCCN. Viae PVeeltfent Cashier Aee't Ceehler TrtK&di 1 Gfoeral Educ; Bosisieii m ' n. 1 , -w,m. ' r I ' 1 ....... . oa brft atwialilat eattto o on kfl hip. n of tbe blookadlag sviaavlrofl o.h.m. J. W.. fmiaa r.i h"w U ua Uf Leatlog AUler Rtrrel Dot. I'ortleea. rr asioris. iiwboo, urmvu. y.r M) Skuwri TFUllONr; BAIUT C1TZERT AND OCEAN WIVE. ahiltar: eaiila awn rtaht hip. Parkr A OloM-ia. Hardaaaa.Or.-RaraaalPoa lft Aoaldar. rtaronn. 'Uff; hnrara brarwlad bar and --- - -r-f XTri li1 .i.i.id in simuiotr; ran, r.isat ana. .111 V il J. V Xl VJT Ji. Mrow rount,. " 1 hrM l. W . nt,Mr. Ov -Hn Oa all parts at lha world I Uft wnbtar. I'ottia. o rUhl blp. JO m Bought and Sold.' CrtlotU'" nod. on all ee taseetitMs Ttrwt, ltrrTf . K. O. Him. . -CaMlo W tj oo nn, nt rirni aoi anvriri i. mi rvar, k.m W t: on lft honl,U t ptf.i A.. Ht'V. f.-H aiiia,im t B. ,.Hiii ), w li ra!! V t-tu't. awi assua pasta ts m sip Park an,! N .hn.it a. Direct eofinatioe wltb llweeo eioamars ana rail road; also at Touch's Bey with fteeebore Keliroed. thijIip ix orcm Lmvm Portland I A. M. fJally. trvp Suudaf . Iaai AWfla 1 ML 111. top Naaday s Laavs. rVHUaud P M fullf. osv ?. '1T alM. II P . ls Aalolta U ai.6A. M.,.rpt)M"a;aa4 Mobdsr. S..wr aifht, 1 p. M t--ivn wtst "tATA.VJ3 . Iiurf rnMl.iWl and m- adlr to Imam. Tw1T nd JbS'l.T at S A, M. ,Hf a Pi lM.Mllaaw.Wdi4ara4rn.lr etl A. M. uo K..W n,UM4r,, fat Hfllrne "Mtnry of Hp.la aad t'al.a ' K vlasd t le Hat, rail Ara.l uf lbs ,1KET VtKHT, Msy 2i-Koglssd ts makisc wafllk ptspsratl.ios fct Jsotsiea spiinio or us aaa war ! Tweaty-en. tr.n.porf ships sre at Temp, to l.ke troop, to Cob.. laieroatuwiai .w. uom. I paoy, ui DBiiiiuurr, tun., un.r ntm.t HAS FRANCIHCO, Msy 24Tb. Pskle nJ Bidasf test. R.rr Fr.cwWo Msy for ,.1,, copip, 0f "h,,,,, f H.i0 for tbs Pbllippinae. Tbe Jnlaiis woa a victory otoi" tb. Fpaoieh iflldl.re in eight and Cabs." The groelmt polliog book of lb. eeutary; compute to dels; fall eoooaut of tbe eiplosioa ot tbe "Metce;" ell .boat Hpeio and Cob. and War; ISO essgelfloeei piotaroei Uft pegos; rrlall 1 . .1 fj flni aa.ffil M..M f.7 Ana OiiAIU.M.y 24.-Wllllen J. Bryae I a private to s Kb uis Brtlitia som- dy; Mobf BtJ 15 ,0 0f- boof aoy. Must llbrrsl terms; fraiglit aiJi credit WAffilNOTOS. May 24Ths rrenl Is heviog esttob diffloally la eeear- n, tngtrsnapoiMorMen,.. Me,. Pec.fl. roes, boe, f for.,., regMer. Tb. JZZZ Jritk.fk f.tni j'a.blr Otft btitH tie rjlg llelfl If flfla Alfl ftHltlli lti0ritej lir tf YuUt Wtitf4f 1H PfM'l Ml V'iV'i in rfH H r'i ri Cf it HMi ApM i na i.i .l l'i( WABHINQ TON, Msy 21 Tb. bsttslioa ef Teoom. bsts beo ordered to Vso eeavei barracks. Tbe Weebiogtoo .eldier. will go to Maella. t IS ns Pf JL n