fir- t-WM'J if IP? Uncle Sam Says This is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen .Your Appetite Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaoarilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.60 $3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, 1,50..... 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, 11.00.. 2.75 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50.. 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map (2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World.Jl.OO... 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25 Rural Spirit, 2.00 3.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall's Magazine 11.00 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witn any paper on earth. METH, EPISC. CHUBCH. 8EBVI0IS. Bnnday 11 a. m. anil 7 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and Si at 12:10 p. m. Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. ''The Spirit and the bride say. (' say. Come. The LABtor ma,v be found at the Daraonara ad. joining the church, where he will be glad to meet aiy Wo may desire to oonsnlt mm on roliaious, somrI, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any oiner suwects. J. W. KLE8IIEB, Minister. II. E CHURCH, SOUTU. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class meeting following mornlne service Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves toeether." Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to : cnurcn. u. . Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHCKCH. Bervices each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. lu shelly. PaBtor. Attorney Pbelps Tinted The Dallea yesterday. Dave Dloksoo, ot lone, was in town Wednesday. Tbeo. Anderson wat in from Eight Mile on last Wedoetday. Mrs. John Kilkenny is in the hospital at Portland fur treatment. Miss Stevenson la attending; the Q. A. ft. reunion at The Dalles P. Brenner remained over Wedoesd ty night to take in the republican speaking. Anson Wright, the Rhea oreek sheep man, was in town Tuesday on business. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeots of the eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr Bring yonr bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Mathews, . at the Liberty Meat Market . He pays highest market price. 619-tf. Jerry Brosnsn sold 300 bead ot oattle recently wbioh he delivered Monday at Eoho. William Hughes assisted in the delivery. E. O. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. The finest saddles and har ness to be found in Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. A. A. Roberts, deputy United 8tatea marshal, left for Denver on last Satur day with a female prisoner who is charged with writing an obscene letter aud send ing it through tbe mails. Ladies, Uk tha best, If yon are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by OooBef & Warren. v Tbe Onzette will olub with the Oregon Senator, the great Pythian paper of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for 8175 for the two. Tbe Senator is all right. No Knight of Pythias should be without it. tf. P. M. Howard has given up bis place in E. W. Rbea & Co.'s store and accepted a position in the First National bank. Will Spencer, assistant oashier, bas re signed, to lake effect on June 1st. 8ome Fox valley teamster ' 'broke down" on top ot tbe big bill, near town on tbe Lona Creek road, a few days ago, and then some one for fun took off the wheels and rolled tbem down tbe hill a mile or two. The staffed olub should be brought out. dans Ncaorr. A Tale of the Klondike. Aa Told by the Light of the Camp rtre. By Lub Vernon. There were only three in oar party. Joe and me went to Dawson City to gether, being old "parda" in California The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on tbe first Wednesday of each month, tt the homo of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. 1. The sum ot live cents per line will be Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, aud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notiou ol special meetings for whatever purpose., 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher 1 to In every lnstanoe. Advertising rates reasonable and made known Upon application. Ho! Ye .voting men of Morrow, whistle up a lively tune For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay with us till June, Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's Linwood Rye, Ile'U catch our votes if he wets our throats for the voting men are dry. Bold only at the Bolvadcre Saloon, E. G. 8 perry, proprietor. The Uazette is not heralding its oom ing witb a brass band bnt its circulation can be determined at the Heppaer post offioe. Adversers will please note tbis. Here and There. Bee M. Liclitentbal 4 Co. for shoes, a Statement for tbe Famona Simple Aoeount File printed at tbe Gazette of fice. .... : - - Tbe war is on and now you should subscribe for tbe Qai-tte. The latest pews, always. Those wishing private board ean find accommodations at tbe residence ot Mrs. W. J. Leei-r. 44 tt "Oo'o juioe" . all right but Low Til lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. Co3-lf Faintest remedy for eitraoting teeth. If not as elated, do Chiracs. TJ Dr. Vauabao'a new plan. 604-tf, Beet accommodation and courteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel. Seventh and Wash, Hti Portland, Oregon. The Osst'tl earnes full stock ot mourning Dote, correspondence style, vitb envelope to match. Tbnet desiring snob stationery ean bare tbeir wants supplied at this office, tt. Dr. John W. Rasmus, ot tbe "Red light." ever on tbe alert tor something Dew, ean famish yoo tbe One I cock tall to tbe land Maobatteo, Jersey Ver month or Oio made by to artist to tbe bnsioee. Drop in and take tha taste out ot yonr moulb. If Frank MeFarlaod has bo appoloted peoial agent of The Epi labia Life A soranoe Co, of New York, tbe strongest to tbe world. Cb surplus to policy holders ot over SO millloc dollars. Don't lake losoraaes) without teeing; the Dew plant ot the EqnilabU. Insure both tne It saw ratea. T7if Beeide keeping l lrl assort Deal fl aaedtt, ffo'ts, cigart aod notions to be found anywhere ia tbe eit,J. Hart is now atile lo tapply yoa witb tbt Portland dsille and all lb a(sioe and periodicals, both for- elira sod domestic. If yoo waal read- leg matter, give Jim a rail at lb H't'P arr Card factory. t-tf. Al Evans was up from Alpine yesterday. Asa Thompson is over from Butter creek. Ed. Day was over from Little Butter creek yes. terday. Usual services at the M. E, church, South, Sunday. The old soldiers will not forget to decorate on May 80th, The sprinkler cart, In the hands of Perry Snyder, Is doing some good work. John M. Brown, of I-one Rock, and Mr. Tup per, of Monument, are in town on business. Dave McAtee has invested in property near the power house and will build on It very soon. tieo. W. McCoy hss been Indicted by the U. 8. grand Jury for using the malls for fraudulent purposes. John P. Brown made proof before Deputy Clerk Wells today, with Johu and Wm. Barton as witnesses. Barry Smith, a traveling man, came up on yesterday's train, taking in lone on the way down, on his wheel. Mr. Louis Frledrich has opened up a tailor ing shop in the City hotel building, next door to Low Tlllsrd's place. The Gazette always wishes every new enterprise success. The sale of the Perkins property, over on Court streot, was made to Harry Warren, Instead ot Phil Blahm, as heretoiore reported. Phil's proposed trade was not consummated. Capt. and Lieut, McGregor, of the Salvation Army, will leave Heppner May w, utiiers win take their places. The young ladles have made many warm friends during their stay here. A telegran from Mrs. Geo. D. Fell, from Pen dleton Wednesday .announces the convalescence of her husband, who has been seriously ill for some time with pneumonia. This is gratifying news to George's many friends here. Free Qreen met with quite a mlifortuue a few days ago, his Klondike team of 18 dogs getting killed. They were confined in a shed which they undermined, the whole structure falling in on them. He was thus prevented from giving an exhibition at the big dinner end oir, up on the reservation last Sunday. BHEfcP FIRED ON. Home of the Urant Coaaty People at Their Old Tricks. A W arsis. J. W. Wlllinghsme, better known as "Bud Shobe," writs from Bridge creek as follows: Pat: ws caught at Big creek. 1 he set tlers Bred Into oat sheep, and Bred at me, too. I guess. The bullets came mighty close any how, and w turned back. W will go tc La Grand. Tell all sbecpinea to look out this summer." A reward of V00 has been ottered for tha ar. rest and conviction of any person wilfully kill ing sheep, or destroying property, belonging to any member of tbe Morrow County Woolgrow ers' Association. Th's ought to nut si heck to those depredations. A Bad Thief. Oo last Sunday night soma persuo stole fine pack outfit from II. Pedberg, dowo at bit Rhta creek ranch. Mr Pad berg was all ready for t trip to tbt mountains, but lb olefer (?) geot changed Ibt plant by bit deft work aod tent Mr. Pedberg to town tor a new rig. 8ome Ibiok that tbey know Ibt tbisf aod tbt authorities bvt bit description. RIPl'BLICAN PEAKlXa. Hoo. Miles 8. Jobneoo, ot Portland, will speak at Herdmaa on Friday, May Z7tb, at 7 J1; Beppoer, rJatordey, Msy 'iHtb. at 7:3); Islington, Monday , Mar 80th. at 1:30; lane, same day at 7 A), from a repabiioao standpoint. All are In vited. 43 M Ins JHIIloa ttsr, Whm iroi,l Imy, try, nd buy eg-iie. it nunns thi v're satisfied. Th itle of th I'm!--! Mat ar now buying C'aarart Candy I'sthartie t the rat of two million boiM a vmr and it will I three million ( for New Year. It mmin mnt proved that ( aararrts are tbe most daliihtful bowrl rrtfiilator ("f everybody the rear round. All druggists lUu, 23r, e boa, curt guaranteed in tha I'riav r t rA ftka lava e.9 onlit in '49. Having rested a few weeks id Dawson after our bard aod perilous tfip ever the tjbilkrot Pass find the treacherous lakes, we started on to prdspeot,- and then we came across Dan. He were au odd ohap always, were Dan. Work?. Wei', I wou't say as ever I kDew a band oo my diggioa as oould beat Dan for work, take him all around. Early and late Dan were always there whoever wern't. He would work eating; be would work talking though it wern't mnob talkiDg you eouia get out or uan, not as a reg ular thing, anvbow. Why, he seemed as it be worked of nights, after he'd turned .in, did Dan, and it was all gold, every word ot it. When Joe and me first oame aoross Dan be was down on his luck. Dan bad juRt about panned out, and be hadn't a nickle left to buy water, wbioh B eing as how water were five dollars a backet at "Dry Gulo i" just then, and scarce at that, were awkward. Yes, I kind o' reokon we were a God send to Dan, that's about what we were, Joe and me, when we rffired to take him in as our partner. Not but what it was right enough tor us, too. Joe and me bad a matter of maybe eix hundred dollars between us, and we were pretty old hands at the j ib, but tbe plaoe were new to us, and Dry Gnleh, like most gold fields, bad ways of its own. Now, Dan bad been here two months, and be kne v most nil there was to know about the place, and it oame about that we went "pards" with Dan, and just then Dan was mighty glad to b took by any body as oould give him a little grub and a bucket of water you bet. (Joe thing was sure, Dan bad not always been a digger, nor yet for so very long, neither. We stopped at Dry Gulob for a month, and it was long enough, too. Gold there was, I admit, but it hadn't no sort of consistency. Ton might work till you struck gold and mayhap get a nugget or two, and tbeo think yon bad coma on a good thing, then after you bad brok your heart following it up for days yn'd like as not kick np a nugget with tbe toe of your boot as you were going to work, right on top ot tbe ground. We were pretty near tall up of this and Dan be was tbe fullest up ot tbe lot, One day tbere canoe news that gold bad been struok heavy to the north-west, a matter of twenty miles or so. Dan was wild to be off, and though we beard tbere was ao water found yet it stood to reason that somebody would find it, any how, water wagons were sure to go where tbere was gold. Tbe new Held wbb out beyond tbe Yukon range, and we ooDotuded to see what it was like. Twenty miles don't aound like much, but twenty miles over half sandy ridges, car rying a half gallon keg of water, as well as grub and tools, mounted up to a goad bit of a jib by the time you got there. I won't say but what Dan was all tbere at tbe job be wea mostly always keen, was Dao. We oampel at last in a likely lookiua spot all bv ourselves. Joe called It Dry grass gully, by reasou it was one sheet ot short grass as yellow as gold and as brittle aa straw. "It's all up, pard," taya Joe, " and it't a pity, too, tor tbere't gold bert aod do mistake." I looked at Duo, but be said nothing, "Yet, Joe," tayt I, "it't all we'll do to get back on the water that it lift un less we bave lha luok to fall ia wilb tome, Dao looked from one to the other aod at let be broke out "Going back, art yon? Going back, when here's gold to make us riob, wait log for as?' "It'll bavt to wait, tbeo, pard," aaid Joe. "Gold's good, bnt it tint (pits good enough." Dan looked from Joe to me aod tbeo from me to Joe, aod bit ryes shoes like dlamoads in tha dusk of Ibe lent. "Yoo mean it, do yon." be said ia sort of boars whisper, "mean it?" "Ah," aayt Joe, with a tort ot garg ling leogn, teeing at how oit tnroat was dry. "eseseil? 1 should say so, psrd rather." "Dan's oranky, Joe," stvs I. "Looks likt it pard," aayt Jo. "Well, I reckon be'll come to bit bearings by morning." Witb that Jot coils himself op in bis btaokets aid goet to tleep, and a(Ur minute or two I does tbt tame, being lost about wort oat witb tbt work and want ot waltr. It was dayllgbt wbeo wtkee aod lookt roaod. Tbtrt wet Jot lying where be dropped over olght, bat I lest Dotblog of Deo. "Hlllo." I tnet tony bat I couldn't lay it rightly, my throat was that dry. Bo I tlirt Jo witb my foot. "Did aiot bert, Jot,1 taya. "No mora Lt aiot," tayi Jot, titling op, Mlh more watar tor oa aod dm, pard." Wo aeramblrt oat from uedr Ibt Uol ud looks sroand. Tbt tan was jot op, bnt lbrt wern't a aigo of Do, look bert wt would. "Tbt devil!" tayt Joe tuddeoly, look ing batd at the Uol. M U'a br.a brw ear eooogb, and left tbis nut. Here, ton a good al reeding filing." says Joe, "read abet this say oa tbt teat 1 Iota loved eed ear enough, oa Hit flap of the tent were wrote with some thing that looked like obalk: "You want to go back to Dry Quick you can go. rve found what I came for, and it'$ mine now. Goodbye. DAN. I read it ont loud, and we standi and stares at tbe writing and then at eaoh other. "He's mad, Joe, says t at last, "and be is gone without a drop of water, poor fellow!" "Mad or not, I reckon he's come across a nugget and he means to keep it. Not if the court koows itself and reokon she do, pard. Fair and square must go between pards. That's what I always sa)8 and what I always stfoks to." It were never mnob use arguing witb Joe. II wasn't much that he'd say, but there wrs no turning him oooe he took a ootion. And Joe was death on getting bold of Dan and sharing the nugget. At last I gave in anl we started. It was eaey to see wbioh way Dan bad gone, for there were bis marks on tbe soft ground and Band, nol dear, bul as like as not tbe first Ibat bad ever been tbere since it was first made. He oonldn't bave gone far, Joe said, and he took the drop ot water tbat was left and started. I'd have given it up bours batore, but Joe held on like a bull dog. Now and again we'd suok at tbe few drops ot wa. ter that was left, and then we went oa again. At Inst we had drQok it every drop, and still the hot sun of the Arotio Circle poured down on our heads like white metal out of a furnace. We stag gered at we walked, aod we oould scarce ly see for the light that was ia oar facea. Our tonguee bad swelled up so big tbat they seemed to till our mouths, and oar throats were so dry thsy made a kind of whistling aound when we tried te talk. Hour after hour, aod every hour seemed like a month, but still we struggled on. We stood for a minute, and tkan Joe whispered hoarsely Look here, pard, wot's tbe odds about Dan? Here's water, and its better than nuggets, just now " We etaegered rather than walked down the slope with the level son shining in our t'lO'-'s. Joe had got a few yards abped, a d of a sudden be stopped. At I came up be pointed to one side and be whispered ''Look, pard ; Dan's there." He was. - Parohed as we were we oonldn't puss bim. , The gush and the whisper of the water was in our ears, but we couldn't pan Din oould be bear it, too? We neither of us tried to speak, but we orept over to where be lay. He was half sitting, halt lying against a boulder, and bewaslookiug tbe other way, so tbat we couldn't see bis faon, but Joe bad been right, A big rough, shapeless mans of almost pure gold was lying on the ground before bim bis hand lay beside it oo the' ground bis fingers looked as if they bad been stroking it. "Dan," I eaid, as load as I could, "Dan." He never turned his bead, be never moyed. I went oloser; I looked in his fsoe; then I knew. Duo was dead Sis hollow eyes etared oot.atr eight be tore bim, bis bead was bent a little for ward a it he was listening. . Witb tbe sound ot water in bis ears, with bis nag get on the ground at bis side Dao was dead. We looked at him, did Joe and me. "What's that in his other hand? ' Jot said in a whisper. It was a letter, worn and torn, and frayed along the edge. "Let's bury it witb bim, Joe," said I. "Nol us, pard. Fair aod square goet between pards; that's what I tay; per haps it will tell wbo it belong! to. Read it, pard, it can't burl do one now." I read tbe letter aa well aa I oould. No need to say whal it said. But when had read It, both Joe and ma looked to Dan't dead face, and then u under tlood. It waa Ibt old, old story. Tbe stry i t a youog, delicate wife and br little cH dreo brought to want and disgraoe by a thoughtless busbaod aod father, and yet seeming to lova bim all tha mora. No onder Dsn was mad to get gold; do wonder he lo iked anxious and eager. What's Ibe address?" Joe asked me after a bit. I told what was in the letter. Jot stooped and lifted tbe big oaggetioboth hands. Right ion war. pard" be taid. "I reckon tbere't enongb here to givt tbem a start." Not another word wee said. Jot gavt np hi share, and Dan got lils pngget after a!.-Iu '"iondsy Osa-tteer, Den I on, Ten. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often oausea the most in tense suffering. Many bave for years vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are- to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific ia the only cure, be cause it ia the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseaael. A few years ago t was taken with inflamma tory lUMiunaUsm, whtoh beoam so Intense that I wa for weeks unable to. Walk. I tried several prominent physt oians and took their trtst mant faithfully, but was1 unable to get the slight est relief. Infant, my oon. dltlon seemed to grow worse, the disease spread rr my entire body, and from November to Marsh I suffered agony, t tried low prices, many patent medicine, t out none reiievea m, I Upon the advice of al iVK'u1 friend I decided to trt S. S. 8. Before allowing me to take lt, how ever, my guardian, who waa a chemist, ana lysed the remedy, and pronounced lt free of potash or meroury. I felt so much better after taking two bottles, that I oontlnued the rem efty.and In two months I was cured completely. The cure was permanent, for I have never sine bad a touoh ot Rheumatism though many tames exposed to oamp ana oota weamer. XLBAHOa M. TirpatL, ITU Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, at they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash and meroury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. for D1AA1 lheUIUUU Will oure nerfectlv and iwmanentlv. tt is guaranteed purely vegetable, and oontaina no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift opecino uo., Atlanta, ua. Now that the days wax warmer and warmer you will perhaps be looking for something new and light and cool to wear. Come down and look mer wash goods. over those sum- We've Got Them In abundance and beautiful designs. Nice gauzy summer goods at surprisingly Here are just a few- uuu, S.S.SJ Percales, new patterns, price, 10-12-15c Dimities in Floral Designs, 10-12-15c Figured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12-15 French Organdies, . new goods, 20-30c Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c Linen Crashes, very serviceable 25c French Ginghams, 20-25c JdLimor & Co. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Caiuly Cathartic. 10c or 25o. It C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Declared Insane. Wednesday Chris Oasperson was brought up from lone by Wes MoNabb, charged witb being insane. Judge Bar tholomew examined bim and the charge was well sustained, and on Wednesday Dight Sheriff Matlock left with bit obarge for the asylum. B AATC ANn CHAFC " THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF M. IvICHTBNTHAIv & CO, They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on lt you get a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street' Repairing a Spaoialty i Thousands are Trying It. lu order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Babn, the moat effective cure for Cutarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 1U cents. Got it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BH0S., G8 Warron St., N. Y. City. I suffered f rom cutarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, ami I nover hoped for cure, bnt Ely's Creum Halm seems to do evou that. Many acquaintance have used it with exoellent results. OBcar Ostrum, 45 Wnrren Ave., Chicago, III, Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure tor catarrn ana ooniams no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug." Trice, CO cents. At itruarints or hv mail. Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tbe world for Cute, Bruises, Mores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, anc'. all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Filet or do pay required. Ii is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 26 oents per box. For sale by Slocom Drug Co., E. J. Blooum, manager. A NEW FIRM E G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are In this field at the old stand with Harness, 8addlcs, Whips, Spurs, and an endless lot of everything in their line. E. O. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm aa well as collect what Is due. O. !VOBIvI3 CO. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the T SYJ 0 of UCaJeff4UcJU4 MONEY TO 1AK. WANT A KKW OOAf) FARM LOASB IN Amounts of fmm II.OOU to l',,0iio st eutht I per cent, interest psyaiue aiiiiusuy. aiiii- ratlons considered only from farmers actual lv I litlns; on tne farms, noaxenis. amiree- m. (i. (jrllhn, Tib, Mark tit., Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ureson. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace i m i ...Has been leased by... J . Oe BORCIIBRS Who has secured tho services of MRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. into SBBB NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. t'mTsii htatks Lank Orrwa, The Itslli-s, ftreiroii. April sth. 1M. OTICE IH 1IKKKBV HIVKN THAT THE approved put of survey of township u Houth, ranite M Rant ot the Willamette Merid ian, Oregon, has wen received at this onV and will te .iltlcUlly filed In this nrlli'e on Haturday, th 2th day ol Msy, lw., at 10 o'clock a. m. JAB, F. MOOKK. Ki-Klitrr. wm. n. HKIM.H, Receiver. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOEOHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars ih. j. w. vooiec. Specialist for Refraction snd Defects of the KYK rOUTLAND. OBEHON. Dr. im- I well known to tli rMixmiiihU Bwiplenf Morrow ormnlir, an a"? "lis wililn( Ui know who thnM t r im are nan Imra tliirnanii w OOL GROWERS I 1 Bass Itns ! vs T7I 1 htm n-ri" f,'l. r1 ' i." "VT-vtmr-i . Save Money! Stop buying other baking jtowdcr and two tcasnoonfuls to a quart of flour. Use only one heaping teaspoonful of Schilling's But. m using " ADIOH." Land of gsrlio aod tortilla, Land of leheo and mantilla, Land of mula aod tmnggled slitters, Lead of raialot aod of fritters. Lead of Pedro aod of Baoebo, Land of Wtyltr aod of Blaooo, Land ot ball fights tod ptotttt, Leod of iloiky atoorltet, Laod of manner stiff aod bangbtj, Land of ItabelU oaogbty, Lead of Boabdil aod Uamit, Doo'l yoa bsar yonr Coolt Bero'lf Oil!" Lot Vbbwon. bf oh 1 1 i ii K at llnsolhV lor dali W.l. b tlmlnral rnniB im'J'. Ir The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 25 anal 60 Canta. GEO. C. HOME, Prop. N'ext door to Opera Houie. If you liuvo not yet realized that tho "good old times" are with us, your blond is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" ami awake to the fort that tho Wool Growers' Warehouse A f Chas. W. Ingraham, Assayer arid Analyst Ii tho place to itoro your wool this season. Why? Bc- Uaio Btreei, Oeppoer. Or., cause w do a strictly warchouso business, and not being in At Cooaer A Warrts'a Drag Hiort. Analysis of oret ft specialty. Iirtbf fartjr Oo Taely afteraooo Ir. aod Mrs E. Ii. U unlock cat Mist Valrjo Mo- Ate a birlbdar party, bolDf II ert of ag oa Ihal date. It wss Immensely o- joyed by all, aod eepeolalljr b- Hie Ma- Ate . wbo rroid bo memo preaeoia. Tbatnllovl g yooeg people were lbr: Vatrji Mo4t-, Alii Voros, Lla Cannibal I . Etta libera, Blaecbt Ktlt, Id MeAtee, Mart Me A tee, Una Dam- Uton. Lull, Uuunit Abrabtm- le s, Olati a Well. L-a lll.rimsb, Harry I lt,.n. Urn A Mullnn (tl.a.lla 14 n liwll . ' ..its.., .-'mm . . .'., v . - -'- , Ikooi llaelock aod Artbui McAts. Gibson & Berger, At Cbss lone' OM Manil. Hhiivinir. - 16 Ct. 1 1 ntr Cutting. " 1 ia t h s . K ve ry t h i n R S t r i c b ly Firft Clan. the field buying wool ourselves, we encourago competition amongst. the buyer and secure you the highent price. ts rtllB wonl asrks snd twin at eit. baysbl when wool Is sold. Heinl lu your outer at ot"-. We pay tks hlghMt ea.h rW lor Bhrrp tlis and hMea. w araamiita lor Llttla'a Ola and Blaca Laal Tobacca Dlo. th only reliable treir! dip oa Uie aiarkot. iy ireis'H uluaatSMrs wnen reqiixawi vino an aj owner 01 wool. We ttsve a lull supfly M itoxl Harley o1 heat, siso mimoi KoII1 Harley (or teamslers. iHrart your teamster ! tb lower waieboas. W (iiaiant you t 'Ur deal. R. F. HYIND. Manager. A ? TMt f"f Tm. S ' r in. -i ion in wh b ou, .ni.ol in IUiS Uil.!1. Mathews f Gentry A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY RARBERS 1 Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Qucensware At Shaving 15 Cents. bbop two uNmrt Knatb ol tminton.. -a l) a Iwwidi im, I .r D. A. CURRAY, . I itniil ol IsuJUtvu rwj too, ". tr.r, fe Mt ttfO''t oiitt Ii a . anal h? .onatn.-tioB ail slnsib arvtnu isii "'VuSr ' ii wwuai iTonsoricI Artist Gilliam & Bisbee's Wmim ar ijr all lrat u nurofU torre ev aiity tafuwloi- K'- C are a r tela. Try a ka I-. N f havlfif, Hair CeHlxfl. Mf lunMl Csiasi, as Tl lrTi, Cia, A4 T tbt wsy tT fcav tnytklar Wit sail for ll Ibt Uat f a lrsr, s4 tta 00 WHERE Y0VCAN GET WHAT 0U WANT.