Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 20, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, May 20, 1898.
Cong-Teaman, First District,
Congressman, Second District,
of The Dalles.
ot McCleay.
Justice of the Supreme Court,
of St. Helens.
Secretary ol State,
of Astoria.
State Treasurer,
C. 8. MOORE,
of Klamath Fails.
Superintendent Public Instruction,
of Portland.
State Printer,
of Ashland,
Attorney General,
of Albany.
For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant and Harney
Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District,
of Pendleton.
For Representative,
of Heppncr.
For Sheriff,
of Hcppner.
For Clerk,
of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
of Heppner.
For Assessor,
of Lexington.
war an&'ws.
From 1st page.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. In three days a California regiment
of volunteers will be on their way to Manila on the City of Pekin.
Tha Charleston, which returned to repair its boilers, will sail within
48 hoars. Two regiments of regulars have received orders to go to
Manila. '
MADRID, May 20. The Spanish squadron arrived at Santiago de
Cuba without accident. It is rumored that the Spanish fleet has en
tered the Spanish harbor, j
; CHICAGO, May 20. A special to the Journal says that 10,000
troops will be sent to Hawaii to occupy the island and act as a reseive
in case Dewey shall ask for more men in the Philippines.
SANTIAGO DE CUBA, May 20. The insurgents are concentrat
ing an army here, the object being to cut off the food supply.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, May 20. Two American warships appeared
off Santiago de Cuba yesterday and drew the fire from shore batteries
to ascertain their location. This incident gave rise yesterday to the
rumors of the bombardment of that place.
WASHINGTON, May 20. The authorities admit their inability to
properly equip troops in a hurry. They predict that war will be
prolonged probably for six months. The navy is ready at any time to
transfer troops to the Cuban coast.
CHICAGO. May 20. Seventy dead victims of the cyclone are re
corded in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin.
The coaling station secured by the Spanish, referred to in yestei
day's dispatches, is that of St. Pierre, aj French, not an English colony
It looks as if France were oppenly assisting Spain, and trouble is ex-
The service given on the Hepp
ner branch is something terrible.
The car that has been Bent here for
use as a passenger coach is worse
than a cattle car. As a matter of
necessity the hours for getting in
and out of Heppner are bad, but
with the kind of accommodations
given it is now wretched. A peti
tion should be circulated by our
citizens asking for better accommodations.
Vote for Dunbar for secretary
of state. Kincaid is tainted with
Simonism and was bis tool at the
last session of the legislature.
For Co. School Superintendent,
of Heppner.
For Co. Commissioner,
of Pine City.
For Coroner,
of Heppner.
Cure sick headache, bad pagaaw
taste in the mouth, coated I fO I 1 g
tongue, gas In the stomach, III a
dUtrmi and Indigestion. Do
not weaken, but have tonic effect. cents.
The only nils to take with Hood's Sariapartlla.
called to hia attention, but do steps
have been taken by bim to oomply with
the law, by oreatiog new precinote and
polling plaoee and reducing the number
of voters aa required.
It ia needless to ear thu preoinct
always returns a large majority against
Joe Simon, Nortbup's politioal boss.
He does not oare whether 500 or 600
voters are no able to exercise their
eleotive franobise on account ot lack of
voting facilities, particularly wben his
boss would get plnobed in a free and
full vote. Do the voters want a connty
judge to look out for the interests of
Joe Simon, or one who will serve tbe
people, and himself oomply with tbe
laws be ia elected to enforce?.
The people are more interested
in war than politics. Well, we
are hand in hand against the com
mon enemy
Indigestive poisons are tbe bane of tbe
dyapeptio's life. When sick, see if your
sickness is caused by indigestive poiscos.1
It so, take Shaker Digestive Cordial.
This is tbe only certain way of being per
manently cured, because it is tbe only
way that gets rid ot tbe poisons. You
know that ferrmnted food is poisonous.
Yon know that poison is unhealthy.
Shaker Digestive Oordial clears tbe stom
ach ot fermented food, and purifies the
blood and system of indigestive poisons.
It cures indigestion and tbediseasestbat
come of it. Headache, dizztnees, nausea,
etomaoh-aohe, weakness, flatulence, oon
stipatioo, loss of appetite, irritability,
eta These are a few of the symptoms,
caused by indigestive poisons, enred by
Sbaker Digestive Oordial.
At draggists, price 10 cents to $1 per
Tbe appointment of Hon. J. C.
Bridges to the position of register
of the land oilice at Koseberg is
pleasing to ail of Joe's friends,
Joe was a member of the legisla
ture in 1805, and was a consistent
advocate of Hon. J. N. Dolph for
The Gazette is not heralding its re-election, staying with him until
coming with a brass band but its the last moment, when he went to
circulation can be determined at McBride and thus made the 45th
the Heppner postoffice. Adver- njan, which was necessary for a se-
tisers will please note this. lection. In the attempted session
of '97 he was alwoys a friend of
It 18 reported that McKinley Senator Mitchell and bitterly op
will make another call for traops posed to the hold-up methods.
No better candidate for gover
nor than T. T. Oeer could have
been selected by the republican
Our friends across the border
are preparing to run Polo out of
very soon.
A rniEND'of ours who has plenty
of nerve savs if it didn't rain at
Manila it was pretty "Dewey
Every American, naturalized or
otherwise, is aching for a good fight
His selection is a just reward to an
I honorable, upright man.
A compilation of the warrants
from the clerkV office of Multno
mah county shows that Glass A
Prudhomme, duriDg Juflgo North
up' s forty-rive montliB ob judge, was
Dieoovered By Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made and that too, by a lady ot tbia
oouotry. "Disease fastened its clutobee
opon ber and for seven years Bbe with
stood its severest tests, but her vital or
gans were undermined and death
seemed emminent. For three months
she coughed inoesaantly and oould not
sleep. She finally discovered a way
reoovery by purchasing ot us a bottle ot
Dr. King's New discovery for consump
tion, and was so much relieved on tak
ing first dose, that she slept all night
and with two bottlea baa been absolute
mil rnorl I ly cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Luts." Thus write W. O. Mamniok
Co., of Shelby, N. O. Trial bottle free
at . J. Hlooum's drug store. Regular
What is the matter with our ize 500 Bnd 81 00 every bottle Kaftr8n-
The Gazette stands for Dunbar
because he is a clean republican.
The Portland-Astoria
is now open for business.
ttjMllf S tfl.
o o o o o o
Grand Reduction
Sale of.
Lambcau Kangaroo Calf Stock Top-PERFECT0E.
Mens' Fine Shoes
In Ohooolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Stook
Tips, our regular $6.00 and $5.00 lice.
This week, Only $4.00
Ladies' Dress Shoes
8300 takes anything in our fine line of Ladies'
$4.00 Shoes. Everything in our extensive shoe
line at ridioulously low prices.
Make the Most of this Opportunity.
1l that fin the 2Hth dav of April. 1898, the
partnership between the undersigned was dla
solved by mutual consent. After that date all
obligations made by either of the parties must
be settled oy tne one incurring m nuns.
witness our nanos ana seais una muhi
April, 1898.
13 M
ularly issued out of the circuit court, for
Morrow county. Oregon, the following aescriD-
ed land, to wit: The n!4 neH of sec 9,i and the
nw!4 0I sec. mi, in ip. o, o , ir. ia n. .
ha sold at nrivate sale for cash in hand.
Bids on the above described property will be re
ceived at the office of Ellis & Phelps until the
26th day of May, 1898.
Dated April 26th, 1898.
44-58 K. L. SHAW,
Assignee of J. J. Mcuee, insolvent uemor
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Offics,
Ta flmnrte. Oieeon. April 25. 1898.
l N. Elder has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before J. W. Morrow,
Countv Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his
office In Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the V th
day 01 June, iftvo, on umoer cuiiuro uupiu:niiuu
No. Zm. for n4 nw, n'4 ne4 of section No. 22,
tnwnih n Nn v n. rnnwi nu. zf r.. v. m.
lie names as witnesses: rrana nucr, juvu
Rector. Fewton Whetstone, Lucinda Elder, all
of Heppner, Oregon. J. vv. baktlx. i i ,
with Spain. When she gets paU tho Bum of $10,909.98, while
through with Sampson sne win au otber priDting firms in Portland
look much like tbe proverbial ref
eree at a dog fight who made a mis
take in his decision.
Commencement Kxercises of the High School
Next Week.
On Thursday evening of next week there will
be a contest for the best declamation, between I
six of the students of the High School, the win
ner to receive a twenty-dollar gold medal, ap.
proprlately engraved.
On Friday evening occurs the graduating ex
ercises, A class of seven, the largest In ths his
tory of the school, will receive their diplomas,
Judges. A. Lowell, of Pendleton, has prom
ised to give an address which of course will be
a treat. Good music is being prepared and the
for that time received less than one- ex"c',e, ,hrKhu Pr" very inter-
.. .... ...
tourtu ot that amount by two per
cent. The Loubg of Glass & Prud-
homme is oue of the smallest in
The Oregonian's true statement Portland. Why does this coudi
in Monday's paper of the fact tion of things exist? Glass is Si-
that the legislature was held np by mon's tool. Simon nominated
a combination for the purpose of Northup four years ago; caused
defeating John II. Mitchell is won-1 him to be nominated for congress
derful. That paper is doing more against Ellis two years ago;
to defeat Simonism than all other Northup owes his present nomma-
acrencies combined. Let it keep tion to Simon.
its gait up.
The tenth grade will give a banquet to the
graduating class and the school officers after the
program is completed.
Heppner deserves great credit for maintaining
an excellent school. It is money splendidly
Every new subscriber ot tbe Ga
zette, or old one renewing, will get
aa a premium a oopy of "Tbe Great
Debate" between Horr and Harvey.
This waa one of the greatest con
tests of tbe kind in this age. Tbe
financial question is prominent in
politics and yon want this book. It
is bound neatly in paper and retails
fcr 50 oents tbe world over. Come
early before all the premiums are
gone. Tbe investment is but $2
The Patterson Pub. Co.
Karl's Clover Root Tea ia pleasant
lazative. Regulate tbe bowels, purines
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make arid pleaeant to take. 23 eta.
Sold by Oonser k Warren. v
The Portland Tribune charges
that the Simon crowd have given
out orders to "kuife" Hon. F. I.
Hiobt now newspapers as well
as the public are haying a high
old time learning how to spell
Spanish names, and others not
Home Dirty Work.
Jeff French write from Parker's Bta
tion that ba ia doing nioely with bis
sheep, enronte to tbe east. However, be
found the bridge at Big creek completely
demolished and a notice taoked np near
at hand, notifying all sheepmen who at- Meetings will be held in tbia oeunty
tempted to psss that way tbat h 1 would by tbe onion party and will be addressed
be their portion. Nothing like tbis af- by the severs! different apeakers aa fol-
frighting tbem, a new bridge waa built, lows:
tbe old trail was followed and nothing "Cyolone" Pavia will apeak at lone,
serious ooourred. Hs leys tbat local Saturday, J oue 4th. at 2 o'olook p. tn.,
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thi Dalles, Oiiecos,
May 9. 1K1
IN followlns-named settler has filed notice
of her inttlon to make final proof In support
other clalits .hat said proof will be made
before J. w.j MOV-nw, i;ountyuiera,ai neypuer,
nr..nn mi Raiiirlv. Jnnn 18. 1898. vis:
Josle Klscner, ol lone, Homesieau application
No. 48H4, for the n'i se4 seen, ana nv sw sec.
1, tp. 1 8 , r. 24 K. w. M.
Rhn tinmen the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz: Fred w. Baisiger, nuwaro
Keller, A. J. McVay and Paul Balslger, all ol
lone, Oregon.
JAO. r . JHWRCi,
4959 Regifter.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
4 is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
Notice of Intention. '
LandOfpics at Ths Dallis. Orison,
May 9, iwm.
following.named settler has filed notice
of his intvntion to make Snal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday June 18, 18118,
vl"1 . .
Jetl'erson D. Brown, of Heppner, Homestead
application No. 4TH1, for the eH sw! sec. 14, and
neL uw 1, and n ne!i A tp. 2 r. 25 K.
W. M.
He natres the following wltnesnet to prove
his continuous resilience upon ana cultivation
of said land, vin: K. K. Beach, Ed Holland and
Carl Beach, of Lexington, Oregon, and 1. N
V.ughan, of Heppner, Oregon
. 48-.9. Kegister.
Dunbar, candidate tor secretary 01 SpRni8i1 for tbat mfttter. Vox in
state on the republican ticket Tbe stftU0Ot the worj Philippine is
Uhzotto can produce evidence inai
such is tho cae. The Gazotte be
lieves that the state central com
mittee will help neither Dunbar nor
Two YE Aim ago Glass, of the re
publican state central committee,
was before the democratic con
vention for state printer and actu
ally received 13 votes. This year
he came very near nomination at
the hands of the Astoria conven
tion, aud now is one of the leaders
of the republican party Simon
says that he is. What a trans
formation! Tue dt'athot Gladstone removes
sbeep will "set it" aura.
more often spelled 'Thillipine."
And this is only oue of many.
Tbe Tendloton Tribune is rank
inp votes against the republicaus.
It should know that votes cannot
be made for us by opening np
evory old sore, every issue.
Be not deoeivedl A congb, boaraoeaa
or croat are not to be trilled with. A
doae ia timo of Hluloh'a Ours will lava
you much trouble. Bold br Conaar k
Varren. v
aad Tkera.
A cough, which stems to ftaj
en in spite of all the remedies win
one of the greatest statesmen of you have applied certainly nti
the a, ud probably the greatest energetic and tenable treatmrru
rw Tklaca I'l.afd ap line
rmrthap Career.
From the County Judge.
Tba eleotioo law ol Oregoo aajra tbat
when tba ooant court ap;ointa tba
judnee ot election I bey shall b tbrea
oapabla and discreet peraooa poaaeaaiog
tba qiialiBoatioos of electors, who aball
ool all b of tba ainis political party,
and aball appoint two aaitabls peraooa
to art aa cletka wbo likawlaa aball b
otdiffereut political faitb. Hieing aa-
perior to Ibis law comet JaJs Nortbap,
ami lint nnlv anrvilnla tha whula Inl nl
jtidgea aod olarki from tba rapublloan ,0'ook P-
and on the aame day at Heppner at 8
o'olook p. m.
lion. 8. 8. Howard, ot Mioneaota, will
apeak at Heppner oo May 28tb, at 8
o'olook p. ru.
J. T. Ilinkle, Esq. , candidate far die-
trict attorney ot Ibii district eod tbe can
did alee for county offices will apeak in
tba aeveral preoinots of tba connty, as
folio we:
1'ioe City. Tueeday, M ik, at 8
o'olook p. m.
Liena, Wednesday, May 25, at I o'clock
p. m.
MatleaoD, Tbaredey, Mar 2G, at 1
o'olook p. m., at J. W. Morrow's raoob
Uardmaa, 'l'bareday, May 6, at t
o'olock p. ra.
Eight Mile, Friday, May 27, at 1 o'clock
p. m.
Dry Fork, Friday, May 27, at 8 o'olook
p. to.
Doaglaa, Saturday, May 23, at
ever kuowu to LDglisti speaking
iieoul. GU lutoue's life has been
devoted to the betterment of hu
inauity, aud his Ums is the world's
Ioms. As citizens of the United
Plates, where the Kngliah language
is spoken generally, aud where the
blood of tho Angle and Saion, the
Celt and the Norseman, coming
down through ages aud blending
into one mighty race, which inskes
us all but akin, we feel nearer to
Euglaud's sadness than auy other
nation on earth. Ueeidesthereisa
hmd of sympathy Mween us, ai d
as oue friend will sharo another's
aorrow, " do e todsy mourn
tbe death of England's "grand old
wan" whose lif bs bssu o fiobly
For twenty-five years that stA
ard preparation ot cod -liver oil.
has proved Its effectiveness in cur
tag the trying affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason why t the cod-liver oil par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitaui.es the whole sys
party, bnt all from tba wing that ia
dominated eod cnotrolled by and io tba
interret of Joe Hitnoa II tw do tbe
voters like ItT le II. II. Nortbap greater!
I than the leaf Has be epeial ria-hte
ibich the In le bound to reaped, or
ie be eubject to ite aeiioo lb earce ae
tbe reel of lbs pecph f He bel J op bie
baud befora (lod aad swore be would
ophold and obey tbe law, and yet be
overrides it Bsgrantly ia baodreds ol
Awr wilb bim!
Hrvlioo 2 ot tbe elertios law ot tbe
stale ot Urrgi a provides thai tbe eoaoly
court aball eelahlish tbe county pre
eioole ot tbe county, aad el lee tbwt bo
Ever) body iovitel.
49 53
Blnvte Vae (towel With 1'aarareta.
t'aailT t'athartle. cure ronailnaiion forater.
uo. uuu C. fall, Srugmaia rvlund bhidiI.
osi rrt fHimwais v. ml he rkckivep
t7 uutll the 1st iUt of June. !, at H o rli-a
a ra , to build a hn l on Sulirr rrek. nar
Fell! JQ .' I'la.-, and also on uu Hl
rfwek, nrar C. A kli plaa-e. riiii(y to fur
Utah all material nn Ilia fmnnd. Flans and
H-tri. utt.int ay I aoea al my orrira, Right
rmitnl lu rein t any aui in
A. u. BtKriioimtitw,
County Ju
Hrpptier, May K I". .!
- Notice of Intention.
IAr. u ur r its a i in a, traLi.no, wi,tuv,
j Mav sl ihw. Notice la hereby ilven that
the following Darned settler his Sled nolle of
hi.r Intention tn maka flnal Droof In lUUDort of
her claim, and that aald proof will tie macie
m'foreJ, w. Morrow. coutuy ners:. at neppuer,
Origou, on Friday, June lu, iw, vm:
MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner:
Romi'stead application No. )74, (or the NK1
w n. Tt 1 K. K V, K W M.
hue names me loiiownie; wiincw io pniTv
her continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of salit land. vl: A. O. Bartholomew, William
H. Flntey, Allen 8. HodsdoQ and Kobert r
llynd, all of Heppner, Oregon,
J A9. r. nnivr.,
4rV57. Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
Lakd Orru a t LaUramik, orxuon,
Mav . IM'.IH.
1 fiilliiwim iiamrtl acttlar has flli-d notice of
his Intention i make final proof In support of
Ma claim, and that salil pnt will be maue d
for the Countr Clerk ol Morrow county, Or
on. at Hi'ppner. Oregon, on June '.'. IWM, ri
Minus lyier, ni. no orji, lor ui miiin.
21, tp. an., r. za a. w, si.
He names the following wltnese to prove
his continuous realdence upon and enlllvatlon
ol aald land, vli: James W. Ltii-T. Henry
Vanderpool, John McCullongh, Uavia Mclui
lough, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
K. W, B4tlitt,
ilt: Kegister.
siiERirrs SALE.
orlor f Ml iltily Issued by Ih Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the tonnty ol Morrow
Hiate of Orea-on. datot the IM day ol April
!, In a certain a'tlnn in Ih Circuit Court
or said i'iniT ami Mat, w dentin M . r. Lord
II. K. Kincaid aod tltll McUK-han, aa Itoaht of
onunuwloncrs for the sale ol school and unl
venlty lauds and lor the Inveannrnt of fun.
arutrg Ihtnlmin, rieintlrts. m-otered
men! against Adeline Howell, Hrtiry Howell
Mar Howall. John Howelt, Nr'll lowl
Mllliam Howall. etaiili.f.l Howell, J.Meph
Howell, Til. la Howell, Ma Hoe.li, Krank
Howell, Thomas Howell. Ully Howell, Hrlll
Farler, RIs Carter, Adeline Howell asadminis
tralrlsand Henry Howell a administrator of
th ratal of Man ford Howell, deceased. Ie(rud
auta, lor Ih emn of H Hundred Eighteen
l"llaf with Inlarrat thereon at the rat of
Ughl per cent per annum trom Ih loth daynf
Man h, If, and the lurther sum of 1 hlrty Br
lollara attornev a few, and own and diahurae.
nienM. on Ih loth .lay of Man h. !. oll
A complete stock of pure and fresh druga al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
The Best
But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get yonr
money S worth of honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
Wg are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and see us.
We are receiving a New Invoice ol Goods almost every day. Our Rapidly
Our JStntionery
Is Complete
Wln In lletxn9r Blv t onll
Slocum Drug Co.
Is hereby given thai I will wn
I lueda Ika )glkiaIU 1MOM
N THE COI STV I RT OK 1MB rTAl E ' nri, k i , ., a.,,1 h... at th. dT
TllAUACa I I1C WI1UK T - - - - - - --. ,
. ... . ... I . .1, .11 ijW I I . .'. ' , al loclors b m t
S Um ln nypOpnOSpniWS """" " - a itw. ". " "'SVi'., :ollh.eo.irl...u In Heppner. Morrowcomty.
"A et At a iJmifz ta th eleotora, aa searly aa eao be aeoertaineJ 1 "LT vt h uml0'4 ,mii wtu.n t ih wt
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
mini And nerves. n4 the
glycerine soothes and
heats the irritation. Can
you think of any combi
nation to effective as this?
a tut IH SCOTT'S f alMa. t SmI th
aua J fa.M att th rarfwr.
VM. aeg M, lt 4. !.
SCctf IJWM, CImwhm, Mspw V
Tb unlnlrnt having ta appmnM hi
H.l tar for cash in haul. UiaMlowltig rfearrthvl
property, lo-wlt Th aouth eaal quarter of
tile imir Hi
M In M..f
bf tbe soar!
Tbere are s inttber of preeiaels
tin rmtiutjr Iitlti4 a great iuay more
In tore than tvrniltteti br tbe a bo re
I... and et J ..la. Nortbop rtfuaee lo Vl"X?Si"Z- TiTLTrS I .-"' -J ""v
I - r . . '1 iMK.r LOM. H
. Ih.euniv court ol lh. .uiolorvjuB,0 Mor. t , , J..ntv right ( - in low.,.1,
wi .... ...e. own.. l-e-o,gi T
.4nd now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star lircwerif beer.....
make any se precine'e or fpea any
Be poling tilaCr. I'rtpinct No. 0 la
tble ell sow baa over 120Q eleotora,
wbteb sos4ilts tl afalrs bee Vee
IrabW al kls pi.cof Iwlllni. lkl sail. Soul
ol .
144 Hr Bta, Mm.
otriT w
al hai.et I
t4 al Irrraet Ar'U n. un
kincaid anil fMI Matarha
illl Hn-.il, H.nry
" w iwitrr Hp al. to.thT with ait -ui and Ol-
........ . . .J . i.T.V J. .. burMiii.ats lli.l .ia at mmt ItfMI
auRnmstraiOT w usensii vi wwtnas va, a . , . - ,
On draught at
all popular saloons
199 WssNlnitsft i.,PrV.n.,0r