Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 20, 1898, Image 1

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Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
Election is at hand and you
' should read it. '
with the Gazette one year.
NO. 650
J f t,
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $3.0) par year, $1.00 fnraix month,, BO ota.
(or throe moncna, at riot ly in advana .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. G. Dake'a
Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchant,
Gzohanga, San Francisco, California, where oou
racta for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kzohang i Bond
ing, San Francisco, Is our authorized agent.
Thia papar ia kept on file at his offioe.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9-30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar
rives at Heppner 8:00 a m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and TJma' ilia 8:80 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
t Umatilla o:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
ja. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Vast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
rrrives at Heppner Janotion 8:25 a. m. and at
Dmatilla4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave, Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at
Portland 7:20 a. m. ' .
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O.KiN., Heppner, Ore.
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wiaconein
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require soma assist
ance in the way of having their
hand baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushers
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They c will 'be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort. "
Gen'l Passr. Agt.
United Btatea Officials.
Piesident William HcKinley
Vice President Garret A. Hobart
(Secretary of State.
OacrBtary of Treasury..
Secretary of Interior....
Ceorolury of War.......
noretaryof Navy
..W. R. Uav
Lyman J, Gage
..Cornelius N. Bliss
....Rosaell V. Alger
.John u. Lttme
fostinaster-General Charlee Emery Smith
Attorney-General .
Secretary f Agriculture.
John W. Griiure
James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Hovernor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State ....H. h. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metaohan
iSupt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Senator. j .McBd
Half block weat of the Union Depot of C. B. ft
Q., C. M. St. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. & C, ,
and the 0. St. L. & P. RaUroada.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8tt.,
'"' CJUOJk.30.IIiL.' ;
jThoe. H.Tongue
( W. K.
Supreme Judge,...
.W. H. Leeds
K. B. Hean,
( R. S.
.. A.
J C. E.
Sixth Judicial District.
0 trait Judge ...Stephen .Lowell
P.oaur,ing Attorney H. i. Bean
Borrow Count Officials. "
joint Senator - A, W. Gowan
Representative. J. N. Brown
Oimntv Jnrlm A. G. Bartholomew
'!,.. Commissioners.... J. B. Howard
. J. W. Beckett. - ; -
" Clerk , ...J. W. Morrow
Sheriff K. L.Mat luck
Tnainnr..:. Frank Gilliam
' " Assessor., ,.... A, O. Petteya
" bnrveyor. 4. 1. Mo(ie
School Sup't Jay W. Shipley
" Coroner B. F. Vaughan
nippMKa tow if ninoiu. -
Mayor Tlioe. Morgan
Counnilmeu E. J. 8 locum, M.
liichtenthal, J. H. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J. W.
Ruaine and E. G. Sperry.
HuumUr W. A. Richardson
Treasurer L. W, Brigg,
Uarahai John Uager
Preeinet Offloere.
JntiMnf the Phm W. E. Richardson
I unstable N. 8. Whetalone
United States Land Officers.
th mixta, ol.
J. t. Moors RegUter
A. 8. Burn BeoMvar
I. Mmnl m.
,K. W. Bartlett RegUter
J.H. Hobbina Reoaivsr
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Grower and Dealer in - :
Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Treea,
Grapa Vinaa and Small Frulta.
Our Trees are Grown With
out Irrigation.
aiscxisx Boczsrrxsat.
G. A. B.
Meet, st Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of
. month. All veterans ara invited to loin.
W. W. Pmith. O W. Bee,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloa boors, 8 to 10 . m , and 12 lo
2 o. m at reaidenoa. W. A. Kirk's prop-
arty, east of M. K church, Booth, and 10
to 12. a. m . to 2 to 5 p. m. , at offlos in
tba rear of Borg'i jewelry ttora.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offloa la tba First National Back
Htpriiia, s , : Oaasjow.
Ellis & Phelps,
All business attended Is In prompt and
ktlafarwry manuer, Noterlea Public and
Offloa la Natter ulUlao. Hsppaer, Or,
General Collector
put jrour old books sad Botes In his
hands and your money out of
tb,m. MakM a tpsslaily of kard
Office ia J. N. Brown's Building.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
ernes: at
council, cm am acaa
Geo. w. con ten,
Wlla and buys real eetete. rants boiiava. p,
taiM. dnc, ronveyanrlDg and lllerv,yoa
uy way la bis line, at reaauoabl, nguna.
First National Bank
Via PrasldsM
Aaa't Cashier
Tnaarti I Geoenl Euliii BoiLO.
Os all parts ot ths sot Id
Bough t and So Id
CslVasstens 4s as a! I eetn n
tMtmftH Trtw,
fiffVn IN rUTHti fff N IH,
H, W. Fall,
Ot the Old Reliable
ault House,
i , 3
biffllflfiiSmmHiimiiMiii 101 I I Cb iflfl Ol I 1
ill T wr . r : :
ullliil'lini Ii3iiuiliuiiiiilliiiiiiii'.l.iili.imniiiii,ii mil
sioiuating inerooaflndwcsuia
Uiig the Stnmfirhs and Bowels of
ness and Kest.cor. tains ndiner
Opnim.Morpoiivd norlfineral.
FbKflcm Smi
AlxJmnm -t,ll,
SJtt -
yluswf fmnt -
ftirmSml .
Mnfrm flrnrm
A perfect Remedy tat Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach,DtaiThoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jevcnshr
ness andLoss Of SlEJEJPl
TacSimlte Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
A wavs Rniiht
Beaxs the
tjp' The
i You Have
J Always Bought.
Published Every Saturdayl
3 Astor Place New-York
The Outlook will be in 1897, aa it baa
been during eaoh of ita twenty-seven
yean, a History ot Oar Own Times. Io
its various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a compact review of tbe
world's progress; it followa with care
all tba important pbilantbropia and in
dustrial movement! of tba day; baa a
complete department of religiona news;
devotes maob apace to tbe intereatt of
tbe home; reviews ourrent literature;
furnishes cbeerfal table-talk about men
and things: sod, io abort, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tba fifty fiiftb volume,
the paper will assume tba regular mega-
lioe aise, wbioh will add greatly to ita
convenience and atlractlveoeee. Tbe
Outlook ia published every Saturday
fifty-two iaeuee a year. Tba first issue
Io each month ia an Illustrated If agaiine
Number, containing about twioa aa many
pagea aa tba ordinary issua, together
with a large number of pictnree.
Tba prteeof The Outlook ia tbree
dollars a year In advance, or leas than a
oent a day.
Bend for a specimen copy aod illustrat
ed prospectus to Tbe Ootlook, 13 Astor
Plane, Nsw Toik Oltv.
Wbila yoa aasp roar sabaoriptioa paid as rra
aaaksaa) rami bread ia bee of share.
Bora. P. a, BaeutMr, Or -Horaaa, F Btt Uft
aaoauiMti saiue, auaa oa Ml alp
HnfhM, Farat. Happaar. Or Tattle branded
noiKi aa ikt urt sloe.
rasse. Morrow soaaty.
Oar, ('Ilia, Ma, on ri,
Waddle ea
Cook. A. ;Lara.Or-H
l allla, aan, on right hi
arop bd taft aad apUt la naM.
ear aura agaar.
Ely, Bros. Doaaiaa, Or Hum, braaM ILT
I la afcotldsr. sauie Saaae ea lafthls. kola
ta rtebt sar.
rtoranea, L. A Hmvpnm, Or4Vtl. Lf oa
rlaht hiDi Imiih W with bar aavdar aa rtaht
Jemm, Rarrr, Htt. Or-Hnna ttrasUd
H I oa th, laft ctwiakW; 'la bratl J oa
tart aw. Haas la
nt hip. alao aodarbil
aturrow aaaats.
A. abraHaMsick,' '::
(VI ere h ant Tailoring
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor ' of Hepp
ner. His work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
M(7 n-
WASHINGTON, May 17.-Troops MADRID, May 17. Spaniards are da.
will not be transported to Cuba until nouociog the English' aa'f being base,'
tbe great sea battle has been won. Tbe vain and selfish. Great indignation ex
Tale and Montgomery will protect tbe ists over Chamberlain and Salisbury's
Harvard from tbe Spanish torpedo boat policy. The ' British authorities have
Terror in leaving St. Fierra. ordered the transport, Alphonso 'XIII,
with 5,000 troops, out of Barbadoee.
kit. m
en voir hear dem bells!
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT HA8 faithfully laliorad lor their prosperity and hapjnaa, for the Improvement of their
tmstm-ae an.l horn, liitoreata, for education, lor Ilia elevation Of American naiinoua ana
tnu womsnhnorl '
IT HAS tolit et the flrrelde, interesting end I net motive ttorleeol the dolngi of the world, the
nation ana eiatc
IT HAS eMH tbe farmer aa to the moat approved methods of rultlvallnf and harveatlnf his
a century has belli their confl Jence aud ealeem.
croia. and the prnrn-r time to ro overt them Into the lareeet pnealhle amount of money.
IT HAl led In all oiatt.Ti nertalulns to the welfare of farmers aud rliumara, and lor over a half
Ngav York Weekly Tribune,
Ana we furitlah It with the GAZETTE, ana year far
j $2.T0, eaeh In advanee.
Address all Ordars to THE GAZETTE.
WASHINGTON, May, 18 The president will not issue a oall for volnoteera
now. , . , ' ,
PORT AU PUINOE, May 18. Military Commander Portogus, off tba coast ot
Haytl arrived here and will remain all day Sunday." Persistauloannonading'waa
beard east ot tbe island. A thiok tog prevailed at ' times. The correspondent if
positive that tbe big naval engagement took place. The Spanish torpedo boat ia
expeoted to leave today.' 1 Tbe Spanish fleet lying in these waters has left, going
directly to Porto Rico, or Cuba. Moro Oastle'a flashlight Wat seen last night tor
the first time in two weeks. Tbe signal waa intended tor tba guidance of the
Spanish squadron.
KEY WEST, May 18. All is quiet on the blockading line.
LONDON, May' 18. Gladstone is expected to' die at any hour. Be is uncon
scious and sinking rapidly. "' tt.i.r.:i.-vn vm:iKi,(. . ,n av.tttia
HONG KONd, May 18! Tbe oroiser, Boston, baa been sent to Illio, Phillipinee,
to inspect that port. ' :i :! 1 ; w' a -J-.-V". i. f.
MADRID, May 18. Tbe new oabinet formed is tor war nntil tbe Americans are
driven from the Pbillipines and Caba.'T ' !!'-! i kmi xuyw
A diapatob from Havana aays that aa American vessel off Cardenas blew up aod
that 18 men were killed. ,-: 1 '"v
HAVANA, May 18. A battle has ooourred off Cabanas. Tba landing party
w.as driven back. ' I u " '- ' ' 11
WASHINGTON, May 18 Secretary Long says that the Oregon is safe, bat it
oannol properly be made known where she Is. f' " ' "
KEY WEST, May 18. Commodore Watson, with Iwo monitors, three cruisers,
tour torpedo boats and seven gnnboata, baa tailed to Join Sampson's and Schley's
fleets near Havana.' ' -. . ... 1. , r , 1 1 . ,
WASHINGTON, May 18 .-The naval officials bete say there has been no meet
ing of hostile fleets in the neighborhood ot Oaba. ' u ' ul' s - 1 W.t-'
GIBRALTAR, May 18. The Spanish torpedo boat Arnauta baa returned to
Cadia. - , r . ., .,- -"--'- Hf.v. i-ii.. ,-..i.ca ui . -
KEY WEST, May 18. Tbe flying squadron arrived bere thia afternoon.
j : i. i U ii 'is i- :. ft Mi 'f.i.'.l
SAN FRANCI8CO, May 18. Tbe Cbarleaton sailed for Manila this morning
loaded with ammunition. ' - ! ... . ... , .
PORT OF GIBRALTAR, May 18. The Cadis fleet is ready tor sea. She is ex
peoted to sail for tbe Philippines with 11,000 troops. ' '.
HAVANA, May 18. There were about forty shots beard off Ibis coast today
Tbe vessels doing the shooting are unknown. Great exoitement prevails here. .
DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 18. A oyolona struck Preston this afternoon , doing
great damage. Three lives were lost. !
HA WARDEN, Eng'and, May 19.-Willism Gladstone died at 5 o'olock thi
.IVlllUra.Ewart Gladstone, statesmen; uraforand alrtior; torn 14 Liverpool, -Dec-2; .1109 . He
waajtirTfourth oh ot Uii Johir Gladrtorja, ,af wall, known Liverpool merchant' and triember of
parliament Mr. Oladatona waa of Sooth descent on both aides. Ha was educated at Eton, and at
Chrtat church, Oxford.. Is 18S1 he graduated ass double flrat claas. As a debater In the Oxford
union debating society and a writer la the Eton "Miscellany," he ahowed hlmaell a strong ppo
nent of all advanced measures of political reform a pronounced conservative. The conserva
tive party were then lookins out for a promising young man who could at 1 Ben their ranks In
parliament Gladstone stood for tbe burgh of Newark, and waa elected. In the houae ol oom
metis In 1833, the young orator mads a decided Impreaalon. Hli manner, bis voice, his diction,
bla fluency war, alike the subject of praise. He showed great parliamentary ctpacity.
In December, lgM, Sir Robert feel appointed Oladatona to tba offlos of Junior lord ol the tress
ury. In the year following be gave him the more important post of undersecretary for the
colonies. Very soon Peel was defeated In an election and resigned as premier. Oladatona went
with him. In 1841 Peel came back acaln to office, and Mr. Oradatone waa made vice-president
of the board of trade and master of ths mint Hs was at ths same time sworn in as a member of
the privy council. In 1813 he became president of the board of trade, but bs resigned after two
years. -i ' . . , .-.
In 1M7 Oladatona was elected M. P. for ths Unl verc'ty of Oxford, which be continued to rep
resent for 18 years. He advocated ths causa of Italian Independence In many eloquent speeches.
In 1851 he accepted a special mlaalon to the Ionian lalands. At that time be published a three
volume work os "Homer and the Homeric Age." In ltm he became chancellor ot the excheq
uer, and In 1W0 he carried through parliament a commercial treaty with Franoe. In 18M be was
returned for South Lancashire, and succeeded Earl Russell as leader of tbe bouse ol commons,
Mr. Oladatona became prime minister in lsee. Ths Irish ohtirch was dlaestabliahsd, the elemeo
tary sducation act was carried, and the Irish land bill, but ths governmsnt was beaten on the
Irlih university bill In 1871. In 1874 Oladatona realgned the leadership el the liberal party. In
UN) bs became again premier, after tba defeat of the diaraall administration polls., Io IrM he
agai a resigned, After the short-lived administration of Lord Salisbury , Oladatona again cams
into power, and signalised his return to office by presenting hli Iriah land and home rule bill.
It was rejected on Juna 7, 18K6. In couaaquencs of thia, parliament was dlsaolved. Oladatona
and bis colleagues appealed to the country, but were defeated. For the time the ministerial
career of Mr, Gladstone waa closed, but a memtor of MMlotalan he continued to lead his party
In ths houae of commons.
He eontlnusd to lead bis party uutll last year when bis age began to tell and ths ilgus of dls.
solution wars apparent.) I , .
CLINTON, Iowa, May 19. Over score ot Uvea wars loal and thousands of
dollars worth of propeity tnloed by tba eye lone in Clio ton and Jaokson counties.
A Cbioago speoial from Washington says: ' Oen. Msrritt will bava 15,000 troops
inolndiog 4.C30 regulars, tor tba Philippines. It is declared to be the intention of
tba administration to push troops ioto tba Philippines until there ia force enough
to govern every island now owned by Bpain.
PORTO RICO, May 19. Tba people ara wildly exoited because they fear another
bombardment. Tba Spanish admit tbat two ships wars damaged and four dis
mantled in a reeenl engagement. Tba New York Cable Co.,' will aocrpl bo roes-
sage of tbe movements of ships or troops.' , ' . '
TACOMA, May 19. Tba tblrd battalion ot Washington volunteers baa reoeivad
orders not to start for San Francisco. 1 ','
ST. P1ERUE. Martinique, May 19. Tba Spanish torpedo boat, Terror, is alill
Lara, bnt mar sail at any boar. Three aoknown vessels passed today with ooel
goiog northwest, presumably to Join tbe Spanish fleet.
HAVANA, May 19. Ban Diego d Cuba btt beo bombarded bu
oo great damage baa been done.
MONTREAL, May 19. 8enor Polo bu leoored a ooal depot oo tbe
eoutb ooatt of Newfoundland, wbere tbe Oadis eqaadroo will coal be
(ore attacking tbe Atlantic seaboard.
few ;
Absolutely Pure
Hons. M. A. Moody and C. W. Folton Ad
dress a Large Audience at the Opera
House. ' ' '' " '
As per previous arrangement, Hons.
M. A. Moody and O.W.Fulton addressed
the people ot Heppner at tbe opera
bonse oa last Wednesday evening. Tbe
ladies' band regaled tbe large orowd
with splendid tunes st intervals during
tbe meeting, wbioh aided much in its
Tbe speakers were introduced by Otis
Patterson, as the Morrow oonnty mem
ber ot tbe congressional committee. Mr.
Moody said that be was not a talker, but
just a plain business man, and that it
eleoted be would faithfully serve tbe in
terests of bis constituents. He was well
received. '"'
Mr. Fnlton is no stranger to Heppner
people who admire bis splendid delivery,
bis masterful argument aod sincerity of
purpose. Thus did be impress all in
his talk ot about an hour, on Wednesday
evening. He oould have talked two
hours, it the time of leaving on the train
would bava permitted, b ot suob was not
the osse.
Mr. Fulton's talk began with a com- '
pliment to tbe ladies, a great number be
ing present aud among bis most interest,
ed auditors. He then told ot tbe neoes- '
sity of keeping men in oongress in touch
with the administration, paying It a
compliment tbat brought forth tremend
ous . applause He talked also of the
money question, saying in part tbat this
was not a time to deal in theories, with
Ibis great nation plunged in war. Ha
said tbat be was a friend of silver and
Waa (rank lo say that ha would like to
see snything tbat would, help out the
American mines, bo reminded bis bear-
ara met 'now .wa. ahmilrl maintain nne
present nnanoial System add be ready at
moment's notioe to back up our presi
dent in every possible way, and with
money tbat no one oould question.
There : ware a great many ot the op
posite faith io tbe audience, and tbey re
mained throughout the speech, seeming-
much interested. Mr. Fulton was
very respeotfnl, paying a high tribute to
our American citizenship, regardless ot
Mr. Fulton departed for botue on
Wednesday's train, while Mr. Moody
took the stags for Oraot oonnty yester
day norniog.' Both report a splendid-
reoeption all through Gilliam aod Grant
Wrlta yonr name and addreee on a pnetat card, send It tofloo. W, rVt, Tribune Oftles, llsw
Voracity, and a aample copy of Uk New York Weekly T rluune will be mailed to you.
i'An. Fall a. Lena. Or. Huraaa. ain-laT na
left suflet aattla. asiae oa riht hip, Bade bail
arof ta n ami eUt 'M iaft eaf
Km or, tiik,. Hfpne, tvr-Ffnraaa breaded
KM m tail hke aaUia earn end are of kfl
art andar slope ea Mi rlerht ... -
tMhee. J. W. Haootiar Ur K.iraia braad4
t mo) A o, laft ahoaUtart eattW earn, ea (aft
hip, waula ewer riM era, tore elite ta riM
Minor, Oenar, nappe nr. aatUa, II D ea
richt hip; buna, If ea left ehoeldar.
nma, . R.. flapejar. Of Horaaa. M I
oa taft BhaeMea sail) aaaa, oe left kiav.
Oahnrn. J. W tVatajle, r. hnraaa O US taf
fcoebteri cattle aaaa, ea riant hip,
Parkar Olaaaue. Baniiaea.Ur.- U oraat 1 1 ua
Iaft aktfltef .
s,ren, mtver: bows branded Ur and
ehtetd ea taft ahoolderi ran a. Eight Mils,
Morrow eeiiriiy.
kaiiw I. W.. MapveaV, Or. W wsaa. iO as
lafi aeweidef. teiOa, o ea rtM hlt.
fttawTf . K. O. Wepeeav. Or. fa Hi, W C ea
taft hie. erne of nh aed adarbt ta taft Mar,
kneaaa W C C lal aiwnlie.
Taaiva-a, i. A.. Hrvr. Ortl waes, ee
kiL.' yif aVEi'75s-siTSrij
Columbia fa ani Put Sound Navkation Co
tf,t tavvii SsVf .
Iafii g Aider Street IX-ck. IVrtlaod, for Astoria, llwaoo, Lung IJeach, Ooaaa
l'ark and abcnlta. Ireot aonnecUoa with 11 see eteamers sad rail
ruavl ; also at Young's Hay with tteeebore Railroad.
v aa zj -a x xx o X am
Laavst "urtland 1 A. sf IMlly, atrwet luftday. LMves Artorlaf f. M. Dally, sto,(4 Miaday S
Laevaa rNwUaod S P. M fiellr. atran Snrwler. SatnMay nthr, 11 BT l-ava. atu1a fca
alt SI A. al., eacpt Saadaky aad Mewoaf. a-.euay ailit, I f. at
ooxan' "Wjk."ria
Uaves fnH.,4 ae fWM miri , I wera. T'taeiaf s4 Ta4afa A, W. Sa'iMaf st f , fj
Ua'eeliaa w4ea4.f ,rrisr alllSA.iJ, (ya kvaaay aWt at I li fU
Tbe aboye ia not bettered to be true because Eolaod would not
!a I. - u u r $ ..i. .i;- l?r l i " - ' ' 4 i -
prilula BHCU m uicakvu vi umiviimj. av.j
BAN FRANCIHCO, May 18. Tbe Charleston is back at Mare Island
with ber ooDdeoaera out of order.
MOIIANT, Jamaica, May 19. Tbe Spanish fleet baa been sighted off
tbia coaat beaded for Haotiago de Cuba, goiog at fall speed,
HALIFAX, May 19. Nine warabie wete aibted off tbe Cavau
Cove, oo tbe went coast of Nova Bootta, thia morning, moving is
aoutberly directioo. -
OIDlULTAlt, May 19. A Dumber of British aoldiera landed oo
Spanish soil today and were tired opoo by a aentry, who wounded one
ot them.
KEY WEST, May 20,-As a result of tba recent bombardment at
Card e dm, tbe rjpanieh lose 300 killed and 700 wounded. "
CHATTANOOGA, May 20.-Ktarly 25,000 troop are encamped
KEY WEST, May 80,-The hlo,ade at Uaraoa le atili !o tffset.
All ia )ilL lucre it ta flf i ol tbe big tint; ' '
(Clltlilil ii trixi I
HtroDgly Ufcomiaeaded.
Kor twenty yrara I wss a sufferer
from dyspepsist and rsceived only tem
porary relief, but I bava ' not had
any trouble with dyspepsia ainoa taking
a few bottles of Hood's SarsapariNa. I
strongly reoommend Hood's Hsrsapa-
nlla to anyone suffering from dyspep
sia," John U. IIoll, Fairbaven, Wash
Hood's Pills ara tba tba only pills
laks wltb Hood's saparillarilla.
A His "Ho" Uoaadap.
Press Oreeswell wants all to know tbat
there will be a big borse roundup, down
on tba sand, nut week. All wbo wlsb
to participate will meet at btoke's, on Bun
day, and on Monday tba good work will
begin and Continue Ave days. It Is ai.
peeled that 40 men will participate, end
tba spoils will oa alt lbs "sliok esrs'
tbat aaob man floJs, Every "broocbo
butter' to cor locality sbonld tie on
Dreadfally Xsryoas.
Gtatsi I was drsadfotly nsrvoos. and
for rslisf took your Csrl'a Cloysr Boot
Tsa. It qolsied my serves and itrsogtb
snsd my whole osrvous system. I was
trooblsd with oonillpstioo, kiJosy snd
bowel tronbls. Tour Tea soon elesnstd
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health aod strength. Mrs. 8.
A. Hweel, Hartford, Conn. Bold by
Conser k Warren, v
aiM) IN) IN (iOI.I) blVEN.
Cur Melllaa "Ntury ef Spala aad Caba. ' K
awd l le Data, rail arreaalef lbs
tlplosllloa ef tba "Malae ' aaS War.
lolernetiimal News A Hook Com
pany, of lialtimore, Ml., offer 14)0.00
foraelllogaVlOeopleaof "Hlory ot Hpaia
and Cuba.1' Tba greatest selling book
otlba eetitary) sompleta to date; full
acoouut of tba etploston ot tbe "Maloa;"
all abont Hpaia and Cuba and War; 150
mageidoeal pictures; 500 pages; retail
only $1 50. One sgant aolJ 67 in one
day; another made 113 ia one hour.
Must liberal terms; freight paid credit
glvesi eolfll fraa. HanJ U eeoU tor
prutage aal psskleg. Writ lusts lata
wit jlsiily. A f stits si's wsatsd tot lha
tktt'ff linel rriMif fflllifd, Vf
Aill0fflrifr1r!trirsi liffffi