Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 17, 1898, Image 3

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fWUi1 T :v..
Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had
no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
tocatarrhand bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sareapa
rilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
seporilla and now he has a good appetite
and Is able to Bleep." Miss Abbib J.
Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
HOOCl'S Sapar1ua
lithe Que True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
HnnH'c OS 1 1c are the best after-dinner
aiwu a i-i us pillSi ajd ujgestioni
Take Notice.
1. The sum ot live cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rMpect," list of weddinf? presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give aa a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and mad known
upon application.
Ho! Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
Linwood Rye,
He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats
for tne voting men are dry.
Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q, 8perry,
The Gazette ia not heralding its oom
irjg with a brass baud bat its circulation
can be determined at the Heppoer post
office. Advertisers wil! please Dote this.
Here and There.
See M. Lichtenthal & Co. for shoes, a
Andy Cook was in from Lena on last
Frank Merrill was in this week from
Ibe range.
Mra. Eli Keeney is visiting relatives
Dear Eugene
Hod. Henry Blaokmao returned from
Portland this morning.
Hon. J. W. Morrow returned from
Harney county this morning
William Rush Is around again after a
larious illneBi of two months.
A special stock tram is in this after
noon for the big shipment of cattle.
A. M. Oree, of St. Paul, oame in Fri
day to look after bit drive of shsep.
Rosooe F. Oakes, one of our jolly
traveling men, Snrdayed in Heppner.
Green Matbews and wife were in from
J. W. Morrow's Bhea creek ranob yester
day. Attorney Gourley passed through
Heppner from tbe ioterior on last Satur
day. Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooonnt File printed at tbe Gazette of
fioo. tf.
0. E. Hicks, ot this office spent 8ud
day and yesterday with friends in Ar
lington. Born Up on Jag creek, near Blank
Butte, on May 7th, to the wife ot J. W.
Brown, a son.
The war is on and now ymi should
subscribe for tbe Gazette. The latest
newt, always.
O. D. Reooie it up from Salem in tbe
employ of Ward & MoWilliams, tbe res
taurant people.
Those wishing private board can find
accommodations at tbe residenoe ot
Mrs. W. J. Leecer. 44 tt
"Oo'n juice" ia all right bit rw Til-
lard has a brand of M-ycr-old goods
that It bard to beat. boS-'f,
Painless remedy for extrsotiog teeth.
If not at alated, no obarges. Try Dr.
Vaugbao'e ciw p'ao. 604- tf.
Best aooooimodation and ooorteoas
treatment at she Imperial Hotel, Seventh
od Wasb. &ta ortland, Oregon.
Tbe Gazette oarries a full stock ot
mourning note, oorretpondenoe style,
with envelopes to match. Those df siring
nob stationery can bave their wants
applied at tbit office. tf.
Dr. John W. Raamui, ot tbe "Red-
light, ever on tbe alert for something
new, ean famish yea tbe finest cock
tail in tbe land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gio made by ao artist in
tbe business. Drop la end take tbe
taste oat of your mouth. if
Some vf oar people wore nercised
Baoday morotog over tbe report tbat
Admiral Dewey bad beso arretted aod
btld as a prisoner. When being asked
opoo what charge, the answer was tor
running a shell game la Manila to tbe
detriment ot tbe Spaniards.
Frank McFarlaod bat bo appointed
tpeoial agent ot Tbe Eqtitable Life At
toraoot Co of Ms York, the strongest
to tbe world. Casb surplus to policy
holders of over 50 mlllioc dollars. Dou't
take Insurance without seeing the new
plant tf the Equitable. Insures both
nee at same rate. 77tf
Bslde keeping tbe largest assort
ment oaBdieS, frptts, rlg&re and
notions to be found anywhere In tbe
eitv, Jaa. Uert It now aide to supply
yoa with tbt Portland dailies aud all
lbs magatloee and periodicals, both for
elge aod domestic. It yoa want read
ing matter, viva Jim a call at to Hepp
oer Candy Factory, If l-tf.
iri UiUt W"l"l ail iiH I
I 1 Ml wm Sini. Tbu4. t
r i i i j -
It lookt like more rain. Ltt it come.
J. L. If eager, tbe furniture man, ia in
Tom Mstlock is in town takiog some
needed rest.
Dave Pressley ia in today from Little
Butter creek.
Dr. J. W. Togel, specialist tor refrac
tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be bere
every three months. 648-lyr
Obas. Morgan, ot Sand Hollow, who
b as been ill for some time, was reported
worse on last Sunday.
Gome out tomorrow and bear Bio.
W. A. Moody and O. W. Fulton at 7;30
p. m., at the opera bouse.
A band of sbeepsbearers came in Sat
urday and bad a good time "oelebrating"
on fheir hard-earned wages.
Most of tbe sheepmen bave about
wound up their shearing and have their
wool crop ready tor the market.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market prioe.
Andy Rood gives jthe obeering infor
mation tbat tbe full crop of wheat is all
right. However, rain woold do muob
Dr. G. E. Eahelmao, ot The Dalles,
was in town Sunday and yesterday. He
will "make'' this to wo regularly here
after. Charles Gilaon is 'tending camp for
Will 8pencer this year. He reports hit
fatber-in-iaw, John Ambrose, as seri
ously ill.
D. A. Shepherd and Oaoar Hurt, of
Walla Walla, are in lbs city this week,
looking after a location to engage in
E. G. Noble & Go. are rustlers after
business. Tbe finest saddles and bar
ness to be found in Heppner. Sue their
new ad ia this issae. tf.
John Alien, Tip Williams and Marian
Rounds are eaob in Heppner with Grant
county wool, the first ot the season from
across the mountains.
Tbe town is full of shearers at present
but they will soon move on towards the
north. Montana's muttons will com
plete tbe season's work.
Mrs. Harry Phillips, of Clark's Can
yon, was in tbe oity Saturday, trading,
aud also visiting her husband, who is
employed at the Arcade.
Wool from tbe interior Is continuing to
arrive in large quantities at the Heppner
market and tbe warehouses are kept
busy reoriving and handling it.
Low Tillard's ball dog is a pretty bad
dog among other town ours, and unless
Low's oanioe has the rigbt-of-way most
all tbe time there is an insurrection.
Joe Keeney oame up Saturday from
Portland where he had been to purchase
etook of merchandise for bis son,
Walter, who is establishing a store at
Susanville. He will leave soou for his
Several good showers ot rain during
the latter part of .Inst and tbe first part
of this week laid the dust, cooled the
atmosphere, and was benefioial to the
Stop tbat oongb! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tie of Sbilob s Cure may tave your life.
Sold by Conger k Warren. z
Karl't Clover Boot Toa, for CoDstipa
tton it't tbe beat and if Bfter using it
you don't say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser k
Warren. z
T. W. Stanage, Wes MoNabb, J. C
and Wiley Wattenberger oame in yes
terday from tbe Campbell ranch on Bat
ter creek and left last night fur Hunting
tou, where tbey will tbear.
Tbe ladles ot Heppner will be per
mitted to bowl free ot charge on Thurs
day of tbit week, from 8 to 5 o'olock p
m. All tbe ladies are invited to oome
whether they wish to bowl or not.
For Constipation take Karl't Clover
Tea, Ibe great Blood Purifier, ouret
headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe faoe, and makea tbit bead as dear as
obeli. Bold by Cooser k Warren, z
Tbe Gazette will elub with the Oregon
Senator, tbe great Pythian paper ot Ore
goo, Washington and Idaho, published
at Portland, for 82.75 for the two. Tbt
Senator is all right. No Knight of
Pytbias should be without it. tf.
Roberts k Tbomat, taonera, who art
oondootioi; on establiabmeitt bare,
showed the Gazette a floe robe, made ot
coon hides, tbat was mounted tor Dr
Swinburne. It ia a beauty, and thowt
tbat tbe gentlemen understand tbsir
Tbe tailor wbo protested ogaintt slop
ping for tometbiog to eat daring tbe
flgbt tt Manila, tearfully pleading "Let'i
keep oo ond finish 'em now, oaptaio
To b I with breakfast," caooot be
recommended for o position in o Bnodsj
school bat he Is a baodr sort ot man to
bave around la a sorsp.
Minor A Co. will bave still aaolbt
carload of Fish Bros.' wagons, boggles,
earriaget, backs and buokboards lo
few days. If yoa oed o vehicle of any
kiod come ond tee tbem. Tbey apeak
for tbmelv-i and are backed by P"st
tive guarantees from Flab Bros, aod
cursrtY. Minor k Co. 4;f
Last tvet'rg, Mrs. U. J. Slrickftdoo
ood too and Mr. B. F. Coltbar and ift
left for Pjrllaud on the braoeh trsio
From tbsre, wiih lbs sirpti o of Mr,
Coltbar, tby will protd on to Fair
baveo whsre air. Htrirkfadeo bas Itastd
a big printing and jib flant,
aeJsr tbe firm aarn of Col
thar k Htricktadto. Mr. Uoltber may
rataro to lleppner from P.Hleod,but
oot deciis 1. HitOt to tbem.
tnm Mllllwaa a tear.
Wlirt. trtiv, try, and Irtiy Min, it
rnwina ttor'ra itiheil. Ibm -lc u( the
I'tnf rm tinw Kaifit ar l't...tlri
(andy Cathartic at th rat rl two million
! tvur. a vrr and it will 1 thrro miiii'in t
; lots Srw tdt'. It mm i liwv.i (.rmtij,
tlt Caaraivte are ths Bot V gMf'i lti
rfi''v (r rrKe4f lea t tout4 Ail
' rfi m K, 2w, K4 1 Wi, fvr riteu4.
George, Land goes oat oo tbe trail
rith H. P. Rothwell this season.
0. L. Weydert, of Lewiston, Mont., is
here to bay stock sheep-ewes and lambs.
John Gildea is having ap o lot ot tbeep
for tbe Zimmerman Packing Co., to be
fed io Montana.
Mrs. Mary Perkins hat disposed of
ber Heppner property to Pbil Blabm for
$1000. She and family will shortly
leave for Portiuud.
E. Cave and J. W. Brown are over
from Bbea oreek today. They say that
Rbea creek wat visited by a heavy
shower last evening.
Our oonntry correspondents can belp
i out any time. Don't ail write at
onoe, please. We know tbst this it
your busy season, bat ynnr respective
seotions must be represented.
H P. Rothwell left lust evening for
Wyoming. Mr. Rothwell is a whole-
souled gentleman and mademnny friends
during bis sojourn in Heppner.
O. L. Mead, representing the Campbell
Horse Nail Co , of Hartford, Conn., wa
bere over Sunday, and as a result of bis
visit nearly every resident ia wearing a
iirse nail ring.
Dr. D. J. McFall has purchased tbe
Brock place, paying therefor $1000. Mr.
W, E. Brook and family have taken up
their residence in tbe Rbea property,
near tbe court house, recently oooapied
by H. J. Striokfadea and family.
D, C. Our lane is in town, having
oome in from his father, "TJnole" John
Gnrdane's ranch, near Ridge yesterday.
Mr. Gurdane n living near Los An
geles, Cat., but will stop bere soma
weeks while arranging business affairs.
While io town he is tbe guest of bis
rother-in-law, L. W. Briggs.
Cyelnne" Davis and Hon. J. L. Btory He
galed the Crowd at the Opera Boon Last
On Thursday lest Hon. J. H. (Cyclone)
Davis, of Tezas, aud J. L. Story, of
Wasco eounty, union oandidale foraltor
ney general, addressed a large audience
at tbe opera house on tbe issues of tbe
day, from a fusion standpoint. There
were a few republicans present and all
remained till the end of the exercises.
Mr. Storj'e remarks were few, prefer
ring tbit Mr. Divit, who ia a splendid
talker, should make tbe speech ot tbe
oocasion. Davis is nlranst world-re
nowned as an orator, plain in appear'
anoe beyond extreme JetTertooianism.
almost nokempt, one might say. But
he goes at it "hammer and tongs." His
arguments, however, were quite an
oient, but tbe man has talent end be
bolda a crowd splendidly.
Heppner always receives every person
as though he were a pnnoe and this was
no exception.
Council met In regular sesilon lait night,
Mayor Morgan presiding and all councilman
present except Lichtenthal and 8perry.
The minutes of the last regular teuton were
read and approved. Petition of Chris Borchers
and V. W. Tlllard referred to the oommtttes on
licenses and allowed.
The followlag bills were a1 lowed: Heppner
Transfer Co., 13; A. T. McNay, 13.76
3Tbe committee on health aud police in
structed the marshal to engage an aulitant
John Foster appointed and confirmed by the
council, to hold the place till after election.
On motion of Roberts, seconded br Simons,
the marshal was Instructed to remove ths small
hydrants on lidowalks, the vote standing Rob
erts and Himoni, affirmative, and Blocum and
Rasmus, negative, the mayor deciding ths vote
in the affirmative.
An ordinance relating to laundries read tbe
first time by section.
On motion of Rasmus, seconded by Roberts,
ths further consideration of the ordinance was
tabled Indefinitely.
Council adjourned.
Big Cattle Bhlpmeat
Tom Rhea Informs the Gazette of a big cattle
shipment this week from Heppner, Cutis
Rock and Echo, ths number to bt respectively
800, 2.1O and 300 head. Tbe rattle were pur
chased by Mr. Rbea for E K. Wlllard, ot La
Grande, for eastern shipment. C. Glasgow
brought over 100 head of tbt Heppner consign
me lit from Jhas. White's ranch, sear Condon.
Bugh Fields la In from the ranch.
Alva Leach was up from LeitngUin Mouday,
John Campbell and Bam Halt Bundayed In
Bam Junkint Is stopping iu tows for a fsw
days' rest.
Wm. Penland was down from ths big head.
quarts ranch yesterday aud took out a nsw
lot of war bulletins lor ths shearers.
Marian Ivans called at ths print shop this
morning long enough to state that the heaviest
bail storm that had been seen In rears occurred
near ths mountains yesterday.
'Teals" Hea Parkar lavmu la a Naw York
U a teal Polky With a Prealeia ef Over
Col. Wtlktr, who it tojoarolng I
Heppoer for 0 few dart io Iht Interest of
tbo Nsw York Mutual Life, baa plaesd
110.000 00 tbt life of 'Tools ' Ben Par.
ker. Tbt premiom Is over $1700. Tbe
plao it 0 otw one. II it osllsJ 0 ' gold
bood polior," oo tbe 10 year annuity
plao, whlob Mr. t'arker took both at ao
loveatmeot and Insurance 00 I.U life,
aod knowing bis aplandid circumstances
all will admit tbs wisdom of tbe movs.
It woold be we'l tor all b9ioM mo
and others who bave no iosaranoa to eg
amine tbia aw policy. The Nsw York
Mutual done not claim to be tbe only
good ooropany, Lot its tnstbods and back
log are worthy of oomparifit,
(Jul. Walker Intends to remain a few
dart longer io oar midst.
Kvehy j-ereon tLoulJ cotue oat
tomorrow to Lor Moot. M. A.
Mood and a W. Fulton.
AflViKriittl) LMIrm.
I men ivf ht!H?i
Ij Or.. Mir 14, im
A1 imrxrn
Clara. 1 L
Hal. W H
R.IU. Mi a
., Ida t
HmiM, Mit A if I
tttoho, lkou
We. Wat
All natare is tick from ber heels to ber
W'en a teller is oat ot a ob;
8be is all oat ot kilter ua oat of repair
W'en feller it out of a j ob.
Ain't no juioe in tbe earth an' no tall la
the sea;
Ain't no ginger io life io this laod of the
free; -
An' tbe universe ain't what it't cracked
ap to be
Wen a teller it out of a job.
Wat's the good of bias skies an' of b.oe-
somin' trees
W'en a feller is out of a jobT
W'en yer boy has large patches oo both
of his knees,
An' a toiler is out of o job?
Tbem patches, I say, look bo big to yer
Tbat tbey shut out the landscape an'
cover tbe sky,
An' tbe sun oan't shine through 'em tbe
beet it can try,
W'en a feller is oat of a job.
W'en a man bag oo part in the work ot
tbe earth,
W'en a feller is out of a j b,
He feels tbe whole blonderin mistake ot
his birth,
W'en a feller is out of o job.
He feels he's no share in tbe whole of
the plan,
That he's got tbe mitten from nature's
own ban',
Tbat he's a rejected and left-over man.
W'en a feller is out of a job.
For you've just lost your hold with tbe
rest of the orowd
W'en a feller it oat of a job;
And you feel like a dead man with nary
a shroud,
W'en a feller la out of a job.
Tou are crawlin aroan', but yer out of
tbe game;
Tou may bustle about, but yer dead just
the same ;
Ter dead, with oo tombstone to puff ap
yer name,
W'en a feller is out of a job.
Lue Vernon, in "Hobo Banner."
Miss Marguerite Uarnsey .Dispensing medi
cines for the afflicted. A Notable Cass.
Miss Mnrguerite Qarneey bas not left
Upppoer, ns hh8 been reported, having
optnd up an offloe on Main street, near
the Timet piloting office. Mies Qarneey
was foroed to do this in order to better
acoommodate those desiring medioines.
She will now make Heppner ber perma
nent headquarters. Since' ooming to
Heppner she bas made a great many
friends, as her remedies bave afforded
relief to all who bave tried them.
One oase is that of Mr. William Rash.
Be was almost given np, but Miss Gam
sey's remedies bave had tbe desired ef
fect and be is out again, after having
been confined to bis bed for about two
Those wbo wieb to oonsnlt Miss Garn-
sey can do so by calling at ber ofiLe.
No obarge whatever for ponaultatioo. If
yoa are suffering from obronio ailments
and diseases ot long standing, don't de
lay seeing Mist Garnsey, bat call at once
and have your oase diagnosed. Treat
ment of all cases very reasonable. It
New Time Card.
A new time oard tor the Oregon linet
ot tbe Southern Pacific Co. bas just been
issued, which took effect May 13 lb, 000
taming several onangea lo passenger
train tervioe, tbs most important being
tiii arival aod departure of West Side
traio No. 1 ot Corvallis, arriving at 11 6
a. m. and leaving at 1 :20 p. m., where
oooneotion is msde with tbe Corvallis &
Eastern railroad in both direoliont. Tbe
ebanget io arrival aod departure of traint
at Portia d affeot only the Alrlie pas
seoger train wbiob will (ears Moudayt,
Wedoeadayt and Fridays at 8:40 Instead
of :40 a. m., at heretofore, betidet tbe
patting 00 of aa additional traio between
Portland aol Oiweai, to lsava at 9:10 0.
m. ond arrive at 10 SO a. m daily, tioept
The overland train from Portland will
arrive al Sao Franoiaco at 8:15 instead
of TM a. m.
Rebate ticketa are 00 tale belwsei
Portland, Sscrameoto aod Sao Franoio
"Net roles, f 17, first class, and til teo
ond olaas, inolading sleeper."
Aaotber Carluad Htlll.
Tl it maVet Ibe tbird carload of Fitb
Bros.' wagoot, buggies, backboards
oarriegs ood backs received Ibis spring
Tbey will be bare tbe first of tbe week
For a good, ttroog, darabU wtgoo tbey
hae do eqaal. Look at them yourself
Tbey are backed by positive guarantee
4 f Mi o ft Co.
All preooi Intending to baal wood to
Heppoer Ibis season are requested
msst at Ferry Snyder's stable Monday
evtoiog, May 23rd, at S o'olook lo organ
lis 'or mulaal protection.
It Comhittsi.
I loaief Oat tbe Eatet.
James Jones receotly delivered to Dr
J. M. Wll"n, tbo popular Wyoming
sheep man, 5,100 head of sbtsp from Ibe
Nla Jones estate al 12.25 par bead, ao
today torn off 4,700 more from tba Kelt
Jones rsuob at the tame fignn. Jamet
will dispost ol tbs rsuob io tbe near fa
lore aod elose op Ibe bosloeee. If Nslt
Juoet bad lived, io Wee Ibao two years,
witb bis msgt Ifioonl raoob aod range, be
woold havt bneo back to his old notch,
A r TMf for Toj.
A Haa-actiou ID wuku youiauuol Ins la a
St re ".lurf. hiiiouaiinaa, sick MNll,e. lur
tei uiiaiic tc.er, ilm aixj aUioiMiHl oil r
It s at) tauwM by cvtiauiwtioB aud elu-(iaa
II . "t. Ca -ai tM Card l.aUiarllr, Hit) won.
d rfu new livnr aliiniiUiit and lulaa luai
loi. w are ty all tlmrgiata (u irautawl lucura
rr inauff refiiuiievi. C. C. U. are a tarl
A Cheetfal Woman.
From the Democrat, Brazil, Ind.
Every woman eannot be beautiful but
a cheerful faoe often supplies tbe de
ficiency. But no one can be obeerful
and bring joy to others no lees tbey bave
perfeot health. Fortunately, aoieooe
bas placed this priceless boon witbio
the resoh of every woman as the follow
ing inoident proves:
Mrs. Amanda Robinson, wife ot
William Robinson, farmer and stockman,
near Howesville, Olay County, Ind., It
thirty-two years old and bad for several
years been in declining health and de
spondent. For three months she wat
not only unable to attend to ber domes
tic duties but too feeble to be np and
about. Today she is in good health and
able to attend to her household affairs.
She relates her experience as follows:
"I was afflioted with female troubles
and was in a delicate state ot health.
I lost my appetite, grew tbio and was
tfreatly depressed. After taking various
remedies without being benefited I wat
induoed by a friend to try Dr. William's
Pink Pills.
"Early in tbe summer ot 1897 1 pro
cured five boxes of them and before flu
iebing tbe seoond box I began to improve
and by the time I had taken tbe five
boxes I was able to go about my usual
work aud stopped takiog the pills.
"Our daughter Anna, twelve years old,
was wleo afflioted with deoline and de
bility. She lost fleeb, seemed to be
bloodless and had no ambition. She
took two boxes of tbe pills aod tbey re
stored ber appetite, aided digestioo and
brought oolor to ber obeeks. She is now
in tbe best ot health. 1 think Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for pale people tbt
best medicine we ever bad in our family
and recommend tbem to all needing a
remedy for toning up and rebuilding a
shattered system."
Ha discovery of modero times hat
proved tnch a blessing to women at Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for pale people.
Tbey restore strength and health to ex-
austed women when every effort ot the
physician proves unavailing. These
vegetable pills are everywhere recog
nised as a speoitlo for diseases ot tbe
blood and nervet. . .
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
cenerous sample will be mailed of the
most populnr Cfttnivb and Hoy Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) snffioient to demon
strate tne great merits ot tiie remedy.
615 Warreu Bt., Kew York City.
Eev. .TohnEeid, Jr., if Orest Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's ( ream iluliu to me.
can emplmsize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francin W. Poole. Pastor CentralPres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Bii'm in tho acknowledged
cure for cnnrrh mid contains no mercury
nor any injurious umg rnce, CO cents.
J. J. Corson, representing Corson ft
Miller, bas started 7.200 yearlings and
,000 two year-olds on tbe trail on tbe
way east. John AloAiister takes ths
first band, leaving Colwell grade yester
ay. Mr. Corson will take tbe other
band as far as Huntington aod from
there Martin Miller will bave charge.
Tbe destination ia Ogallalla, Neb.
Oflloer Coleman, at present a member
ot the Spokane polioe force, acoompauied
by five others, passed through town yet
terday 00 tbe way overland to Eugene
The outfit ooosists of a four-horse team
and a saddle horse. Mr. Coleman's
health is somewhat improved and he
hopet for relief.
Bncklen's Arnica Halve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, oof. all 8k in Erup
tiona, ana positively cures riles or oo
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refnnded
Prioe 26 cents per box. For sale by
Blooum Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Amounts of from ll.(JU) to ,(mo at elicht
ner cent. Interest uavalile annually. Amilt
ration! consldereo only I mm larmers actual I
ri'ildliir 011 trie larms. No annul. AiKlreM M
G. Urltnn, 271V, Htark t., Chamber of Commerce.
rortianu, uregon. w.
t'KiTin Otitis I.axo Drrns,
The Dallea, Oremi, April Sih. 1HW.
amrovd plat of survey of tow nth In 11
Houth, range Rant of the WIllametM Merid
ian. orer'Xi. naa men rernvefl at mil nmns ana
will be officially filed In thlsofflcs on Saturday,
the fttb day of May, W, at Id o'clock a. m.
4 AO. W, M'XIHU.,
WM. B. BHKjos,
Chas. W. Ingraham,
Assayer and Analyst
Mala Street , U- ppner. Or.,
At Conser k Warren'i Drag 8 lore.
Analysis of ores a specialty.
Gibson 8c Berger,
At Chas Jones' Old stand.
Rhavinir. - 16 Ct.
Hair Cutting. li& "
liaths 2."c. Everything Strict
ly First Claa.
Mathews & Gentry,
Kb'ip lo Joort fcmtfi ol ('stuffti.
lotD'trl) if rsudleUa
Tonsorial Artist,
Having, It Ctft
Hit e .!, ia "
Ittft MaiMHl m"i ttftf)
Now that the days wax warmer and
warmer you will perhaps be looking for
something new and light and cool to
Come down
mer wash
We've Got Them
In abundance and beautiful
Nice gauzy summer goods at
ow prices.
Here are just
Percales, new
Dimities in
They have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a
good article when they guarantee it,
Old Stand, Main Street'
E. G. Noble &
Successors to
Are in this Held at the old stand with Harness, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lot of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what Is due.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair wcrk a specialty.
Who haa secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Kates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Wool Growers'
Is the place to store your wool thU season. Whv? lie-
cause we do a strictly warebouso business, and not being in
uie nem uuying wool ourselves, wo encourage competition
arnopgst tbo buyers and secure you tbo highest price.
Ws are selling- wool sacks and twine al cost,
Ws pay Ids hlahasl rah price for sheen pclli and hides.
-ii J ""' (" Llltls'a Dtp aod Black Uaf Tobacco Dip, ths only reliable prepared
dips on Uie market.
We pay frelsht In leamaUrs when requottnl to do so br owners of wool.
We ha? a lull supply l wd Harley and Wheal, also tm Kulled Barley for tamitcre.
Wrert your toamtUiri to ths lower warehoau. He luarauUw you a square deal.
a , vi" v.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chmawaro & Quccrtswaro At
Gilliam & Bisbees
Aad if iht way ny
Bar wars,
a few:
patterns, price, 10-12-15c
Floral Designs, 10-12i-15c
and look over
Figured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12-15
French Organdies, new goods, 20-30c
Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c
Linen Crashes, very serviceable 25c
French Ginghams, 20-25c
& Co.
Repairing a Specialty
Noble & Co.,
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
If you bave not yet realized tbat tbo
"good old times" aro with ux, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of tbat
"tired feeling" and awako to the fact
that tho
payable when wool li sold.
Mend In your order
R. F. IIYIND, Manaocr.
Snythlns you ess rail for la tbt Hue el
a as iiawaiai
Iff lsealnM " .fsf
i Uim$. Trf a im-, Ks, tuf
j bfsibfl tW srvtrW Vi s4