lilo TO THB CUTIS THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE, VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha -AND- AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d Onann Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Btoamara Mnnthlv from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong in con nection with O. R. & N. For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, OeD. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND, 0BB005. Dodwell, Carllil, A Co., Gen'l. Agtg., Nor. Poo. B. 8. Co., Portland, Ore. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Mnndaira To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and lUUUUop, Boston without change viaBalt Lake, Missouri Pauiticand Chicago and Alton Kys. Tnneil'ivo To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UlSUaJ !, Boston without chmitte via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island ic Pacific Ky. WmWiWo To st- J8eph, KansaB City and V eilUliUdJ S, 8t. Louis without change via Bait Lake and Burlington Koute. Ttirnicdonii To Kansas City and St. Louis with lllUTMIayS, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agentB, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Glen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J, C. Hart, Local Agt., Beppner, Or. -iA.." ' 15,000,000 LBS. WOOL Thmt'm what wo handlad laat year. That' a a bualneme i of aufflclent alia to attract the manufacturer. j We sell direct to the manufacturer and do not peddle your wool out in small dribs. Wm makm llbmral advance on consignments and charge only ml thm rata of B pern earn, par ""vm J""; . i. ....... w a minn v hhi'kh 1 1 1't- lis lur usliuud. ' i uarQ uou .. ' ..awtoiM. Our circular lotto will Keep 11 vmi informed as to the conditions of the wool market. Write us A before you consign your wool. Wo can make money for you. SILBERHAN BROS.' .E;I5i, CHICAGO, ILL. i Condon Qlobe: S. P. Sbutt has traded bis residence property to Mrs. J. E. Fitzwater for the property she now oc cupies, near the school bouse, and $900. Mrs. Fitzwater and family will take possession of their new home Jane 1st. It is understood tbet Mr. Sbutt will move bis family to Heppner. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at A Clever Trick. It cerlainly logics like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody oan try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be can cure himsalf right a'vay by taking Eleolno Bitters. This m.dicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulent to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve touio. It oures oonstipation headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores tbe system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinoed that tbey are a miraole worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents bottle at Slooum Drug Co's, E. J Slo- cum, manager. DEVOTED TO HUE YOU GOP ERST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie nwestem Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Thnlr Mafrnlflcent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All ttrrluri on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Whip your freight ami travel over this famous line. AH agents have tickets. u xi iv in F. C SAVAGE. ' Un. Agent Trav, F. iV P. Agt. 24a Washington St., Portland, Or. CI IIO AGO iiwaiee & St. Paul B'b Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. An exchange says editors and preach ers are the only classes of citizens who are prohibited from enlisting in the war Both the above enlisted for life, when tbey entered their chosen professions the former to fight the battles of others and the latter to urge an eternal war fare against tbe devil and bis allies. LOCAL SQUIBS. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this office. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE aw a . 'aw 4 Trade Marks Designs Copyright Ac. Anvnne sending1 a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strlotlyoontlileutlal. Handbook on Patent! soot free. Oldcnt agency for securing patents. l'Atniitfl taken through Miinn A Co. receive tprrtiU notice, without charge, lu the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr- rulat ion of any scli'ntlllo Journal. Terms, til a ; four momns, tu ooia uyau newsnRaiers. XCn 36iBro.dW.,.New York Mrancb Office, lift F Mt, Washington, U. U. NEW NAME I Ilenuty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, oUc. An exchange says : If you want to get acquainted with human nature, edit a paper for a while. You know nothing of the ups and downs of life until you have served in that capacity. You may have swagged horses, conducted a bank, sold goods, practiced law, sawed wood and put np stove pipes, and bnntedpo- tato bugs but you need a few months' experience as an editor to oomplete your knowledge of tbe eooentrioities of lire. This Railway Co. Wm. Gordon lias vo-named his Rtnnd llin nlil .Tnnps Operates its trains on the famous blook jjyerv glg, system: 1 J IMio Central, system Lights its trains by electricity through out; Uses the oelebrated eleotrio berth read ioglamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains everv day and night between HI. Paul and Chicago, aud Omaha and Ohioago; the Chieacio. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates stuam-heated veBtibuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok- Inn rare, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars. and tbe very best dining obair oar anrvioe. For lowest rstes to any polo! in the United Status or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. EDDY, 3. W. OAHEY. General Agent, Trav. fast. Agent. Portlaud, Or. Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call on him ami have vour nurses well cared lor. !5o Years.... IN TMC ?iific"iii 6' Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition I Ml Rl ::::: s vz uip Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Safe, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorieee. CHAS. G. ROBEUTS. GENERAL AGENT, 24? Ash Htreet, Portland, Oregon, bold by Minor & Co., Heppner, Or. E. O: Josef Mueller, who has been in Pendleton some time iu the interests of the Wiley B. Allen Music Co., let', this morning for Boise City, Idaho. Mr, Mneller expects to return about Sep tember 1. Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in tbe line of "'popular prices," has refitted tbe Waetington St. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend pleasant evening at bis piaoe. tt Nat Soott, of Lone Rjok, was in tbe city Wednesday. Rev. W. E. Potwine was over from Pendleton Wednesday. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. Hon. John Q Wilson departed for bis Wyoming borne Wednesday. Liobtentbal & Co. for shoes. Exolusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf T. A. Rhea went down to Arlington Wednesday evening on business. . S. T)- Johnson, of Arlington, was registered at tbe Palace Thursday. Guinnesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borohers' tf J. N. Fordyoe, a prominent traveling man, was in town the first of tbe week, A. 91. Bunoe departed Wednesday night for bis borne in Lander, Wyoming. Dr. B. F. Vaugbao returned from professional visit to Grant county, on Tuesday. W, H. Herman, one of tbe "drummer" boys, was in town last Wednesday and yesterday. Wes McNab, who has been shearing np in this section, visited bis borne at lone Wednesday. Fine home-made taffy at tl ' Orange Front. A clean, fresb stook of goods- leave yonr orders. tf. F. M. Eagy, representing tbe N. O Nelson Manf. Uo., was among our mer chants Wednesday. R. S. Clark and wife and F. A. Cole man, of Butter oreek, were in the oity Thursday on business. If yon need something for yonr system oall at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt Phil Oobn is paying tbe highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry furs, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tf Geo. MoKay, of Waterman Flat, Grant oouoty, was a passenger on Wednesday down train, on his way to Portland, Prof. P. F. Chandler, principal of the Canyon City schools, arrived here on Tuesday and left Wednesday night tor Portland. Geo. Grenob has disposed of bis band of 2200 bead of sheep to John Glides, who will ship them frcm Wallula on tbe 15th inst., with destination N. Dakota, Be not deceived! A cough, hoaraness or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Conser k Warren, v Miss Eva Brians arrived Tuesday from Canyon City, where she bad been employed in tbe sohools the past sohool year. She will spend bar vaoatmn with ber relative in Heppner. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, ouriUee tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cti. Sold by Conser k Warren. v rALLINQ MOUNTAINS. On Theory for the Recent Earthquake In Japan. Advicea from Yokohama by steam ship say that Mr. Iguchl, director of H i Uin observatory, naa Deen examining V the district where the shock was most severe. At this place some years ago holes appeared in the ground to which no bottom could be found, and it was believed they communicated with im mense cavities far below. Mr. Iguchi sow believes the earthquake was caused by the Fujiyi mountains slipping' into these caverns. In the district of Ono an immense landslide took place, dam ming Mano river. A lake is now form ing, which is already fifty feet deep. Another large lake is being formed in the same way by the Ashiba river at Nagoya. The earthquake was still going November 9, seven hundred and thirty shocks being felt in the twenty preceding hours. This is more than two per minute- The great want in the earthquake regions is shelter. There is sufficient food to prevent actual starva tion, but over four hundred thousand people are homeless, with almost no clothing. Winter is rapidly approach ing and the suffering will be very great. A section of about thirty miles on the railroad from Tokio to Kijato was so much damaged that it will probably have to be entirely rebuilt, A curious fact that an anonymous writer sent a letter to the cabinet two months ago announcing a national calamity would take place October 28. This was the very day of the earthquake. I he letter is preserved in the government archives. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AMD COhSCMiTION CAM BE CURED. Grain Saved is Money Made. To save tbe grain use Fry's Concen trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbe cheapest and most econom ical for tbe farmers. One grain kills. Guaranteed. Prioe 25o per oan or 85.50 per case of two dozen. Fur sale by Slooum Drug Co., Heppner, Or. tf DOGS ON MONEY. A TIMELY WARNING. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberonloeis), broDOhial, lung and chest tronblee, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis o jveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, I Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. J uly a-7-1 r. The Canines of Different Nations Shown on Their Coins. There Is an important group of about forty coins containing outlines of dogs, which deserve careful study. The in terest of some of them, says Chambers' Journal, is mainly mythical, as with Lrolaps, the hound of Actroon, presented to Cephalos by Procris; or with the dog of Segeste. which symbolized tho rivet Crhnisus. But there aro enough to show how extensive were the operations oi the dog fancier in early times. The coins afford uo evidenco of the develop ment of a spaniel, there being no ex ample of a pendulous ear, or of a ma tiff, though bulldogs were undoubtedly known in the arenas of imperial Rome But they prove conclusively what it shown, Indeed, by the less artistic products of Egyptian pictography that the ancients had focr kinctoof dogs the wolf dog, tho hound, t'ne grayhound and the terrier. The Umbrians had theu wolf hounds, the Apulians, of Asculum, their grayhounds, the morr rugged hunter of the Tuscan forests ifteir fox dogs. The favorito dog of Artemis Layhria, as on coins of Patras and .SjVi, was a CTayhound, while Act- ffion'&lorm must have been half-breed deerhounds. Rhcgiam, if the coins may bo trusted, had hia sheep dogs; the Macedonian city of Mendo its terriers, and Cumro, just nbove tho bay of Naples, tci'hielt all the luxuries of the ancient FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printiog. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anytLing in any line and will meet prioes of any person nnder tbe sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity ooncern but it you will give ns a obanoe we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from borne tbe fpreigner got tbe money and we got tbe gooas. bqi wnen toe goods were bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide br it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. S. 560-tf "Tie Relator line" Tbe Maiquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, is nnder excellent management and tbe public will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-class theatre of Portland, end when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some of the fine dfamss that will be presented. tf The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMEES "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, tbe steamers of tbe Regulator Line will leave Portland at 6:30 a, m. and Tbe Dalles at 8:30 a.m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; you will eDjoy it, and save money. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. mill- rforld were brought, its poodles. Further pursuit of this lino of inquiry would probably throw some useful light upon the direction of canine de inestioation. F.I.Y'H rRBM BAf.M U posltlTernrc Apply Into Hie mwtrlls. ll Is qnlrsly slworlwil. Mi rent si trtii-i:lt of h null i iropli Mr. by rn;i. ttl.V 1IHOT1II-1(8. M Wurreo ttu. Now York ClUf. To Cure Constipation Yortin, Take Cascaretj randv Cathartic. looor2So. UUC,0i fall to cure, ilruKKiki refund money. The Oregon volunteers will most like ly have an opportunity to make t trip to the Pbillipine islands, Oregon is oo the list of states aeleoted. Tbe trip will doobtleee be pleasant one and afford an opportunity of seeing some foreigo oountry tbey otherwise would Dot btve an opportunity of doing. Oesfiifss Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot resoh the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that Is by oonstitional remedies. Deafness ts caused by an .aUumed con dition of the rnnooos lining of tbe eu stachian tube. Wben this tube gets in flamed you bave rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, end when it en tirely oloeed deafness is tbe result, and unless tbe inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are caused by catarrh, wbion la nothing bnt an in flamed condition ot themuooue snrfaoet We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deatneea (canned by eatarrb) tbat cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free. F. 3. Cbeney k Co., Tolec'o, O. ClTSold by druggists, 75c. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Til ROUGH CARS TO St. PAUL MINNKAl'OLlS M'l.lMU PAKOO lU'TIK llKLtNA TirkfU Issued t alt points In the United mates and Canada. Is the place to go to got your fine pork ftiul lamb rlinpt), ntcnks etui roasts. ftRLlNGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE II. REED I P.i,n,. A. O. OU1LVIE Fropr.etors. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Piwstl iw mile).. I n Kound trip I'JOQ Mnyvllle (M mllw). Hound trip 1 00 Condon (TO mllin).. lot) Hound trip (00 Clem ( inilM) .... 2 no Hound trip 1 M OI! (19 inllmO I 40 Hound trip 150 Htsge leaves Arlington rft-ry morning (Sun.Ur rxrepted) st b o'clock; it dua I Condon at 3 p. m. and arms at rot- nil at 7 D. m. Cotufortabl covered cosohrs sod ears fill, i per intend drivers. QUICK TIME TO. Chic-aiki WHiNmiR Ns YoftK llvrrAM) All other points in the Kant and Hootbeast , . . . . KV1II4 Kansas City Ht. Jonkt-tl Ht. liOt'H IIonton Union iVpot connections at Ht. Psiil, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Ixtnl snd ether promt ueut points BagKsgs checked tbrongh to destination ol tkkels. Tbrongb tickets to Jspsa snd Cblus. vis Tanoms and Northern IWIflfl Htssut. hip Oouipsoy's Una. Kof full ititormttion, time earJa, mips, tickets, sic, eall on or write W. O. AUir, k. IK CBABI.TOH, Agt.N. V. lir. Asst. Or. l'ss. Agt. tbs Dalles, Or. rortlsod, Or FISH EVERY FRIDAY Pin tni-sr mr.l hsmi ami baron. 1'iiro 1ml lart, krlll rviulnrot, nlit stylo. Illnlirst riun rlt !l lor 1st stotk. UKNJ. MATHEWS. sroKANE falls 4 northers NELSON 4 FORT SIIE1TAR0 RED MOTNTAIN RAILWAYS The Duly All Rail Route Without Cbsnie of Cars lirlween Hpokene, Rosriaad and NeUoo. Also Ixtwws Ns'son sat Roslsiiil, daily sicept PjBdsy: Kit A. V Ml- kSl . t.iIMl .. , , . NlK,n .... Keep sneepjiifl Est Bleu tiu: wool mxxmn Tells You Hewte De It. M 1 1 Ml A. M .t A M . AtltM . f M i M r. m. I'll ourm-tutttt ft! Nl""" ik tnitMn fit KLt, anil all kiMi)l lk i.mi. I k r f. 'Haiti lil w u4 Vottsdary rk rvttiMt at - vita turn W. tty speoial srraegsment ws effcr to our readers Tho Wool Record snd HemI-Weekly Ossetts, one yssr for 3 00. The Wool lUourd is ths only national wool organ snd covers tbs wool industry (rum lbs ratting of the sherp to ths sell ing ot ths mou'tcturd ertlels. It ts published weekly st Nw York sad tbs regular price it f'JUO s i. lis market reports sre lull and oomp s snd Ht Hlieep llider' Talks slont sre worth o tiinwi the pties tl ll pH"r, Mtmle ft i lit on srpliCAitiiti. Ws htartily recomtnsnd this cnmbl esliun to oar sabeoribers. too REWARD 1 Will be psid for information leading to tbs srrett snd oooviction ot tny per son stesling cattle branded "WH" oon neoted on tbe left side. Wsddte on ths nose. Pibct IJca 45 nov3 A. M. Brinee, the sbeep buyer of Wy. orolng, who bas bien in tbis section for th past few weeks, left Wednesday last for his home in Landers, Wyoming, with bond of about 8,000 head. Mr. Bnnce informs tbs 0lte that he will probab ly be s tenil toousl visitor to Ueppner sod Morrow oounty in lbs future. Mr. Fred Krng it prepared to wsh clothet with bis woodsawing machine He is thus enabled to do great deal of wanning In short time. Tbs who desire to do tbsir own Ironing will And Mr. Krnn's lust ths tdsos to get w tub- tog done. 4?tf palish Osperatlue. The desperttion of the Hpaniab tailors whotsck with their tblps rslher than surreoder Is only sqnaled by tbe frrntied sgoay of tboss btrrhtots who srs try log to match in piles snd quality tbs rosil eoffees sold by T. CX Thompson Ott. Put tbsy eannnt do it, so thsf may at well sinks their colors si 1 tsvs snfTerisf . KvervBsxly fs rtxmreis Candv Cathartic, ths matt won derful mnlii al disrovery of tbe s-, piest nl sad rfrhin( to tbe taate, a.-t nly an4 poiU!y on ki.lntTt, Uver and brla, cUanam U entire !!, JIil wll. enrrt iK-lnelie, fevr, liahituat rotiti Ipal lot) ai 1 bi lnuaamn). !'!. buy an 1 try a ims et V C. C. iwltv; l, i cnt. ejW and (urtttw4 to curt by all dnufitta. A Nw Sort ot carDloa Bells. The "Codonophoae," Invented by M. lAcape, and now employed in place ot a carillon bells at the Parisopera seems to consist of the hollow mimical tubes which have for some time paat been in nt in thia country, but which In Paris are now played by m-ans of a keyboard and hammer mechr.nism. The result is said to be thoroughly satisfactory. Ladies, take the best. If yon sre troubled lth constipation, sallow akin snd tired feeling, tske Karl's Glover Tes, it is pleasant to take. Bold by Conser k Wsrren. v OREGON S110KTLINE Ky can cured If you suffer from any of the ill of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Facihc Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO.. ,1061 Market St Est'd 1862. Young; men and middle air I'd men who are suffering I horn the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical lieDiiHy.inipsieBcy,!!!! jiavnni in all its complications; Npermatorrhsca, Proatmsorrheeat, Vonorrhwa, leet, 1'rrquriic.r of IJrlnntlns;, die. By a I combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only atford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to i perform miracles, but L well-known to be a fair and square Physician am Surgeon, pre-eminent in his sneciaitv ss inea xesi ot jrirn. NTpiim thoroughly ernrllcRted from the avstim wtthniituninff nrrrarv. KVERY MAN applvlna; to US will re-1 ceive our nonejrt opinion of his r-omplalut. We will tiuarantec a POSITIVE CUBE in I every eaie we undertake, or forfeit One isoDsasa vonars. Consultation FREE and strictly Drivate. CHARGES VERY RKASOSABLE. Treat- I ment personally or oy letter. Send for book, " ine s-niio free VISIT DB. JORDAS'I Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you i are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually addinff- new specimens. CATALOGUE aa'. call or write, , ' 1061 Market Street. San Francisco, Cat. QUICK TI3VIU ! San Franoisoo And all points in California, via the Mt. (Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hiahway throngh California to all point East and Sooth. . Grand Hcenio Bout Of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet BlesDers. Seoond-olass Bleeps ra Attached to express trains, affording snpeni r accommodations for second-olaes passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc, oall npon or address E. KOEHLEK, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. r. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon InaoDhy ef Harriue.' (A vaiuahie book lor men.) in Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 ent business conducted for MoDEftATf Fees. Our Orncc is Opposite U.S. Patent Office and we can secure patent m less time thaa those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-j tion. we aavise, it patenuoie or not, tree ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i A Pmphli;t, " How to Obtain Patents," with cose of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Ftcmt Orncr, Washinqton, O.C. Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walls Walla. Studeuts admitted at all times of the year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Musio taught by oompetent instrnctors. A a radii ate ot ths Boston Conservatory bas eusrge ot tbe instrumental department. aJC1ig Iadles BocirdlnK Hall Is thoroughly eqnioped and offers ei eellent scoommodstiocs at reasonable rates. Bend for oatalogus. Addssss M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty ee P. A. WOHTHINA. ion, aserstary Board or Regents, Waster), Or. Ql'ICKEsT AND MOi-T EIRECT USE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BR ASK A, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER ami a l'oint$ EAS1 and SOUTH. LOOK AT THE TIME. 'NEW YORK. -rjdays CHICAGO, 3J ST. LOUIS, 3 - OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 1 Free Reolioinf Chair Cars Upholstered Tuortst Hleepief Carl rullmao t'tiaoe Bleeping Cart For full particiuisrs regtrdioc rates, time of trsins, eto., eall on or sddpsei J. a HART. Ae9t U. R. A N. Co., Ilerpoer, Orffns C. O. Tisar, W. E, Ckmah, Trtv. rate. Agt. 0a1 Agt. 124 Third It., Tottlsad, Ors. h ... 'Ji UKITNKH II Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? AH those can be procured at Thompson & Bines, Lower Main Street Heppner, Oregon. ' The fnt!mB art well iulnt1 with Grant, Ham, Crook. Ollllam and other counties and ran sat a money and Una la meatus thM suctions with traveling mcu, Prtret) la keeping with the time. THOMPSON Ss BTNISTS. U7XBTMX1T, 3XZ3PP2rxZ, That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. "Kolin's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e IT li tAMC OOODH O Ksw Btead, City Hgl BalldiBf, TII,LARD, Pror ( (