si The Gazette. Friday, May 6,'1898. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, First District, TH08. H. TONGUE. Congressman, Becond District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, of St. Helens. Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath F ills. Superintendent Pulitc Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant and Harney A. W. GOWAN. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Hcppnor. For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL. of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. Bchool Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner. For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. About 10,000 troops will be sent to the Phillipine islands from San Francisco as bood as a sufficient number of vessels can be obtained to transport them. They will gar rison the islaLds until some dispo sition is made of them by the United States. PRIVILEGES FUR SHEEPMEN. News of an important victory is hourly expected from Admiral Sampson's fleet, although its exact whereabouts is a secret known only to the officials. The general belief is that it is on a double errand to whip the Spanish fleet, if it can be found, and to capture Porto Rico. The army is also likely to move on Cuba any day. The more the official report of Commodore Dewey is studied the more wonderful his victory appears, He entered Manila harbor, pro tected by mines, heavy shore bat teries, a fleet of eleven ships mounting about 100 guns and car. rying about 2,000 men, and de. stroyed all eleven of the ships and captured all the batteries. And two most wonderful part of this wonderful exploit was that not a siDgle man on an American ship was killed and not a single ship materially injured, and only half a dozen were wounded. They Will Be Allowed to Range Their Sheep oa the Forest Reserve. Sinoe the Eastern Oregon Woolgrow srs' association, through its secretary, Fred W. Wilson, baa been la correspond ence with Special Forest Agent and Superintendent 8. B. Ormsby, in regard to securing the privilege of pasturing sheep on the Cascade forest reserye, Mr. Wilson has received the following note from Agent Ormsby, dated at Salem, May 6: Dear sir: A recent order from the general land office directs that all per sons desiring to pasture sheep on tbe Oasoade range forest reserve will make application to me, stating first, owners' name and postoffloe address; second, number of sheet,; third, nnmber of bands; and fourth, looation of range, It is desired that the applicant state also whether tbe location selected has been previously oocapied by hlui or is a new location. A etrict observance of tbe rules and regulations governing forest reserves will be required. No grazing will be allowed north of tbe Barlow road and west of tbe summit of tbe divide or east of tbe east fork of Hood river. "a B. Obmbby, "Speoial Forest Agent and 8npt." From this it appears that tbe grazing of sheep will be allowed in tbe Cascade reserve, exoept around Monnt Hood and on tbe Bull Ban reserve, but the sheep men are not advised as to when they will be allowed to drive their berds over the line, bat believe it will be between Jane IS and July 1, and say that, owing to the dry weather, tbey should bo per mitted to go in earlier than tbey other wise would. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver Users will please note this. The Oregonian will rule or ruin, Simonihm will get some pretty hard knocks down in Multnomah county. Can't Ileppner have her streets sprinkled the same as other first cIrbs towns? The war spirit is not bo rampart as it was but it is just as deter mined as ever. The house has made a record at this session of which republicans, who have controlled and directed its coarse, may well be proud. It has passed 205 bills that have be come laws, and about 200 other bills that are now on the senate calendar. The war measures the $00,000,000 appropriation, tbe armed interyention resolution, the declaration of war, the volunteer army bill, the bill for reorganizing the regular army, the war revenue bill, the bill appropriating $3G,- 000,000 for the expenses of the army, and minor war bills have probably not taken more than a week of the time of the house alto gether, so promply have they been disposed of. WAR MS HON. A. W. GOWAN. Joe Simon can buy conventions but in his own case he will have some trouble in buying up all of the voters. From what the Gazetto hears the republican ticket is gaining ground, even with the Glass "mill stone" around its neck. Simon was characterized as a "dirty political boss" in 1890. He is the same man yet No one ao cuhos him of getting better as he growes older. It is evident that the republi can organization, as reprenented by Mr. Graham Glass, jr., is a burden to tho party. Under the circumstances, tho republican party should have no organization. Advioes from Martinique confirm re ports that the Spanish flaet is at Fort de France. MADRID, May 13.-The Spanish tleet is to leave for Martinez. woaiimtoii, may 18. The flying squadron bits orders to put to sea at nnoe. Its destination is ntikoown, bat it is supposed it will play "reserve" in the Havana olimAX tomorrow. Offioisl information is received that a 8pcuinh Heel bas been sighted westward of Marguerite. Tbe Amerioan loss at the bombard- A i a i a i a - meat west oi rorto wco yesterday was two killed and seven wounded. What an Exchange Says of Him. Was a Soldier. At the republican state oonveotion, Hon. A. W. Go wan received tbe notniua tion for joint senator of Morrow, Qrant and Harney counties without opposition, says the Harney County Items. Tbe Oregon Blue Book says that be was born in tbe State of New York in 1846, sod at the age of 17 enlisted to re pel Lee's invasion of tbe North and sub sequently seived three years in light battery M, First United States artillery, taking part in all of tbe active campaigns of tbe army of tbe Potomac and James from Gettysburg to Appomattox. In the seventeenth regular session of tbe Oregon legislature he represented Grant and Harney oouoties in tbe bouse and in 1894 whs eleoted by a handsome majority joint senator from this district tbe largest in the state. While a good party man he believes in fair and just consideration of tbe righti of tbe minority. In looal legislation he Btands for tbe interests of bis constituents without re gards to political significance. Senator Gowan baa had muoh experience in leg islation and was muob respeoted by his colleagues in the senate for ability and intluenoe. Mood' Best to take after dinner; . prevent distress, aid diges- iM I I e tlon, cure constipation, III S Purely vegetable; do not gripe or auN pain. Bold by all druggists. 21 cents. Prepared only by C. L Hood Co, Lowell, Mass. Evidence That Tata Talk. An Androscoggin county woman wfl have it that animals t.a!U to each other And this Is the anecdote she relates to prove her theory, says the Lewiston Journal: She has two cats. Dot anc Dot's youngest, named for his exploring propensities Christopher Columbus. One morning a little bird flew in at the open window, and falling to the floor lay panting and dying. Christopher Colum bus just then ap)cared in the doorway 'No, you don't, Christopher Columbus, exclaimed his mistress, and, procuring a tiny box, she put the still warm body of the feathered mite into it and made a deep grave under the apple tree. Chris topher followed and looked longingly at the box, then went away where he wai not seen for some time: Only Christo pher witnessed th? burial, yet an hour after, going out to look at the grave, she found Dot had dug up the box anc Christopher was just about to devoui the dainty mouthful. Now if Christo pher didn't go to Dot and say:" Mother there is a little bird buried under thai apple tree; get it for me, please," how did Dot know there was a bird there? ' A Rat Sacrifices a Leg-. A rat got caught by the leg in a store and squealed loudly for mercy, says a Maine exchange. Tho proprietor of the .tore watched the rat, which continued squeal. Finally another rat crept .autiously out and walked up to bis un 'ortunate companion and evidently took ;be situation in, for they seemed to talk with each other and arrived at the conclusion that the captured rat's chances were desperate, for the second one began to gnaw the unfortunate rat's leg off, allowing it to escape, which it did, limping away on three legs, tbe other leg remaining in the trap. It al nost seemed as if they had deliberated jver the case and bad reached the only possible means of escsM, G. P. Mier, a prominent sheepman and ranober in the Sand Hollow neighbor bood, sold to Alei Thompson on Wednes, dut last his band of yearlings, consisting of 572 head, receiving for same $2.25 per bead. E. L. Matlock, sheriff, returned from Portland Thursday morning. Hisdaugb ter, Mrs. Vangho, of Pendleton, who has been undergoing a sargioal operation, is rapidly improving. ipii to. tis m 8 Ii ONLY ! o o o o o o Grand Reduction Sale of. Lambeau Kangaroo . Calf Stock Top-PERFECT0E. Mens' Fine Shoes In Chocolate and Black, Silk Testing and Stock Tips, onr regular $6.00 and $5.00 lice. This week, Only $4.00 Ladies' Dress Shoes $3 00 takes anything in onr fins line of Ladies' $4.00 Shoes. Everything in oar extensive shoe line at ridiculously low prioes. Make the Most ot this Opportunity. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PUB Ho that on the 28th day of April, 1898, the partnership between the undersigned was dis solved bv mutual consent. After that date all obligations made by either of the parties must be settled by tne one incurring tne same. Itness our bands ana seals tins aim nay oi H. E. BARTHOLOMEW. April. 1S98, 40 iH J. T. CAMPBELL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Morrow county. In the matter of the estate of Vi 11 Ham Cox, de ceased: The undersigned having been appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon, for Mor row county, administrator of the estate of William Cox, deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against saia deceased, to present tnem verined as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said adminis trator at his place of rcsidenco eight miles south ot lone, Oregon. JAMES M. HAMBLET, Administrator of the estate of William Cox, de ceased. Dated May 12th, 1898. Cnre tbst congb with Shilob's Care. Tbe best cough onre. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold lost year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con ser & Warren. v Remember tbe Children's day at tbe M. E. chnrob, Hontb, Sunday evening. k good program will be rendered. Reg- ar services in the morning. TitEtiE is some docidctlly in tor eating informntiou oontmnetl in the "advauco shoots of consular re ports," issued daily by tbe bureau of foreign commerce of the state donnttmeiit Vot iustnucp, that tho island of Luzon, on which tbe city of Manila, tbe seene of Corn modoro (liucn promoted to 1 ad miral) Dowey'a groat naval victory, ii larger than tbe Htaten ot New Yoik ami Massachusetts; that tbe outiro area of tbe l'hillipiue inland now under OKI Glory, ia 10 per cent greater than that ot tbe New England Htatea, New York, New Jersey, Mar) land and Delaware combined. Mauy perione who con. Uler themaelvea well iuformed up. on commercial affaire have been greatly surprised to learn that the United Htatee haa more trade with Having already disposed ot two car loads of tbs oelebraled Fish Btos wagons, hacks, bnggies, bnokboards and carriages, we have a third carload en route. vnen yon see them vou can recognise their superiority over any otbar tuaks of wagon without exoeptiou Minor A Co. 4tl Educate Vonr Howels With I'ascaret. Candy t'atbitrtlc, cure rnimtlpntiim forever. uu. u i u. fail, drug kiui rulunU money, Dr. Esbelmsn, of The Dalles, will visit Heppner on tbe 15th, ltftli and 17th of May. Chronio aud obsoure cases of men, women and children a specialty Nervontoeea, headache, neuralgia, rheo mstisru, constipation, piles, fissure, Bitula, and snrgical diseases of women and children treated encoessfally. No ohsrgs for consultation. 5-lt ?!9 !( (3!)!l Consumption Dyspepsia enred. Shilob's Yitalizer immediately relieves soar stomach, com- ing up ot food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con- eer ft Wrreuri - -- A L18T OK PATENTS. The following is tbe list of patents granted to the Paoiflo coast states during the past week: VV. C. Bradford, Arbnokle, Oal wheeled dumping scraper and grader; F. Cook, 8sn Jose, Gal., means tor lubrioating shaft bearings; C. E. Gro well, Htella, ChI., separator and oonoen- trator; O. Cummings, Oakland, Cal. , gov ernor for air compressors; E. H. Drlggs, Berkeley, Cal., self-feeding oil stove; W. E. Height, McMinnville, Or, neok yoki; F. II. Heath, Tacoma, Wash., bi oyole brake; I. W. Mason, Aberdeen Wash., tool tor boring tapering boles T. B. McDermott. P .rtlacd. Or. bicycle propelling mechanism; O. L. Finney Los Angeles, Cal., pips binder; O. Rioh- srdson, Clipper Oap, (Jal., step-ladder J. Bobneider, San Franoisoo, Cal., gams counter; W. J. Woodward, National City, Cal., wooden pips-binding machine, f Will SCOTTS EMULSION $ cure coruumptlon? Ytl no. Will it cure every case ? jjj No, Whit cases will It cure j then Those in their earlier 5 stages, especially In young: ? people. We make no exg- gcrated claims, but we have positive evidence that the early use oi Scott's Emulsion Dig down to the cense of yonr sick ness, il yon want to get well and stay well. Most likely it's indigestion. Tbs irritating poison of fermenting, putrid food, left in tbs stomach by iodigestion cause headache, neuralgia, nervousness dizziness, atom sob-sob, nausea, irrita bility, and all the other well-known symptoms of indigestion. Tbey also cause many pains and dis orders wbioh are often laid lo otbe oanses and beooe ars not easily eared But ss sonu as lbs poisons ars removed all thess symptoms and disorders dis appear, beoanse there is nothing left to cause them. Nothing succeeds in tbia liks Shaker Digeelivs Cordial, because it prevents the undigested food from fermenting in the slnmsob aud belps the atiimscb to digest Its (nod. ON V P"'" ' druggists, pice 10 cents to and 5 l0 r'r l,,tx' S of CoJ- livtr nit with Hvaa. i'iiiv'-m ......... ,tj, - - - r - tho rhlllipiuo islands than all the. phosphites d! Lime and Soda .i II l ! I t 4 I t. ..... tt. I as.! A rest of tbe world combined b What tbe United Ktatoe will do' with those valuable islands is ' question that ia already being much discussed In Washington. This piu'iuiiii nt will KM tbotu until, tin war la over, aud then iKculo what disjiositiou shall be made of them. That ia as far as baa teen in mcse cases results in a positive curt to a large num ber. In advanced cases, how ever, where cure is impossi ble this well-known remedy should be relied upon to pro long life surprisingly. y. sn4 li , sll (VhuIiu. K OTT k BOWNR, ClwrniM Nrw York. I I I I w V I ! V V V : W I Wslts r Tbnrnpaon, formerly contractor dr the mail and stags hue) between Heppner and Monauienl, has opened n a diog siers at Canyon City, (Irani county, to b known as Iba Thompson PfOg Company, Canyon (.'it J beretotor bas bad the dlailnotion of being the only eountr seat in tbs west without a drug store. Tbs (l.iet is wishes tbs nsw ootn pstiy success. IX II. (Irsbls and if, of Inn, were la lbs city trading Thursday, and whll hers added Ms nam In tbs Osteite sntcrtpHon list Mr. Urebl is very much Interested in lbs wsr news, ss bs baa a sou on on ot Cnele Hsra's vessels thkt wss in Ibe Manila battle. Ammg those of th sheepmen who Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, May 3. i'J8. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made Defore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 10, lH'JH, viz: MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner: Homestead application No. 4074, for the NE)4 Sec 21. To 1 N. R2ii E W M. She names tne loiiowing witnesses to prove her continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. O. Bartholomew, William B. Klnley, Allen s. Hodsdou and Robert F. Hyud, all 01 Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 46-57. Register. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tbe pub lio to know of one concern in tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. Tba proprietors of Dr. King's New Disoovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have giv en away over ten milllion trial bottles of tbis great medicine and bave tbe sat isfaction of knowing it bas absolutely enred thousands of hopeless cases. Astma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and sll diseases ot the Throat, Chest and Lungs sre sorely oured by it. Call on E. J. Plocum, Druggist, and get a trial bottle free, regular sits 50o and $1. Every bottle guaranteed or money refunded. Notice of Intention. Laitd Officii at lik OBASBF., URBwnn.- Anril 6. 1S!K NOTICE T8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bofore the County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 20, 1SW. viz: JUUH r. BKUH, Hd No M14, for the EU 6WK and W'i SE!i Sec 7 Tp 2 8 R 27 K W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence unon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Harton, John F. Barton, William C. Scott and Francis M. Gentry, all of Heppner, Oregon. w. dak l i. r. IT, 38-40 Register. 16 W ih i ii it iiv ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii m The Leader Of Course! The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at , T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrirs at LaUkahdi, Orkoon, Mav S. IX'VL XTOTICK IH HEREBY OIVES THAT THE li followlnf nameil settler has filed notice of hlslntentlon t make final proof In support ot his claim, and thai said proof will be made he lore the County CbMk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at renuiKion, uregon. on June ji, mm, vis: Minus ryier, tin. mv ,i, lor toe uw sec, 21, twp. S8.,r. 2S E. W. M. He names the following wltnmet to prove his continuous n-atdenre upon and cultivation of Mid land, vis; James W. Laahey, Henry v aniirrpmu, jonn mciuiiougn, I'avui Mccui lough, all ol Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Bastlstt, IM.V) Kegtater. Notice of Intention. I.iKBOmcs at Trb Calls. Gannon. May 0 IWH) XVOTIcms HEREBY OIVKN TtUTTHE 1 following. nainKl settler has filed notlrs of his Intenliin to maks Anal tmiof In support of his tls'iin, nd thai said proof will at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday Juus IS, lx'ja, Ti: Jefferson D Brown, ol Heppner, Hommtoad application No. i'n, fur the '4 sw la sec. 14. am or'. nwVt and us lia ace. 2.1, Id. g 8., t. Jbi W. M. He names the following witnesses to prova nis roiiiiuimus resilience upon and cultivation of Mid land, vli: K. K. "each. K l Holland and t art Hoai'h, ol Islington, Oregon, and J. N Vaughan, ol Heppner, Oregon. iA t. MtHlKF., 4 M. Register. Notice of Intention. Lass Orru s at Ths Pallss. o,inw. May , I"'. VOTfR IS HKREBY GIVEN TtAt 1. 1 following nam1 settler has Sled notlra ol her Intention In maks) Sua! proof In stinKort ol ner riaim, and thai Mid proof will tw mad orror I. w. Murmv, t'outity Cl.-rk. al Hrppuer, Oregon, on Salilay. June , lm, vt: J,Mle riacher. ol lono. Homestead appllrallnn No. 4K14. lor th n', aeu mm. t, aud 0 SW see 4. in 1 S . r. .' r. VV. M. She names ths following wllnsases to provs net eomiiiiioin rraulenr upon ami eulllvallon of said land vli Fre-I ', llaUlger, Kdward Keller, A. j. WcVay Slid I'sul Balslger, all ol lona, utagou, JAS. r. MOORE. 4U Kcgltl.T A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. "Ri HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon. m m ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii) ii ii to Timber Culture, Final Proof. Unitrd Btatss Land Offics, N Grande, Oregon, April 2.'), IK. i f 1 make final proof before J. W. Morrow, OTICF. lrt HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN N. Klclcr has tiled notice of Intention to County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at his oftlce In Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the l"th day of June, IHtis, ou timber culture application No. iM, for n' nwi,, nU ne4 of section No. 22, Uiwnship No. 2 8, range No. S7 E. W. M. lie names aa witnesses: rraus r uler, Joseph Rei-tor. Newton Whetstone, Luclnda Elder, all ol Heppner, Oregou. E. W. BARTLETT, SHERIFFS SALE. HY VIRTl'E OF AN EXECUTION AND J order of sals duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County ol Morrow. State of Oregon, dated the 22d day of April imsi, in a certain action in tne circuit Court for said County and Mate, wherein W. H. lnl. H. R. Klneald and Phil Metsrhan, aa Board of CommlMloners for the sale of school and uni versity lands and for the Investment of funds anait.g ineretrom, I'laintltls, recovered Jung, meut against Anelln Howell, Henry Howell Mary Unwell. John Howe . Nellie Howe William Howell, Htanford Howell, Joseph Howell,' Thomas Howell, Lilly Howeli, Ileitis Farler. Rig Farlcr. Adeline Howell aa admlnla- tratrii and Henry Howell as administrator of the estate of htanford Howell, deceasetl, lKlend auts, for the sum of rive Hundred Eighteen Hollars witn interest thereon at the rate of Eight per rent per annum from the loth day ol March, isw, and the further sum of Thirty-five uouars attorney s ice, anil costs ano atshiiree- menta, on the loth day of March, 1HV8. Notice Is lieretiy given that 1 will on Saturday, ths 28th day of May, 1898. at 2 o'clock p. m. of Mid day, at the front door ol the court bouse In Hepuuer. Morrow rotiutv, Oregon, sell at puhlle auction to the hlgheat bidder lor rash In baud, thefollowlngdeecrlbed property, to-wit: Hie eouth eaat iiarter of se'iion iweniy eigni (Jul in lowmhli, lour (4) south range twenty-five l.'.S) K. W. M. In Mor row county , Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, et al or so much thereof as may lie ne.-ea.ary to Mttsfv the Mid Judgment In favor of W. I'. lrd, H. K. Klncald and 1'hll Metsrhan and against Mid Adeline Howell, Henry Howell el al. toncther with all i-oate and dis bursements mat have or may accrue. E. L M ATIOCK, SherlfT. Dated St Heppner April 211m), u Si deteimioeJ upon by tb preiJcnt xxrxxcxx: bsvsonlGtlisI si U-ri'"" t"1 yssr.Bons v bsvs been mors libsrsl tilb oar tuer i haute tlieo lbs ViuiUa; boye, II, 1'. HuITaKi, t'r. J. M. Wilson, ot IVOg-las, snj A M. Bnu, u( LanJsr. : Tbs gwtillcmen leave Heppner Ibis week, ' bot II is buLWKl tbst Ibe; will relars aril jssr. SIlEKlFt'S SALE. NOTICE IS nKRFBY GIVES TnAT fS der and hv virtue of an execution am oMcr of Mle, duly and n-gularly iaaue out of Ihe ( Ireutt Court ol Ihe Male ol Oregon, for xorrow roiiiHj, anu vt me mrm-ini, on ths l"th day ot Man h lja, uon a )i,dgment and de cree dulv rendered and entered lu Mid court. on ine nan oar "I Man n, 1M, in s suit th snd theretofore iK-ndlug therein, wherein Ihe Amerliau Mortaaae Company I.lmlt,. ol tVotland, a 'nrporalioii, ae plalntllt, and jami-e Ihomas iHiwnlug. and Milton (Hie Ikiwiitng, as heirs al law of M. phn S. Pon, log, ami Maria IMwntng. der'eaae.1, weredelen ilanta and ronimaudlng me lo aril the herein alter deerrtl.ed real properly. I did on Ihe day ol March, If", duly levy upon and will, on TMsrday, tha 10th day af May, 1898 al Ihe hour of 2 o elm k In the afternoon of said lay, at the front door of the county court nouae t, neppner worrow ci.nntv Oregon, aell to Hie hlgheai Milder lor cah In band, all the following rtcevrthed real estate tow II Ihe aMitn-wei oiiarter nl aevtlon tweutr elabt. In HY VtRTt'E Of At ORnrR Of l E. SVO '""J;,n,P south ol rang, twenty l..ur. msi ularly lastied out of Ibe rlreult court. Ur , " t"S l Morrow fouuiy NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. VOTtCE IS HFRVSV GIVES THAT THF.HK will he nontuniy arrlp recehol lor laars alter Ihe 1h day of May. W. Ry order ol the county court. 4; -S K. L MATUH Ik. Sheriff. amIusee's saTST C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But sre those ol greatest value In proportion to cost. II you want to get Tour money's worth ol honest goods In Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL 0N iir O. THOMPSON Ws sre Increasing our stock lor tail snd winter. Call snd see us. NEW DRUGS We are receiving a New Invoice of Ooods almost evcre day Our Raddle Increasing trade demands It, consequently Qu- Cu7!-'1-, . . ' thslr Drugs Pura and Trash. Uf ctor"art raaalva Our Stationery Department I Complete When "Iriig- Ulve vsea a onll Slocum Drug Co. l land, tn wit 1 " see. K la lp VI 1 'il r-e s-ild si erl ate aaie lor rash ,.rrw ii,m, tin-gou the lollowlng ! rll I he B4 nk ol ear and lh ,S.r J I . M for raart la hand Si-Is on lh ahere deerrtrwd pmp.M- will he re etved at Ihe oflt nl Elite Phelps nntll the 'mm 1-th iUv ol Vr, li 1 !"" ,i.n Apia Mh, I wet. 44 M Assignee el i. I, M. (tee. Closing Out Sale! Wishing to retire from business, will sell for the next twenty clays at special bargain It. I. SHAW, ee, liienlteol Dehlor smenrsan4 apruttetiatie.. theramit.i iMiioog Ingor Id snv i apt-aiilng. or so ran. h t,ere4 ae olil aatufv aaid 'nlementa la the !n:ii.ig aoma at. .1 A. with Intern! thereon Ihe loth rtai of Man-d et Ihe rale of cent prf antiiim. lor the I'irtn. r aiini tf enliljr .I,.,, ar .m,.,m, , uH t.-r Ihe fur ther suns ol 4 11 ill net and m.loieaenienta, j S id an ruing cs K. L MAUK K. ss eiieiiil el Sl irrow v nuty uitgun. prices. J. W. VAUGHAN.