Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 13, 1898, Image 1

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Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
Semi-Weekly Gazette
NO. 648
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At B2.0J per year. 1.00 for six mootha, SO oU.
'or three moo cos, strictly in ad van o .
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Application. '
Entered at the FostoBice at Heppner, Oregon,
aa aecond-clasa matter.
THIB PAPKB is kept on file at E.C. Dske's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Kzohangs, Ban t ranoisoo, California, where oou
racts for advertising; can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build
in, Ban I'rancisoo, Is our authorized agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 8:30 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction Vim a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a, m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:0U a. in
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla Olio a. m. and Heppner Jnnotion 7:00
.in. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m and
arrives at Heppner Junction 3:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. ana
arrives at rleppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2G a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore.
Lines '
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wisoonsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require some assist
ance in the way of having their
haod baggage taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other . ways, and they will
find all that is desired in this re
spect in the service of the Ushurs
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cap. They jWill be in waiting at
all trams prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it is hoped that our
patrons will fully avail themselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
Gen'l Passr. Agt,
omciA.! DisaEcrosa-sr.
United States Officials.
Piaeident William McKinley
Vice President Urn-ret A. Uobart
Secretary of Btate W. R. Uay
aeoiKtaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
MA'irAturv nf War Russell . Alirer
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Poslinaster-Qeneral Charles Emery Smith
Attorney-General John W. (iriggs
Secretary f Agrioultore James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of Btate H. R. Kinoaid
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Supt. Public Instruction 6. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. ldloman
l u, n . aiuonue
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., V. A., I". ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
Supreme Judges.
JThos. H. Tongue
i W. K.
.W. H. Leeds
R. S. Rean,
( R. 8. 1
. 1 F. A.
the daivIh:
R. H. WEBER, Prop.
Grower and Dealer in
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees
Grace Vines and Small Fruits.
OHIO. tfUllltllttl I'lnim-i. I - TIT' 1.1.
r-onit Judge Stephen . Lowell WUf ll tiCS arc UIUW11 V 1111-
PiO940iiting Attorney ..H, J. bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, w. uowan BEND FOR CATALOGUE
representative iwu
itunty Judge A. ft. Bartholomew
'' CoinmiBBioners J.R.Howard
T itr 1 1
"' . lirr-r-il v
Olerk tLIL I
Sheriff E. 1j. Walloon
'Fnunrir Frank Gilliam
liuuir... A. C. PetteyS
" Sarvoyor J- J. noliee
ttohool Bup't Jay w. nniiiwy
Coruuor.... nm-. nmm. '""U BJ H II 1 I III! Wt
out Irrigation.
1 lltf MONTHLY
imiiiiiiiimiiiiiinmiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiuiumiiii mm
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating theToodandRegula-lingthStQmachsanilBowelSQf
ness andRest.Gontains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Nabc otic.
Jhpermint -
flgnfod Sugar
A Dcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour StoTnach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ucss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
. Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
the ' .
ft A
icure nvr
You Have
Always Bought.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. His work is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
KEY WEST, May 11. A mob this morning burned a number of Urge grain
arebonsea at Havana.
The cruiser Charleston is ordered to leave Ban Francisco at once with (applies
and ammunition, fur Admiral Dewey and bis fleet.
G1BRALTKB, May 11. A British steamer reports officially that she passed a
Spanish torpedo boat destroyer yesterday evening. Shortly after passing, her
lights were extinguished and a terriQc explosion was followed by her disappear
ance, lividrotly her boilers had exploded. All on board were lost.
NE W YORK, May 11. The naval board is oonvinoed thai the Spanish squadron
has retori ed to Spain and that Spaio has lost hope of effectively resisting, the. loss
of Cuba.
Sampson's fleet will be brought baok to take part in the invasion of Cuba.
Porto Rioo will be left alone for the preser.t.
Spain is said to be preparing an expedition against Dewey. , Spain needs all the
soldiers she oan muster, but owing to the insurrection at borne they are bard to
Cigarette smokers will not be aooopted a United States volunteers.
Congress is divided as to whether to bold or sell the Fhillipines.
TACOMA, May 11. Two oompanies from Spokane and two from Seattle left
here this afternoon on steamer Senator for San Franotsoo. Others will follow.
Absolutely Pure
Broken Axle Almost Causes a Wreck on
the O. R A N.
A serious accident war narrowly avert
ed last Tuesday morning, about one mile
west of Barnhart station, on the 0. R. &
N. Passenger train No, 2, wbile running
at full speed, broke one of ber axles, and
but for the quick and oool-beaded aotion
of tbe engineer in throwing on the air
brakes tbe whole train would bave been
derailed, but as it was no one was in
Published Every Saturday)
M uor ... .-Thos. Morgan
Counc lmeii,... ........... .. r
litchwrtunfti, J. n. nirafma, ti v. iwwiwi w.
o IT U Huarrv.
uar.hai..::v.::v..: a 13 sior piace
i'recinoi uiucvrp. i
...W. K. Kioharrtson
unstable wnewrone The 0ntlook win be in 1897. BS it has
United Htawi uana umcers. . . . f.-nMn
i. P. Moors nofpswr years, B Uistory oi uur uwo i imea. 10
" it varimm editorial deDartments The
E. Bartlett SSSflSI Outlook gives a compaot review of the
,n. ouuuuu - I t..11- ..ik I
ST. THOMAS, West Indies, May 12. Wild paoio In Porto Rico. The people
are orazed over tbe prospects of bombardment. t Washington ageat at Tampa just
in from Gen. Gomez's army says Cubans have 25,000 armed men to put in the field
and 15,000 more that need arms and ammunition.
LONDON, May 12 Madrid despatches ssys: Spanish .government demands
$100,000,000 to oarry on war. May not Bet It.
WASHINGTON, May 12 Qeneral Miles and staff leave, this afternoon for
Tampa, Florida, v
HAVANA, May 11 Four armed vessels of the United States opened fire on
Oienfuegos, Cuba, Wednesday, and attempted to land men and arms in barges.
Spanish troops assisted, by forts drove off tbe invaders , and destroyed cable
it itioo. Second attempt also frustrated. It is rumored that the i Americans lost
heavily. Spanish loss, only 14 wounded.
LONDON, May 12. It is reported that at Milan 1,000 men were arrested, 600
killed and 1,000 wounded. Riot resolution declared imminent.
WASHINGTON, May 12. All tbe United States volunteers and regulars have
been ordered to move by tbe last of the i week, either to Sao Franotsoo or Tampa,
tor embarkation either to tbe Pbillipinea or Ooba.
Nothing more has been beard from Sampson's squadron.- Tbe whereabouts of
the Spanish Cape Verde fleet is also unknown to the United States,
Startling developments are expected at any time owing to the mysterious
I silenoe and movements of the fleets. ' " ,
KEY WEST, May 12. In Bn engagement near Matanzas yesterday in which tbe
eruiser Wilmington, torpedo boat Winslow ana ;iMrT , Hndson were en-
The Hudson has
I desire to announoe to tbe public that
the Palace botel will serve meals at the
old prioe of 25 cents and upwards. Tbe
agreement heretofore entered into by
hotel and restaurant keepers has been
broken without any regard to tbe require
ments of the same. I therefore use the
same privilege and will conduot my busi
ness as heretofore, independent of any
other like establishment.
647 618 Mbs. M.Von Cadow.
HEPPNER TRANSFER :CO'Ste2rjS ,h'" "" d-'" ""'
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone office.
all lbs important philantbropio and in-
Llnutrinl movements of the dav: has a I
nanuino i, . ... complete department of religious news;
M-t. H.,mn. Or., tb third Saturo'.T of devotes muoh space to the interests of
s.hinonth. MiTstoransarstoTiujd to tain. tbe bo reViews ourrent : literature;
.. ' Adjutant. . tf Commander. fgrnisbes cheerful table-talk about meo
and things: and, in short, aims to give
Dl Mo Co III M I") fresh information, original observation,
, J. IVICrdUl, I VI. Ba rensonable entertainment.
HEPPNER, OREGON. fc fif fii,h ?0,nm
. - - i
OfBoe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., end 11 to tne . er wlij MBUma the regular maa
2 p. m.. ai rea.oepce. ".r mln. siie. which will add greatly to its
erty, east oi M. K cDnrcn, douid, ou j - - .
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m., at oflloe in oonvenienoe and atlractiveoees. The
tbs rear of Borg's jewelry store. Outlook is published every Saturday
Tbe first issue
Captain Barnard, of the Hudson, serioosly wounded in the leg, but it is thought
rill snrvlve.
NEW YORK, Msy 12. Dewey has been ordered to destroy alt strange vessels
and fortifications in tbe Pbillipiues, removing all dsngsr to Unltsd Btstes torn
me roe.
Tbe Uoited States torpedo boat W inslow has been badly orippled. Four of tbe
crew were killed in a terrific battle with Spanish shine sad forts in Gardens har
bor. Tbe Hudson dragged lbs helpless Winslow out of danger.
WASHINGTON, May 12. Downey, a Spanish spy, arrested seversl days ago
bss oommitted suicide.
Commander Reeny wires from Key West that tbe Winslow isbsdly damaged
and will be sent bere as soon as temporary repairs oan be made.
Among the sheep outfits that bave left
and will leave this seotiou during this
week, tbe bands will be in charge of the
following gentlemen : Carson & Miller,
in obarge of Jaok MoCallister; tbe band
of Mr. Buuoe in charge of Oeorge Gray,
and that of Mr. Rosswell in charge of
George Lurid. These men are practical
sheep men and thoroughly understa d
tbelr business, and the bands will doubt
less fare well under their management
Bud Willingham also has obarge of a
band of Laoy Bros.' abeep.
A Van Who Is Tired
All tbe time, owing to Impoverished
blood, should take Hood's Sarsaparilla
to purify and enriob his blood and
give bim vitality and vigor.
This condition of 'weakness and laok of
energy is a nslnrsl oonsequenoe of the
finds the system deoilitated and tbe
blood impure.
A good spring medloine is a necessity
with almost everyone. Hood's Saras
parilla is what tbs millions take in the
spring. It's great power to purify and
enrich tbe blood and build np health is
one of tbe facts of oommon experienos.
fifty two issues a year
BrOWn & RSClfisId . ,n oh mon,n M Rostrated Megaiins
... . s . Numoer, ooniainingsoouiiwiceasmany n r . . f 'I 1
Attorneys at Law, .... r?r,r n-rr, inn Gfrv.ciY vwr it h'AS never mi CCl
nut., in th. First National Bank 7 . . . I " J J
vtuww - i with latflrsa nnmhAr tiT nirinrM.
Building. " r
IIxppwiR, : : Obkoom. The prteeof Tbe Outlook is three
dollars a year in advance, or less than a
r-ii- O. ni I cemaony.
cms oc rneip,
Send for a specimen oopy and illnstraU
ilil ed proepeetus to The Outlook, 13 Astor it hah isitMnity lioreii tor thir iroirt
tJ,. V.w Oil bmliirts ami horns luleresu, lor (xlmv
.n.l lftC NeW T01 UU ' true onmi.h.l
IT IIASUildal tl ltr., lnlrestlii ami
Wbils toe aap yonr sobscriptioe paid o yra I IT II AS
aakssp oarbrand is fraeof ehars.
Rn. P. U.. l.M)Mr. Or. Horasu. r B fci ln
shoalJsn mttls, suns on lsft blp.
Hnshes, Prnr, Heppnsr, Or Tallin brsndsd
W H. co nadl on ihs bft stds. VVaddla on
Cook. A. J..Uon.Or.-Hofn, 0on rtibtsbonl
trap off toft and split la rtshU
All business atloiiited to In a prompt a
Sauiisoior7 ui.un.r. cuinc. uu..
Otllce la Hattnr Building. Heppner. Or.
General Collector
Put vnur Aid book, and nolrs In his
hands and sat your money out ol
them. Makes a specially ol bard
nffioAin J. N. Brown's Iiaildiniz.
wsvuww - ' Ml
Floranon. L. A.. ITsppnsr, Or. TalUn, LF on
rtaht kipi bunas f with bar uuUr oa nsbl
Justice of the Peace rrr. n ,....
and City Recorder. I H i on th J .h.i,i; ratti. dthm j on
OfflCf AT' I nsni nip. nisi, umu IB w mmr. iuuk. u
Jnhit.. rm II. Ln. i,-nwi miru I an
loft siinvs tmukm. asm uo rinhl blp, nndsf half
ami Obllt B an aar
Btln'. r. Hor s branded
It MY tin lofthiD tJ m ad nr oil Ixfl
mt: nn'lor stotm oa tha riant
Lmhn.l. W. Umt lr.-Mf,r brnd4
Land i nn lrt sli'miilars natflo Mm tm
hit. WBUl of TD mfm, mi. m
goM. bans, Morrow oont.
Cook. A. J..Ues.Or.-HnrwM
dr. I 'atilo, sanison rlshthip:
Ely. Rr. Dnnclsn. Or. Horns hrandad ELY
1 1 .ft shonldor, oattl Sam oa WflUip. bole
A HoDg Kong dispatch Bays that after ft four honrV fight, the Unite
States cruiser Concord, one of Dewey'a fleet, destroyed tbe Spanish
war ship lilies, with all on board.
NEW YORK, May 12. Ameiican Teasels are bombarding Salzann,
Porto Rico.
Tbe navy department is informed that there ars a number of Span
ibb torpedo boats off tbe coast of New England.
LONDON, May 1.1. A speoial from Madrid today ssys that Bereeiiio admitted
Thursday evening that tbe Cap Verde squadron was at Cape ds Frsooe, Martin
que, about 400 mjles south of Porto Rioo. A Msdrld dispatch from Martioeqoe
rosimrtty and hsnpinMw, (or ti. improvnnwnt ol thoir (b HertM0 ennflrma ths report of tbs srrival there of tbe Caps Verds iqoadroo
ir tatucatton, lor th slsvslton ol Ami-rlcnn nisnnooo ana I
Inatrucltv. storls ol It.. d..ln,i ol th. world, lb Admiral Cevenna.
tiauirtt and aTat. . . li. . n l. i
IT IIASndvlsiHllhn lnniinalothn moat approved mrlho(ls of minvauns ano narjmun bi RtI yVEBl, May 13. UiapaiCD DOai irom usvsna ssys mat IBS Utocssae IS
ici in ail mti'r. !-riiiiin to th w.-iisr larwtrs and viiifrs, suit lor ovr shall pnmplete asd that everything Is qnlet there. It M now known that ths Winslow,
Wilmington end Hudson ersated great btvos at Gardens. A large part ef Ibe tows
is os fire. It is tbongbt tbst ons goo boat sod ons torpedo bost of the Spanish
"VT "X7 1. Wonlrlir TuIKn 11 Ck I flt wsrs dutroysd.
And we furnish It with the GAZETTE, see year far
Need4 Revision.
Long Creek Eaiile.
Grant county badly needs an amend
ment to tbs assessment laws whioh will
compel all sheepmen to pay taxes iu the
counties wbers their sheep ars ranged
during tbe summer sesson. Over s half
million of outside sleep crowd on our
mountain range during the summer ses
son, and do not pay a dollar of taxes to
aid in tbs support of tbe Oonoty. It
would be nothing bnt just tbst these
sheepmen should pay a part of their
taxes in this oouoty.
in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers
and villagers throughout the U. S.
a century has held ttielr coundauo and tein.
IT XB Til 13.
$2.76, eaeh In advance.
Addrma all Orders to
MADRID. May 13 Despatoh from Havana ssys, st 8 o'clock yesterday morn
Ing three large and three small American vessels sppearsd off tbs eosst ef Car
dan as. Small boats wars attached to marines which landed near fort, which was
seen. Pe ptsroors wss seised snd eoast giards made prisoners. Rpsolsb gunboat
Writ your nam. arid eddrcw oo a po.i.1 card, a.nd II to(lo. w. n.t. inwi ..mn. w ijnpsi wss oaaiy aisaoiea
Tors my, alio a sni(.i ropy oi mi r" " .
talis and b..ra ral ta.. rrnta haaw.! r-j-s
taiM, d conr.ysiM lns and III you In " "
ny way In bis I UK. at raniil)l nnun. U jnny. Wik
First National Bank
3 Columbia Itivcr and PusctSound Navigation ft
8. W. SrCNCC).
Viae President
Ass't Cashier
TrtQ5vU I Groin! Btdio lmn&
Msa V V rv- - -
KEY WEST, Msy 13-Aoxillary bost lludaoo's meo bflieve tbsy fought against
oonoesled batteries sa well ss gonbest batteries. About lbs me lime tCir
deoas sogsgement was bad. Amerioao ship Uaoliits slwt swy batteries et
Diana bay.
American torpedo boat Winslow badly disabled and towsd olns miles Into Csr
dens by tbe Uodaoo. Ths ersw says the Wllmlogtoa will gai bombard Car
dena today.
TOUT AU I'RINCE, My 13.-flsropoa,wiib nlae warebipa,arrivs4 tt. Baa Jao
Porto Hwo. At snnrins Ibis morning the batllawblp om ftrd tbe Aret shot at tbs
Minor. IW. nation. (r.- HM, M D os
, . . rlaht blp; buraa M on ton anuVKM..
"JTL i xti-.rT!7irL-o-. uf Invin. Alder Hirrel Ik ck. I'ortUml. fir A.toris, Ilw.oo, Ismg Be.ch. (war fort with dis.ntrons .ff.el. B.f'sllp Isdiaia fotlewed. FortreN reaposded
naiti.'auiw rtht hio. I I'uk .uJ K.lin.iit. lMr.ct en miction with llwioo lam.r ml rail
rwhAiloa. Hardnwn.Or,-HorMll'os tim ; alaj at Y oog's Bay witb Hearhors lUilroad
ln aiMMuwT.
frmnnn, dHw hn hfanded lf and
Th Uesult or Volranl. 1'plirniral In aa As
I-oiij lion lly.
Maj. J. W. Powi Vl. direr Umt of the
United Statt-a geolngicnl nurvey, thus
describes the origin of l.nko Tahoe:
'In geogranhlfiil timun nut long sgo,
a apeakH tbu M-lcnlint, Init vrry loiiir
ago, aa np.'iikH tho chronirlcr of huiunu
foil ion, there M as a deep valley on the
eantern nloM of the Sierra Nevadna at
the headwater of the 1 mckee river.
About thin valley towered granite
mountain. Hut t!urth(imkva came,
rents were opened In the roeka, and
from the fkMire otnirvd monhtroua
tresma of lava. One of those Unsure
oroeaed the lower end of the valley, and
through it poured Hood of molten
rocks. Ktrcam after at re am issued, to
oool In solid shouts and blocks, until a
wall waa built Scrims the valley two
or three thousand feet In height, and
above it wai a deep (main flro or alx
hundred aqimru uiilen in area. The
tonus that Ml on the granite) and
volcanic mountains rolled In river to
fill the basin, and l.ttke 'inline waa
i;reald. When llll.' 1 at l.i .t ltwatera
iiVvrtluMed the rim of luu, und the
Tmrkre river uo npiiiia frnin the
Tahoe f( xi li till ii lu il.-i Muter ere
dark with t.rnf un.lily . Iil.u the eluiiil
of a atoriny aky, lul uUmt kluue a
few alullnw luivt mi' fiiuml, and
eiucrtthl wiiU ri, like fnit. Niimof beauty,
euclrcle the ileiN'r and more iMiinlier
lake. Iluck from Hie water forests
clad aloiK'x riM Inwnrd tlm heave tia,
lid above ore even naked crag and
donir of g-nnite "
wbea Va are Tired
Without extra exertion, languid, dull
i.d lUtlene, your blood Is failing to sup-
1?VPT-T "NTfn-fi -Tin.'mlTot ,h""'"'i Uare, Ponl.nd T A, . IMIy. e. M't Suudny. IS'es A.I-kis I P. M Intlv. ene.l Munds ys I
t soonklOT. i U. O nent ni.
i all parts ol lb world-
Uought and Sold.
Collection mad on ail olnU oa
rsMoeabW Tnras.
Surylo ae4 aadlvld.4 Tnti 0 OO.
Br-rer.lt.8, Hw. Or. -r.iij, W t
mH hie. .me of n.lit nad fWhi la Mt rear,
S.Upi bnrwa WCI .,
1hnipx. i A.. Ilnw, e - Florae. e
ehoal. eatiU. Io Iwt ekonldar.
Tam-e . W, Hw f .-emU t!,4
Wn th-'Att, Um.1 tti sue. oa Wt blp
Witb epiil ta Vet r.
! rfUnd P. M lielly. eicevl Sua-ley. ufday HUM. H P
aif 9lt., .ioept
ile-lil. ttPM Iaee Aatorts U
andsy and Mondsy. -iuy aisit, 1 f M
Uneet Pwflend end fire d.rwl lo llweco. T'iey end Thunder s A. M. fsi J'Jay at 1 P. M
Lhim Loaro Keliwl.? and frld.y at 5 A. M. Vu eund.f I ill at I r. K.
hrjn ClfH to Eailml Ih'intk. Ni viti Frte of txptte.
fnebty. Hpsnitb stesmsr lU-ta owe eaptured by tbe United ftatee vessel Tale
Thousands of tbe population, together with tbe foreign eopele, Bought ;, to py i y0Uf munelee and othtr organs
tbs Interior. ' Iks vltaliting aud streeh giving prop
erties they require. Hood s hrapanla
cares that tlrsJ (eellng by sorlchlog Bud
porifylsg the blood. It will gls yea
nergy and vigor.
- . tl . ,.J A 11.- 1 i. . . m . 1 ,
I V1bivi DiTiiirni.a ma inn ibib iisnrniw, tfnnjm rn lo.gv ran.
beis UglDBibg to srrive cb tbe islet d.
MADI1ID, My 13-11 p. m.-Heor Morse, eesrelary cf eolosiN, sad B.aot
Oallon, foreisrs) tslslil.r, btv itslgnsd. Admlrsl Bosurgo Bad Cooot Xlquss,
bIbIiM ef pnbli worts, bsvs else feslfued.
flood's Pills rs easy to tts, esiy tJ
ptrste, Car l4lftitioe,blliBsa r4