ttt Denver k Rio oranoe lilo RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD TO THIS QITS8 THI OHOICl Of Two Transcontinental fxREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST. In through tourist csrs without cbaogs, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotore and porters. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul UnnJairo To Kansas City, Chicago, Burlaw ana fllOQIlayS, Boston without chan?". via8alt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. I if j Tn Dmihi Chlrasro. Buffalo and I UCSQayS, Boston without change via Bait Lake and Chicago, Hock Island dt racinc y, tit i i Tn Ht Jnsenh. Kansas City and It CQDCSQayS, Ht. Louis w ithout change via Bait Lake and Burlington Koute. m Tn Kansas Cltv and St. Louis with' lQUrSdajS, 0t change via Bait Lake and Mis souri FaclUC railway, OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W- klvuk day stop-over arranged at m? n AND A. WD Chicago Kansas City AND Salt Lake and Denver. CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days fori ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d nnonn steamer 8 Leave Portland V W w Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, inquire of O. R, 4 N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, tlen. rass. at mi. Agi, 251 Washington 8t Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner.Or, Hold on to Your VJool unlit yom oorr point wrtth mm. We are to a position to both make and save you money. Listen to these facta. We are by far the largest wool commis sion house In the went. We handled last year 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. 7 He largr mantfmriurr buy rm w sHree. Our stocks are always extensive enough to supply their wants. Wi Maki Liberal Advancis on Conslgnm.nts at 5 per cent, per annum for money thus loaned. We supply our patrons with eacke free. We send you our regular market letter which keeps you Informed at all times upon the exact condition of the market Wrttm urn mt one about your wool, sending sample. SILBERHAN BROS. Chicago, III. PRESS COMMENT. The whole people are disposed to leave the management of the war to President McKinley aod bis administration, and by thus oonfldiog in them aod lpport- ing them the best results are obtainable. Mr. McKinley is no longer a republican president, be is the president of the re publics of the whole people, and Is acting in their behalf and to their best interests, to the utmost limit of bis strength and ability. E. O. Hteamers Monthly from Portland to and Honu Kong in con nection with 6. R. & N. V fnll datftila aall on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBTJBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OBEOOH. Dodwell. Csrlill, Co., Gen'l. Agt.., Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co., Portland, ore. ARE YOU fiOHR ERST ? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via THe Mwestum Line ....THE.... CHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TH Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled at NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. A Clever Trick. It cerlainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody oan try it who bas lame baok and weak kid neys. malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be can onre himself right away by taking Eleolno Bitters. This medicine tones np the whole system, sots as stimolent to tbe liver and kidneys, 11 a blood purifier and nerve tonio. It cures constipation headache, fainting spells sleeplessness and melancholy. It purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores tbe system to its natural vigor Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinoed that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents bottle at Slooam Drng Co's, E. J Slo- oum, manager. Dining and Bleeping Car Trains, anu mono; ALWAYS ON TIME given this road a national reputation. All .... .. i .,u..r. .rrl, on the vestllmled trains without extra charge, "nip yunr irmmiv has clauses of All agents ami travel over this famous Una. have tickets. W. II. MEAD, C BVVi..B,At lien. Agent, 'l'rav. V. & 1. Agt. aw Washington 8t Portland, Or. CHICAGO mate & St. Paul B's LOCAL BQU1BS. GRANT COUNTY. NEWS. From the Eagle. Alex Bweek, a brother of Laoranoe Sweek, of monument, was recently re nominated for the office of municipal judge.. F. L Barnett, of Heppner, is canvass ing in the interest of an Eastern portrait company, air. Harnett is a courteous gentleman and bis work always gives perfect satisfaction. Hon. A. W. Gowan, tbe repubhoan nominee for joint senator for Morrow, Grant and Harney counties, passed through tbe city yesterday en route to Heppner. He will address the voters of Northern Grant on bis return next week. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LBNQ TKOCBLKS AND CONSUMPTION CAM UK CURED. Aa Imiaeet New York Cheniat aad tfeleatlst Makes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. OFF FOB KLONDIKE. W. U. beer on is of Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Uregoo. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. Sample copies tree.) Raral Spirit aod Gazette both for 13.00, cash, at this office. 60 YEARS' CArcniEnvE .0 Birthday Party. Willa Minor gave a party to a few her friends last Friday evening, May 6th 1898, tbe occasion being her 12th birth day. Those present were as follows: Mary MoSwords, Kline Bartholomew, Fay Bartholomew, Mabel Ayers, Editb Yaughan, Edith Hager, Zoe Patterson, Etta Rogers, L?ah Minor, Gladys Potter, Nora Matlook, Will Dutton, Heppner Blaokman, Earl MoFarland, Glenn Willingham, Ralph Bitbop, Ralph Thomrjeon. Carrol MoFarlaod, Miles Potter, Harry Brians, Gussie Ayers and Fred Bartholomew. Trade Marks DlSIQNS COPVRIOHTS) Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly asnertitln our opinion free whether an Invention l pnihslily patentable. Communlca tlimastrlotlycimndenMal. I land book on Patents sent free. Olilmt apeiicy for securing patents. Patents taken throuiili Munn A Co. reoalve tpffUU notice, without charge. In tbe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.arest elr culm Ion of any snlentlSe Journal. Terms, S3 a rnur niunius, si. boiu ij an nawsinwur. Ileautr la Illood Deep. Clean blood means a clenn skin. No l.eunlvr wit hunt. it. ( jlHl'llleU. Cuildv CutllUl' tin clean vour blood and keel) it clean, bj stirrinir nn the luzv liver and driving all im- nuritiea from the body, llegin to-duy to lianiHli iiinmles. boils, blotchea. blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by tuking I a sea ret m, lienuty lor ten cents, ah urug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 1 0c. 25c, 50c. pfj38tBr..dw.,. Now Ynrk llrancn Ortloe, ea W eu, wasniugton, u. ,. NEW NAME I 0. A. Palmer, of Portland, mail weigher for the government, wbo bas been in Heppner for tbe past few weeks, left last evening for Portland. He informs tbe Gazette that the amount of mail between Heppner and Heppner Janotion tor seven weeks has been eleven tons. This Railway Co. Win. Gordon has re-named id nnl flin old .Inncs Operates its trains on the famous Diooa jj (stable system; J Lights Its trains oy eieoinaiij uruuKu- AjltJ Ceiltl'al. Usee tbs celebrated eleotrio berth read ins lump; Rons speedily equippsd passenger trains every day and night between Ht. Paul and Oliioago, and Omaha and (Jblosgo tbe & Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot Portland in tbe line of ''popular prioee," bas refitted tbe Wastington St. theatre, formerly known ss tbe "New Park." Oordray always bas something new, and oar people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at bis place. tt Baled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call ou Mm and nave vour Horses wen earea inr. Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul AUn n iterates steam-heated vestibnled train., carrying the latest private oompartment cars, library buffet amok- ini ran. and nalace drawing room sleepers. Tarlor oars, free reclining cbalr oars. and the verr bent diuiug chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United Htatna or Canada, apply to agent or addreas 0. J. EDDY, 3. W. flAHEY. General Ageot, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. "50 Years.... IN THE Undisputed Supremacy Coop World's Competition er's Sheep Si; 1 mm Mill f urn Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Hate, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBEUTS, OCNCRAL AGENT, 247 Ash Htrevt, Portland, Oregou fcoM ly Minor A Co., lloppnor, Or. li U s rum in. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MftRKBT TUU0UG1I CARS- TO Hr. PAUL MINNKAI'OLIS Dl'I.UTll KAIKIO IlUTTK UELENA TickeU issna.1 to all points In the United States and Uauetie. i-t 1 Ia the plnce to go to got your fine pork aud lamb chops, atoaki bdJ routs. What is Hop Gold? Best earth. See ad. elsewhere. Liohtentbal & Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83lf Jas. McOarty, of Butter creek, was noticed on onr streets on Saturday last. Guinnesse's f amor 3 old "Dublin Stoat," imported, at Cbrie Botobers' tf Sam Wilkenson, Tbe Dalles woolbuyer, was here Saturday looking after business Frank Lacy departed last night for Pendleton to take charge ot a drive of sheep. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods- leave your orders. tf. Brownsville Times: Miss Mabel Ad- kins returned from a visit with relatives and friends at Heppner. It you need something tor yonr system call at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel bnildiDg. ft Phil Cchn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, tars, etc Dc Vt forget Phil. 5tt Wm. Hughes, Jas. Oarty and Mrs John Kilkenny departed on Friday last for a brief visit to the metropolis F. J. H. Manning, representing The Palatine Fire Ins. Co., was here Satur day last in connection with bis 00m pany. Oregon needs some kind ot registry tion law, as baa been demonstrated in every election beld in the state daring the writer's residence here. J. F. Willis informs the Gazette that bis oldest son, Charles Willis, volon teered in tbe oavalry at Deadwood, S. D., and bas been sent to tbe front. Catarrh oured, A dear bead and sweet breath secured with Sbilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conser & Warren. x A. 0. Petteys, the county surveyor, re. ports work going on nioely. J. F. Wil lis, the republican candidate for that offloe, is assisting bim in tbe south part ot the oounty. Hon. A. W. Gowan, candidate for re election as Joint senator on tbe repnb lioan tioket, arrived from Burns, bis home, on last Friday, and this week is touring the oounty. Endlo Started Bis Band of 100 Bead Last Tuesday. W. M. Radio, who has been one ot tbe leading oattle growers and dealers in Northern Grant oonnty for years, started a band ot 100 bead of fine beef oattle last Tuesday for Pendleton , from which point they will be shipped to Seattle. From that point tbe band will be shipped on a steamer that will depart tor Skag way on May 15th. Mr. Rudio takes bis departure today tor Seattle, from wbioh point he will personally superintend the shipment and handling ot bis oattle. His present destination is Dawson City, wbioh point be has hopes of reaoning in midsummer. Tbe undertaking ot Mr. Radio's is one not yet attempted by any one in interior Eastern Oregon, and is one that inoars a very large expense, bat unless some mis fortune is encountered, he will be handsomely rewarded. Coffin Bros., of Seattle, are interested with Mr. Rudio, but neither ot them will aocompany the shipment. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oam, of New York City, demonstrating his disoovery ot a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmotiary Tuberculosis), bronohial, Inng and chest troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) ot his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scientific Treatment" bas oared thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional doty to suffering humanity to donate a trial ot his infallible onre. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting tor years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are onrable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of tbe world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy end oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Sloonm, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be promptly sent direot from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that yon saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Joly 9-7-1 yr. F0RY0U! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prioea of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of druggists supplies, blank books, baok work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that yoa have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a obarity ooncern but if yoa will give us a chance we will see that yoa are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lioooln said that when one bought goods away from home the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. ut when tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tbe printing drnmmer comes to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. 3. 560-tf "The Italator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. .STAlEItS. 'DALLES CITY" AND REGULATOR' What Dr. A. K. Baiter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effeot ot your Shiloh's Cure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Warren. Tbe Marqnam Grand, on Morrison street in the Msrquam building, is under excellent management and tbe pabho will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some ot the fine dramas that will be presented. tt FUSION SPEAKING. Hon. W. B. King Addresses tbe People of Heppner at the Opera House Saturday Afternoon. Acoordiog to promise Hon. W. R. King, fusion candidate for governor, addressed tbe people ot Heppner on last Saturday afternoon. Although the Bilver people of Heppner bad attempted to advertise the meeting, the number who tamed out was entirely too small, con sidering the faot that tbe leading candi date ot one of tbe great parties was to open bis osmpaigb on this ooossion. A great many in the aadienoe were repub licans, and to their credit they remained till tbe meeting was over, giving tbe speaker respectful attention, something that oannot be said for some of oar fusion friends wbo attended tbe evening meetiog of tbe Morrow County Republi can Club. The ladies' band was present and dis coursed sweet mueio, after whioh the speaker was introduced by Hon. J. W. Morrow. This was Mr. King's first ad dress ot tbs year and was more or less ot an extemporaneous oharaoter. The arguments produoed were much the I same as those ot tbe average fusion MEN! be". Sheriff E. L. Matlook was oallsd to Portland on Thursday or last week on aooount ot the serious illness of bis dauahter. Mrs. E. A. Vausbso. Mrs, Vanghan is now in tbe hospital at Port- orator, but there was aa entire absenoe can cured f !f vou suffer from any of the w ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, f DR. JORDAN k CO., A 1 0B I Market St. Est'd 1 862. f Young men and middle UXCU lllt?ll wiiu arc biihcuhk I finrn th rffrrta nf vnuthfu indiscretions or ex- Cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Ueblllt.r , lmienCT, uni jisnnuou ( inallitscomnliratioris: Miter m&torrhflcn rrost inorrncrn, Moiinrrncea, wirei. Frequency or syrinntina;, eic. ny combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has m arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair 1 and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in hi. snecia lvBf isesses OI JM Krpbllla thoroughly eradicated from the syMi-m without using Mercury. ... , KVKRY MAN applyliid to ns Will re-I 1 celve our hrmeU opinion of his complaint, 1 Wevillduarantcea POSITIVE CUKEin I every cats we untrta, or JorjeU One inonsui sounre. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- ' men! personalty or oy letter, nenu lor douk, free. (A valuable book lor men.) TINIT DR. JOBDHI Great Museum of Anatomy 1 the finest and largest M useum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wondertully you I are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually sdning new specimens. CATALOGUE fRES. Ca.1 or write. lOBt Market Street, Sin Francisce, CaL Commencing Monday, May 2nd, tbe steamers of the Kegoiator Ltine wi:: leave Portland at 630 a, m. and Tbe Dalles at 830 a. m. When yoa go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Colombia; yoa will enjoy it, and save money. W. 0. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUXOS TI3VII3 ! San faroxieisteo And all points lu California, via the Mt. Bhasta route of the Southern The great highway Pacific Co to all nsh taiirornia Grand Hoenio Route throna points East and South. or the raoino uoaat. r unman iiunet Bleepers. Beeond-olass Hleepers Attached to express trains, aftordins superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto, call npon or address K. KOEHLkR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAH, Gen. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon grow paying crop, because they're fresh and always the best. For .ale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper. 1898 Seed Annual free. Write for It D. M. FERRY A CO., DetroH, Mich. CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm rimtams no eocslna, mt'rciirjr nnr any other Injurious droit. It is quickly AlworDea. (.lives Relief at once. 11 o ion. .nu v.... r- a f the ravages. I"MMJ IN fl P All) Allavs Inflammation. WWI.U lls-ris llusls and Prntn ts the Membrane. Restores the .Shiw of Tame and Mnrll. run bum euc iriai Hue ine ; at liniiwistsor by mall. fcLl HKU I II KHIS 0 UStltl Sinn, niwiuis. land. On Sunday, May 15th, a number of tbe friends of Dave Hamilton and J. F. Willis will meet the gentlemen men tioned at John Depay'a. One of the principal features of tbe entertainment will be an exhibition of Free Greene's Klondike dog team, though tbe splendid dinner that will be served mast not be overlooked. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Casrarets Candy Cathartic. K)e or (no. It C C. C. fall to cure, druggiau refund noney. of bitterness or ranoor. Mr. King spoke oalmly and dispassionately, and while this paper oannot - gree with him on bis stand taken on pnblic questions, it gives bim credit for evident sincerity. Ho ever, argument of that kind, in the face ot the great prosperity being ezperienoed in Morrow oounty and all over Eastern Oregon, must be difficult to aooept During Mr. Kiog's stay in Heppner be met number of old friends and made new acquaintances, us departed on I the evening train for Portland. Harney Ezobange: Bens tor A. W. Oowen baa gone to Grant and Morrow counties to open np the eampaigo. If Grant and Morrow will "play even" we will give tbe senator a rousing good majority. 1100 REWARD t ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGER LINE SfoSlLVIE ( Proprietor.. FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (0 miles) .. IHU Round trip 14 00 Mayvllle (M miles). 1 00 Round trip TOO Condon miles).. 100 Round trip (00 I'leia miles) ... 3U0 Round trip 190 Olei (IS miles) ISO Round trip 140 Rtage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday eioepled) at A o'olock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 0. m. Comfortable covered coaobee and sare- fol, eiperieoosvl drivers. QUICKTIME TO. Olll('AlK) WisniNOTos IUltimomb Nit Yosk Bvrraix) All other points la ths East and ttoutheaat f Omaha Kanras City Ht. Joasra Ht. Locts llkteTOH Depot rc at Ht. Paul. Minneapolis, City, Omaha, Ht. Louts and other promi nent poioU FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine siissr cured hams and haoon. I'll re lint lard, kettle -rendered, old style. Highest rasa price paid lor fat slot a. HEX J. MATHEWS. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NOHTERN SUSOS 4 FORT SlIUTARD 11KD MOUNT US RAILWAYS The Only All-Rait Route Wilboot Daggacs checked through to destination Change of Cars lie t ween Hpokacs, oi ticket. rUaelanit end N.laon. Also twtweea .... - . i . i - Through ti.ksts to japao vi. N1m . UoiUo. u,ijy eirept .u.ii.,.nh..i'aiiiis nuoaey. " - 1 " ' . I Sm A M ... -pokane n V, M tot fall loformsllon, lime earda,mape, hiui a H h.raa J ?? I- B ticket., etc. call on ot wnie - - ,., A n CNlBLTOf). c,' t"atiie M fatBi.le A,t.V. ..V'i, k r.M'. 'r?tr .uV. r wsj np sr-j r - ' ' - Keep sneeu m Get Ricfi. TIIK WOOL, HECOUU Tells You Hewte De It. it.F.F.Kf. Af1USB,rs. S'J. I Fsfseeetf. H . lMPtll,0 fltiiOl 1 tnlfrtlfff Hfrnl By a speoial arracgainent we offer to our readers The Wool Record and Betnl-Weekly 0 alette, one year for 3 00. Tbe Wool Keoord la tbe only national wool organ and covers tbe wool Industry from tbe raising ot the sheep to tbe sell tng ot tbe maoufaoiored arttele. tt is published weekly at New York and lbs regular pttoe is I'iOO a year. Its market reports are (nil and eorop aad Ha Hlieep ttieeders' Talks alone are worth 10 llruee tbe pries ol the paper. ramiile ecpies on srplieethre. ssrlily Motssd this eeaet tt HtitriPfffi Will bs paid for information leading to the arrest and ooovictioo of any per son stealing oattle branded "WO" con nected on the left side. Waddle on the nose. Percy Hoohis. 45-nov3 A TIM ELY WARNING. Grata Saved Is Mosey Hade. To savs the grain nse Fry's Concen trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbs obsspest and most eoonom- ioalfor tbe farmers. Ons grain kills. 0 a ar an teed. Prioe 2fto per oan or $5.50 per case ot two dozen. Fur sale by tilooum Drag Co., Heppner, Ur. tt Mr. Fred Krng is prepared to wash ololbss with bis woodsawing macbiie. He is thus enabled to do a great deal of washing in a short time. Those who desire to do their owo Iron lot will Hod Mr. Krng's just the place to get wash log done. 47tt For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, cures headaches, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as dear as a bell, bold by Uonser warren, s A man in a neighboring town swal lowed a 10 gold piece. Wben friend asked him if be should send for tbe doctor, be replied: "Never mind the doctor; send for my wife, she will answer tbs purpose. Hie friend asked for so eiplanation and be said: "If she doee not soecsed it wilt be tbe first time she ever failed to get moeey oat ot me." Condon Olobs: L. W. Darling per formed a eomewbal novel feat on last Friday by walking, blindfolded, from his ranch, seven miles northwest of town, to tbe eonrt boas door, in two boars and ten minutes. Tbe walk was mads oo wager ot 10, tbe time specified being three hours. Mr. Darling was an easy winner, bavtog 50 mlantee to spare wbea be reached bare, bat be wee beard to re mark that the job tit tbe bardeet dsy's work be Lad done la tea years. Rvervwewy Says sms. t 'as. -a rets Candr Cethartta, lbs most won derful nieJuaJ Uisoovervof the a-e, p ea ant aad refr-ahinf to the tae'e, act geoUy end poettlvely n slJoere. liver and bowels, rU-ensinf the entire evW-tn, disKl rolda, ur he.laute. fever, babttual nmetlt-ailf a end bi,)rnte4. t'l t"'F S0.1 try S aw eft; C O trMsvi lo, u.4 tfiAdtee Allftttfl H WI Fy tJ (VllsTMj Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon 1 ONU STATE SCHOOL IN (ASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal aod Instrumental Music tangbt by oompelent instructors. A gradu ate of tbe Boston Conservatory bas charge ot the instrumental department. 1Ui IvOl dies' Boarding Hall Is thoroughly eqaioped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Bend tor catalogue. Addsess M. u. ROYAL, President of Feculty or P. A. WORTHING- ion, oeoretary uoerw or Kegents, Weston, Ore. OREGON SHORT UNE Ry I rv (4l'lCKET AND HOAl E1RKCT UNI TO UTAn, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Point EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4 J days CHICAGO, 3J " ST. LOUIS, 3J - OMAHA. 3 ! SALT LAKE, 1 J " Free Reeliolcg Cbalr Cera Upbolstered Tourist Bleeping Cars r slim an Palace Bleeplog Cars For full particulars regarding rates, time ol trains, eto-, call on or eJJrws J. & HART, Ageet . R A N. Co.. Heppner, Or goe 0. 0. Tisav, W. K. Cvn, Tff, r.M. At 0i'l Al. Hi Tllfl 91 f'tHil. Off HHT.NER II Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All then can be procured at T bom peon A Bions, Lower Main Street, neppner, vregon. These renllemen are well acquainted with Ore-it, Harney. Crook Ollli.m and mvi nonf ft oil Him in tteklpg lt tocUottt wilh tnvvliDg nitiUe trie n kMplng vttli lh UmN. THOMPSON ife BTN2STS, srrrxm-rAstJCM'. nxrnrxii, T I L- U I.f a I r 'y- i5JI a That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Holm's Best " On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e IT Is HAMH OOOIIsl a Ww taad, Oily Bvul Bal!JiS(