Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 10, 1898, Image 3

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...... ........ :
Oil, How Thankful
fain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying tho Elood.
M A very severe pain came in my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a core broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and tbe pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I saffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope ot ever being cured.
My wife was reading 6t a case like mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my Buttering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief 1 I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best ot health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Hood's ' parilla
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
The Gazette can offer tbe following
clubbing rates:
The GAZETTE (2.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 1.50 $3.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.7 5
Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00... 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 . . . . 4.25
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 1.30
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates -witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Glioses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
4. mi I .1 1 1 . - . ,t
i ne dfikit ana mo onutj nity. i-onw.
ThA i .(tutor itihv be formd at the narsonaare ad.
joining the church, where he will be glud tc
meet any wro may arBire to conemi nun on
be glud to
religious, soual. eivio, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLE8HER. Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day. 7 d. m.
"Let us orsake not the assembling of our
selves togther."
Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to
church. . C. K. Howard,
Services each 8unday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. Shelly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
Will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice.
1, The sum ot five cents per line will be
chanred for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rmpect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
; or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notin.es of soeclal meetings for whatever purpose.
S. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line, i nese ruies wiu De siricuy aaner.
ed to in everv instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Ho! Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
Uvelv tune
For the candidate, I'm free to stato, will stay
with us till June.
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
Lin wood Rye,
He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats
for the voting men are ory.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Bperry
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with brass band bat its circulation
can be determined at tbe Heppoer post-
offioe. Advertisers will please note this
Here and There.
Statements for tbe Famous Simple
Aoooant File printed el tbe Osteite of
fice, tf.
Born To the wife of H. E. Bertbol
mew, near Pine City, this eouoty , May
8tb, 12 poood bo,
"Oo'n jnioe" ie all riuht bnt (xiw Til
lard bat a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is bard to beat. 603 -If.
Painless remedy for extreotiug teeth.
It Dot as slated, do charges. Try Dr.
Vaugbao's new plan. 604-If.
Best eooommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
sod Wash. 8te Portland, Oregon.
0. E. Redfield U in receipt ot a silk
handkerchief, a miniature American flag,
sent bim by Mrs. Iledfleld from New
York state. Tbey are all tbe "no'' back
The Oszotls oarnea a fnll stock of
nwnrolng Dote, correspondence style,
with an velopea to match. Those desiring
saoh stationery eeo have their wants
applied at this office. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, ot tbe "Red
light," ever on tbe alert for enmetbing
oew, can furnish yon the finest cock
tails in the laod Manbatteo, Jersey,
Vermouth or Oio msds by so artist in
tbs business. Drop Io and take the
taste out of yonr mouth. If
Frank MoFarland bas bteo appointed
special street ot The Editable Life As
saraooe Co., of Mew York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Ceeb surplus to policy
holders of over CO millinc dollars. IWt
take insurance withont seeing the Dew
plane ot the Equitable, Insures both
snee at same rates. T7lf
Beside keeping tbe largest assort
meot ot candies, fruits, cigars and
Dotioca to be found anywhere in tbe
eitr, Jee. Uert is dow able to supply
yon with the rVtland dailies and all
the maglnes and periodicals, both for
eign sod doroesiic. If you waot read
ing matter, give Jim a call at tbe Depp-
esr Candy rectory.
See M. Lichtentbal k Co. for shoes, a
Arthur Hodsoo was io town Saturday
Gilbert Coats was down from Hard
man yesterday.
M. S. Maxwell was down from Hard
man over Sunday.
Billy Barrett, of Sand . Hollow, spent
Sunday io Heppner.
Mr. Morton, ot Wagner, was io our
oity on business Tuesday.
Bob Krick ie in from the sheep range,
after several weeks' absence.
Miss Elsie Jones is over from tbe Nels
Jones estate on Butter oreek.
J. C. Meek will go over the trail Ibis
year for A. BJ. Cree, of Montana.
John Parkins, who lives near Lexing
ton, was seen in our midst yesterday.
A. Roderick and E G. Grant are in
town representing tbeir respective firms.
Rosooe Shaw pulled in Saturday from
Long Oreek and look out freight this
D. E. Oilman has bought tbe Will
Kirk property, tbe consideration being
Pat MoDaid and Ed. Doberty were in
from the Sand Hollow sheep ranoh yes
Mrs. Emma Eiloup was over yesterday
from her borne near Little Butter oreek,
on business.
Paul and Frank Flanmgan and Parsell
Bros, are assisting io shearing operations
in this vicinity.
Those wishing private board can find
accommodations at the reesidenee of
Mrs. W. J. LefZr. 44 tf
Tbe Gazette is informed that Rev,
Goodwin's son is Dot improving as rap
idly as was hoped for.
I. Jaoobs, John A. Clark, Loyd Oooh-
raa and J. J. Read, knights of the grit,
Sundayed in Heppner.
Miss Ina Mitchell was up from lone
to visit her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs
James Jones, the first ot this week.
Newt Smith took out a big eight-horse
load with trail wagon tbis morning
with destination John Day "town",
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market prioe,
marsb White, omdidate (or assessor
on tbe fusion ticket, and Alva Leach, ot
Lexington, were seen in town Saturday
James Jones is over from the Butter
oreek ranoh on business. He says tbat
be Is doing nicely this year with tbe
Mr, W. E. Pruyn oame up from Hills
boro on last Saturday, He was not ac
companied by Mrs. Pruyn owing te tbe
letter's illness.
E. O. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. Tbe fiaest saddles and har
ness to be found io Heppner. See their
new ad in this issue. tf.
Sam and I. N. Hughes left Saturday
niRht for Wagner on receipt of a tele
phone message announcing tbe serious
illness ot tbeir father.
Children's day will be observed next
Sunday evening at the M. E. Churob,
Soutb, with a very interesting program.
Come out and bear it.
Pendleton Republican: Qeorge D.
Fell, the popular assistant postmaster,
is seriously ill with poeumoDis. His
many friends hope for his early reoovery,
Atbena Press: N. Swaggart was in
to ad Tuesday morning for the first time
in several months. Tbe old gentleman
has entirely recovered from bis reoent
Look op the Denver & Rio Grande
advertisement and note the change la
reference to the Monday exoorsioos. It
is a splendid line to go over if you wish
to visit tbe east.
Tbe Gazette is odder obligations to
tbe visiting sheepmen, BDd others, who
contributed 85.75 yesterday towards
keeping np tbe Gazette's war bulletin.
Tbe "boys" are "all right
This afternoon Bob Willis and J. H
Ilansbrougb beoame involved In a
"muss" down oo Main street. The most
damage was . done after tbe flgbt when
Recorder Richardson got In his "work."
Shilob'i Coosumptioo Cure cures
bere others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and do home should be
ithout it. Pleasant to take and goes
rtgbt to tba spot. 8old by Oonser k
Warren. x
Last evening tbe ladies ot the Parson
age and Home nission Snoiety of the M.
E. oburcb, Soutb, gave tbe pastor, C. R.
Howard, a surprise sod donation. A
liberal donation in money and provisions
was reoeivsd.
2 75
19 00
15 00
Thursday, May 5. The county court
met pursuant to adjournment with same
offioers of preceding days.
Tbe following miscellaneous bills were
E. R. Hunlock, county physician $16 66
J. W. Morrow, county expense ao 1 75
Wm. Hayes, pauper aoo )iint 6 00
Win. Barton, " " .... 40 00
Gilliam k Bisbee, road and bridge
aooooot 4 65
, H. Haines, pauper account.... 40 00
Nichols k Leaoh, road and bridge
W. P. Snyder, ooronet's expense.
. L. Yeager, pauper account....
John Foster, pauper and corouer's
W. Shipley, county school su
perintendent 207 70
Austin & Western, road and
bridge acoount 86 00
Lee Cantwell, pauper aouount ... 1 00
W. Wells, oonnty expenses.... 9 75
Coast Agency Co., stationery 3 00
G. Bartholomew, ooouty ex
pense 150
T. R. Howard, pauper aooount. . . 31 65
The bill ot A. G. Petteys for assessor's
salary, $60, was considered, and after
due consideration said bill was contin
ued until next term.
Otis Patterson, ooimty expense . v 17 95
J. L. Howard, oounty commis
sioner 19 00
J. W. Beoket', earns 18 00
Boys and Girls Aid Sooiety, dona
tion 10 00
Slooum Drug Co., pauper acc lunt 10 10
E. R. Swinburne, sa ne 15 00
Oonser k Warron,same 14 80
Thompson k Binns, pauper coro
ner aocount 24 00
E. R. Hunlock, coroner acoount
abd physician 59 00
Petition of W. C Campbell, et al., ask
ing for an appropriation ot $100 to be ex
pended in road work in Gooseberry can
yon, and the oourt not being fully ad
vised, ordered that said petition be
continued tor investigation.
In the matter of road district No, 27,
application of E P. Greene, supervisor,
considered and bo appropriation of $75
made, to be expended io road work in
said district.
Application of Mrs. Q. C. Browc con
sidered and an allowance of $40 made
for her benefit.
State of Oregon vs. Frank Snow end
Pete Line, tbe cost bill allowed was hb
W. A. Riobardson, justioe tees. . , 7 70
State of Oregon vs. Marguerite Garn
sey. Total ooBt bill in oase allowed,
It was deemed advisable by the court
to establish a fund to be known as an
emergenoy fund to pay ircidental ex
penses. It was therefore ordered that
$25 be set aside as suob fund.
Bill of White McLaughlin for bridge,
to tie amount of $154 05, allowed.
In the matter of receiving scrip on
txxes, after due consideration tbe court
orders tbat tbe sheriff be and he is here
by instructed to reoelve do more county
scrip on taxes after May 20tb, 1898.
To Dawsoa City.
W. M. Rudio oame in Saturday and
departed immediately for Seattle, where
be will remain until tbe band ot oattle,
consisting ot 100 bead, wbiob will be
started from Pendleton today, will reaoh
tbat poiDt Oo the 15th be will ship to
Alaska and drive over the Daweon trail
to Dawson City, where be hopes to
realize a great deal ot money through
tbe venture. Sheep have been driven in
almost to Dawson, bnt it is Dot known
tbat cattle have ever been taken in that
way, but it is more than likely that Mr.
Radio will suooeed. At least this paper
so hopes.
Telephones Need Fixin'.
Tbe local telephone exohange, of
Heppner, is in bad working order and
most of the time is practioally useless.
'Phones are neoessary in this day and
age and tbe Gazette bas been one ot tbe
best friends the looal company has bad,
because tbey have something that the
people should make nse of. Thirty and
more 'phones are in use in our little oity,
and the people are snxious that the
service given be snob tbat more will be
added to tbe list. It oan be done, bnt
not by allowing the system to become
entirely useless.
Harriet Beeceeb Stowk is reportea
by a New York paper to have so far
lost her strength of mind as to sit for
hours cutting out paper dolls like s
little girl. She has good health, which
improves as her intellect diminishes.
Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson is
portly, gray-haired woman, who was a
grandmother when she became Mr.
Stevenson's wife. She is a remarkably
clever woman, a talented writer and a
chatty and cheerful conversationalist.
The public library building of Pull
man, 111., was designed and equipped
by Mrs. Lucy Hall Fake, a newspaper
woman of Chicago, who was at one
time secretary to George M. Pullman.
This library is said to be second to
none in the state in perfection of detail.
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is
soon to leave Washington for a year's
sojourn abroad. Much of her time
will be spent in London, where she is
almost as well known in society as in
New York. But in the autumn ah
will make a tour of Egypt and the
Holv Land.
Dogs Need Iron
According to Prof. Schrniederberg, of
Strasburg, dogs need iron in their food.
He relates the case of a strong dog that
was nearly starved by being fed for a
long time with pure milk. Just as he
seemed on the point of death a grain of
ferratin was added to his daily allow
ance of milk ; when, instead, of refusing
as heretofore, he devoured it ravenous
ly, and in the. space, of two weeks re
covered his normal health and strength.
-Albany Argus.
Consumption of Iron.
In the year 1888 the consumption of
iron, per inhabitant, was: For Great
Britain, 400 pounds; Belgium, 310;
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Year Old, Carefully Grown of the Best
Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed.
per 100. per 1000.
Apples, Crabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8ft $ 5.00 $ 30.00
Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobes, Apricots,
Nectarines, Quinces, AlmoDds, Somoni 5to8ft 8.00 60.00
Blackberries and Raspberries 1.00 5.00
Currants and Gooseberries 3.00 20.00
Strawberries 1.00 3.00
Grape Vines and Pie Plant 5.00 30.00
W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder
Poplar 5.00 30.00
Hard Maple, Mt. Asb, English Walnut,
Butternut 1000 30.00
Roses, two year blooming sge, out door .... 15 .00 100,00
Lilac, White end Purple, 2 year, xx 8.00 50.00
Our collection of Roses, Shrubs, Bulbs, Climers, Flowering trees, Evergreens,
Weeping trees, etc, comprises the best seleotion and shall be pleased to make yon
prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing
added at oost. Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before stock is
broken and you will get Just what yon want. Address,
Payette Nursery,
Payette. Idaho.
The light of tbe future. Why not be
independent and own your own little
gas plant which will give four times
more light thao ordinary gas or electrio
lights at one bait the oost? ApplioBble
for nse in cburobes, stores factories,
hotels, residences and country homes ; j United States, 200; Germany, 204;
safer than ordinary gas or kerosene
lamps. Approved by all the Boards of
Underwriters throughout tbe United
S'Btes. We waot a first class agent in
evry towu. Write for catalogue and
CHINE CO , Akron. Ohio.
Estray Notice.
One bay horse, white spot io forehead
One grey mare, both bind feet white;
each 4 years old. Branded on right stifle
with the following described character:
inverted "a" frozen with the letter "P"
on its stem. Will pay $2.50 eaoh for
their delivery to H. Padberg or informa
tion leading to tbeir reoovery. Address
A. H. Windsor, LexiDgton, Or.
G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise tne
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what is due.
Bucklen's Aralca Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Mores, TJioers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, nod all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E.J. Blocum, manager.
Li Or., May , 1898.
Gates, Mr. (Sheepbuyer)
Jones, 1 J
Kills, Mrs J A
Kice, Mini Maud
Bolln, W M
Buch, John R
O'Connor, L
Urunou, Mini Amelia
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. i. r. Williams, f. si,
Something; of the Industry and the Value
of the Same to Heppner.
Tbe sheep industry of Eastern Oregon
is one tbat few people, while they con
sider it sn important one, bave little
knowledge of, its vastceea or the im
mense sm 'not of money It annually die
Tbe people of Heppner are hereby nc
titled that the undersigned oannot fu
nish water for irrigating gardens this
season, and tbe use of same (or tbat pur
pose is strictly prohibited.
47 tf IIepi-nbr Liuht k Watbr Co
A Mure Thins; for Ton.
A transaction in which youruiinot loseisa
sui-euuug. Biliousness, aim iicuuuciiu, mr
red Loiiuue, ta er, piles aud a tliousund other
ills are caused by constipation and sluggish
liver. Cajcaiots Oiindy (Jiiihartk-, the won
.i,...ft naur livoi Ktimnlnnt and intesiiual
tributes into the bands of the people in touio are by all druggists guaranteed to cure
the various nonntiA In H.a .cum M. or money refunded. C. O. C. are a sure
lion of the state.
BiiUHileund booklet free.
10c. i"c. 60c
bue our big ad.
To give a faint idea to tbe uninitiated,
tbe Oseette gives a few of tbe large sales
tbst bave been consummated within the
past tew weeks, tbe sheep sold going to
the various portions of the oountry as
Frank Laoy, 80,000 head, to Nebraska;
Corson k Miller, 13,000 head, to Wyom
ing; A. M. Bnooe, 8.000 bead, to Wyom
ing; Roth well, 4.500, to Wyoming; J,
W. Blake k Co., 19,000 head, Wyoming;
B. M. Merrill & Co., North Dakota, 10,
(MX); Platte Valley Sbeep Co., Wyoming,
2B.000; Nat Webb, to Idaho, 6,000.
This makes a total ot something like
116,500 head, all bands ontQttiog Id
To show the amount of money required
to outfit one band, nil of which is di
tribuled among onr merobaots, we give
one item as furnished by Dr. J. M. Wil
son, manager of tbe Platte Valley Sbeep
Company, as to the cost t outfitting bis
hand for starting, via.: Saddlery and
Fine Cows for Cale.
I bave a fine lot of well bred
cowa for sale. B. F.
Stop that cough! Take warning.
rnav lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tie of Sbilob'i Cure may save your life
Sold by Corser Warren. x
For Infant and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the Tff jO-
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Sweden, 170; France, 112; Austria, 45;
Spain, 37; Italy, 22, and Russia, io
pounds. N. Y. Sun.
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a eenerous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the greiit merits ol me romeuy.
5G Warron St., Kew York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr. . of Grent Fnlls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream linlin to me. 1
can empbamze his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if usotl asmrecteu."
Rev. Francis W. Poolo. Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
Wanted A position rb foremen of
sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex
perience. Know all routes east and to
Montana. Best of references. Address,
Chas. H. Wheeler,
Pendleton. Or.
monky to i oan xAtid now the entire world
MONEYTOLOAN. . , . rf vrodUCt
T want a few good farm loans in 3$ he star Brewerii beer
I Amounts of from $1,000 to :.,000 at eight ai t,'"? -"'"" J" vwvi y
per cent, interest payaoie annually. Appii-1
cations considered only from farmers actually
r..i ili n c on tne farms. No aeeilts. Address M.
O. Urittin, 275, Stark St., Chamber of Commerce, I
Portland, Oregon. -.
Was Perfected by
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
Umtkd Btatks Land Officb,
The Dulles. Oreaon. Anril Hth. 189R.
approved plat of survey of township 12
fkmth, range '2 East ot the W illamette Merid
ian, Oregon, tins Deen received at this omce and
will be ottlcially filed In this offlce on Saturday,
the 2th day of May, laws, at iu o cioos a. m.
J AD . . Mi'univ,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Chas. W. Ingraham,
Assayer and Analyst
Main Street, Heppner. Or.,
At Conner k Warren's Drug Store.
Analysis of ores a specialty.
Gibson & Berger,
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Shaving. - - 15 Cts.
Hair Cutting, - 25
Batha 2oc. Everything Strict
ly First Class.
Mathews & Gentry,
brick; hotel,
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured tho services of
As manager. It will bo run in first class shape
in every department. Jtates reasonable
ml Pi
-i'JT5 si urn m
Shop two doors South of Postofllcc
Formerly ot Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
J. C. BOROPrERS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Hair Cutting,
Rhop, Matlutk Comer,
25 "
iieiuer, OrcKon.
Now that the davs wax warmer and
harness .M6; hardware. UJ; provi- wiU ,)(.rhaps be looking for
lone, (ItJO; blacksmilhlos;, $100; 1 ferjr .. .J ' i l't, oril ,,1 n
.ntfn.iiio! h,. D,,r,h...Vi something new and light and cool to
tod feed, t110 ; borsee purchased, fl.'iilO:
bosrd for benJe. 175: incideotols. I1B0. W'ear.
Total, i811
To cvrry 1,(101) betd ot Lwp It is etl
mated to require one tnarj and one horse
and lor every 6,000 Lttd out wtfroo aod
team, driver, etc, so it cuo be easily es
timatrd tba emouol of eipenditure re
quired to oompletely ootQt a band for
HeppDor it out of tba Inrgt at, if uol
the largest, ooiflitiog fjoitite io Eastern
Oiegoo, tod ber merchants realise the
value of tba thep iodostry.
Mid Hds.
Kll Ketv baa returoeJ from Kil
and fit) ds that (lilliam'e rods are mnnb
better thao oara. Iu I)uttrmtlk eeuv oo
the road la io terribloooditiou, outil tbe
Oillisrn oonitr line la rarhed, and thn
lhre la a oomplrle treuafiirniatino. It
taearlsinlj net very ord Uble for our
eoutity (hat our tboronghfarea should
fins oeglectfd. Mooh wool Ibslonli.
nartly eomea here a ill o In Arliugia
la enose.ineooa of Ilia condition of the
roads, sir. Keener aaya.
If you have not yet realized
"good old times" are with
blood h out of order
"tired feeling" and
that the
that tho
u, your
Get ril of that
awake to tho fact
t iMk arr. " vi
In ttm
The Ost'tte will elnb w ith the Oregon
Beoator, tbe Brest Pythian paper of Ore
goo, Washington and Idaho, published
at Portland, for $175 for the Uo. Tba
Beoator la all rltfht. No Koigbt of
Pytbiaa should be without it. tf.
Minor k Co. will have atlll another
carload of Fi"b Bros.' wagooa, bona itte
esrihires, baoka and buokboarde In a
few dsya. It you need vehicle of any
kind come and ee tbrm. They apeak
for tbemaelvea and ara backed by post
tiva guarantiee from Fib Iiroe. and
ourt'.ht. Minor A Oo. lit
H P. Klititt. alio rroeelly sold iba 0i
dun 'Jlob, baa eioolu 1l fr a ebanga
and real, to run tba howling allf at
nppnr lor awbila, nutil ba again feela
like entering tha fluid of jmrnatism.
Ha look ebarge Ibia week end is baring
tba alleys plaoel off an 1 tba plana Im
proved generally, and baa ordered new
bslla. blo. ale. Mr. Hhott will move
bia family tn Ibia plana from Condon j
about Jnoe 1st.
- ' i r.
U li n i-r.i,! l.iiv. Iiv. anil huv acain. it i
j.., iir,. t'lcv'rr Minimi. 'I ha N'l ( the 1 earnegee ead tacks renxivtd Ibis spring
!'';'. "-H" ' Tbey will be bare Iba Brat of tba .k.
botr a wr snd it will ba thr million I. For a good, strong-, durabla wsgoa Ihey
inrr Niw rars. It mnins turrit iirovwl, tii Sn Mil. Iok at II, cm vnnrtr
Tbsy ara barked by positive guarant.
Come down find look
mer wash goods.
over those sum-
Wool Growers'
We've Got Them
In abundance and beautiful designs.
Nice gauzy summer goods at Burpriwingly
low prices
Here are just a few:
j Is the place to store your wool thin Henson. Why? He-
causo we uo aHtrictlv warehouse iuhim'hh. and not heme in
the field buying wool ournelves, we oncourago competition
amongst the buyers and secure you tho highest price.
Ws are srlllna wool sai ks ami twins at enat, Myabls alien KiMil Is solt. Hrnl In your erdsr
st onie.
Hi Hr tha hlshrst ch pries for alim-p -1 la ami hllm.
Y sis hhiiU lor Llttla'a DID and liack Laal Tobacco Dlo. tha only reliable trriarr1
dl on tht mark!!.
v imf Irrluht to ninstors wlii-n rnini.'a innn v nr nwnrrs ol wmii,
Wr hsff a lull aupply ol Km i Hnrli-jr slut W html, also NUtiu Kollfl ti Ivy for li-ainsWrs.
IHrw I your iMimlrrs Io tlx iowsr wstelioaMi, W gmrsnlK yo'i a KUrt dual,
R. F. HYND. Manaocr.
aaulbrr I'srla4 mill.
Tbia maksa lie third rarloal of Fiab
wona, biifitra, bnokboarda.l
t! .il l'i-nrl sm lh imot drhglilful Uil
rtuu'ator l"t rryti'Hlv Hi tr round. All
iVrcales, new patterns, price, 10-12 J-l5c
Dimities in Floral Designs, 10-12-irc
Figured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12-15
French Organdies, new goods, 20-.'J0u
Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c
Linen Craslios, very serviceabh 2c
French Ginghams, 20-2'c
dLio.or, & Co.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawarc & Quccnsvvarc At
Gilliam i Bisbee's
And by Iba way tby hars any thins too cua It (or In tha Una ot
Hardware, atoirss aud Tluwaie.
dru;gnts Oi', 2jc,X a box, curt guarantwii. I 4 If
Mtaoa k Ot,