The Gazette. Friday, May 6, 1898. which will be gratifying to Mr. Clarke's marjy friends throughout the Pacific Northwest REPUBLICAN 8TATE TICKET. Congressman, First District, TH08. H. TONGUE. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, of MeCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, of St, Helens. Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant and Harney A. W. GOWAN. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner. For Sheriff, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner. For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Hoppner. For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppner. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoflice. Adver tisers will please note this. IMrs. Edna Wallace Hoppeb has spennd, in the courts at Seat tle, a divorce from her husband, DeWolf Hopper, the actor who made "El Capitan" famous. Both are now in the "El Capitan" com pany, though they have not been living together for months. De Wolf is said to be infatuated with Lillian Russell. BCOTT ON SIMON. The secretary of the anti-Simon republican committee, of Portland, is Hon. A. B. Croasman, just ap pointed postmaster at the metrop olis. Joe Jeffries defeated the sailor, Sharkey, the other night. Tom Sharkey's dream of heavy-weight championship honors have gone glimmering. WAR .MS The president yesterday made pnblio the destination of state troops. The Washington and Idaho troops go io tbe Pbillipinea. Seattle and Taooma oom puttie start tor San Franoieco Wednes day. Tbe government will charter 20 ships to take troops to Manila. WASHINGTON, May 10. It ia offi cially annonooed that nine Spanish oraisers and three torpedo boats have re turned to Cadiz. The entire army stationed at Ghica- manga bas been ordered to tbe front. Qen. Miles will take the field in person. HAVANA, May 10. Blanoo oabled (or supplies and provisions. WASHINGTON, May 10,-The torpedo boat, Winslow, engaged three Spanish gunboats off Gardens on Sunday. It disabled one and drove all back. Tbe war board has not yet looated tbe Span ish fleet. BASK BETIUYAL OF TKUHT. Since Judas, branded with dishonor, in frenzy threw the silver on tbe floor ot the temple and (worthib ) prooeeded to bang himself, there has been no reoord of a meaner thing than Simon's aot of lH8f, when and while chairman of he republican state ocntral committee, he prooured to be printed and secretly die Iributed throughout the state bogus and oonnterfeit republican tickets with tbe name nf the democrat o nominee for A. B. Croasman is the success ful applicant for postmaster in Portland. Mr. Croasman is a well known business man and a stal wart republican. lie is a friend of the present delegation and ha always been a supporter of John 11. Mitchell, and in tne present supreme judge substituted for that of fight in Multnomah county is an regular nominee of the republioan untLSimnn man. It was threat. P"rtV- u b reaohery, accidentally m , , T (but too late) discovered, Judge Waldo, 1 1 1 - 1 11 - t A - . 10 (10 wonuers, Biier me abiotir huouab. a imrer aud more honest Judge Victory, but like "the rock of ages never sat un the bench. This discovery the delegation stand true to their was so clearly proveu that Simon dare mnvirHmin and refuse to obev the oot UBU Ul8 c,,8 8 Purelv .rf I I . I T . I . l No man baa been more severely con demned than tbe Oregonian has de nounced Joe Simon ; and the great editor has never retracted or modified word be baa written, aaya tbe Washington County Hatchet We reproduce some of bia terse descriptions, ao full ot pith and trnth, not to rob Mr. Scott of tbe credit of bia language but to assnre our readers tbat the Joe Simon of today is the same Joe Simon whom tbe Oregonian knowa so well and has so aptly described. Lis ten to tbe words of tbe great editor: SIMON AND HI8 GANG. There was most scoundrelly work done at polling place No. 3. North Portland. Tbe returns give evidenoe tbat nearly one-half of tbe vote oast at that place was bought. It was here tbat Joe Simon and others were driven ont of a rear room near tbe polls where work was go ing on , and it was here that the men were arrested whom Jos Simon so promptly bailed. Oregonian, June 9, 1886. SIMON AT WORK. At the polls on corner of Fourth and A streets, there was a lively scene yeeter day. Several men were arrested in tbat locality tor buying votes, and great ex oitement ens::... Ten bribers were promptly baileu by Hon. Joseph Simon A little later E. J. Jeffries and others, having notioed from tbe opposite side of tbe street what was going on in an old building adjoining the place where the polls were kept, crossed over and dia lodged the ooonpants. Hon. Joseph Si mon was present in the building and seemed to have charge of the proceed ings. Oregonian, June 8, 1886. SIMON AND HIS FIBATE8. The looal ring in Multnomah traded off Waldo, Cornelius, MoBride and what ever elee it had least interest in for votes for Slrahan, Steel , Dement and other favorites. It was a desperate effort on the part ot the ring to save its own in terests by sacrifice of tbe general inter esta of tbe republioan party. Most of tbe cargo of the vessel seems to have been jettisoned in the hope of saving the ring's own espeoial plunder. Oregonian, June 8, 1886. "THE most tjnkindest cut." Simony, in English law, is sale ot a benefit. Simony, in, Oregon politics, ia sale of a party. Oregonian, June 8, 1886. SIMON IN BUSINESS. . Several vote-buying enterprises were broken np yesterday, but many votes were bought, nevertheless. The polioe foroe, lnrgoly nnder tbe direotion of Commies oner Simon, who is also chair man of the Hog committee, was not in condition to render material aid against the oorruptionists. Oregonian, June 8, 1886. SIMON CONDEMNED. The leeson ot Ibis election is that Ore gon cannot be counted a sure republican state nnlees the republioan party does right. Oregonian, June 8, 1886. Uood' Restore full, regular action Mav a of the bowels, do not lrri- ICS I a tate or Inflame, but leave III S II the delicate digestive or- "" ganism in perfect condition. Try them. It cents. Prepared only by U. L Hood A Co., Lowell, Mail. Wm. Robinett, same, $11 CO al lowed Frank Roberta, same, $180 al lowed Wm. Stewart, same, $4 80 allowed Wm. Robinett, same, $4 80 al lowed John Hornor, same, $4 80 allowed Eli Eeeoey, same, $4.80 allowed Perry Snyder, same, $4 80 allowed W. A. Richardson, same, $9.75 allowed CONTINUED FOR TERM. , C. Pettys, assessor aoct 10 00 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 . 3 80 9 25 60 00 D. W. Fagalde, damages on road 150 00 Ed Hollaway, same 50 00 State of Oregon, ) Connty of Morrow, ( I, J. W. Morrow, clerk of the oonnty oonrt ot Morrow county, Oregon, do hereby certify tbat tbe above list is a true and oorreot statement of all claims, allowed, allowed in part, rejected or con tinned, by tbe county court of said court ty at tbe May term thereof, exolusive ot salaries, fees, etc, allowed by law. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of May, 1898. J. W. Mobbow, Connty Clerk By G. W. Wells, Deputy. -88 SOME BOUQUETS. mm gl S II ONLY ! m o o o o o o Grand Reduction Sale of. Lambeau Kangaroo Calf Stock Top-PERFECT0E. Mens' Fine Shoes In Chooolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Stock Tips, our regular $6.00 and $5.00 lice. This week, Only $4.00 Ladies' Dress Shoes $4.00 Shoes. Everything in onr extensive shoe ft line at noionioueiy !w prioei. Make the Most ot this Opportunity. Han of the Waitsburs; Heppner A Nice Little beheste of tbe boBS, Such timber as they are made of ia worth Bome- thiDC, and the people will call them again And again. Joe Simon a candidate for senator, down in Multnomah coun ty, and rather than to be beaten be againet Waldo's official acts; but aoted from baneful spleen, because Waldo ould not sloop to mcke a political boss' demands paramount to the honest opinion of an unbiased judge. The Ore gonian, (before it became Simonized.) The Costa Rlcan Counterfeiter. For months the Costa Rio an counter feiters have been issuing bogus notes of the government of tbe island until the amount, it is said, has reached $1,000,000. Inspectors of the secret servioe bureau were chiefly instrumental in bringing the malefactors to justioe Tbe efflcienoy ot the secret servioe is undoubted, but it ie by no means a seoret, but a patent faot, that the servioe tbat Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters doe tbe weak, nervous and dyspeptic is of genuine value. There have been from time to time coun terfeits of it, but tbe miniature note of baud on the label, and tbe vignette of St. George and the Dragon, are not successfully imitablo. This tonio abso dtely prevents and remedies malaria, rheumatism, liver oomplaint and dys pepsia. Having already dieposed ot two car loads of tbe oelebrated Fish Bios.1 will use the whole machinery of wagons, backs, buggies, bnokboardi and the Btate central committee, of ""riages, we route. tien which be has supreme control, to secure bis election. That means tbat the ticket will he allowed to take care of itself. That ib a part of Joe Simon's tactics, and that is the reason why this paper is oppos ing Mr. Glass in favor of a man like Harry Wells, who does not know faction. nave a third carload en yon sea them vou can recogmze their superiority over any other make ot wagon without exoeption. Minor A Co. 4tf Educat Yonr Hawaii With t'ascareta. luo. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. It C O.U. full, UruggiaiM refund money. Dr. Eshelman, ot The Dalles, will visit Heppner on tbe loth, lfith and 17th of May, Chrouio aud obscure cases of men, women and oUIIJren a specialty Nervouines, headache, neuralgia, rheu matism, oonatipation, pile, fissure, Ottilia, and aurglcnl disease ot women and children treated amtcesafully. No oharge for consultation. 5-lt Tbe Joe Simon republicans are responsible for all the useless corn missions now burdening the Uregon taxpayers, and for the repeal of tbe mortgage tax law. hat voter can reasonably expect relief from that party? Koseburg Keview, Morrow county has no admirers of Si monism on her ticket, hence this cannot apply here. Our can- didate for joitit senator is also al lied Against Mr. Biniou and his rut- - ti i. i . l tl Cllin. illlHU IB uuiy uuu imu VI ,1... . ... ... iimi Arc iiuv very ruuutt iiccu repui.lican8-rr;i...wis. w.rmine. bulldin and f.t-lormin lood iorrutrune to be used lor two or three monthi in the fall that standard they may not tuffer from cold. Well Children rEiiturs the cold "plaster" on fleer's farm is one of those "prosperity mortgages" that tha Oregonian and Mr. (leer him self point to as a proud Achieve ment of tho piesent republican Administration. Tho above from the llosulmr phltei of Lime and Soda lupplics Keview is one of the meanest "ctIr what thT want, lhey flings that tha Gazette has noticed aoywhoro this campaign. It will make no votes against Mr. Geer. SCOTT'S EMULSION of GxJ-Llver Od with Hypophos Tbe (lszette is ovci joyed to Cud this in the Oregonian: Tha appointment of S. A. Clarke, I, pioneer resident and journalist of this state, to the) position of librarian of ths interior depart. tnent, is ft suitable recognition of Lis ability io the line indicated, will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of 1U For adults who course of treatment with the EmuUlon for a couple ot monthi in the fall will put them through the winter In first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. ft' x H arOTTt Fmuktoft. Am I Kit it MM tat M VI mi Mm fifr. AS dimiiiH . v. 4 li oe. KOTT ft Ao hi, ( !,, N Vwk. OFFICIAL L18T Or EXPENDITURES. Ollioial list of connty expenditures May term connty oonrt, 1898. . LTjOWCD IN Ft'LI. Heppner Times, county expense acc f 14 75 6 70 . W. Wells, same . L. & W. Co., oonrt house and jail Root 21 00 W. Matlook, oare of prisoner., t'2 45 M. Hager, pauper aoct . 3 85 Den Mathews, same 9 00 E. It. Unnlock, county physician 1(1 60 W. Morrow, county expense aoct 1 75 Wm. Hayes, panper soot 6 00 WmBarton, same 40 00 Gilliam k liisbee, road and bridge aoot 4 68 O. II. Hams, pauper aoot.. 40 00 Nichols A Leach, road and bridge aoot .. W. V. Hnyder, coroner's at-ot J. L. Yeager, same John Foster, lame Austin A Western Co., road and bridge aoot Lee Cantwell, pnoper aoct U. W. Wells, connty expense acot Coast Agency Co., stationary acot A. U. Bartholomew, oonuty ex pense aoot T. It. Howard, pauper sect T. U. Uoafd,iuu , Otts l'attetson, oouoty expeuse soot.. Boys and llirla Aid Hooit-ty, donation Hlocoiu lrug Co., panpir aoot ti, 11 Hwiuhiirue, same CoDser k Warrvu, same ThmnpMiu A Bians.ooroDer'a aoot E. 1U UniiliKk.sani . K. f. Urene, appropriation road district No. S7 A. (1. Bartholomew, eh ad vanced pauper aoct J. V. Morrow, emergency fuoJ ... White A McLanghliu, road and bridge aool - LU)ii in rAr W. A. BicbardiD, just, feee 5 3o allowed . Frank Bolerta,(Hrouer aoot l (X) allowed Oeo. Barker, Mine, lit Ul allow! Nls MagDUMo, tn, 111.00 al io t J ......, Oliver Hnydtr, !, $1100 al lowi i 1 19 00 15 00 6 00 80 00 1 00 9 75 3 00 1 6 U8 W5 50 70 17 115 10 00 10 15 00 14 80 21 IK) 63 00 75 00 40 00 '23 00 - 154 or. 4 W 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 What the "Ptaat" Times Found in Town. Mr. O. W. Wheeler, the "pbat" editor ot tbe Waitsbnrg (Wash.) Times, 'was here recently in the ioterest of the Woodmen. What he says ia highly complimentary to two members of tbe Gazette family, and were it not tbat it conoeros another in addition to the Gazette's editor, this paper could not publish it without feeling that in a measure it was indulging i i self-praise. Mr. Wheeler says: Heppner, tbe county seat of Morrow oonnty, is a splendid oity of perhaps 1500 people, has a beautiful location, and is surrounded by as fine a body of agricultural oountr. as is to be found on the coast. It is situated at the terminus of tbe Heppner branch of tbe O. R. & N. road, and besides its grain, baa an im mense business in stock and wool. Here I met two old and valued friends, Otis Patterson and Yawter Crawford. Years ago Mr. Patterson was a school teacher in Walla Walli oonnty. and during a vacation learned to set type in the Times office. He afterwards went to Heppner and established tbe Heppner Gazette, wbloh be still publishes, and hioh be has made one of the leading papers ot Kastern Uregon. He also makes bis talents tell in tbe political matters of tbe state. In addition to these be taks great interest in frateinal work, and baa climbed from tbe bottom to the top of the grand order of Knisbta t Pythias of the state of Oregon. He s now Uraod (Jbanoellor, and is very efficient in his distinguished, responsi ble and important position. I rejoioe in his prosperity and popularity, for be is one of the oest of men, Otis Patterson is. Vawter Crawford is a Waiteburgboy. In tbe Waitsbnrg sohools he was educated; in Waiteburg, in the office ot the Waits burg Times, be learned bis trade ot printer, and for years was foreman ot the Times office. Nine years ago be went to Heppner to sooept tbe position of foreman in tbe Gazette office, whioh position he still fills. In Heppner he found hli lost rib in the person ot a beautiful and charming woman, and now five little Orawf jrds bless his borne. As s boy he was a model, and ai a man be ii above reproaoh. He is now a can didate for tbe office of oonnty clerk, and, I am pleased to learn, with more than an even ohanoe for election, tie should be elected, for be possesses every necee tary qualification. He ii a fine penman, an expert aooouotant, very obliging, as Industrious as the days are long in June, as honest as tbe driven mow is white How I would love to have the pleasure of voting for him. Earl's Clover Boot Tea, for Constipa tion it's the best and if after using it you don't eay so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser A Warren. x NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be no county scrip received for taxes after the 20th day of May, 1898. By oruer ot ine county court. 47-8 MATLOCK, Sheriff. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE If! HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PUB 11c that on the 28th day of April, 1898, the partnership between the undersigned wasdis solved by mutual consent. After that date all obligations made by either of the parties must be settled by the one incurring the same. Witness our hands and seals this 28th day of April, 1898. H. E. BARTHOLOMEW. 45-H J. T. CAMPBELL. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON. JU May 3, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made ueiore i. w. aiorrow, uounty ;ierK,ac tieppner, uregon, on rriaay, june id, iy, viz: MINNIE M. ANDREWS, of Heppner: Homestead application No. 4074, for the NEK Sec 21, Tp 1 N , R 2(1 E VV M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation nf said land, viz: A. G. Bartholomew, William B. Finley, Allen B. Hodsdon and Robert F. Hyiid. all of Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 46-57. Register, Notice of intention. Land Omen at La Gbandk, Orkoon. April fl, 189S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bufore the County Clerk ot Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on i'ay 20, 1898, viz: JUHN r. BKOWN, Hd No Ml 1, for the E 8W!4 and W BEH Sec VI (t 'al The Leader Of Course! 1 The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at 1. R. HOWARD'S names the following witnesses to Drove Mk continuous residence upon and cultivation nf SHld land, vi.: Willlnm Harton, John F. Barton, vuillam c. Brott and FrancU M. Gentry. all ot Heppner, Oregon, . W. BAKl LE I T, 38-49 Register. Millions Given Away. It ia certainly gratifying to Ibe pub lic to know of one concern in Ilia land bo are not afraid to be senernni to tbe needy and in fieri og. Tbe proprietor! of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con anmption, Couifbi and Cold, have Rir en away over ten milllion trial bottles ul t bia great medicine and have tbs eat iafaolion of knowing it baa absolutely cured tbonaanda ot bnpeleaa eaaee. Asl ma, Bronobitia, hoaraenee and all diecaaea of tbs Throat, Cheat and Lung ara surely onred by it. Call on E. J Slocuiii, Druggist, and get a trial bottls free, regular ana fHj and Every bottle guaranteed or money refunded. Tp 2 8 K 27 E W M. lie I Heppner, Oregon- i l m li l vi VI vi vi vi viv vi vi vi vi vi vi Timber Culture, Final Proof. United Statis Land Offici, N Ia Grande. Oreeon. April 25. 1R98. OT1CE IS HEKKBY H1VEN THAT JOHN N. tlrtcr has Hied notice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk of Morrow countv. Oregon, at his otllce in Heppner, Oregon, on Frlda,the lnth day of June, In'.ih, on timber culture application No. 2:W, for r.'j nw, ixK tie of section No. 22, township No. 2 1. range No. S7 K. W. M. He names ai vuneMfs: rrana iciaer, Joseph Rector, Fewt. j Whetstone. I.ucinda Elder, all of Heppnr-, Oregon. E. W. BARTLETT, p--- negisier. SHERIFFS SALE. "MY VIRTl'E OP AN EXECUTION AND J order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, Htate of Oregon. datv1 the tld dar of Anrll HVH. In a certain action In the Circuit Court for said County and HtHte, wherein VV. P. Lord II. K. Mncalil and run Metsrhan, as Board of Commissioners for the sale of school and uni versity lauds and for the Investment of funds arlsli'K therelrom, nalnlllls, recovered Jud ment against Adeline Howell. Henry Hnwel Mtiry Howell. John Howell. Nellie Howell. William Howell, Htauford Howell, Joseph Howell. Tilda Howell, Ida Howell. Frank Howell, Thomas Howell, Lilly Howell, Kettle Farler. KU Purler. Adeline Howell as admin s tratrixand Henry Howell aa administrator of the estate of KUnlord Howell, deceased, defend ants, for the sum of Five Hundred Eighteen Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of Ught per cent tier annum from the loth day of March, laws and the Inrther sum of Thirty-five uoiiitrs attorney s lie, ami ri aim Utslmrse- menu, nn the loth dsy nf March, la'At. Nolle It hereby Riven that I will on Saturday, th 28th day of May. 1898. at J o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door oi me court sous in llenimer. Morrow county, Oregon, sell at publte melton to the highest bidder for rash In hand, thefullowlng described bronerty. to-wlt: The nuthnut ausrter nf section twenty eight (it) In biwnshlp four (4) ouin range twenty-nv (.'.) r.. w. M. in Mor row rountr, Oregon. Taken and levied utwa the proiHTty ol th said Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, rt al or so much thereof as may b iieeesssnr to intlsfy the said Judgment In favor ol W. V. L.rd, H. A, Klncald and I'hil Met han and against sold Adeline How.ll, Henry noweueiai. mgeiner wun all cost and ills buraeiuciils that hate or mar acrrit. K. U MATI.OCK, HherlrT. UaUMt at Heppner April Si, u :u rVUTll'AI. MAT1 HK-. lion. J. II. Montgomery, free silver republioan, of Tortlaod, will addresa tbs eopl of lleppoe'un tbs political iasnes of tbs day, io tbs opera lions, at llei p. ner, on Wsdnesday, May II, at 2 p. in Evarybody invited. Il i thought tbat lion. O. V. Cnllon aud M. A. M Htdy, lb latter a oaedidats for congress on tbs republican ticket, ill ftddrst th psopls ot Heppner on tliS iMtt) l0t. lion i. U. "Ciolons" Davia, of Teias, aid Hon. J. L 8iury, saodidats for at tornsy.gcral oa lb anion ticket, will sddrsss tb ciliieot ol Heppner oa tbs issue ot tbs campalga, at tha spsra boo on Thursday, May IX at 1JU p. m. All ars lavited to com out. "CtoIodh is said lo bs tbs bt i(akr oo th tstioo stomp. SllF.RIFfS SALE. VOTK Irl HEKKBY GIVEN THAT UN 1 der and by virtue nf an everution and order ol sale, duly sod regularly lsaur,! out of the Circuit Court ol the itate of Oregun, fur norniw roiiuir. and to uie illre,-tel. nn the liilh day of March. I. uim a Judgment and da. rntiituly rendernl and entered III said court. on in unn nay ii Nsrch, iw, In a suit th and Ihcret.iliira iTiullug tliervln, wherein, Tha American Miirtgaga Comnr I ltnllf.1, ol .Hand, a I rporaimn, waa plaiiiilM, and Jamra Thomas Itowuiug, and Milton (Mis li.nin. as heirs at law ul Htepheu S. Itown lug, and Maria Downing. itKcrasnl, wendelen dantsand eomman.llng me tu II in herein alter dcacflhed real pnirty, 1 did on the lnth nay oi Marcn, imm, uuiy levy upon an. I will, oa Tvssdsy, th 10th day sf May, 1898 at tha hour of I o'clm k In the afternoon nf aald day. at th fmnl d.x.r of the county court huiia In Hrppnar Mormw eiiiit Oregon sell to th hlghral bidder ir cah In baud, all lb lull.. a Ins deacrliie.1 real ratal to wit: lb aoulh-weat quarter nf aerilnn twenty eight. In loati.nlp tan. n.uth ol rang tw iilv fniir, east V . M all situate, and bring In Murrnw County rFpin, nipiiiirr won in leneinetil nemllt ameutsand anpurtenanrrs. Ihercuiilo belong I trior ta auv wiaa appariainlng. or to nuh I ttrM as will aartsij- said lu Itaaants In lb fnlmalt sums. si. Ad a, with tntareat Iherron Iron th, imh aay n( M.n d at tha rai nt .rrnl i-r snnum tor tha further sum nl ! eighty dollar aitornev l.v, and for th fur tht sum nf i i si cta and dlbitrmnl, no an-ruinf etaia K. UMAUNK, J as- eiwiiS of Morrow touuiy Otrgno. CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. B 00TS AND SHOES s THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF They have anything in thli line that yon may desire and you can depend on It Ton aet a good article when they guarantee It. 1 " SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Strsst RsdsIWiib . s i-i- The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are tho of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get vnur money worth ot honest goods In wyonr Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery -OR MACHINERY, CALL ON O TIIOAIPSOSI (Jo,, Ws are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and sea us. NEW DRUGS T W are recelvln a Sew Invoice of Goods almost erery day. Onr Ranldi Increasing trade demands It, conseouently nu, ru..--I "apldl thslr Drugs Purs and Frsah. ' ur Cutrn-' r-oslv, Oitr Stntlonery 13 e IMi r t in o ii t Ih Complete Wltsii I ii IIciinBr Hive a on 11 Slocum Drug Co. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. OTICI W IIEHFnY OITK THT l)R Ui purto ol making an lamination ,l an rwranes w bo dit crr thmaive as randl date lot twd.rt of th srhomgnf thtsenuniy and lor (( and III rtipimi... ih emmlv at hotil iirlntetHleiit llierml will hold a pub. lie enroll. all. in at tha cmrt house at Meppnar, opanlti wnliH-aday, May lith at I .) n nt. JV . aHlfLRV. IT KhoulSuft.. Morrow Co. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. lit VIRTCE 1 f Ti l or iMmnri or ularlv isaua.1 ..nt it tk- -.J...,. Ui.rr..a. ... ... ... .L. .. . w" c"Ir, I or ..,, v,,,..,,,,, ui i.iiioa n. SaartiK. ih. ah.,., i,rrt vi prop help antll th t... . ' . ' "wi in ninA. JLT. .V I ""7'2 V pmp-rty will h r. '"7 '"' """ an I belli wn nay or nay, iwaj n a prtlJMh, WH. I 'a 11 "' I. ami "' ol I. J M. Ianlvat'tMr