I ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE ... L Semi-Weekly Gazette IS YOUR MEDIUM OFFICIAL PAPER YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE Seml-Weeklu Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1898. NO. 647 or s. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLlSEID Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PTJBLISBIN6 COMPANK. CTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At iS.0J per rear, 41.00 for six months, 50 ots. tor three moocos, strictly in ad van o . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Wisconsin Central Links GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Entered at the Postofltce at Heppner, Oregon, as secoDd-clasa matter. THIB PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchangs, Ban Prancisoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franoieoo, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. daily except ion 1215 a. ni. Leaves Heuuuer Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at neppner o:uu a. m Train leaves HeDDner 9:30 D . Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1215 a. ni. rives at Heppner 8:00 a. m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at neppner junction isup,m, and Uma ilia 8:60 p. m. Portland ExDreas No. S. from BDokane. arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 ,m. and arrives at Portland 1.1:50 a. m. "W. Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 D. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:81) a. m. Fast Mail Mo. 1 leaves Umatilla li-.iu p. m. ana arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. R & N., Heppner, Ore. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail thrmselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt. United Btates Officials. Piesident William McKiuley Vice President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. R. Day Seoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Hanrotarv of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Hanratarv nf War Russell A. Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General Charles fernery Hmith Attjn-nAv-44nnernl John W. Griggs Seoretaryof Agriculture James Wilson Governor. . State of OreeODc W. P. Lord Seoretaryof State H. K. Kinoaid TVaaanror Phil. MetSOhan Hurt. Publio Instruction. . M. Irwin Attirnav Hnneral C. M Idleman ' i G. W. MoBride senators l Thos. H. Tongue Congressmen I W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds R. S. Bean, Mil nPAlYlA .Indue J F. A. Moore. ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. (1 i-onit Judge Stephen . Lowell Pioieoutins Attorney H. J. iiean Borrow County Officials, Joint Senator A. W. Gowan Representative Donnty Judge.. " Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Sheriff. ' Treasurer - ' ' Assessor " Surveyor School Sup't... H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Ot the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. & St. P., C. A., r. rt. W. U., and the C. 6t, L. & P. Railroads. RATES 0Q.OO FRR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHICAGO. IXjXu Coroner... J. N. Brown G. Bartholomew ... J. It. Howard ...J. W. Morrow ,. E. L. Matlock .. Frank Gilliam ....A. i). Petys J. J. McUee .Jay W Shipley ...B. F. Vauglian THE NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE B.XiXiE3, ORBOOIT, Grower and Dealer In Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Tress - Grape vines and Small Fruita. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WEEKLY she MONTHLY AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA,'' AND ' PITCHER'S CASTORIA,' AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear rj fr y7 on every the fae- simile signature of QStyfdti wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought rf r T- on ne and has the signature of ; wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chds. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Ton Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THI OINTAUN COMMNV, TT UHIUT TKirr, HtWVORKCm. WAR NEWS! WASHINGTON, May 7. (Speoial to the Gazette.) Dewey's report ia in and says that the entire Spanish fleet was destroyed. The Spanish loss was 300 killed and 400 wounded. The Amerioan ships wera uninjured. The American loss is 6 wounded and hods killed. A. W. PATTERSON. WASHINGTON, May 7. Tbe navy department has cabled from Hong Eo Dg announcing tbe arrival there ot the steamer MoOalloagb, a dispatoh boat. They are expecting official advices in three or four hours. NEW YORK, Mb; 7. Tbe World, in an extra just issued, publishes a dispatch from Hong Kong to tbe effeot that new areoeived there from Manila, on the dispatch boat, McCullough, states that the entire Spanish fleet of eleven vessels was de stroyed, 300 Spaniards were killed and 400 wonnded. No lives were lost on tbe United States boats, and bnt six were injured. Not one of tbe United States ships were injured. TAOOMA, Wash., May 7. About 20 per cent ot tbe volunteers have been re jected. Some company commanders threaten to oome borne if examiuers are not more lenient. LONDON, May 7. A speoial dispatoh from Fans says: Tbe seizure ot the La Fayette intensified bitter feeling against the United States. Angry expressions re beard. Tbe United States embassy is under speoial polioe proteolioa, in view of possible hostile demonstrations. KEY WEST, May 7. The government instructed Com. Watson to instantly release the Frenoh steamer La Fayette. WASHINGTON, May 2.- A dispatoh ot three or tour lines from Hong Kong j ost reoelved from Dewey says that be baa completely reduced all batteries, oat the cables himself and has everything absolutely at his mercy. WASHINGTON, May 7. Secretary Long at 11 :30 read tbe following to a news paper man as Dewey's report: MANILA, May 1. The squadron arrived at Manila at daybreak this morning and immediately engaged the enemy and destroyed the following warships : Reina Maria Christina, Oastilla, Ulloa, Isle de Cuba, Lezo, Yelesco, Mindanao. Oano and Deura, one transport steamer and tbe battery at Cants. The squadron is unia jured and only a tew men are slightly wounded. The only means ot telegraphing is to tbe Amerioan ooubuI at Hong Kong. I will oommunicate with him. DEWEY. WASHINGTON, May 7- A second dispatch from Dewey annonooes that the fortifications at Manila have been taken and the ships landed. He baa 250 wound ed prisoners. . Manila oan be taken at any time. Seoretry Long telegraphed Dewey as follows: "Tbe president in the name ot tbe Amerioan people thanks you and your offioers and men tor your overwhelming 1 victory. In recognition he has appointed you admiral. ' It has been deoided to send troops and supplies to Dewey at onoe. POWDER Absolutely Pure .A. ABRAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring REPUBLICAN MEETING. The Saturday Night Meeting a Complete Suc cess A Splendid Crowd In Attendance. The meeting of tbe Morrow County Republioaa club, last Saturday evening, was a lively affair. ' Just after sundown, Bill Estes' blacksmith artillery was brought into use by R. F. Hynd and others, while the tadiea' baud reeled off a few gooi tunes that set every person, regardless of party, in splendid humor. Mr. William Rasmus was the first speaker, and be waa well reoeived. As bis time waa short he did not really enter ioto any lengthy discussion of political events, but oonflned himself to repub lican matters in general, olinobing bis talk with good stories. His remarks concerning our local candidates and con ditions were a notable feature ot bis ad dress. Mr. E. L. Freeland, repubhoan oandi didate for representative, waa oalled npon for a tew remarks, and though he did not long engage the people, be talked plainly and to tbe point on questions of local interest, advooating a reduotion ot tbe salaries ot sheriff and olerk and pledging himself to advooate a settle ment ot the sheep difficulties between Morrow and adjoining oounties. His plan is that advooated by tbe sheepmen of this county, that sheep be taxed in proportion to tbe time they are ranged in the county. Mr. Freeland made a splendid impression. Hon. A. W. Gowan, candidate tor joint Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. - - . ' -OAL.L AND SEE ME. i ON MAY STHKET: Miyor., nvnnwvv WWI nVWT(l.KH. nos. nonmn i SI. . A. RiehardKon ...L. W. BriKgs Jil.jw... - uln.-. Councilman w Liohtenthal, J. K. Bimons, J. J. Huberts, J . W. Kasrans and K. G. Bperry. Hsoorder,,.. " Treasurer ; " ., Marshal JUB Uimer frecinctOmoei. i.:-. .k. rJ W. E. Kiohardson Contahle.r. 7. . . ...... .. . . . N. 8. Whetstone United States Land Officers. mm nu.l.M Dl. J. P. Moore J?1'!! A. B. Biggs a sin a una DR. V.. W. Bartlett Register J. H. Robbins Outlook Published Every Saturday! 13 Astor Place New.York ..Keoeiv.r SECBXT SOCIETIES. KAWLINB POST, NO. II. G. A. B. Mai, l. Hononer. Or., the third Batardar of s-h month. All veterans are Invited tc loin. rf . nm, W. W. Smith. Adjutant. tf G Commander. D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to n ..iH.nni W A Kirk'a nrno- erty, east ot M. E. cbnrcb, Sootb, and 10 in VI a. m . to i lo O D. m. . ai omoe iu tbe rear of Borg's jewelry store. Brown Attorneys at Law, Offloe la tbe First National Building. Hipfhbr, : : OaaaoK. The Outlook will be So 1897. as it has i been during eaob of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In ite various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review of the world's progress; it follows with care all tbe important philanthropic and in-1 dustrial movements of the day; has a complete department ot religious news;! devotes muob space to tbe interests of tbe borne; reviews current . literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, lo short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fiiftb volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga zine size, wbion will aaa greeny to us convenience and attractiveness. Tbe I Outlook is published every Saturday- fifty two issues a year. Tbe first issue 'When you hear dem bells! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! WASHINGTON, May 8. Dewey's advices in brief are: Entire Spanish fleet destroyed and batteries silenced. Cazede arsenal has been seized. Manila can be taken at any time. Gen. Henry Memam has been appointed governor-general of the ieDBtor or the counties of Morrow, Phillipines. The government has deoided to raise the flag and occupy Grant and Harney, then spoke for some the islanda. time on tbe political issues of tbe day. His rnmarka were to the noint. but the SPOKANE, May 8. Washington will be called upon for one battal- ipeBker was oonsiderabiy Curbed by ion of 400 men to be sent to the Phillipines. Idaho will send the same many leaving the hall, hut r me of tbe number. Tha government will probably designate the companies to opposite faith remained .aa ''took their go. It is intended to mobilia5,00a man atSaDJFraWnextThur J08" me- thZTJTi . . , , i j. l j. t m ii m II that if re-elected to the position of joint day. Half will be regulars, including two troops from Walla Walla. e t b w en(leilV0r t0 di(I0hMge . . . aaa ai aaa Two Spokane companies will probably be included. All will probably the duties as a legislator lo manner leave San Francisco before next Saturday. satisfactory to bis constituency. ,,,...,. . t, ... . .... o.o aaa nnn Mr.Oowan's itinary for the oounty has The Le Roi mine has been Bold to British capital for 13,000,000. arranged as follows: Pine City, If 17 V WF.siT Mnofi ThA tnmiwln Final. Dunont. and the auxiliary Kouday, May 9, at 1:30 p. m. ; Lexing' cruiser, Hornet, bad a brush with the Matanzas battery Friday night and Saturday morning. Nine sand block houses were toppled over, a number of Spaniards were killed and the guns silenced. HONG KONG, May 8. The Spanish Iobbcs at the Manila battle are oyer 1,000 men. Terms of capitulation are unsettled. ton, Tuesday, May 10, at 1:30 p.m.; lone, same date, at 7:30 p. m ; Eight Mile Center, Wednesday, May 11, at 1 P m, ; Hardman, same date, at 730 p. m. The club is under obligations to Mrs. Cerb Bartholomew and Miss Cora Hart for an instruments duet, and to Miss BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. NEW YORK, May 8. Don Carlos has aslred all Spanish friends in Elsie Avers and to a quartet, oomposed all countries to come to Spain and assist in overthrowing Alphonsa "TTZ", I- -1 w..r. . I patriotic songs. Miss Avers' effort waa Mella accuses the queen of being at the bottom of an attempt to over- b''f complimented , but indeed ail ., ., . . were mnob appreciated. throw the nation. w w . . ,Ka ,nS IVV TV S UUIVBNJ iwivjuui wa. viiw presided and olosed tbe meeting by on to the Phillipines in case of other nations interfering. thanking the audienoe for their prea.uca sou BUieuuiu Buouuuu. 8tL Rsdf I6lcl. I ln uab month ia an Illustrated Magazine I .... a I . I i r r t fit a. m omDer,oontainiogaoonnwioeasmany , rc . i M,f- filoH wagons and 1Z.UUU muies win oe ai iampa. page. a. tbe ordinary issue, together b or more tnati titty-six years it has never ianeo I r . . ed tolhaf rontf oremb ftrk at5o with t large number or ptctnrM, . a rirvrtto nrwr r r tl? 1 i T i. I - - W AOUlUltJiN, May y. tYBBQingion i ohi: Auwiuiairaviuu aay nearness Caanot be Cart d botween 00,000 and 80,000 men will be landed in Cuba at once, and by local applications, as tbey cannot will take Havana. Eighteen thousand regulars at New Orleans and reaoh the diseased portion of tbe ear. Tampa, Fla., will go first Fifty or sixty thousand volunteers will fol- Therevis only one way to cure deatneas, low. The s M 300 ,r. totr.po,tthn tlLZZ&2Z Nearly everything that floats has been secured. Within 48 hours 2,000 di(on of tb, ma0OOi lrjlog o( tbe eu- Troops from the north stacblen tube. When this tube gets in- Bank tf Tbe prioeof The Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or less than a cent a day. Beod for a specimen copy and illustrat-1 in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. BTOt'S BRANDS. While roe awp yoar snbtcriptiiB Ptid n rca eankeep yoor brand la tree of eharg. Br. P. O.. Heppner, Or -Horses, P B (. left hoaliUr; cattle, same on left hip. HmhM, Perrv. HpiBr, Or Cattle branded W H. co nactnl on lbs loft side. Waddle OS dom tang, Morrow eoongr. Conk. A. J..La.OT. Horses. 90 oo nshtdioal der. Cattle, aamaoo riant hipi ear aura square I erop on latt and eput la right. VI. Rro-Doulaa. Or. Hones brandad ELY on loft shooMar, oatUe same oa U ft tup. hole Is ria-ht aar. PlorMoa, L. A., Happnar, Or. TttU, LP oa rlcht hip; bonsa F with Par anaar oa rlta .boaidw. Iu tt.rrv HaoDBr. Or HoraM braodad if J no tha lft hmlil; ea'tla bra idd i oa riRht bip. alM andarbil lo toft ear. Kana ia Vumi evoair. l.r,m. V.llv Ina. Or.Wnr, alrclaT na toft ttifl: natila. aamnoa riabt hip, aadaf ball srop ta na aiwl sulit ji toft aar Kmnt. M ko, Hrpnr. fr.-Ror brandol NT oa toft kio aattl sama and srop 08 toft ari aadar aUipa oa tha rtoht l.. 1 w Ha..i,nr Itr. HoraM brannwl Land A " n ahiulitori wrttla aama na lft hip, waUto over nbt era. thrae alito ta nht aar. M D oa i . ...... IT HAS told at tha rlrwlde. interesting and instructive siom-sui .... .... posed to U0 a battlCBUip. T SpanUh vessel in range of IT HAH M ln all mattw. w-rtnlnlne to tha wllara ol fanner, and villagers, ana mr ov.r a na.. . a L I. l .1 k. ..I ...(l.laittnal ai till SMitaeIU. I ICfUlUtT IIH IIBIU lltvil wiiu-ioiiMi . I IT I Ellis 8c Phelps, VTTORNEYS AT LAW. olo- Ootlook 13 A',or ,T HMfiSWaS iSLZZ mffloSSm All onsinw.. aiif.n.w. mi m ,m,.iii... satisfactory inauusr. Notaries 1'ubllc and Collectors. Afflca la Natter BulldlnO. Heppnar, Of. D. E. G1LMAN, 6eneralColIector Pnt your old books and ota In hla hands and It four mony out ol thrm. Makes a specialty ot bard collections. Omcein J. N. Brown's Building. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. COUNCIL CMASJStnS mill and buys ril U. ranta houara, pars dnMPnnm.wliif and will surra vou In til war In his Una. at rraamialile Banrw. First National Bank OF HEPPNER Port au Trince reported, from Cape Hortein, that f ampson's squad ron was sighted to the north. It is rumored that 17 Spanish warships are at Forto Bioo. A battle is possible tomorrow. The Uuited States cruiser, Montgomery, chased by warship, sup. The Montgomery is supposed to be leading tbat cannot i oured by Hall's Catarrh u , ril. .... ! .r.n loure. pbuu hi. c.iuuiri, uw.. OHlupouu a guue. iuo wtuouip ia . uj- posed to be the battleship, Izzaya. flamed yon bave rumbling sound or imperfeot bearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafneas is tbe result, and onleaa tbe inflammation oan bs taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever j nine cases out ot ten are eanasd by catarrh, wblob ia nothing bnt aa in flamed oooditlon of the muooue surfaces. We will givs one hundred dollars for any oaae ot deafneas (oaosed by catarrh) Y. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. CITSolil by druggists, 75c. New York Weekly Tribune, And we furnleh it with tha GAZCTTC, ana year for $2.76, eaeh In aavanee. Addrea. all Orders to THE GAZETTE. The worst flood ia the history of Arkansas is devMli'.iog the Arkan saa valley. A half dozen towns are under wtter. PA LACK HuTEU WASHINGTON, May 9. Both the house and senaU passed resola. tions promoting Dewey to rear admiral. A Madrid dispatch says tbat orders have been sent the governor. writ yonr nam. .nd addre- on a pui 2SSt' Reral at Maoila to resist attack unto death. Vorktltr, and a aamplacopf ol tha haw York Weekly Trlbuna will oa maiiaa to yon. jr. The Uregon lias arnvea yia urszii ----- . WHITE COLLAR LINE. C. A. RHEA, T. A. RMtA. GEO. W. CONtCN, 8. W. ePCNCCN. . Preeldent Viae Praalalent Cashier Aas't Caahlar ImsvU t Gfitnl Eukicg Edata. EXCHANGE Oa all parta ol the world Bought and Sold. t nil"!"" i"e.t an a'l te an faaavabie T"a. Minor, (tone. mwf nr. t at tie. riant hip; bona, at oa toft souajoer. oa ton ahoajiei oat tie aaae oa ton a.p. nbra, i. W TH)las. r.t horses O ua lf slumlileri eaitle same a rlaht hip. Psrhar k flleeaoa. Hardataa.Or.-Boraes IP oa lft ahoalder. Prsn. Oliver; hora-i brandxl bar and sMrtd on toft alioalder; ranat, J.lsM Mile, Morrow ronntr. Hector, i. W.. Heppaer. Or.-Hnrasa. iQ at left sboakler. letfUe, U nM th r Kuerrt. It, 8. Heopaer. Or. - CaHta W C toft kip. ems off net and anderHit la toft Anletii borwa) W f na toft enwiWtor. Uft fareer liver and PusetSound'Naviiration Co Stem TELEHIONr; BAILEY GATZtRT AND (MAN WAVE. Lesviot Alder Htreet Dt-ck. Portland, fir Astoria, llweoo, Iog liaacb, Ooaaa Park sol Nabeotta. Lireot eonneotioa with Ilwaoo staamara and rail road; also at Youna's Uay with Kearhore Bailroal. Leaves lortlaod 7 A. M. tally, airept aunday. Laavra Aifffta I r. u. wai.T. v'-i" i . UAIIjBY O A. T 25 13 TIT Lmvs inland I t. M D.UT. fV anndaf. aatorday nl.M. II P M. Ie D at A. M., asceW Sunday and Monday, buouaf f l.t, 1 J M I desire to annonnoe to tbs publio tbat tha Palaoe botel will serve meals tl tbs old price ot 20 cents sod upwards. Tbs agreement heretofore entsrsd iota by hotel and rest an rant keepers baa been brokeo without any regard to tba require ments of tbs sama. I therefore use tbe aama privilege and will conduct my buai neea aa heretofore, independent ot any other Ilka ealabliabmeoL NKW YOItK, May 9. Dewey reoommnds tbat an immediate son ui m Mas M.Von Cacow. render be dnmanded of tbe Phillipines, and that a provisional govern, ment be established. lie aaks tbat troops be sent to carry out this plan. Dewey controls the city of Manila by water and tbe Insurgents control all land approaches. Dewey can take the city at any time but be fears lawlessness from the insurgents. SAN FRANCISCO, May U. Troops from Oregon, Washington and Idaho will be pouring into this city in a day or two. Preparations are being made to rtceive them. An absurd story is in circulation tbat the pops is dead. Tha time of meeting of Itawllns Relief Gorpe, No. 23, baa been obanged to tba third Halarday ia each month, at 2 p. m. Tba place of meeting ta tbs ssius as last year In tbe X. O. O. F. ball. Mattia Htneed, Beoretery. a Tr rarr a. TTT1 -"-t v "r.TT zsti; .a.m. m a I VT.i a..ll. 'I laaft arwrt, tear I I I i . Ave ft art ,tmmAm W aatl'l f 1 i-lf 7 A , P WtAf tM M f T tnrdsy at I P. M Wkaa Yea are Tlr.4 Without ettra eiertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood la f siting to sop. ply to your bosoles and other organs t .v,- .k.t rSM. In Ttalw ami Hnaln aontinua. Dnrinff one in rising and atreagtb giving prop. kr' , ' . . r 7 . ertlea tbey require. Hoods HarsapariUa Milan, Italy, 1,000 people, many of them women, were killed by the I ,bt f-J ffli bf oflcbio mob. The streets ran with blood. KEY W EHT, May 0. Three naval enRagements are isported. Tbs Oossia left with arms sod atBtnoaltiott for ths Ctbaosi TbtT tfpstn M uti af IMS V9 ifff In Vto Miifi4 tl laififi't ini purifying tbs blood. It will giS yoa snergy and vigor. llvel't nil s' tssy a taks, If ay Id tftrtitt vtff iiiififiif i tiiifttitM. Iff toft f H'l rflri rf Irt'J