mm TO THB fllVKS THl 0S0IC1 Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d Ocean ' ' Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Tokoboma end Hong Kong id oon oection with O. R. & N. For fall details call on 0, R. 4 N, Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HUBLBURT, ' Gen. Pass. Agt. FOBTLAND, ObEOOH. Dodwell, Carlill, & Co., Oon'l. Agts., Nor. Pac. 8. 8. Co., Portland, Ore. HUE YOU GOING EflST? If so, be anre and see that your ticket reads via tug Noriawestern i Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB ' Great Short Lir)c BETWEEN ? DULDTR, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, reerloss Voatibuled Diiilna; and HIooiiIiik Car Tratm, and Motui: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has given this road a national reputation. Ail ulasa of pasentera carried on the veitlbuled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your Ireluht and travel over thli fauioui line. All agonta have tickets. W. H. MEAD, . F.CS WAGB, Uen. A aent ' Trav. F. fc P. Agt. His Washington St., Portland, Or. CIIIOAGrO dii wee & si. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famons bloek system; Lights its trains by eleotrlolty through- oat; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth rend ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains vary dav and oiebt between Ht. Paul and Ohloago, and Omsba and Chlosgoj the Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-hested veetibnlsd trains, carrying the latest private eomparlment oars, library buffet smok Inn cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and the very beet dining ohair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tb United 8tatte or Canada, apply to agent or address 1 0. J. EDDY, J. V. CAHEY. Osnersl Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or, 11 11 MI It! u S TI1ROCGH CARS- f Ht. PAUL MINNKAPOLIS TO J DUI.UTU 1 KA1UK) MUITTK HELENA Tickets issued to all points in the United Mates snd Causds. QUICK TIME TO. Oiiioaoo Washiniitoh HaLTiMoaa Niw Yo DvmbO All other points lo lbs East and Huutbsasl Omaha Kansas Citt Ht. JuaiPH Hy. lioru Ik mi ton Union IVpot roooseliono at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha. Ht. , Lonla and other promf nsnt points Baggage checked through to destination ol tickets. Through tickets to Japan and China, ri Taoome and Notbart ra4Q( Mssni ship Company's line., For full information, time can's, maps, tickets, tUu, Oall on of writs ,.. C. A Li.swAf, A. V CattoH, i.i.K.V.R. Aast. (Iso. Pass. Agt 11 Mil Denver & Rio Grande' RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD , Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST i In through tourist csrs without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Mcndays, To Kansas City and Chicago, without change via Halt Lake, Missouri Paci- flc and Chicago and Alton Kyi, Tiipcdovo To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UMUaj?, Boston wlthoutchange via Bait Lake and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Uy. Wednesdays, To St. Joseph, Kanaaf City and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. Thiiw'n'ami To Kansas City and St. Louis with lUUrisUilJlS, out change via Salt Lake and Mia ouri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, Inquire ol O. R, 4 N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. 1. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1S69.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. r Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample oopies free.) Rnral Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oash, at this offloe. 4, rJO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DraiaNB COPYRIQHT AC. An Ton Mftnrlfnf nkfltrh und dwiorinMon mmf qulnltly MfwrtHlii our opinion free whether ma Invention I probably patent nhle. CommunloA. tl(in$(rl(tly oonfldentliil. Hiinrtbookon 1'atenU lent free. Oldent swency for neourlntf ptnU. I'nteiiU takttii through Munn Sl Co. rouelra tptcinl tvttice, without thnrife, la the Scientific Hmcrican. A hiunliiomely- lllimtrntml WMlrlf. I.ariest cir culation of any srlentinn Journal. Terms, S3 u r niunins, u Bum Djrau newsaeaiera COBiBr..dw.,.NBWYrjrt Hraucb Orflue, m V Ht Wasblugton, I). U NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-naraed .1 w V W nis Btana tno oia Jones livery stable 11 io Control. RaUd hay for sals, rharsm reasonable. Call nu hliu ana nave vour horses wall cared lor. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy IN THI World's Competition ! Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Vslusoi Flock. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless, CHAS. G. R0BEKTS. CitNIRAL AGENT, 347 Ash Hlrvut, rortland, Orv'Kon. Sold by Minor it Co., Heppner, Or. The Old! Shon! LIBERTY. MARKET Is tho place to go to' get your fiue pork bdJ lamb - - chops, steals snd roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Flna situsr-f iired hams anrl bacon. Pure Iraf lanl, rnir,1. ol.l style, illguitt t'MU irlr (lJ lor 11 stovk. BEN J. MATHEWS. SPOKANE FiliS 4 NORTHERN' NELSON 4 FORT SHLTFARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All Kail Route Without Change of Cars Between Npokacc Rosslaod and Ntlson. Also M SUlson sol Uosslaod, daily except uodsy : 4. M II m AM. IW A M ... arn. K ami , Nflaoa .. I Ml f r, trines tent "ii at Mslwia lt!iUrt l gel, and ail Kuixraal 'f , rafwsM M'.Ktls hWsf aai Rruaisry .t (Mil Cooper s Sheep'Dip m FOR YOUR ADVANTAGE. . Our whole Institution, which by the way is the largwrt wool commis sion house in the entire west, makes for tha advantage of tha man who has wool to sell. You may know how others appreciate) these advantage when we tell you that we handled last year 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. WE DON'T PEDDLE OUT WOOL$ .' ' the largest buyers in the country come to us; they know we hava anything they may want In any quantity. That's another ad vantage to you, Ubmrml advancaa mmdm mi conmJgm- -manta at 5 per cent. Interest per annum. Hacks furnished free. Sand tor a tram copy at our Markat Lattae. Mmfw- SILBERMAN BROS. i-lt4-la-tH CHICAGO, ROUMANIA'S Kr. ilNG FESTIVAL A Jueer Aunual l air nt II'.!hm;en am the Stram;e Orlt; Aliefrcil. Helmag'en, a lov.:a:t!Uuii countrj town of twelve lr,i:i!rj.l inhabitants holds its annual fair on tho i?.d ,t of St Theodore. On this occasion tho p'ac swarms with newly married bride from sixty orcighty villages in the di.j trict; widows who have talcen frosl husbands remain at home. The yotinj. women in festive attire, and (,-enerall attended by their mother.i-in-law, carr; jug's of wine enwrcathed with ilowcr In their hands. 'Vh' Ilumar.i.icht Wochennchrift says they kios everyone they meet, and afterward pre -ant the jug to his lips for a "nip." Tin; indi vidual thus regaled bestows a Kinal' gift on the fair Cybele. Not t p irtalcc of tho proffered wine is pearled a: insult to tho j-oung wife anl h'-' family. She is, thcrofwe, reserved 1 ward strangers, and only kisseH thosi whom she thinks likely to tatite of ho wine. The kissing is carried on ever" where in the street, in the tavern:! an'i in private houses. The origin of thi: custom is veiled in obscurity. Some say that it dates back to tho time when the Turks made f refluent taids into Tran sylvania, and carried away all the young women they could lay their hands on. Such of them as contrived to escape from captivity, happening to return to llalmacn at the time of the fair, kissed their friends and relatives. and even strangers who congratulated them on tVieir wonderful delircrance. Deaaty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. C'asearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring un the lazy liver and driving all irn- urities irom the body, isegin to-day to anish Dimples, boila. blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CaseareU, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c, Dwellings of Belgian Worklngman. - ' The results of the oflicial inquiry into the condition of the dwellings of the working classes in Belgium have just been published. According to the re turn there were in Brussels on Decem ber 81. IH',10, 40,019 families, of which 19,284 were the families of workmen. Tho number of houses in the city was 10.504. inhabited by 10S,108 persons. There are 4,001 houses inhabited by the working classes, 105 common lodging houses, and 8,430 places of business. The rent of a room for a workman averages 1 If. 68c. a month. The average daily wages of a workingman is 3 f. 14c. Of tho 13,aS4 working-class families in Iirussels 10,403 have occasional re course to public, charity. Of working class families 401 occupy an entire house, 1,371 occupy three rooms, 8,058 have but two rooms, and 0,078 have to be content with only one; 2,180 fami lies lodge in garrets, 1,'JOO in cellars. In 1,511 cases a family of live persons live In a single room. In 406 families the soys and girls sleep in the same bed. Cordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in the line of "popular prices," has refitted tbe Wastingtoo St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a plesssnt evening at bis plsoe. tf for 4- CcU Lead KI T'S CREAM I1AI.M Is a posttlveenr. Atuilv luto the Doetrils. Il la qtilrklf alwirtwd. sn eenU at imrststaor by mall t samplM lac by mall. XV UltOTII HIS. 6 WarrfO Su, fiew York ClUf. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. KEKD A I r.nn.ioA A. O. OUILVIE Troprietors. riRr rnrnui Arlington to Foes 1 1 (IW miles).. oU0 Round trip (HOD Mayville(M miles). 4 00 Round trip TOO Condon (W miles) . . 100 Round trip 100 Clem I'M tnlles).... 300 Round trip IA0 Oles (1 miles) 160 Round trip 190 Alms l.iT.i Arltnotnn avar mnrntnil (Sunday eioepted) at 0 o'olork; is due I Condon al 3 p. m. and arrives) at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comrorlsbls covered oosohec ana ssre ful, eiperisooetl drivers. Keep Get Bien. TI1H WOOL HECOHU Tells You Mow to Do It. By special arraegsmsnt wo offer to our readers The Wool Record and Heml-Weekly Oasetts, ono year for .too. Tho Wool HooM Is tho only nattonal wool organ and covers tho wool industry from tbe raising of ths ibaap to tho sell ing of tbo maanfactured article. Il is published weekly at New York and tbs ragnlar pries U 1300 s yir. I lo Barks! rports are foil and ootnp o and its Bhsep Hi skiers' Talis sloas aro wor'.k tfl ths pries ol Ihs paper, rtsupls copies 00 sppllaalino, Ws besMily reeooinisBw Ibis toabi 'lot It tor lokMflktrs, 1 Mr hi nan Street. ILL. LOCAL SQUIBS. Several of the candidates were down to lone this week. Joe Gibson is under the weather with a bad eye this week. Mart Smith, of Colwell grade, dropped in on us tbis morsing.; What i is . Hop .Gold 7 Best . beer on sarin. I Hee ad. elsewhere. E. O. C. E. Redfleld,- the Beppner attorney,' is at the Psndletoni Liohtentbsl k Co. for shoes. Exclusive hoe store. Handles the best v 83tf D. Matlock and Tom Allen were ;n from McDonald canyon Thursday. Guinnesse's famous old "Dublin Stout, ' imported, at Chris Bombers' tf Josie, the little daughter of Judge and Mrs. Wait Biehardson, is suffering from a sprained ankle. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange ! Front. I A clean, fresh stock of goods leave your order, tf. County court is in session tbis week. The ordinary smount of business has been attended to. The Gazette has sever measured peo ple's worth by the amount of patronage they bestow upon it. If yon need something for your system oall st the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Phil Coho is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, fare, etc. " Don't forget Phil. 6tf The Rev. W. E. Potwine will hold Episoopal servioes in the M. E. ohurob Tuesday evening, May 10th, at 730. Tom Hinton and Albert Bsllanoe ar rived Wednesday with eiz and eight horse teams after freight for Long Creek merchants. A. Mueller, of the Star Brewery Co., Portland and Vancouver, was in Hepp ner Wednesday. The Gazette acknowl edges a oall. Cnre that cough with Shiloh's Cure. Ibe best cough on re. Kelieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con ger & Warren. v Fossil Journal: Mr. Andrew Tillard oame over from Heppner on Saturday of last week, and returned next day with bis wife and boy, who bad been visiting her mother here. Karl's Clover Root Tea is?a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, Durifies the blood. Olesrs the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Conser & Warren. v To Car Constipation Forever. Take Caacarets Candy Cathartic lOo or Zta. If C C. C. fall to euro, druKtfiats refund money. Pendleton Tribune: J. T. Hinkle, esndidat on the fusion ticket for dis trict attorney, has returned from Mor row oounty, where he made speeches at Heppner, Lexington and lone. 100 REWARD I Will be paid for information leading to Ibo arrest and conviction of any per son stealing osttle branded "WH" con nected on tbe left side. Wsddle on tbe nose. Pxrct Hcohis. 45 nov3 Pendleton Tribune: Clark Wood, wbo has handled the looal news of tho Esst Oreganian several years, baa resigned his position snd will benoefortb be asao- cisled with his father in Ibo editorship of the Weston Leader. A T1MLY WAHNI.N0. Urals Saved Is Money Made. To save ths prsin oso Fry's Coooeo- trated Rqoirre! Poison. This prepara tion is tbe obsspesl and most econom ical (or tbo farmers. One grsin kills. Qoai so teed. Pries 2ta per oso or $5.60 per esse of two dnten. Fur sale by Slooum Drug Co., Heppner, Or. tf Monday cigui a ooupie of negro minstrel artists, brothers calling them selves t Bteveos, or some such ; name, showed at lbs opera boose to smsll audienoo. Tbey wero not overly sno- oeaafal and refused to make soother attempt. Tbs company ooosista of two colored and two wbilo men. Since their Ueoni in lieppnsr iney spent a day crl more in gathering in o few shekels by pitying tbo bspjo sod singing songs. Tbo eight saloons of Usppoer bevel raised tbo prtea of drioks book to tho old figure of W cento per drink. War Isieo make Ibis necessary. Tbo O tstu also calls attaotioa to tbo fact tbat oswo print sod s very other artielo tbat tho printer 'rays is also advanoiog Certainly ovary sort of an enterprise Is asore or leao sffsdod by war Isisa. EterTwaOf Sys ka. CaaeareU Caadv taUiertki, tbs tnoal woo- earful nrtaJlfal dHtrever el Uia s. p eaa aat aod rafreslusf te tha laata, set seotly aad positively oo ai.laeTe, liver and bowels, el-attln ths entira t. m, disirt mills, can iHNtitfioiiU, Isvrr, haUUnai ionsiliaUoa an,) rl ninif. !'! buy snt trv a rwi f U. C C ifdsfi to. fsnis. M0y t3j uMsafw h vut y tu ortff mh, f shopping suggestions. f All the best mattings are now made sestmless, not joined at every yard or so, so that they pull apart at this weak point A wise shopper avoids the gaudy, elaborate patterns in the new mat tings, but rather selects a simple pat tern of two or three colors, or a mat ting in plain white, but of the very best quality. . The heaviest Oriental rugs and the Philadelphia rugs are so thick that a slight flame which may .ouch them is easily smothered. Such woolen rugs are the only proper ones to put in front of a fire. v If there were no other objection to i the fashionable cotton rug, its extreme inflammability would be one. In con nection with the hardwood floor, pol ished with turpentine and beeswax, it . presents a veritable tinder-box. When the ravelings of a carpet are burned, they easily disclose, by the method of burning, the wool, which crisps and emits an unpleasant odor like any animal fiber, and the jute, cotton or other vegetable adulterations, which burn with a light blaze. Beats the Klondike- Mr, A. C. Thomas, of Mary sville, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than dbs yet been made in tbe Klondike For years he puffered untold agony from consumption aooompanied by hemorrh age, and was absolutely cured by Dr King's New Disooverv for Consumption Coughs and Colds, he declares that gold is of little value in comparison to this marvelous cure, wonld have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Astbms, DroDcnuis ana an tnroat and lung affec tions sre positively oured by Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption. Trisl bottles free at E. J. Slocnm's drug store. Regular size 60 cts and $1. Guaranteed to eure or price refunded. Japanese English. 'The Japanese students," says an American teaching in that country. "are very fond of using long, high' sounding words. One day I told the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' to one of my classes of young men and asked them to reproduce it in writing, I used the simplest possible English in order to make it easy for them to understand, and what was my surprise when I came to correct the papers to find the first one I took up began as follows: 'Once upon a time there lived a poor widow who, for certain pe cuniary considerations, was obliged to sell her cow.' Another one wrote 'Jack said to the fairy: "Please tf-. me the way to the nearest hotel. And still another wrote: 'The giant said to the hen that laid the golden egg: "Borned an egg. Borned an other the same way." ' A student asked one of the teachers in our theological school1 to please teach him 'idiotic' English. A student in some other school was asked to make a transla' tion of the proverb, 'Out of Bight, out of mind.' This was the result: 'The blind are insane.' " Amorlrans In Slum. Americans first introduced schools into Siam. Americans first introduced steam rice mills and Kteam sawmil'.s. An American established the first hospital. The first medical class wa3 established by an American and is now conducted by him. Americans have done more than any other nation to establish a friendly feeling and confidence with most of the foreign powers. Americans do not harass the Siamese or covet any of their territory. In the king s own words: "They bring peace and good will." Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervons, end for relief took your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength- eoeu my wnoie nervous system. 1 was tioubled with oonstipstion, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon olesnsed my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold bi Conser k Warren. v Tha Flight of a Cannon Ball. I Tha wpll-lrnnwii Kplpntiflp rlinl. I grapher, Anschetz. of Lissa, has for some years been experimenting in mak ing photographs of the flight of cannon balls from the instant they leave the muzzle of the gun to the time of their striking the object aimed at. After many attempts and failures he finally succeeded in obtaining highly Interest ing results, not reaching what be called ! the acme of perfection, however, until in May, ISM. The plates of this last- mentioned experiment were submitted to Dr. Koenlg, of the lierliu university, who was able to make therefrom the the long-sought practical calculations. From figures thus deduced Dr. Koenig established the fact that the projectile photographed had lieen passing through the air with a velocity of four hundred meters per second, and that the dura tion of tho light thrown on the photo- graphic plates had not exceeded the ten-thousandth part of a seconj Ql'ICXEST AND MOST DIRECT USE TO .UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH. EAST. LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, days CHICAGO, 3J ST. LOUIS, H OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 J I HKITMH (l) Free Reclining Cbsir Cars CpbolsUrsd Too net Bleeping Cars Pallttiso TaJaoo Bleeping Cars It F LINE Ry Foe foil partleolsrs regsrdlog rates, time ol Iraias, ote., call on or oddreeo J. a HART,' Agent U.MK, Co., Beppner, Oregno O. O. Tsasr, W. . Comas, Trav. Pass. Agt. o'l Aft. U Ikl'l K.i rrnliis, Oro, THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNQ TKOUBLK3 AMD COhgCMiTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Emiaeat New York Chemist aad txleatlst Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo- oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable onre for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affeotinns, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any sftlicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scitntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers It a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible onre. Soiecoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern geniuB. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands - from those oured in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T, A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving poet- office and express addresB, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direot from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take inetant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp- n er, Oregon . J uly 9-7-1 J r. Tbe Msrquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marqnam bnildiog, is under excellent management and tbe public will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faoes will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some of tbe fine dramas tbat will be presented. tf can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 1061 Market St Est'd I9EZ Young men and middle R'r.Ml mMi who are suffering fiom the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical iem 1 1 ly ,iiu picney ,i.ori an noon in all its complications; HMrniatorrhpa, VroatatorrlMPtl, (lonorrluva, Sjlloet, FrFqururjr of ITrluatina;, etc By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not oniy afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor dnt3 not c'ain lo yerform mir.icles, but is well-known to lie a fiilr find square Physician and Surgeon, pre-c.ulneut in his specialty lisear.eH of Men. Svphi 1 la tborouKhly emdlcnted from tue fly trm wlthoti t using Mrrrury, KVKIt": MAN applrlus; lo us will re coKo our h'inegl rplninti of his rnmnlalut. We viillUuuranlee a POM T2 VE'CUJiE in jt rvf.ry cae wc umrcrtu.e, or jorjeti vtue 7 TIirtUManrt Italians. Consultation FREE and strictly private, f CUAKOES VERY JtKASON ABLE. Treat ment personally or oy letter, bend for book, "XIic Philosophy of Slarriacc, free. (A valuable book for men.) VIKIT Dlt. JORDAN'S S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof its kind inthe world. Come and le.irn how wonderfully you , nitr inaac; now to avoia sicKness ana disease, a V 'Ve -,re con'inurtMv adding new rnscimens. V CATALOGUE MilW. fail or write. r-kyeaka-. $ Eastern Oregon State Normal ONLY STATE SCHOOL EASTERN OREGON m a Locsted on tbe O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Music Isngbt by oompetent instructors. A g radii ats of tbe Boston Conservatory has charge of tbe inslrumental department. IMi Inclies' Is thoroughly eqnipped and offers ex cellent acoommodstlons at ressonsblo rates. Bend for oatalogoe. Addeeso M. C. ROYAL, President TON, Secretory Board Hi u " irrii Vr -j a Ik All these can be procured at Thompson A Bices, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These rentlemen ara well aranalnted with Orant. Harrier. Cmok nilllam mil mh..x.,,nH snd oaa aaa money aud Urns la maktii tbaae Prtrea lo keeping wtta the times. THOMPSON' & BTNNS, That 14-Ycar Old Kolin's Best," On Tap Telephone Saloon 0 O a IT taw FORJOU! Now Prepared to do Any -Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away. 'Till Yoa Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart-' ment has tried to do no work other than " plain printing. However, this shop is , now prepared to tackle anything in any ,. . line and will meet prices of any person -x. under Ibe sun in tbe line .of druggists in. supplies, blank books,' county work, or any sort of book bind- : ing work tbat you have heretofore sent -' away lo get done, Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity:"', concern but it you will give us a obanoe , we will see tbat yon are satisfied in ; every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember .a tbat Abe Linooln said that when one -bought goods awsy from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when the goods wer-i- bought at home we had both money, and goods. This is good doctrine. We sre willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer cornea to town, re-,,,. member it and call np 'phone No. 3. . 660-tf The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. STEAMS9 ...... "DALLES CITY" AND 'REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the steamers of tbe Regnla'or Line will leave Portland st 650 a, m. and The Dalles at 8:30 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at v The Dalles and take a trip down the ', Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save ' - money. W. 0. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TIIVIE I San Franoisoo And all points in California, via the MU Bhaata ' route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to 11 points East and South. Grand boenio Route OI the 1'acino Coast. Pullman Bnffet LSleepera. Second-class Bleepers Attached to express trains, affording snpent t accommodations for seoond-olass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto,. call upon or address ft. KOKHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, . Ben. F. 4 P. Agt., Portland, Oregon Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- ent business conducted for MooiaaTC flu. , ! Our Orrici ta Of posits; U.S. Pstknt Ornci and wecansecure patent in less time than those1 remote from Washington. f , Send model, drawtmr or rjhoto.. with deacHo-i tlon. We advise, if patentable or cot, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHltjT. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Aouress, C.A.SNOW&CO H mmmmm t(U. A satfwwwwvwi School, Weston, Oregon i Boarclliiff Hall of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING of Regents, Weston, Oro. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? seeUooa wltb travsllnf tueu. Stuff, Down at The Wahis OOODa ooo Vv fltasJ, City rjutsl Build WW TlIavIAJLXf Prop, Ike Dsllss. Oit sMlsnfl , Of task saaA awni wtta ft eat