Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 06, 1898, Image 3

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1 Ik
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Telle all about Her trouble when
Baby "rake out with Scrofula Sores.
1 .-. : 5 -i
, MAt t!a sge of two months, my babjr
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
Bide ol nis face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and Bmooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mas. 8. S. Wboths, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
u-.Ji rvil- are prottipt, effldietlt add
rlOOa S flllS easy In effect. 26 cents.
The Gazette
clubbing rates
The GAZETTE fa. 00 and
Weekly Oregonlan, Sl.ao
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.80...
' N. Y. Tribune, U.00.....
Inter-Ocean, $1.00 ; .
" 8. F. Chfohicle, $1.60....
can offer the following
Club Rate
8 25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $100. . . 8.75
Thrlee-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webfoot Planter, 60c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25
Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00.... 1.80
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classen flo. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. in.
'The Spirit and the bnds Bay, Come."
The pastor may be found at the parHonaue ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult hira on
reliui'Mis, social, civic, philosophio, educational,
or auj other subjects.
J. W. FLE8HEB. Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. iu., 7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let ns forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
church. C. K. Howard,
8erv!ces each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R, ti. Shelly.
Bee H. Liclitentbal & Co. tat shoes.
Rev. Howard reports his wife quite ill.
Hon. H. Blackmao got baok from below
"Uncle" Hugh F elds is here from
Wallnla bas bad another visit from
the fire fiend.
W. J. Brown was over from Lena on
Wednesday last.
Mrs. B. F. Ooltbar is ooofioed to her
room with lagrippe.
Gill Jones was over from Eight-Mile
the first of the week.
Bert Phelps has returned from bis trip
to The Dalles and Portland.
Fred W. Balsiger was in Heppner on
Wednesday last on business.
If you want job work yon oan get it at
the Gazette office in short order.
D. Cox and Moffrtt Wilson were in
from the head of Hiuton creek Wednes
day last.
A. J. Cantwell, and his ton, Lee, left
for a prospecting tour of Ibe Blaea on
"Bud" Spivey was called up from The
Dalles tbis morning through the illness
of his wife.
Those wishing private board oan find
accommodations at the reseideaee of
Mrs. W. J. Leezer. 44 tf
Mr. D. A. Bheppard is in town after a
few months absence. Tbis office ac
knowledges a pleasant oall.
8. F. Walker, representing the Mutual
Life Ins. Co., of New York, is in Hepp
ner looking after business.
B. J. Wilkins left yesterday for Hamil
ton's mill, where be goes to take charge
of a bund of cattle for the summer.
bince the spring weather set in con
siderable building and improvements to
property in Heppner are being made.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market price
H. F. Yermilye, one of the Northern
Paoiflo land examiners, was here the
first of this week looking after the inter
eats of bis company.
E. G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. The finest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. See their
Dew ad in this issue. tf,
A. H. Witbrow, representing the
Witbrow abut (Jo., of Portland, was
displaying samples and taking orders
from bur people tbis week.
Joe Liieuaiien, or Uiliiam county, is
the ohoioe of bis party for assessor, and
it is said that be has a good show of
election. Joe was over this week.
People and Visitors Crlebitte the
Phllllpine Victory.
When the news came on Tuesday even
ing that the American flag was waving
over the Pbillipinea and Commodore
Dewey was master of the situation, the
enthusiasm of the people oou Id no longer
te restrained.' A martial band was at
onoe improvised, with judge Bartholo
mew blowing the big base drum and B.
F. Coltbar the "snare," and in an incon
ceivable short spaoe of time a prooession
was on the move, with Di. J. W. Wilson
and A. M. Bunce, of W. oming in the
lead with the American flag waving.
Ever body ehonted and yelled, tbe
kids brought out their reserve tin-
can brigade, and tbe anvils roared,
the ladies' band discoursed sweet
music, the whole being happily ended
by epeeohes from Gov. Res, O. E. Bed-
field, G. W. Phelps, R. F. Hynd, Mayor
Morgan, Dr. J. M. Wilson, of Wyoming.
Prof. J. D. Brown, G. W,8waggart, John
Horner and last but hot least, ADtone
Abrahanisick, "vot dot matter is?"
Tbe occasion showed the temper of
tbe Heppner people, and if there was a
oall today for mors soldiers, ooming
from tbe reserve of this state, Heppner
and Morrow county would furnish tbeir
A oritioism on two "coon" fellows who
sang that evening, by our contemporary,
brings out the fact that their singing
was paid for by some of our Wyoming
visitors. These gentlemen ititorm this
paper that it was their wish and through
their efforts that the colored fellows
sang, and that the latter bad as much
rigur. io expect pay tor tbe servioes
rendered as any musical organization
participating. This statement is made
at the request of our visitors.
1 mkm
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Airs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice.
1, The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line, 'inese rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Hoi Ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June,
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
Llnwood Kye,
He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats
for the voting men are dry.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q. Sperry,
The Gazette is not heralding its oom
ing with a brass band but its circulation
oan be determined at tbe Heppaer post
offioe. Advertisers will please note tbis
Here and There.
E. O. Roberts, of tbe Walla Walla
Marble Works, is in town.
Statements for tbe Famous Simple
Account File printed at tbe Gazette of
fioe. tf.
"Oo'o juice" is all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
that is bard lo beat. 603 -tf.
W. H. Bray, traveling for a La Valle,
Wis., wholesale firm was in tbe oity this
week interviewing our merchants.
Painless remedy for extraoting teeth.
If not as stated, no obarges. Try Dr.
Vaughao'i new plan. 604-tf.
Beat aooommodation and oourteoni
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel. Seventh
and Wash. Sta Portland, Oregon.
Jas. W. Leabey, ot Upper Willow
creek, was in town Wednesday on busi
ness and paid tbe Gaiette a friendly
Tbe Qaeetle earries a full stock of
mourning note, oorretpondenoe style,
with envelope to matob. Those desiring
snob stationery oo hivs tbelr want
applied al tbis offioe. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red
light," ever on tbr alert tor something
Daw, eao tarnish oa tbe finest cock
tails io th land Manhatteo, Jersey,
Vermoolb or Gin made by en artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
tail out of your mouth. tf
Frank MoFarland bas been appointed
special agent ot The Equitable Life As
aaranee Co., of New Turk, tbe strongest
io tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
holders ot over CO mil Hoc dollars. Don't
take Insurance without seeing tbe new
plans ot tha Equitable, Insures both
exes at same rate. 77if
Besides keeping the largest eseort
ment of eaodii, traits, cigars and
notions to be found anywhere in the
oitv, J Hart now able to supply
yoo with the Portland dailies and all
the ma(sins and parlodlrele, hotb for
eign and domestic. If ynn want resil
ing matUr, give Jim a call at tn H'pp
er Candy Faotory. 3-tf.
ft lit ad
t owrh rrap. 1
:i nu una.
Mr. O G. Fisher urrived this morning
and identified the olotbing worn by
Gregory. He has no doubt but that the
man killed was his brother-in-law.
Dr. A. 0. Greenlee has returned from
his trip to tbe interior and expects to be
here two weeks. Those desiring work
in dentiatry should oall at Dr. Vaughan'i
offioe. 6-6
aire. V. J. Mcranl and baby re
turned Wednesday morning from Adams,
Umatilla county, where they have been
for tbe past month visiting relatives and
T.-M.: G. W. Phelps came down from
Heppner yesterday and spent Sunday
in the city. He left this morning for
Portland, where be bas legal business
to attend to.
Ladies, take tbe best, If yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Ooneer & Warren. v
Mrs. H. J. Striokfaden was taken sud
denly ill down at the postoffioe last
Wednesday, and would have fallen to
tbe floor bad not Pap Simons oaagbt ber.
She is yet quite ill.
William Rusmue, ot Portland, is in
Heppner, having arrived yesterday
morning. He la on a tour of Eastern
Oregon in the interest ot the state and
tbe Omaha Exposition.
People who carry water on botb
shonlders usually get what they need.
A man can not be a good republican
and vote the oppoeite ticket, though
some people think that tbis is perfectly
Hmith Borob is baok from Hkagway
and tells tbe same old story of privation.
Tbe country is over-ran and over-rated.
It it were a veritable country ot gold,
there are now loo many there for each
to get a decent share.
Tbe Gazette will olub witb the Oregon
Senator, tbe great Pythian paper of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho, published
at Portland, for 82.75 tor tbe two. Tbe
Senator is all rigbt. No Knight ot
Pythias should b without it, tf.
L. B. Cower earn In from Long
Creek Wednesday to meet Mrs. 0. W.
Conger and oblldreo bars wbo have
been io California tor tb paat lis
months tor tb benefit ot tbeir bealtb.
Tbey left for tbeir home la Long Creek
8. A. Clarke, of Oregon, Dow in Weeb
ington, baa been appointed to tbe posi
tion ot librarian ot the interior depart
ment. Mr. Clarke ia tbe father ot Editor
Clarke, of (Jemi. The editor nt this
paper had a very pleasant visit witb Mr.
Clarke while east recently.
Tb Gazette is in receipt or a moat
interesting volnrne from Washington,
being tb government' summary of
affair io Cabs from tbe beginning ot
the prevent trouble, with illustrative
of tbe Main since it destruction, eo
ooinpanied by obarta and map of great
The n7.'He enrnt-etly fqiuels its old
patrons t dr"P arand and ruew f r
lb ooojing )nr. Tb Gazette i paying
considerable attention to tbe war new
and every insne ill have tbe latest It
lis Ur. pr.llA mith InAal flAa u,f IhA
latest t iiiics. K 'mabr that thee
(etur'a cost money and tbat ual
tb prtr ha anpport it cannot eootino
to grow. If l'i peopl want a good
paper tl tj mast sap ort it.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts is ill.
Mrs. Frank Gilliam is on the sick list.
Mrs. P. B. MoSwords is ill witb la-
Mrs. Geo. Conser is wrestling with la-
Joe Woolery end family were up from
lone the first of the week.
Mrs. Bert Simons is visiting ber par
ents over in Klikitat county.
Hon. Henry Blaokraau was down at
the metropolis the first ot this week.
Carty brothers, Frank and John Kil
kenny, Mike Marshal and other ot the
Sand Hollow boys, are in town today.
Sheep are being pushed oat over tbe
trail for the Eastern range, and ultimate
ly for the markets ot the United States.
8. T. Russell arrived today from Mis
souri, nnd is an old friend ot Al Binrs
He will remain ia tbis seotion if he likes
Mat Halvorsen, of lone, was in town
long enough Wednesday to do a little
business all 'round, not overlooking the
Gazette offioe.
The usual servioes at the M.E. church,
South. In tbe evening, Rev. W. E.
Beeoh will preach. Good music will be
rendered at eaoh service.
Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer
immediately relieves sour stomach, com
ing up ot food distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Oon
eer & Warreu. v
We have an immense number of old
enbscriptiona unpaid. Those owing
should be fair and square up. We have
no objections to any person patronizing
other papers, but isn't it a good idea to
pay your old bill first? Now isn't tbat
tbe rigbt thing to dof
The business men's carnival Wednes
day mgbt was tolerably well attended
and generally successful, though tbere
were fewer business house represented
than before, because ot lack of pereona to
assist in tbe work. Tb idea is a good
ous and deserved all Ibe backing that it
Having already disposed ot two car
loads ot the oelebrated Fish Bios.'
witgons, backs, baggies, backboards and
carriages, we have a third carload en
route, wuen yon see tbem you can
recognize their superiority over any
otber make of wagon without exoeption
Minor A Co. 4tf
Dr. J. W. Vowel, tb oconliit, arrived
yesterday and will be here until next
Wednesday. Tbe doctor bas bad an
immense amuiint of experience in bis
lioe and tbis paper bas on doubt bat
that be will bate numerous patieuts dur
ing bis brief stay. Those in need of
glasses should call.
Which is better, to thorough!?'
flefcttss and purify the blood just
now, or make yourself liable to
the many dangero'tis .ailments
which are bo prevalent & bring
summer? Impurities have beefl
accumulating iu the blood all
winter, and right now is the time
to get rid of them. A thorough
course of Swift's Specific is needed
to cleanse the .blood and puri
fy the system, toning up and
strengthening it all over. Those
who take this precaution now are
comparatively safe all summer;
but to neglect it is to invite some
form of sickness which is so com
mon during the trying hot season,
it is ndw that a oourso of Swift's
will accomplish so much toward
rendering the system capable of
resisting the evil influences which
are so liable to attack it during
the summer when sickness is so
abundant. It is the best tonic
and system-buiider on the market,
because it is a real blood remedy
and is made solely to search out
and remove all impurities, and
supply an abundance of pure, rich
and red blood. S. S. S. is made
exclusively of roots and herbs,
and is Nature's own remedy. It
is purely vegetable, and is the
only blood remedy guaranteed U
contain no potash, mercury o?
other mineral. Be sure to get S.
S. S. There is nothing half as
The rasioBints Spoke at Heppaer ea Last Sat
arday. Other FwHIIeol Matters.
On last Saturday afternoon Walter
Pierce and Joseph T. Hinkle, botb of
of Pendleton, the latter tbe onion candi
date for prosecuting attorney addressed
I the people ot Ixingtoa from1 a fusion
standpoint, and ifterw rda at Beppnef
ia tbe evening. Mr. Pierce bad to cat
his address quit short here on scoount
of having lo mave on the train tor home,
thus it is hardly fair to ftritieiee bis ef
fort. From his standpoint it was not a
strong address, thongb it was respectful
ly received by an audienoe composed
largely Of republicans Mr. Pierce, bow.
ever, is a fjfue fellow and always gets a
splendid orowd at Heppner.
Mr. Joseph T. Hinkle lbs candidate
tor prosecuting attorney, did not detl
largely witb politios but confined bis re
marks to local affairs and the office for
which he is a candidate, real zing no
doubt that if ohosen, like a judge of tbe
oourt, be must know no politics. Tbe
Gazette would not be honest it it said
tbat Mr. Hinkle did not belp himself by
bis remarks both at Heppner and at other
plaot as well as through meeting tbe
people socially. Mr. Hinkle realizes,
however, that naturally this ooanty is
republican, taking the presidential vote,
and that be will have a bard Insele to re
duce that majority.
J. W. Morrow, tbe fusion oandidate for
joint senator, followed witb a few re
marks. Mayor Morgan, who presided,
then thanked tbe people for their kind
attention, and asking them to "oome
back again," tbe audience wol aismissed.
Wanted A position as foreman ot
sheep outfit. Twenty years trailing ex
perienoe. Know all toutee east and to
Montana. Best of references. Address,
Chas. H. Whbkler,
Pendleton, Or,
Joe Hinkle PlmU Morrow County a Pleasant
Keylon to Cauvuss.
From the East Oregonlan.
Joe T. Hinkle, candidate on the union
tioket for distriot attorney, has returned
from a trip into Morrow county. Mr.
Hinkle made speeches at Heppner, Lex
ington and lone, and met with an en-
thusiaetio reception at eaoh plaoe.
He found Morrow county prospering,
Wheat growers and sheepmen feel great
ly encouraged over present successes
and the outlook for tbe future. Business
at Heppner ia active, aud tbe community
is oonteoted. Mr. Hinkle says of its
people that they are sociable, hospitable
and agreeable, and make it a point to
treat strangers with oourtesy and kind
Politically the Morrow ooanty folk do
not appear to be bonud by party ties, and
are inolined to vote for the men wbo auit
them, regardless ot political faith.
Thousands are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for lu cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BUOS., 50 Varrcu St., N. T. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, ana i never nopea xor
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
even that. Many acquaintance have used
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Wurren Ave. , Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for cat irrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury no- any injurious drug. Price,
BO oeuts. At druggists or liy mail.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Omaha Expoitltion.
Mr. Wm. Rasmus, wbo is here in tbe
interest ot the Omaha Exposition, in
forms this paper tbat all Eastern Oregon
counties thus far visited have done some
thing. Baker gave 81.000, Umatilla
(500, Sherman. $300, Union $500, and ao
on. These subscriptions are not really
gifts, as in tbe event tbe legislator makes
the appropriation desired, Ibe money
will be refunded, and the donor will lose
tbe interest only. It pledges are worth
anything there will be no trouble in pass
ing tbe appropriation bill. Tbe only
possible contingency would be another
legislative hold-up.
Pine Cows for Sale.
I have a fine lot of well bred
cows for sale. B. F.
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown of tbe Beat
Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed.
Apples, Grabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8ft
Blackberries and Raspberries...
Currant' and Gooseberries
Straw ht Ties
Grape Vines and Pie Plant
W. Apo, Elm, Walnut, Maple,
Hard Maple, Mt. Ash, English
Box Alder
peb 100. FEB 1000.
I 6.00 30.00
t 8.00 60.00
1.00 5.00
3.00 20.00
1.00 3.00
5.00 30.00
5.00 30.00
! 10 00 30.00
, 15.00 ' 100.00
, 8.00 50.00
Roses, two year blooming age, out door.
Lilac, White end Purple, 2 year, xx
Our collection ot Roses, Shrubs, Bulbs, Climers, Flowering trees. Evergreens.
Weeping trees, eto, comprises the best eeleolion and shall be pleased to make you
prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing
added at ooet. Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before stock is
broken and you will get Just what you want. Address,
Payette Nursery,
' " Payette, Idaho.
E G Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are In this field at tbe old stand with Earneas, Baddies, Whips, Spurs, and an endless '
lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm aa well as collect what ia due.
E. O. NOB1VB & CO.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect vroduct
As the Star Brewery beer
Bears the
Amounts of from (1,000 to f,(KX) at elRht I
per cent. Interest payable annually. Appll-
auons considered only irom larmers aciuany
resldlne on tne farms. Noaeents. Address M.
Q. Grlllin, 275, Stark Bt., Chamber of Commerce,
roruaua, uregon. w-w.
On draught at
all popular saloons
! , . ' 203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or.
United States Land Omcs.
The Dalles. OreKon. April 8th, 1898.
approved plat of survey of township 121
South, range 'M Eant of the Willamette Merld- I
lan, Oregon, has oeen received at this office and
will ne otnclally tiled in tins omoe on Saturday,
ine zain aay oi may, itws, ai iu o ciom a. m.
jab. r, mwukiv,
Gibson & Berger,
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Shaving. - - 15 Ots.
Hair Outtintr. - 25
Baths 25c. Everything Strict
ly l irst Class.
Mathews & Gentry,
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in e ery department, ltates reasonable
Shop two doors South of Postofflcu
' Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Hair Cutting,
Shop, Matlock Corner,
16 Canta
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
Eitra Molli.
Oos bay horse, white spotio forehead,
Ooa grey mare, both bind feet white:
eaob 4 years old. Branded oo rigbt stifle
with the following desaribed oberaoler:
inverted x" frown witb tbe letter T"
on its atsm. Will pay $2 50 eaob for
tbeir delivery to B. Pedbtrg or informa
tion leading lo Ibeir reoove ry. Addreee
k. H. WlKDeoB, Leiiugton, Or.
Now that the days wax warmer and
warmer you will perhaps bo looking for
something new and light and cool to
Come down and look
mer wash goods.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with ur, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awako to tho fact
that the
over those mm-
Wool Growers'
Beoklea'i Araiea Halve.
Tbe Beet Salve in tbe world for CaU,
Bruiaae, Korea, Dloers, Halt Kbearu,
Fever Horte, Tetter, Chapped Uatids,
Cbilblaiua, Coroa, auu all Hk'o Erop-
We've Got Them
In abundance and beautiful designs.
twos, ana puaiiiveiy cures Files or uo xjce gauzy summer goods at surprisingly
pay reqnired. It is doaraottmd to give 1 ,
perfect aalufaetiou or tnonry refuotlod.
t'rloe lit ceots par txn. for lale by
BioOQia Drug IX)., ft. j. Kioonai, manager
Miuor k Co. will Lave attll another
carload of Fub Iiroe.' wagnua, boggine
eariiigee, backe end backboard
few days. If you need a vehicle ol aoy
kind oome eod see them. They speak
(or themeelvee aod are backed by posi
tive giiareutMte from Fwh Bros, aod
our$ Ue$. Minor A Co. 4it
Here are just a few:
Don't Hurt
your tnm.icn ty lining
low-price baking pow
der. Pay a fair price.
Tercales, new patterns, price, 10-124-150
Dimities in Floral Designs, 10-12iloc
Figured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12J-15
French OrgandieB, new goods, 20-30c
Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c
Linen Crashes, very serviceable 25c
French Ginghams, 20-25c
Minor & Oo.
Is tho place to store your wool this season. Why? Be
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in
the held buying wool ourselves, wo encourage competition
amongst tho buyers and secure you the highest price.
We are ellln wool sw ks and twine at cost. Davabla when wool Is sold. Band In nur ard
Wt pay the hUhest rash price (or sliwp polls and hl'lnf.
W are airanta for Llttla' bin aud alack Laa( Tnhirii hln tha mil rIUI,la nnmn.(
dipt on thr market.
wa par iraiKhi to u-atnsMrt wnn riiitwi to do ki nr owners ol wool.
H hat a (nil supply of t Barlaj and Wharnt, also HUtam Hollvd Harlay (or bamitri.
IMraut your taaiuatvrs tlx lowar warahoasa. Wa guarantee you a fjoart deal.
R. F. HYND, Manager.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawarc & Queensware At
Gilliam" & Bisbee's
And by the way tbr nare anything yon eta rail (or In Uie Uueol
Hardware, alovaa and Tinware.