1 11C DenvePS-Rio-Grande RAILROAD . ' SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD TO THB Of BTVXB THS. OHOICI Two Transcontinental GREAT , OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha ' -A5D Chicago Kansas City OCEAN 8TEAMEB8 OREGON, GEO. W.-ELDER AND CITY OF TOPE K A y Leave Portland every 5 -Days for ALASKA 'POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Days For JSAN FRANCISCO. HiAnmora Mrmthlv from Portland to Tokohoma and ' Hong Kong in con nection with O. R. & N. For full details call on 0. B. A N ; Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obsoon, Dortwell, Carlill, & Co., Gen'l. Agts.,Nor. Pac 8. S. Uo Portland, Ore. Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST j In through tourist oars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. To Kanias City and Chicago, without chanee via Bait Lake. Missouri Paci fic and Chicago and Alton Bya, To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without chanare via Halt Lake and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Ry. To Bt Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without chanare via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. ThrtFciWo j To Kansas City and St. Louis with lUlirUajS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. 111 until jrMf somissmt wtth mm. We are in a position to both make and eava you money. ! Listen to these facta. We are by far the largest wool commis- "' " si on house in the west. We handled last year 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. The largit tMmtweCtsrere any few a eMr-eet. -u ' Our stocks are always extensive enough to supply their wants. " Wi Maki Liberal Advances on Consignments 1 at 5 per cent per annum for money thug loaned. We supply ' " our patrons with aacke free. We send you our regular market letter which keeps you informed at all times upon the exact ,. condition of the market. Write) mm ml Oftes) about your wool, sending sample. TJ0L2 Mr' S2v k SILBERMAN BROS. Chicago. Ill , , , . A VEHY-OHA8TLY FIND. oeues or as uaaaewa lamas Massacre laeov- ' I. W . fx t urn - " i m wwbvh. Mr. F. A. Jones, the wholesale grocer, baa just returned from a business trie to Eastern Oregon, says the Portland Evening Telegram. He baa many en. I eonraging things to predict for that sec tion ot the state. Referring to one of his THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND C0N8CH1TI0N ' CAN UK CURED. I Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Readers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oom, of New York City, demonstrating expenenoes while on-that visit, Mr. Jones his discovery of a reliable core for Con- A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. Every man who pays his sobeoriptioo promptly, and, if in business, advertises liberally, is privileged to put his feet on the editor's table, says an exchange. The best friend of a paper is the man is willing to pay for everything he gets, just like the editor is expected to do when be goes into a store to make a purchase. Just notice who makes the londeat kick abont bis loo si paper, and nine obances to one be does not take the paper, or if so, is far in the arrears on payment The newspaper is a photo graph of the business and enterprise of any oommunity , and the most progress' lve people are tnose wbo announce their business in print, conoludes onr friend. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R, A N. and 8. P. agents, or address, B. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, . Gen, Pass. Tltt. Agt. , 251 Washington St., , . Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. HUE TOO GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that yonr tioket reads via Trie Hoiiriweslern Une ....THE.... CHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY 1 THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining ana Bieepum var NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) c uulished v Weekly t at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Trains, and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All ,i DKNatmirnri oarnuu on uio wuiiuini trains without extra charge, Hiiip your ireigni au agents tilasses of passengers carried on siul travel over this famous line, have tickets. vu n vm-in F. C. HAVAQK. ' Gen. Agent. ' Trav. V. Hi P.Agt. 1U Washington St., Portland, or, oniOAao Ilwate k SI: Paul B'b This Railway Co. Operates its drains oa the famous bio ok system; Lights its trains by eleotrlotty through out; Usee the oelebrated alestrie berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passsngar trains every day and night between i. rani and PUioago, and Umana ana utitoego the Chicaao.' Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao operates steam-bested vostibaled trains, oarrying the latest privets eomnarlmeat oars, library buffet smok Ing cars, and palace drawing room aleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and the very best dining obair oar , service. For lowest ratsa to any point in the United Ptates or Cauada, apply to 1 aireutor address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or, Worth its weight in gold to e rery farmer and breeder in Uregnn. SUBSCRIPTION: S2.0O IER YEAR, Sample copies trie.) Rural Spirit and Ga' o'tte both for f.8.00. oash, at this office. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tutor Mark r?ttl COFYRIOHtt AC. Anyond Bon1ln(i a ithoth and rtne tlon mf quickly oertnln our opinion rrt wUHher an hiventiim In probably pnteiitah? j, (Vminiunloa tloiiH nttiotly oonttdeittlal. Han ibook on Ptnt Hitt fre. Oldttitt AUHitcy forsfjoo' lnir pateiiU. 1'aleitU taken throutfh Wann k Co. raoely $ptcitU notice, without clmrr, luthe Scientific American. A Bare Thing for Ton. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thiug. Biliousness, sick neudacbe, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets (Jandv vJatliartic, the won derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. 0. C. are a sure thine. Trv a box to-day; 10c.. 2uc., 60c tiauiiile and booklet free. Bee our big ud. Nashville and Rose burg 1898. The attention of the Christian Ed deavorers of the world is being direoted to Nashville now as it was a year ago to Sao Francisco, and one ot the great st meetings in the history of this great movement is assured. Oregon Endeav enrs are looking especially towards Roseburg at this time where their an nual state convention will be held May 12th to 15th, preparations are being made in that lively burg for the recep tion and oare ot all -the delegates wbo may find it possible: to attend.; Huch a reception is promised - as bss . never be fore been attempted by any entertaining city inJ Oregon. The' program as out lined is one ot the best they have . ever been able to offer, and as no limit is placed on the number wbo may attend a successful meeting is already assured. stated that while Mr. Charles -Beymer and Frank Moyers were excavating an irrigating ditob on Mr. Beymer'a ranch, located on Rhea creek, abont 12 miles from Lexington, Or., they uncovered the skeletons ot a man, woman and two obildren, no doubt the remains of an en. tire family, killed Dy the Indians daring our pioneer days. Arrow beads wers found sticking into the bones of the two grown persons, at different ' portions of the body, and six or seven additional ar row beads were found beside the remains. The skeletons were only abont two feet Prof. Morgan was in from Gooseberry under the snrfaoe, and the appearaooe LOCAL BQTJ1BS. on last Saturday. War is the all-absorbing Heppner at present. What is Hop Gold? Best earth. . ttee ad. elsewhere. indioatesthat the bodies had been thrown in a heap. Distribution ot the arrow beads, as relios, was made among the neighbors. j , That part of the state was tbe scene of mm . anivninarV' atrifoa. tiAlwtta.- th. iLiohtentbal ft Co. for shoes. Exclusive whitM Bnd indiBnedarin- the very early territorial days of Oregon. - topio in beer on I a shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Guinnssse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borobers' ts An unusually large number of people from the country were in tbe oity trad ing Saturday. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean, fresh stook of goods- leave your orders. If, Mrs. Wm. Ay ere left for Salem on last Saturday to visit relatives. She will be absent for some weeks. If you need something for your system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tt Jas. Kinney spent last week in Hepp ner. He will work for Pat Doberty, of Butter creek, this summer. Phil Cobn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, furs, etc Don't forget Phil. 5tt Tbe Gazette ebop is under obligations to Mr. Wm. Ayers, jr., for a fine lot of lettuoe. Wm. is the boss gardener, jag. Brown, of Upper Willow oreek, reports that bis wife has been ill for tbe past six weeks, but is now improving. Tbe concert to be given under tbe auspioes of the Episoopal ohurcb has The remains above referred to perhaps are those of emigrants massacred by the redskins, in one of tbe comerune murder ous assaults which have no plaoe in history. v What Dr. A. E. (Salter Says. 1 Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effeot of your Shiloh's Cure in esses of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remark ablejremedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It bas certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser & Warren. x sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and chest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of westing away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" bas onred thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional dnty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting tor years, bas produoed results as beneficial to bnmanity as can be claimed by any modem genius. His assertion that lnng tronbles and con sumption are onrable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro-!-pesn laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. O, 98 Pine street, New York, givintr post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Batterers should take Instsnt advan tage ot his generous proposition. PleaBe tell tbe Dootcr that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. - July 9-7-1 yr. 'FOinYOU! Now Prepared to mIo t Am Kind of Printing Don Send Your Orders Awaj 'Till You Get the Gazette! Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depai ment baa tried to do no work other tha plain printing. However, 'this shop now prepared to tackle anything in ad line and will meet prices of any persd under tbe sun in the line of dr'rfggis supplies, Diank nooks, bank , wort oounty work, or any sort bt book bind ing work that you have heretofore sea! away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop Is , not a oharitl ooncern but it you will give nl i efaknq we will see that you are satisfied i every particular. Bay your goods at borne. , Bemmbel that Abe Linouln said that -'when on bought goods- away from borne - th foreigner got the money and we got thi goods. But when tbe , goods- were. oongni Bt borne we had both monejJ and goods.- This is e-ood doctrine; Wsi sre willing to abide by it. When the) printing drummer comes to town,' re member it and call op 'phone No. 3. . : 560-tf Fine Cows fo? Sale. i I have a fine lot of well bred : milk oowa for sale. B. F. Swaggart. 5 8 i Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man ot Portland in tbe line of ''popular prioes," bas refitted tbe Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at his plaoe. tt CATARRH A hatittBomfllf lilnntrattyJ wfteklf. mi tat Ion of an identify Journal. rmir moniti, f t. boiq uy an newtdtwiera. J.anrMt dr. rUo'a,Bd New York branch Urnoe, f. T Bt., Washington, D. C NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable TIMio i Control. Baled hay for sale. Char(ra reasonable. Call ou hlra and bave vour horse well -ared lor. 50 Years.... IN THI It u s rum itf; THROUGH CAR9- TO Hr. PAUL M1NNKAPOLI8 DUI.UTU KAU(K) nrrrTK UELENA Tickets Issued to all point. In the United Htates and Canada. QUICK TIUETO. OlIItUlK) WahiiinoTo HALT! MOHI Nnw Yoaa UvrrALo All other points to the East and Keatheast Omaha Kaunas City Ht. Joasr-H Ht. Loois Boston UnioD Depot ooBoaotions at St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kao.a. City, Omaha, Ht. Louis and other promi nent point Baggage check d through to destination ol Ucksta. Through ticket to J aoao and China, via Taooma and Northern. 1 acino siiaam ship CotoBsoy' line. For full Information, time oarJa, maps. tiokete, etc., oall on or write , O.t A til a way, A. I CwAaLTOH, Agt.5.P.lty. Asst. Osn. rasi. Agl. TbaDillfifOf' rortlan4,Cf -Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Ccf r's Sheep Slip! Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value ui Flock. Cheap, Hate, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorlesi. CHAS. G. ROBEUTS GENERAL AO TUT, 247 Ash Strevt, rortlainl, Orrgnu. Sold by Minor A Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! L15ERTY MRK&T It the plaoe to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, Btonka ami roasts. FISH EVEHY FRIDAY Kin sujur riirwl hams ami txu-on. I'll re lml lant, si'ltle rendered. ol1 Hyl. Hlnhtst uaa prtc ii! lor 1st BUX'k. BESJ. MATHEWS. lfitc - iAiL,ica NURSERIES, R. M. WCBCR, rrB. rawf tod .'aalar la fruit, Sade m4 Oraittental Trees ' Crepe Vines ana Small FruUe. Our Trees are. Grown With- . . out Irrigation. ' flNP fCft TALOwWl- GRANT COUNTY NEWS. From the Eagle. Little Hazel Wood, the oldest daugh ter of Mr. and Air a. Chas. Wood, ot Fox valley, died very suddenly at tbe parents' borne in Fox valley last Friday, at an age of almost four years. W. W. Eirk, ot Heppner, was in Long been postponed until Wednesday, Mey Creek Saturday, having oome in by way 11th. lot Ukiah. He returned to Heonner Soon tbe wool crop from the interior Thursday to attend court. Mr. Eirk will begin to come in to tbe Heppner tated that as soon as oourt adjourned market wbioh will increase the business n Morrow oounty be would move to this Tbe party given at tbe opera house on last Friday evening was tolerably well attended, and mnob enjoyed. It is to be regretted that there were not more present. The musio was furnished by tbe Heppner orchestra and was excel lent, and altogether it was a splendid success. lis rl 1 1 A la MEN ! hTc can cured Aak your Druggist for a generous ' 1 1 10 CENT J TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no eoc'n. mercury ww any ( Jtlier Injurious drug. It Is quickly Ahw rncd. Gives Helluf t jnce. r. I . lA..n.A. the Nsmi! Passat m. rHIU lV M t All Allays lnlhrnmiMlon. vUUJ lla-flU Ilnals and Prot ts til Membrane. Knutores th S(in of Tante und tSniell. Full files 6UC ; Trial Biz- 10c.: at ln 'tsor ; mull. tLY BKUl'liaUH, warren Bireei, new lora. fRLlNGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE U. REED k ) ...... ; A. G. OQILVIE f P""- FARE f ROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (AO ml'es). . .15 00 Round trip (900 Uayvllle(U ;nlles). 4 00. ......Round trip TOO Comiui ;9 miles) . . 1 00 Round trip 00 Clem ('28 inties),... 2 00. ...... Round trip IN OU-x (11) miles) 1 50 Round trip 8 M Strge lesYss Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortabla covered ooaohes and care ful, experienced drivers. of oar merohaots. Stop tbatoongbt Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shiloh's Oure may save your life. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Tbe fine rains the latter part of last week were a great benefit to vegetation 01 an ainuB, especially range grass whiob was suSering greatly. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as clear as bell. Sold by Conser Sc Warren, x a young man named Vanderpool, a deaf mute, while riding a bucking btooco yesterday morning, rode under one of the sheds at tbe livery barn of Thomp son & Binns, badly scratching the young man's faoe bnt doing him no serious injury. Brownsville Times: A. L. Sbnlse, son of Bev. J. M. Sbulss, arrived Wednes day morning from Albuquerque, N. M. He was a medical student in St. , Louis, Mo., and on acoount of overwork bis health broke down, whereupon be went to New ,. Mexico. He baa been there seven months and is greatly improved in health. He expeols to finish his medi oal ednoatioo at Boulder, Col. oity for tbe purpose of organizing a class in musio. The Long Greek Eagle says that Mat Legler, a prominont young German, a resident ot Fox valley, suioided on Mon day, the 25tb nit., by shooting himself with a revolver. Mr. Legler bas bees a resident of the valley for abont two years, I and has beon very successful in aooomu- latiog wealth, both in lands and oattle, and no cause is assigned for the rssb sot unless a temporary fit of insanity. From the News. Dr. W. M.Lewis, of John Day, who served iv ths late war and gained tbe title of major, is petitioning tbe governor tor permission to raise a body of volun teer in Grant, Harney and Malheur oonnties. It is reported tbst some parties lately shot into Iremonger'e band ot sbeep be-1 low Dayville and killed 75 bead. Sheep men will beonrae desperate if thisbusi-l ness oontinues, and offer a bounty for the soalps of the midnight marauders,! when something is very liable to "drop." If von suffer from anv of the 1 ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacinc Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1051 Market St Est d 1852. 1 - fount men and middle 1 aired men who are suflerinr fiom the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical sseiitis.r,inipiiicy,AjOi.s jfiAnntftoa 1 in all its complications; Npermatorrhora, Xroaiatorrlian, ftoiiorrhceit, lleeS, 1 Freaui-uer of tJi-liiaiiiia-. etc Bv a combination of remedies, of great curative pow- . er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' that it will not only afford immediate relief but . permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair 1 and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in nis specialty jriseaBCH qi men, The Dalles, Portland Astoria ' Navigation Co. ..;...6TEAMEEB "DALLES CITY" "AND J "REGULATOR" Commencing Monday, May 2nd, tbe steamers of the Regulator Line will leave Portland at 630 a, m. and Tbe Dalles at 820 B. m. When yon go to Portland; stop ' off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; yon will enjoy it, and have ' money. W. CALLAWAY. -.-! General Agent quick Tiivran i M.tdIiIIIs thorouehlv eradicated trom toe ' syttf-rawlthoutiiRlngmTerrury. , l:VI.KV MAM minlvli.i n na will m- I ceiva onr nrmetl opinion or nmpomplnllit,, , we imiLuuarantM a rum ti vi uuicazn every eat toe undertake, or forfeit One Consultation FREE and strictly private. Charges very seasonable. Treat- "tin pviauTKtti y v vj reiicr, ocnu lur uuirj " The Pliilnnnliv nf HliiMo-a " frc. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAHtl Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the woria. Lxme and learn now wonderfully you i are nude; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually addinar new specimena. LiJLi JiLUU vis jt tcajp. una or write. 1051 Market Stret. San Prancltco, Cat San Francisco And all points In California, via tha U& fehasta route 01 us Southern Pacific Co The sreat hiahway thron points ust and Sonth. :h California to all rrand Homiia RnntA - or tne i-aoino uoaat. Pallman Buffet Sleepers. Beoond-class Bleepera Attached to express trains, affording- anperlcr accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping- car reservations, eto, call npon or address R. KOEHLER, Manager, C. H. MABKHAM, Gen. F. k P. Agt., Portland, Oregon In buying seeds "eeasromy 1 extra vaaaaee,' because the cost of saltl vatlon wasted on Inferior seed always largely txceeds tbe original . coat of the beet and dearest seeds to be bad. The best la alwar tks cheapest. Pay a trifle mora for .1 i FERRY'S; SEEDS and oiunyt (at your money's worth,' hits cents per paper everywnersj, Always tne nest, aeea Annual met . D.M.FERRY t CO., DstrsrlrMicav. 1 1 K To Care) Oanstlpatlaa Forever. Take Cascare'.s CandT Cathartic loo orSXa. If C. C. C. (all to sure, Uruggiala refund noney.. Keep Sttjnj Est Bleu. THE WOOL. ItEOOItD Telia You Hew to Do It. By a sproial arrangement we offer to our readers The Wool Record and 8eml-Weekly Oasette, one year for $300. Tbe Wool Reoord is the only national ool organ and covers the wool ioduatry trom tbe raising of tbe sheep to the sell ing of tbe manufactured artiole. tt is published weekly at New York and the regular prioe is f'i 00 a year. lis market reports are full and 00111 p s and its Sheep meedere' lalts alone are worth 10 linixo the prioe of the paper. Hainple eopiee 01 application. We boarlily recommend this cotuhi nation to oar subscribers. SrOKiNE FiLLS I NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHETPARD ' RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change ot Cars Between - Spokane, Rosslaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson sal Rosslaod, daily eioept Sunday: ! A. M . rV-aene .. . P. M II in A. M Ri-wlaad Stl . M 10 A M hlHi tM P. M Cliiee eonniiont at NvImhi vllk ateamen ret I..in. and all giMnat IaIiS IHjiuta. laaitare M'Kcitle hl'ar and PcatBefy ra eoaasei st asrest who rtaa eatiy. 100 BBWARl) 1 Will be paid for information leading to tbe arrest and oonviclion ot aoy per son stealing oattle branded "WH" eon neoted on tbe left aids. Waddle on tbe nose. Pbrct Htjohbr. 45 nov3 Beats the Klondike- Mr. A. O. Thomas, of Mary sville, Tex., bas found a more valuable discovery I than bas yet been made in tbe Klondike. for years be suffered untold agony trom consumption acoompsnied by hemorrh ages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, I Coughs and Colds, be declsree that gold le of little valne in comparison to this marvelons oure, would have It even it it ooet a hundred dollars a bottle. Astbms, I bronohitis and all throat and lung affec tions are positively oared by Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption. Trisl bottles free at E. 1. blocnm s drug store. Regular siae 60 ets and $1. Guaranteed to enre or price refunded. Iieaatr Is niood Deep. Clean blood meana a clean akin. Sa beauty without it. l.'asrareti, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- wriuea iroro me IkxIv. ifc-gin to-day to taniih pimples, Ixiila, Llotrhe, blackheads, md that sickly bilious coniolexion bv takirni (.'am-arets, lienuty for ten rents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c, 5-. Johnnie Spencer, yesterday morning, while riding a frsotioui caynse, bed tbe addle to turn throwing him heavily to tbe ground. Tbe animal thus treed rushed dowo the street at headlong paoe much to the discomfort of nsdas- trlaos, and Dually landed in a barbed wire fenoe eeveriog an artery in tbe right leg and otherwise injarlng it la ucb a matter as to oeoeeeitate tbe at tention of b veterinary. A TIMELY WAKMNU. Grata Saves la Mob 7 Made. To save tha grain ass Fry's Coacen treted Squirrel Poiaoo. Thie prepara tion is the obeapest and most eoooom toal (or tbe tenners. Out grain kills. Guaranteed. Tries 3fa per oao or 13.50 per ease ot two doisn. For sale by Mlocum Drag Co., Heppner, Or. tf Ibe Halvetioo Army reaped quite a lilUe harvest aod addsd eeveral dollars 10. tbelr eiohequer oa Pundsy last at their afternoon and etsnlog eosg esrvi- oas. It is well merited. . Bvarrkooy Baya ao. Cas,art CaaAv Cathartic, ths moat woo Serf ul motiv! diax)vervof tlie age, p eas ant and retroshing to the taste, a,-t frnUy and pos. lively oa kUlneva, lirer and bowels, rleanalnf tha entire etet.-m. rllifl rolila, ure tsu,lacli4 ferer, haliltual -fr.tliatna an4 billouetiees, plraa Imy and try a boa 01 C C C to-tlavi 0, w, Korent. buluaoi. f oaraatee ve surs ? aU sru,lts, Tbe meetings of Rawlins Poet, O.A.I R-, hays been changed from Lexington to Heppner, and tbe day of meeting from the fourth to tbe third Saturday in eaob month, '1 Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Oregon ONLY STATC SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON SlIOtiT LINE Ky QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINK UTAH, COLORADO, NE- BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Potns EAST, and SOUTH. LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, 35 ST. LOUIS. OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, H HE1TNER 11 ' Located on tbe O. R. & N. Railway midway between Pendleton aod Walla Walla.; Students admitted at , i all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Tooal and Instrumental Musio taught by competent inatructora. A gradu ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory bas charge ot tbe instrumental depart ment. OPli laddies' Boarding Hall Is thoroughly aqnioped and offers ex. oellsnt accommodations at reasonable rates. Send for oatalogoe. Addaeaa M. G. ROYAL, Prealdent of Faculty er P. A. WORTHING- 1 wiv, owcrwxary Doara or negents, Weaton, Ore. Do You Want a Rig? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? AU these can be procured at Thompson Si Burns, Lower Main Street Heppner, Oregon. ' Thee tentlemen are well aeanalnted with Oranl, Harney, Crook, Gillian and other unM and can save mutter and time la matins; Uieee sections with trarelluf men eountlas Prices In keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BINNS, 1 Free Reclining Cbair Cars Cpbolatered Tourist Hleeping Cart Tollmen Teleee Sleeping Cart For full particulate regarding rates, time of trains, eto., eall on or ad drees J. a BART. Agent O. R. A N. Co. Heppner, Oreeos O. O. Ttaar, W, E. Cohar, Tra. Faas. Agt, 0a'l Agt. 124 Third H i Portlsed, Oft. That !4-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e it tea RAN0 QOODS1 e e New BtiaJ, City Ilutsl Bolldisg , XOW OrilliVID, Prop,