Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 03, 1898, Image 3

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fee Dreadful Sores
continued to Spread In Spite
reatment but Now They fere
ed-A Wonderful Work.
rwiy years I have been a great
with varicose veins on one of my
My loot and limb became dread
Bwollen. When I stood op I could
le blood rushing down the veins of
mb. One day I accidentally hit my
gainst some object and a sore broke
rhtob. continued to spread and was
dlngly painful. I concluded I
id a blood purifier and I began taking
I's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
) dreadful sores which had caused
10 much suffering, began to heal. I
on faithfully with Hood's Saraapa
, and in a short time my limb was
aletely healed and the sores gave me
more pain. I cannot be too thankful
jthe wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
I, has done for me." Mbb. A. E.
(son, Hartland, Vermont.
?n Sarsa-
O piuilla
(lik best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
ped'8 PI1I9 cure all liver Ills. 25 cents.
.'he Gezette can offer the following
abbing rates:
e GAETTE 12.00 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.00
8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... 2.75
Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50
8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 3.25
8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Webf oot Planter, 50c , 2. 00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.50
ural Spirit, $2.00 8.00
ew York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
cCall's Magazine $1.00 1.30
Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can
et clubbing rates witn any paper on
Wbeo joa read Ibis little stanns.
In your bouse or in your store,
Remember tbat it IB being re'sd
By several thousand more.
Kow if yoc owned tbie little space,
And would fill it with an ad,
It would bring yon many dollars,
Tbat you no donbt wish yon bad.
Sunday 11 a. ra. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
(10 a. m. Classes Mo. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
I Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
rreyer meeting, mummy, v p. m.
rne OfiaiT sua tne Dnua By, i.ome.
The istor may be found at tue parsonage ad
joining the chureh, where he will be glad to
meet any wko may drsire to consult him on
relisious, social, civic, philosophio, educational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLESHES, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class
leetlng following morning service.
Sunday school, S p. m. Epworth league, Frl-
meeting following morning service.
Sunday set
dav. 7 d. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our'
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
church. C. U. Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. Shelly.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
'Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock.
Take Notice. '
L The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
fcnif nhitnarT notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Hoi Ys voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For the candidate, I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June.
Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry's
Linwood Rye,
He'll catch our votes If he wets our throats
for the voting- men are drv.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Sperry,
Bee M. Liclitentbal t Co. for shoes, a
Wheat is 80 cents and still going skyward.
Remember the Merchants' Oar nival
tomorrow night. It
Geo. Perry is over from Lone Book
after wool sacks and sapplies.
Business will be uo nasally brisk in
Heppner until the wool season is over.
Mike Kenny, one of 8nnd Hollow's
sheepmen, was in Friday last on busi
ness. Mr. J, F. O. Brown, of Mt. Tabor, rep
resenting Msgio yeast, Suodayed in
Those wishing private board can find
accommodations at the ressidenee of
Mrs. W. J. Leezer. 44 tf
Sheepmen, we are informed, are pay
ing from 7 to 10 oents per head to have
their sheep sheared.
Bring your hides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market prioe.
Don't fail to see Heppnervs bouquet of
beautifnl young ladies in the carnival
and fan drill tomorrow night at the
opera bonne. It
The pnblio will find war bulletins
posted at the telephone offloe, the post
office and at Jas. Hart's confectionary
E. O. Noble & Co. are metiers after
business. The finest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. Sea their
new ad in this issue. tf.
J. O. Mills, a brother of Jack Mills,
one of the Oaiette foroe, is down from
Milton to assist in shearing out some ot
Morrow county's peltere,
R. A. Rounds and A. O. Ballanoe, of
Long Creek, oame in yesterday evening
after the engine to be used in E. O.
Woodall's sawmill at that place.
Dr. A. O. Qreenlee has returned from
bis trip to the interior and expects to be
bere two weeks. Tbose desiring work
in dentistry should call st Dr. Vaughan's
ffioe. 5 6
Catarrh oared. A clear bead and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob s
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector tree. Sold by Conger &
Warren. x
Ray, son ot W. M. Radio, ot Long
Creek, returned this morning from a
trip to Portland, Seattle sod otber coast
points, and will start for home tomorrow
The Qeiotte'e war bulletins are being
greatly appreciated by Heppuer's oiti-
lens and business men, who havo not
the opportunity lo gain tbe 1 at eft news
otherwise, -
Karl's Clover Root Tea, far Constipa
tion It's tbe best and if after rising it
you don't Say so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conger &
Warren. x
W. B. MoAlister was up from Lexing
ton Saturday. Bruoe was unsuccessful
in bis race for assessor but be is just as
good a republican as ever, Bruoe was
always a repub loan
A Tramp Meets Death while Stealing a
Bide oa a freight Train.
Saturday morning word oame up
from Castle Rook that the remains of a
man had been found on the railroad
traok near the station and a request
was made for a coroner to hold an in
quest. In the absence of coroner, B, F.
Vaugban, Judge Walt Richardson
acted as coroner and accompanied by
tbe county pbysioian, Dr. E. R. Hun
look, and other Heppnerites at onoe
proceeded to Castle Rook. Tbey found
tbe body badly mutilated and to be that
ot a yonng man named W. L. Gregory,
of Sumner, Wash., about 25 to 27 years
of age. Tbe bead was almost severed
from the body and tbe oruel wheels had
passed over tbe body near the hips.
His friend, Andy Sullivan, testified
tbat he and Gregory were beating their
way east on freight No. 24. Tbe train
stopped at Oa9 tie Rook and tbe man got
off Sullivan oiawled in on the rods
when the train started and supposed bis
partner bad done tbe same, but when
Suilivan arrived at Umatilla Gregory
was missing. Sullivan returned to Cas
tle Rock to find tbat Gregory bad met
with death, evidently while attempting
to get aboard tbe train. It is supposed
that bis foot was caught in the switob
frog, dragging bim under the wheels.
The jury, composed of Geo. Barker,
Billy Robioett, Nelu Magousen, Frank
Roberts, 01 Snyder, of Heppner, and Mr,
Peters, cf Castle Rjok, brought in a
verdict in aooordanoe with the facts ad
duced at tbe inquest.
Neither ot tbe young men bad any ex
cuse to play tbe role of tramp, for both
naa money, ua uregorys person was
over $25 in oash. This is but anotner
acoident tbat is likely to oome to any
person wbo will risk bis lite riding brake
beams and rods.
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band but its circulation
can be determined at tbe Heppner post-
offloe. Advertisers will please note this,
Here and There.
We are having some fine spring wealh
r at present
Statements for the Famous Simpli
Aooount File printed at the Gsustte of
floe. if.
There are tew idle men in Heppner at
present, all being out in the sheep
Sheep shearing is now in full blast in
this, seotiob and shearers are in great
"Co'n juioe" is all right but Low Til-
lard baw brand of 14-year-old goods
tbat It bard lo best. 603 -It
Painless remedy for extracting teetb.
It not as stated, no obarges. Try Dr
Vaugban's new plan. 604-tf.
Best accommodation and oourteous
treatment at tbelmperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wasb. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Tbe Gasetle earries a full stock of
mourning oote, oorrespondenoe style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
snob stationery ean have their wants
supplied at this office. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, ot tbe "Red
light," ever on tbe alerl tor something
new, oan furnish son the finest cock
tails In lbs land Manhattan, Jersey
Vermouth or Gio made by an artist in
. tbe business. Drop in and tsks the
taste out of your mouth. It
Frank MoFarland has been appointed
speoial ageot of The Equitable Life A
sursnos Co., of New York, tbe strongest
in tbe world. Cash surplus to policy
holders of over 50 millioc dollars. Dou't
lake Insurance without seeing tbs new
Diana ot the Equitable. Insures both
sexes at same rates. 77if
Besides keeping tbe largest assort
meet ot etndies, fruits, cigars sod
notions to be found anywhere in tbe
oity, Jas. Hart is now able to supply
von with tbs Portland dailies sod all
tbs msgasioes and periodicals, both tor
lira end dcnvcilc. It you wtot read
tog matter, give Jim a call st tbe Repp
eer Candy rectory.
Forbes, tbe Pendleton Jewelry Thief, Cap
tared in Portland.
On April 22, at PeDdletou, the jewelry
store of Louis Huusaker was robbed ot
nearly everything ot value. The pro
prietor had looked bis place and stepped
out to lunoheon. Wben be returned bis
entire stook bad disappeared, together
with a large number of watches left with
bim tor repair.
Circulars descriptive of the stolen
property were sent out broadcast, and
deteotives were put upon the case, and
in a short time, with tbe assistance of
several pawnbrokers, Edward FjiUl-s
was arrested at Portland and plaoed in
jail suspected ot having committed tbe
robbery, He protested strenuously that
be was a farmer and was innoceot ot
the obarge agaioBt bim, but finally
after being pumped by the detectives,
and ideotifltid by tbe pawnbrokers lo
whom he had sold eaob a watcb, be
partially confessed and disclosed the
biding plaoe ot tweuty-five watches
whiou were oouoealed beneath the wbarf .
Five otber watches were found iu differ
ent places wbere tbey had been hidden
by Forbes. He also promised tbe de
teotives it tbey would aocompany bim
to Pendleton be would disclose the
whereabouts of rings and jewelry buried
near tbe city.
forbes will be taken to the soene of
tbe orlme in a few days, and it is also
hoped he will disclose wbo bis aooom
plioes were.
Frank Lacy started Monday morning
for Nebraska with bis second band ot
sheep, consisting of about 6.000 besd.
Mr. Lsoy will have about 30,000 bead ,
whiob will be divided into five bands.
obilons oonsumptioo (Jure oures
bere others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant lo take and goes
right to tbe spot. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
Dr. J. E. Ad kins, ot Hillsboro, who
has been bere on a professional trip, ao
oompanied by bis daughter. Miss Mabel,
and little son, Arthur, who have been
visiting relatives, returned borne Mou
day night
Tbe Gazette is requested to snnouooe
Ibat tbe Christian church people will
tender ao informal reoeption to their
pastor, Bro. Shelley and family, at tbe
cburob, Friday night next, to wbiob all
are oordially invited.
Dr. Vaugban, tbe dentist, who is in
the interior country, seems to be either
meeting with good euooess in his bust
ness or else enjoying oapturiog some
of tbe fluoy tribe in tbe monotain
streams of that section.
Mrs. P. B. McSwords Is quite sick this week
Asa Thomson Is over from his Butter creek
Mrs. Herren, mother of pave Herron, Is quite
111 with lagrlppo.
Mrs. Geo. Conser is quite ill at her home In
this city this week.
J. P. Hayden, the popular traveling man who
represents Lang & Co., is in our city.
Tom Quald Is out again after a severe illness
from a complication of lagrippe and. bilious
The Epworth League of the M. E. church,
South, will serve refreshments In the Salvation
army hall, Thursday evening, May ft.
Hoppner is wlthont street sprinkling. The
dust clouds are almost unbearable, and if some
thing is not done every stock of goods, every
particle of furniture In the town will be ma
terially damaged. Some arrangement for
sprinkling should be made at onct.
A Has Bhoots Bis Wife Twice, Then Tarns
the Weapoa Cpon Himself.
On Sunday evening last news reached
this city of s sad case ot domestic un
pleasantness whiob resulted in the wife
being seriously, it not fatally wounded,
and the husband oorpse by his own
T'-e parties to the terrible tragedy
were Alvah Mikeaell and wife wbo re
side near Penland's Rhea creek ranch,
just east ot the Dave Leatbermao pi see.
From parties wbo visited tbe scene of
tbe tragedy and from the report of tbe
coroner's jury, we glean tbe following
particulars as etated by the wounded
It seems tbat Mikesell sod wife have
been married about eight years, the
greater portion ot whiob lime tbey have
lived very unpleasantly together, several
times their quarrels becoming so violent
as to come to blows and separation, but
after tbe beat of passion subsided tbey
returned end lived together again. Mrs.
Mikesell stated that tbe night previous
to tbe tragedy ber husband threatened
her lite, and on tbe following morning
he commanded her to acoompany him
on top of a bill wbere he had a band ot
sheep. She did so, and he again com
menced quarreling with her, and she
left him and returned to tbe house. He
soon returned also and again command
ed ber to Booompany bim. She says ebe
wa:i about to oomply the seoond time
when she notioed a very peouliar ex
pression in his eye whiob alarmed her
and she endeavored to esoape him by
running, when he oommenoed firing on
ber with a revolver, the first shot strik
ing ber in tbe fleshy part ot the right
arm about bait way between tbe elbow
and Bhoulder, and the seoond usl below
and a little baok ot tbe right ear and
ooming nut at tbe same point on the left
side of Ibe neok. 8be tell at tbe second
ebot and lay still, and thinking tbat he
had killed ber, Mikesell immediately
turned the wenpon upon himself, in
flicting a wound from which be died in
about fifteen minutes without ever re
gaining consciousness.
Acting ooroner, W. A. Richardson, ot
this city, was notified and repaired to
the scene and Leld an inquest over tbe
remains and returned tbe following
Heppner, Or., May 2, 1898.
We, tbe jury empaneled in tbe above
entitled inquest , find tbat the deceased,
Alvah UikHsell.oame to bis death from a
inn shot wound in bis bend supposed to
have been lumoted on himself by a
pistol in bis own bands with suicidal
E. J. Ksbnit, Fbank W. Robebts,
Willis Stewart, J. W, Hobnob,
W. A. Rich rdson, J. P., acting coroner,
Mrs. Mikesell was removed to this
oity and taken to the Hotel Heppner
where Drs. Swinburne and Bunlook
were oalled and dressed tbe wounds,
wbioh tbey found es stated above, and
at present writing the patient is resting
easy with ohanoes about even for ber
Mr. MikeseU's remains were interred
this morning at tbe cemetery at this
plaoe. Tbe affair is a very deplorable
one, and one to be deeply regretted by
all bome-loYlng people. ,
minors uo. win neve etui aootner i mm i ir wi IDCCDV "rCSCIf
carload of Fish Bros." wagons, boggies, UlrLUO I UlOtlI 1 VJLi
carriages, backs and buokboards in el i iHESi2i--:
kJ 1 1 kJ -
few days. If you need a vebiolo of any
kind oome and see them. They speak
for themselves and are backed by posi
tive guarantees from Fish Bros, and
ourtelvtt. Minor k Co. 4tf
Or., May 2, 1898.
Anderson, W A Long, H P '
Bumhall, H I McLean, J L
Ellis, Mrs Jernsha Ann Reynolds, J E
Knowlea, Claude O Steiner, Wm (2)
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. J. P. Wiluaks, P. M.
Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown of the Best
Varieties for this Climate Fully Guaranteed.
Apples, Crabs and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft
' House cleaning season is at hsnd,
when the women folks about the bouse
bound out ot bed at an early hour in tbe
morning and al onoe begin to make the
dust fly or anything else that crosses
their path a season when all men folks
would enjoy a vaoation at some seaport
lown or anywhere else lo esoape Ibe
broom and dustpan.
Blackberries and Raspberries
Currants and Gooseberries
Grape Vines and Pie Plant
W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, B
Hard Maple, Mt. Asb, English
Rosas, two year blooming age, out door.
peb 100. peb 1000.
I 6.00 $ 80.00
t 8.00 60.00
1.00 5.00
3.00 20.00
1.00 3.00
6.00 30.00
5.00 30.00
! 1000 30.00
, 15.00 100.00
8.00 50.00
At tbe earnest solicitatio n of many
oitisens and almost tbe unanimous
petition of tbe business men, Mrs. H. J.
Strickfaden has finally consented on
Wedneaduy evening next to re-produoe
her merchant's oarnival which met with
such brilliant suooess both sooially and
financially last Tuesday evening, the
net proceeds of which are to be given to
tbe building fund of tbe Episcopal
ohurob of this city .
Wanted A position as foreman of I
sheep outfit. Twenly years trailing ex
perience. Know all routes east snd to
Montana. Best of references. Address,
Chas. H. Wheeler,
Pendleton, Or.
Having already disposed ot two car
loads of the oelebraled Fish Bros
wsgons, haoks, buggies, buokboards snd
carriages, we have a third carload eo
route, wben ' you see them you can
recognize their superiority over any
other make of wagon without exception
Minor & Co. 4tf
Our collection ot Roses, Shrubs, Bulbs, Climers, Flowering trees, Evergreens,
Weeping trees, etc, comprises tbe best selection and shall be pleased to make you
prioes on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioes are net, packing
added at oost Cash with order, or Bank Reterenoe. Order early before stock is
broken and you will get just what you want Address,
Payette Nursery,
Payette, Idaho.
E. G. Noble &
Successors to Noble & Co.,
Are In this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, and an endless
lot of everything in their line. E. Q. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the
new firm who will pay all bills oi the old firm as well as collect what is due.
Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't
overlook this. Repair work a specialty.
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
cenerous sample will be mailed of the
most populnr Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Crcnm Balm) sufficient to demon
strate tho gro::t merits of the remedy.
6l Warreu IX., Kew York City.
Rev. JohnRcli'i. Jr., f firtitf Falls, Mont,
recommended Ely's Ci emu 13alm lo me. I TUE HPT HE RRCUHMl
oau emphasizo his otntetuent, "It is a posi- I f T If I I IT Q I lilt
ri u A Aiira f mv ..ntnvrh IF llttprl nit flirefltfia. I mmm mm m m - - - -
I'.f V. France W. Poolo. Pastor CentrtdPres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
For Manti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the , SZ$
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Amounts of from 1,000 to f,000 at eight
per cent, interest payable annually. Appli
cations considered only from farmers actually
residing on tne farms. o agents. Auaress M.
O. Urlllin, 275, Stark St., Chamber ot Commerce,'
roruana, uregon. Bq-te.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
United Status Land Ofkick,
The Dalles. Orenron. ADrii 8th. 1R9H.
annroved plat of survey of township 12
soutn, rwiKe at nasi oi tne Willamette Merid
ian. Oregon, has reen received at this office and
will be officially filed in this office on Haturday,
the 2Hth day of May, 1WA, at 10 o'clock a. m.
WM. H. BR1U08,
Alei Cornett i.s in from Bolter creek
Batorday. -
T (tn'tl a r
ij'iw iiuara returned Btioaay Irom a
vi-it to Fendleton.
John Friend, an old "tilioum" of the Ga
zette man, was in Hatorday,
O. W. Smith and wife were over from
Sooial Ridge oo last Saturday.
Frank Lacy left Saturday tor Port
land, to be absent for a few days.
several wsgoo loads of new wool ar
rived in Heppner this seek aud is ssid
to be of a fine quality.
G. W. Phelps departed on Haturday
Est ray Notice.
One bay horse, white spot in forehead
One grey mare, both bind feet white
eaob i years old. Branded on right stifle
rith tbe following desoribed oharaoter
inverted "x" frozen with the letter "P'
oa its stem. Will pay 82.50 eaob to
tbeir delivery to H. Padberg or informa
tion leading to tbeir recovery. Address
A. H. Winosob, Lexington, Or.
fiaoklea's Aralca 81 ve.
The Best Salve in tbs world for Cats,
Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rbenm,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Obapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkio Erup
tions, and positively cores Piles or do
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money rernnded.
Price 26 rents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drag Co., E. J. Slooam, manager.
Gibson 8c Berger,
At Chas Jones' Old Stand.
Shavinir. - 15 Ote.
Hair Cutting. - 25
Baths 25c. Everything Strict
' ly First Class.
Mathews & Gentry,
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
V vv
Bhop two doors South of Postofticu
Formerly of Pendleton
Tonsorial Artist.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Shaving, -Hair
Bhop, Matlock Corner,
15 Cants
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
Now tbat tbe davs wax warmer and
links Tl. II.. 3 n.t . I v . ....
be toot i Tfea " Ji I ' warmer you will perhaps be looking for
A. B. Stanley and wife were over from
Eoho last week. Mr. Stanley is inter
etted in promoting a fraternal insurance
order known as Tbe Pioneers ot tbe
Paciflo Coast. Tbs headquarters ot tbis
order is st Pendleton. Ur.
Tbis week, so far, bas proved sn event
ful one in tbe way of actuations, several
aooidenta, shooting scrapes, etc., bsving
taken place.
Xestsrday was general calling day
among onr business men, each out call
ing oo the otber to settls bis monthly
a rumor to ids effect tbat a sololds Fishing season bas arrived and fih.
bad beeo committed in tbe vioitity of ing parties sre begiuning to organist for
Eight Mile lata Booday evening and outings for pleasure snd to osntare soma
idsi ins sernoes or a ooroner wars I of th flnn trih
l .
j - j i 1 1 1 1 ,. . i
"""""""" Dl soma oversight Iha aiwinni f k.
tattoo speaking on last Satarday nubt
Mat Hughes sod "Olorow" wera
something new
and light and cool to
Come down and look
mer wash goods.
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to tbe fact
that the
over those sum-
Wool Growers'
bat upon investigation tbs report
fouod to bs false
We've Got Them
In abundance and beautiful designs.
was omitted from tbis issue, it will Nice gauzy summer goods at surprisingly
down from Uooer Willow ereok R.tnr. n,;.i. , . .. , . , l"'"'
i .. .. ' r
mat iu rwje.pi m unier irom otic spirits as Is evinced by tbe comer
n announcing lb death of tjl ona final from r,1. .l .!.....: k.
routs of business bouses
W. W. Kirk departed yeslnrday for LU
oew boms al MoDnfBe springs, after a
pleasant visit itb relatives near Hepp-
Dar. U lkS Ilia! SWAtinn r n.nal.
sister, Mrs. Mary A. Brooks, oo March
27tb. Mrs. Brooks leaves two brothers
and a sister io tbis oonotry, Mat and
Wm. Dottles and Mrs. Artbur Hmitb, all
of Heppner.
Here are just a few:
Is the place to store your wool this season. Why? lie-
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in
the held buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition
amongst the buyers and secure you tho highest price.
W art fellliif wool sacks and twins at cost, parable wbtn wool Is sold. Bend In your ordar
at onr.
Wa pay ths highest rash prlre for ihwv pells and hides.
Wa are tout for Little's DID aud Slack Leaf Tobacco t)lo. ths only reliable preparsd
I dipt on the uisrkt.
W hates lull supply of Heed Hurler and Whvat, also Hlm Kollvd Hsrlry for tvamsUrs,
Il reel your U'smsUirs to ths lownr waralioaw. Ms guaranty you a S'iis a deal.
R. F. HY1ND. Manaflcr.
r- f.-" '-111:1 )1JjT
1 l ""CuJif Willrf id llSt fails. t
I Bast l wa Hjrtip. T ' vst rl
f 1 In llm. "ll H '. H
Your Grocer
doesn't want to sell you low-price baking powder.
It is your fault You ask for it. There is no
good low-price baking powder; so be sells you
Percales, new patterns, price, 10-12i-15c
Dimities in Moral Designs, 10-12l-15c
r igured Lawns, a splendid line, 10-12J-15
French Organdies, new goods, 20-30c
Cycling Tweeds, good summer Wear, 15c
Linen Crashes, very serviceable 25c
French Ginghams, 20-2oc
MLiaaoa? s Co.
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinawaro & Quccnsware At
Gilliam & Bisbees
And by ths way K ey have anytntnf roi sn rait for la ths line ot
Hardware, Stoves Sud tlnwara.