Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 03, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, May 3,1898.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band but its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner postoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
An exchange says "Oregon muBt
be carried by the republican party
this year in order to maintain its
credit and its dignity." If this is
all that will save the "dignity and
credit" of the state, we fear for our
fair commonwealth: we fear
"blot" must fall upon its name, for
the people are sick and tired of re
publican misrule and boseism.
But why will the state be lost if it
fails to go republican? Washing
ton elected an anti-republican ticket
two years ago, and today its credit
is better than it ever was under re
publican management. Oregon
will be no exception when the offi
cers on the union ticket take their
seats. Times-Mountaineer.
This would sound better if the
T.-M. had not, a year ago last win
ter, given all possible assistance to
the Salem hold-up. It encouraged
the democrats and populists to
unite with the "boss" to defeat the
will of the republican party. Now
it should take its medicine if the
"little boss" gives the popocrats a
few hard raps.
Poob, innocent, imposed upon
Joe Simon! An Oregonian report
er says that he's just a common can
didate, that's all, the same as other
candidates on his ticket, and that
it is a burning shame for repub
licans to put before the people a
ticket called "anti-Simon repub
lican." It brings tears to one's
eyes to know that Mr. Simon is be
ing unfairly treated and that a
whole ticket in Multnomah county
is being opposed just because he is
merely one of the nominees. Such
a shame!
The Gazette would like for the
local republicans to call at our office
to see a copy of the names that ap
peared on the Northup petition
two years ago, which list we retain
for the edification of ourselves and
friends. It will be noted that
many of those appearing conspicu
ously at Astoria were the prime
movers in the scheme to defeat
Ellis two years ago. They were
bolters then; they are the best re
publicans on earth, down in Mult
nomah county.
(5 p. ta.)
NEW YOPK, May 3. Orders bret
been lent to 8sn Franoisco to eeleot two
ot the swiftest ships obtain able to be
loaded witb ooal and sent to Commander
Tbe Illinois volunteers may be given
an opportunity to support Dewey at Ma
nila. Tbe California volunteers are anx
ious for an opportunity to go.
WASHINGTON, May 3 -The senate
will make Fita-Hagh Lee msjnr.geosral.
KfcY WEST. May 3 A brother of
General Weyler was oaptared on board
tbe ship Aigonnte.
It can be said of our present
county school superintendent, Jay
W. Shipley, that he is well quali
fied for the position for which he
has been renominated. He is
Heppner boy, having received his
education in the schools here, and
is decidedly popular among all the
Should be In erery family fvsfev
medicine chest and every I LJM II
traveller's grip. They are li III 9b
Invaluable when the stomach
it out of order; core headache, biliousness and
all liver troubles. Mild and efficient. 23 cents.
During the months of February,
March and part of April the Ga
zette was not under the manage
ment of its proprietor. Every per
son who writes editorially usually
sees through individual glasses,
and oft these lead one into the
fields of severe partisanship. The
Gazette is straight republican and
supports the platform enunciated
at St. Louis in 180G. But we do
not think that every man who dif
fers with this paper and proposes
to support the fusionistB is a knave
and a fool. The Gazette stands on
tbe broad ground of individual
rights. It has warm friends witb
whom it differs on many things,
but we are all Americans and we
stand ready to answer to the call
of our country, if it needs us. Our
nation does not know politics in
this hour. It should not. And
while politically this paper is true
to the republican ticket, it accords
others the right to do as they like
in the support of candidates, with
out having any thought or sus
picion that any one is dishonest in
his opinions, or that he is a disrep
utable renegade. The Gazette ab
hors Scottism and does not propose
to support a principle that all men
should be damned because they
Lave the temerity to follow their
own convictions. This is the Ga
zette, and this stands for all time,
under the present management.
From: an exchange it is noticed
that Secretary Glass, of the repnb-
ican state central committee, is in
the republican harness till the
ection in June. Tbe Gazette iB
glad to know this, but would like
to kuow when he shed the demo
cratic gear.
Few Words From a Practical Standpoint
Abuat the Cmiyon-Heppner Roate.
Tbe Gazette reporter is informed that
the stage and mail service between
Heppner and Cauyon Oity, tbe new oon-
traot for wbiob bag been sab-contraoted
by B. F. Miller, is to be greatly im
proved over tbe present conditions, by
tbe putting on of new foar-borse ooaobes
and after tbe lat of July to be made a
twenty-four hour system instead of a
forty-eight as it is at present.
This changs will bs a great benefit to
to Heppner, financially, as it will be tbe
means of taming here tbe Initio of tbe
traveling publio wbiob heretofore were
compelled, ou nconnut of transit accom
modations, to go via Baker Oity. Tbe
distance from Cuuyoo Oity to tleppner
is as near, if not mnob nearer tbao
Baker Oity, and besides will put passeo
gers much nearer Vortlaod.
Tbe citizens of Heppner should en-
oourage Mr. Miller iu putting in a good
stage service aud tbe benefits derived
therefrom Mill well compensate them
tor any labor or outluy they may on
Tbe United States will use bal
loons in aotual military servioe for
the first time, in Cuba, although
their usefulness has been fully
demonstrated some time ago, by
experiments in this country and by
actual servioe in Europe. Each o:
the two United States armies which
will be used for the invasion
Cuba will have complete balloon
outfits and a oorps of experts to
work them. These balloons wil
be Bent up high enough to make
thorough observations in a radius
of twenty-five or thirty miles, and
each of them will carry a signa
officer to report to the commanding
officer. They will, of course, be
controlled from the ground by
means of ropes.
The Gazette reitoiates a fact, o
which J oo Simon had bettor take
note, if ho does not desire to bo re
sponsible for the defeat of the re
publican ticket this year, that unless
Graham Glass, jr., is taken down
as secretary of the republican state
central committee there will be
general landslide to defeat Simon'
despicable plans to foist democrats
into high places. Many re pub-
licana will not follow blindly like
hogs to the wll-tiib. It is to be
regretted that a splendid ticket is
to be menacod by a "rule or rum'
Many good republicans thiuk
that tho money plank of our state
platform would have been to the
point if it bad reiterated that
tbe St Louis platform of 1800,
You must remember, friends and
republicans, that bolters like Scott,
Pinion and II. 11. Northup bad to
I o appeased. As republicans we
tau ufford to bo trouorous so that
these gentlemen can hare an op.
portunity occasionally of support,
log tbe republican ticket.
The republican state oentral oommittee
bave opened headquarters in tbe Wor
cester block on Third street. Heoretary
Glass has looked after tbe furnishings
in a very oomplete manner, and it is safe
to say that tbe stats oentrsl committee
never oocapied, in this city, more con
venient rooms than those now at its dis
posal. Mr, Glass is preparing to make a
campaign in the interest of sound money
and sound republicanism that will make
tbe various "faotions" extremely diizy
by tbe time tbe oampaign is over. Tbe
ontlook is splendid tor oomplete success
of tbe republican tioket. There may be
one or two exceptions, bat Seoretsry
Glass is not willing to oonoede even this
grain of comfort to tbe opposition. By
another week tbe secretary will be in
baines to stay nntil tbe result is made
known in June. Tbe banner of true re
publicanism has been thrown to tbe
breeze. Let every loyal republican sup.
port and defend it. Portland Chroniole.
Mornings are frosty. Middle of the
day quite warm.
Mrs. Lemuel Niobolson, an old lady
who lives near Gooseberry, and who bas
been staying alone for some time on ber
ranch, was found in ber bouse a few
days ago to be in what was thought a
dying oondition. Mr. Jsmes Jones (ber
brother) and wife went to tbe bouse and
stayed several days with ber. Tbey left
ber in a more comfortable condition.
Her husband is visitiog in Southern Or
egon, tier two daognters that were
staying with her bave gone to Omens,
Neb. ,
Grain is looking well and grass is in
fine oondition.
Tbe Eight Mile well drill is s suooees.
0. E. Jones expects to put in a wind
mill pump in tbe wall he is drilling.
Tbe farmers' wives are busy raising
turkeys, ducks and obickens, preparatory
to cooking for a large harvest.
Prospects for fruit are fine.
E. M.O.
April 29, 1898.
i (
o o o o o o
Grand Reduction
Sale of......
Lambeau Kangaroo Calf Stock Top- -PERFECTOE.
Mens' Fine Shoes :
In Obooolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Stock
Tips, our regular $6.00 and 85.00 hce.
This week, Only $4.00
Ladies' Dress Shoes
8300 takes anything in our fine line ot Ladies'
$100 Shoes. Everything in our extensive shoe
line at ridiculously low prices.
Make the Most ot this Opportunity.
Two Millions a Year.
When ueoule buv. try. and buy again, it
means they're satisfied. The people of the
Lnited States are now buying (Jascarets
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
boxes a yenr and it will ba three million be
fore New Year's. It means merit proved.
that CaHcarets are the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
Downfall of Many
of a Man who was
James Bank bas been on tbe siok list
the past week.
Chas. Gest's team ran away last Tues
day breaking tbe harness, but otherwise
dc ing no duiuage.
Camas bas been enjoying some floe
growing weather tbe past week, being
warm, with showers of rain every few
days, which makes tbe farmers and
stockmen smile. Tbe farmers are about
through plowing and seeding.
Mrs. Gibbs died at Pilot Rook April
27th. The remains were brought to
TJkiah, where tbe funeral will be beld
tomorrow, Mrs. Gibbs, who was for
merly Mrs. Bippe, lived in Camas tor
Exposure Causes the
Athletes The Story
From the Free Press, Detroit, Mich.
"You talk about ball playing," said
Charles W. Churchill, ot 66 Miami Ave.,
Detroit, tbe well known traveling sales
man, who sells computing scales
throughout Michigan, "I will never for
get tbe experience 1 bad while playing
this game two years ago,
"Like all young men I played ball, in
tact during my oollege days I was quite
a ball player. I bad all the qualifica
tions to be a professional player, but in
stead, secured a place as a traveling
salesman. '
"Two years ago while spending a da
in a small junction town in this state,
some of us traveling men went in tbe
suburbs to see a sorub ball game.
Well, to make tbe story short I got
into tbe game in less tban five minutes
and was doing more talking and run
ning tban I had for years.
I beoame all w? rmed up and bad my
coat, vest and hat off. Every time I
made a oircmt of the bases I would lay
down on tbe ground and try to oool off
This was a dangerous thing to do in
my heated state, and the next morning I
could soaroely walk. Tbe pbysi iao
that was oalled said I bad rheumatism.
I was taken borne on a cot.
For nine weeks I stayed in my room
and for seven of those weeks I was on
mv back in the bed.
"The day I play ad that game I weighed
118 pounds, and when I oommenoed to
be well enough to be out again, I only
I hereby appoint J. L. Ayers as deputy stock
impector of this county. JA8. WYLAND,
5.6 Stock Inspector.
lie that on the 28th day of April, 1898, the
partnership between the undesigned was dis
solved by mutual consent. After that date all
obligations made by either of the parties must
be settled by the one incurring the same.
Witness our nanas ana sem mho am ui
April, 18U8. H. E. BARTHOLOMEW.
K. ' n muDDiriT
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United Btatks Land Office,
La Grande. Oregon, April 25, 1898.
1 N. Elder has filed notice of intention to
' molm final nrnnf hefore J. W. Morrow.
CnnntT Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, at his
oflice In Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the '0th
it., nf Inns 1H on timber culture aonlicatlon
No. 2386, for ni nw, vA ne of section No. 22,
township No. 2 S, range No. 27 E. W. M.
He names as witnesses: Frank Elder, Joseph
Rector, Kewton Whetstone, Lueinda Elder, all
of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. BAKTLKTi',
643-54 Register,
number of years. She was highly
teemed by all who knew ber. She leaves weighed 116 pounds.
"I took nearly every thing that bas evey
been prescribed for rheumatism, and had
two eons and a daughter
George Bank, while working with a
foar-borse team, was kloked by one of
the animals, the team ruuoing away
Tbey ran for two or three miles before
stopping. Mr. Bank is reported able
to be around. Camas Digger,
Camas, Or., April 30, 1898.
The Costa Klrau Counterfeiters.
For months the Costa liioan oouutor-
f iters bave been issuing bogus notes ot
tbe government of the island until tbe
amount, it is said, bas reached $1,000,000,
Inspectors of tbs secret servioe bureau
were chiefly instrumental in bringing
tbe malefaotors to jnslioe. The tffloienoy
of the secret servioe Is undoubted, but it
is by no means a seoret, but a patent
fact, that the servioe that Hostetter's
Stomaob Bitters does tbe wesk, nervous
and dyspeptic is of genuine value
There have been from time to time coud
terieits of it, but tbe miniature note of
baud on tbe label, and the vignette of
St. George and the Dragon, are not
successfully imitable. This tonic abso
lately prevents and remedies malaria,
rheumatism, liver complaint and dys
Tbe light of the future. Why not be
independent and own your own little
gas plant which will give four times
more light than ordinary gas or electrio
lights at one bait the cost? Applicable
for use in cburohes, stores factories,
hotels, residences and country homes;
safer than ordinary gas or kerosene
lamns. Approved by all tbe Boards of
Underwriters throughout tbe United
States. We want a first class agent in
every town. Write for catalogue and
CHINE CO., Akron. Ohio.
Business men's oarnival at the opera
boose tomorrow night. Secure your re
serve seals at Conser A Warren's drug
store at onoe. It
tbe beet of medioal attendance but was
not benefited much. I was told tbat 1
would probably be crippled for years.
''I bad about given up all hopes of
ever being able to go on tbe road again,
when I read an artiole in my paper about
a oaea of rheumatism almost identical
with my own, tbat had been onred by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
"I decided to try tbs pills and bought
two boxes of tbsm. Tbey gave me some
relief and I bought six more boxes, t
soon trained strenstu ana nesn every
day and oontinued using tbe pills until
I was entirely free from all pain
"Tbat is why I recommend Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pals People to those
suffering from rheumatism.
o. w. cjhoromn."
This is to certify thst Mr. O. W.
Churchill personally appeared before me
and read and signed the foregoing state-ment-in
mv presence, and acknowledged
the same to be true in every respect.
Robert E. Hall, jr.. Notary Public
What better proof oonld a person want
than the above facts. Tbese pills stand
unrivaled as a tonio for tbe blood.
Tbe secret of perfect health is pure
blood and all tbe elements neoesssry to
give new life and riobneea to it and re
store shattered nerves are contained id
a condensed form in Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pals People. Druggists oon
sider tbsss nit Is to be tbe best on tbe
market and tbey report large eales.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Gbande, Oregon.
ADril 6. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
bsfore the County Clerk ol Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, uregon, ou
1898, viz:
junn r. Dtvunn,
Hd No 5414, for the BW and V SE Sec
i n v H K i p. w iyi .
Ha nfcmei the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Harion, jonn p.
Barton. William C. Scott and Francis M.Gentry,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
Ei, vi . can J utu . . ,
38-49 Register.
Land Offics at The Dalles, Obeoon.
March l"th 1898.
rick Spillane, of Heppner, has filed notice
of intention to make final proof before J. W.
Morrow, county clerk, at his omce in tleppner,
Oregon, on Monday the 25 day of April, 1898, on
timber culture application jo. mi. mr uic oi
NE)4, NKBE'4 Section 14, In township No. 8
ronim Nn OJ. K W M
He names as witnesses: jonu nooumru.
Dennis Hpillane, William 8. Lefller, and Samuel
Lefller, all of Heppner, Oregon.
ja. r. Mwnr..
32-43 Register.
Dr. Eshelman, of Tbe Dalles, will visit
tleppner on the 15tb, 16th and 17th of
May. Chronio and obsoure cases of
men, women and children a speoially.
Nervousness, headache, neuralgia, rheu
matism, ounstipatiou, pilos, fissure,
fistula, and surgloal diseases ot women
aud children treated successfully. No
obsrge for consultation. 5-4t
County Caa't Have Everythl
BIbt-Not Wltboat fUht
"Pap Hayseed" McAlister, ot Wasco
county, now taking t post graduate
course, was today engaged in recruiting
oompany, says a Uoryallis dispeiob,
last Tuesday, to ths Oregonian. All day
long tbe telephone and telegraph wires
were kept busy by students asking per.
mission of tbeir pareuts to join the "Uay.
seed" oompany, and at last aocooots
there was promise that a full complement
ot men would be secured. McAlister is
well known ss ohampioo center ot tbe
oollege (ootball learn.
Wasco oounty can claim a few things
that ars reputable, tbs Gsaette is pleased
to say, but this papsr doee not propose
to lose II. L. McAlister. or "Pap Hay
seed." as bis boy friends know him. Mr.
McAlister was raised in Lexiugton, Mor
row ooonty, and bis parents now reside
tiiftre. Wasco, von ean rob ns of oar
It is A Itrtntfheninsr tOOd and oonuressman. but if yoa try to tsks our
tonic remarkable in Its flesh-form- boss football plavsr, we'll give yoa ba'
in; properties. It contains Cod-1 tie royal, and don't yoo forget it.
Liver Oil emulsified or partially
digested. Combined with the WeU- Wkly tearsk.as la Ten. Cars to tks
Another through tourist ear to the
East baa been arranged to ran oat ot
Portland, giving four each wesk. Here.
after the oar lerving Monday will run
through without ohaoge to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O. 11. St N., Ore
gon Hhort Line.Hio Urande Western,
Denver k Klo Urande, Missouri Paoific
and Chicago k Alton. Tbat car bas Just
What is
As Accldcat.
Yesterday Mesdames W. W. Sraead and T, H
Blsbee met with an accident, up near Mr. Mike
sell's place, opposite A. A. Wren's leedyard,
hlch might have been disastrous, but food
fortuns favoring tks ladles they escaped with
but a few bruises While drlvlag along ths
road ths horse becams frightened, and Jump
ins suddenly to one side, overturned tbe buggy
throwing ths orctipants to ths ground, bruising
them severely. Ths horss was not stopped In
bis mad career uutli bs ran against a telephone
polo soms distance from the scone ol ths sect
dent, which demolished the top ol ths rig and
otherwise damaged it Under the clrcumtan
cea the ladles wars indeed fortunate.
Jesse Ueuallen la down from Weston toss
slst In shearing operations this year. Hs Is
Ires silver man, but Is very much dissatisfied
with ths fusion movement and proposes to vote
with ths republloaa party. Tbs UaietU Snds
that these are numerous. Fusion as a theory
and lualoa as a fact ars two different things.
known and highly prized Hypo-
phosphites of Lime and Soda, so
that their potency Is materially
What WUIit Do?
It will arrest loss of flesh and
restore to a normal condition the
infant, the Child and the adult. It been arranged tor, aud tbe one previous
will enrich the blood of the anemic J I y scheduled lor Monday has been
will Stop the cough, heal the irrita- changed to Thursday. It runs throats
tlon a! the throat and Iuntt. and to Bt. Louis, via the Missouri rsotoe
cur indolent eonsumptkm. We !'. The oar leaving Porllaod Toeeday
- .1 i . a . a
mak this statement because the f? w a, "ySEE?
i si v iDi vn. Miami, aumjbv. ihhu suiu a asui uv
atYf rine of iwentYMfVC vtirt hill Hi J.ank I all peraous hn Biay oftM lhmelva asrandl
r . . ntUMIU.. I war w "'rl i.,bUuk ,h. ..,.
proven it in tens .of thousands Ot Kansas City and 8. Louis, over the
and lor slat aud 111 dipUn. a,, ths eouuly
1 All (Km. atwAial thrnri0h I Mh(M.I titwrllitaii.lviil IhMrMtf ill hulit . nnK.
CAMS. Bt l-1 fo ti SCOTT J tmmlimn. ..1.1 n a rlifin natronan. Ito -sainli.ailon at the eo.irt houss at Hepimsr,
. .S I- .. all 4l..t .Z J. - ,7 h U h H. iJl, hnvln, "U1"S """"f. I 'V.'. TJS'
IC0TT A I0WM, CktsiiM, Hs Verb. I ,(ekats to the" Cast. I . HT fcaeol ui. sieriss Ce,
Free Pills.
Bond your add rose to Q . . Buckleo
k Co., Chioago, and get tree sampl
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trisl
will oonviooe yoa of their merits. Tbese
pills ars easy iu aolioo and are particu
larly effective io tbe ours ot coostipa
lion and sick beadaobe. For malaria
and liver troubles they bave been proved
invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
sobetaoos and to be purely vegetable
Tbey do not weaken by tbeir action, bat
by giving tone to atomeoh and bowel
greatly invigorate tbe system. Regulsr
sise Ufa per box. Bold by Slocuin Drug
Uo t. J, Blooum, manager.
3. The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
Is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
nlarly issued out of the circuit court, for
Morrow county. Oreson, the lollowing describ
ed land, to wit: The n ne ol sec 9, and the
wU nwl of sec. 10, In tp. 6, B , p. w a. .
win be sold at private sale lor cash In hand,
nirla on the ahove described Dronerty will be re
ceived at the oflice ol Ellis & I belps until the
2ftth day of May, 1898
Dated April flitn, IgJS. . .
M M R. I 8HAW,
Assignee 0! i. i. MCUee, insolvent veour.
order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit counoi me uouniy m murruw.
atu at Oraamn. dated the ZM day of April
1H!, rn a certain action in me uircun tonn
for said county ano. mate, wnerein n. r. txiru.
H R V lnclrt and Phil Metschan. as Board of
rnmmiaainnera for the sale of school and uni
versity lands and lor the mvesimeni oi iunas
arising inereirom, nanmus, rrvu.mou jmuk'
ment airainst Adeline Howell, Henry Howell.
Mary Howell, John Howell, neine now en,
William Howell. Stanford Howell, Joseph
Howell, Tilda Howell. Ida Howell, rraus
Howell, Thomas Howell, Lilly Howell, Hettle
Parler. Ri Farter, Adeline Howell as adminis
trates and Henry Howell as administrator ol
the eataM of Stanford Howell, deceased, Defend
ants, lor the sum ol rive Hundred Elk'Kieen
kkiiara with interest mereou ai ine raw m
Eight per cent per annum Irom the loth day of
March, vm. and tbe lurther sum of Thlrty-Bvs
n.llri attorney s fee. and costs and dlahu
menu, on the loth day of March, WM. Notice
Is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, ths 28th day of May. 1898
at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bliuler lor cam in nana, ineioiiowiiig ownow
property, vo-wlt: The sniilh ea quarter of
section twenty-eight ( In township lour (4)
south ranse twenty-live () E. W. M. In Mor
row county, Oregon. Taken and levied upon
(he property ol ths said Adeline Howell, Henry
Howell, etal or so much therenl as .roav
HHan to satis! ine sain luoiimem in la
of W, V. Lord, H. B. Klncald and I'hll Metschan
n.l anainst said Adeline Howwll. Henry
Howell etal. together with all costs and dis
bursements that havs or may accrue.
Dated at Heppner April 22, IMS. 43 M
ths purpose of making an lamination of
d..r and bv virtue ol an eiecutlon an'
order ol sale, duly and regularly Issued out ol
the Circuit Court ol the Htte ol Oregou, lor
Morrow county, and to me dlrw ted, on the IMh
day of March, Ixwt, upon a lungmet'.t and ns
crMdulv nuiderml and entered In said court
on the loth day of March, 1MM. In a suit then
and theretolore pending therein, wherein.
The American Mortgage Company Limited, of
Scotland, a Corporation, was plaintiff, and
J awes Thomas Downing, and Milton Otis
iMvnlng, as heirs at law ol Htephan . Down
Ins. and Maria Downing, deceased, weredeten'
danta snd commanding nie to sell the herein
after described real property. 1 did on the loth
day ol March, If, duly levy tipouand will, on
Tussday. ths 10th day of May, 1898
at the hour of t o'clock In ths afternoon of
said day, at ths front door of the county oourt
bouse In Heppner Morrow county Oregon, sell
to the highest bidder lor fash In hand, all the
ollowlng dascrloed real ratal to wit Tbe
anuth-wat quarter of section twenty-eight. In
nwnshlp two, sou IB ot rang tweniy-iour. eas
W. M. all situate, and living In Morrow Count
together with the tenements benHlll-
d a
amnuanJ atiutirteiiances. tbereuuto belong
I ni or In auv wias appertaining, or so much
Ibsrenf as will satisfy said lu,1g
following snms. ai.jnl AV with In
from ths PMh Uy ol Marcd !, st the rate
Spercvnt per atiiium; lor ths further sum ol
eighty noiisrs attorneys rev. ano ior n
thmt mm of IW m auata and
and accruing rste E. J M
dtsb art-menu,
(costs a. b n aua a.
sent si Morrow teuatr Cissta.
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
When you hear dem bells!"
Belled express is coming. Does delivery work
on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This
wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it,
or at "Central" telephone oflice.
is or
They havs anything In this line that you mar desire and yon can depend oo It yon set a
good article when tbey guarantee It.
Old Stand, Main Strsst Repairing a Specialty
The Best Bargains-
But are those ol greatest value In proportion to cost. If you want to get your
money's worth ol honest goods In
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery
W ars Increasing our stork lor tall and winter. Call snd see ui.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp
ner. Kiswork is always first class and satisfac
tion guaranteed.