i r r VOUR MONEY'S WORTH OFFICIAL is PAiPEK ADVERTISING WILL PAY ' IF the ;:SemljWeeKlo Gazette ; IS YOUR MEDIUM THE Semi-weekly: Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. t u u. u. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, -MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUES DAY , MAY 3. 1898. NO. 645 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE' PATTERSON 7lJBLISHINa COMPANY. OTS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At lift) per year, $1.00 for nt months, 60 eta. tor threo moncns. strictly in advano , Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the FoatofAce at Heppner, Oregon, v ai aecond-claga matter. qnHlB PAPKB is kept on tile at E. C. Pake's ft. Advertising Agency, 84 and 85 Merohant Exchange, Ban Franoieoo, California, where eou- P. FISHER,; NEWSPAPER A0VKRTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Franoiaoo, la our anthorized agent. Thia paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. WiacoNsm Central Line GENERAL 'PASSENGER OEEN DEPARTMENT. LETTER , Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train ' and carriage oY bus, or in many other !iways, and they will find all that is desired in this re speot in the service of the Ushers at the " Grand Central 1 'Passenger Station, who have recently been To MOTHERS. . l' VfEi ARE ASSERTING IN THE. COURTS OUR EIGHT TO :THE' EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE. WORD CASTORIA,", AND - ? w PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. i;i DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the -criginator of "CASTORIA," the same thai has borne and does now bear on every the fae-i simile signature of ' w&yt - wroDDer. ' Train' leavee Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily exoept Knndftv arriving at HenDner Jnnotion 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junotiou S'M a. m. and ar- Htm At Hnnnner AtOlia. m. Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. ana arrives ac aeppuer tfunuuuu cuu p. in, Portland ExpreseNo. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla tiilO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.-00 .m' and arrives at. Portland 12:50 a. m. 'Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:id5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. ." For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B A N., Heppner, Ore. f 'omciATi BiiiBOTOsiTr. United States Officials. P iwi-'ont William McKinley Vira President Garret A. Hobart cVioretaryof State W. B. liay 8-orfltary of Treasnry ,,. ....Lyman J. Gage Hanratanr nf Interior .Cornelias N. Bliss Beoretary of War.... Bussell A. Alger Secretary of Navy .....John P. Long Postmaster-General . . . Mr. Bmitn Attorney-General Jqnn w.ttriggs Beoretary f Agriculture Stnte nf (Irearnn. Governor.... V. ...W. P:Lol Secretary of Btate -H-.K. Kincald osvunmr. Phil. Hetaohan Snot. Publio Instruction G.'M. Irwin AtiAmnv General C. M. Idleman . JG. W.MoBride oenawn j Congressmen Printer , This isHhe original "CASTO Rl k" 'which has been used in ithe" homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper. and see that.it is the kind you havealways bought ' . y7onthe and -has 'the signature of Cz&Uc wrap- r- no ATn Yitio lino inihiwiiit 1 VWirw mo i 1100 rmi wnma in uniformed with brown BUit and red i ' , a f T m rr , , 9 . ine teniaur company, oj wmcn vnas. a. neicner is rresiaeni. March 24,1898. ? yt WAR NEWS! A S. F. Chronicle bulletin says: A Key West report says a Bailor on tne monitor Puritan is convicted of ( treasoa. . . He is a Spaniard with a family at Matanzas. Se was caught filing the look on the i mag azine. He was tried by a drumhead court-martial and sentenced to be shot Anotbar bnlletio says that food is be- There has-been a oollMioniamoBg tb coming aoaro al Oape Verde. It is be- Spanish vessels.. ,8oma have (been , re coming apparent that the Spanish are not lieved here. "T Tn AUBD1 n0, a I KBTRWB8T, April 29.Tb monitor will . the Oanane. and th. ' 1-ne., Tffof botnbfttdw, , The U. S. fleet wui nol, reach Manilla., Oartena.killin8 men, Spaniards. After nntiloanday. ini. v,nnra flrtn k. kf 'k.itiU )HUUJ U M O HIH I11W UVSW ltV a WW CAPE VERDE ISLAND Apr. 29 i were oilent. cap. They will be in writing at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional f provision , for their comfort. J AS. C. POND, ) Gen'l Passr. Agt. H. W. Fall, . ' : PROPRIETOR ; Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. j" wiffln Half block west of tl Union Depot of C. B, & j. ill . ui oi. x . v. At( x . r v, ii t us v Do Not Be Deceived. ' Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a 'cheap "substitute "which1 some druggist may offer you (because h makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of "which even he does not know. :"TheL Always Bought" " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATES a.OO PER DAY Cor. W1. Madison and Clinton Sta., CHICAaO. IXiL. Insist on Having ;The Kind 'That -Never Failed Ton. THiotMTAUiTCeMMHVi mrwaiur STRICT, NiwYoaacrrr. 5 Thos. H. Tongne Snpreme Judge. ( R. B. 1 . 1 F. A. 1 f C. E. ' Ellis W. H. Leeds R. B. Bean. Moore. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District, ttirenit Judse .....Stephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. iiaan Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... . Bepreeentativ. (lounty Judge... " Commissioners. J. W. Beokett. " Clerk Sheriff ' Treasurer t " Assessor. BurveyoT.-i...-. Bohocl Bup't.. WEEKLY The MONTHLY .. A. W. Gowan J. N, brown .A. G. Bartholomew J.B. Howard Otitlook '.J..W, Morrow Si 13 Astor Place A. C. Fetteys J. J, MoGoe f Ja W. Bnipley . -f Published Every Saturday New York Coroner B. If. Vaughan Th8 Outlook will be in 1897. B8 it has MPPra Tows ornoiKB. uaan An,tna anh f it. i..ni..uM (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNERJ OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Z Now Open . Nevy Methods. New Manage "mcnt. Strictly ' First Class. r OouncUmen..... E. 3 "i0"""1! years, a History of Oar Own Times. In Basmus and . G. Bperry. Hooorder Ireasurer Marshal " Precinct OOcert. ite various editorial departments .The ri'.'iZS Sl'L7:m' Rates- '-oo per Day 'and Upwards; Jnstia of the Peaoe W. IS. Kicharnson all the important philanthropic and in- Constable wnewione i uuHinui muveiueuta oi iuo uajr; una bi United states lnd Officers. complete department of religious news; TBI DAIXK8, OB. . ...... . , r iluvntca nnnh aniu In tha intarnata nf i. f. Moo ffssEi T. """ "..I ' :::::: "A K. B. Biggs iae Dome; reviews current meiaiurei SPECIAL' RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. i POVDER Absolutely Pure ; A Spokane bulletin says ' that ' the minister of - war at Madrid held that Spain's " Matanzas engagement) was a, Spanish viotory(?).' ,Up to uly, the war department estimates that the iwar will cost $90,000,000. 'he story of the. sailor on th monitor Puritan is evfake. .The house passed the war revenue measure,- carrying half a billion dollars. t..Four regiments have been called to Tampa, Fla. i l The . American squadron has been sighted off Manila. The weather is stormy. . .Orders have been received at the navy yards that the cruisers San Franoieco-and New Orleans are to: sail at the earliest possible .moment. London, April 30. The Daily Telegram's Hong Kong correspond ent says that the insurgent chief is. preparing to make a descent near Manila. He will be supplied with arms and' ammunition from' the American squadron. London, April 30. The Daily MaiL hears from Singapore that the naval battle is momentarily expected at Manila today. Madrid, April 30. Official circles doi not believe,' that the Amer. icans can land at Matanzas, as the bay is full of torpedoes.' TheStand ard's Moscow correspondent says i that Russia has received a severe blow in the suspected friendly agreement between the United States and England. They charge ub with ingratitude. Atlanta, Apr. 30. The Journal -Cor of' Sampson's -fleet 'cabled his paper from Cubanas, a suburb of Havana,' that it was bombarded ast night by the flagship, New York. Aberdeen, Scotland, Apr. 30. Four- Spanish 'steamers' believed to be two warshipB and two torpedo boats, passed Peter's Head 27 miles north of here, going northward. New York, Apr. 30. Upon -the- receipt of information of the de parture of the Spanish' fleet from St' Vincent, sailing orders were is sued to the flying squadron. These were probable orders to join SampBon's fleet to resist any attaok the Spanish fleet might, make. : lit is rumored that the Spanish commanders in Cuba . are forming a plan to invade Florida, Spaniards in Cuba are forcing enlistment of every male person between 15 and 60 years. New York, Apr. 30; It is reported that the U. S. has plaoed Ha waii under the protection of the American flag. The bill was prepared by President Dole while he was in this country by which the , Hawai ian congress places the republic under the protection of the U. S. It is expected that the Paris will discharge her oargo today and be re. ceived by the naval authorities.. Gen. Fred Grant has accepted the the leadership of : one of ; New York's regiments. A report says New Manila, of the Phiilipines, is in the hands of the insurgents and they are now marching on the old town. I The naval battle off the Philli pines may have already been fought E. W. Bartlett,. J.H. bobbins. . IiA OBASD1, OB. ...Register famishes cheerful table-talk about men .tteoeivtr i . !,,.. j i .u. freeb information,' original observation, I and reasonable entertainment. BA first-class feed barn run in connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Bub rnn to : 587-not.l2 D1 MnFfllll' M D' fifty-wolBeuesa'year. . j. Mcraui, iyi, u. lneaohmoDtni.8nI1,u u a nn tvo DrtQW lin II . q b Beginning-witfi ,the fifty flifth volume, MeeU at Heppner, Or.j the third Saturday of I the paper will assume thfl regula maga ..tehmoH.;. Ail veterans are inviwa ,o.a. hlnl. ,nl ,,1,1 .--atlw In it G.W.Bmith, ruu. ; " - . Adjutant. vouiumuu. oonvenienoe ana ' Btiracttveaesa. ine Outlook ie published every Saturday "The first issue i Illustrated Masazins """"i 1 omDer,'eontairiro(f BDontiwioeas many (IffloA hours. 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 tolnnire as the 'ordinary issues, toeether 2 p. m., a residenoe. w. a. s prop- wkb , namber of pictures, rtv. east of M. E. church, South, and 10 v in - O t. R n m i at nffina in I v .i.i n Tt.1 ntlhnV ia the rear of Borgs jewelry store. dollars a year in advenee:1 or '.eee'-.ban a i I am iAW a . LCUk n UDIi DIUWII V'CX ncunoiu, 'Sendforaspeoimeneopyandillnetrat- rttofneVS at Law, ' eproepeetus to The! Ootlook,' 13 Aetor Offloe to the First National Bank Place, New York Oltv. Building. - U BORN t ISEPTEMBER .18, 1841. Obboon. tf Ellis & Phelps, TTORNEYS AT LAW. All biislneas attended to In a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. Office I Natter Building. Heppner. Or. BTO0& BBAM4. While yol aap trocr aubscriptlon paid ap yea ems keep your brand In treeof eharge. Bora. P. O.. Hammer. Orz-Horaee . P Boa left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Hughes, Percy, Heppner, Or Cattle branded W, H. connected on ihe left side. ' Waddle on For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. bom. . fcsnge, Morrow oonnty. A.. -la,aVmaon riahthin! aar mark annaral fT HAR advised the fanner al to thernost approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his orop on Mftsu split to ngnu - I crops, aim ine proper ume 10 conver. .n-m unu mv ..mjic ........... v. iv itiwianai bunt n-i and home tntervsU, for education, for the elevation ol American anutuwa and trim avrimBii li fwr1 IT BA8 told at the nreslde, interesting and Initructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation ana states. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector M nLlw, W. M.vHHoway. Ortle. 8 D en ! " HAS led In all yattt. pertal uliig ta .the welfare of farmers aud villagers, and for over a . right side, eweilow-fork Ln each aar; koraaa, BUI ceuiurjr use nem meir m-n en left tup. Ely, Bme., TVmglas, Or. Horsas branded ELY shoalder, eat tie same ea left hip. hols Vni nr nM hnnks and notes in his hands and get your money out 01 them. Makes a specially 01 naro collections. Office in J. N. Brown's Building. yloren. riant hip shoulder. oe, Li. A. Heppner, ur Uattla, L-w on i horses. V with bar -aider on right Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horaea branded rl J on the left ehimlder: cattle bra ided J on right hip. aiaoanderbit in lert ear. Range In Uorrow oonnty. WA .RirHARnON j' Johnson, FeHi, Lena, Or. Horsae.irelToo t A . nlUnA.niJOV-', oaUl. same sn right hip. aadec kali ' 1 rop lariat and lit ji left ear JtlStlCe Of the HeaCe Kenny, Mike. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded and City Recorder. .ConS:rnht"a " OfS'lCC AT I .V. T wm SJMn-M Ifcr tfnr h.U COUNCIL CMAWBina Lw)(JAool((ft ,h(ra)lB1.. mmm w, I hip, watue over ngns eye, ume auw u nsni "I 'TA TUB. New York ' Weekly Tribune, , ' And we furnish It with th GAZETTE, on year for $2.75, ah in advance. Address all Order, to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, Hsw Yore ulty, anna sample copy ot ins new lora neesiy i riDuna win vw r. Sells and buys real estate, rente houses, pars 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE. States on viotory. . LATER. WASHINGTON, May 2 -Commander Dewey is master o! the Phillipiues, after a short . bombardment. The Spaniib weakened and the governor-general sur rendered - the inland. Every Spanish ship was destroyed by the Americans, or scuttled by the Spaniards to prevent their capture. LONDON, May 2. Commander Dew ey landed the troops under a flag of truce and was fired upon, by the Spanish. He then returned to . the ships, opened fire upon Manila and destroyed it. . CADIZ, May 2. Report that Spanish fleet of .five vessels ordered i to sail to Cuba immediately, t Madrid Liberal says: Dewey demanded surrender of all Span ish in arobipelago, threatening to bom bard if refused.' Formation of national ministry ia . possible. Cabinet council decided tq proolaim state ot peaoe imme diately. London , advioes from Madrid say: Dispatobes Bduounos fall of Fortress Manila.- ' The heart of town Is burned. GIBRALTAR: iSpauisb torpedo boats are still cruising in the straits. A Vienna dispatoh to Washington de nies that powers will intervene now. PARIS, May 3. It is rumored here that American warships out Manila sa ble i and took end on board for purpose ot communication. HONG KONG, May 3.Cabl )t Ma- aila.out at that plaoe. No dispatches reoeived slnoe 6 p.m. ' BIO JANEIRO, May 2d-Spanisk gnnboat Trmariori baa not left En Penads. where she is being repaired. MADRID, May 8 Dewey. gave Au gusta IA hours to . comply with ulti matum, demanding all the stores an 4 ooal. ..'- . .. . KEY. WEST,) May 8Bi Spanish steamer, eaptnred with offloers, cargo, ammunition and rifles. .WASHINGTON, May 3,Dewey will be made a rear admial. .LONDON , May 8.-Bpain bas no idea of surrendering. .They will throw their uoited, naval strength into one supreme effort to orusb (be United States squad ron in Cuban waters. . Until this eogs gs ment ia fooght no proposition of inter vention will be listened to, M.winviw.iulnriiil will serve you aw hv in his Una. at reasookble Bsurea. U Minnr, Oscar, neppner Or. ttla, 1 Dog naht Bipi bursa, b oa leri enouuier. Huron, rj. N Heppner. Or. Horaea, M . a i i I' n 1 . I o left shoal del cattle eame oc left hip. r-irst rvai una oanK -o.he.j.wiwwor.,bo.oooiet SXW- ! akM.Ma. MH UMtlUlM fllht hlD. r i av aiuu. O-Jaam- rm " - 19m HEPTNER .1 IfMrMti Ollvar; Iimm Hrandad bar and C. A. RHtA, - Frwl inieM 0n left slioutdtf; ra,e. Klrht Mile. T. A. RHCA, VIO rraint Morrow coumr. J. " IL r-m,m . C.-hl.r Piper, 1. H., Lamtnataw. Or H. ----- - aectad onleft shooliUrn S. W. Srintm, - a andar bit in each ear. . - - i ! I I Kantor.. W.. Heppner. ur.-iioraas, lMSeb Genera Bia'in Business. wt eho-wer. cu. o rwhthip. & X OH A 3STGKE " I l lxmipa'ia. .a.r neppa, or-n. i us, a ea left ehoalaeri ealUa. I oa left shoalder. Tarnat rl. W., Heppner. tr. mli capital t left ahonldar. bonaei eaOle sane ea left kip rnUi epltt ia botli a Wattanberor. W qvartar eirp fifSfliinrtNavira it ana. eaula, same os laf hip. On ait parts ot the world Bought and Sold. Collections mads en all point oa taaaoaabl TSTOS. Hrrlai ts4 tuiainaes frew 11 IV V tVWWUV sV Vw I , Steiaen TUD'HONi' BAILEY fiiTZEET AND OCEAN WAVE. Uariog Alder 8treet Dock. Porllsol, for Astoria. Ilwaoo, Loog Beech, Ooeae Park and Mabcotla. Direct oormeetioo wltD liwaoo staamers anariM- road; also at Young's Bay with Sea ho re Railroad. I lea res Portland 7 A U. Dailyi ewept taaday. Leave AitartaTP. if. Dane, esraa eways DAZZiBV aATSBBIlT Uares ortUod P. M. Defl. trpt Snnday (tetuTdaf nlht. It P 9. leaves Astoria Da stl (6 A. H., Sieept Sunday and Monday, Suiwiay aitht,Jl'. M OOBAN 9,00. J., Oalloway. fr. boraas I Leaves Portland and frtt dtteH to Ilsro, TieedjyanU Tjiiirwlar at . Jt pwnrjav ari r, ,n r'al.t sbfnlder: eattia I Laavas lleaca Iseduee-lsy and fldar at J IS A, K. Oa Sutd Slant at I r. Mi SiTiESf ! m Cteled to Etfrtl Mam M Ri6ti frtf tf rxpr-w. Rio JANEinoBrazil, Apr.-30.-The Oregon arrired here at 6:30 p. m. Madbid, Apr. 30. It is reported that the. government , has bought two warships, A Spokane bulletin says tbe cruiser, San .Francisco has left New York. ' Cubans in the United States have been sent to', Tampa to. enlist in the army and will go to Cuba at once. An 'American h physician at Havana ssya that 32,000 out of 150,000 Spanish troops are in tbe , hos pital, caused by bad climate and poor food The rainy season is no time to send in an invading army, as yellow fever ' ia threatening, Germany adopts distinct tones of friendship ' towards the United States. The torpedo boat Porter was fired upon , by , the . batteries of Moro Castle. The flagship New York, on a tour of investigation, was fired upon by batteries on the Spanish shore. 8be returned the fire scattering the Spanish cavalry. The British consul at Santiago de Cuba ia threatened with violenoe. .A mob stoned him. Capt King, a diver of Havana, Bays Havana harbor is honeycombed with mines. The place is strongly fortified. He thinks it will take two years to capture it. No word 1 has - been reoeived from Admiral Dewey. A Cuban says Blanco is burning towns in the interior of Cuba. , Washington, Apr. 30. The report, that Germany - will interfere in the Phiilipines ia announced a absurd. No . foreign . government has said a word about interfering. The ICth InfL bail been transported to the department of the. cape Spanish spies threaten the St.;Louii powder1 mills." The'guard has been doubled. . ; -MANILA May L The American - fleet had an engagement off, the coast of tbe Phiilipines, near Manila. " Our fleet destroyed and burned one of Spain's best vessels, and almost annihilated tbe fleet. "The American loss was very small. LONDON, May 2.-A dispatoh frorrp Madrid to the cabinet uinister says: A naval battle at Cavite ended in utter route and hit out reserve. Spared no effort in the defense of oar cooLtry. w.The Oritina and Caa- tilla were totally burned. One vessel was ptrrpoeelf snnk and the res badly damaged. The American fleet ia believed ta be much dam,aged Tbe Americans are now moving on Manila, but there ' has ;been no capitulation yet The bnsinesa portion of North Fork is all burned np, but one store beicc left there. A Portland Tribune dispatch says that the Spanish fleet at the Phil lipines haa been annihilated.-. Americana nffered no material itrjdries and are now bombarding Manila. LONDON, May 2.-Americsa flt aa- presideot Isu hfurtrit tbatibc Bpaiiiab aibtlated Manila la two boor: i British goyeioar at Mealla bas. aeat aiiaat cf onsol at Maaila haa-acted id ceaoert irocai This is iaterpteUd to er a oapJU with CetXBandet Lttweyi Tbi tlaogh-l alatioo f the Spaaieb fereea. ter of Bpaaiarda wai faarf ut Th Amer- - - MADRID, May 3d. Ne flaiab, sor- icatj lose is sot knows but supposed to reader, bot rasjorily perished, 400 men be light. I beleg killed. Hpsniarda will avsogs tbe DENVER, Colo., May 3 -Volunteers defeat. Members ot parliament tele raised west of Missouri will ptebably be frrvrtj MeKialsy la nai Of aDlllkrof t sstJl t hold 1 rktlUHoi UUHe, Tt) itllbmtfl . tM'ltUtlB U Tilt-1 DeafneM Cannot be Cored by local applications, as they eannol reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by oonstitional remedies. Deafness is oaused by an inflamed con dition of Ihe mucous i lining of the eu stachian tube. When thia tube geta in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it ia en tirely closed deafnesa is tbe result, and unless tbe Inflammation oan be taken Out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be -destroyed forever; nine cases oat of ten are oaused by catarrh, wbiob ia nothing but an in flamed oonditlon ot the muooua surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any ease ot deafneee (oaused by oatarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh on re. fiend for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. ty Sold by druggists, 76c. Aaether Carload Still. This makes Ihe tbird carload ot Fish Bros.' - wagons, buggies, i backboards, ear riagea and backs reoeived Ibis spring. Tbsy will be here tbe first of tbe week. For a good, strong, durable wagon tbey have no equal, Look at them yourself. Tbey are baoked by positive guarantee. 4tt Minob A Co. LITERABY NOTES. In history-making times like these a Irolbfol record ot passing events be comes an imperative need. Tbe daily newspaper ia spbemerel and Dot easily preserved for refernnoe. Tbe Amerioaa Monthly Review of Reviews bae all the vala of tbe newspaper, besides distinc tive merit of its own. As an epitome ol current history it is complete, eom- pact, terse, , Impartial, absolutely reli able, and jndioioualy edited. As pieoe of journalistic history-writing what cold be more brilliant or fascinating tbaa tbe May number ot this pablica- lioo, with its slory ot the Hpanish-Amer-loan wae orlsisT Merely as a souvenir ot this past eventful month tbe Review has a oettalo anlqos fitoees. , Dors Not rear tks Cold. "I suffered every spring sod fall tor several years with a severe cold. Two ears age I began taking Hood's Bersa- panlla and It built tne np so that I have bad an cold einoe, and I do not fear elds as formerly. I heartily recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Cbas. Woods, ttoa 112, Wist Seattle, Waahiogton. Harxl's rills srt tbe only pills to lakt with Cool'l Binipirllli, Cof ill llvif nil,