TUB curia thi choici Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W- ELDER AND CITY OFJOPEKA Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA . POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d Onean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 3 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. fltaamera Monthly from Portland to Yokohome and Bona Kong id oon nedion with O. R. & N. For (nil detail! call on O. ft H Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. FOBTIiAND. OBEOOlt Dodwell, Carllll, & Co., Gon'l, Agtt., Nor. Po B. B. Uo., Portland, uro. ORE YOU GOING EflST ? If bo, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tie Konnwesieru line ....THE,... CHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAIIA RAILWAY THIS IS THI Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, 0I1I0A.G0 AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled U1IIIIIB; miu mm-i'Min v'. Tralna, and MotUt; "ALWAYS ON TIME' has given this road ft national reputation. All ,,i huiiiiiukm oarrtodon the veetltiilloa trains without entra charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over tlila latnous line, aii ageuuj have llrkuU. w ii ut in. F. 0. SAVAGE. " yen. Aiieut Trav. F. A P. Agt. am Washington St., rortlaiid. or. OIIIOAGrO iwaieU Si. Paul R'i This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bjo,ok .Urn' ; Lights Its trains by electdoity through out; ' ' ' ' Uses the oelebrated eleotrio berth .read tng lamp: Horn speedily equipped passenger trains nn dav and night between HI. Paul and Plitoago, and Omaha and dhloego the . . . Chicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also oDeratea steam-heated veetibuled trains, oat ry lug the latest private eompartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor eara, tree reclining chair cars. and the very best dining cbatr oar service. For lowest rates to any point io tbs United Melee or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, i Ueneral Agent, J. W, CASEY, Trav. rasa. Agent. Portland, Or. It m itY u s TUROUQU CARS. Sr. PAUL MINNKAPOLI8 DUI.OTU FAKOO BUTTE 11ELKNA TO Tickets Issued to all points to the United States ami Canada. QUICK TIME TO. Crioaoo Waiminiitus Ha in mob a Naw loaa BvrFALO All other points la the East and Southeast Omaha Kansas City Ht. Joaira Ht. Locis I Dostum Union Depot eaaaeetioaa at Hi. Paul, Minneapolis, Kaasas Otty. Omaha, Ht. Louts and other promi nent potass .' Baiigats checked tbrosgb Id deatioatiuo ot tattle. Through tkkets to Japaa and Colue. via Taeoraa and Northern Ferine Meant ship Corn peay's Una. For full lafortaiUn, time oatJa, niapa, tickets, tle, call v ot write . C.'ALI A. V. 0.attoW, lAlf.r.ll. Asst. UfB.I'ae. Agt. TO fbtDaUMfOn rsnU4( Ot D6nv6r?&R!Q, Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINK OF THE WORLD -Weekly Excursions , TO THE AST, In through tourist cart without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. MJn., TO Kansas CUT i MUIIUOJ3, chang via Halt Lake, Missouri Pacl- nc ana umcago ana Alton Kyi. Tiicoflsii'a To Omaha, Chicago. Buffalo and l UMU&JfS, jjoston without change via Halt Lake ana umcago, bock isiana a i'aciuo &j. Wodnccrlciro To St. Joseph, Kansas City and " CUUCaUaya, Ht. Louis without change via Bait Lake and Burlington Route. ThiiKitairo To Kansas City and Bt. Louis with lUuTMluys, outohange via Halt Lake aud Mis tourl Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through. the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of 0. R. A N. and S. P. agenti, or addreM, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pans. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Habt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. NORTH PAOIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1609.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, ,: Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this ofQoe. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE A Tradc Marks DiaiaNS 'rnill Cofvriomts Ac. Anyone enillnf a tkelrh and riMcrlntlnn nay qnlnkly aatwrlntn pnr opinion frewh4br aa Invaulton ! prohnhly iiMentahle, ronimunlca tlonxIrlotlyoonHileiillal. llaiulbnokon I'ltxuu entfrM. (flflefll mkaiiot for .eeurlltK palutfl, ratvitia Ukn tnrouvh Muna A Co. reuelve tpriat nufkv, without churva. In the Scientific Jltticricam A hni1omlr UlnatralM weekly. Lanreat ere. pulallon of anr I'loimno lournal. Tsrnit. W a yxari four months, L Hold byall newiOealara. MUNN&Co"'BfM4-'NewYork - Uraaoh Ulfloe. Ot F Bt, Waahluitun, IX C. NEW ,NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named his Btand the old Jones livery stablo Tjio Control. Baled hay tor sale. Charges reasonable, ('all on nun and nave vour hones well cared lor. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy THvorld's Competition Cooper's Sb; Dip Increases Tield of Wool. Enhances Value ol Flock. Cheap, Safe, Han dy, Gleao, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G.k ROBERTS, OKNCRAL A6CNT, 247 Ash Mrmt, Portland, Orvgott Sold by Minor ifc Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is the puce to go to gl a year fin pork and lamb chops, sUakt .DtlroMl FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sntar rnt hams an1 baivn. rnr i t Ur.1, kettle-raotler.!. ol4 lyl. Hlihrst rasa Mtrw bald lur lal et.H i. IUiNJ. MATHEWS. am m Title lAI,I,UM NURSERIES, R. M. WtlCR. tVep. TXEM SALLIS, OJaCT. (rawer aad Ivaler In f rtjit, SKasle an) Ornamental Traaa, Ores Vinos and Small fruits. Our Trees are drown With out Irrigation, MM ft MT.kMVl, LOCAL BQCIB8. Mr. A. Andrews was op from Alpine yesterday. Nice weather again and the sprinkler is needed. Jones, ot the Jones' cash store, Port land, is in Heppner. What is Hop Gold?. Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. , Liobtentbal t Go. tor shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf ' Gninnesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Chris Borohers' If The Holdermsn erew ere shearing out J. J. Adkins' band of sheep this week. The popoorats will have a big meet ing tomorrow, judging from the arrange meats. Editor Cradlebaugh, ot The Dalles, has struck it riob oyer io the Baker oounty mines. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A clean, fresh etook of goods leave your orders. If. i If you need something for your system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf The concert given under the auspioes of the Episcopal oburoh is postponed un til Wednesday, May 11th. Norman A. Kelly, who was quite ill last winter, is almost himself again. He was in Heppner yesterday. . Phil Oohn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef bides green or dry, fur, eto. Don't forget Phil. 5tt Mr. J. T. W. de Jong, representing the Skaboura Dip Co., of Obioflgo, II!., ie in town in the interest of bis dip. :, Wanted ; red beaded girl and white horse to distribute the premiums given oiv with VfnA flasrn mm innlv "nit ' a-30 Dr. P. B. MoSwords was down at Lexington on last Tuesday to visit Mrs. Ed Fitzsimmooi who is tuff iriug from lagrippe. Mr. W. F. Htilsoo, representing the St. Paul shoe house of Tolbogg, Johnson A Co., was among our Heppner inerobente on last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs F. M. Oourter and their daughters, Misses Effie and Cora, de parted last evening for a visit to Kansas, Missouri sod Illinois. A Hare Thing for Ton. A transaction in whluh you cannot lone Is a sure tiling. Biliousness, nick heiulucue, lur rud tongue, fover, piles uud a tUousund other ills are caused by constipation aud sluggish liver. Ca:tcaiots Cuudy (Juthartlc, the won derful new livor stimulant and intesuual tonic are by all druggists guuruuteeU to cure or money refunded. C. C. C are a sure th ntr. Trv a box to-duv. 1UC.. UoC OOC. Biiuu'lo uud bookiot free, boe our big ad. LITEHAKY NOTES. A war poem by Rudyard Kipling a poem ot torpedoes and torpedo boats will be one of the features of MoClure's Magazine tor May. Gordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in the line of "popular prioea," has refitted the Wastingtoo Ht. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Gordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleesant evening at his plsoe. tt FLY'S CREAM PALM Is a woalUTerar. Apply Into the nostrils. It is qnlckly ebaorhed. so eeeta at nrargtsti or by mstl : samples lor. hy mail. UV VKUTIIKKS, M Warm Bu. Ntw lock CIL nni lllMrnil rnr II ft IT I I NH I I IN . hi INSI I Itltlwlll 1 VII lUfJfJIL STAGER LINE H. REED A p,-.ui A. O. OQILVIE rP'le,0'- FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO roasll (SO tnllea)... 1W Kouad trip l00 HayvllU(U miles). 400 Kouad trip TOO Condon (J miles). , 100 Round trip (00 Clem (X mllea).... too Round trip IM Olex (1 wiles) I 50 Round trip IM Stag leaves Arlington very morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olock: is due at Uondon at 9 p. m. and arrives at roe- nil at 7 D. m. Comfortable covered eoaohes and era- fol, experienced drivers. Keep siespjnfl Get in THK WOOL HEOOHU Tails Yen Hewte De It. By special arrangement we odor to our readers The Wool Record aod Semi-Weekly Oaaelle, on year tor WW. The Wool Record is the oelt aaiiooal wool organ and oovers tbs wool industry from the raising of tbs sheep te the sell ing of lbs manufactured artlole. It is publish! weekly at New York aad tbs regular prlo U i 00 a year, lie market reports era fall and eomp e and its Hlirep Ufoedere' Talks aloae are worth It) lime the prloo ol the paper. Sample eopiee oa srplieeiioa. We heartily reonmmoad Ibis cotobt- aatioa to oar sabeeribera. SPOKANE FiliS I SORTMM SELSOS 4 FORT SMTPiHD RED HOIMUS lAHWiTS The Only All-Rail RoaU Wiiboal Change at Cars iWlaeoa Spekaea, Rooelaad aad Nelooa. Aloe batwoaa Nsleoa aal Roaelaad, dally exrtt fUeday : ex' A. M Ken" IU A N . .. IS A M ... Ks .... tt. se at Cie ei nee at ! !( asi in In sjm. e atl S at le 1 SnS ' ' SJ Ma SwoaOft St sVaeeOS ana Shajt mO ECLB OB KU1N. From the Wuhlngton Co. Hatchet On the evening of the first day of the republican second congressioDal district convention two years ago in referring to half of each of the contesting Mult nomah delegations baying been seated, Ex-Ooegreeeman Rufus A. Mallory, Mr. Joeepb Simon's partner, said to Mr. Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Oregon- ian: -insi means JSllis and we are bound to support him." "No sir," said Mr.Soott,rHee him d d and in hlfirit." And when Judge Northrop was nominated by petition against the regular republican candidate it was Mr. Mallory that headed the list of petition ers and the Oregonian supported the bolting candidate. Within the past week Mr. Scott in private conversation with a prominent Portland gentleman said of the bold up of the last legislature: "That holdup was organized to defeat John H. Mitchell. It was the only way he could be defeated except by force, and tf force , were necessary I would advocate aud defend it." Mr. Scott also stated that . Moody and Tongue would be defeated but ssid he preferred the populists to cast all silver votes in congress in future. Don't think that your liver needs treating if you are bilious. It don't. It's your stomach. That is, your etom- sob is really what causes the biliousness It has put your liver out of order. See wbat't the matter with your etom aob. Siok stomach poisons liver and then there's trouble. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures stomach and then all's well. That'a the case io a nutshell. Shaker Digestive Cordial is no eeoret Formula's on every bottle. But its the simple honest way its made, the honest Shaker herbs aod other ingredients of which it's oomposed, that makes it so effioaoions. Any real oase of indigestion and bil iousness can be cured with a few bottles of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Try it. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents aod (1.00 per bottle. A Fine Showing. Among Ibe Odd Fellows iu Heppner last Tuesday from lone, the following were noted: J. A. Woolery, L. M. Hill. Frank Holland, Luther Huston, R. 0. Sperry, 0. B. Sperry, W. A. Thomas, J, Q. Neleoo, J. W. Blake, Jno. Ooobrao, W. K. Corseo, J. M. Hamblel, J. W. Beoket, 0. 0. Wilson, W. A. Morgan, M. R. Morgan, J. P. Long, 0. I. Walker, E. T.Perkins, H. M. Olden, S. Wngbt. N, R. MoVey and W. I. MoNubb. For a lodge that has io all S3 members this is an exoellent showing. A Narrow Csoape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.Hart, of Oroton, 8. D., "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, oougb set in and finally term! nated in consumption. Four dootors gavs me up ssytng I could livs but short time. I gave myself on to mv Bavior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs sod olds. I gave it a trial look io all sight bottles. a a 11 ua oarea me, ana man uod 1 am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free at E. J. Rln. enm's drag store. lieulsr s'te 60s aod Sl.OU guaranteed or price refunded. E.O. : Walter Bartholomew, assistant I of Joset Mueller, the pisno salesman, leaves tomorrow for Boiss City. Ha will be followed a few days later by Mr. Mueller, wbo remains at Boise notil Sep tember. Dvaatw la Bloed Deep. . -irn moou rorana a ciran sain. ,i0 1 1 a . . i . t without It. I'aarams, Candy Calhar ie clean your blood and kern it clean, bt surrmi up me lazy liver and driving all im punt from the body v. Ikitin to lav to amah pimti ntilea. I boila, blntrhea, blarkhrada. and that eirkly bilioiia romuleiioa by taking lasoareta, beauty (or ten rent. All drug gieia, aaiiaiaciion guaranteed, IDs, Uv, age.. Tribune: Mrs. . A. Vaugbaa aad Mrs. A. A. Roberta, lbs IstUr ol Hepp ner, will go to Portlaed tonight, Mrs, Roberta will livs there permanently, aad Mrs. Vaugbaa foe for visit. DOW TO FKD OCT. rill a botils or aoaimoa glass with orins sad let il stand twenty-foot boars; a sediment or settling iadiealoe tttt betllby condition of tht kidaoya. Wboa ones stains tinea il la svldcnea of kid ney trouble. Too fre.uenl deal re to art tie or pais in the back, ia alan eoa visa ing proof thai the kidneys aad bladder art oat al order. WHAT TO DO. Tnere la comfort in lbs knowlodgs so often exproeeed, Ibal Dr. Klloaor't Swam p-Root, tba groat kiJooy romody folflla ovary wish la rolionoi paio ia (be back, kidneys, livor, bladder aad every part of tba art eery paatayaa. It aor reel taektlity to hold nriat aad aeald log pais la peasiag II, er bad effects fol towieg aeo of liqoor, wise or boot, aad vorooisoa Ibat aaploaoant areesaity of beta coat polled te got ap saoay tiaoa dortag tba eifht to artaaia. Tba asilj aod tba txlaordinary effncl of Swatap rool is sooa roaliaod. It stands the bigboot for its wooJerfal earoa of the boot dWirwaeisg eaoec If yea a wed s (aodrtae yoo tbootd kt't the boat, S4J br drnfuete, priea Ifty aoata ad oao dollar. Toa stay bava a satipls bottle aaj pamphlet both oot free by tail. apo roaoipl af Ibroa loo oesl ttaespw to vor aoot af poet aa tba bottle. Moalio Ike Hepwawr (la lie aad eaad foai adJroao to 1 Kilmer A Co, Btof aaaiptoa. K, T. Tba aveprtosora ol lata rtr gaaraato taa gvaaiaoaoaa at Uua cor. Bwsls7sx thajfV wksJb Caaror Caod r CaUorU, the ttoot ros dorf at slwJ diataterv ol U Sara. aat aaj rrkia la Lao Uik s4 ruy 04 SKMMriy m ttJaeva. Her aa4 hswo, tn nt ti e-i' re e-svsa l l .. en- hffv.latfttw, le .-v, ea44il rltuk - I W i21mf. t f -f H IM I a-t IC C 6 lJi to, a trrowa kaU aai ftaraareod ta aara frf a4 svtna. WOMEN WORTH KNOWING. . Mbs. BRADLitr-MABTis is the owner of the crown once belonging- to Marie Antoinette. This is a velvet cap with the insignia of royalty emblazoned upon it in precious stones. Miss Helen Gould has endowed two cots at the Babies' shelter in Mew York. Let the beds always be used for the two most uninteresting children, is the only command which, accom panies her gift. Mbs. Chauncky M. Depew, who took an active interest in all subjects re garding the training of children, was always inexorably opposed to fairy tales. She believed in simply written histories and instructive games. The youngest telegraph operator in America is little Euphra, the five-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Dunn, of West Point, (ia. The child has been about the office a great deal and quickly picked up the : Morse alphabet She can call up other op erators, and receives messages with remarkable accuracy. PERSONAL POINTERS. Some one, whose identity is a secret, has made Rev. Fr. II. A. Adams, of the Church of the Redeemer in New York, the recipient of a life income of $4,000 a year. George Datis, a Penobscot Indian, who haa lived in Boston for a number of years, has been seized with a yearn ing for his native camps, and has com menced a tramp back to the grounds of the tribe at Oldtown, Me. Capt. IIarrv Bartlktt, who is to command Lieut. Peary's arctic explor ing ship, is only twenty-nine years of age, but he has been fifteen years at sea and rates high as a navigator. He is the youngest of four brothers, all of whom are captains. Mr. E. D. Loomis, of New Haven, Conn., is so fond of railroad traveling that he travels one hundred and fifty- eight miles a day. Every day, for six days in the week, he journeys from his home to New York city, where he Is engaged in business, and returns at night. NEWSPAPER NOTES. Of the world's fair number of the Youth's Companion 750,000 copies were sold in the first two weeks. The first newspaper published in the world was the Roman Acta Diurna, 691 B. C. The first one published in Eng land, the Mercurlus Aulicus, after wards the Oxford, then London Ga zette, was established in January, 1643. The newspapers of India are pub lished in many languages, and it is said that those in the native tongues are more widely circulated and read, in proportion to the number of copies printed, than is the case anywhere else in the world. Tee oldest newspaper in the world is said to be the British Press, which was first issued in 160'4 and has just cele brated its 271st birthday. . Three years later the London Gazette appeared, be ing published at Oxford on account of the great plague in London. A TIMELY WaKJUNG. Grata Saved la Hoary Made. To save tbs ut sin bss Fry's Concen trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbs obsapest and moat eoooom- ioaltot the farmers. One graio kills. Gaarenteed. Piios Wo per oao or S.60 per rase ot two docen. Fur sale b) Slooum Drug l o., Heppner, Or. ii TOO PROFOUND. i Loomed Dlaronra That Woo Too Deof h for CompreheashMS. ' Raunnel Dealer was aecretanr of war and afterward secretary ot the trees- try under I'reaidcnt John Adame- r'hen Mr. Jefferson became preaident te asked Mr. Itextcr to realgn, and, on receiving a refusal, removed him. Thia waa the firtt instance of the re novel of a cabinet ofilcer for political reason a. It waa aaid of Mi. Dexter, according to Youth's Companion, that a remark utile about Edmund llurke might be tpplied with equal truth to him. "If you ahonld meet him under a ahed on t rainy day you would at once reoog ti him aa a great man." Yet hit Bind was rather of the brilliant than the profound order, and he did not bee- .tale to confeMt its rare limitations. 11a mi once In company with Fisher Amea and Chief Ju'.tioa ManthalL Tht rvat Judjro Ivjran a weighty converaa tlon, which turned Into a monologue laating nearly three hours When the two liatenrr had taken their homo want way they could talk of nothlnr but the uirut&l depth and learning of Uielr host. They prl-d hla natural gifts and hit acquired wlmlomi erclally did tbey n lare npon the profundity of the dia wurv) to v '.i ioh they had Juat liatenod. "lint," tal I I'r. Amrt, after a pause. to tell l'ie trutli, m trr. I have aol iru1ertot1 a sr of hla argument for lalt an 1. i r. "Anil I." '.tinm'irrdly rejoined lit other, "hat Lren nnt of By (ise or an Ivwir o-vl a hair OREGON' SHORT LINE Ry. QVICtm ADO MOOT tUtCT UXt TO 1 UTAH, COLOkADO, NE BRASKA, KASS.KS, .VS- SOUUI RIVER ami all rotni$ EAS1 and SOUTH. LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, 3J ST. LOUIS. 3J OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 J wm. it free tUe!iaia Ctiatr Cart CBAleefe4 Teartol Meoatag Cart rallctaa Taieee flloeptag Cart For Nil t-arliealart rtardkaa- ralea, IIsm ol traiaa, oa, tall aa ar add root ;. c mnr, Igool (l. R. A V C04 Bet foor. Oroaa C. a TtaV, W . C Cow is. Trsr. rote. Ait. 0.1 Af, W Tkifl t , rt-rUAtl, Or THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LCNQ TROUBLES - AND COti8UaUTION CAN UK CUBED. Ai Eminent New York Chemist and Helen t hit Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery ot a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bss cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to soflering humanity to donate a trial ot his infallible cure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy sod certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generons proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Uregon. j uly a-7-1 r. Not a Campaign Lie Lye. If you are using the oommon brands ot lys yon are paying for a large percent age ot common salt with wbiob it is adulterated in many instances to the ex tent ot one-half. When you buy Red Seal Lye or Potash you get an absolutely pore oaustio, granulated like sugar and packed in large sifting top cans, a 80 aav-aal You can be cured If yon suffer from any of the ills of men, corns to the oldest specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. , I OBI Market St Ett'd 1862. 1 . Young men and middle . aard meu who are surTennsr I nom the enects ol youthful indiscretions or ex ecutes in maturer years. Nervous and Physical are 1 1 s j , s mm si ie e j , bm s n mm it mms in all its compliratinns; Mpermatorrhora, nreatASorrkore, tjoworrawsk, aliens, Freajm-ury mt tlrlMatlnar, . By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has an arranged his treatment that it will not only affrd immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor d't not daira to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair m l iu : : j c.M i . W in nis specially sr meaner, Ol nrn, MTWhllla thnrnnirhlT anullrAtAd (mm the D'atrm without lining Itereurv, i KVKBY MAN applying to 0 WTIt re- f Oelve our hfmstt opinion of hitomplnlnt. k W mil Ouarantrr a POS1 TJ VK CVK K ta f rwr ease toe undtrtate, or forfeit Oat lhoaaae Dollars. ' ConnUtatoa FREB and strictly private. ClUUQKS VERY MMAS0KABLE. Treat- A men! persona Hy or by letter, fiend for bonk, F "Ike Phllooophy af Maniae. nee, n vaiuaow aooa lor bmb.i TIHIT DSL JOKDABnS Great Muxeum of Anatomy the taast and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come aod team how wonderfully you are madei bow to avoid sickness and difccaie. vte are enniinnailv adding arw speciown. I CAT A LOU CH iKKM. Call or wrlla, I OBI Market tlreet. tse Franclieo. Cel. ( rvavavaav-si State Normal ONLY aTATC SCHOOL IN KAtTCRN OWIttOW Located en tha O. R. A N. Railway midway between Pendleton aod Walla Walla. EtodenU admitted al all timet of tba year. First-Class Tralnina School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Mo sic tanght by competent instructors. A grado- ete of tba Boe toa Ooaearvatory baa charge af tba instrumental depart- j tneot. Tlio Ludlcs Botirdlntr HoJjl Is thoroughly oqainped and offers ox aallsat aromraodatkru al raaeoaabla ratea. oeoJ tor catalogue, Ate-eeee M C. ROYAL, Preaident af raeolty er P. A. WORTHING. t wia, oeoraury weare k UJLxCZ, -J All tbM can be proenrtd at Thompson k IUbdb, Lover Main Street, Hpror, Oregon. Teeae gwettoiswo are well eenwelntsd with tad see sate avea.y ood Urn la SMttna taese meao IO tewatet Wlta Use Msaee, THOMPSOTsT tfe BTNNS, That 14-Ycar Old 'holm's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e XT taa Uai ZrOW F01lTOU! Now -Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates ' Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bet tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anytLing in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, , blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. .r The Gazette shop is not a charity ooncern but it you will give us a ohanoa we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. ' Buy your goods at borne. , Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from ' borne the foreigner got the money and we got tbs goods. But when the goods were bought at borne we had both money and goods This is good doctrine. We sre willing to abide by it. When th printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up pbon. No. 8. 660-tf "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STEAJfEBa "DALLES CITY" AND . "REGULATOR'? Commencing Monday, May 2nd, , the steamers of the Regulator Line will leave Portland at 630 a, m. and Tba Dalles at 830 a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save money. W. 0. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TXMXI X San Iroraeissoo And all points in California, via tba kit. Bhiastt route of the V.. Southern Pacific Co The greet highway through California to all points East and South. Grand tioenic Bouto of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Ballet tUeepers. Beoond-elaae Sleepers Attached to express trains, attordina armaria accommodations for aeoond-elaas paaseDaera. for ratea, tiokeU, sleeping oar reservations, eto, call npon or addreee a. KOEHLEK, Manager, C. H. HAREHAlf, Sen. F. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon FERRY'ija and olieayi get your money's snrXtli. rive eente per paper oveir riiu Always in, oesx. oeeo ADnuaJ rrv. . .M.FERRY CO. . Detroit, mtM.S School, Weston Oregon er Hefanta, Wettoa, Ore. I eatrmvaaaoee,' beoauss the cost 1 I of cultivation wasted on inmrtorsseda If I I always largely exosede the orlglaal If ) 1 s ooet or toe bswi and aearaet seeds to I i i m uwi, bub, mm Hiwmra mm r L, oheoooot. Par a trine aion for il - m a . .. I K f V Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? Oraat. HarMy, Crank, ntlltaai aad ether aamntlaa twcUeet wlta srovailao easa. Stuff, OOoua e a a ew lies!, Duf Bial isriJiag, XXrXaAiOO, Z?ffopt 3 4