A LITTLE SUFFERER Joe, Hands and Arms Covered With Profuloua Humors' How a Cura effected. - .. hen ft 70 yean old my little boy had .ofula on his face, hands and arms. It Was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. T , r "pea red in the form of red pimples ' Ich would fester, break open and run A then scab over. After disappearing ; xey would break out again. They caused ' fuse itching and the little sufferer had i be watched continually to keep him jm scratching the sores. We became jreatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give V to our boy and we noted an improve r t in his case very soon. After giving : .o four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and It has never since returned." William Babtz, 416 South Williams St., ; South Bend, Indiana. ' Yon can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all ' druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. If -Nfwl'a Dillc Liver Illi :My to take, o rills easy to operate, is cent. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer tbe following dubbing rates: ' t GAZETTE $2.00 and - Club Rate , Weekly Oregonlan,1.50. 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, fl.50 8.25 ' , N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 a.75 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 8. F. Chronicle, 11.60 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00.... '. : 4.50 Eural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 Keir York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 recall's Magazine $1.00..... 1.80 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette dan (et clubbing rates with any paper on --th. METH. EPI8C. CHCRUH. BKBVIOES. Bandar 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 1 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. pworth League Devotional meeting at! p. m. - t raver meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. y 'The Hpibit and tbe bride eay. Come." The i-astor may be fonnd at tbe parsonage ad joining the chnroh, where he will be glad to meet any wko may dfsire to consult him on rtfjiti "in, aotinl, oivio, philosophic, eduoational, 4 "" other subjects. J. W. FLKSSER, Minister. H. K VUUKCH, SOUTH. v. J Sunday bbrvicss. weetinpWireachlng 11 a. m., 7 p. m., clan . BundrTOlowlnK morning lervlce. at:h 1 w ichool. 3 D. m. Epworth league, Frl- 1 ui forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Paitor's residence in parsonage, next door to ! enuron. i. k nummi, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Service! each Bunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening aiwecnurcn. n. l. ohii,i.. Pastor. Eee M. Lichtentbal k Go. (or shoes, a Mr. B. F. Colthar is on the siok list. Geo. Lmod is in town for a few days. Bbeariog is now moving along pretty lively. Pendleton sends 34 men for Uoole Sam's army. Messrs. Smith and Kelly are in from Sand Hollow. Mr. O. Bowman, of Tbe Dalles, is in our oity today. Walter Van Duyn left last night tor Sumpter, Oregon. Joe Leezer was over from Butter creek this week on business. I. R. Esteb, of Gooseberry, wss over yesterday on business. Wheat today is worth from 75 to 80 cents and is still going np. Tbe probibs bave a ticket in the flild. That is as far as it ever will get Lee Kilbonrne and Glaus Johnson are over from tbe Gooseberry looality. Harry Bartholomew oame in last night from tbe sheep ranches near the sand. Where art all of those Gazette corre spondents? Come on with yonr items. Mrs. Cba. Jones informs the Gaastte man that her husband will return from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamblet were among the visitors to Heppner last Tuesday. T. W. Ayers, sr., made a flying trip to Pendleton Tuesday last, returning on Thursday. Those wishing private board can find accommodations at the ressidenee of Mrs. YV. J . Leez r. 44 tf Olint Depuy 'phones down from Walla Walla that the militia there are prepar ing to go to war. A stray ooon has been giving a street show in town today, which is "oatobing" the Heppner folks. J. W. Bannister writes down from Weston for the Gazette. They say that it aavea letterwriting. J. H. Fisher, of Sand Hollow, is in Heppner today, and reports everything nourishing in bis neighborhood. Bring your bides, pelta and furs to Ben, Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meet Market . He pays highest market prioe, 619-tf. Hon. H. V. Galea left last bight for Hillaboro. Candidates are buzzing aroond at a great rate. Alex MoWilliams has bought out the Reed restaurant. Tbe sprinkler man would be weloomed. The streets are getting dusty. Mines Cora aud Effle Courier and Effle Kobiuaon, of Eight Mile, were wel- oome visitors to the Gazette offlde yesterday. Tbe ooooert to be given under the suspioes of the Episcopal church is postponed one week, until Wednesday, Maylltb. Anyone iu need of good sheep range, three sections fenced and outside range, oau get particulars of same by calling at tbisoffioe. al-lm Be not deceived! A congh, boarsness or oroup are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Sbiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Oonser i Warren. v A little scrap between Linn Matteson and Sid Friday, Tuesday, resulted in Lirn filing up matters with the city $20 worth. Sid stood trial and bis case was dismissed. Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe best oodgh cure. Relieves oroup promptly. Qne million bottles sold last year. 40 doses tor roots. Hold by Con- ser & Warren. v s Tbe Gazette forgot to say tbat the prize of $5 down at tbe merchants' carni val was oaptured by Miss Jennie Noble who represented the harness shop of E. G. Noble A Co. West Side: E. E. Hewitt and wife, who have been visiting here, returned In their home in Heppner Friday. Mr. Hewitt is employed as druggist in a large drug sture there. Karl's Clover Root Tea is. a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, parities the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make aid pleasant to take. 25 eta. Sold by Oonser 4 Warren. v OBITUARY. Died Al the Oity hotel, in Heppner, oo April 26, of Bright'e disease, G. W. Kneeland, aged 59 yean. G. W. Kneeland waa born in Harrison, Maine. After reaching manhood he was for twenty years the shipping olerk for the Washburn Woven Wire Works. At Worcester, Mass., be waa a prominent member of the Congregational oburob. Hla connection with Maaonio oiroles be gan fit Meridian, Conn., at the age of 21 years. After ooming to California for his health, he became foreman of Sharp k Sprowle's fruit ran oh. However, his health did not improve and he oame to Oregon in hope that be would be bene fitted, but of do avail. Mr. Kneeland was a man highly respected by all, and though his resi denoe here was brief be made many trieuds. He leaves a widow and a son here, two sisters and two brothers in the New Eng land states. A SPLENDID AFFAIR. ACETYLENE GAS. The light of the future, Why not be independent and own yoof own little gaa plant which will give four times more light than ordinary gaa or electrio lights at one bait the oost? Applioable for use in churches, stores ' factories, hotels, residences and country homes; safer than ordinary gas or kerosene lamps. Approved by all tbe Boards of Underwriters throughout tbe United States. We want a first olasa agent in every town. Write for catalogue and prieea. THE ACETYLENE GAS MA CHINE CO., Akron. Ohio. W. M. Mitchell, 1. Herrman and Robt Ford are in Heppner today from Portland. Mr. Ford and Mr. Herrman represent, respectively, the Rio Grande Western and Oregon Short Line railway freight interests. The Lai lei' Guild of the Episcopal church " will meet at o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. mauocK. vSche Take Notice. sum ot five cents per line will be ' "cards 01 tnanu," "resolutions 01 ts of wedding presents and donors, . or shall h-jSeliy f njatter f newi-) ? vf viulatl uioetiUH IUI TV uawviii PU1 UVWU. rMut?"..;Kr'. inhnrch and society and all other " l'WMW VI 1. , , . tm v j ak.t..lnn.Anta II rUIU WD1GD rOYBUUB IB HJ LH3 rjlvedrshaTl be "Jharged for at the rate of flv. ! cents a line. TP16 rulBi w,u 08 wnouy aaner Ad to in everTntance. ' Advertising ite reasonable and made known upon applies"-""- fi - - Hot Ye voting men-of Morrow, whittle up a 2 llvelv tuna - J For the candidate. I'm free to state, will stay with us till June, j, Then let him treat his voting friends to Sperry'l Linwood Rve. V He'll catch our votes if he wets our throats lor the voting men are dry. Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. 0. 8perry, j proprietor. V Tbe Gazette is not heralding its oom- Y log with a brass band bat its circulation v ean be, determined at tbe Hepp ler post- tflfioe. AdTertisers will please note this Here and There. Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooount File printed at the Gazette of- floe. IL John Campbell, a prosperous sheep man of tbe lower section of Morrow, is l to on business. "Oo'n Jakse" is all right but Low Til lard baa a brand ot 14-year-old goods tbat is bard to beat. 603 -If Painless reinedy for extraoting teeth. If not as si jilted, no eberges. Try Dr. Vaoghan's new plan. 604-tf. Best accommodation and oonrteoui treatmert at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wa&h. Bts., Portland, Oregoo. Gazette oarnee a full stock ot monroiDg note, oorrespondenoe style, with envelop to match. Those desiring anob stationery ean have their wants applied at this offloe. tt. There's more clothing destroyed by noor aoan then by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" aoap contains bo free alkali and will not injure tba finest laee. Try it and notice tbe difference in quality Rhea Si Co. ! Dr. Jobn V. Rasmus, ot the "Red- light, ever en tbe alert tor something Bw, ean tarnish yoa tbe finest cock tails la tbe land Maobatteo, Jersey, Vermouth or Oio mad by aa artist in the bnsieese. Droo in and take tbe lasts) oat of yoar month. It Frank MeFarlaod bee brea appointed peeial agent of Tbe Equitable Life At suranee Co, of New York, tbe etronge! la tba world. Cash surplus to policy holders of over 60 milltoc dollars. Don't lake losareoe without stetog tba new nlana of the Eooitabla. Insures both Him at same rates. 77tf Beeldaa keeping tbe largest assort mnl ot eiodUs, fro't, cigar and notions to be found anywhere in tbe eitr, Ja. Hart it now able to eopply yoa with the Portland dailiM and all tbe magasioM and prioJlrals. both fr eig aad doil". It yrn waat a-1-isg enatur, aiv Jim a call at tb flepp rCody Faototy. K-t. - ' Ja. Molutire, Franois MoCabe, Pat Kelehar and Ed Doherty were in town yesterday. Tbey report a big lambiug. we presume you use soap and it ro the best is cheapest. Hoe Cake is etriotly pure with no free alkali. Rhea & Oo. a 30 W. E. Brook made thli offloe a pleas ant oali yesterday, Wilson, yoa are get ting a oolcr on. The oouotry agreea with you. Bad Willioiihttm is preparing for the long drive aoross tbe oouotry for Lacy Bros. He will probably start out today to "gather." Tbe Qua Stalter crew of shearers have oompleted Ed Doberty's band and at present are over at Will Spenoer'i, on Butter oreek. Mr. John F. Cowley, representing Tbe N. K. Fairbanks Co., of St. Louis, was in town Wednesday on business oon oeoted with his bouse. E.G. Noble A Co. are mailers after bnsinees. Tbe finest saddles and hsr nets to be found la Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. There will be a very pleaaant time fur those who attend the danoe tonight, as everything points to a grand tuoosss. Tbe mneio will be tbe best. Died Mr. 11. Morgsn, near lone, on April 12, aged 81 years. Deoeased tbe father of Mr.M. R. Morgan sod Mrs. J. M. Hamblet, of tbe lone eeotion. Cass Matlock was in Wednesday from bit Batter orsek ranches. Like all heepmeo here be gtve glowing ao- eount ot the sheep business in bis looality. f Alfred Troedsoa oame op late yester day frotn Douglas. He informs one of the Gazette foroe tbat bis brother, Oarl it baok from California much improved lo health. Our old friend, Tony Noltoer, ean talk Home democracy and Mitchell "path" nit as well aa tbe Oregonian. Tbe great paper graduated Tony along with Muir lod Pi pea. T. J. rercifull fl hoovered a narrow ledge recently, down on the tiad, bear log eilver and gold, bat lo what extent be does ool know. It it very promising looking rock. Thirty men of the Uniform Rank, Knlghta of Pythias, of Portlsod, were i worn into Ham's service last week Idsjor Carnabto baa offered bis satire organization for the war. 0. Bergerhoff, from Arlington, is in our tity today, doiog tbe Iowa ia tiga writ- ing. Heveral ot oar business boa set are proving tbemtelrat progressive In this lint and ton piper ia glad to ess ti The Salem Independent eayt tbat tbe Aitoria oooventioa swallowed Patterson, body, breoohes and all. Bettsr be swal lowed than to bolt. No good repoblioaa tver bolts tbe ticket because bt'a tamed dowo. The Entertainment and Carnival a Complete Snceeas, Both Socially aad Financially. The entertainment at the opera honse on last Tuesday evening at the olose of the Odd Fellows' celebration, for the benefit of the Bebekabs, wat one ot the most successful and entertaining affairs ot the kind ever seen in Heppner, and Heppner has had some good amateur shows in ber time. Tbe entertainment wat managed entirely br Mrs. H, J. Striokfaden, and indeed she deserves great credit. The orohestra musio, the various drills, tbe song of Miss Elsie Ayers, the recitation of Mrs. A. E. Binns, the medley long, tbe male quartette, tbe Bong by Hoonie Abrabamaiok, end ing with the oarnival drill and business expose, were cheered to tbe ' eobo, beoause tbey were all deserving of it. The opera bouse wat crowded. It was one of tbe largest crowds ever teen in in tbe etrooture and all went away haoDr and well satisfied tbat their money Dr. J. M. Wilson and Mr. Bonce bare h.d bMn wigel- BDent. returned from their trip to Portland and Heppner is now being enlivened to some Dyspepsia cured. Sbiloh' extent. These "boys" bave some part- immediately relievea soar stomach. nert tba are also oraokajackt. ing np of food distress, and is tbe great The order of Knights of Pythias it kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Con- makioa rapid atrides In Orearon . and in ter k Warren. v faot wherever lodges have been estab lished. It is anticipated tbat several new lodges will be adiled to the list in the near future. Through a mistake the name of G. W. Gowan, our oaodidata tor joint senator, was omitted from the ticket. This mis take has been reolified. Look the ticket over and see what a fine one the repab- Condon Globe: Mrs. J. W. Oilman lioans bave this year. and family, of Fossil, slopped lo town The Salem Indndent seems 'to be Sunday night while on their way to visit awfnllv intoraatad in nnlitina in tha I lUCir Ola OOme 10 DieW Uampiaire. iney second oongresaional distriot. Ws re- "P501 ,0 u on" boot 'oar th. pnblicans feel able to look after our own Miss Josie Hastings departed Wedoes candidates. After nomination we ex- day night to join ber parents at Weston, Deot trouble with the enemy. . where she will make her boms in the Minor f!n Kill hiM afill annlW futore canoaa or t ieo ntot, wagons, ooggies, How's This! carnages, uacts ana ouoiDoara in e We offer One Hundred Dollart Reward a I rew aays. u you neea a venioie 01 any tnr ... B. of o.,rrh th. e,nnot k. ainaoomeana tee tnem. iney "P" oared by Hell's Catarrh Care. for themselves and are backed by poti- $t T CHENEY k CO., Propa. live guarantees rrom I isq uros. sua Toledo Ohio ourselves. Minor A Oo. 4tf o;.ii,...Hgn.j v.v,,...r i E. O: For tbe judicial distriot cam- Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe paign, Waller M.risroe, chairmen of the him perfeotly honorable In all basin demooratio ooon and Joseph T, A. .1 t ,. . nisinoi attorney on ine union iicaei, are Toledo, Ohio, billed lo speak at Beppner April 30. Waldwo, KimuM k Mabvir, Wholesale" T..i t.k. tt.. i ... DrugBista, Toledo, Ohio. " ' "' 11.11'. n.mlmm.U Pin.. I. I.h.. II..1I i v.i.4 i: .1 -LI. " -. V ......... .ruuu.ou -ku..., ""' aotingdlreoilyBpoo tbe blood and mo and a tired feeling, take Karl'a Clover eoons sarfaoea nf the tystem. Prion 75o. Tea. it ia pleasant to take. Bold br Pr bottle. Hold by all druggists. Tes timonials tree. The Marquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, ia under excellent management and tbe publio will be royally entertained this winter. New oompaniea and new faoea will ap pear from time to time at thit popular, first-olass theatre of Portland, and when in Portland oar denizens should not fail to take In some ot the fine dramas that will be presented. tf Thousands are Trying It. In order to prove the great merit ot Ely's Crea;n Balm, the most effective cure for Cntari-h and Cold in Head, we have pre pared ft gouoroiiA trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 centa to ELY BUOS., td Warrea St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a uoy, ana l never nopea ror oure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that Many acquaintances have used it with exoellent results. Oscar Ostruui, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and oontains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug.' Price, 60 cents. At druggists or by mail. CASTOR I A Tor Infanti and Children. (fURPLUS JUURSERY TOCK. 1898 SPRING PLANTING ,, Clean, Thrifty Trees, Two and Three Tear Old, Carefully Grown ot the Beit Varieties for thia Climate Fully Guaranteed. FEB 100. psb 1000. Apples, Orabt and Prunes, 60 kinds, 5 to 8 ft $ 5.00 $ 80.00 Pears, Cherries, Plums, Peaobee, Apricots, Nectarines, Quinces, Almonds, 8omoni5to8ft 8.00 60.00 t Blackberries and Raapberriet 1.00 5.00 Currants end Gooseberries 300 20.00 Strawberries 1.00 8.00 Grape Vines and Pie Plant 6.00 30.00 W. Asb, Elm, Walnut, Maple, Box Alder Poplar 5.00 30.00 Hard Maple, Mt. Asb, English Walnut, Butternnt 10.00 30.00 Roses, two year blooming age, ont door. . . . 1500 100.00 Lilao, White and Purple, 2 year, xx 8.00 50.00 Our collection ot Roses, Shrubs, Bulbs, Olimers, Flowering trees, Evergreens, Weeping trees, eto, comprises tbe best selection and shall be pleased to make yoa prioee on application. 50 at 100 rates, 500 at 1000 rates. Prioet are net, packing added at cost. Cash with order, or Bank Referenoe. Order early before ttook it broken and yoa will get just what yoa want. Address, Payette Nursery, Payette, Idaho. A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are In this field at the old stand with Harness, Baddies. Whips, Spurs, and an endless lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs, Geo, Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of tbe old firm as well as collect what Is due. E. O. NOBLE Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. 1ST WY-l55 THE ART OF BREWING- Bears the of l Condon Globe: W. W. Steiwer, cfl Foseil, and Mrs. J. F. Reisaoher, of thit plaoe, returned 8atarday from Portland, Mre. Reitacber went down expecting to bring her sister-in-law, who Is an invalid, home with ber, bat found her unable to stand the trip. MONEY TO LOAN. T WANT A TK V GOOD FARM LOANS IN L Amounts of from 11.000 to .000 at eight per cent. Interest payable annually. Appli cations oonsldered only from farmers actually residing on tne farms. Noanenu. Auareas m. Q. Urlttin, 275, Stark St., Chamber of Commerce, rortiana, uregon. w-w. NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. Vkitso Btatss Laud Orncs, nu. t 1 1 t .. ....11 M.h loda XTOTICE I HKKKRY OIVKN THAT THE IN approved plat of purvey of township IS I Houth, range East of the W illamette Merid ian. Ontgnn. has men recrlvad at this office and will be officially Bled in this omce on ttaiuraay, the sttn day ol May. ukm, at iu o cinci a. m. jab. r, swn, Kegliter. Wlf. B. BKIUtiS, Receiver. Gibson & Berger, At Chas Jones' Old Stand. Shavinir. - - 15 Ot. Hair CuttinK. 20 liaths 2oc. Everything Strict ly s irst Class. D. A. CURRAY, formerly of Pendleton Was Perfected by the Production of.... And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer..... unty oentral oommiltee, tranaaotions and unanolally able to oarry Tr nCfTsrSstl Artist C H.nkle, o.odidate for ligation mad. by tb.tr firm. I "ll2UI ,al J1 "?U ti.. L i WstAT0AX, Wholesale Urnggiete, Shaving, IS Cento Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 25 Beppner, Oregon. Oonser k Warren. v J. F. Ward waa among tba Hardmen boys tbat oame in to celebrate Odd Fel lowship on Tuesday last. Oar corre spondent wss ansble to get together a oomplrteliat of the Bardmao visitors, however. Having already di tpesed ot two ear loads of the celebrated Fish Btot.' wagont, backs, boggles, baokboardt and carriages, we bave a third carload as roots. When yoa eee them too can recognise their superiority over aoy other make ot wagon with rat exception. Minor 4 Co. it Monday night the Alabama Dappy Darkey Co. will give a show at tba opera bouse wbieb will be worth seeing. Tble will be a genuine minstrel performance with most ot tbe participants real darkles. Tbe Jones Bros, and Jimaiie Hall and other eipeet to make yea Wanted 4 position at foreman ot beep ootflt. Twenty years trailing perieooa, Koow all roots east and to Mootaoe. Best of refereooee. Addrees, CHAS. II. WHIILIft. Pendlstoa, Or. Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. ? f V Shop two doori South el Postutnc On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY C0A1PANY, 203 Waehlngton St., Portland, Or. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J . Co BORCIIERS Who baa secured tht services of AIRS. A1AR6ARET VON CAD0W As manager. It will bo run in firet class shapo in every department. Hates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. mmm tatra Metle. One bay bora, white spot la forehead. Ooo grey mare, both bind feel while; each 4 years old. Branded oa right stifle with the following deooribsd thereat-: Inverted Ml" fri-sen with the letter "P" on ite stem. Will ray ttM eh for their delivery lo H. 1'adberg or Informs tton leading to Ibair rwoovef y. Address A. IL Wmuaun, Leilogkio, Or. Hoc-Cakc Soap Has No Eipl. MaJo OD.ler UoiteJ BtaUsg pateot, it mnit nrceaaaril bo different from nil others- CooUiog do aUrcb, fro) glkali or worthiest filling. Now that the dayi wax warmer and laugh aod enjy yooreeif. Come oat warmer you will iK.rhttm ho looking for .-J ... ,. at.J.. .S I . . I I 1 a I I . """"i I sitrifif tiinrr npw nnil liflii mm rool Id wear. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOROHEES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that the "good old timea" aro with ua, your blood in out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awako to the fact that the w Two Mllllews Tear. Vhn rwopl buy, try, and buy again, it iwwi they're aatufUd. 1 be people at th fnit-d Mati srt now bujru'l trt Canity Catliartie at the rat f two tniili'm horn a yr and it will be thrvw million t lure Nw Year's. It mns mrnt prwrd. that I awarrft are the "tort delightful tiowl Mru'ator (or everyliody the yar round. All drugs iat 10-, Zjr, 6uc S box, tur guar solrd. MiRUIKU. On last Wedoesdsr eveaing at the resideooe of Mr. aad airs. U. J. Hi rick fadeo oooorred I he marriage of Mr. B. F. Caltbar aod Miae Emma Bolsford, Rev. Howard offiolatlng. Both are loowo typoa aad btve I be hrat wlshvsl of ah tboir friends, loola lisg lbs fra U roily. May prospwlly be tbelre aod Bay lb Hack eloode at mUfurtoee af bavr over Ib'lr path tbroegh life. Coino down and look mer wah yA. over thoHu eum- Wool Growers' Warehouse Ii if Rakle's Aratra falve. Tbe Iteet flaJve Is the wurl4 fifCata, low priccff. BroiaM, rkirae. fleers, Halt fUeia, Horrs. T.ltf. Chary r4 lUada. Cblltilaios, Crns, asc all Ms a ri- tions. ani piitviy corae I ile pey reqolrvd. Ii la gaaraotd Pr(frt atiafaouoa or tooor rWu PrU2S reals rr rmv. Tot Hkenm Drat Co,, V, J. rtloiHiaa, Biaaagaf We've Got Them In ahundanco and Uautiful dign. Nice gatuy lumnn-r go'l at iurjriiing!y II tads, Here are just a few: eala by J III the ulaco to itoro vour wool thin reason. Whv? lio- cauno we do a strictly warehouse businorfu, and not being in the field buying wool ourtieivefi, wo encourage competition amongst the buyer and secure you the highest price. Wa art lla w4 tsrk so4 I lit al at, tarable wkea wool Is auld. il la your erder I al . . . . aiatflM klakart run pnr fnt Dim alia ani nidas. W ' acntt Inf LltlM'a Ola a4 BImS Leaf TeOaco Die. the only reliable araearad I 41 IM malt. Lata a lull XiMrly a4 H l'lt aat bl. a Mm K.llmt Karlay M UamsUn. trtreH fni laasuiaft to tM Wrwat SKthoaM. M i DataulM JtoS S i4rs 4ai- R. F. IIYND. Manauer. Business is a fair exchange of advantages. You give good money to your grocer; he gives you Schillings Best tea the best he has. Percale, tww jatternt, price, 10-12j-15c Diinitin in Floral De-icna, 10-121-l.V Figurvl Ijiwn, a plendid lim, H)-12J-15 French Organdie, new good, IKKXfc Cycling Twelt, good iutnmer Wear, lJc unen Crahe, French Oinichamt, 'Xh'l'x t a a very M-rvireablw c A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware S Qucenswaro At Gilliam 1 Bisbee s 4ftM Way "' av t-r'ftthf fb1 rS ait tot IB Ui lluSef HMtaara, Sv4 lui ttaa. G0 WHERE YOU CAN OCT WHAT YOU WANT, Co.