The Gazette. Friday, April 29, 1898. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Congressman, First District, TH08. H. TONGUE. Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, ol The Dalles. Governor, T. T. GEER, ol McCleay. Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, of St, Helena. (Secretary of State, FRANK I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. State Treasurer, C. 8. MOORE, of Klamath Falls. Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Portland. State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland, Attorney General, D. R, N. BLACKBURN, of Albany. For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grant and Harney, A. W. GOWAN. Prosecuting Attorney, Sixth District, HENRY J. BEAN, of Pendleton. HEFUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, E. L. FREELAND, of Heppner, For BherllT, D. A. HAMILTON, of Heppner, For Clerk, VAWTER CRAWFORD, of Heppner. For Treasurer, MAT LICHTENTHAL, of Heppner. For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For Co. School Superintendent, J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner. For Co. Commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Pine City. For Coroner, E. R. HUNLOCK, of Heppnor. convention at Minneapolis, and was the Oregon vice president of that body. It 1891 be was again the permanent chairman of the state republican convention. He has been a member of the republi can state central committee con tinuously since 1896. He was chairman of the campaign commit tee of the first congressional dis trict from the time of its organi zation until 1896. He was elected a representative in the Fifty-fifth congress as a republican in Jane, 896. The Gazette believes that Mr. 'ongue ought to be elected, and nis mends are sanguine over the prospects. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Ileppner postomce. Adver tisers will please note this. OLD TACTICS. The Oregonian's recent insinu ations and statements that there is a combination between a number of republicans of Multnomah county and Peunoyer is in line with its usual assertions. That is the style of fighting it uses against those who have souls and wills o! their own. The Oregonian has not learned that it cannot catch flies with vinnegar. It has not learned that it is the great in fluence that has assisted to break up the republican party in this state. In the face of the Oregon lan's continual fight, it is almost useless to try to elect the repub lican ticket It will say that tha l a a a is a Aiuitnoman county neb. and outsiders should keep out of it It was until sixty good iepubli cans from Multnomah were turned down and sixty men, most of them signers of Northup's petition, two years ago, put in tbeirplaoes in the oongresalonal and state conven tions. Until then it was a fi?ht io Multnomah county. If these war ring delegations had been thrown out altogether, or if they had been divided, then it would hare been possible for the Oregoniao to have told a few lies about men that it it chooses to say are not as good republicans as those who bolted two years ago, without attracting general attention on tha outside. The fight in Multnomah county ii now the fight of the feUU, aod i tha Oregonian proposes to keep up its sort of tnudnlingiog it must prepare itself for tha arduous Uk of shoulileriog the letponsibility of defeating a splendid republican ticket. Interview every schoo! dintrict in the state of Oregon an aH if this is hot tha feeling. THOMAS It. TOSQVS. Thomas 1L Tongue, renominat ed to represnnt the first district o Oregon in oongrena, was bora i LtDOoloiLire, LnglanJ, June 2'l lBli lis arrived with Lis parents in Oregon, Kofvulwr 23, ISoO, and has ever sloes resided i Waabiogton county, lis was adu. caUvl at IViflo nulversitj, Forest Grove, and graduated from that Institution in tha cleaaio ooursa in WS. Us was admitted to tha bar io Fei tmtr, 1870, aod imme diately tutored upon the practice .f bis profession, Io lVvS be was elected a tuombtr of the state een aU, awing four years. In 10 be was lbs pttrmaoeot chairman of the republican state eoovtbtion, lie was fleet prcsiJcLt of tie state organisation of republican clul io Tubrdary, 1W1 1W ssn )eaf U waJ a !e!gU Um i Or.?a,,W ir!il eyttllttsl WHO SAID SOf The latest political organization i Portland is known as the anti Simon republican party. It is said to be a combination of Femoyer iem and Mitchellism. E. 0. The Oregonian has said so, but when did the E. O. begin to accept that paper as authority on anything where facts are expected? OrjB ticket, all in all, is a good one and commends itself to the voters. It can be elected if a few old political scavengers can be kept quiet, and if the party's affairs are trusted to men like Harry L. Wells. But no corrup- tionist like Graham Glass, jr., can assist in leading any party to vic tory. Although a democrat in politics, he could not be called an admirable leader for them even, because he has been too long con nected with the Corbett style of corruption. He was the sackhold er last winter at Salem, has been acting in the same capacity all through the spring campaign, pre vious to the nominations at As toria. As a ward worker he might be considered a success, but as one of the leaders of the republican party he is a potent influence for defeat Tbe Oregonian is saying ugly hiDgs about Senator McBride. A few days ago it was talking the other way. Senator McBride haB not bowed the knee to the little boss, that's what's the matter. Graham Glass, jr., as secretary of the state central committee 1 How does this go dowu? Now let us elect Judge Pipes to the U. S. senate and turn over what is left to W. T. Muir and Tony Noltnor. A patriotic Swede in Wisconsin recently sent the following effusion to a local paper: "I hop you Stan I3y Oupan and Giv Spain the Davel. Vi an Cupan hav suffer uff of The Bouldoosing." Wheat is advancing rapidly, T 1 I SS . H . mm it nas reacnea $1.10 to fl.iv in Chicago and is still going up n II a 1 . . ... . uonar wueat is a "josh. ' it is better than that now, but the re. cent stimulus is war scare and may not last. It IS urged against M. A. Moody that he is a banker. He is not a banker to hurt, else he would not have loaned money where he coul not get it back. Mr. Moody is really a banker without a bank. Our friends, the enemy, will have to say something worse than this. Tee republicans of the first dis si as -a . 1 tnci 01 uregon did tne proper thing when they re-nominated Hon. Thos. H. Tongue to sucoeed himself as congressman from that district Mr. Tongue is one of tbe tireless workers and has acquitted himself nobly as a servant of the people during his congressional experience. For years he has been known as one of the most zealous republican workers in the state of Oregon, and this paper will labor for his re-election which we hope will be his reward. Tbe Dalles Chronicle, one of our best exchanges, is now coming out as a morning paper in addition to me weemy edition, it is re ceiving the dispatches and is otherwise attractive and readable. IB 1 Heretofore us daily edition was issued in the afternoon. Success to the Chronicle. It is true wisdom for every body to take a thorough course of Swift's Specific just at this season of the year. The blood is sluggish and impoverished, and the system is full of impurities which should be eliminated. In addition to thoroughly cleansing the blood, and toniDg up the system so as to avoid loss of appetite and a gen eral run-down feeling in the spring, S. S. S. so strengthens and builds up as to fortify against the many forms of dangerous illness that abound during the hot sum mer season. It is a very small matter to take this precaution but it insures health and strength all summer, Bwift's Specific S.S.S.rTrh Blood is far ahead of all other remedies for this purpose. It is a real blood remedy which promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly renovates the entire system, tones and strengthens the stomach, and renews the appetite. It is the only safe tonic, being purely vege table, and the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no arsenic, sulphur, mercury, potash or other mineral substance, whioh is of so much importance to all who know the injurious effects of these drugs. Nature should be assisted by na ture's remedy, S. S. S. Take 8. S. S. and be well all summer. Gbabam Glass, jr., is a splendid fellow personally, but he is not the man to act as secretary of the state central committee. The republican party can win this year in Oregon. If we wish to win clean managers must be in oontrol. Spain is aoting like tbe star actor at a Chinese theatre a whole lot of bluster and then out o sight TlIE Portland Dispatch has quit trying to be democratic and now is devoting its energies in promot ing Simouisra and fighting all re publicans who do not swallow the little boss. Such men as Hon. C. W. Fulton and C. J. Curtis are op posed; J. Thorborn Ross, Sylvester Parrel 1 and "Tobe" Myers are an gels. Tony," yoo have been go ing wrong for the past three years. The Gazette hopes that the re publican ticket can bo elected in its entirety. It is not "kind o' " supporting the ticket and "kind o' oot" The Gazette has found that an "open and above stand" for what one believes to be right brings some opposition, but one of that kind of make-up las friends that are worth having. Tbe world battle a coward and a trimmer, and therefore this paper proposes to stand by its convictious. No one oewls to fool concerned that they will not receive fair treatment at our bands, however, eiieA Weak Lungs If you have couthed ana" coughtd until the lining' mem brane of your throat and Ion ji is Inflamed, Scott's Emulsion f m i e. . .mm 01 uu win soothe. strengthen ao4 probably curt, The cod liver oil iuit and strt nftKcru the weakened tU- suet. The glycerine sooth and heals them. The Hypo- phosphites ol lime and soda impart tone and vigor. Don't neglect theje coughs. One bottle of the EmuUiow may do more lor you now than ten can do later on. Be iwrt rou get 5COTT3 Emuhion. 1 tcr 1 tae. eed MTTT Sw. to, ea v rtvM iiHwmmvHm Weekly Excursions In Thronh Can to lb East. Another through tourist oar to tbe East baa been arranged to ran out of Portland, giyiog four each week. Here, after tht oar lerving Monday will run through without change to Eanaas Oily aod Chicago, over tbe 0. R. t a., Ure gon Hliort Lilne.Kio Urands Western Deover t Ilto Oraode, Mieeoori raoiflc and Chicago & Alton. That oar baa lost been arranged (or, and tbe one previous ly aebednled (or Monday bas been obanged to Tbunday. It rone throogh to St. Looie, via the Missouri Paolflo tins. Tbs ear leaving Portland Taeaday goee tnroagb to Boaton, sod la promoted ny I Da unioego, Jtook lalaod and Paoioe. YtedDMday's oar roos to HI. Joseph, K ansae City and HI. Louia. over tbe Hnrlingtoo. All tbeee apodal through oen are reoeivinf a gratifying patronage. Oonsolt O. K. k N. Agent before baying Moaeti 10 lue tail. Af reesseat f per. Ileppner, Ore, April 2fl, 1808. To Wbom rr Ut Compihm Me, tbs undersigosd, restaoraat and botelksepers o( tbeoity of Ileppner, here by agree to asks the following mlnimaa rates on meals and board st oor reapeol- ive plaone of basis, vis,: Hiogle meals, 35c j 8 meals (or )!. Board by tbe week, & This agreement Io be effective oa and fur Moaday. May 2oJ.lW,eod to son. lioae in force a a til abrogated by molaal sonaMl of the snbeenbera. Asolioe o( 10 days will beet peeled an I required in om any vt tbe subeertb- rrs d'etre to withdraw. Mrs. L. Ha ill, Uotel lUpposr, Vd A McWim-uhs, lUetaurast. Jim OiiisaMas, lUUoraat, Mr. M. Von Oamow, P.I tee UoUL VK. Ihpim4 JlNipMa Wm4 If "JlmtHHin hhI" Mrrre not a weed but a coolly rsoUo. how It would trraurvl fr Uwua an1 grrfDhnuM'S The w w.l, or stramonium, to give I th Uitanical nam, brn la flower, II fragrant, lily-tike UiMtima are tb wlt-r su'irit the lgtrrmlooklii lrW grren. A rare arll; lm a flowrr of pule purple. The pop iiUr h.itiio ( the fUbt U aakl to be de ril fiuin "JuturMowa weed,' im tlt. It. !. ton L that after the rfeatrue U. -i i.l J.i' k u o l)i'.i&li loan ! ri ii f.l'.ml milh IhktkeU) U lik Ir aiuoma,u. 0t A BKLIC. The Hatobet, of Washington coontr digs up the following, whioh tbe Gazette publishes as a relio of that abortive at tempt to bold a legislature, over a year ago: BKFOKE AND aKTER. What Geo. W. Patterson Promised Before Electloa and How He Kept His Promise. Tb4 letter below is an exAot copy wording and spelling ooobsnged, of what the candidate for joint senator from Washington,. Colombia and Tillamook eonnties wrote Editor Beagle, of the St, Helens Mist, when be wanted to get eleoted: ..' Hilleboro, Or., May 20, 1896. "Mr. J. It. Beagle, My Dear Sir: Yours of late date to band sod noted in reply will Bay that I endorse tbe resolution in your platform as follows "1st Io the election of assessors and road supervisors "2nd In regard to useless commissions "3rd Io reference to Hoo. J. H. Mitchell "1 heartily endorse 4th M " Fishing industries -5th V u to tha expenditure of Pobllo Money "My only reasoa for oot writing yoo sooner wss tbe fear of tbe suly Mitobell mea Io tbie oo bat I fiad tbey are very few, bot I bavs at all times been a warm supporter of him and no honeit lieprt tentative tan go againet 75 per cent of tht vottrt which 1 fttl lure want Mitchell It yoo write to Me op oo tb above platform please be careful and Say nothing that la goiog to hurt tbe balasoe ol tbe tiokel or my self. I wish I oould Sea yoo aod bavs a talk with yoo bot will He yoo later aod I will now leave tbe mailer io yoor bands Please excess Short letter for I am very busy Truly yoar il. W. Pattirsom.' The following letter was published lo tbe Oregooiaa of March 7, lKX, as hav log beao the pledge ol tbe bold op mem. bore of the last legislators. "The oederalgned members of lbs 10tb biennial esweiooof the legislators hereby agree with eeeb other aod pledge oor selves that we will support (or Coiled Mates senator and oe oor ottnost eo- deevore to elert any ooaod money repob- lireo of cbereoUr and elandiog, other tbaa Senator Mitchell, or eneh candidates as may aland (or bim, who shall be the cboieeef the majority of tbe republieaus Iks Mr U 0eiH Car. Iters te ee tuff lug I rem tbie dfeaJful malady M ea will oaly get tbe right remedy. To are balog pls all ihrooih toor body, yoor liver Is sol of rdr, fcave ee err-'. life or ssaU ii., lave s t4 cold, la (w I are eoes- pMlf weed Oft riertits sellers are the eelv rewsfrty the! will glee ywo aH sad ears rellet. Tkey set dkreetty s tier liter, etoib ad Hdaey. tooeop I be whU sisieta aad make fee (eel tike ai,ewtwie. are gnatast4 V ' sen n mis rtai 44. for ele st K I l!ism'ss rfy Meeeset lMe, IWo Helling Joseph 8 moo Joba Ml bell (taorge W. BaWs Iooal4 Msksr A. L. Maxwell J. a MeCtueg O. W. PATTKIWON It. A. Peweos B. F. Malkey Oeorge IL Bill J.C. Bayer Tolbert Carter tWorge W. Riddle D. L. Povey James N. Dstts B. 8. UaeliDgloo F. N . Junes Alos Ueeaer. B. U. Crl'p, who bee be a ladispoeed far some ds peel, at the ll Mel llepp eer, is reeoverej and was not oo tbe llieels In the tret lime jevterdey. IWt Uerkt,a yoong mo who bse bees la oor sily tot some time, left last sight to j iio hie oompaoiotts ( tbe N. (1 at Porllaad. CooJos (I lobe i J. W. Blake Visited Ueppoct aad fortlesd lat week. -vj iv vj "vv "vm vrwi I irtiii ci. Lambeau Kangaroo Calf Stock Top PERFECTOE. 5 mm mi o o o o o o Grand Reduction Sale of. Mens Fine Shoes In Cbooolate and Black, Silk Vesting and Block Tips, our regular $6.00 and 95.00 lice. This week, Only $4.00 Ladies' Dress Shoes $300 takes anything in onr fine line of Ladies' H00 Shoes. Everything in our extensive shoe line at ridiculously low prioee. Make tne Most oi this Opportunltu. At the M. E. church, South, the male quartette will render special music at each servioe next Sunday, and hereafter this will be a speoial feature of tbe song setvioe. Save Them. Tbe wrappers of Hoe Oake soap are nortbaoent apiece, Ask Rhea & Go. for premium book. a 30 Timber Culture, Final Proof. TJnitkd Status Land Officii, La Grande, Oregon, April 25. 18!W. NOTICE 18 HEKEBY GIVEN THAT JOHN N. Elder bas filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk of Morrow county, Orejron, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, the lth day of June. 18U8, on timber culture application mo. -em, lor n'i nw, n'A neH oi section no, 'li, township No. 2 8, range No. 17 K. W. M. He names as witnesses: Frank Elder, Joseph Rector, Newton Whetstone, Luclnda Elder, all of Heppner, Oregon. K. W. BAKTLETT, Notice of Intention. LkD Offki at La Grande, Orsooh. April 6. 18M. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Vay 20, mm, vis: JOHN P. BROWN, Hd No Mil, for the EU 8W!a and WU BE!t Sec 7 To 2 8 R 27 E W M. He names the following wltneses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation nt -...! I .... .4 .!.. U'll ... Ij -,nn 1 v ui miu ,niii, vie, "imam niiH'ii, tfi.itti r. Barton, William C. Scott and Francis M. Gentry, an oi Heppner, uregon. t. W, HAHTLEIT, 38-49 Register, Timber Culture-Final Proof. Land Orrics at Ths Dali.ks, Orkhoh. March l.'ith NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I'AT rlck Holllane. of Henuner. has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. norrow, county cien, at nis omce in Heppner, Oregon, on Monday the 25 day of April, ln-m, on timber culture application No. 2H4l. for the 84 NKit, NHK1-: HM'tlon 14, in township No. 3 8 range No. V K. W. M. He nsincs as witnesses: John Woodward, Dennis Hpuiane, William 8. Lcnier, and eamuel Lefller, all of Heppner, Oregon. 32-43 JAH.F.MOORK. Register. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. RY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OF RALE. REG ularly issued out of the circuit court, lor Morrow county, Oregon, the following describ ed land, to wit: 1 he n ot of sec It, and tbs i ewV, of aec. 10, In tp. 6, 8 , r. in E. . M.. win be sold at private sale lor cash In hand. Bids on the above deer r Hied property will be re reived at the office ot Kills Fbelps until the 2,rth day of May, IMM Dated April Win, 1898. 44 M R. U SHAW, Assignee of J. J. McOee, Insolvent Debtor SHERIFFS SALE. RY VIRTt'i OF AM EXECt'TIOS AND order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow. Htate ot Oregon, detel the 22d day of April lw, In a ceruin action In the Circuit Court for said County and HUte, wherein W. P. Lord, II. K. Klucald and Phil Metachan. as Board of Commlwlnners for the sale of school and uni versity lands and for the Investment of funds arising therelrom. Plaintiffs, recovered Judg ment airalnst Adeline Howell, Henry Howeli, Mary Howell, John Howell, Nellie Howell, William Unwell. Htaulord Howell. Jneepb Howell, Tilda Howell, Ma Howell. Frank Howell, Thome Howell, Lilly Howeli, Ileitis Farler, Rli Farter, Adeline Howell Madmtnia Iratrtsaud Henry Howell as administrator ol the estate of Htanlord Howell, deceased, llend aim. lor the sum of rive Hundred Eighteen Ih.llare with Interest thereon at the rale of Klsht per eem per annum from the loth day of March, I, and the further aura ol Thirty Ave Dollars attorney's tea, and rusts and dlshurea nienta, on the lot K day ol March, Ik's, Motive la hereby given that I will oa Sature-ay.the 28th gay ef May, 1898. at I o dors b m of said day, at the Iron! door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow rounty, oregoa, sell at public auction to the hleheei bidder lor rash In hand, the following dwrtbwd property. b wit Ihe south rut quarter of section twenty eight t.xii In towmhln Hnr(4 a,oilh range twenty lite .'.S K W. M la Mor row rotinlr, Orreoa. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said Adeline Howell, Henry Howell, et al or eo much therenl as may be turi ssary so satUlT the said Judgment la favoe ol W. r. Lord, M. R. klnraid and I'hll MeM haa and acalnsl said Adeline Howell, Henry Howell rial, together wlih all mels and dls buraemeble that nave or may accrue t. U MATLOCK. SherlfT. ta!ed al Heppner A prtl 21 If. u M St walaia Ike etessaek. IK hee er I Ua we WUi, mittf, awws e a HMM e IrM M ftM. -J rf nt r: e-n Pill I f ar a tei itrni S SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE t RgRVBT GIVEN THAT rJ. der and by virtue of an eseruttna and nvtlee nt sale, duly and reaulartf laeoed out ol the Circuit Court ol Ihe IHala ol Irrecaa (of Morrow eoanty, and ta ee dlreried. oa the lata day ol Merrk, apoa a )udf menl and da rreeduly rendeml and entered la eald ewtrt, en the imh av ol March. I". In a Cull thee aod theretofore pending therein, ahereta. The Araertraa Morleaga torapany Wetitad. oi anHland, a torpnration, wee plalnuR, and James Thomas m.wnlng and Stilton (Kls Ihiaalng, as kelm at law ol wtephea a Pnwa li e. and Maria Imantng. der-.l, aeredelea danteand nHnatandttx me So sU Ihe herein alter dwrlbed real proiwrty, I did an the lath day el Men a, Ish, duly leiy apoaeud III. oa T.eedey, the 10th Say Mey, 1898 al the hour af f a rl.. k la the eftaeaana al said day. at the Imnl done at the ennnty fwirt kaua ta llef-pnef Mnrmw enantr Hregoa sail w the hlfbrst hM.lef Nw raa la hand, all t, hllowlns errihed real eetata ralt The emit a est verier nt eerll. laenty eishU la trw nai lw atHith rd range twenty bwt. aaet , M ail elinal. and wring la Mnrmw l oanty (reoa. fcwhr aim the leaeaienta bre.ll. amMteand apfurteaaarea Ihenant belong - Inge la any alee ai(rAiili of as Bia. k tl.enwd as will eeita'y aid Im la Ue tri."f , m i J i SA. m Ith Inlwrvwl theraoe fn.flitha ia d Mn-J lu. et the rate a' l.friittnr,iffl thr ,,rthrr m of e"f hty ai t-e n..Hte tea. end the 'r ! si rf li as) tea a'4 S'-tt - -.lAiri ' t L MaUK. 1 IS-eJ UstJ St sftf lftty wftfl. S The Leader Of Course! it) il ili ii ii iO vi .i. ittf it vl (ti (ti 9 m The man that Leads is the one frotti whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. i: A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, $ ft m d vi viz v iXf iXt it) vi m Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at OT. K. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- Or Vi Vi Vi Vi vi .to C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. "When you hear dem bells T YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S ' Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone oflice. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! D00TS AND SHOES e OTHC 'LACK TO OCT THtM l OF Al. IvICIITENTlIAIv & CO. They bavs anything In ibis Una tbat yon mar desire an.1 yon ran depend on II you set a (md article wbea Uiey (uaraotea Ik SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 014 SUnsj, Male) Street Repairing a SMelalty The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY lal era laoae el free bet value la amrwtlnn Is enet If Ton sraal le set voor saonai a worla ol aoaeet goods la ' Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confcctiocery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON-- O. TPHOAIaPSOlV OO., w( art larraaslnf oor etork for tall sad vlater. CaU aad see ea. A. ABRAIIAMSICK, IVierchant Tailoring! mm .a a a a a alss ilr. Abraharnsick; is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work ii always flrt cUsi and iatUfac tiou guaranteed. CALL. AND SCE U1Z, OK ilAY BTHLKT