YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE S6iMiWeeklu! Gazette AT $2.00 A YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER AlWFDTIQINf? 1AII I niV , - , . ... r. IF THE douirnooMii vmm IS YOUR MEDIUM a. FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898. NO. 644 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FCBU8HID Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PDBLISHIN6 COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.0) par year, $1.00 for six months, 60 eta. ."or three moncns, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made "Known on Application. Entered at the PostofBce at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. THIB FAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, U and 65 Merohanta Exohaogs, Ban Franoieco, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER.: NEWSPAPER ADVKRTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Krohang Build ing. Ban Francisoo, la oar aathorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves HeDDner 0:80 D Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12.05 Leaves Heppner Junouou s.w daily except l a. m. a. m. and ar rives at HeDDner 6:00 a Bpokane express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction. 7:50 p. m. and Uma' ilia 8:50 p. in. Portland Express No. t. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla ojGO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. For further information inquire of J. O. Hart, Ageut O. R 4 N., Heppner, Ore. Wisconsin Central Link, GENERAL PASSENGER -DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the ' Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train ana carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushurs at the Grand , Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at alt trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt. za?FxexjLX birsotort. United States Officials. F eeidu William HcKinley Vie t ijldent Garret A. Uobart Beoretary of State John Sherman beoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. iage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War .......Russell V. Alger Secretary of Navy , John D. Long Postinaater-Qeneral '. James A. Gary ' Attorney-General John W. Griggs Seoretery f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treatmrer Phil. Metschan Bupt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senators J! jThos. H. Tongue Congressmen W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds !R. B. Bean, lf- f A1."?' C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. I ) vuit Judge Stephen . Lowell P.-ooeouting Attorney U. J. Rean Moitow County Officials. Joint Benator A. W. Oowan Umnuntitln... J. N. Drown tkmntv Jaclmi A. G. Bartholomew Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & I 14., u. m. si. v., u. g a., f. Ft. w. & v., and the C. St. L 4F. Railroads. HATICS a.oo XXSR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CIITC-A-OrO. IX1I4. vi.,.""" '' Commissioners. , J. W. Beckett. Clerk Bhsriff Treasurer Hnrvavor School Sup't... J. R. Howard .... J. W. Morrow ...E. Lr Matlock ... Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteys f. J. MoGee ..Jay W. Shipley ..B. V. Coroner - . veoguau m. Mm neeuicaa. Mayor .-TV Morgan CoancUmon K. J. riooum. w. I.ichtenthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J. W. U . mA SV (1 Hnrrv. u - -. " !7. ...... W . A. niohardsor, Xrmsarer w- Hriggs Merehsi Job" Reger Precinct Otloere, j.ti...rthe Wnene W. K. Bichardeon rn.tbl. N. 8. WbeUtoos Catted RUtes Laad Offieers. rum n.T.l.M. on. J. t. Moore K" A H. Him. Beoetver t . Aiivm. na. E. W. BartleU Registor J.H. Robbwa Receiver scaurs ocismx RAWLINS POST, NO. U. G. A. B. Meets at Uxiaatna, Or- the lest gatanU of arh month. Ail vetaraae ar Invltait in yna. U. W. Hmith. AdinUat. tf U. G. Frxic. ComauuMto. D. J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPNEB, OREGON. Offisa hoort. 8 to 10 t.. M)J W to 1 n. m.. at rmtldcoo. W. A. Kirk'i prop. rtj, Mt ol M. E chnrcb, Boatb. end 10 to 12. a. m . to 3 to 6 p. m., t office io tb rea of Bargt jawclrr tor. Brown Ec Redfield, Attorneys at Law, OfflM lo tb First National BoildlDg. BirrvM, : : 0kw Bank If Ellis & Phelps, YTT0RNEYS AT. LAW. tuiulod to la a prompt an4 Heunea rublls sud All bad satMsrlnry ssaaiiar, tot ieciora. efftc la Mattar aIUlM. He ppaar. Or D. E. GILMAN, General Collector fat roar old tnaki ao4 "ts In his ksixU and ! yuur mniwy out ol um mk efeslty ut kar4 avl Mr Uo us. OCQoe ia J. N. Brown'i BuilJinn. W.A.RICHARDSON Justice ot the Peace and City Recorder. erncc AT COvnCIL CMAMOIIIS H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable r - 1 J. -TT - fTaF HUM r1 f 1 1 1 vP I illltyj1'"'-' AAV V4.awVs( ti CHICAGO, ILL, fEB AVcsctablePrcparationfor As similating theToodandRegula ling theStomachs andBowds of IroanotesTHeestion,Chccrful- ncss and Best. Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Alxjennm HinmSttd , ftanhtd Suamr . tirWiswl AocrfecfHcmedy forConstioa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Wonns .Convulsions ,f evenslv ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TflcSitnlle Signature of NEW "YORK. TP tXACT COPY OT WRAPPCBi m Old For Infants and Children. The 'Kind You Have Always, Bought Bears Signati 7M Ml Kind You Have Always 'Bought. mm n WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Publlihed Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York (Formerly the OR AND CENTRAL.) " r HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager ' j Now-Open. New Methods. New ; Manage- mcnt. strictly t irst lass. WAR NEWS! WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27. It is believed that Havana will be seized by America. Trooba Praosto Frinoipe has been abandoned by Spanish troops. - Santa Cruz powder mill has been Bet on fire and blown op. Steamer Majestio reports passing the Paris at 'sea. Lieut Bane, U. S. A., landed in Cuba on his way to Garcia's camp to arrange for landing of troops. Foreign nations, so far as heard from, indicate their neutrality. Judge Day' has been confirmed secretary of , state. All American consuls are safely out of Spaiq. Democrats offer the income, tax amendment to the war revenue tax to supplant bond proposition. pom 'J FIT.VDin Absolutely Pura PRESS COMMENT. Washington, Apr. 27. steamer Bolivia. Since the withdrawal of Oeo. Lee from Havana, an American citizen waa ar- Cruiser Detroit captured Spanish, coast rested oharged with bringing to that city correspondence from an insurgent camp. The British oonnil. Mr. Onllnn . LONDON, Apr. 27.-Beported from Madrid that Spanish fleet has who la in charge of the United States in- been at sea several days and news of ' bombardment of American towns ''T" ,,B H8V"' demnded tb9 imme- ! diate release of the prisoner, whioh waa daily expected. done accordingly, Unolei Sam placed MADRID, Apr. 27.Spanish admiral at Manilla announces his Sf. '!: squadron will take possession where it can. ing of the American fleet and capture it , They will await the com- Walla Union. Congress is behind President McKin leytoa man. The people are behind " ! Washington, AprJ 27. New York, . Puritan and Cincinnati bora- hi,n The United States is certainly the barded the fort at Mataozas this afternoon. : There were n6 casultieii ng. DBme tor tbe oonnt'J--Et Ore on the American side. Great damace is known to have been done at ,!0mn Matanzas. I It. is believed that there was loss of life. The Americans tJp to few months ago it was plain fired 300 shots and blew up uew earthworks and. batteries the Spanish Fl'z Lee ' Virginia, bat now from one were Duttinc iD. The forts returned the fire but most nhotn fll hri BD1 01 in8 woria ")Beriie ie known til 3 . , .I ... i . , , as Fitzhngh Lee of Amerioa. The man ; uu,.u,a !-tyjl.AAvMi. i,th,Mme. He pimply had opportunity nieamer aiunaca, irom new aotk, was cnaseu oy opaniBU gunooats Dfl to prove his merit and serve bis oonntry (Jape May. and he embraced it. East Oregonlan. ' A TJ ,nIV.k tk.l v,i , i .1 1L. 1 . null s till -T iiiniini.r.ii asira.vssi l lini. n l l ill l l ni iih aaaavasi w. srai l ll u ia vn nwi B r j 'j i ..liioii-1 xhere are can squadron, left with an avowed intention of capturing the entire Donaldson fleet at the Phillipino islands. He expects an easy victory. The governor of Kansas, Leedy, has had a row with the state militia. Baw volunteers will not be used. Advices. from Japan . are that she will side in with America against Spain. Portugal has definitely announced : neutrality, that Spanish : fleets will be cut off from important supplies. evidenoes that ill receive more Captain votes in the seoond distriot for conereas than Malcolm Moody. East Oregonlan. The Outlook will be in 1897, as it baa been during eaoh of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. Id its varioua editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a oompaot review ot the world's progress : it follows with care all the important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day; baa complete department ot religious news; devotes mnob space to the interests of the borne; reviews onrrent literature;! famishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertain meat. MADRID, April 23. Blanoo cables tbU an American ironclad is ashore op posite Dimao. Three . ships were trying ' float ber. - WA8HINQTON, April 28.-Haweilen treaty was considered today. There is lsposition to take action on it, occa sioned by the Spanish wsr. PARIS, Ky.. April 28-Inaao Alex- ) M. A. Moody, the republican nominee for oongress, is one of the brightest and most snooeaaful bnBinees men in the state, and will represent Oregon in the most able manner. He will receive the nqnalifled support ot tbe republicans NEW YORK, April 28. Every state of the seoond distriot.-Unioo Repub- baa reported with its f nil ouota of vol. I lioan. Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. anaer a grana nepnew or jen wavi, oas offloUj,y ,nnoaooed lhal portQffsl DM enee ia that tbe T. M. talked to suit the oeen eiectea io carry me nag oi uo. u. .taBIt.A tlr.nhi lnf,m.ti- a. Simon posh but oironmatances alter the rv-T wk w -r at a . it aa rwis. 1 . . I . a lAJViiat, . i., April vs. me targe Ing tbe movements of warships showins CM M m' De ooeervea by the follow- paokiog bouse of tbe Atlantic Powder ah is helping Spain. It ia reported that ,Da cllPP'D from the Times-Monn- Oo containing high exploaives i"f tbe MaKinley baa notified Portugal unless telDMr ','The Chronicle saye that 'Ore government, waa blown up today and Spanish vessels were ordered trnJ ob mast, be carried by the republican several men were killed. It ie believed Portugal immediatal ha .in P"ty this year in order to maintain its to be tbe work of Sppciab spie 83A first-class feed barn run in connection. and from all trains. We solicit your patronaee. Free 'Bus ran to 587.nov.12 Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will assume tbe. regular maga cine aiae, wbiob will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tbe Outlook la published every Saturday fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaob month is an Illustrated If agaiine Nomber, containing about twice as many pages M tbe ordinary Issue, together with Urge nomber of pictures. Tbe prteeof The Outlook is three dollars year in edvanoe, or leas than a cent a dav. send for .specimen copy and iiiustrat. r or more than hftv-six years it has never tailed eu prospeeioa to toe uuiwov, io Asior i Place, New Totk Oitv. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. Tbe Observer agreea with tbe Fossil WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 'ill. that Havana will oe attacked by land Tbe followiug are tbe officers ot tbe First in a few weeks. There Is frantio rush regiment: Colonel, Jobo H. Welley, U. of people leaving Manilla, Pbillipine Is- 8. A. ; lieutenant colonel, W. J.Lytbe. janda, on tbe ouigoJag steamers. , Scan-J of Taooma; majors, J. 1. weuenberger, ton, steamship companies .agree to ran of Whatcom, and John Uarr, ol Day loo. lb a blockade at Havana. Porta Rioo is Compaor commanders stme as now. planting mines in ber harbor, nranarino WASHINGTON. April 29. There ia for a aiese. Tbe .amnaroi r An.tri. Joornal, whose rspabliesnism darenol an aliened waiehip off tbe coast of Maine, gives 110.000 to tbe Sneniah naw. Tha 06 flneetioned , that "the eoood money Ships bavd been chartered to tarry Amer- Austrian offloers are joiniog tbe Spanish Mfoo 161 IDeir lean troops to invade onba. Tbe par- army. ineir oeiter juagmeni in ASioria aoa ine chase of warships has been temporarily CAPE VERDE ISLAND, April 29.- MnM of ,ooni1 moB' bM bMn '"'1 atonned. Tbe official Gsiette of Liabon. Tbe Span an fleet aailad in a annth.,1. raioer man auvanoea py mis eonvtu- Pnttnaat. nnhl lahaa thanantralitv rlaeraa. dlreotion at 0 :30 thla mnrnins Tu A.. lion. morn uuaervcr. Powder worka at Dover. N. J., were es- tination is nnkaown. ai its arriara an in I plnded by acoident Bil were killed and be opened at tea. It is In evldenoe lhal money was paid four falallv injured. Ths worka were BAN FRANCISCO. Anril29.-A.rena. 'or wU ia th Blmon push convention. terribly demolished. Tbe new naval port ia said n be getting ready to take Tb Portl,B,s Tribune, regular repob- bill orovidee for the increase of four tioeps to Cuba. Oen. Lee wiU umn. "CBn PP'. ""re om toia sianaara waa monitors and includes siiteen torpedo pany Ibem. The ins argents will -....pooh in evidence amoag tbe delegates. Bark aqua I BTOCl BRANDS). While roe aav foar snhsnrlptlna paid sp frm saamaas) m bvaad la frMuf ebax. Bnrc. P. O., Hvpom, Or-Rorasa, t B (. tafl stuimtowi cavua. aama aa am ftip. Cok. A. J.Ina.ta-.H.irMS, MBoa risilsknol 4w. .ni., sam.oa naliibipi sat stark i trmv on Ian aad aolil la naht. IVMUas. W M. (la'Wvaf . Ovaula. R D aa rWh m sank sari knsaaa, B I) aa wi aip. Elf. Rma. TtnaaUa. Or. Ronaa brtnU n.T aa UN abtmMa. aau aaata m MUup. a la rwht sar. fUvsoea. L. A R.uvnw Ortaflsa. LV Hstii kipi tmrsss f vita baf aa4r aa rlabl timm, HafTt, npnw. Or Hnrsa hransd HJgslsiMI sbotilkw; eatlla brao4 I in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAS laithlully labnrad for thHr Broaparltv and happiness, for tha Improvsmant of their btisliiM and horns tntarssis, fur alu ailoo, lor Uia elevation ol American uianhood aud Int. Wnm.nhrt.w1 IT BAH loll at tha DrMlde, latarestlnc atu) ttutrnctlve stories of tbe doings of tbe world, tbe'iii and stat. IT HAS arivlMMl ih t.rin.r ss In tha meat armrnvad rasthnds ot culUvstlnf and barveatln bis rmps. and tha rop.r time Io eonvert them lino the larf eat poeainls sinoimt of moner. IT BAS led In sll m.ltM. prruinlns; Ut tha welfare ol tanners and vllli(ers, and lor over a ball e century baa bald their un Dilenoa ami ssieain. nhi hip. alw aadertet la left urrw) soeatr. ear. iUn la I Bells sad bars real eete'a, reals baaaes. tTt Sim. 4an mnwlil D4 aril! eerte Jon la ar a la bis llee. at Haenoahla tfurea, U First National Bank OF 1IF.ITNF.R C. A. rtMC. T. A, KMta. OtO. W. CONtCN. . W. rtcePi. e PreeUaMi VIM FraaKaM e Caahlar Aee't CaeMee im. TmHu Leaa. Oe.-HnetMa. aleeUjT a lafl euAes aaula. eaei. eel rtaht sip, aadat kalf I emj ia eewl euUI m left ear Rwar. Wibet Baeoer, fr. Rorees Wald ll oa let aip eeiiMeetaeaM srup om sen aider eina na tha rlsrbt te..t. 1 W. Marrow tr -Hnrses bruded I. aa4 A oa ben enxaUWt aeitla eaiaa am left blp, eule aver rialil era, Una elm ia rabl ear. ion. ffcMar, neppaar rw.-taitla, Dm rtaht hipi smvbk M aa left asmaJtb. Hjim, It R, Wipaer. Of H iiais. ) I aa left aaeiitet aanie aesM a len hip. bW, J. W.. TjoaatM. Or t bnrees U M sboakter) aattteaasaeea) rtaht hi. Parbee O Bardakaa.Or.-RonsslPee Miwanei-tar. rarsn. rlet hnteee ba4ed bar and tfcie4 aa lert sJvoaMler, raoga, tlfht Hits, IM IT ZB TUD. New York Weekly Tribune, Anal fwrnlah It wltb theCAZCTTC, ene year for $2.70, cash In advanee. AddrM aU Orders to THE GAZETTE. Write your name and addma on a pnelel rard, Send It In Oeo. W. Rmt, Tribune Oftlne, Mew Vurs Utr, aud a sample copy ol the New York Weekly T rloune will tie maiiea 10 you WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Rivevand Puitct Son n fi Navitralinn In Piper. J. H . ee MM" e'W bit la 1 t. ' tptm. Or.-W reie. U ee. t rl.ppaer. Ov.-Hoesea. IO aa Cu. O rWM ki. IWry. K, 0. Mweer. ttr. - Tattle C lefi hip. -0 right aed aadarU, as Ml yea. traeri sim w i e en aaeiiier. law Truti I Gf:tnl Etiii h-'wm. EXCHANGE i Oa ill peite e4 lbs et4 11 Aiirr ti t i n t Qrtlri !le IJLUl II k U HU wvava, ,w w... I we tea he's-. w. .. e: v. "ee feWf et . J ae f y eh.e'Ue-j eetiie I ' r T 4 i" nrw a4 . mnmm W I -n . I . it. II yh ttm4rs eeHie. I mm Ut ehMtMar It. r, H-vvm Or. I.dl sapHsd T aa heft Ctleae eked e ail M aaesewabte taewa, V V IV w e e i ' . v Skistn miMU BAUIY 61TZERT 1XD OCLLN WiVL Las via AMer Htrwat iX-ek. PortlaoJ, fur Astoria. Ilwaeo, Limg Beach, Ooeas 1'atk and Nabmtta. Direct eonoeolwa with Ilwaco etaamere and rail mod ; also at Yoong'e llr Hb fUaabore Railroad. TnLnrnoNB Lea res Portland t A. M. Dally, sinent Rand.y, Leaves AfVtut 1 P. H. Dally, sirej.t bandar X3A.ZrsJD-V OATZB11T Leavas rVUasd S P at lIly. sirept Siindey. kainrdey clcht, II P M. Neves Aetorla If alt A. M..ifcpt Sunday and Mgodsy. w-ay a.M. 7P M Laaeea potuM ad rirs liw", Tes -t ibarMsyat A. bl, via aaef taarsa tlaaaw W e . A m m I e ail.tatP, H. pVf.WJ 4 wiMtH frrtf I N Vaswa evuwsa, - sv Waubssdsy tad Friday at J ) nnteers.' wasuinuton, Apr. 28,-Spain will have to stake all on one great naval battle on aooonnt of shortage on ooal. PEORIA, III., Apr. 28-Insoraooe car ried bp tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen will not be in- validated with those who enlist It is Tbe Dalles Chronicle, a better repub lican paper any day in the year than ever the Oregonlan, wasn't good enoogb for a Simon Oorbett pusher in Moro who recently dropped it and took tbe Dalles Times-Moontaineai. Straws . show wbiob way tbe winds blow. Tbe infer- Portugal aa an ally of Spain. credit and its dignity.' If this is all that will save tbe 'dignity and oredit' of the state, remarks tbe T.-M., we fear for oat (air, commonwealth. Wo fear a ' blot' mast fall upon its name, (or , tbe people are sick of republican misrule and bossism. Moro Observer, boats. Tbe North Carolina infantry and Metansas their capital. eight batteriee of artillery at Chioa- PAULS, Freoee, Apr. 29. It io ao- maogna are ordered to Tampa, Fl a., at nonooed that extraordinary octivitf is oooe. Three lolantry regimeaie at New ootloed tbroujjboot France. All ahine Orleans leave Immediately for Tampa, bava beeo recently mobilised end are in I'robable object ta to land in Uuba as Dshtleg trim. Tbe reserves eipecl to soon as possible. Tampa offloers think bo tailed oat, Washington, April 28. President Ma Kinley will beve tbe naming of (our major generals (or tbe volunteer army, and tbeee appointments may be an oonnoed eoy day ia order thai snob army offloers may be prepared to assume their duties as , sooo as tbe volaoteer army is called Into tbe aetvloe. It is understood Oen. Filihogh Leo ie slated for major geoeralebip. fta((reU4 Cksafe. Tbe owners ot the local telephone syo- tem bava a propoaition from tbe Beil people lo take their plant off tbelr bauds, paying bark to each palron what be baa erpeoded for 'phonee. Tbe B II folks offer to, pn I Jo a system of their own, ebargiog 1260 par mmtb ijslead of 1 1X0, but tbe instrument are to be "long diatanoe," aod toy ,peron desiring to talk over tbe long dulaaoa lino would not be forced to go to the central office However, the owners of tbe local eye tecs sap tbat tbep do not oaro to make the ekaege nolese it ia agreeable to tbe patron. So far aa tbe Octette knows no one earae to pay more loan IJQ per month for local telepbooe service. Tbe patrpos are agreed apoo one thing very ecfteln, that of let tbe service Las baaw very aneetiefaetory because ef aaaded rapaJre. Ttiia, bows fee, oao b remedied tad ebovld be at tbe earliest oprortanlty. Io tbeee days of puali a telephone is Is dispiBiable la lbs affairs cftbaslossi Mill P. Bsstlo, of BbIton..Neh who came here to boy tbep not long ago, has beep informed ' by ble employer! tbat they eannot parobaat to any extent until tbe war is settle J. Moro Observer. Tbe Kolghts of Pythias of Oregon wilt form o volaoteer company. Tbe first move baa been made io Portland. East Oregon! an. President McKinle)'a csbiosl appears to be going to pieces on Ibe eve of war, but President MoKmlef appears to bo taking o firmer bold than ever. . O. Tbs Daag.r of Bprag Which arise from impurities io tbe blood and depleted eoodltion of Ibis vital Ptinevillo Eiobangs: Hon. 0. W. Wheeler. editor ot the .Wajtsbnra. Wash.. fla'd be entirely averted by flood's Tim, lMtared to a good sited audience o'Prma. This great mediotoc cares ia tbe M. E. ebareh in Ibid oitr Taeedsr P'B kamors, boils, eruption aod evening i i tbe; interests ot the. Woodmen r,i taA b' enriching and Vitaliiiog of Ibe WorH.hU eobieet beln.The blood, It overoomee that tired leel- Objrete and Alms ot Woodovaf W Tbe r vilely aod vigor. leolore waa oeder Ike aurpioee f Prise vllle Camp No. 210. W. O. W. The leo lore wee entertaining aod iotereetlag aod waablahjy sppraoiatad p tboetdi- vra.ioesey nlKbl a reoepUoo eaoe. given lo Mr. W heeler by tbe ladle' aux iliary, Joolpcr Circle, Women ( Wood- oraft. After tba Muectioa aod aa AdJreae by Mr. Wbealer!! odjoro.d to the pott. tI , (..i,, last Thursday. Tbe loot offloe bOlMlqg whpre Ibe ladiae treated u mhtiai laDoil. Ksarli all thrr..linra wasloeC II Started Im dsf ect lr fle In Ibe kitchen. Good's Pills euro asotea, akk bead- acbs, billoasoeae aod all liver ilia. Prioe 25 esata. A Bad Plie. The floe residence of li. Palbrg,a Isvie end well known iheep owser of this erranly , on llhee creek, bnreed with tbocompeny to an elegaot supper. AswUev CarWad USUI. Tkiemaka 1U third carbia.! of 'iek I Droo.' wegoat, bnggleo, .backboards, carriages aod backs reoelred Ibicsprisf . trread fally Ksryea. (Jeate-1 waa dreadfully nervoua, aod for relief took your Carl's Clover lloot Tbey will be bare the first of 16 week. Tm U ,0(Uj B om,m m4 tin,t For good, Itroeg, d arable wagon tbey Leva no eoai. Look at tbetn yoarsalf. Tbey ore becked bp poalUre etowantae. 4t( MnwnAOc, a tee OeeeHpes.ea ereee. ..TlbjCeeea.ei tsadr, Meflt4 ll t. i 0. (til tf Hff( If If f Nrttl lltrf soed my whole nervous eye Win. I we troubled with oonellptlioo, kidney aod bowel treobt, Tour Tea toon oleaoeed my lytic M tberoaibly that t Nptdly regained bHti bad ttrtagtbi ktrA B, A. lttLBftfyrd, Cftlf till f Cfllll WM ff ( 9