Denver & Rio TO THB Of OITIS THB 0HOIC1 Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. vu VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND Chicago Kansas City OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. AND W. ELDER CITY OF TOREK A Leave Portland every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS COMMENCING APRIL 2d finnan Steamers Leave Portland Every 3 Day a for SAN FRANCISCO. staamara Mnnthlv from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong in oon section with O. R. & N. Vnr frill details call OH 0. B. ft N. Agent at Heppner, or address ,. , , W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTIiAND. OBMON, Dodwell, Carlill, 4 Co., Gon'l. Agts., Nor. Pac B. S. Co., Portland, ore. RAILROAD SCENIC LINK OF THE WOBLD- Weekly Excursions TO THE AST, In throngb tourist can without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. ;y i chance via Bait Lake. Missouri Paci fic and Chicago and Alton Kys. Tnocriovs To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UCMiavs, Boston withoutchHiit?e via Halt Lake ana Chicago, rock island 5t racinc Ry, To St. Joseph, Kansas City and 8t. Louis without chauze via Salt taute ana Bunmgiou tumie. To Kansas City and St. Louis with' out chance via Salt Lake and Mis souri racinc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For' rates and all all information, inquire of O. B. A N. and S, P. agents, or address, , R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St.,- Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. LOCAL SQUIBS. V the year, ian't flUE KBO BOP E0ST? If bo, be sure and see tbat yoor tioket reads via v lie Wlwesten W ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto; "ALWAYS ON TIME.' , , has given this road a national reputation. All classes ol passengers carried on vbiill trains without estra charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over tills famous line. All agent have tickets. " . Uen Agent ' Trav. P. 4 P. Agt. !M Waslilugtou St., Portland, Or. : v NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit . , , (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Warm for this time of it? Jake Young was in from Eight Mile last Satarday . John T. Galloway and wife are here for a few days. Jadge Jones, of Eight Mile, was in Heppner yesterday. , . ... What is) Hop Gold? Beet beer on earth. bee ad. elsewhere. Gbas. Repass is in from Hardman to attend the Odd Fellows doings. Li oh ten thai A Co. for eboes. Exclusive hoe store. Handles the best. 83tf Oscar Borg was fined $5 for violation of the biorole ordinance yesterday. Gainoesee's famoas old "Dublin Stoat," importnd, at Chris Borohers Ed Mimms, deputy collector of intern al revenue, was in town last Saturday. Elder Sbelley and family came np from Washington county this morning. : W. B. Mo Alieter, Lexington's worthy postmaster, was op to Heppner on Sat urday. , . ,., , Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. , A clean, fresh stook of goods leave your orders. tf. i .J- SKI, l-."'.. j ... It yon need something for your system call at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel bailding. tf Phil Cohn is paying the highest price for sheep pelts, beef hides green or dry, furs, etc. Don forget Phil. 5tt Joe and Epb Fskelson, prosperous farmers of the Social Ridge neighbor hood, were in town on Saturday. Wanted ; red beaded girl and white horse to distribute the premiums given way with Hoe Cake soap. Apply "nit." ' , a-30 Mrs. Levi Sbaner, of Hardman, is here in the oare of Dr. Swinburne, suffering from an abdominal tumor. She will likely go below for treatment. Stop, that oough Take warning.. It may lead to consumption. , A, 25c bot tle of Sbilbb'e Cure may save your life. Sold .by QoqeexAi Warren, i fc4l.x, , The infant child of Jag, Thompson, of Heppner, whose birth wns, chronicled in ant Issue," died on Sunday last. Its remains were buried yesterday in Ibe Heppner oemetery. - Hrppneritee- Abroad. About tbe biggest settlement of Hepp neritesin the oonntry, away from the native hearth, may be fonnd at Bump ier. They are all doing well, too. Not long ago F. J. Hallock was eleoted re corder of tbe town by a goodly majority, while L. 8. Blowers, of Hood River, was obosen mayor. Tbe vote cast waa 184, which shows that they have a popula tion of nearly 1000. The other Hepp ner boys there are: W. B. Potter, G. B. Tedrowe, S. 8. Horner, O. S. Van Duyn. Cbas. Van Duyn, Newt Jones, W. E, Kahler, Wm Oushman. Nearly all of the boys have gold olaims, so Frank Mo Farland informs this psper, and think that they are on tbe nigh road to pros perity., "Mc"; says that tbe Sumpter region is an ideal place to prospeot. r FRESHNESS OF FEELING. , THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE ).,.. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D., "Was taken with a bad cold wbiob settled on my langs, oougb eet in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live but a abort time. I gave myself np to my Savior, determined if I oould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and cold. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has oUred me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free at E. J. Slo oum's drug store. Regular s;ze BOo and 91.00 guaranteed or price refunded. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82 00 PER YEAR, Sample copies free.) T , Rural Spirit and Gazette both for t3.00, oasb, at this office. OIIIOAQO Ilwtt & St. Paul B'y This Rail way Co., . Operates its trains on the tamoua blook system; i i Lights its traina by aleotriolly through out; ' i t ' j Uses tbe oelebrated eleotrio berth read ins lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger traina .r rii and aisbt between HI.- Peat and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the rMcano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibuled traina, carrying tha latest' private a am nariment care, library buffet amok" Ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oare. free reclining chair oare, mi (ha verv best dtoiog obalr oar service. For ioweet rates to any point in the nniu.l Mates or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. CARET, Uenerei Agenr Trav. Pees. Agent. Portland, Or, TAUT Will Ira o u s 1 nam m THROUGH CARS. TO rsr. TAUI. MINNKATOL18 DUI.UTU KAHOO BUT IT. HELENA Ticket Issued to all points la the United State and Canada. QUICK TIME TO- ('nuuoo WasiunutoR KatriMoai New Toai DvrraLo Alt other point to the Eaat and Houtbeaat Omaha Kansas City Sr. Joasrai Ht. Lone I.Uuaroii spot ra at Ht. Paul, Miaoeipolia, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht lionle and other promi nent point Baggata ehaoked Ibroog h to dettlaatioo ol ttcketav , Throflih tirket to Japaa aod China. Teeoaie and rtorthern f rifle Steam autp Company's Una. For full lafnrraatioa.ttm erda.tuapa, tiokvU, U, Oall on of writ . O. Au-awat, A. I). CataLtufl, Airt M. P. Ilv. A-kOsa Pa. Agt. Ta Dalle i $t rertisad, tft vVk4 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE (raw Tradc Marks DieiQNS COPYRIOHTa Ac. AnTormfwndlnaT KihAtrh and dwnirtntinn mar qulntl? utwruiii our olnion frM whrtber ava lnvHtMlon In pnihHhlf pitnnible. Ominiuntcav tt(iiuistrltitlymndi1)iitUl. llamltxwikon I'tUenLg tnt fr. 4Hdnt airftiioy for nfwurttif Mlniiti. I'dtAitU tftkinn iiirtMiifh Muna Co, raolT tptctol notice without clmrtfc, lathe Scientific American. nnlr lllnatraleil wecklf. linmst rtr ( anr slenllOa liiiiriial. Trni. M ' monlbs, k tkild ball newsilnalers. Co.86,BrM,-- New York Offltw. (06 F BU Washington, I- U To Eastern Oregon. W. M. Rasmus, tbe well-known Port Under, who has been identified with fratercal orders of the state and who has at various times done good work for the state, has gone to Eastern Oregon, says a Portland bulletin. He will rep resent the Commission and systematic ally yiait tbe cities of the interior for the Commission, to seonre subscriptions. Mr. W. 0. Calder, another widely-known business man of this oily, will probably start out this weok in the interests of Oregon's . undertaking. A kind reoep tion ia bespeken for tbe representatives. It must be remembered that when every part of the state is represented there will be no delay about. tbe state appro priation to take np the popular sub scription bonds. Bw to Batela ' This . Matt Charmlag Characteristic of Middle Ago. Freshness of feeling- ia one of tine most charming1 characteristic of a middle-aged man or woman. We are all familiar with men and women, not out of the 2G's, who have the air of having exhausted all the resources of delight. ,They appear to have i been through the whole round of human In terest and to have explored them bo thoroughly that they cannot be sur prised or greatly moved. Children of wealthy parent introduced too early to the life of their elders, often tie tray this unlovely characteristic. The zest of work they never knew and the zest of amusement and diversion has palled upon them. On the other hand, those who have worked too long or intensely in a single line often exhaust their power of taking interest in other things, or of being strongly moved by them. The business man on a vaca tion, though confronting him is the loveliest landscape, sees nothing but stock quotations, or the clergyman sees nothing but the heads of sermons. It is doubtful if anything but a profound upheaval of the inner life can impart freshness of feeling to the man who has drunk so freely of pleasure that he stirred up a muddy and impure sedi ment in the very fountains of happi ness. But most of us have it wholly within our power by moderate living, by wholesome recreation, by occasional change of scene.andbycultivatingevery day a variety of interests, to preserve that emotional responsiveness which enables us to greet the lightof themorn ing and the glories of the heavens with keen delight, to enter into the joys and sorrows of others, to welcome the ap pearance of a bright book, or to refresh ourselves with the conversation of friends. Outlook. iv. LUNG TROUBLES AMD CONSUMlTION CAN BE CURED. An Eminent Mew Tork Chemist and scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Header. re - : The distinguished chemist, T. A. 81q onm, of New York City,- demonatrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, long and ; 0best troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of " wasting away, will send laantj liicjs bui TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. ' ' Bis "New Scibntifio Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by ; its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern : genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and oon sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New Tork, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly aent direct from his laboratory, F01tYOU! Now Prepared Mo do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates i: Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet pricea of any person under Ibe eun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book, bind ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent away to get done. , , , . , Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but if you will give us a ohanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. - 1 , t Buy your goods at home, Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said tbat when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when the goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. Wo are willing to abide by it. When th printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. &V 660-tf ' A 8nre Thlnr for Too. A trtinaaction in which you cannot toaelsa sine thing. , biliousness, nick bt-aduche, fur- fed tongue, lever, piles anu a ujousauu oilier Ills are causuu d y couaupauuu anu Biugginu liver. (Jmcarets Dandy uitnaritc, me won derful new liver stimulant and intesiiual tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. U. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; loc., c. ooc. Sample and booklet free. Sue our big ad. Beaut? 1 Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, llegin to-day to Danish pimples, lioila, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takina Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. S. G. Hawson, of Arlington, is in town today on business, Mr. Hawson is tbe republican candidate for representative in Gilliam oounty and the Gazette wishes him suooeee. Urauob Offltw, i NEW NAME1 Wm. Gordon has re-namcd his stand the old Jones ivory stablo Tlio Control. Baled hay fnr sale. Chant reasonable. Call uu mm ana nave rour uortu well area lor. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition 1 mi ni or s Coo; Increase Yield of Wool. Enhance Valnaoi Flock. Cheap, Hate, Han dy, Clean, WboltKome. Odor). CHAfe. i. nbBEHTS. t OCNCRAi. AGENT, W Ash Street, Portland, Ortcna. Sold by Minor A Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET It the jiliieo to go to gel jour fins pork and iamb chops, etcako and roasU. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine sussr rtire4 hams an t t.-n, I'M re hi lent. Settle remlervd, eld ie. Ills tint raea prtr bald iur let shu t. HENJ. MATIIKWA ' Til 10 DAL.L.ICN NURSE 1UES . M. WtaCR. Pro). t lrof end Jl In Frttit, tha1 on) OramM Tr drM Vine Small fruit. Our Trein aro Grown With out Irrigation. JIM rtn ATA10WI. Th Portland Rescae Home. , Mrs. M. E. Hoster, representing the Floreooe Crittenden Home, of Portland, leotursd to a large andience in tbe Christian church on Sunday evening in the interest of tbat obaritable institu tion. Tbe different oongregationa in town gave way their aervioes and united in combined service and tbe church was well filled. Good music wss furnished by the oboirs of ths oburobes and at tbe olose a collection was lifted Klnh emnnnterl ts tlARn V..U1.. Q4""yR R Mri' Qox,er raised a large sum in addi- is worthy and tba people of Heppner Showed their generosity in tbe usual eoni mend story manner by responding liberally to tha solicitation of tbo rep resentative of tha Beaooe Home. Tim bales of fish. Timbales are French dishes, ao named' from "timbale," a metal cup, because they are generally made in plain molds, either round or oval. They are somewhat difficult to make, however, requiring both care and practice. They are lined with force meat and filled with a creamed force meat of fish, chicken, sweetbreads or spaghetti or rice. They are very pop ular as an entree for a company luncheon. For 12 small molds or tim bales, sometimes called dariole molds, ly, pounds of cold, fleshy fish of any kind, such as Balinon or halibut, will be required Cook a half pint of bread crumbs with a pint of equal parts of milk and rich cream for ten minutes, and meantime pound to a paste the fish, with half a dozen fresh stewed mushrooms; rub this through the puree sieve, season with salt, pep per and nutmeg, and when the bread and cream mixture is cold pound all together until well mixed; add four well-beaten eggs, fill the molds not quite full, cover with buttered paper, place them in a deep pan and pour in hot water almost to the rim of the molds. Cook in a very moderate oven for 25 minutes. Boston Herald. Sufferers shonld take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. , Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Jnly 9-7-1 r. The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. , BTEJXBIXIS "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Not a Campaign Lie Lye. If you are using tbe common brands of lye you are paying for a large percent age of common salt with whioh it is adulterated in many instances to the ex tent of one-half. When you buy Bed Seal Lye or Potash you get an absolutely pore oaustio, granulated like sugar and packed in large sifting top cans, a-30 Commencing Monday, May 2nd, tbo steamers of the Begnlator Line will leave Portland at 050 a, m. and Tbo Dalles at 830 a. m. ;, . , ,m .. When yon go to Portland, Btop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbo Colnmbia; you will enjoy it, and savo money. ": 1 ' - W. 0. ALLAWAY, . ' General Agent. MEN ! be ci Oordray, the pioneer theatre man of Portland in tbe line of "popular prioes," ha refitted tbe Wastington SI. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cordray always has something new, and onr people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at his plaoe. tf 'olfr CidmCOLD HAYITVt Aok your Druggist for a gmorous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Elj's Cream Balm oont.ins no eorsirie, niwury rmr any other Injurious "raj. It Is quickly AUdHica. (lives ltoilef at one. It niwua and drums. th Sual rmrl. Alia. I iiflammatlofl. finale and Protects th Menlirsoe. Heelores ths Srnw of and CmHl. Kll Blae eve. Trdl Hue We , at inirKit or hf Bull. tLI bKOTiiKii.t, warreo oixwt, new Very Superior. 1 Mollie (at the Mountain house) Wo had a german last night. Pollie (a visitor from the Valley house) Pooh! We have a Frenchman at our house for the whole summer. Carper's Round Table. A TIMELY WABNINO. Grata Baved I Money Made. To ssvs tbe uraio nse Fry's Oonoeo trated Squirrel Poison. This prepara tion is tbe obeapest and most econom ical for tbe farmer. One grain kill. Guaranteed. Price 2So per ean or $5.60 per ose of two doien. fur sale by Slocum Drng Co., Heppner, Or. tf can cured If yon suffer from any of the I ills of men, come to the oldet Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1061 Market SL Etta 1852. 1 YTonn( meat and middle , sured men who are suflerinc I mm the effects of youthful indiicretions or ex ceues in maturer years. Nervous and Physical ueetiiisy.smpoieisicy.sMS jniatpinooei in all it. compliraiioru; per m atorr ho a, kroe(msorrbp, SJoiiorrhepav, SjllerS, FrfHierHer ef Ilrleiattlnsr. ). By a 1 combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged bis treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is welMtnown to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 1 in his specialty IHoraMee) of Men. teystitsiie innrniiKti'v erttntriiea irom me ystcin wtthoiitn.lng llerreirj'. KVt.KV MAN ai,yl,, to OS will re- 1 oetve our honttt opinion of hisrvimplelnt. h 1 vtu uuarantet a rvsi 11 vu vucb, m every ecu we undertake, or JorfcU One snoeeane .rv, Conviltation rREE and strictly private. CUAMOEa VERY KEASOHABLX. Treat m'nt personally or oy letter. Send far book, "The rhiioeiophy of Man-lase,' free. (A valuable book lor men.) Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and larfest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn bow wonderfully yon w are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. wt are omttmially addine new specimens, w CAT A LOG VIS VkKR. Call or write. 1061 Market Street 8sti "ranclse. Ct f QUICK TI3VT33 I JStiix Fronolsoo And ell points in California, via th Mt, Bhasta root of th ... Southern Pacific Co Th (rreet highway through California ' to all points East and South, tirand Bcenlo Route of the Paclfio (loast. Pallman Boffet Sleeper. Beoond-elass Bleeper Attached to expreee train, atfordinc enrjerlor acoommodatlona for aeoondlaae paasenser. for rates, uokeu, aleeplui oar reeerrations, eto, call upon or address R. KUEHLKR, Manarer, O. B. MABKHAM, Hen. F. A P. Act. Portland, Oregon i Caveat, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-' est business ccnauctea lor MooraaTC Fit. Ous Ornci i Oppoairt; U, O. PaTCNVOrfiet aud w canserur patent Us was tuu Usaa uose Mmnt. from Wa.hlnfftoa. Scod model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, If patentable or sot, free of charge. Our lee not due till patent kt secured. a siamn. " How to Obtain Patents." with coat of same in th U, S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, E C.A.SNOWctCO. Op. Ptit Cmct. WpsIhinqtom. D. C. LITkRBT NOTU. COLD 'N HEAD Evervbody tety Bo. Caaearet Candv Catliartlc, the raot won derful tu.Hlical dlaeovert of Uie atre, plea ant and rcfroalnnt; to the taste, art gently and positively on kidney, liver and bowel, cleanaing the entiro system, dispel colds, cum hnadaoh, fever, habitual constipation and blllousoes. Pleaaa buy and try a box ofCCC. U)-dy, 10, HA. Wcenu. Sold and naranload to cur by all druggUU. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE H. REF.D A I p ' .ne. A. O. OGILVIE f rroP'ietor- FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (tW miles)... J 00. Round trip ft 00 HayvlllelMmllee). 4 0O Round trip 700 Condon (: mllre).. 100., Round trip Clara (J mile) ... too Round trip Marrow Bawap. , While driving through tbt streets leal Saturday, Mrs. Al Dions, accompanied by aom lady frUnd, bad 0 narrow es cape from being badly hurt, it not killed. Br aom means singletree was broken, but tba horses became detached boforo prooeediog very far, no farther damage beiog dooo than a broken aiogUtreo and 00 la sphnUroJ tooguo. lo Mr. Cleveland' New Portratu. Mrs. Cleveland recently bad now set of pbotograpba lakeo, tbo firat time aha baa been photographed aiooo leaving the White Homo, and has given them to Mr, Bok, with penaiMion to publish them to the Ladies' Home Journal, wboro tbey will bo publioly aoeo for tba flrtt time. Tbo set Jo Inoladeo tho first eutbori lativo photographs publisbad of tbo new Piiooeloa bom of lb Cleveland. Ull (It miles) U Round Ul I W I Ptag Uavaa Arlington vry morning Sunday eieepted) at 6 0 dock: I dn I Oondoo at 3 p. m. and art It at Foe il at 7 p. m. Comfortabl covered eoaohes and oar. ful, (iperleacwd driver. C. W. Wrler, editor of tbo Waita burg Tioaeta, bwtlM koowo ao 1U "f bat mao," arrived Soaday from rriolll, on but way to tbo Interior oootb of her. II I, and be ba for mmi time, rep resenlieg tbo Woodmow of tbo World. Keep snesp and eet Bleu. TO FIND OCT. Fill buttle or oofcmoa gl with orin aed 11 It staod twoty.fnnr boor; oaedimeal of Ml the g ladioat aa aa healthy ooodilion of tbo kldaey. Who urio stab tin it to ovldoo of kid ney trosblo. Too frejool dealt to ari at or pet- tbo book, ia aim eoovioe in it nmnf that the kl.lnaa amJ tl s-l . In . . . n a I . - me lOOI HCCOfQ, art ool ol orW. and Heml-Weekly (lasttt. 00 yaf fof 1 I WMATTUbO. fj rjo, I Tbr I o b fort to tba inowiedg o Th Wool IUoor.1 U I ha onlt a.iumal ofts lpfM4, lb4 IV. KUmow't wool organ aud eover th wool ioliketrr I M"D1P'Kot, lb frl kidney remedy Irom tb ratciug of tbo (been lo tbo Mil- '9lfll I1" Ibe , , vTkat Dr. A. K. Baiter Ray. Uoffalo, H. J. UeoU From my I peraonal knowledge, gaiod in observing tbo effect of yoor Sbilob'o Cur la ce of advanced oooiomptioo, I am prepared to aay it la tb moat remark ebl remedy tbat baa over beoo brought to my otto. lion. It ba eertaioly saved many from oouomptioo. Sold by Oooer t Warren. 1 & O. Sparry and wife aro op from tbir Ion poiof)0 for a fw daya. Mr. Bperrv say vrylhlng looks lovely dowa that way at present and if tb 'boppero will only lt lbm aloo this Nstoa abundant oropo will b bar ... viea. As jet bo 'bopper have ap peared 00 th soo of artiott. TI1K WOOIj ItKOOUD Tollo Vow How to Do It. By a special arracgroot w offer to I our reader Ing of th maeufeetared ortll. It to published weekly al N York ad lb regular prlo U tlrtl year. It market rvporU ar foil and onrnp and He Hheep tidr' Talk aloo ar woflb II) lima lb prte rd th oaper. Hampl onptao oa arplieatsoO . We heartily rerxioimesd Ibl oxb Si Bat ma lo onr nbeeribor. SPOKANE FlLLS I NORTHERN NELSON I FORT SfiLTPAFJ) RED MOtXTlK UILVITS Th Only All-IUU Change of Car lM tUlaad aed Neleoo. Sslaoa I UilaJ, uadsy : lv am A M f4e ll.11 a i ....... . i.e i a.h Umilo Witboal rlpvkaa. Ale Utwwaa dally oicept ('! we e.w m a ! t4a. Su4 SMI A4aa4 lm r 11 isis m glasw) iea . r. w e r- M P, St. wAe.1 Isaek, kidney, liver, bladder aad ry part of tbo arioary paeaageo. It oe- reet inability to old aria and ea!4- lag pala ta taiC II, or bad sffect fi4- loejieg a ol liquor, wiaa or beer, aad verooane that aapleaaaot aeMaity of betao covapeiled to get ap snf tiee dortog lb aigbl lo artaato, Tbo mild and Ibo itrordiaarf ffrt of 8 ears p- rtmt M aoaa reel aed. stands Ibe Blgbet for It woaderfal oare kI lb asnt dtotreot( taee. If yea aeed a aedfte yn eboaSd ktt lb beat. -ulJ by OraggteU, prie fiftf eealo aad 000 dellai. Tea may aavo a eaaipl bottl aad pecapblet tmtt aet free ht mail, pm reewtpl f three two oeol stesape to wee nsrt f xatg th txittl . Mtattna tbo IIrr (lite aA ee4 oar ilJrM a Iw. K liner A Co, In, beraphxt, K. T. Tbo pveavtetee el tbt pepef frete tbo fveeisreee f thu offer. Te g wee CwekMtseSeejj ta tHke raaw ms t imivs laa II lest eesre, .wee e rvfwwe Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston. Oregon ONLY TATC SCHOOL IN KASTCRfl OUtSON Located on Ibo O. R. A-17. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. 8tndent admitted at ail timet of tb year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal aod Instrumental Moaio taught by competent Instructors. A gradu al of tb Botoa Conservatory baa ebargo of tbo instrumental depart ment. IM10 XncllcM' Bonrclliic: Ilnll I thoroughly fqaitiped and offer eg. oellent rooiaojdikn at reaeoaabla ratto. Bead for eatalogua. Atfdooeo M. G. ROYAL, PVoelsioM of Foonlty or f. A WORTHING- TON, Secretary Bearw of Regeeta, Weaton, Oro. OltEGON SHOUT LINE Hy. Ql-lftm ARO MOOT CIRKCT UKI TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Potntt EASI and S0UT1I. WOK AT TI1K TIMK. NEW YORK, 4J days CHICAGO, .nj ST. LOUIS. 3J -OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 1 " Free IWIiaiei Chair Car rpboletwred Tuariet KUepiat Care ralltaaa Taiao flleeplaf Car Ft fall yarttmlaro regardtag fate, lira ol Iraiaa, eta., rail oa f ad Jreoa j. a i! art, At UtllH, Ckv, llerpwev. Oegna C a Taaov, W. C Cvejaa, Trav. fwaa. Agt, O, el Agt. XU nrJ k, IVtlo4, Or. mm 11 Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? - All the can U procured At Tbnntwnn Dinua, Lower Maia Btreot, Heppoor, Ore-goo. ., Tkeee I ere well eelnt4 wttk Oreel, Marewy. Cm. Olllteal aa4 etkef ewnaUa ea4 rwa eae ssnnef a4 ttsae la SKeelng tbeeeeerttu eltk treteUng Ma, Ptlree la lee4eg wlta the Uasee. THOM PSON fe T3T3STNS, That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, "Koltn's Best." On Tap Down at Tho ... . Telephone Saloon ooo IT lo manh floor a ! BtaaJ, Oty tfwtel BaUdtog, LOW TIIVIVAID. Prop. a we . - -